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The best is yet to come. I'm going to solidify myself as the greatest Walter White of all time. I'm going to try to talk to the world, give him a happy dad special. What's up, nerds and virgins? It's Colby, Chaos Covington, the Undisputed King of Miami, the People's champ, America's champ, and most importantly, Donald Trump's favorite fighter. I'm a big fan of Kobe.


He's a winner.


He's a champ. I know one of my biggest hobbies is I like to go out and play poker. I just love the mental aspect to it, trying to outsmart your opponents. Also, I love going out with some of my South Beach mommacitas and drinking some Happy Dad. That's life to me and that's balance. I'm not just a fighter.


I'm a.


Bedroom cardio freak. I'm a Happy Dad lover, and I just like to compete.


It's official. The king of Miami has.


Teamed up with the champ of Hard Celcer's Happy Dad.


It's the Dream team, baby. Let's go. We won't help. We won't help. We won't help. We won't help. We won't help.


All right, boys, we got another Fulsend podcast episode today, another USC episode. We got Colby Covington coming on. You guys saw we just signed him to Team Happy Dad, which is pretty crazy. He's our third fighter. We got Justin Geitchie, Sugar Sean, of course, and now Colby Covington, a part of the Happy Dad family. Vegas Fight Week. It's going to be a crazy ass fight week. Sallim is back with us too. What's up, guys? How's it going? Sallim's got to be on more pods too. We always tell you. I'm going to be.


On more pods. I like him.


We did Wiz Khalifa as well. Sallim's on that one. That'll come out next week. That one's fucking hilarious, too. But trying to keep the ball rolling with the pod.


Let's go. What's good with the full allow fit now? Yeah. I think, dude, I've been talking about this. That's look nice, though. I think he's going to become a gym influencer.


I could.


See that.


You know what I'm saying? After I.


Seen the 90 days of-What is a gym influencer, though?


You're a lifestyle, like running… That's your content now. You're not the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the.


Ceo, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the CEO, the.


Ceo, the CEO. You're running with the.


Mayor and shit?


Okay, yeah.


It's still pretty cool. I was just saying. That was a smart post. Yeah, it was cool. You're going to be jealous of that one then?


Yeah. I also have the key, but yes.


I talked to him about that. You want to relook? The locks might change. Fuck, bro. Yeah, I talked to him. I swear to God. He said he might be changing the locks. How was that? Brad is definitely not working. But yours, I don't know. We'll see.


I'll try it out. Put it to other.


No, it's cool. We met the mayor last time. He was in Miami USC. That's when we met him for the first time. We had dinner. I don't know. He's fucking cool as fuck, man. He's a super normal guy, super humble. Then, yeah, he's jacked. He just hits me up and he's just like, Yeah, I want to work out. We went there a few months ago, and then he hit me up again and said, You want to work out?


Yeah. It's pretty sauce. Yeah, that's lit.


You know the Miami- You're.


Dating O. T. Meg?




What's up with that? I don't know if you saw that there in Cancun and he flew out O. T. Meg.


No, first class. She paid for her own flight.




Yeah. Seems like a dating. She's got it like that.


What the fuck? Are you dating her?




It's not what the snap you're.


Looking like. I know, bro. What do you mean? It look like a fucking- What?


You guys believe everything you see on Snapchat?


You flew a girl.


To Mexico. I didn't fly her.




Invited her? Yeah, I invited her. Okay. It doesn't mean I'm dating her.


No, but I'm happy for you guys. I hope everything goes well.


That's love, dude. I mean, she's a cool girl.


She's a.


Ot Mags, Cools, Fuck. I mean, you know that. You met her before me.


Yeah. So what?


Yeah. I forgot you took her to… You met up with her at the Colorado.


Football game.


Yeah, bro. Brought her into the suite. Yeah, dude. And you're tripping me for Cancun and shit. You brought out every fucking She's a good friend. You brought out every weapon in the arsenal for that one.


Yeah, listen, she fucking wanted to hang out. I hung out with her as a friend.


Made it clear. No, we're friends. Yeah. We're friends. She's actually really cool, though. She's a really cool girl, actually. Cooler than I thought. But what are you going to do about it right now, man? I mean, there's nothing to do about it in our current lifestyle.




Dating? What? Maybe after you bulk.




Then you'll get done.


Dude, it's just like… You guys know. I mean, let's be real for a second. Pretend the cameras aren't here. You guys know for a fact. How are you going to have a relationship right now? It's really tough, bro.


Why not, bro? What do you mean? I think this is the time to do it. You're not going out, you're not drinking.


You're focused on your health. It's not about the other chicks. It's about having a girlfriend is just so much responsibility and work, which it should be. But it's just like- Not right now. When I was dating, it was just like… I mean, if you look at your day, you got 24 hours. How many hours a day do you got to spend on the girl a day? That she actually deserves. I'm not saying they don't deserve it, but think of it like that.


What? Dude, you can't have a needy chick.


All chicks are.


Needy, bro. Yeah, it's true.


They're all going to say they're not needy, and then they're going to be needy.


And then they want to go to everything, too.


But yeah, for me, it's honestly not even about the other chicks. It's just like, Dude, I don't want to watch what I have to say on the podcast. I don't want to watch what I have to do on Snapchat or fucking Nelk videos. I think until we're like, I feel like we got another few years of chaos left with Happy Dad and traveling and like, you know.


It is a full-time job, though.


So it's just like even if- It's.


A hundred %. But you're also like a full-on gym bro.


Yeah, but there's nothing to do with anything. It's still.


A huge. You've gotten pretty cocky, too. I'm not going to lie. Actually? Yeah. I don't know.




Cocky than you? You and Gabe. Gabe shaking his head. Gabe's cocky as fuck. He's fucking fat shaming me.


Which is- How have I been being cocky?


You just are, bro. Fating tax, leaving our.


Bomb and shit. I always left you. I left you unread when I had a barrel. I left you unread more when I had a barrel. I feel like I'm more responsive now.


Have you noticed, or does anybody treat you different now that you're Mr.


Transformation? Not really.




It is a lot of people telling me it inspired them and shit. That's good. A lot of chicks are like, Yeah, you look good.


