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All right, boys. It's fight week here in Miami. We got our boy Sugar fighting this week. He's about to pull up for the pod right now. Before we get into it, you guys got to download Prizepicks. Try it out for the fight this weekend. Honestly, I love using prizepicks when I'm watching UFC fights. It makes the fight so much more entertaining to watch. And boys, I've tried so many different apps for firing on sports. Prizepicks is by far the best and easiest to use. Instead of choosing teams, you're choosing individual players. So for the fight this weekend, go in. There's a bunch of different options, and you're either going to go more or less on those options. Put a couple of pics together, stack them up. And also, boys, look at the pics and comment. Give me some good pics because I might go with the fans pick this weekend. I've done this in the past. I really don't know which way I'm going to go on certain pics this weekend. So please go to Prizepicks, check it out, and then comment your pics. I might even give a little bonus to someone if I use their pick.


Also, boys, we got you guys on a code here, Codenelk. That's going to get you a 100% deposit bonus. So if you put in a hundred bucks, you're going to get a hundred bucks They match it with code NO. That code's for you, boys. Take advantage of it. Big fight, weekend. I'm fired the hell up. Download the Prizepicks app. Let's go.


What's up, fellows? It's incredible. How are you? Good? How's your brother? Are you good? Great. My mom Hello. Hello. How are you?


She's like, Is this handsome guy coming here today? Thank you. That is beautiful..


That's badass. A little balcony action?


Yeah. Got one balcony kill somewhere. One?


No lie. Jesus. Oh, God.


I know you can't really look over.


It's like, Yeah. Just look at me. Tell me take a look. This place is crazy, bro. Did we use binoculars? Just check to pull out.


Got a pair of binocs. We're shooting a Nelk video this week, too. It's a 40-year-old virgin.


I saw you guys post that. You guys got some?


Yeah. We got him here, too. We'll get you guys to meet him after.


Oh, shit. Let's go.


Dude, if Bob's going to be on a few episodes, you got to watch how much you hang out with him.


Oh, I know. It brings me down with him, bro. It's really bad.


What are you doing? What's going on?


Holy shit. Look at that guy. How are you doing? You look good.


Thank you. I appreciate it. A little bit of a late night last night. What's going on? All right, bud. What's up, boys? The champ is here. What's up, man? What's up, man? Salim? Sorry to do you like that on the golf course.


What the hell, Bob? Why you look so well-rested?


I slept last night. You're drinking?


Yeah. Oh, my God, dude.Oh, man.Bad influence, bro.


What? You guys are doing that bodybuilding thing.


What did you guys do last night?I.


Didn't do anything.Yeah, you did.I did not grow at all.I.


Think the duo is like, is the duo fully back together now?


I mean, after the golf course performance, you guys.


You guys didn't win. We tied.


But it's like a sugar fight somebody, right? Who'd you take the belt from?




Okay, so if Aljo fought him.That's.


Not how it works. That's not how it works.


He has the belt.


Did you win money or no?


No, but we have nothing. So we We're the returning champions. No.


We were up 25K.


We gave you double or nothing because you guys win. It was a nine-hole match. We established it. You guys win. You're like, Double or nothing. We didn't even have to give that to you. We gave you the opportunity to win your money back. You squared it up. We left even.


That's called the tie, bro. There's no editing around an 18th hole chipping.


The people are going to see the video. They're going to see the video, bro.


So best of three. It's tied one-one, technically.




We But not necessarily.


That's not how it was set up in the first place.


Yeah. But we were the last ones to win. Okay. So that means we have the belt. If they want to smoke, you can come talk to my agents.


You guys went out all night after... You guys tied a golf match and you went out all night. Stayed up till 07:00 AM. I woke up at 08:00 AM and I It was a post one hour ago from you two.


Not from him. Not from me, bro.


And Bob's Instagram story was like, tick, tick, tick, tick, It felt like we just won the Bell.


It was stupid. I know.


I've seen your guys' stories, bro. That was ridiculous. Is that a flute?


What do you got going on?


No, it's just a wand. You want to tell people why you're dressed up like that? Yes.


So me and Bob made a deal. He's back on the pod. You have six episodes to get Harry Potter. Yeah. I don't believe you're going to get him.


What's that dude's real name?


Daniel Radcliffe. That's the big problem, though, because I don't think that he likes me calling him Harry Potter all the time.


Until he gets Daniel Radcliffe, he has to wear the Harry Potter costume. Wow.


Every single episode. Where does he live? You know that? You dial that in at least?


No, not yet.


I'm thinking he lives in England.


Yeah, but it's episode 6. I'm going to get him. I'm going to go out of the bang.


There's zero % chance you get him.


No, this is a high chance. He's hard to get.


It's not like what happens if he does get him?


If he does get him, that was the deal.


But if he does get him, what happens? He gets more.


We need to He's a man of his word. Be quiet.


Let me have a listen. That's putting the stakes pretty high, don't you think? What? That's setting the bar pretty pretty high.


Yeah, I guess. I don't know.


Are you excited for your fight? No.


Yeah, I am, baby. Miami. We're in Miami.


You already beat Cheeto once, right? Yeah. Knock him out. Cheeto. I like Cheeto. He's a good guy. He's a solid dude, though.


What was your last fight in Miami?


I never fought Miami. Fought 10 times in Vegas, fought in Abu Dhabi, fought in Boston. Now we're in Miami.


Damn. How does it feel? This is like home turf for you.


People would argue it's Cheeto's home turf, Latin America culture, those guys around here. It won't be like Boston, where it's like, you, Aljo. I think it'll be a little bit more fifty-fifty.


You should have been fighting on UFC 300. That car sucks. They need to that up.


I know. I mean, this card is arguably better than 300. Yeah. I think it is.


I'll take it.


300 is pure. Well, I guess a lot of shit with that probably fell They said they offered Leon Edwards three different opponents.


