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All right, so let's get into it. This will be BFF second, Bryce, thanks for joining Bryce Hall. So we get like two of the biggest TIKTOK stars and I guess all around social media stars, podcast stars, everything stars, right?


Yeah, Bryce, I mean, I seen you doing now like the Capital University podcast. Oh, sure.


We started. Yeah, we started it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's good.


You know what you are doing the capital along with Pop and I like Pompey's awesome. Dude, you guys are doing the finance stuff. People are like ripping us. I saw some long thread actually. It was like Dave doesn't know what the fuck he's doing and Pop does because Pop has like a plan with Bryce and Dave and Josh just don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Shove it up their ass like I always planned some fucking loser on some fucking.


What was the name of it? Morning Brew. All these finance people hate me or like want to be me. It's one or the other.


That's that's my world of finance.


I got the Davit day trader schtick going. I'm actually wearing the green hammer.


Do you know what this is Bryce by the way? I do not. So I like I started day trading and I did the podcast right before you and I just somebody I went through a phase where I did like unboxing where people just sending me gifts. I got this green hammer that somebody sent me. It's just like an industrial hammer. And I picked it up one day in the stock market, like went up when I was holding it. So it became my good luck charm.


But anyways. Yeah, you got that. How's that capital finance going? It's going well.


I mean, we've pretty filmed already about. Like 20, 20, I'd guess I'd say, and what what do you guys just. Is he telling you, like, how to invest your money? Is that what it is?


I mean, that was kind of the goal, but not really. So we just talk about we talk we just talk to a bunch of bunch of investors, people that are already in the space.


And we just kind of like talk about like what I'm doing, what what they've done to succeed, how I can make my businesses more successful.


So you're just like learning from the past. It's kind of like a learning experience. Got it. All right. Just from, like, literally the best sources in the world.


Yeah, I know you guys are Cuban on the first one.


I saw that. Let's get it. So we felt we actually need to give the background. Josh and I recorded one or two of our guys in here. They were talking over me, so I got rid of them.


But our first podcast kind of started creating some controversy in the tech talk world. And to me, I don't even know why. I guess people thought we trash NASA. I actually didn't think we trash NASA really at all. And I guess there's some back and forth in the first podcast, I think I said something to the effect she blew up because she dated, you know, I got some back and forth being like, hey, Dave, you old fucking pervert.


Like, stop talking about, like a sixteen year old and fucking go in the nursing home, you fucking pervert. I got a lot of those, which I thought was hilarious, by the way.


Like I thought, everything people are sending out me was super funny.


So let's clarify was NASA and we tried to get her on the podcast. You asked her, right?


Yeah, I did. But like, she she she just didn't know if she wanted to come on yet.


I would be nice to me. I was like trash can ASLAV. I didn't even know, like I don't know her at all. The only reason knowers through you.


But the original thing was like, OK, she blew up. Did you. Is that true or was she pretty big because people are literally trying to rip my lungs out being like that's bullshit.


She was already big, she made Josh big, I'm like yo I don't even really know who this person is.


I think she's careful because this is going to be another record. Yeah, this is about to be the clip that goes everywhere is in the breast. Yeah.


Well, answer truthfully, no hair loss. So it's so bedroom.


We want to be on the shade room, the tick tock shade room and all that shit.


So but what's the real answer. I think that I don't even I don't even want to even fucking talk about anymore.


I've been dealing with the ex stuff with Nessa for so long and he's actually like getting back together with her.


So it's like super contradicting when he's like talking shit on his watch. How is that?


That's not talking shit when it's like I could probably go back and rewind like time and be like, all right, Josh had ten million. She had, I don't know, whatever or vice versa like is probably out there if I really want to do the research. I mean, you know, the question like who is bigger when they start dating Josh, who was bigger?


Yeah. OK, so I mean, there's nothing to be ashamed of.


Hey, Dave, I hope, you know, you just fucked Bryce Bryce as fuck. No, dude, I was on a cake. Yeah, I was on a good streak. And now you just made me like, dude, I'm going to get canceled again.


Yeah, that's the softest stuff of all time. That's not an insult. Like, that's just history, you know.


So but that's today's generation. That's that's that's how social media is. Now, if you say one little thing and it's it taken at all in the wrong direction, you are literally absolutely fucked.


Yeah, it's crazy because, I mean, it's not even like an insult. If somebody is bigger and starts dating somebody that happens all the time, like you get famous off somebody. It's not even on purpose. It's just the natural way social media or social media work. So that's strange.


