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All right, bang, bang, what's up, everybody, it's Eddie, we got to let the people know that St. Patrick's Day is now available in the barstool store, all you got to do is go to store, barstool, sports, dotcom, go get your green, get ready for St. Patrick's Day and yeah, go do it and enjoy your podcast, whatever you listen to. Sure. It's a great show. Hop into it now.


OK, so we're good to go. All right. Another episode of BFX, this is our third take on trying to this episode. The first one, NASA got sick, right?


I'm sorry, was that hung or was that like the flu? No, no, I don't think it was a flu. And I totally do not drink, so I probably just ate something.


You don't drink at all. Is that because you're underage and you can't say it or you actually don't? Both OK? And then take two, we were supposed to film and well, so we rescheduled when when Nesser didn't feel well and then Josh and I had a miscommunication that I think I'll own this one. We have the East Coast West Coast time. And I was on East Coast. Josh is on west. You did say eight thirty a.m. your time and I didn't miss it.


And then my guys sent your producer or whatever, so we screwed that one up. And now take three.


We're here live. The America's first couple, like you guys are now officially a couple, so we don't have to play that fake game. You're very overt about it on social media. Well, you are. That's those your head. I also know that's the big rumor on the rumor is just like last episode said, you're now a Dave Portnoy fan.


I am welcome to the club. Did you notice on on one of your Instagram posts the other day, I put a little queen crown under it.


Really? Yeah, some people got it.


Some people got it. And some people acted like it was Jackson. Mahomes being like I was like, no, I'm just staying.


I'm standing there. Dave, you're hitting on my girl like, what's what's going on?


Know, it was just that's like, all right, we're now like strands of each other. So thank you for coming back on the show and we'll get right into it. You got the new song that came out, right?


Yeah. Bangerz. So good. Thank you. Can I hear it? Can we play it?


Yeah, it's getting let's get a little snippet. Is this the one you did with Jaden? Yes.


Yeah. Yeah. Does it rain can finally dream of having those of you in the same way have the. So they'll be looking at all of the data to say, I'm used to go. In the end, they say this. OK, I get it. How many can see how many how many views does this have on YouTube? All right. Five mil, yeah, so it's crazy. Look at the lights, look at the like to dislike ratio.


Yeah, that that was that was a banger. Are we. I'm like, can I first of all, let me tell you something.


I consider myself a musical expert, like I'll go back in time here.


So I was in this will date me American Idol when American Idol is like huge. I got into that show just by accident, like season one. Kelly Clarkson. I was like, what is the show? So I started watching it. I'm like, Oh, I like this show. And Kelly Clarkson was fucking awesome and you knew she'd win.


And every year I start watching American Idol swear to God I picked the winner for the first ten seasons before the first elimination episode aired to the Point Cosmo magazine.


You know, Cosmo magazine. Yeah, they had a radio show. Balzano wasn't big. They didn't know who I was. I became the American Idol expert on their show.


Like when someone got eliminated, I talked to them be like, yo, you did this wrong. You did that like I was an Adam Lambert, phlegmatic, like I used to follow him around. I pictures. Like I had a white t shirt. I wrote Lord Lambert on it, the guy's voice. So I know music. That was awesome.


Yeah. Yeah, it was awesome. We didn't even end like I mean, there's like different drops in the song.


There's like when Jaden comes in it changes the vibe a little bit. It's crazy.


So soldier killed is like, what's next then? NASA like you drop this. What number song is this that you've released? Um, this is my third. OK, how is this how is this doing compared to the first two? I mean, like a lot better. A lot, but like I'm not surprised just because, like, my first you were just I mean. It was just like the start of, like, my music career, so it's like really nothing compared to what I've been working on recently.


I feel like I've grown so much. So it's the first year kind of if I ask ignorant questions.


Excuse me, are you signed to a label or anything? Yeah, I'm signing Warner. So huge label.


So how many people are are you and again, Paul and I who's sitting here with with me now, we used to do music tours back in the day and we'd look for a kind of up and coming artists. And there's a lot before maybe social media was huge, but Bastar was big at the time. So if we put somebody on our tour, they could blow up really quick. So, for example, we had like I paid 1500 dollars for Mac Miller for like a six.


Yes, I know. That's how early we were the game.


He traveled with us. He was like a third guy to come on like Mac Miller this. Did we lose you?


Can we were you just whispering or could we not hear you? Who, me? No, no, no. We got you.


I was joking. Yeah. So that's how early we were at the game. And we'd see like we had Whalsay, Mac Miller, we had this guy, Mike Posner was the headliner, like Cool shared with me.


He sings a pill in Ibiza like so yeah we had and we'd see them as they go from singing in their dorm room, so to speak, to agents and teams and things like that.


How big is your team right now? I'd say that my team is actually fairly small just because I. I'm very hands on with everything that I do, I want like complete creative control and I don't really want to, like, lose myself in the industry. That makes sense. So I really just have, like, my, like, day to day manager that, like, covers like all my shit and then my answer at my label.


So, yes, that that makes a lot of sense because I guess that was the number one, like Push-Pull. Thing that we would see from an outsider perspective is that when somebody signed or did something, it was like, OK, they want me to do this. They want me to do it this way.


Who was the I know Mac was one of them. Who was the first artist? There was a guy who refused to sign what you were chancellor, who was a chance the rapper that refused to sign to a label.


I know he never wanted to sign.


I didn't hear who you said. Chance. Chance. Yes, chance. Rapper. He did it. And he almost made that song like he has the lyrics and about it. But there was somebody else was Mac Miller was a Mac early on.


He went and time. Yeah, it was always that push pull and the internet totally flipped the game because Napster can be huge without necessarily she doesn't need radio play.


You always back in the day needed radio play. Yeah. If you don't play ball you, you didn't get them radio and you really kind of explode and then all of a sudden the Internet people are exploding without them.


It's because the labels were the distribution. Right. Right. They got you all the streams. They got you those first those first plays to get your song out there.


Now, is the distribution correct? Exactly. Like she has her own in-house fans that will listen to every single song she puts out, like she already has automatic streams, essentially.


So what's next for NASA? Is there will you tour? I was wondering that, um, yeah, totally.


I mean, it's like I'm taking it on as like my full blown job, like for the rest of my life. So, uh, yeah.


Have you what have you ever obviously I'm sure you've sang in front of people, but covid now has been like a year or so. Crowds aren't happening. I'm assuming your star is way bigger than it was a year ago, a month ago or whatever. What's like the biggest crowd you've ever? Because I assume when you do it, you're going to have a fairly large crowd.


