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This is the terrorist border crossing here. This is the crossing that the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who says that he will open for humanitarian aid into the north of Gaza. The UN says it's desperately needed. People are starving there. Close to starvation, they say. The United States has been pushing Israel to do this for many, many months. Open a corridor to get aid into the north of Gaza. But it's not going to be easy. We're standing here, we've been able to hear gunshots, gunfire ringing out. We know that the roads on the other side of the border are cratered by heavy explosions. So getting the aid in won't be easy. It's been called for time and time again. Question on so many people's says, the government here has said they'll do it, but let's test them. Let's wait and see how it progresses, how much aid goes in. It is woefully short at the moment, the UN says.