And I don't want to keep getting called like a pervert like I saw.


So somebody sent me, I don't even know if necessary, had like a music video. And I'm like, who is this person? I watched it. And have you guys seen the show you? Yeah.


Yeah, I've seen you. So the video, it's that he doesn't know you.


It's that show that went viral on Take talk to you about the glass case. It was like the glass case and they like puts he puts people in it. You haven't seen it. It was beautiful.


It's like basically a stalker show. So I watched the video and I didn't even know, as I said. But she has this video. And I'm telling you, there's a dude laying in this glass case being held hostage. So I tweeted at her, she doesn't know who I am. I'm like, yo, if that's Joshua's laying in that case, we're going to have beef.


Now, that was supposed to be a joke, but it wasn't taken as a joke on social media, did you?


Yeah. Like, you cannot troll the ticktock community.


They don't they don't like that trolling. They don't understand trolling. And it's weird because it's like it's just certain fan bases that don't like the trolling, because if you get into a different direction of tick tock, there's something called like the community on tick tock and they they fucking love the trolling. They're like they're into it 100 percent and they'll like create fake drama on the app and like do all this stuff just for fun.


Also, ten year olds don't understand the concept of sarcasm. That's the other thing. I think that she definitely some younger fans. Who that went a little ballistic when, right? All the tweets I got to look myself in the mirror, one, I'm getting in the mud and that's what I call them, like I'm a mud guy, like I have mud gills. I love, like being in these things. But there is a point. This is new for me.


I look in the mirror, I'm like, Dave, you're fucking going back and forth with, like a ten year old and you're fucking 40.


Fucking part of that is like, isn't it fun itself? Let it go.


But some people are so mean. And I love mean like people aren't. Yeah, I've almost crafted like an image on the Internet. It's like I want to say I'm forkball, but I'll, I'll go all in and we have this crazy fan base and they'll go all in. I haven't had people be as mean to me as they were with this and I respected it. I mean the things they were saying was making me laugh like 80 years old, fucking pervert, all this shit.


It was making me laugh.


So but I had to take a step back and be like, OK, I'm going to be right now with a twelve year old who who who made the the meme where we were beating the shit out of, like the the like, you know what I mean. Like, oh yeah. Weird.


We have a teen who made that we have like a name.


So when when shows are going they jump on it and start making these things right away.


Oh shit. OK, because I. Did you see that. Yeah. I think I saw the Twitter thing where it was. Yeah. No that's funny as fuck. Yeah. But everyone did not like that. No. Yeah. People really.


What do you guys like. It's like Gruene I mean center melior. He's like Josh loves this. He loves like the controversy is good. Is that true.


Personally I think it's absolutely fucking hilarious. That was hilarious. I mean like I think that social media is so easily offended now, like it's it's so funny making jokes like that. It's like it's like this kid in social media named Laurie, he just came out with this huge distraction. Right. And in the district, like every single social media creator was in it. So he was roasting every single person. It was every single it was just it was like pop.


I mean, like all the pop and social media influencers, he roasted all of them.


And it's not like we go ahead and start tweeting back at him. We're like sending him death threats because he made a joke, just like we laugh at it. And we were in the music video, you know what I mean?


What was the this was going on? Because I assume I think I said, are you like with nuts? Are you looking back together with her? Were you, like, in contact with her? Like, are you all right? Or was it just.


Yeah, he did say, I don't know why. I don't know why he said that. Now he sometimes just says weird things. Now he's definitely shut shut the fuck up.


So then are you guys were you in contact with the whole time? Are you like to be like you? Oh, he's not that big of an asshole. He's not really like.


Oh no. Yeah, she she texted me because I saw the clip and she was like kind of just like asking like to I think she said she's like, did you say you made me? And I was like, no, I didn't even end up saying like I never said that. And then she looked at and she was like, oh, it's not even a big deal. I don't know why people are overreacting.


Well, why come between us? BRUEN A growing unfollowed Gruene Because Gruene was going back and forth with all her fans. Got it.


And that's another guy who's got to look. You haven't. You haven't. Yeah, yeah.


It's I feel that if you want to put, like, the image of a guy in a war with, like a twelve year old, you don't want to be Bruen. He's the guy, you know, that giftware. It's like, have you ever seen the guy that computers like cum all over the place he's just looking at?


