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Intellect can act against you as well. That also a curse? No. The curse is the availability of too much information that is irrelevant to you. For example, you get up in the morning and you're looking at news and you find that some guy in Bolivia rode over his dog with intent and killed it. It has nothing to do with you. It's a sad, unfortunate incident. But it plays in your mind, how can it be somebody cruel? How can you dry it over your own dog or beat him for your death? Things that we never knew when we were in the '70s. If something happened in Delhi, two days later, we got the newspaper in Jamshetpur. It was maybe we heard it on the radio. So irrelevant information did not have a bearing on my day-to-day mental health. So slowly, what will happen is all these generations will start saying, enough, this information. I don't need this news. I don't need this news. So now, instead of watching shows on Netflix, you're just flicking through the first 10 seconds of every show or first 20 seconds of every reel. And you're just, I know, I know, I know.


And it comes to a hurtling cacophonie that you want to stay away from.