What would you use for motivation?




What would you use for motivation? When what? To go to the gym and shit. Sam Solik, I swear to God, I DMed him to me, he watches anime videos.






I don't get that.


Do you know what that is? What? Yeah, to be a gym bro. Yeah?


Yeah, I'm not really a gym bro. I still don't know too much about the gym culture, that.


Type of shit. Wait, gym guys watch anime?


Yeah, because they want to be like Dragon Ball Z characters, bro. What the fuck? I swear.


I think I would want to get Jack for the same reasons you would want to get Jack. Why would you want to get Jack?




Number one.




Feel good?




Okay, sure. Yeah, I mean, sure.


But you feel good. If someone pisses me off and you're confident, maybe I could kick that guy's ass.




Right now, I don't think I could be too many people, so I'm trying to be top tier.




But yeah, you feel good. You don't want to be Jack for that?


No, that wasn't one of my main motivations, but now that I think about it, yeah.


It's a cool thing to have.


Yeah. I don't know if it makes you that much better of a fighter, but I guess it can't hurt.


It's like in a bar?


Yeah, sure. But you feel good and you feel good mentally. And then, of course, bro, like I said, my next girlfriend could be like my wife. We have everything else going for us. We have the success. I mean, maybe we're funny, maybe not, probably not. And then if you look good, too, it's just like then you have- You're firing on all- That's how you find that.


I'm going to be honest. I think you're going down that path. What path? I think marriage is next for you. Maybe. In the family. I'm serious, dude.


You see yourself doing that? No, not yet. Honestly, no. Just like I said, dude, it's just too much work.


Well, not now, but.


Down the line. Yeah, for sure. I hope so. I mean, I.


Hope so. I mean, we always say shit like this, and then in two years, it could be so different.


Yeah, I know. I think the next two years is going to be sick. Moving to Miami now and like… Miami's nice, man. Miami is sick. There's a lot of girls. I don't believe people say you can't find a good girl there. Definitely not. In South Florida as a whole, though?


Okay, if you go north of Miami, yeah. Miami is not a.


Good place for that. You can go all the way up to fucking West Palm and down.




Little roadie and shit. Are you going to get on the… You're.


Chipping me for the- No, I'm going to. I'm going to.


Mine starts tomorrow.


So why are you chipping me so hard then?


I'm just fucking wrong, dude. No, I know. But you've changed, but yeah.


We're going to.


Start tomorrow. Yeah? Yeah, red eye tonight.


What's your 120-day look like?


What are you going to do? For me, it's just gaining weight and just lifting heavy.


In the gym five days a week or like what?


Six days a week. Sundays will be day off and stuff.


I thought you're going through a re- What about how many days a week are you.


Going to drink? I'm going to have to do one send a week. I mean, when I seen you do it and you actually accomplish it. That made me think, all right, there's just a big sacrifice you have to do. So just don't have one night a week.




And you got to just train hard. I got to eat a lot.


You think you could do that next year, Sonny?


Yeah, I think I have to for my mental.


I think posting it to you is like a great idea. That's what I'm going to do tomorrow. As soon as I go to the gym, day one.


Because then you look like an idiot.


Yeah, you look like an idiot if you don't do it.


Wait, you're announcing it tomorrow that you're going to do it? Oh, fuck.


Let's go. Let's clean in 120 days. Twenty days.


Let's go. It's going to be interesting. I just got to….


Now the pressure's on. Now it's on the.


Pod too. I'm going to do. Dude, I got to say, Gabe's transformation inspired me, too. Are you.


Going to post the weekly check-ins?


I was thinking.


Of doing that. You know that? That was a big thing that helped me. I think so? Yeah. Okay, yeah. You don't have to do it every week. I probably did it maybe eight or nine or like, but that does put pressure on you. So you should try to do it every week because the second you think about fucking off, you're like, Fuck, I got to post a photo this Friday. And if it doesn't look good, you're going to get roasted by the fans.


Yeah, I think.


Posting is-You guys got to roast Salim if he doesn't.


Starts tomorrow.


Everybody go to-You guys got to roast him, bro. If he's not making gains, dig into.


Him, bro.


I'm going to do it. That's what I told him to do to me.


I mean, when I first… Remember Jeff Gloria when we were working out that time? I was getting really big and I was looking nice.


You'll get Jack so quick.


Yeah, very I just got to eat a lot and I got to just work out every day. Starts tomorrow. Are you going to do it? Start tomorrow. Start today.


I'm starting today.


The biggest shock would be if Stynie did it, bro. Why? Because everyone just doesn't believe you could do it.


Well, you're in the wrong one.


I think you can do it. I think you're going to do it in the new year. Yeah, I will. And then we'll see who gets cocky. Holy fuck.


Jesus Christ. You will actually be a dickhead if you.


Were fucking Jack. I'm a fucking genuine.


Good person. No, you'd be a dickhead.


You could still be a genuine person and be cocky.


Yeah, whatever.


Yeah. Okay.


120 days.


I wish we get Gabe on here. He's really inspired me. That guy's discipline and shit.


Yeah, but post the check-ins every Friday.


It's 1:20.


I wish I can go to the. Actually, now that I think about it, that's going to be a key for you.


I mean, dude, it's just diet. Diet is a big thing, too. It's just lifting hard and just fucking I got to eat.


I personally think for you, if you just keep it to once a week drinking, you'll be totally fine. That was what it always was for me. It was just like the partying.


120. So wait, I wanted to ask you.


Stynie just knows the next yacht we have in Miami. I'm just going to outwheel the fuck out.




Girl you're fucking talking to, too, I'm just going to come with my tarpop.


Let's go. I'm just kidding. No, you can. Go for it.


I'm actually so excited.


What fitness influencer are you going for, though?


I don't want to be a fitness influencer. I just want to.


Be a person. You spent like 35 hundred dollars at Allow.


And Lulul. I've never spent a dollar at Allow. Actually, no, I have. I have. But they give me a lot of free shit. You should try wearing it. It changes your brain. Ask, Jimmy.


What? If you start wearing Allow?


I swear to God, you.


Put it on. I like that. I was like a lifestyle. That's when you're really in this fitness shit and you're like eating healthy.