But even still, I'm like, I was expecting Connor Habib, Connor Azlan.


They obviously tried Connor.


I thought it'd be Elon Musk versus Zuckerberg.


See, I don't think... I mean, the buildup for that would be sweet, but them actually standing in the octagon together would be so I guess it'd be on paper.


Everybody would watch that shit.


Do you think Connor's even going to come back?


It seems like he wants to.


I don't think he's coming back.


I think he probably just wants a massive bag or to do what N'Gonu did or some shit. I wonder. He's probably getting offers for boxing fights that are huge.


I think it's probably contract stuff where it's just like, he's only got a couple more fights on his contract. He wants to make sure-He's going to fight more. That he's going to resign, and maybe he's not going to resign. So they don't really want to risk losing him because the brand... You know what I'm saying? I think it's deeper.


Do you think it's Chandler's next? It seems like he's been waiting, bro. It's like he's wasting his UFC.


It sounds like, probably, I would guess they fight this year. I don't know.


The Chandler fight doesn't fire me up too much.


He's a beast, though. I think they come together I'm just being honest.


He's never not given you a fight.


All his fights have been exciting.


I think once it rolled around, it'd be fucking exciting. But I get what you're saying.


I just like to see McGregor go against another big trash talker.


Chandler's tough. He's got a chin, man.


You've always said that if him and Islam were to fight, even though stylistically, Islam probably would win. But that'd be sick. That would be sick. I'm off for the buildup, press conference.


Yeah, the buildup.


I accidentally had mushrooms The other night. Really? Yeah, that's why I stayed up on it. How did you accidentally do that? Because I said, No, you bring me to some shady ass poker game, by the way.


You've been telling me- That's not shady.


I don't know. I don't want to give away too much of your money.


That's a whole other story, bro. I don't even know if we can get in.


How do you accidentally I didn't eat the mushrooms, though?


Because it was a piece of chocolate. He gave it to me. I actually thought it was regular chocolate. I ate the whole thing. And I was geeking out the whole night. He definitely knew it was mushrooms. Kyle, I'm not trying to be funny. I didn't know it was mushrooms.


Did it cure your anxiety?


No. Everyone else there had anxiety because he's pacing around the table. Dude, I multiple. Everyone's trying to have a good time, and he's just circling.


You're just three miles. Just spiraling down. Yeah.


I didn't know you can't really sleep on those things.


Yeah. I was up all night, geeking out, seeing laser beams.


It was awful.


I wish you could put a VR headset on and just go into his brain while he's on mushrooms or just in general.


No, you don't want to see that, bro.


Did you start seeing shit?


Did you take that much? Yeah, no, it was actually really... It almost got bad.


Did you start seeing raccoons on trees and shit?


No, it was a lot of lasers.


What was your opinion on the Strickland Sneako spar?


I don't know Sneako too much. I heard he talk shit and he pushes buttons, so maybe it was deserving. But if you're a professional fighter and someone's going to get in there with you. I thought you...


You think it's stupid for Sneako to go in with Sean Strickland and assume he's going to be okay? Yeah.


Sean Strickland is not all there. You can't. But also, I think it was messed up that he put it on him like that. He was trying to hurt him bad.


I know. I don't know how Sneako stayed standing up.


He took it like a fucking gangster.


He couldn't drop him, which was actually pretty impressive.


That's crazy. You're inviting Garcia? Did you see it? He was on drugs. Something happened. He might have to invite Garcia to the after-party.


Holy shit. He said he'll be at the fight. It was funny. Ariel was like, You know Sean, I was fighting, dude. Oh, no, I didn't know that. And then Ariel was like, Are you going to be there? He's like, Yeah. This guy's smart. He said he wanted to get in the octagon after. But I've even seen him. He seemed like he was legit.


Yeah, he looks like more tired and stuff, too.


Well, he's been admitting that he's been drinking and smoking, right?


Leading up to the fight? Well, no. He said, I want to-So he doesn't do cocaine. Yeah, he said, I don't do cocaine. I've drank and I smoke, but I don't do cocaine. And then he goes, Yeah.


No one's going to admit they do cocaine.




How the fuck do you stay up all night, man?


I don't. That's what you do. That's what you do. That's what you do. My sleep schedule has been great lately.


Has it really? Yeah. Give me an average, just a week. One to two, then one to two. What time you go to bed?


He needs to download your app. There's no average. He monitors his sleep and it tells him how many hours-I would think you're across.


When you're a lizard, you don't sleep.


That's it. Damn, Harry. You're crazy.


I look at you across the country for how many times you post in the middle of the night. Really? It's crazy. It's crazy. When I wake up, that's the whole story.


That's not actually me.


With the Garcia shit, though. That's got to be somewhat of a good thing, right? That build-up. Yeah, I think so.


For me, as a fan, it's entertaining. And a UFC, he was saying he could fight me in the MMA and UFC. That probably will never happen, realistically, if we ever thought it would be in a boxing ring. To where he definitely has the advantage of boxing his whole life. I just said I believe I could knock him out.


You would box him?


Yeah, 100 %.


Why do you think it could never happen in the UFC?


I don't know if they could sell that.


I feel like it would sell. No, I feel like it's hard to- Would they be able to pay him.


That would be his excuse. I want 500... He would just want a crazy, outrageous number. But he would say, I'd fight him, but I just need to get paid this much. That's why he's out. But it's just not competitive. It's two different sports. Yeah, of course.


You destroy him there.


You could argue the same for me going to boxing, but I've been knocking people the fuck out with this right-hand.


Yeah, but he would kick the shit out of you in boxing. That's for sure.


I don't know if it's like, kick the shit.


You watch yourself, bro. Seriously. My bad.


I don't know about kick the shit. I don't know about kick the shit. I don't think it'll be great.


I don't think it'll be great. I think it'll be great.