Oh, yeah. And I'm so scared.


I guess that's what I know. I know. It's actually terrible because I like the worst, like, social anxiety and I get like so like nervous. If I'm being honest. I've literally never sung in front of a crowd of people. That's going to be yeah, so I literally know, like my first ever, like, concert or a tour or whatever, I will shit myself on stage.


It's just going to happen.


That's crazy. And most normal, you know, at least for the most part, most normal progression, you start small and then you're like gradually till you blow. But you have the experience. You're just right.


Like you like two hundred people showed. I mean, look at that. Yes. She'll probably go in and have like a thousand. One thousand to five thousand. Yeah. You know what I mean. Like thousands of people.


I mean, like I've had like solos and stuff.


I got like in like chorus, like for my school, like in the choir and stuff like you're like I guess my whole school and like their parents and like family. So you don't know if that counts. So that counts. And I guess you can always control it.


It's like you don't have to go to like a huge venue, but yeah. Super interesting.


So are you once you release this, are you just getting bombarded with offers people trying to like, pull you in different directions? I do believe that this song has given me a lot more opportunity into like the studio and just like with like a bunch of different people and like a bunch of different sessions, which is really exciting. Um, but, um, yeah, I mean, it's been like a crazy experience. I know this song got on radio.


It was like it premiered on like 14 different radio stations, like an hour before it dropped. And I've never been on the radio before. So it's like.


So have you heard your like has that moment that everyone kinda like a lot of singers will talk about or entertainers? It's like you just happen to be driving in the car and like your own song comes on. Has that happened to you yet? Oh. I mean, when we were at the release night, we were telling you, I mean, like when we yeah, there is tonight during dinner, it came on the radio. Yeah, that was cool.


We were at, like, sugar factory eating everyone. And then, sure, her interview came on. They pretty much did like 30 minutes of just hype leading up to her song on the radio. So you kept just hearing her come on and do interviews with them and then they released the song.


So I mean, that was cool. Yeah. My vibe is like you're going to be like we're going to look back like we had notes on this.


She was like, right to say one of the only tech talkers is music.


I'll actually listen. I'll give you a heads up. NASA, too.


And again, Paul, who's been with me for 17 years, just I'll put this in the you're like tickler file for the future.


My biggest pet peeve in the world is when we speak with people or like talent and they're like they're big, but they're not mega. And then when they get mega and it's like, hey, you want to come on BFX? Like, know, who are you? I will.


Yeah, but I not like that. I'm not like that. We'll see.


We'll see what happens on the fame goes. We've had, we've had. I got mad and we get along now like Rob Gronkowski.


We were like buddies with him like when he was drafted basically he became so big he used to do everything we like. Hey Rob, we're doing a video in ten minutes. Be there right there. And then became so big. It's like this motherfucker is too big for us now. Jenna Marbles. Yeah, we used to work for us. Yep, definitely.


So yeah. That's awesome.


That was a and I'm not just saying I would have probably like tried to dance around that because that's a cool.


But that was I was legit stuff.


Josh's Christmas gift for NASA. Why are we talking about Christmas now. Something happen.


I get my Christmas gifts. Is this the bad, because this is going to be Griffin's. Why are we talking as dumb as this, like a new thing? Yeah. What's the worst gift Josh has ever gotten?


That's the best I can do this Christmas.


So this Christmas, Josh got me basketball jerseys, one that my size until he just ended up wearing them. OK, got it. He's just like just like the next day there is looking like that.


That's you know what that is. That's Homer Simpson got Marge a bowling ball with the name or the name Homer on it.


I like her birthday. That's what that was. You just bought your gift.


Listen, I got her more than just Jersey, so let's just get that out in the air. I also got her Prada shoes that were, like, expensive. I don't even know why she wants them. They're all weird. And they have like they literally have heels that are like this tall, like the size of an energy drink.


What they are flats, your little little loafers. I don't understand why.


Think of like that's two very different things. Josh Yeah. Heel is for sure. Like the stiletto. Yeah. OK, well the platform, whatever you want to call it anyways.


That's who she, she wears basketball jerseys. She just was like I asked her what size she was in basketball. She said large get large as they come and and before I was like that's probably too big. This you're not that big of a girl like anyways.


It wasn't like what. Whose jersey. I got I got a Kobe Bryant jersey and I got a Pépin jersey, Scottie Pippen.


OK, so I like that. That's that's old school. I always wonder that with like, if I had a girlfriend, like, am I getting her like somebody who's in the league and maybe younger. I like how you want old. Yeah. Because you don't really want her wearing like New Jersey.


Yeah. Like that Junior. Oh that's. Yeah. You know that Urrbrae junior guy that like plays for who's he played for Golden State I think.


Who. The Boob Ray Junior.


Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The guy who's got the star. The Yes. Yes. You think I'm going to give that stature. Yeah. Right. It's like, oh I wonder who this guy is.


I mean look him up. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Because that guy's awesome looking. Yes. Yes, yes.


What. I mean.


And he's going to see it and be like all slide one hundred percent smart everyone. That's what everyone says by the way. You're like Josh like ten like a week ahead of me and everything I'm doing like I did the Bethenny Frankel podcast yesterday and she's like Oh yeah, I had Josh on here like two days ago.


Yeah. Everywhere I go, it's like it's like your tracks are like right there before I'm doing.


It's crazy. Yeah. I mean I'm just I'm just setting the standard for BFX, you know. You're all over the place. Yeah. ESPN everywhere.


It's like the logo's. So I was wearing Barcelona on ESPN.


I know. Really. I really rested. Yeah. So what was that. What were you, what were you guys on there for. It was the Lakers pregame show, it was like on the L.A. Lakers TV or something, they just brought us on.


They asked us about who we think is going to be in the championship, who we had in the game that night. And then they asked us, the Jordan and James, to be like, who are who's the greatest of all time? So I think I think it's Kareem. But Kareem, you don't have that answer that much.


Yeah, but like, when you when you really look into it like I mean, most points, it's got like the same amount of, I think league MVP or something like championship MVP, says Jordan. Like, I don't know. I mean, he was crazy. Kareem was crazy.


Yeah. I mean, if you're going that far, you know, like Bill Russell on Boston, but he's got like a gazillion gazillion champs. Yeah. More more rings and fingers.


Am I making this up or and we talk about NASA kind of like exploding. And granted, I'm not in I mean, I'm in the tech world, but I'm not. But I'm clearly in your world. So I know NASA now, like, got introduced through you. I don't know how much I know of her if I wasn't aware. But are you kind of like.