That's what kind of Bruen no offense. That's like what it would look like if he's going back and forth with, like a twelve year old. It's not the same with me. The old. Yeah. Got to watch out who you get in these fights with. No.


Yeah. I think Gruden is the last person you ever want to get into like an Internet trolling battle with. Yeah.


It's just like you're you're going to like Michael, just get very technical and use some science based like retaliation to make you look and sound stupid.


What are. All right. So that's a little bit of the NASA. So you guys are getting back together. That's the word. According to Bryce.


I got a note here that says you're getting back together with and I don't make this like the dating thing, but these are huge stars. You're you're getting back together again. Is that true?


This is like a dating shows your is your podcast just like.


No, but these are the notes I was given from from, you know, who sent them to me growing. Yes.


Like, stop fucking trying to get me to talk about Addison.


Yeah. Yeah. Just move on from it. I got like my cards like this. Yeah. We'll just, we'll just move on from it. I know it's true. Yeah. So I think, I think he's been with her at work at the front and working out with her a couple of times.


I mean I guess we'll see where that goes. Right. Sorry. Did you ask me a question. Yeah.


I would be nervous if you were with it because then Harry Styles like meet her the other day. That would make me nervous if I was actually like dating her.


But I don't know, I won't go too far into it. But that if if I was my girl, I don't want her meeting her.


Yo, Dave has. Yo Dave, how's your dating life? You like fucking Selena Gomez or some shit? No, no.


I'm saying I did get and I haven't said this anywhere and I'm going to talk about it on my other podcast. Nobody actually knows this. I did get a threatening email not threatening somebody like somebody shopping a sex tape of you.


And it was like. A fixer there, like I can get it stopped. I've already had to release, so I don't really care, but it's like not the thing you necessarily want to see. I got that yesterday, so I guess that's a matter of time. What happens?


What are we just going to skip by the fact that you said you've already had two of them get released?


Yeah. Old like. Kind of, I guess if you want to rewind, you guys are very different, but, you know, when Bastable started, I never dreamed anybody would care about, like, watching me. So I was probably a little Lucy Goosey more than I should have been. But somebody has old shit. They're not new. They're like years in the past. And there's no rhyme or reason when they get released like it is in the past.


So like I grew since then. So I know I got smarter.


Like you're you're one of your big things is you're supposedly getting smarter, right. Weren't are you no longer like I mean you were like the bad boy of all tech talk. And now these notes say that you're trying to be more responsible.


No, no, no. I'm I'm still I'm still 100 percent that guy. OK, so I also I also it's like I have a brain kind of it's like in there somewhere.


Got it.


You guys well know you weren't price you went to the D.R., right. Josh with Vin Diesel.


Yeah. Yeah. I went Bryce actually decided to lose his passport, but he doesn't really have a head on his shoulders and he just built in and see this. I spilled eighty. All of this this is what I deal with every day at the sweat, like just spills an energy drink all over the place, doesn't have a passport, can't come to Dominican Republic. How is that at home and how did that come about?


Like Vin Diesel is an iconic guy. But I, I mean, much like what we're doing here, I want to see you guys and Vin Diesel being like best friends. It seems like a pretty odd pairing.


No. Yeah, it's definitely it's definitely an odd one. I think that, like, we were down there just we were talking to him about a couple of things business related. So that was cool. And then possibly doing a little thing with the podcast. The other podcast. I have the movie one. Yeah.


You guys. Yeah. The movie. This part, which is an interesting you guys are launching a billion podcast between this White House.


Everybody has a podcast. A lot of you guys have multiple podcasts. Do you think it can be overkill?


I think that we need to chill out now. I think that like everyone has what that their foundation and their base and like anything else is kind of overkill.


I could probably do like five more podcasts before I burn out, you know. How many do you have right now, Bryce? Like eight. For real, though?


I'm joking. I have one and I'm probably going to do one more.


Yeah, I like to podcast like I mean, I think that's like I have my own that I started the same time. I don't even know how you do more than one. I think generally one is the thing, but you guys are all over. It's huge thing you're all over the charts, so that's great. What did you think of Vin Diesel?


Oh, super cool guy. He was actually like he was very, very accepting. Like he kind of just like started being our friend right away. There was no kind of like we had to impress him or hear him playing like big, big dick or anything like that. It was instantly just like golf car driving, going to the beach, like at his house in dinner, like it was dope.