Chicks love the.


Allow, too. Yeah. All right, I'll do it. Fuck it. You want to do a wage or something? Sure. Free roll? For you? Yeah.




Okay, whatever you want to do.


We'll talk about it. We'll make a bet with Stani. You're going to do it in the new year, though. Yeah, I got.


To get this. Let me at least get three weeks.


Get December. Fuck. Have your four-day Vegas, Bendie this week.


I thought in Arpa in Miami, I was going to go out one night. I think I went out at four.


Did you?


Three at least.


Yeah, I'm going to be your mental coach.


You'd have to have a door or a lock on the outside or something. Or someone.


With-the thing with you, though, that's what's so weird about you, though, is you have so many sober pumps. Yeah, I know. That's what I don't get.


Dude, I just.


Like fucking partying. Yeah, you're just like partying. It's not even chicks.


For you. It's just fun.


That's what I'm trying to figure out how to.


Help you. I don't know, dude. It's also like being at the club recently, I've honestly been miserable. I've just been sitting there like, Yo', I've done this shit so many times. Why the fuck am I here? I swear. Then I do it again the next night.


It's a fun time. It's just all about balance, I think.


Yeah, no, we- For me, it's the chicks.


It was fun. For me, it's the chicks. Any highlights?


Yeah. Any highlights from the basel? We were chilling with John Summit in the booth. He was fucking going crazy.


That guy's a fucking animal. John Summit. We've had him on the pod before.


Djs are all fucking… Have you ever thought about this? They all party the hardest and they're all skinny as fuck.


Because they don't eat.


I never could figure.


That out. They're probably They're doing a bunch of drugs and.


Shit, right? Yeah, they're doing a bunch of appetite suppressants.


They're literally travel and party harder than we do.


Well, they go every night, sometimes two different things in a day.


They're all fucking skinny Jack. Maybe I'd just become a DJ instead of doing the transformation.


You get.


A lot of cardio in the booth, and then you probably don't eat.


You probably sweat like a motherfucker every night. You don't.


Really see them drinking beers and shit, too. They just drink tequila.


Yeah, vodka, tequila.


Probably a little Molly on the side.


And they get late everynight.


They fuck every night. They fuck every night. They fuck every night.


They make a lot of money. Yeah.


Have a lot of chicks hit you up to try to get to John Summit?


No. Yeah, probably, actually.


I noticed it, too.


Yeah, I put a couple of people in my story and.


They- I noticed it, too.


-said, Hey, do you think you could connect me with that person? I was like, What the fuck?


The smoke show hit me up from L. A. I thought she just hit me up. She's like, You're going to John Summit on Thursday or whatever?


In Vegas?


No. I think he's in L. A.


So why don't you bring him? Bring her. Why don't you bring her?


No, I'm not going to bring her if I know she just wants to Slam Summit. What's the point of that? I guess I could toss him a fucking layup, but. Give him a little Christmas gift.


You've been miserable at the club for real? What are you thinking about?


Just what the fuck am I doing here? Bro, I'll look at my phone and it's like 3:00 AM, and I'm like, Why am I doing this? I came here with my girl, too.


What am I doing here? Yeah, there's no.


Point in going-It's just, what am I doing?


That's why you just keep going out.


But I also like, I don't know, dude. I think we should also pick up. I don't know. I don't know.




I don't know. I tried journaling, too. Did you? Yeah.


In what way?


I just had-.


The five-minute journal?


My brother had a five-star notebook at his place, and I just fucking opened it up and tried to start writing. I don't think I had the right setting.


Did he do anything?




You just wrote about your day?


Yeah. Have you tried meditating?


No. In the ice bath, I will. The cold punch.


I'll buy you some shit for your.


January first. Give me a journal. -january first. Can you.


Guys have a whole-There's one that all the chicks post about that it's called the Five Minute Journal. Okay. It's not a journal. Are you journaling now? No, I did it before, but I haven't done that in a while. But every day you wake up and you write three things you're grateful for. I fuck with that. And it's always the most simple shit. Every time you're like, Oh, fuck. So it makes you slow down in the morning. You write three things you're grateful for. And then I think you write three things that would make today great. And then at night you do the highlights of your day and something about yourself.


Dude, we honestly need more shit like that.


It's pretty crazy, though. Every time you think about it, you're like, Oh, shit. What would make today great? It's pretty simple shit. I hope I have You haven't been doing it, though? I haven't done it. I just don't even have it on me, really. I was doing it in OCE when I was going through a tough time sometimes, but I haven't done it in a while. But it's definitely good for your mind, bro. I mean, it sounds corny. I don't want to be that guy. No, I actually thought that. But it actually is pretty crazy. It's just the self-reflection of just slowing down and like… For sure. Yeah. You could always think you want more and more and more and more. But it's the simplest shit too that is like, I don't know. I'm more an allo and shit. It's party and.


Ready, bro. I'm too Dude, you're literally a gym influencer. Yeah. It's a good transition. I'm happy for you. Let's go. Nice.


I want to tell people to shut the fuck up. I mean, Jay doesn't think I'm going to actually do it. There's been a lot of people that have been like, Yo, you've said this before, and you're.


Like, I don't know. So what do you think is different now?


Honestly, and I'm going to post on my story, I'm going to actually say you inspired me to do it. I think that's really the reason. I seen that photo. I was like, what the fuck? And it was just a total transformation for you. So I was just like, it's proof that it could happen. I got to see it in a way, like 120 days, man.


That'd be sick if next summer we're all.


Just weapons. No, no, no.


That's why I am prepared. All the boys move to Miami were just fucking tarps off.


I'm literally.


Preparing for something. Robbing guys, girls, fucking hitting the gym, eating clean, feeling good.


I'm excited, man. Holy shit, I'm excited. When that day.


Comes- Hard work starts tomorrow.


When that day comes.


The whole squad's got to get jacked, though. No, I'm going to get ripped. Because imagine then we can all post fucking photos.


Together and shit. I'm going to get ripped.


I'm going to actually be ripped. Get Jimmy Gamble's back on the grind.


Yeah, what happened to your transformation, man? I see your photo on Instagram.


I got a lot of compliments. Everyone's like, You're doing good. You're doing good.