Ken what?


You can't kick him boxing. How are you going to allow this guy who's dressed as Harry Potter?


He's dressed as Harry Potter.


I'm not doing a thing.


I always just say things how they are. You mean he'd punch Did you box the shit out of me?


In with the UFC style, you would destroy him. Boxing, he would destroy you.


I don't think a boxing would be a destroy. Get off this, you're going to strike two. What are you talking about?


I'm not one of the best strikers in the world. I'm not one of the best strikers in the world. I was his right-hand so many times. How many people have he wrest?


He's One of the best strikers in the world.


That is true. You are one of the best in the world. Good job.


Yeah, he is. So I don't see why it would be a lent.


You just like to say that shit. But do you think that'd be your biggest payday?


Fighting Ryan in a box tonight? Yeah, probably.


He claimed when he was doing his press conference that he made 100 mil already. Yeah.


I don't know. He's also, I made 100 million. I can put Sean up. He's saying a lot of shit.


He was over the house the other day, him and Tiger and that girl Bobby.


Did he take a lot of bathroom breaks or no?


No, he definitely wasn't doing it. But he was in Super Bowl weekend, so he was a little bit zinged. Yeah. But he was definitely... I think Ryan's always had his battle with the demons.


I know. It's like then fighting Mute just make his little depression a lot worse.


Maybe it would make it all go away.


I mean, it would for a couple of minutes while he's sleeping, but he would wake back up.


So you think Devan Hanei will win?


I've never... Honest to God, not a stab at Devan Hanei. I've never watched him fight. I've watched Ryan fight Jervante. I don't watch boxing.


I really don't. I think Devan is a massive favorite.


Yeah. I don't know. No, It's hard for me to get into boxing. Francis Nganya is fighting this weekend, though.


Damn, I didn't even know. What day?


Is it on Saturday? Friday. He's fighting Anthony Joshua, which, again, I'm not super familiar with him, but I watched Francis versus Ferry, competitive.


What do you think of how he He's still leaving the UFC in his last minute.


I was one of the guys saying, I don't think it's smart. It depends what's his goal. His goal to be a UFC champ. You don't want to leave this UFC. His goal seemed like to make money and put his foot down and made a fat bag, making another one. So I just love the UFC and want to be in the UFC forever. So it's hard for me to say what he did was wrong or right.


Does Dana still underpay his fighters?


I don't think so. I've It's always been good. It's a good question. People ask that all the time. I'm definitely not complaining.Thank you. Thank you, Sean.


Did our research today. Yeah.


I'm not complaining. I feel grateful for what I'm making to be able to perform, have a platform to be able to fight in front of millions of people.


Would you have a number that you get every time now?


This is my first time getting pay-per-view points. Okay, cool. That's interesting. So buy the pay-per-view, don't stream it. You'll get it before it sells out. I'll buy the pay-per-view.It's pay-per-view. Pay-per-view for the champ. Yeah, it'll sell out, too. So you got to make sure you order that slim soon.


There's a lot of pirate sites out there that people can just rip it from. Yeah. Which you don't want. No. So what?


What else comes with being the champ before the fight?


Or business-wise, when you become the champ? I feel like I was doing pretty big brand deals before I was the champ. I was making a good amount of money before I was the champ. Now, I'm making way more money, counting that pay-per-view, too. Brand deals are fucking great. Everything's good. But I was the champ of the division before I was the champ. So I was living like that before. I was driving a Lambo before I was even in the top 15. I had five, six houses before Before I was in the top 10. So I was living like that to where some people don't make shit. And then they're the champ. Now their life's different because they made some money. Now they got shit. I feel like I've been living that a little bit. They just got famous when they became the champ.


But I think you probably have the biggest presence outside of the ring, in social media, probably, out of any fighter.


Yeah. I've been working on that for years. You stream your Snapchat.




Yeah. I've been working on that for years.


You do everything, bro. A little bit.


How impressed were you with Umar last week?


Umar? I didn't watch that. But see, that's potentially a big fight someday. He gets two or three fights. He wins two or three more fights. I'm still where I'm at. That's a big fight someday.


You think he'd be first before Marab? No.


I think Marab could be potentially next. There's a good chance Marab is next.


That weight division is a little weak, though, isn't it? You're not going to move-That's actually a step.


What? That's actually a step.


He says no whenever. Everyone says the complete opposite.


I'm going to say you're going to move weight divisions ever. What would make you move weight divisions?


Elia, Telapia. They just knocked out Volkanovski. I would take that fight, but I don't think that fight is next. That would be a fight. That would be a great fight. But I don't think that fight is next. In Spain, that's something. I want to go out there and knock out Marab if he's next. Elia goes out there, does his thing, and I think that fight's huge.


Yeah. Because that's when you know you're elite, when you go and you can go to another weight like John Joe.


Do you ever see yourself being comfortable enough to move weight classes, to feather weight?


I just asked that question, Salim.


He didn't necessarily ask me.


I would move up and fight Elia, but I would go back down to Bantam Way. For me to move up officially to 145, I would probably take six months off, lift, put on weight, eat, weigh that.


So you have to go up? Yeah.


Where do you walk around normally?


58. 158. And those guys are walking around like 170. So I'd want to put on some weight. But then today, it's like, it doesn't really matter who weighs more when they're eating this right-hand.


What was your prediction before that Elea fight? Did you think that he was going to win?


Dude, I had a weird feeling, and I kept saying it. And I was saying it more so to manifest me fighting him someday. But I'm like, being Volkina Lais is going to be hard. He was very confident. Very confident. Yeah. Very dangerous. Confident is very dangerous.


He took his belt off the press. That was crazy.


Oh, yeah. Are you still in an open relationship?


Yeah. I learned to not talk about that on podcast. You're not used to, though. We talked about it.


Yeah, they love to clip that up when you talk about that shit.