I mean, it looks crazy. I once saw Vin Diesel, actually, it was at a horse race in Florida and he got out of a Hummer and he had like ten girls all dressed identical, like I've never really seen.


They follow him everywhere. Why don't I follow him everywhere?


Did I don't know if I'm allowed to to say this, but aren't they, like, trained fucking. I can't.


I just I had to sign a secrecy. Oh you mean they were there. That's like there with. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Pretty sure they're like, they're like his bodyguards.


Oh I don't think they're bodyguards. They didn't look like they would be overly like protective. I didn't know they're everywhere. It was quite a scene.


No, I feel like there I feel for some reason I just feel like they're like ninjas. Yeah. They kind of they have that look to them. They do look kind of like.


What do you mean they're everywhere to. What do you mean you were assigned to secrecy? No, I was just making a joke. I'm very curious. So I thought he just hired them for this horse because I didn't know they went with him. It's the same everywhere.


I don't know if it's a rotating new, but like they were they were dope. They helped with everything. They would dance like they were just like it was like a party 24/7. And they can also break your neck.


Probably be wild. All right.


I didn't know that. No, I don't. Is that a well known thing that I just don't know? Like, when I saw it, I was like, holy shit, Vin Diesel has ten smokes, trust identical, like trained to, like, be with him.


But I guess it's like kind of a new age.


You have to move. Yeah. I've no idea if that's just like how he lives his life. If it's if it's a known thing.


I don't know, man. He set a new age. You have to move.


He no, he's he's big boned. Vin Diesel is big balling at any level where you like.


Is this weird. It was actually ten times more intimidating than if it would have been ten big ass dudes. I would have rather that been like ten because they were just like all staring at you, like winking and flirting and like dancing. So then you're just like always on guard. Like it's like how do you sneak in the corner? Like pick it, pick your nose or something.


You know, again, this is where I don't wanna be the weird for. But if they're winking and dancing and flirting like where you like, I may hook up with one of these girls.


We'll like that, like I think that they give off that vibe. But I'm pretty sure that, like, you're not supposed to I think that's like their job. I think maybe that's part of it. There's like trying to make you feel comfortable.


You know, I really don't. That's why the. I really don't know, I've never been that. That's the crazy part. You just you have no idea why. It just it blows your mind here. About to hook up with one of those like Ninja Assassin Girls, and then you just like freaking slits your throat.


Did you guys know this existed before you went like that? He had these girls? No, not not at all. It's like public consumption. Yeah, maybe. Maybe maybe we're not allowed to say that.


The more you say that you allow the better question. You guys are all and I saw this, Charlie, and I'm going to fuck her name up because I always do.


I have it right in front of me. DeMello, Charlie, Dymally. I got.


Right, right. Yeah. No, he usually says Demayo is so he I heard I heard him say that a few times. Yeah that's that's it. Yeah.


So I have it in front. She caught a little bit heat because and I know you guys are on Trilla but she posted something on Ticktock where she essentially is like, hey, I'm going to do the warp dance, come watch it on shriller. And then she just did it.


And now our fans like you kind of fucked us over. You want to go watch this dance? What do you think of a move like that? I know you're like the chief strategy officer, right, for this, Josh.


Yeah. So what's the chief strategy officer?


What do you think of this bait and switch move by Charlie Demayo, the low, low base, which I mean, I think that she probably just wasn't she just not allowed to post the warp race? I'm pretty sure I seen her do the warp like eight times.


Like on on camera. On tick tock. Tick tock. Yeah. Oh then yeah. I mean, I don't know why she would have just done it, but I thought it was because like her parents didn't let her do the walk because she's only like sixteen. Right. So like they didn't want to shake her. Certain areas on my camera and putting that on video, I'm pretty sure I've seen, like all these tick tock people shake everything they have on tick tock.


So we're talking about a system, you know, like that's why I didn't like. We need to move on. Well, no, like this.


With no chief strategy. Officer of Trilla, this would piss me off because it made shriller look bad in their spending all this money. And I read more. They gave you the car. That's the car that you drive a million miles an hour and. Right. No.


Yeah, that's how I got that car. Like, I saw people actually commenting on one of the posts where we talked about the car. They were like he talked about spending money, like being good at spending money. And then he has a three hundred thousand dollar car, good investment. And then it was funny because, like, I didn't pay for that car right now and all that stuff.


