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I'm in love, mom. And you said I could never do it. And look at her. What's your name? Keep. My name's Keep. Like a keep?


Like the verb, yeah. Zack, how do you feel like you chose? Because she's way out of your league.


I think women, in general, they go for personality more than looks. Yes. Whereas looks are going to fade. I mean, you're going to go downhill, I'd say at 40. Let's hope not. I mean, just rock bottom on looks.


Just destroyed by the time I'm, what, 41?


Oh, it's going to look like I pushed you down the hill. You might as well push me at that point, too. Exactly. And then so if we can have avial life together.


That's perfect. If I look good by 40, if you don't push me down that hill, we're going to have this shoes. We're going to let Jared hit. Yeah, we're going to let him come in and do the shoving. You're joining because you're coming for him.


Well, I don't want to see Jared's.