You're not taught how to be famous. So you just say shit, blah, blah, blah. But yeah, I was completely... Danny's like, Hey, I just don't even want to... Don't even bring that up.


It makes a lot of sense.


Sorry. I always thought it was interesting, though. I always thought relationships were interesting and stuff. So I was always open about it, but it had affected people. I don't really bring it up anymore.


They got mad.


I went on aIt was a rant yesterday. On what? Fresh and Fit.


Stop talking about that. I don't know what I did.


So that episode, Fresh and Fit. Why did you guys go on that?


Dude, I watched that.


It doesn't matter. Stop talking about it.


He went on it and beg me to come save him. I went on there and he was fucking-Was there Hot Chicks on there or no?


There was one.


There was one right next to you. I was watching that.


Did you try to Great. I'll tell you because they go around the room and they're like, so...


I didn't know what this thing was.


I had no idea. You should probably look into that before you go on a live show like that. Oh, was he doing it live?




I know. I got a text from Bob. I woke up to it this morning. He's like, Is Fresh and Fit good? Or something.


And then I looked and you went on it.


You ask after. I had no idea. And I went in there and it was just... They're very disrespectful to women. I mean, I obviously... My view on women.


But the chicks You might have to do some damage control.


Have you been laying the pipe down a little bit better? I know last time we talked. Still Missionary?


No, it's still...


Just getting a little better. You ever use a little toy in the bedroom for her?


Are you doing secure?


No, no toys.


You got to do that, buddy.


Just stick a wand.


Just put on a split a little bit. Or wand then.


There's this thing, my buddy... Actually, I can't get into that story. You think your buddy? No, no, no. I'll save that one for later in the episode. I'll talk about it. Let me just process the story and be able to tell it right. A lot of moving parts. Yeah, they're very disrespectful women on that show.


It's unfortunate.


You went off on the girl that said, I want my man to make bare minimum a million a month. A million a month?


You were just like, You did me.


She was the hottest one, too.


You were saying we're not a firefighter or cop or something.


No, we actually roaster this.


Do you think she actually believes that? No, I think so.


A million a month, she said it.


Basically, we're asking materialistic things in life, how important they are and whatnot.


You're like a million a month in lawyer fees, too, right now. Yeah.


I'm like, Honey, you're talking to the wrong guy.


Keep moving. That's why those chips get roaster because they go on there and try and say shit? Did they try to get clipped up? Yeah.


Did she know you're making about a million a month? Did she know that you were making a route?


I'd actually already given that girl, Van Cleef. As crazy as that is. She was on a livestream before. That was the check we gave. Was that the Halloween? The livestream. Oh, really? Yeah.


Damn. She's hot.


She's hot.


She's hot. She's also definitely texted her after and tried to have her come over.


You were trying to do it during the show. You were like, What are you doing after this?


Hey, shoot her. I had to. The amount of chicks here, hot chicks here is fucking insane. We went to some random grocery store and there was four chicks that were just dimes. It's so dangerous.


Yeah, but they're not real humans.


I couldn't live here.


Their accents, dude. Would you ever date a chick that made more money than you?


I'm looking for a woman that made more money.


Yeah, I wouldn't care about that. I feel like Yeah, I definitely wouldn't care about that. Would you?


No, I think it would be cool. I like girls that make their own money. I think it's dope. More than...


We need a kindergarten teacher. That's a good girl because she ain't going to go out and blow people, I don't think.


You got a girl or?


No, no girl.


No, no girl. I see you with a new one here every once in a while, though.


No, I've been on a run. I've been on a run.


What happened with the girl you brought here?






I think we've still been pumping, but since leaving Full Send, just the The quantity has still been the same, but the quality has been more... Like, Steiny has you beat now, bro, with Chicks.


Buddy, you don't understand this. This is the thing with you guys. You guys do your little Snapchats and all your little things. I keep my shit low-key.


You do not keep your shit low-key at all. You're the most high key guy here.


I have one little story post for him. That's it, all right?


You posted four times at 3:00 AM last night, bro.


Steiny, you got a girl or no?




Damn. So you haven't been smashing?Of course not.No..


Who's a girl?


Yeah, let's not go into that one. No, let's go into that one. No, because she's going to watch this shit. That's okay.


She's cute. She's nice. You were playing poker.


It's just nice to have you. It makes you more calm in life.


Oh, yeah. Peace over peace. That's my motto right now.


Yeah, that's what I've been looking for.


And I realized it limits because the first day I moved to Vegas, and I met a hooker. I didn't realize she was a hooker. The first thing happens. Literally. She was in the bar, and it wasn't your custom because I'm from Boston. So the classy people. And so I sit down, I meet this girl. I take her out to dinner. I I hang out with her. We go out. We have a good time. We spend four hours together. This is the dude? No, this is not... What are you talking about, dude? Bro, that girl was not... That girl was hot. You're an idiot. Okay, go ahead. You give me shit for that. She did have a couple of-How did you know after you fucked her?


She was like,.


No, she propositioned me at dinner and all that. I went upstairs to the room like, damn, all right. And then all of a sudden, she's like, 2,000 for a blowjob, 4,000 for me. I'm like, really? I'm like, Bitch, get the fuck out of here. And then when the door shut, I definitely text her back. I was like, Can we do a thousand?


That was it.


I tried to get the price You've been playing poker?


Like text Holdem or what?


Plo. What's that? Problem at Omaha.


You get four cards instead of two. Yeah.


But it's the same time, like the three Texas Hold'em-ish?




For fun. No money You haven't been playing for Chedder?


No, it's for Chedder.


And you've been losing or winning for the most part?


Back and forth.


Bob, are you good at chess?


Am I good at chess?




You do shit like that? I feel like you couldn't sit out long. Against Kyle, yes. Really? Normal game, no.


No, not at all. I think he has you checkmated, You're dressed as Harry Potter right now.