I feel like you're blowing up more since we started to like you're everywhere, were you always everywhere or have you had an uptick lately to.


Um. I mean, yeah, I totally have grown a lot. The first couple of months, I mean, there is like multiple reasons why I probably did that.


Josh, same with you, though. I was asking right now. It definitely has. But are you two. Oh, I think what's happening is I'm entering a different demographic a little bit. It's not so much that I'm growing larger because, like, it's not like my numbers are really going up. It's not like I'm like seeing the skyrocketing numbers. Honestly, honestly, my Instagram legs have even gone down a little bit from like what they were in the summer, but.


I think that I'm getting more known on a world outside of ticktock, like I'm not just seen as like this, like only a tick tock.


Maybe that's it. Maybe you're crossing now into worlds that aren't like tick tock and I don't see feel like which is what you always want to do.


I don't feel like I'm seeing other tech talkers come across the other platforms. It's like always if it's a chick talker, it's you.


Yeah, right. That was my goal. I mean, like that's why we did best at the start to like we talked about it. It was like so I could so you could reach into a different demo like barstool and everything and then as well myself go into that more male demographic. A little bit older of a demo as well, because I'm I'm mostly girls that are like 14 to probably 18. Right. 14 to 21. So. Yeah.


And I still get that one of them out, like I'll triple take from a girl and then it's like, oh that's that's the Josh Richardson when they're like whispering and looking they're going to be like come over and act nice and then at the end is going to be like FaceTime.


Josh is like all right.


Right. I can tell the difference. Not too because I come out of restaurants and instead of like groups of girls waiting outside, all of the groups of guys like you.


Come on. So different, it's so different. They're like, yo, Josh, you're the go go man. Like, let's take a pig.


Let's say a pig pic, like let's say like three thousand shots and like two, three times that. That's the number of shots on tops of shots.


Now this I don't I don't think you owe and sticking with that, that that's where I thought of it more because somebody sent me a clip of and I guess I could tip my cap to him. I know I know NASA and I kind of like back and forth on this guy.


But Tim Dillane, comedian, was on impulsive. And, yeah, he just had a funny line. He's like, I go on, you know, I go on like clubhouse and it'll be like. Bryce Hall, Warren Buffett and Mike Gruene. That's, you know, that's kind of I don't know, he's just I've never known what to make about them, but I keep hearing people mention his name.


It's Tim Daly. Yeah. Yeah, he mentioned I loved him. Yeah. He mentioned Mike, our school guy.


Yeah. So next one up. And I don't think NASA we care about Addison. Ray may be making an album, getting into the music game. Is this true? Do you guys know this? Yeah, I'm pretty sure yeah, I maybe yeah, I guess Educare, I don't I don't I don't I don't really know if she is. I don't I don't care.


I'm actually so happy for her. I mean, like, I love whenever people like work hard on something and like do like what they want. It's actually really cool to see. Um but yeah I'm pretty sure I saw that.


Have you ever heard her saying, like, is it a known thing that she can sing.


I've never heard Addison. Right. Be a singer.


I don't think I personally have. Yeah. I've never I've never heard her like just, you know, belting it out and out through through the through the halls or whatever. Belcea Yeah. Isn't that belting it. It's belting. Belting. Yeah. I mean yeah. Hopefully she's not belching. Weird song.


So Digex at my homes. I know I mentioned earlier. Did he, did he reach out again. I don't know if he ever stops, it is like I, I, I don't know. I didn't even know who this guy was until he do. I did.


And so have you ever responded at all to him or communicating at all? No, not at all.


I still don't know whether this guy is self aware or not. I have not. He's like he says he is and then he acts like it isn't. And he's like, no, I'm in on the joke. I have no fucking clue.


But you almost you almost like a little bit you almost kind of got to respect the hustle. Like the guy doesn't give up. He does not. He's not. He's got balls. He does not care if his pride is like thrown away. He just but goes for it. Does he think he has like a chance.


I do think if you put him in a lie detector in the lie detector was accurate, you know, like this is going to pay off. Do you think he believes that? I if I'm being honest, I don't really think he even likes me as much as he's making it seem. I just think that, like, he probably posted one thing and then saw the attention that it got him. And so he's trying to milk it, you know, so that's just what it seems like.


Maybe something like cloud farming is going on. Yeah, because, like, I, I if I were to go mainstream right now and like, look at my DMS, I don't think he would have liked me once, but it's just all on public, like.


Yeah, but the only thing that flies in the face is we asked him to come on this podcast and then he said no with I kind of like you've made fun of me before. So that's why if you're looking for Klout like that, does a number of people want to see it? Why won't he come on the part that's the part I don't like we'd have him on in this situation. I think we could. Most of the guests who come on, you know, they end up it's like friendly.


It's not like no one comes out of here being like, what an asshole.


Even even if we don't like really we're not like a fan. Like I like Perez Hilton came on. We weren't really like, oh, we love Perez, let's be Team Perez. He still probably didn't feel like it was a gotcha. Right. And it never is because we're not that like. The bottom line with this podcast, I think, is if you can kind of make fun of yourself and don't take things too seriously, you're going to have a good time because that's how we are.


Yeah. Yep. By the way, do you know who God is? I do, actually. Yeah. He's going to be on two weeks. OK, that's Maxime. That's that's it. I think I've talked with them before, I actually found God, I've said this and this is like a teaser. He's probably there's one of the person I was thinking of. It could have been you. I don't even know if I was seeing you, Josh.


Two people I hadn't met, although I didn't really know much about you, so maybe not.


But I had one impression of God. And for people who don't know who he is, he's like best friends with the Kardashians is on the connections. He literally changed his name to food. God, that's his name. Legally, like legally.


Legally. That's that's savage. That is awesome.


And I was like, I'm not going to like this guy. He's going to be like, not my speed. I fucking love him. I think he's one of the funniest guys I've met. And I think he's he's super self-aware. So that'll be a good episode. This was in the news and we're crazy.


We're kind of interested in your take since you guys.


Yeah. What level would you say they are? Celebrity relationship. These two on a one through ten. So, like, tick tock, tick talkers are now the new celebrities and they are the top tech talkers. Well, today, Addison and Bryce, Addison and Bryce, but they're right there.


There may be catching up. They might be like a couple notches below Addison and Bryce.


Right, if Alison Bryce are 10, they're definitely, to me, the number one yeah, like one hundred percent.


Yeah, they have to be. Yeah. But then these two, who else would it be? Well that's where I get confused. Oh well it would be Dixie and Noah. Right. Right.


But Nessa's fans, they have crazy fans that are like in love with your relation.


