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What about the special abilities, especially with the kids you've treated? There's this young little girl from Bangalore. She was quite severe. She didn't have speech. She was not going to a normal school. But her mom realized early on that she's a lizard ability with numbers. Then, of course, she took our stem cell therapy, and after taking that, now this kid is so brilliant. She does engineering-level math. I was like, Where did these kids get her? It was there inside. I can go on endlessly. We have a kid over here who had his amazing ability with chemicals. His father figured out that he could... He first gave him a little kit, and then he made a workshop. Today, this guy has a factory making 40,000 litters. There's something he does with some etal metal, something, and creates a chemical which has got commercial value. He's 11 years old. He's a millionaire. He's running a chemical factory. I'm just giving you examples. There are so many such examples of brilliance that you and I cannot even imagine.