This is voluntary.


How did you feel after the Dana pod when you went home? What was your...


I used to get all flustered over people talking shit and all that stuff. I don't really give a fuck.


That was like a fucking murder scene.




That pot, he just destroyed you. It was crazy.


Yeah, it's because he was on his first period that day, probably. Dana will run his mouth all he wants.


Who would win in a fight, you or Dana? Honestly? Yeah, honestly.


If I fought Dana- Dana is in good shape.


Street fight.


Dana would fuck him. Let me tell you this, how it would go. All That guy would be on his back so fast. He has no idea. Really? I would take his little head and that's snapping, too.


Yeah, I can see that. What?


I don't think so. If I fought Dana- He can box. That's I see 300. We just didn't tell anybody.


What would be the walk out?


I would come out in a lion. You should do something like that. Do they allow cool shit like that?


I'll try to come out in a lion.


That would be the coolest entrance ever.


If you rode a lion. I think it's dangerous.


We asked him to that. He said he can walk out with his team. Or with your team. You can't have a rapper walk out with you.


None of that. It's crazy, though. That pod did go crazy. People just love drama.


Well, it's because I'll be honest with you. I know because I do it every night. I literally do still FaceTime Dana, 17,000 times a day. And I know how to rattle him pretty good. I know how to get under his skin. And for some reason, I don't know why. I'm like, a nice guy. He does get a little bit worked up with me. He does. Like, really worked up. He's inner anger.


He sees potential. He just says...


Yeah. Well, he's seeing the potential.


How's your guys' relationship right now? Dana? Yeah.


I feel like it's good. I feel like he doesn't... I'm his fighter, so it's not like we... It's not like you guys were your boys. I'm his fighter. He keeps it at that for the most part, but we have a good relationship.


They're like butt buddies. All these guys are. With Melk and them, Dana, Kyle, and all them. They all... We're just friends, bro. They all bang each other when nobody's looking at the lights.


So you're living in Vegas now or no?


I'm living in Las Vegas. Yeah. How's that? You got to It's weird, though. I zap more when I'm not in Vegas than I am in Vegas. Really? Yeah.


Do you live in the city or out a little bit?


Do you want my exact location? From everybody?


You're on the strip.


I'm on the strip, which is dangerous.


Really? That's dangerous.


Because there's two ways to go about Vegas. You live in that area like Summerland, which is far, far away. Or you can not be a and live right in the heart of it all. Intent yourself every night.


I know you boys having babies anytime soon, huh? Not yet, bro. No? You got to meet the right one first before you can start plopping out babies. Steiny's always asking. We're in the 30s. 30s? That's good. Steiny's always asking me if he thinks he should get us Baby mama. Yeah. I think you should.


Might add structure in life. I feel like give you something to fight for.


That's why I always have one girl by your side, though, because it reduces risk. I'm learning this because the past month, I obviously have gone on a free for all, and you just realize any of these people can just switch on you at any time. Dude, yeah. Girls are shit up and do whatever. That's why always when I leave the room, I always have a camera rolling. And I'm always like, I was very nice to you. I treated like a gentleman, right? And then I was just like, Yeah, of course. It's all I need. That's funny.


I can see you're doing it.Saleem rips that, too, no? What? You ripped that, too, no? A video. Of a girl? Or a voice thing or some shit.


Oh, yeah. I just try to make sure. He gets proof, too. I always have to because you just never know.


You just never know. As you get bigger and bigger, do you have more pressure to act more professional and shit?


Not really. I don't feel like I do. I feel like that's what's so cool about the UFC. I can say pretty much whatever I want for the most part. Nfl, NBA, those guys got to be really tight, careful with what they say.


When you guys are like Strickland, too, it's like...


Yeah, dude's a nutcase. But the thing about Strickland is that he's not getting brand deals. He's not making money. You know what I mean? So I got to be aware of that to where I align myself with the right brands, but also, I don't want to say anything too bad.


After the Boston fight, was there anyone surprisingly big that hit you up after you won? You were like, holy shit.


It was sick. Drake comment on your shit.


I remember that. Yeah, Drake. We got the same birthday. Yeah? Yeah, so that was cool. After the party at 11:00 this weekend, Saturday, Sunday morning. Win or lose? Yeah, Yeah. Yeah, it wouldn't lose. Russ is performing. Russ gets a lot of hate. I love Russ. I've loved Russ for five, six years. But Russ is performing. That's super cool for me. That's what's funny.


He's in Boston. Yeah, we didn't even really-It was done.


Party. Yeah.


It was 3 AM. Everything was closed.


Yeah, that was a weird one. That was a real weird one.


Everything closes in the East Coast besides Miami. Here, it's different.


3 AM is just getting cooking.


Even in Abu Dhabi, we went out in Dubai. That was fun as fuck.


That was the next night. No, that was the next day. Yeah, the next day. But we still celebrated. That was so much fun, bro. That was actually really fun.


Who's on bird duty for 11? I feel like Steiny's got some-I have some chips. Steiny's got some dimes.


Steiny can't get in anywhere in Miami.


Dude, I can, bro.


Where's your watch? He tried to be the man and try to get us into these places. He couldn't get in anywhere.


You just walk up and you're like, Who the fuck are you or what?


So what happened is we go to this place, it's like a slam. They're like, it's going to be five minutes. And I was like, Okay, cool. And he had a panic attack and was walking around.Incorrect. Where's our food table?


No.stani goes, Hey, by the way, Stani is like, This is my city, Miami. I got you. So he's like, I'm going to make a call. Can we go to Komodo, whatever? Not even that many people there. We're waiting for 25 minutes. I'm starving. He's talking all this shit. They were going to roll off the red carpet for him.Well, it was just you two.None of that happened.


And his girl.So.


You got a girl?No, I don't have a girl.


