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I got so rejected. I got so rejected. A little boy. Kind of a square? He was a really cute guy, and I DMed him the next day, and I was like, Hey, nice meeting you last night. I've gotten no response.


That is a little wild. What's your type of guy?


I like people who are funny.


Okay, you never swung it my way. Interesting. And you've laughed. I got so rejected. I was a great wingman. I went in there and I got you the-You just said my short friend thinks you're cute. No, I went up there and I was like, Hey, man, listen, my short friend, she's cute. She thinks you're attractive. She's scared to talk. I am forcing her. If I bring her over here, are you okay with that? He's like, Yeah, dude, I just don't know if my Riz is good. I.