Everyone said you lost a lot of weight. You lost a lot of weight, yeah.


You did? How much?


I was at.


The black table. Everyone's like.


Yo, you look good.


You look good. How much weight did you lose?


Like 20 pounds. I was like, Yeah.


I probably can get fat again, straight up.


So Joke's being fat. You're going.


To get the barrel for the summer. You've been gusting beers. I had a couple.


Too many.


Last night. I know we're all still going to have a.


Couple too many. How good did it feel when you posted it?


You just.


Knew it was over.


I was a little nervous two weeks out because I was like, Fuck, is this going to be good enough? I hyped it up so much. Hey, what's up? You're ready. Yeah.


Yeah, yeah.


What's up? How are we doing?


What's good?


How's it going on?


Good to see you guys. What's up, Lid? What's up, buddy? How are you? Good to see you. What's up? How are you? Good to.


See you. How are you? Good to see you, man.


How are you? How are you? Good.


Colby Covington. All right, boys.


Colby Chaos in the fucking building. Newest member of the Happy Dad family. Let's fucking go. How are you feeling? Fucking good. I feel good, man. Looking phenomenal.


As always. Yeah, man, I got my Trump-inspired suit. I got Trump-inspired. I signed it at Mar-Lago. We got his painting on.


The back. Holy fuck.




Makes that? Who makes that for you?


It's a custom. It's a custom made suit from my Taylor, his is Luigi Gerardi out of Miami. I got to set you down. You got to get a suit from him. Yeah, fuck. I got sick ones. But Mr. E is the painter that.


Painted it all. Oh, I know him. Yeah. Yeah. So he.


Painted a painting for Trump and delivered it Mar-Lago. And he's like, Let's go deliver the suit and say what up to him.


Fuck yeah. That's dope. Obviously, Trump's going to be at the fight. That's sick. Yeah, it's.


Going to be at the fight. We were listening. You're saying if he wins, he's going to put the belt around you?


Yeah, I asked Dana to respectfully, could he step to the side and let Donald Trump put it on because that would mean everything to me, man. I'm his biggest fan and he's my biggest role model. So what better way to him to put the belt around me?


I feel like, Dana, that was a pretty easy yes for him.


Yeah, probably. Yeah, sometimes he allows other people to do it, but definitely who better than the most famous person on planet Earth, Donald Trump?


So that's like a confirmed thing if you win. When you win.


Yeah, when I win, that's a confirmed thing. Trump's going to come in the octagon and give me that belt. I'm going to take that belt back and he's going to take back to White House. We're going to make America in the USC great again.


I flew here from Miami last night and I downloaded a bunch of your fights before to watch on the plane. I watched both the Oizman fights and the Maz, but all fucking crazy fights. And yeah, the Oizman fight, the second one, it was so fucking close, bro. You're right. I feel like you could have easily won that fight too, which is crazy. This fight, how are you feeling? How do you think it goes?


Dude, I feel better than ever. Getting to train with you in the gym, you pushed my cardio to another level. The transformation that you made has inspired me in my own career. You're fucking serious on that. You inspired me. I feel like I'm coming back a better version. You can watch all the tape you want on me from my past, but I'm not that same guy. I'm a different guy than them. Especially with Happy Dud, flowing through my veins, no way I don't get my hand raised on Saturday night and get that Undisputed title.


We were just talking about the transformation. Sallim is going to do 120 days starting tomorrow. Stani was just shitting on me saying I got too cocky.


That was insane.


That was insane.


Good for you. That was sick.


That was sick.


I feel like he should be your inspiration.


But that's wild. No, we did. We did. We hit two workouts and they're fucking crazy, man. The cardio you guys do is fucking… I'm sure that was one quarter of what you usually do probably, but.


No, but what you were doing, man, just in the way you were doing it early in the morning 7:00, 8:00 AM, you were up and then the schedule you have because all the business you do, man, is inspiring to see, man. You inspire me. It took me to another level, so thank you.


When did that switch flip for you? Because I know you were saying before it used to be like super partying and stuff, but when did you switch?


Yeah, I switched right after college. I was like, This is the career I want to go down. If I'm going to commit myself to this and want to be the best in the world, I'm going to have to make some sacrifices. I feel like I had to give up that lifestyle if I wanted to be the best in the world. I promise you, on Saturday night, we'll be drinking Happy Dad all Saturday night.


Hell, yeah.


We recently did Dana. One thing that he said, I want to get your take on this is that the problem that we're having, you're very patriotic in America is that everyone is so afraid to be proud to be American. I don't know if you saw that clip.


I didn't see.


That clip yet. But do you have a take on that?


Yeah, I do have a take on that. You have guys like LeBron James, he's sitting down for our national anthem. What a spineless coward. What a disgrace to our country. You made a billion dollars in this country, bro. This is the country that gave you everything. You want to freaking sit down for the national anthem? For the four founders and people that and fought for that flag so you could have the freedom and opportunity you have today. Lebron is a joke. He should go to China. That's where he pays all these girls in these sweatshop, pennies on the dollar to make his millions in merchandise. He should go to China. Why is he in America still if he's sitting down for our.


National anthem? Does he actually do that? He sits?


Yeah. I think he sat.




Other day.


That's fucked up. Was it at the USC game?


-it was at one game. -i didn't.


Know what game. -one of the games that he's playing.


I think it was at his son's game.


I think it was then.


It was one game I saw circulating the internet. -that's fucking ballsy. -dude, that's disrespect.


I feel like that was more of a trend like three years ago, though. I feel like people aren't really doing that now, right? Yeah. That was one of the whole kneeling or like, right?


Yeah, that was when kneeling was going around.




He have a reason for sitting down? I just or he just didn't respect?


I don't know. Just didn't respect him, man. He's like eating some food and sitting down, not even paying attention, not even caring for the country they gave him everything. A billion dollars, dude. Go try and make a billion dollars anywhere else in the world. It would never happen. It would only happen in America.


Yeah, there's no fucking project.


Yeah, we need to get that shit back, though. I saw randomly ESPN posted that, and I'm blanking on the fighter's name, but some fighter called you out and 10,000 fans commented their country's flag.