Well, the girl that he flew out. And then we went. We go to another place and Will Smith and Messi are there. Using Irland Miles.


And he's like, You guys saw Messi?


Yeah. He was sitting at the table next to us.I.


Just made sure that, obviously.I was like, Yo, that's Messy.


That's pretty cool. And then-Metory is here.


Metory is here. So it makes me messy. You know what would be f.


You would be sweet is if all you guys went on Love is Blind. And that show is so crazy.


I love that show. I'm actually glad you brought that up. What is that?


These people sit in a pod and they talk to each other. It's like, say, 10:00 to 10:00. They talk to each other for however long, and they fall in love in 10 days, and then they get married and shit. But it's so weird because they'll be legit crying.


We've been talking about you doing- Hold on.


He didn't really... Let me explain it a little bit. Yeah, please do. You don't get to see them for the first two weeks. So you only get to talk to them. And then you pick based off not seeing them. And this guy picked this chick that's brutal. And the other chick is a smoxet. He fucked up.


He fucked up.


Dude, we got to do this.


We've been talking about doing an actual real bachelor for Steiny.


That would be cool.


I would do it. Obviously, it'd be pretty cool.


Yeah, damn. You'd be slan.


I think we should do that next time.


It's so hard because are these girls trying to win or do they really love Big Steiny?


I don't care.


I think you'll get some... No, I think you might actually find love from it. If we do it seriously.


Yeah, that's weird. I mean, those guys go on the pod, and they talk for five minutes. They're like, Man, I really feel like there's a connection between us.It's so cringy.What?


Would I do that?


No, the show, Love is Blind. It's so hard to watch. Yeah, dude.


You definitely got to see them. You definitely You got to see them. Oh, yeah. You got to...


I couldn't do that.


I don't understand the connection.


You haven't seen them. Are you allowed to feel them?


No. I mean, that's not blind.


No, but they can tell you what they look like. Wait, so this check was...


They're just like, Yeah, I do like you. You're good.


You're out. This check, it's so popping because this check claimed she looked like Megan Fox. So he immediately chose her, and she looks nothing like her. So then he's like,.


Was that the white guy? Or I guess there were a couple of guys. Is that the... Because I just fast forwarded through it just to see it progress faster. Yeah, that's what I do, too. So the guy that picked her, is that the original guy? Jimmy or whatever his name was?


Yeah, he's funny.


Because I've seen they went on a date and they were hanging out and doing this stuff. So when did he say, no?


Well, then they bring everybody together, so he gets to see what he missed out on. That's right.


And then he's like, oh, shit. Tim loves that shit. He's a fucking reality show goat.


Why don't you do something like that? Why don't you start a reality show with-We're going to do The Bachelor. Nice.


I'd love to have you cover that.


I'd love to be a part of that. That's That's when I would do a charity.


You get all the second.


We just have six whores.


We'll do a post and be like, Hey, Steiny's looking for love. Submit here. Submit your headshot, your info, and then we'll do it. We'll rent a big crib here.


That'd be incredible.


Then you got to fly somewhere for the finale.


Ten day, like a ten day. Yeah, like a or some shit.


Northern Syria. Honey Moon Night or whatever. You got to get a little bit of a shred.


You got to get a little bit of a shred.


I'm actually in good shape.


All right, let's see your stomach.


Who's laughing?


Pull up your shirt.


No, no, no. Like, sit down.


It's not bad. Natural.




That's the biggest problem. Have you been dialing?


Can I tell you what the problem is with this stupid physique challenge? It's not an even playing field.


Why? Because you're white?


Well, no, because everyone... I mean, Salim's not...


I'm fine, bro.


Salim's in good shape, but me and him are the... It's not an even playing field. Why? Because you're white? Well, no, because everyone... I mean, Salim's not... I'm fine, bro. I'm not... Salim's in good shape, but me and him are the... It's only natural. It's like anything goes in this competition. Oh my God. No, I'm just saying, would you feel comfortable? No, I'm not. The UFC was like, Hey, dude. Yes, he is. The guy you're fighting can take steroids. You have to compete against him, but he can take steroids. Is that fair?


Physically, But there might be some other shit involved, and I just don't think that's an even playing field.


I'm still competing.


Let's do the drug test.


Let's do the drug test. Kyle, go take a piss in the back.


Are you claiming steroids or other things?


There's other shit out there now.


So not steroids.


I'm just saying there's other shit out there, and it's like, why do I have to compete? How am I supposed to win?


Why don't you do it?


Because I don't know, the whole steroids, I feel like once you do it, you have to do it forever.


I don't think they're steroids.


They're all doing steroids.


Is it peptides?


Bro, I'm all natural. I don't know anything about Look at it. You look all natural.


Yeah, we know you're all natural.


We can tell.


Yeah. Your chin's hanging a little lower. Jokes.


Well, his angle's bad though.


Yeah, no, that's kidding.


That is true. I noticed that the last thing, you do start to get the double chin. That's when it sucks. The double chin is not a good look.


No, that's not a good look for anybody.


You got a little double chin. You got to start doing neck exercises.


Neck exercises? What's up, guys? It's Sugar Sean O'Malley. After I fight, after I knock someone out, I drink a low-carbonated I'm happy dad. I forgot the lines already. What's up, guys? My name is Sugar Sean O'Malley. The only thing that gets me hard is a Happy Dad hard seltzer. Come on, champ. I'm a bad damn superstar. What am I doing here? Read my mind, man. Make sure you can see me watch in there.




What was my line? Moving on. Drinking skinny cans is for losers. That's why I drink hard seltzer. Happy dad. Let's get the ladies in here. I'm sick of doing this by myself. Happy mom. The perfect seltzer for hot single moms. Or not moms, just ladies that don't have kids.


Happy dad.


Perfect drink to make love all night long to your husband or to the guy you just met holding a bell. Got it, Johnny. We got to stick the lines, all right? Take five. Take five. Action. Ladies, look at this.