The thing about Nessus to NASA has some like die hard. Oh, I know.


The first time that I got in this, they came for my throat. Like I mean, I've never seen fans like this. These fans. I've never seen it.


I've actually never seen people that are so like just about the person they follow.


Yeah, no, they like me now. At first they literally want to kill me. In the beginning I had all these like. I got a million of them and I couldn't tell what was going on there. I'd look, it's like three followers and they're all called like NESA stands are like, if you don't like NASA, I'm going to chop your face off.


Like they had all these, like, weird names and they really didn't like me in the beginning. But now I think they come around because they're like, oh, I like this, they'll just fall. If NASA right now is like, I actually don't like Dave, they'd be right.


All right. Good it again. Yeah.


So this, by the way, I would rank it.


It's so hard because we're so in their world as opposed to others.


But I do like to to Addison and Bryce are one.


I think most people, even if you're not tech talk, kind of are aware of that. I'm Sunitha Addison and I put these to. Yeah. The other two Dixy, you know, a similar. I may put them, but Dixie Anoa say that they're dating you guys. Well. It's different like they're on this and then they go like but they never say boyfriend girlfriend, but Dixy know would do. So that's the thing that is there. But maybe if you guys would just say it, then you would rank.


So I haven't seen this the Bryce Hall prank stick dicks in.


No, I heard about it and it's when I saw it, I'm like, there's an interesting dynamic because seemingly Dixie was mad that the Millers were mad.


But Bryce and Noah, I know know each other and I thought were friends. So I know their boys, their best friends.


Like they live together. OK, so let's do it, so let's see what we got. All right, guys, it's that time of the in prime time. Today, we're going to be pranking Noah, mainly Wright. Right, Dixie? Sorry, Dixie, about this. Seriously. It's up to strippers coming over. I'm going to have Noah blindfolded. I'm going to FaceTime Dixie, show her the strippers, get her reaction, then take the blindfold off.


No. And then see both the reaction sticks. He's probably going to be mad, hence the title.


Hopefully they don't break up. Yeah, I don't want to be the cause of their breakup. Let's go get the girls. I just pause music, I'm fucking having it like a panic attack like this sucks. If I feel like furry, I'm kicking it, OK?


What they're going to change in on. Should we go in there now? Should I go in there? Yes. From freaking out and she don't know who the fuck is right here.


No, don't worry. What the fuck does that really mean? Don't worry.


You'll tell us, you know, what the fuck is what is going on.


Just hung up, the sugar man just hung up immediately. Yo, Dixie, I know you're in the studio recording for your multimillion dollar record deal.


I said you're pranking them, OK? Well, that was the prank. I just didn't want you to be mad. No, this is all me. Yeah. Check the footage.


I mean, look, I swear to God, I promise everything will be good.


That was the last thing I would have thought.


OK, so are are people really mad here or fake mad people are.


Well, let's start with like I mean, people got six Dixie, like, really mad, I think a little bit, but I think they're all over it like that to me is just a big, like skit. Like everyone's getting views.


It's all I could see fans being like, oh, that was just but I mean, that was just like, how could you get mad about that? But I don't know. I know it definitely wasn't even in on it. No, it didn't know at all, but like you price for putting, like, a blindfold on you being like we're going to like you. You don't think this is I mean, he's doing something right.


But like, he's also like sometimes he'll throw a snake on you or something like a koala bear.




So so sometimes it's like it's not a prank that you're like, oh, this is going to make me and my girlfriend break up. So.


All right, let's put it in our shoes then. Now, so would you have like if you were in Dixie Shoes, would you have cared. Oh, yeah, you would me too. I think it was a it wasn't a funny prank to in a girl's shoes, you don't want to open up your phone and see your boyfriend having strippers it in his face. Fine, but then like three seconds later, it's like, OK, it was a prank, I would have been with no strippers weren't like exactly.


Yeah, it's not like they're like top of the line escorts. Yeah, I don't know. That seems kind of harmless and it's kind of just embarrassing for Dixie.


Like just embarrassing. I don't think that was it. When you watch it.


I don't think it's embarrassing. I don't know, it's uncomfortable because she was clearly like mad. And then it's posted on YouTube. I, I resonate with Dixie. I feel bad. I think all girls would. Yeah. She would have said, yeah, her mom was pretty pissed about it. OK, let's see a clip of her.


So I think our moms here don't mess with my kids. It was our fault. And I guess you could say I'm soft, whatever. Sorry. That's all I can. Thank you. I thought it was disrespectful if it happened to me. I was like it happened my my daughter. She wasn't happy about it because, you know, and then you keep moving forward. Whatever. Thank you, honey. I love you, Kevin.


I love her. Yeah, I mean, like he was really like a parent. No, I just I have thick skin and I'm just like, I don't know. To me is all I content.


Everyone is making content. Yeah, but you guys are together. It's like I just didn't think it was that, you know, I, I did it on boxing like and I don't have a girlfriend, but during quarantine like I did, people were sending me packages and I would I don't open them from 8:00 p.m. to like 3:00 in the morning. And it just took on a life of its own. And I didn't mean for that. Like somebody something like a hooker.


And this wasn't nobody was in on the joke. Like my doorbell rang in the middle of it and it was a legitimate hooker.


Were you life? I was like, yeah, it's all on. I didn't know that.


Like, I went so. What happened? Yeah, how'd it go? I did it, and this is where people who are like this jerk, I wasn't going to put her face on camera. We're live streaming. So I went downstairs and I tried to explain what happened.


I'm like, you kind of got pranked like I'm doing. And I showed her. I'm like, look, here it is just, oh, I kind of research.


And then I paid her and I felt bad for her like she didn't your make those eyes like I like fuck I did because I felt like she waste their time and I felt really bad for her and she was.


That was nice of you. Maybe one of the more unattractive humans I've ever seen in my life.


Oh, bad hooker. I don't know if that was like part of the prank, but I felt really bad, like she showed up. And by the way, through all your pain and felt bad doing that. What, so you paid her because you felt bad about how she looked? No, I felt bad.


She like came over. She was ready to go.


I was like, how how much what was your price. She's like three hundred dollars. It's like here you can just leave. Right. Well, that's that's nice, I'm a gentleman and a scholar, right? Yeah, she she's a lot more expensive than Tricia. She was like 15 bucks. Yeah, that's true. That was five bucks. Yeah, I she's going five. I think she's really doing it. Yes.


She's really doing it for like a four piece chicken nugget meal. Maybe if you're lucky. All right, we got a game here for NASA and by the way, after we do this, NASA, you're you're more the longest stay leave for the rest of it. But we created a game for you. Do you have it, Brianna?




