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People do call you Eagle in the streets just because you are so patriotic. I've seen that. That's my Eagle.


That was really good. How long have you been a little Eagle girl?


You seem a little tense.


Why is that? It's just early. It feels like you really hope this goes well.


Is that because of any certain reason or what's going on there?


No, you're stressing me out, man.


Yeah, I know. I'm trying to express as a friend, I'm starting to see why.


Why am I stressing you out? Because I feel like Landon is very professional.


He's the best. You're like, I like boxes and money.


I never said the last one. He never said that. You're putting words in his mouth. You know I'm a dog guy.


I'll put something else in his mouth.


What? What are you throwing in there? Did you just say that you would throw a labia my way, essentially?


A labia is insane.


Why is that insane? Sorry, I like to get medical with my fellatio.