It's so big. Can I touch it?


You sure can.


Cut. We got to get her out here. Did you fuck her on the first time?


Oh, God, see, that's tricky. It's tricky.


If you do-I don't think it's always bad if you fuck her on the first night.


I don't think it's always bad, but it's somewhat of a red flag for sure.


It does because you're like-It's definitely a red flag if you fuck her on the first night.


I don't know if it's fully a red flag.


It's up there.


It depends.


It's a problem. If you bang them on the first night, it's always in your head.


Then how many nights?


It's way better when they make you work for it a few times.


Second day is way better than first, I'd say. Second, yeah.


I agree with that.


I've been trying to fuck this girl for three months.


You ever hate when a dust chick tries to make you wait, though? I know.




You know when you're with a duck. Because chicks do know. They know if they fuck you on the first night. If they're smart, they know it's like, I'm not going to fuck them on the first night because you're just going to look at me like that. But sometimes you get a dust chick and they try to pull that off.


Oh, it's like, You're not happy.


Yeah, not even that worthy of like-What are you doing?


What What are you doing? You got to commend them for it, but like- Girls have to understand this.


The first night's okay. If you're thinking somebody, okay, it's okay. You're thinking too much, that's it. You're allowed to fuck them.


I think if you get right to it on the first night, then that's a problem. But if it's a slow build and it just happens to happen, then you could-But it's tricky.


It's situational-based. If you're at the club or if you go on a date, a dinner date, it's different, right?


If you're on a date and you bang right away, then it's-What are the odds she's a hoe if she fucks you on the first date?


The chances are higher. And do you want to date a hoe? That's the question.


I wouldn't want to.


No. Yeah.


So you want to wait. You want her to make you work for her. It depends.


Yeah. Generally speaking. Yeah. Then, yeah, that's-What What else is a...


You have any big red flags?


What about blowing your trainer?.


What about Somebody in your apartment.


Is that bad, sugar? What? What about...


If your girl's faking one of your buddies, that's probably not a good thing. It's probably not a good sign. Yeah, that's all.


Oh, yeah, definitely.


The check that vapes yourself.


Yeah, vaping's a turn off.


It's a huge turn off. I agree.


Oh, vaping out. Cigarettes, vaping out. You don't fuking on your vaping. I know, but I'm a dude, and I'm like, I got issues.


Another red flag. Yeah, vaping. What else?


But you can't really tell.


I know. She's always looking for a vape charger and shit.


Yeah, shit's annoying.


You can't tell, though, until you've heard somebody really put them.


How about you, Stani, any red flags?


Yeah, vaping. That's a good one. I like that. People went to talk about it in the bio on their IG when they have five different countries that they visited.


Yeah, you see countries.


It's like-In their highlights? Yeah, that's a red flag.


It's a different story highlight to different countries. What about some bio ones? What's something that you've seen a girl like that?


When they live in Miami and they're a realtor, that's. You've been still in one I'm not thinking about.


What else? Onlyfans, girls, but it's probably red flag.


You can ever date an OnlyFans, girl. That's just off the table.


I think a girl that goes out a lot.


I'm not thinking about it.


I think if a girl goes out a lot, that's a bit nice.


A couple of times a year.


If it's not somewhere, it's like, oh, shit, it's Friday. Now we have to drink. You know what I mean?


The red flag. Yeah.


I think you could date a check that as an OnlyFans. Really? Yeah, you just don't wipe them because then they have some money.


Girls that name game dropping.


Game dropping, yeah, too.


That's a big red flag.


That's the big one.


But when they say it subtly to where you could hear it in a way, when they're with their girls or whatever, I've had that situation happen.


Yeah, we've had that happen. Oh, Judd's here.


Well, you guys You got any big plans after I wrap the fight?


I told you what we're doing this week, right? So Steiny knows we're doing for our next Nelk video. Oh, shit. We've done our virgin series before, but now we're trying to do the impossible. We have a 40-year-old virgin.


That's incredible.


With a dog.


You want to explain how you know him?


Yeah, I just recorded a studio. Bob, you know him, too. And there's this editor that works there.Legit.


Virgin.oh, that's a good one. That'll be good.And.


He's just like very quiet.


Never had penetration.


His name's Dave.Oh, yeah.


Really nice dude.How.


For sure do you know? Like, he actually has it.


No, You walk into his apartment and there's a domer fish tank. He has a pet goldfish.


Okay, yeah.


We'll probably ask him in a blog.


Dude, you don't have to ask him.


You just see it on.


I feel like a pet goldfish at 40 is not-How's his fashion? Not very good. No. You're going to give him a little makeover and shit?


Yeah. Well, we're going to bring him out Saturday.


I think at 11, if he's next to you and shit, you're boys with him, it's going to- Why are you taking him at all? He increases his chances.


I'm just readjusting.


That'll be crazy if he gets late Saturday.


But I think Steiny's saying, just because he's in Miami, he's like, Dude, we're going to get him late and shit. But I personally think at 40, if you're a 40-year-old virgin, it's not like a 25-year-old virgin. 25, you might have just not got your chance yet. 40, it's like, KO. There's something else going on. You're either gay or you're-Micropenis.


That's a real thing.


No. Some guys have trouble getting it done.


He might honestly get nervous.


But, Bob, at 40, that means it's like-That means you got no hope.


When he gets He's probably can wheel, but when he's actually about to hit, he'd probably fold, right?


Do you have any strategy tips?


I would think that's probably it.


If not, then that's not crazy. I was thinking because when you're on a dry-What if he just has a monster? You know when you're on a dry streak, you got to take down, like we said, when you're on a dry streak, sometimes you just got to take down a dust check. I appreciate a 10. To get the ball. Should we feed him a hooker just to...