On your post. I think it was Robot. I don't.


Know how to pronounce it. Did you notice that or not?


I noticed that, but that was bots. That wasn't real fans. That was just some bots that he bought and it was Manager Bot.


Oh, I tell you think it is.


Oh, I don't think. I know it was bots. Oh, okay. Yeah, for sure. It was a Bot Farm. You know how the BotFarm is out there? It's not real organic followers commenting.


On that. I don't know too much about the whole Bot thing. My shit's all organic.


Me too. Is it still?


Huh? Is it still? Probably Bot it is Yeah.


Low key.


Chicks don't know.


That, though. As long as you're getting the chicks to believe it, that's all that matters.


Yeah. He's on this card too, right? The guy you said? I don't know how.


To say him.


Yeah, shit rat. No.


Bro, I think you have the best shit talk 100 % right now in the USC by far. I mean, everyone says McGregor is the best, too, but dude, you got to be a fucking very tied for first or close second of all time.


I appreciate that, man.


Dude, we might as well- This guy is fucking hilarious, bro. You're my favorite to watch in the press conferences, interviews. It's so fucking funny, bro.


Okay, we might as well get into this now. Ian Geary took his wife's last name. How do you feel about that?


Wait, is that a real thing, though? I think so, man. It's a.




Thing. Wait, so his- He's a.


Certified cuck.


I think it's Ian and then her last name and then his last name. Yeah.


Ian, 22. And her last name.


So her.


Name goes first. Her ex-husband, he still lives- Still lives at the house. -athouse. It can't be true. It's true, bro.


The ex-husband lives.


With him. And is his nutritionist.


No. Yeah. That's cook.


He's a cuck. Wait, so it's your ex-husband.


Guys, jerking off in all the meals and shit.


Wait, her ex-husband is a nutritionist?


Ian Gary 22, bro. That's what we should call him. That's crazy, bro.


It sounds too fake. Do you think?


And she's like twice his age. The whole dynamic is fuck.


Okay, has he responded to that at all? What's his defense?


He turned off his comments. That's how he responded. He got fucking sensitive up in his field.


I'd be sensitive too, bro. How do you do that? Okay, what about your wife? You're the chick you're going to marry. She is worth 500 mil, says we'll get married, no pre-nup, but you have to take my last name.


Dude, that'd be like stepping in shit. You're not going to wipe the shit off your shoes. Get that shit out of there.


I don't see any scenario with that could ever be a possibility.


Damn, I don't know. I really want to see his… I feel like he's going to get fucking ripped tomorrow, right?


Oh, for sure he's.


Going to get ripped. Are you going to go in on him?


Oh, I'm saving all my good stuff. I'm not going to talk to you or anything. Wow. Just wait for the press conference tomorrow.


How do you prepare your chips? Or is it all off the rip?


Dude, it's all organic, off the rip. Just facts. I just hit people with truth and people get mad that I state the truth. Yeah. That's it. I take the skeletons out of their closet and I bring it to the light.




Not afraid to go down that path that people don't want to go down.


You just went on the media day and said, Fuck LeBron, right? I just saw.


That right now. Yeah, he's a bitch. Just like that Houston coach said, I agree with that guy. Houston or what?


Oh, he made you, Doca. I see. I thought that game. He said, You guys got to stop acting like bitches. I coach said it to LeBron. Yeah. And then he was like, Yo, don't use that word so loosely or something.


Like that. Yeah. He's like, You don't know where I'm from.


Yeah, he was coming at him and stuff.


Lebron is the softest guy on the planet. He's got the most fake fouls in NBA history.


Why do you think that he acts like that? Why do you think he sits for the anthem and stuff? You think just because he's getting all his money from China and stuff?


I think.


It's part of China's PIIOP shit.


I think so, yeah. I think that's a big reason. That's where all his money comes from. And he's a patent bot guy by China. That's where NBA makes all their money. That's why they were doing the kneeling in the first place and doing all the BLM stuff.


Dude, that makes no sense. I'm from fucking Canada. And even when I came here, America is a fucking great country, man. If you want to achieve your dreams, too, you could do anything you want here, bro. If you're making excuses, you're just a fucking loser.


What about the Canada did the troops thing? Is that real? The tampon thing?


Is that real? Yeah, Canada is just fucked up right now, bro. It's sad. I mean, it's not the same as when I grew up. It's just totally different now. Post-covid, especially, too. And then Trudeau is just like a fucking… He's probably a Chinese puppet, too. But yeah, I saw that the government or the military is now supplying male soldiers with tampons. What? Like transgender. They're paying for the tampons for the Canadian military soldiers.


Dude, how are people not proud to be an American, bro? They're seeing shit like that.


I mean, no offense, America might.


Probably do that. No, we're not doing that. Colby, we can't.


Allow that. We can't allow that. We have the strongest military unit in the entire world. Everybody fears American military. There's no way that's going to infiltrate our military. But we do need to end the wokeness. This shit's getting out of hand, man. The shit they're trying to teach in these schools and indoctrinate these kids growing up is disgusting. They're raising betas. They're not raising alphas anymore.


How did you get so into politics and stuff? Were you always just passionate about it?


No, I didn't get until 2016 when when Trump first started running. I always respected him as a businessman. I watched all his shows and just love the way he did business. And he achieved the American dream. That's everything I wanted. I wanted to be everything he was. I got in when he got in. They said he had no chance. The fake news said Hillary was a shoe-in winner, and they tried to lie to us. I saw the truth that Trump was saying. I've just been the biggest fan of him ever since. I'm not really into politics. I'm just the biggest Trump fan, and I care about everything he does for our country. He puts America first.


How was golfing with him.


I didn't get to golf with him, but we had lunch over at Trump Palm Beach, and we got to hang out. I saw him hit a few shots, but I'm not good enough to play with him on the golf course yet. That guy shoots like even par. He's nasty on the.


Golf course. I went out and played nine with him once with a few other guys, and I was fucking nervous as fuck. I mean, he's good. He's really good. He's very good. Yeah, and everyone asks if he cheats and shit. I'm like, No, he's just really good, bro. I was.


So nervous. What's his attitude out there? Is he calm and composed?


