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Voters in Wisconsin, they are paying attention. They don't head to the polls for the primary until April 2. Senna national correspondent Gary Tuckman joins us from now from outside of Milwaukee with some of those voters in this very crucial swing state. Gary.


Laura, we welcome you to America's dairyland Green Bay Packer country, also an incredibly important state when it comes to general election. This is a swing state. Eleven voters, they like Biden, they like Trump. They also like Haley. Four people here like Biden, four like Trump, two like Haley. Despite the fact that these are the two right here, despite that, they think it's over right now. Talk more about that in a second for our Trump and Biden supporters. I want to ask the Trump supporters first, what message would you give to Donald Trump to run a better campaign? Everyone can do something better. What would you say?


I'd say he's need to tweak his message to be less divisive and unify the country rather than trying to divide the country.


You're a Biden supporter in the quarter. What do you say about Joe Biden? How does he run a better campaign?


Well, I think he's got to address what people are saying about his senility and come out as more active and forceful. He's got to prove that he can be a leader for the next four years.


You're a Trump supporter. What do you say?


Well, certainly I would like to see him calm down on the tweets and things in the middle of the night and focus more on the idea of trying to run a general campaign instead of trying to run a campaign for just the Republicans.


And you, as a Biden supporter, what would you say? Joe Biden?


I would just like him to be really as transparent as possible of things that are going on and to keep working with his policies for the general population of the United States.


One thing I think that's interesting here, as I said, four of you, Trump, four of you, Biden, two. Haley, no one's changed their mind from four years ago. Four of you voted for Trump. Four of you voted for Biden. Two of you voted for neither Trump nor Biden. The two of you, we were watching a little of Donald Trump's speech tonight. One of the things he said was this country is a joke. Our country is dying. As a Biden supporter, what did you think of those words?


I think that's a mischaracterization. I think that our political system arguably is dying. Our political system has some deep seated problems. I think we need to address through some meaningful reforms like voting reforms and trying to get money out of politics, for example. But I don't think the country itself is.


Does it make you angry that he said that?




What about you as a Trump supporter? What do you think of those words when Donald Trump says stuff like that?


I think he's capturing a sentiment that people feel that the country is moving in the wrong direction. I just think the american way of life is under attack, and I think people are choosing him or voting for him because they hope for change, hope for american pride, again, to be patriotic.


But when he says that the country's dying, do you wish he didn't say stuff like that?


I wish he didn't say a lot of things, but I see past that because I believe that he is the man who represents a love of this country. And I can see past that. Yes. The mean tweets. I'll take the mean tweets if it means that he's going to care about this country, love this country, and be proud of this country. And I don't see that in Biden.


Rich, you're a Republican, but you're not going to vote for Trump, correct?


No, I don't think Trump has the personal character that rises to the gravitas of the office of the presidency.


So who are you going to vote for at the election? We're know it's tough.


It's hard to vote for Biden, but I'm sticking with Nikki Haley. She's got the character. She defends, our veterans, the Constitution. But most of all, all the polling shows that she's the one that can beat Biden by a wider margin.


Would you consider voting for Biden down the road?


I would consider voting for Biden, as tough as it is to say. But, I mean, if Trump gets convicted, that's a big I can't go along with if the party wants to support a convicted felon.


One more question. I want to ask you all prediction time. I know you're not psychics, and if you were, give me a cut of the proceeds. If you made correct prognostications all the time, who do you think is going to win this election? Who thinks Trump is going to win the election? Raise your hand high. 123456. Who thinks Biden's going to win the election? 1234. It's kind of like the same pattern as who you like is who you think is going to win. Thank you very much. Do one more question. Actually think the packers will do even better next year?






I sure hope not. I'm a Bears fan lower it back to you.


And the minnesotan says skull for the Vikings. Let the packers fans know. Gary Tucker, Wisconsin, thank you so much.