Is it are we playing the NASA's Dream Club? Yes. Your dream collab. So do we know God? So how does this work exactly? So you pick one from each row, can you see it's like weird like font? Yeah, sure they might.


Oh, yeah, I can say I could read them for you. Can you can you guys see this? I can see it. She might not be able to read them. All right, cool.


So you pick from column one. Yeah. So like a cross.


OK, so across you got between Drake Air and Ground, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and Beyonce.


You almost want to hold on. I'm going to write down like what I think she's going to pick.


OK, let's make it a game.


Oh, maybe Dave's Dave's American Idol expertize or but the guessing.


No, I'm actually really stuck between two on this one. Let me write the two, I think. Yes, OK, I have mine, I, I just say one.


Yes. Say one and then tell us the two. You were stuck between us. I would have to say Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber.


Yeah. The other one was Drake. You had three.


Oh you had he had both. He had Drake and Bieber written on his.


Wow. Wow. You are good. I thought you're going to go Drake over Bieber, but that was who I was debating between. OK, yeah.


That that's that's a hard choice when you got to go between Drake and Bieber.


No. Yeah, almost impossible.


Justin Bieber, just like I feel like Bieber collabs, maybe more than Drake, but I could be making that. I feel like it's more unique. Like if I heard that's what I would. Nesson Bieber, I want it. I'm like, oh, my God. But Vanessa and Dre, you're like, oh, my God.


Yeah, that's true. The shock. It's like it's like when you hear Josh Richards and Dave Portnoy. Yes. Together it's like because weirdly like the Bieber.


Oh yeah. Feels like it could swim in Nessa's lane a little bit. Like it makes more sense.


Yes. That's I like the Canadians. They're all Canadians. Oh true.


It's true. The little little six exception.


OK, next call. All right, you got the weekend, Selena Gomez, Billy Eilish, Travis Scott and Rihanna. Oh, that's Foxy with the travel star and Billy, I feel. And the weekend.


Yeah, that's that's, uh. OK, I'm going to say Travis Scott, just because that's another wow, factor one, yeah, no, no.


Yeah. Also, um, for some reason I get a lot of comments that I sound like Billy. Or it's going to be somewhere styled her. I don't really hear it, but I just feel like if people think that'd be weird, I have.


So when you answer that. Was that more? I by the way, I had narrowed it down to two was wrong there. I thought you going to say the weekend. And then my second was Travis Scott. When you're making decisions, are you doing it. It sounded like basically on that one, like who you're a fan of or who you're like, oh, we could, like, create something pretty cool.


No, yeah. I think I'm thinking about like what would be the most DOPs got it locked up, so. Yeah. All right, all right, all three. Row three, you got post Malone, Lady Gaga hairstyles, Cardi B and Sean, these are fucking hard.


Yeah, so easy really. Malone post. Yeah, OK, that makes sense.


I thought there was a chance Harry Styles that would seem like a can make sense for me personally. Like best concert I've ever been to is Lady Gaga. Yeah, it was. Unbelievable. So, like, she would be my choice because I'm obsessed with her.


Yeah, she's crazy, Cardi B would be a B, a different class, only to see all of I mean, Posman would be awesome, Gaga would be Gaga would again, weirdly in my head, and that could be because I'm older.


But if I'm just like minding my own business and she got NASA did a song of Lady Gaga to me that puts you on like a wildly different level than post Malone, like post Malone.


Wouldn't it shock me, Lady Gaga, the shock that that would shock me, right?


Yeah, it's like Drake like I think Lady Gaga is a far bigger star than most alone.


She she is. Yeah. She has to be like. Yeah, her name has just been out there for so long to, but yet no one, we ignored it because we didn't put Beyoncé in there and there's no doubt Beyonce is bigger than right.


Yeah. Yeah, that's true. All right. So for Jason Derulo, Olivia Rodrigo, Lil Yardie, Madison Beer, MGK.


Oh, that was she said that's I said I was in this. You kind of have. Right, exactly. You kind of have like an edgy vibe to you.


Well, that's that's what people were saying about Lady Di was Jaiden kind of gave off MBK vibes, didn't they?


No. Yeah. Uh, um, but I mean, like in the beginning, like when, uh, my answer was recommending a feature for Lorelei, um, she said MBK, but it also was going to be my first feature and I felt like Jane had the same vibe as him and I'd feel more comfortable. Yeah.


So you picked the that was an option you picked like Jaden over. Okay, is that correct? I mean, not over me.


It would have been that was a choice you made. Well, I mean, Jaden would have been a lot easier. Uh, I don't know if America would have ever happened, but yeah, it's like that was kind of. Yeah, yeah.


But and I think that I mean, I think the cool thing about you guys doing the song together is like it has that cool story of like the two social media. I feel like they're the two social media kids that are like in music are being looked at as like super serious about their they're like, I guess, job or their profession. All right, Lázaro, dig a little.


Megyn Kelly was another one. Like we I think we passed on him. Yeah, he was going to come on, wasn't it?


No, I don't mean here. I mean, back when we were doing like early music tours, I used to hear his name all.


He was like a total different artist that he was.


He was like, yeah, like, yeah, yeah. Hard rapping. Like Eminem. Yeah. He was like Eminem. Yeah. I'm so glad it's crazy. How different is. Oh, new album is the best he's ever had. So good.


So Lázaro, Dixie, Little Huddy Luray. Jake, Paul. Jacob Sartoris.


Wow. Probably pick someone from this row over like the Drake or. Really? No, I wanted to go with Dixie Singer like. Yeah, high tech execs, right, I mean, right, I forgot the one with she did the one with Wiz, right, Wiz Khalifa.


Yeah, yeah.


I mean, little Huddy is putting out fire pictures the other day, but. All right. That was an interesting game. I was. OK, Steve Madden, Dotcom offers diverse assortment of men's footwear.


By the way, have I talked to Steve Madden?


Guys, I feel like I have at some point they get everything under 200 bucks. Steve man guys cover this spring with classic looks seamlessly into the wardrobe. Chelsea's the hookers and dress shoes to casual sneakers, 20 percent off your men's collection. Steve Madden, dotcom seamounts, kind of my style.


And like at least as I remember it, like short, dark and like. Yeah, solid is cool.


One use per customer after February 24th. Twenty one till April 30th. So keep that in mind. That's, you know, it's like a real deal. Twenty percent off Steve Madden's collection. Steve Mann Dotcom, February 24th. Twenty twenty one to April 30th, only one per customer. Also you can check out his memoir, The Cobbler. How Disrupted an injury fell from case came back stronger than ever. I didn't know that about Steve Martin. That's how I remember we were doing stuff like here, I think had insider trading.