So how do you think Trilla is going right now? To be honest, I mean I mean, like, I think that the the idea with the flip, there was a great idea. I think, like, we were moving people over and it was like raising awareness for the fans on music. I mean, musically. Tick tock. Tick tock. To move over to trailer. So, I mean, it worked. It went up to number four Napster that day, I think.


So what do you invest in Thriller? Either of you? Honestly, I mean, we did didn't they just give it to you to like give you stock and equity to get your audiences over there as opposed to, like, you actually put money in your own money into CHIRLA?


Yeah, we did that as well. We did both. So it was kind of like we thought that there was like two paths we could go down. We could either go down the path of building a brand new app for ourselves because we believe that tech talk was going to be is going to be banned or we could go and team up with shriller and trailor was just like the better bet. They were well rounded and they were thinking a lot about the creative first.


Yeah, we talked.


But I always think when you try to like, create social media platforms from the top, it's super hard. It has to be like organic, like no one. When nobody knows it's coming, that's when it sort of works.


What else we I mean, I think that kind of wraps up most of the stuff, most of the stuff that I have here.


Yeah. What is this right here? Right. I'm looking at Bryce says he's changing his party animal mentality.


Yeah, I was just about to bring that up. Like Bryce, you said you're still the same kid that's like the bad boy of tech talk, but you're changing. So what is it? Because you also got into a beef like on like a a Twitter beef fight with Zach Clayton?


I'm not I'm not exactly 100 percent this kid that, like, tweeted out, OK, here, let me get here.


Let me give you. Yeah, yeah. No, go ahead.


Give me this guy is Zach Clayton. Two years ago I got into a fight with him and he lied on my name saying I hit I hit him thirty times in a bathtub, ten emoji. I made a video on me about it.


Like everyone canceled me for this fight because they thought I hit this kid thirty times in a bathtub and everyone believed him because his face is fucked up.


What is so and so with that being said? Yeah, like I pushed him into a battle. We got into a fight in a few years.


Two years ago, we got to a fight mental image to have someone to do well in on somebody in a bath.


Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah I know. I know. And he lied like to everyone and everyone still believes it to this day. But kind of a lot of people forgot about it. It's not that I can see gay. No, no.


Why would why would a straight guy openly say got beat up so fucking funny.


No. Yeah.


I mean, not like to be I'm being serious. That's the only way I thought, like, you picked on someone who, like, not there. I'm sure they're super tough gay guys anyways. Go on.


No, no. It was it was it was over girls stupid.


But I hit them like four times. He lied and said I hit him like three times.


I'm like, did you want to see what thirty times looks like?


But anyway, it's like people are just so stupid and oblivious and like they're so they just believed it immediately because his face was fucked up.


So this kid then again, like two years later, he's fallen like he's not anything now.


Like so it's like karma is really a bitch. Right. But he tweeted out saying, like, I'm very convinced that all these influences that still go to parties just don't own a brain. What do you guys think? Just kind of trying to get, like, favorites for Twitter, because actually this kid is gone. He went to my birthday party. They got a lot of backlash.


She went to Nisha Houston's birthday party, night birthday party. But just party last week, like, I've seen this kid out many times. And I kind of quoted the tweet because I saw the tweet. It irritated me because I'm like, these kids are so fucking fake, so fucking fake.


Like like I pretty much quoted the kids tweet and said, like, this is an example of a fake influencer. If you guys are going to say things at least like, you know, practice, practice what you preach, you practice what you preach. So I mean, that's kind of like I mean, Dave, that seems like something you would do. Like you would call someone out if they were doing some shit like that.


Yeah, that would drive me nuts when people and that's everywhere. That's not new to necessarily like talk world or probably social media, but people are fake. They say, you know, and that's everything. It's like people say one thing, do another thing that happens in politics. It happens in technology. It happens everywhere. And that does. Drive me nuts. I'm more confused on a guy who would be bragging about getting beat up, I don't understand how that oh, he did.


That was the peak of his career. Like when when he lied and said all that stuff, everyone loved him. He was on like a rise, like he was he was popping off. That's that's.


And then now and now he's like trying to act like we're friends, trying to put me on YouTube. Dude, it's so like he's using my my ex relationship for views and some videos like what was the relationship, me and Addison.


So it's like together. No.


Know what you got here. You say yes to each other like. Yeah, absolutely. And by the way, for anyone listening, I was at the house and my vibe is you guys are together with these girls. You just don't put the official title. But they're over the sway house according to what's going on, like all the time. He said he titled the idea of like, in fact, we have an Iron Dome that was all military.


