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Pre-performance anxiety will reduce the performance. You actually need the partner to be encouraging verbal. But in today's time, in the last 20 years, perhaps, women have changed. Last week only, I had a patient in whom the woman said that, Look, we are married only for a year. I have the whole life with me. I'm going to divorce him. There are couples who have been together since high school, and they never had sex. They get married, and the boy is not able to perform, and the woman leaves him. Put them together and ask the woman, If you want to patch up, the first step is that you have come all the way, taken my appointment. Sitting in front of me means that you want to patch up. Then we are willing to work. You are sitting with me for 15 minutes. I can't do everything in 15 minutes. I'll take one step. You perhaps have to take 99. Unless you're willing to take those steps, I can't treat you. There are women who will say, Okay, I'm willing to do that. There are women who would say, To hell with it. So we have both kinds.