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In order to build massive businesses and in order to build massive business careers, do you need to do an MBA in today's DNA?


Well, I'm the wrong guy or maybe the right guy to ask that, depending on who wants to ask that question. A, it's a personal choice. My straight answer is no. And do I have any regrets from it? No. It's about what you think you lacked at the time at which you thought you wanted to lack it. I think the good part today is that people are looking at it as of an MBA or doing something at least three to four years after they've started working on their own or in a job. That's good because it gives you a very clear perspective of what you're lacking. But I would say if you're doing something like an MBA, there's a 21st century MBA now. I think the context of an MBA and doing it for a purpose of degree has gone way long back. You need to be very clear why you're doing it. You're definitely not doing it for a marriage certificate, and you're definitely not doing it only to get yourself a good job. Why are you doing.