Yeah, I mean, he's pretty chill, drives the cart right up and lean and shit. But it's jokes.


He's dope.


He's really good at putting.


He's pretty good at pudding, chipping, hits the ball straight down the fairway.


So what's your prediction for this fight? What do you think?


My prediction is I'm going to bring out the dog and me. I'm going to bring out the quitter and Leon. He's a quitter. He's showing those quitter signs.


How do you call him Leon Scott? I remember you said that at one time. I didn't understand that one.


More people know Leon Scott in the UK than they know Leon Edwards, his or his hands. He's low IQ and the guy literally mumbles every time he talks. I'd really like to know what is his grade level education. I don't think he went through middle school. I'd love to know it.


Do you think he's a tougher fight than Oizman?


No, this is a way easier fight than Oizman. When I fought Oizman, he was at his peak. He was at his prime. That was the number one pound-for-pound fighter on Earth. I thought I beat him. I thought I won the fight. A lot of the fans thought I won the fight. This is a lot easier fight. Oizman was a lot more well-rounded than Leon. Leon's one-dimensional. He likes to just set up his little leg kicks, his high kick, and that's it. But we'll see what happens when he's got raw America, steel, and twisted sex appeal in his face for 25 minutes straight. What the fuck?


He did look pretty sharp in his last fight with Oizman, though, Leon.


But did you see all the clips online of the cheating he did? He was grabbing the fence four times, hitting the nuts, grabbing the gloves, poking the eyes. Literally, there was a compolitation on Twitter the other day on X of all the cheating that he did in that fight. He probably had seven or eight fouls. It was literally egregious.




You don't think Leon is in his prime right now?


Yeah, he's in his prime, but Prime Leon is not the same as Prime Ouzman, and Prime Leon still doesn't have enough. It doesn't matter what he's done, how much take down defense he's practiced for. He's not going to be able to stop what I'm going to do to him.


Dude, it's going to be so… I think when you win this fight, I think it's just going to be there's so much big fights out there for you too. I saw Islam say that he wants to move up to Walter White. How would you feel about a fight like that? That would be a fucking super fight.


Yeah, that'd be a great fight. It'd be a fight that his daddy could be never wanted to do. He talked about it. He said he was going to come to 170 all these times, but they never actually walked the talk. I know Islam is out there talking, but is he going to walk the walk or is he just going to talk the talk? Because it's a great fight. It's a Rocky 4 storyline. Rocky versus Drago. It's America versus Russia. Usa wrestling versus Sombo. I think it could be the biggest fight of the highest magnitude, but is this I'm going to make it? Because I'm not going to 55. He's going to have to come to Walth away.


What do you think is the biggest difference between Daegasani wrestling and American wrestling that you're so confident in?


The Daegasani wrestling, the way they wrestle, they really wrestle really upright and they don't really scramble because they don't wrestle folk style wrestling, and that's what the American NCA Division 1 wrestling is. He doesn't understand scrambling and going to the mat and how to control people like that. He just understands the basic free style wrestling that they wrestle in the Olympics. It's just a different level. I know I can take him to a place that he's never been. I did train the first guy that ever knocked him out, Adriana Martens, and it was another South Paw. I know it could be the same guy to do the same thing to him.


Does he walk around with more weight than you?


For sure, yeah. He's like-That's crazy.


I think Islam walks around with 190 at max, probably, right? Yeah. Probably 195, close to 200.


Yeah, and I'm like 183. I mean, I'm not cutting any weight.


Why don't you cut weight?


I don't want to cut those chromosomes off my body. I don't want to have to kill myself. I don't want to be a weight boy. I want to fight in my natural weight and prove that I'm the best in the world. If you're the best in the world, you shouldn't have to cut all that weight. I feel like it's cheating. It's legal cheating, being able to cut that much weight and have that type of advantage in the fight. I don't want to do it. I'll show people that I'm the best at my weight without cutting.


What other super fights do you see when you win this fight?


Yeah, I see the Islam fight. I see the Sean Strickland fight. He's been talking and running his mouth.


Saying- What's going on with that? Yeah, I wonder.


I couldn't imagine that. What's the back of the press conference?


I'd be fucked.


You're a Stricklin? I'd be fucked.


I'd walk circles around and that guy's dumber than a box of rocks. That guy's so dumb.


What's up with the talking.


Between you and him? I think he's funny, too. We had him on the pod, too. He's definitely not the smartest guy, but he's funny. But I think he's so popular because he's such a... He's an idiot. But he's funny.


I don't know. I just think he's just plain dumb saying women should only be in the kitchen. I'd like to see him say that to my friend, Candace Owens. I think Candace Owens would walk circles around and make him look like a little kid that should be in the kitchen. So shout out to Candace Owens. But Sean's an idiot, man. He literally couldn't cut it in my division, so he had to run from 170 to 85. Everybody knows is the premier division of the USC. So once you go north past 170, the fights get easy. The fights aren't as athletic and the guys are slower and they're more one-dimensional. So, of course, he couldn't cut it in my weight division. He went up to a pussy weight division.


Stricklin went at you a lot too, right?


Yeah. Yeah, he.


Caught you a wheezy. It was friendly.


It was friendly? No, he was- Better not be talking to my boy, Stani like that. Thank you, bro. He said.


He wanted to smash your head. Yeah, he said he.


Wanted to take my face and smash in the corner. Did he say he wanted to take my face and smash in the corner? Did he say he wanted to kill him or something? Dude, I just got off the plane. I was tired. I was looking to press him back in that situation. Yeah, for.


Sure, bro. You feel me? Yeah. Come on, dude. You got.


Bigger fish to fry. Yeah. I have other shit I got to attend. He's going to… Who knows?


What's he doing with this worthless life? He still lives in a fucking trailer park.


It's a.


Fucking trailer trash.


I don't know. But he would kill me.


No, but I mean, he wouldn't just beat my ass. He'd go for murder. I wanted to fade that one.




For sure. You got to pick your.


Fights, right? Yeah. You got too many Mommasitas that impressed in South Beach. Exactly.


He said he wanted to kill you.


Is that what he said? Well, dude, if I do my 120-day transformation post-transformation, I might have handled it differently.


That's true. Yeah.