It was like a big and it's sort of featured in a movie, I believe.


Like they built it. Yeah. Yeah. It may have been like Boiler Room. There was something Wohlforth something where they just bought the stock on Wall Street. They built it may have been with Jordan Belfort. Yeah. So it's a crazy story, but the products have always been really good. Check it out. Steve Madden, Dotcom. Is it do you look it up. Yes. So it was like what they they they jacked up. Yeah.


They got a bunch of stuff. Both the faded dress, everything. Go check them out. All right.


So now you're free to go for your stay, whatever you like. I appreciate you coming on.


Do you want to leave or do you want to stay? What do you want to do? Might as well stay if you have nothing else to do. You can chime in if you want, I'll say, yeah, you can just be quiet, be like the little talk the NSA stands or so happy right now.


So what's this that you're doing, Josh with Mark Wahlberg Unrealistic ideas form crosschecks studios.


I don't know how much you can do. By the way. You seem like you're doing something new every single day. It's crazy.


Yeah, I'm I'm a man of many, many talents, Dave. Clearly. So what is this involved? Like, you can never tell. Like, I tend to when I get opportunities presented to me, like I want to be very involved if I'm not, like, very right all the time.


I don't I don't know if this is one that I'm I'm very involved in this one. You're very it's just. Yeah, I'm doing calls about this every single day. So what is it like?


So it's it's like a partnership with Mark's production company. We're going to be focusing a lot on unscripted content, doing a lot of, like, docu series stuff.


Looking at doing like scripted content later on and doing some actual shows, but at the first we kind of want to be this home for Gen Z content across social media. So like syndicated shows on Snapchat, Facebook, any like platforms like that, streaming services. So we'll be focusing a lot on on that area interest.


What do you love about Paul?


The picture that the release growing? He looks great there. He doesn't look like that in real life. Well, maybe he does now.


I know he's got that smirk on there and he's got the little like. I know something you don't. Did he do the surgery yet? No, no. I think that's next week. Maybe how it's coming up.


Yeah, not for Josh Richards.


This is awesome. Did you see this was. I have not seen this.


It's so funny. I I'm sorry that you're going to see this, but I know the moms are going crazy. They don't exist any longer. This group has to sit and read erotic in this.


When I was doing research for this interview, I found this Facebook group notes for Josh Richards, bunch of your fans had to reaching out to them. How many of them at least talking to each to talk to you real quick. So let's start off with them. And what do you want to say to Josh? You got ten seconds. I might be a smidge. You know, then you love it. Right. Let's go, Julie. I just have one question.


Do you prefer more of a box or you don't got to answer that, Josh, OK. I did not like how would sit like that. Seems like a fever dream. How did you get involved in that. You don't. OK, so I Michael, like you guys know we've talked about this. Michael does a lot of my scheduling. Right. Or my assistant Christina, they put a lot of stuff on my schedule and sometimes I have such a busy day, like, I don't even know always what interview I'm going to be going into next.


Sometimes it's like two minutes before I text Christina, yell, what is this about? She gives me details really quick. I go into it. So this one no idea. I was told it was called. I got told it's a general interview. That's all I got. That's that's what I got for him for going into this step on. And it's this like complete parody interview the entire time. The guy's like asking for, like, my mother's maiden last name.


Like, it was crazy. It was so funny, though. So is it was that a skit or is that really. Yes. Yeah. Was that I mean, I, I think I want to believe it's real. That's what I saying. Santa was the guy hosting it. He works for one 137 p.m., I think it's a Gary vs company or some got it. I don't I don't know. It was some it sounds like an SNL skit.


I don't want to believe that it's real, but that may have been like an acid right skit.


You it's like saying you want to believe it's real, but yeah, he totally girl freaks out over a famous person.


Watch live and reaction on the show all day long. We're all going out there for about a year ago. Hey, Dave, you're the famous one.


Yes, you are the famous person partner right now that you had no idea that was coming out of the White House.


They just kind of got away from where they were.


Yeah, I'm getting I've something's happened to me, too, like in this quarantine. I've talked about it. Right. I can't go anywhere. It's like I literally like I've always stayed at the same hotel and forever it up now.




It's like I don't want to stay there or I just don't even want to leave my room. It is kind of a little bit I mean I don't mind it, but it is different. Imagine when I imagine when we're like together in public. Dave I know. Came over.


I'm going to lose their shit over you too. Yeah.


It's, it's been a wild just running from all all over the place. Some people will probably hate us. Some people will be coming at us like pitchforks and shit. My people are generally nice.


Have you ever met somebody in person. Was like either of you I guess. Like Nessa. No chance. She's too nice.


Yeah. Have you met someone that's come up to you like I don't like you. Folksy, like I feel like I've had had like a weird experience like that before. I don't know I don't know if I ever if I if I ever have. It was like I was definitely. A lot younger, because if someone came up to me now and said that, I'd just be like, right, I am rich and you really don't have it either way, like I've had.


That's like the Cam Newton saying, you know, I have a controversy.


There are people, I've had it, but it's the amount that say it online is nothing like it is very rare for somebody to come up to me and be like, hey, you're an asshole.


You have the time. People are saying it online, will probably come up and ask for a photo.


Right. That that video I'm glad I saw. I can't believe I hadn't seen that my Eagles through the fucking everyone was tagging Dave.


Dave is going to be strutting all day long. He's going to he's going to be having that little like that plug walking, you know.


Yeah, no, I'm going to try to like, holy bleep that out to like the world.


Billy Bryce Hall vandalized.


We care about that. What someone wants to fight him is at it. Yeah. It was like the kid was trying to join Hsueh. And so he did this whole YouTube video where it was three challenges and he beat Bryce in two of the three or all three or something. Then he would be allowed to join Hsueh. That was the idea. So he paid that he bought a billboard for this YouTube video and pretty much saying, just brace all except my challenge.


Got it.


Yeah, he probably Bryce Bryce's face. Yeah, maybe he was probably like, damn, I didn't get to join Hsueh comes over and just paint balls or eggs or whatever. Zola Vernae pregnant so early in the morning, what did I say, it's over. What's her name? It's so, so sweet. Laverne it's a ZOA on here, right? So I didn't fuck that one up. No, it's Zoe. So Zoe isn't that nice? That's her name is always out, guys.


Right? I know. Yeah.


There's there is a way to spell Zoe with the Y 100 percent. Yeah. We Chanel whatever her name is.