Do we have the cameras rolling?


When I sat down on the couches, you guys like, oh, yeah, Adderson comes over, NASA comes over and we're like, still kinda it's on camera.


I don't remember that video. That's why I'm saying it's on camera. And we can just put it in this part if we know it's all good.


Yeah. Yeah, I put it in. Yeah, it's okay. Just like it just cut this bit out.


But would you say if you had to put like percentages, 80 percent of social media hates me. 50 percent, 20. I'm 80 percent love. Like where are you. Where's your ah you like loved or hated.


I think it's like a fifty fifty fifty fifty love right down the middle. It's like there's not, there's not people that are like oh I kind of like him.


It's either oh I fucking hate him or oh I fucking love him.


Well that's the place you want to be to be honest. Yeah. And so like it's like a good place and I like it. Yeah. All right.


Anything else that we miss. Anything else you guys are going to. Anything else you want to talk about. Are we good here.


I mean, what are you doing right after this podcast? I'm going to go work out working out with anybody specific you're going without asking.


I mean, thank you for laying that. I why don't you say it? I don't understand the whole thing. Like these little smiles, these little teenage smiles, like all like why don't you just fuck it up?


Who cares? It's not even teenage, bro. I'm twenty one. I just don't like to put my my stuff on social media. I'm like very private when it comes to stuff.


Yeah. You're super private king. Private. I love. I love. I was like, I don't do those teenage smiles. I'm an adult. And then he says the private thing looks at me smile because he does the exact same thing on your mind.


But yeah, you guys, it's almost like maybe you guys I'm not giving you I mean, I obviously said it in the thing like we did a Forbes interview. Yeah. Josh is way more calculating than people give him credit for. Maybe that's what you're both doing now. Like, yeah, it's obvious, but we're just tagging people along, doing it. It's like a romance sitcom. I'm not going to say I'm dating the girl even though I'm dating the girl because I want the pop to come down the road because you guys just laugh.


Smile. Oh, we're not dating. You know, they may be over the house 24/7. We may be fucking, but we're not going to actually say it.


Fine. I don't care. We'll get it in a later upset.


But just get one of those people I'd love to talk to, like either one of them and see what the deal is.


But I we'll get we'll get one of them on for sure. Yeah, we'll see. Yeah. Let's get NASA and let me be on. I'm going to be on again. I'll fucking ask the questions you really want me to ask to find.


Tell me the questions to ask. I will ask the questions asked and I will go back and do the research on who blew up who. Because even though just an exploit by the way, there is nothing wrong.


OK, I'm going to I'm going to be honest. NASA 100 percent blew up, just like NASA had more failures.


I don't know why he's like trying to put up this front like he up and.


Yeah, yeah. And now you guys are playing nice. I know that's a lie. All right, fine. Show us your point blank to the face and we'll see from there.


And that was you in the music video. Was it not supposed to be you who was getting held hostage, Josh? I don't I don't know if that is supposed to say anything yet. She never brought it up. So it was like when you guys were in a fight, it's like, fuck you, fuck you, bitch. You're going to be locked in a cage.


So somebody did send me that video and I didn't even know what I was watching.


And then another person again, the perv with your jacket off that video, it's like I don't even know who it is. Like I just clicked on a fucking link.


But her fans, they came at me and they killed me hard. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Her fans are writers.


And it's so funny seeing, like, people outside of like the Tic-Tac I community get some of the Tic-Tac community hate.


Yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean because then they they finally I feel like they have a new found appreciation.


I feel like the respect level first and the 10 year olds do, the ten year old's like go hard bro.


Soopers. No there's no censor, there's no sense of morals.


So it's like I don't give a shit the words they say, like I didn't know those words when I was ten.


That's why I love it. I love I think it just breaks me down the paint like Duncan on me. And like, I'm like, all right, this is kind of fun.


And I haven't seen, like, use the emoji use. It's like different language.


They look like Cam Newton when he tweets like, I don't even know what they're saying, but I love it. So I'm all in on it. That's why I like it.


But all right. Yeah. Try to get on next time or as soon. Right there is probably too big. She's like, probably fuck you guys. But and I watch out for Harry Styles, if you. Dana, that's that's elderly advice right there. All right. That's PFM, you know.


I Pacer's, thanks for coming on, Bryce.