Can't go in there with a gut after a long night and be confident.


Long night of party and no sleeping. Yeah. That wouldn't be good.


No. We'll revisit that one.


A lot of people were saying the New York thing didn't happen because of John Jones. He didn't want you on the same stage as him. Was there any truth to that?


There was truth to that. He didn't want to share a car with me. He didn't want me to be on that pay-per-view spectacle because he knew what was going to happen at the press conference. He knows the type of show and entertainment that I bring. And he didn't want his skeletons of his past and all that dark secrets in his closet being revealed. Who knows better than the guy that lived with him for two years. I wrestled. I shared a bunk with him. I asked him for the bottom bunk. That's fucking nuts.


So what school was that?


That was... Iowa Central Community College.


Wow. How did you guys originally meet? Just on the wrestling team?


Just on the wrestling team, yeah. We both got recruited there. He had to go the JC route, Junior College, because he failed grades. I decided to go to JC because I didn't want to go right into D1. I wanted to have a development or a couple of years and then go to Division 1 after that. We met both on the wrestling team.


How long were you guys sharing a room together?


We shared a room together for almost two years, a year and a half, five semesters before he failed out, started doing steroids and drugs.


Was he a good roommate?


No, he was a terrible roommate. He always left clothes around the house and dirty dishes. He would always tell me to do the dishes. I'm like, Bro, I'm not doing your fucking dishes, dude.


Seems like the guy when he shits, he stains the porcelain even if he flushes. He still sticks to the that type of guy. That's like gambles. I hate people that do that.


Wait, so I honestly don't even know. When did that falling out there happen?


Yeah, it happened out when he started shooting testosterone. I tore him up because he wanted to go to heavyweight. He just started his emotions started. He couldn't keep them in check and he just started freaking out. I just realized how bad of a person he is. Look at his history. Hitting a pregnant lady to stop light, hitting his wife in the hotel and leaving her bleeding, having to go to a Las Vegas jail, a countless steroid tests. He's failed drugs, this, that. The guy's literally the poster tile for being the biggest fuck-up in the USC history.


God damn.


I've always actually wanted to ask this. What would be your favorite fight you ever had in the USC?


Favorite fight I ever had?


Yeah, the person you ever faced, a fun fight. Because I know Camara, Oizman said when you guys fought the first time in the fifth round, you guys had this back and forth of like, We're going to strike. Fun fights. What's your favorite fun fight that you ever had?


I would definitely say the fights with Oizman were my funnest fights. He was ranked as the number one pound-for-pound fighter on Earth. So they go out there and show that I was better than him and beat him in those fights. Maybe I didn't get the judges decision and maybe I got screwed by a ref in the first fight. It was a Las Vegas screw job with Mark Nato-Gaudard. He's anti-Brexel, so he hates Trump, so he hates everything I stand for. He called so many bad fouls against me. I kicked Oizman the liver. He knew he was going to quit. He called a nut shot. He got a five-minute time-out. I mean, he poked me in the eye. Just the countless cheating and that. But that's why it's called the Las Vegas screw job. Then going on to the second fight in Madison Square Garden, I beat him. Then every fan in Madison Square Garden told me on the way out that I beat him. He knew deep down inside that I was a better man than him. Maybe we're going to see each other in the future for a trilogy. You think.


That happens?


I think it's a possibility. With how close those fights were and our last fight at Madison Square Garden is the fourth highest gate in Madison Square Garden history, our names will always be etched there. I think there's definitely a potential of that fight happening in the future again.


Is that one that you'd really like to to run back?


I would like to run that fight back. I've improved a lot over the years. I feel like he's slowing down. No discredit to what he's done in the sport. He's done some great things. But I'd like to fight him again. I think it's a great rivalry that needs to be re-ashed.


Like, Damn, that'd be crazy. A lot of people are talking about the two years you had off. How do you think that that's going to affect you for the fight?


A lot of the people that are talking about those things have never been in a fistfight, so they know nothing about what those two years off did. I think those two years off were some of the most crucial years in my life because it made me dig deep and decide what I really want in my life. I didn't have to come back, but the hunger is still inside me bigger than ever. I've improved my craft tremendously in that time. I've taken the time to really focus on little small weaknesses that I had in my game. Even though I'm a perfect, complete fighter and well-rounded, I found little areas in my game where I could get better. No matter what you've watched and tapes from my past fights, Saturday to night, you're going to see a completely different version of myself.


Would you ever go up to middle eight?


I would, but I want to make Welt away division great again. By doing that, I got to clear out all the contenders in Welt away first. I have unfinished business here. Anybody that wants to fight me, they're going to have to come to my weight class and fight me. There's one thing that Colby, Chaos, Covington wants, and that's the undisputed title. Colby, Covington gets what Colby, Covington wants.


How do you see yourself winning the fight? Finish?


Yeah, I could see myself finishing him. I could see a submission or a knockout. Everybody's talking, wrestle, wrestle, wrestle. I could take him down at Will. I know I can. He doesn't know the things that I learned when I was a kid. Just some of the muscle memory that I have in my body, you can't teach that or train that. It's a lifetime of work. Thirty-five years of blood, sweat, and tears in the wrestling room and achieving that American dream. So Saturday night, he's in for a rude awaken. He could say whatever he wants, but there's a reason he didn't want this fight in the first place. Saturday night, he's going to find out why.


I'm so fucking hyped. What do you think of... Do you think McGregor ever comes back in fights? And what do you think of the whole USada thing that went down?


Yeah, that was very shady by USada. I think that was a fucked up move for them to do that. They're never supposed to reveal anything that goes on. They're supposed to be quiet about all that stuff. They violated HIPAA. I think the USC should sue them, and they should take them for everything they have. That was very fucked up. I don't know if Connor comes back. I see now he wants to be the Prime Minister of Ireland. I think he would be a great politician for them. Who knows better to fight for their people than a fighting world champion in Connor McGregor? I think Connor would do great things as the President or prime minister of Ireland. Who knows if we ever see him back? That's up to him.


Fuck, I know they found blow in the White House. They're definitely going to find it in the Irish Parliament.


You don't think he fights Chanler at 300?


The Bidens are going out there for a meeting right away when he gets in the office.