Right. Well this girl is weird so she spells her name weird because she's fucking weird.


OK, she's she's pregnant with Dawson Rae. Laverne's. Who most recently apologized for kissing and catching feelings for a 13 year old.


Well, that's where the weird thing comes in. Yeah, it's like it's like her kid could be the one she might be crushing on her kid when it pops out. Yeah, that's that's what they got. They got to worry about that. I feel Zabuli child, no comment on me. I'm not going to get into 13 year olds get that that makes what she was.


There was a video came out of her kissing a 13 year old boy when she was 19, like passionately.


Yes. And they were like, oh, no, no, no. They were like dating for a little bit. Yeah, they were dating. A 19 year old is dating a 13 year old.


Yes, right.


This girl was dating a 13 year old boy and now she's pregnant, which is you see, when I was 13, if I pulled a 19 year old girl, I would have been walking through school like how Dave is about to walk through this video.


I'm actually, like, more curious about this 13 year old. Did he look like LeBron James at 38? Like, no, he looked like a straight up looked like a murderer.


But I think I think the thing he's saying, like he's like a victim. No.


Yeah, he's trying to. Yeah. The 13 year old is now.




He's trying to say like he's a victim of this situation, which I don't know, the full thirteen years he would be. He's thirteen years old. Yeah. But I'm saying like he's playing like he's not playing the card of like I'm the man me I'm the man. Correct.


Yeah. That's what I'm trying to say. Yeah.


So as just that's always one of those, it's, it's, it's an interesting dynamic because I was clearly shocked. But the shock is always, if that's a 19 year old guy and a 13 year old girl, you're far more like, oh, someone's got to go to prison, like, instantly.




Yeah, but when it's reversed, like, I had the initial reaction, what it's like, oh, this guy is like getting high fives, but it sounds like he's upset about it, right?


Yeah. No, I don't I don't think he's high five and I don't know. Interesting.


What a weird story. And she's super famous, this girl. Yeah. Well, she used to be she used to be huge, like she was she was low key, the like queen of musically like you know how Charlize like the face of tech talk.


I mean, there's been videos leaked about this girl literally crying because they placed her as like the queen Peruto.


She's crying like she's like in a hallway, like screaming her head off, like I'm the chick talk queen.


Like, why are you doing this to me and followers? Why are you passing?


Like, she's freaking out, like sitting in a hall. It looks like it looks like someone just shot her dog in front of her. Yeah.


It's kind of amazing as I leave Britney alone.


OK, Zoomer, first boomer looks like it's a little bit of a different setup and then we'll do questions and I think we're good.


Yeah. All right. Let's see if you can get any of these. Nice.


Yeah. NESA, how old are you? I'm 18. OK, so I suck at names them. Kevin Federline is first husband. Oh, I would have no idea. Yeah, you should know that more than me. No, yeah, I know. That was like Britney was was when that happened. Like she was it. She was the truth.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know.


Britney, I've got to say. Did you guys did you guys see that that document. That was crazy.


Unreal. So crazy. Got what the fuck is this like just for my little birds of something, yeah. What is this like?


No idea what this looks like.


Every kid that I went to high school with. Yeah, just like their Instagram feed. You're bathing a perfect I still don't know who that is. Me either. Yeah, I don't know. But I shout out to Aiden, he's a, well, fantastic talker, but not that famous. That's go. OK, well, shout out. That's Mona Lisa, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Hey, Josh, are you in any of this top shot shit?


The top shot, like those cards that are selling like the NBA top shot. I mean, not like I mean, I'm into sports cards, you know, but this actually stuns me that I would have figured it's like I own 20 percent of the company. It's like literally the hottest thing right now there is people are spending. Gods of money is like in their digital highlight's, like you can buy an NBA, NBA players digital highlights. Oh yeah, it's like the block chain.


It's on the block chain, right? Yes, sort of, yes. It's like NBA highlights on a block. And you can own the actual clip. It's like you own that. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard about that. Have you actually like, gotten into it?


I'm starting to get more, but like you can't like they'll auction off packs of cards and they'll be like a hundred thousand people trying to get you can't get them.


It's insane. So their card packs of plays. Yeah, it's basically you like, so if you can have a LeBron James dunk right in, you buy it and you like own that specific.


Sure. You can watch on YouTube, but it's like a baseball card, like you own it. And if you bought these things, like in Kareem, who's here knows more about it, but like I'm talking, people spend ten grand on a highlight and then they'll flip it and sell it for like 30 grand, like ten seconds later.


It's nuts cheese.


All right. It's Chris, it's it's insane, I mean, when you look at, like, the actual cards to the whole market, everything is hard. GameStop people are making billions.


I mean, we need to do something with the card space or something. Like, I.


I know we should do a live. I'm trying to get my hands on a pack. We could do like a live, live unboxing of the pack.


There is a cool. But it's cheap right now, this one ninety nine dollars, usually nine, and how many people get the packs today?


There's eleven thousand. How do I so can I try to get in this before it happens? OK, cool shit. OK, I'm I'm trying to get one. Gone. OK, Candy, so we wanted to talk about this time history. Yeah, I'm afraid that history, I guess these videos and now you have to watch this same thing, Boomer, like, do we know what the video is? OK, a little twist up here. You have a really we're changing the game.


Yeah, I think we to keep it keep it fresh. Do you know the title of the painting Who? Oh, The Killing Fields of Mississippi.


Oh, this is oh. Well, how do you know this? Would you say Yoda?


That's just so random, I guess. Is that like what you guys thought we were going to say? Probably has set you guys up for failure to pierce Mona Lisa. Did they just call Mona? Now, who did you think Helen Keller was like?


Is the Nazi guy? What Nazi guy?


Oh, he didn't look like a terrorist.


You can tell her is a Nazi terrorist.


This game is real.


This all right here? Yeah. Right now. Are you thinking of Hitler? How do you not know it yet? Nazi.


Who is Hitler telling us that if you didn't exist. But everyone believes she has done what she was fake.


Yeah, that is her was the I say Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor. Wow. Do you know what D-Day is?


Well, I mean, if you don't need Diddler is you're not going to Europe, are you being system is failing.


That's crazy. You can always. I can't I just I can't believe that because I don't know Hitler as though that's impossible.


That's. Yeah. Oh, it's like. You go on, you just go on like social media and you'll learn that, yeah, or just like go to school one once, one day when they.


All right. Want to one day of one day of high school and you will learn them. Hitler's promise. We have questions. It's not over. Oh, I know this kid is a singer.


Really? Yeah, it's really good.


Louie, Louie, Capelli or whatever his name is. Escapology.


Yes. Yeah, that is. Oh, you got it. He had like a huge fight, people love him, yeah, I feel like this guy that was like when I was seven years old, that guy.


And you're a singer and you're not overly attractive because then it's like you did it all on pure talent. It's like, oh, you're talented, right?


Yes, true. Tila Tequila. Yeah. She's something else. I don't know who that is, social media is a tick tock, tick tock and everything. She can't swim, girl, her body promotion was ridiculous, tiny little waist, humungous boobs. She got new boobs. Bobby Smeaton, Bobby Smyrna is free bitch. Bobby bitch. What was he in jail for? Guns, I think. Yeah, maybe he was there for six years, so, yeah, can it have been like it's always smarter?


I always wondered that, like the murder is no accident as part of that last name, I take it?


Yeah, probably. I don't know if he got in trouble for guns. Yeah. Yeah. You think like that's his stage name.


Bobby Shraddha. Right. Cindy Crawford. Most beautiful woman in her youth, her daughter. Do you know you guys know her daughter looks exactly like big. She kind of looks like Bethenny Frankel. That's like the nicest thing that's probably ever been said about Bethenny Frankel. Have you seen this Cindy Crawford in her prime? She's the original supermodel.


Oh, really? And her daughter, what? Probably our daughter and her daughter is like looks exactly like and was dating the comedian from SNL for a few days.


Her daughter looks exactly like her. What's your name? Hiya. Kaia Gerber, yeah. Yes, she's so pretty, so pretty, they look like the same, right? OK. And that's just show me a picture of Cindy Crawford. She she's like, yes, she was literally the original supermodel supersmart, I think.


Went to Harvard maybe like. Really? Yeah. Wow. I yes. Cindy Crawford is she's a boss, but she's like the one she had this growing up, this Pepsi commercial.


She had the like if you just said to me, walking down the street, who has a mole, I'd be like Cindy Crawford. Yeah, that's how I thought she was people nearby.


Right. Just a handsome man. Yeah, I have no idea, no clue. How does this guy have an accent, too, that's a problem. How do you say that to John Page?


That's how I met David Beckham and Victoria, both with the accents.


I'm like these fucking two. Jesus was he has it's almost too much. David Beckham is one of those guys, are you guys, you know, Beckham, right? Yeah, yeah. He just has an aura.


He just has like this. Oh, yeah.


Huh. You can hear the angels sing. Yeah. Xtina. Wrestler, rustler, I think that. Her proportions are not. Well, she was arrested in China. Fuck, that's why we. Yeah. Oh, is she dead. Dead, dead. All right. Right. Yeah. All right. Oh, what's his name? Come on, it's John Wick, but I don't know, like, yeah, I don't know. Oh, yeah, I don't know.


I do know it. I do know it.


Come on, Josh. John was close enough to me for me, but I can't I, I don't know.


Gianaris. Yeah. Fuck. Have you ever seen Point Break. It's like one of my favorite movies of all time. The John the John Works are awesome to. I don't know if I watch it weirdly, I went to like a Catholic high school and they played it was like this public Catholic high school is really weird, but they they did this. I remember watching like Keanu Reeves in the super old biblical movie, really weird. Super weird, like he played this role or it was like a Buddhist movie or something crazy movie, like bad acting.


But I love Kim. That's Daft Punk, isn't it? Hello, anything? Yeah, did you guys know that one? No, I mean, after you said it, I was like, yes, of course it is. But I would have. I wouldn't have. I wouldn't have guessed it. Yeah, I probably wouldn't have guessed it. What? Split up. Yeah.


They're in the news recently. Oh yeah. Now the thing about them splitting up, whoever has the power could just put somebody else behind the helmet.


You'd never know they split up, right. Very true. So, OK, we have a couple of questions, I think. Let me see. Did you guys see the baby roasting, Jose? Well, yes, I actually had the oh, we didn't talk about that. What do you want? Break that down for me? Yeah, I mean, when I saw it, I was just like we kind people, like, started like coming out.


I'm I'm like, do you really think the baby, the guy that is like shot somebody, think he cares really, that he tweeted and said that his daughter's a big fan of her.


Yeah. Yeah. He also did tweet and say the video is funny. Have you seen it, Dave.


Like I haven't. Let's play it oh, know, don't want to get me started negative tell I'm going to go see what I'm doing, you bitch Jojo steal our beats, literally get race over the chains when they compete with each other. They to come from. Yeah.


Why are they even in the same world. It's so random that he did.


That's, that's the crazy part. It's like why is he rapping about.


Yeah but it's probably I guess because his daughter's name. Yes. Because his daughters have him. That's how he knows who she is and it rhymes. So then he did like some smart wordplay or whatever put puts her in and then people go crazy like James. Charles is tweeting about it. James. Charles.




Which is crazy because and again, I, I readily admit I've thick skin and don't take a ton personal, but let's say that that is NASA's face to me, like that's you Verrat like not a ride, but it's good if people are like talking about you and dropping bricks randomly, like in terms of like, you know, something's happening.


You're okay, baby. So you might be getting mentioned, baby did that.


Yeah. Crazy.


But I don't think like to talk like commenter's totally like get that, you know. But I don't think they get like again this guy will not care. Right. He has he has literally like mugged people, shot people. I think he literally killed a dude like. Probably, probably does, it doesn't care what some fans are saying on social media. Yeah, zero percent. And it also back to the original getting mentioned in song is like just to me, that's like some street cred.


It's like, oh, this is fucking sick. I'm going to do baby songs. Yeah, that's. Yeah.


Um, for the questions. There's not really many, but everyone wants to know about merch and an update of what it's going to be out.


So we are working on the sweats. They're supposed to be sent. We have like a girl who created these like unique call her daddy's sweatpants that I saw in their sec, one of a kind.


And we're like, hey, can you make a bulk run of these?


And when I say bulk, like 500, so she's making but everyone is like handmade. So it's not the easiest thing. It's not like just putting on an assembly line. So we have that. And I think there are a couple of sweatshirts that my merch team sent me.


But yeah, they they sent me a bunch too. We were I was talking with the merch. Seem a bit like last week. I think so there's definitely going to be know, OK, they wanted they wanted to do the drop in March, they wanted it to be next month.


So we want it to be like cool. Like even the sweatshirts were different than things we did. And having merch that every piece is kind of handmade is sort of sick.


Yeah, it's cool. I agree. And people will want it more. OK, all right. That's it. All right. Thank you, NASA, NASA. Congrats on the song.


It's so good. Congratulations.