No, honestly, I don't think he fights again. What's his motivation level? He's made a lot of money. What's the point to come back and fight a guy like Mike Chanler and give him that platform? He just keeps delaying. He's not all in anymore. He's all out. He had his great run. He's made a history in this sport, but I think he's done as a fighter.


If he does come back, I feel like he's going to fight at Walter White, though, right?


I think so. He looks pretty big.


He's not going to fight at 1:55, right?




That fight was already supposed to be at 170, right?


Yeah, they were going to do that fight at 170. I think if he comes back, he's going to fight at 175. He's not going to want to cut all that weight to 55. If he comes back, he's probably going to want the biggest and best fight the U. F. C. Can offer him. And that's not going to be a guy like Mike Chanler. That guy is just a nobody.


You think he's trying to push for a title shot too soon? Is that why he's probably not coming back so fast? I think so, yeah. I would think that would be the reason for delaying it is maybe having one fight, which he probably doesn't really want to do. He wants to have the biggest and best fights. But I would think that would be the reason. Would you.


Guys think so? I think he'll be back to U. F. C. 300.


You think so?


I think so.


It would have to be announced.


I don't know. I have no inside info.


It has to be announced now.


No, they haven't announced.


That yet. I know. I'm just saying U. S. 300 is a huge card to like...


Yeah. I mean, that would be the time he'd come back pretty soon, right?


Yeah, you would think. But you never know how his health is or what his motivation level is. But he keeps showing clips in him training. I mean, it seems that he's coming back, but he could just be keeping fans lingering around so he can sell his whiskey and sell all his other sponsorship stuff to keep them hyped.


How is your relationship with the USC evolved over the years? Because I know at the beginning you were going at the USC and now you've become more like you praise the USC, say what a good company it is and stuff. How's that relationship evolved over the years?


It's evolved immensely over the years. I'm very thankful for the U. S. Giving me everything they've given me. I wouldn't be anything. I came from nothing in Oregon. I was a blue-collar kid in a blue-collar family with nothing, and now I'm a multimillionaire. That's all thanks to them. They've completely changed my life. I didn't understand. In the beginning, I was a little upset. I feel like I got unjustly stripped of my title that I had at the time. I had to get a serious surgery, and they knew that. The doctor even said it was one of the most serious sinus surgeries they'd ever seen in the history of sinus surgery. I thought I got unjustly stripped only on four weeks notice. I was upset at the time. I was lashing out, but I was a lot younger then and I wasn't mature and I was just immature. I shouldn't have went about my business that way. I should have been a lot more thankful to Dana and Hunter and the whole team at the USC for what they provided, the platform, the money, everything. I'm very thankful for the company. Now, today, I'm a company man.


I'll do whatever they want me to do. I love this company and I will retire and be a USC fighter for life. What do you.


Think of all these other companies, Pomp it up now? I saw the PFL. They just acquired Bellator. You think PFL has any chance with ever competing with the USC?


No, no one's ever going to compete with the USC. That's like saying, Oh, if someone starts a football league, are they going to be able to compete with the NFL? Their platform is too big. It's silly. Dana White's the best promoter in all sports. He doesn't put a muzzle on us. He gives us freedom to express whatever we want to express. All these other owners in the NFL and NBA, they put a muzzle on you and they say, Hey, you can only believe this woke fucking crap and you take it as shit and you say it's Flaming Yon. So it's not right.


That is crazy how the USC just doesn't give a fuck about what's said. I know, NHL, they can't say shit. Nba is a little better than the NFL.


Nfl is the worst.




By far.


Really? Yeah.


Oh, yeah. Nfl's got to be the worst.


By far. But that's why their ratings are plummeting. No one wants to watch that shit anymore. If you're disrespecting our flag, there's a lot of people that fought and died for that flag. There's a lot of families in America that have lost soldiers and that fought for their freedom. These guys could go on TV and make these millions of dollars. They play a fucking kids game like LeBron. You put a basketball on a who? Big deal. Little kids do that shit. It's a joke.


It's so funny. Yeah, Kobe's got to run into LeBron one day. That'd be fucking. What happened.


If you see him in person?


You think he sees all the shit you say?


Oh, yeah. He said something about me one time in the past. He was like, Oh, that guy wouldn't say it if you saw me face to face. Then I saw him in the design district after he paid Miami two years ago, and I was going to walk up to him and all was secure. Please, Kobe, please don't say anything to LeBron. Please, please. It was right outside Swan. He was walking through the design district and I was about to say something to him. They were like, Please. I was like, I'm going to give him this pass. But I promise you, next time I see him, I'm going to give him the biggest wedge he's ever had.


What the fuck?


You all -Nerd.


-the greatest clip of all time, bro.


What would you say to LeBron? I mean, face to face, if you were to came up to him.


I would say you're a fucking communist piece of shit. You hate this country and this country gave you everything and you're just a fucking piece of shit. You don't even have your own voice. You just let all these talking points from the swamp tell you what to say. Yeah.


All right, well, Fight Week episode, Colby Covington. Honestly, I'm so pumped for this whole week. If you're watching this, the press conference was yesterday, but I'm pumped for the press conference. We'll be at the way in the first fucking couple rows.


I appreciate that. I'm pretty sure you'd rather have Trump give you the belt than us.


That's a tough choice. As long as you guys are in the octagon right next to you- Maybe we do it with him. -then you'll make my dream come true.


Stani put.


In the belt on.


It'd be my dream come true. That might not be good for you, though. Trump's probably a better look.


Trump will put the belt on me, and then I'll give the belt to you, and you could put it on Trump.


Done. How about that? What's your plan after the fight when you win?


Definitely coming to plan on joining you guys and having a nice post-fight celebration. Hell, yeah.


No, I appreciate you, bro. Honestly, as a fan of the sport too, now that you're part of team Happy Dad, it's fucking dream come true. And just everything you do when you bring it to what you do this week for the fans, the entertainment, it's fucking 10 out of 10, bro. I'm pumped up for.


The phone.


We're in free. Yeah, let's go, bro. Hold the chaos coming to.


You, baby. Let's go, man. Thank you, Cillink. Thank you, Cillink.