I'm telling you, bro, when there's a hot girl and then there's an okay friend and the hot friend is like, All right, I'm going to fuck sugar. You got to fuck his friend. That happens. That's happened with me and you, probably. A lot.


Yeah, you got to be...


You take your straps, I'll take down the hotte.


I think in the club, that'll be the best way.


We'll see the vibes.


Wait, you took one for him?


This is no way. Hey, he's taking a few for me. Some bombs? Yeah.


I took him bombs for you? Yeah, you're my guy. No, I'll take the hot chick. We can cut that out. We can just cut it out. And then fuck the chick that you wanted to fuck, too. I think that's happened.


It's on a fire, though, too.


Who's the nastiest girl? You don't have to say the name, but just can you describe her that you've ever fucked.


Just how much did she weigh?


I mean, bad.


I can't even say, bro.


Probably like, Gabe You lowkey owe me one. Workout. When?


You owe me for New York. I'll tell you later, but that was the worst, man. I can't believe I did that.


You owe me one?


No, no, no. When you go walk me?


What? In New York, in my hotel?


When did I go walk you? Remember?


You were like, All right, let's get out of here and shit.


I didn't go walk you. I never did that. I don't do that shit. I don't do any of that shit.


Oh, wait, no, no. We had two chics in our room, and they were both down. And you were calling them like, Bitches and shit. I never said that.


No, I didn't. I swear to God, I didn't call them.


That was the night you called the girl. You told her she looked like a heroin addict, too. It was that same day.


You were like, Oh, yeah, that's right.


No, I shouldn't have said that. That was fucked up. But like, no, not the... I never did the No, I never said bitches to them. I never called them bitch. Maybe I was probably referring like, Oh, let's get some bitches to them. You know, in that way. No, I didn't cop, but you owe me one. I'll tell you about New York. I'll tell you about New York later.


No, you tell us about it now.


You know it. I don't. No, you're like, Yo, charity.


Oh, shit.


Oh, yeah. You owe me.


Change your subjects.


You said charity work. Yeah, yeah.


You owe me. I've been feeling dialing in more. So you've been on a good routine now to where it's more of a life It's a lifestyle rather than a challenge. Is that how you feel?


It's all the traveling.


Dude, that really is. Traveling is funny.


We just went to Canada for a week.


That looked fun. We had what?


Five bar nights?


Jesus. That launch was insane. I'll give you guys credit.


We did well though, of course. Canada was massive. That looked insane.


You guys, they went crazy. That's your home turf.


March 23rd is going to be Toronto. You guys are free. Jesus.


March 23rd. Let me check my schedule.


That's going to be the hometown launch at Montana. That'll be cool.


No, it's good. The dial life is the best, bro.


Yeah. It feels so much better. When you're just on a streak-What have you noticed most? Just mentally feeling better? Yeah. You just feel happier.Clear-headed.Clear mind.Life's good.


It's all about balance, right? Yeah. If you're on a bendy, it's question and-How did you guys come up?


What was the strategy behind calling your things Happy Dad? And what were the other options?


No, we just wanted to think of a name that could be bigger than Nelk. Originally, it was going to be called Full Sun Seltzer, which would have been the obvious thing. But eventually, obviously, in five years, now we have sugar on board. We don't want it to be about Nelk. Happy Dad is the word of God, and Nelk is just a messenger. We're just one of the people promoting it.


Happy Dad. He's a very smart man. You know that? Yeah.


No, we want to build something way bigger than Nelk. It can't just be Nelk promoting it. So we came up with a bunch of names, and then when we heard Happy Dad, everyone liked the name. And then when we mocked up the logo, we're like, oh, shit, this is it. That's fucking sweet. Walmart just took us in nationwide. 3,500 Walmart.


I already know that. I know.


Shit's booming, bro.


I know. So how many cans have you sold?


I don't even know. I should know that, but I don't.


Wow. So what's the exit strategy?


We'll see. We're in no rush.


Sugar, what's your honest opinion? You watch the show, right?


You watch clips.


What do you think of-I think, in hindsight, you picked up. No, but what do you think of him being a part of it?


Do you enjoy it more? I hate to say Dana White Jr. Over here. Go ahead.


You're fucking delusional. I agreed more so with Dana than anything.


I wonder why. I'm going to be like, Yeah, you sound like an idiot on that part. Oh, do I really? You sound like an idiot.


I'm being serious, bro.


It was great entertainment.


You actually It just sounded like an idiot.


What's a tough position.


But yo, shout out to Bob for coming on and walking into the desert.


I walked into a forest.


You walked into the lion's den.


You did take that well.


Bob walked into the lions den. You knew you were just going to-You got eaten up by hyenas, bro.


It was nuts.


Yeah. I mean, definitely want to call it dad. I disagree. Give him a round of applause.


Honestly, though.


So this is episode one of six. This is one of six.


Yeah. We know how to play the game show.


So are you saying right now, the sixth episode will be Daniel Radcliffe?


We have to start calling him Daniel Radcliffe because that's what I talk to the people about. We can't call him Harry Potter anymore.


So you got to his people's people. And you got to get a-Yeah, he just doesn't-Who did you get to, honestly? Who in his team are you talking to?


Who am I talking to on his team? Yeah. First of all, his gardener, I'm not even joking. Because low key. If you go to Mutual Follows, you go and see... Here's a little tip for everybody is trying to network and make things happen because there's nobody better in the world than me at this. Yeah, of course. You go to Follows. Okay, so who does he follow? Now, you're going to find a lot of people he follow, like maybe Barack Obama, maybe all that. You're not going to be able to get to them. But then you search, and you keep searching, and you find a guy who has 900 followers, right? And you're like, oh, who the fuck is this guy? Oh, it's his landscaper. And you go to fucking Radcliffe's- Does it say Daniel Radcliffe's landscaper?




How did you determine that was him? It just says landscaper, and I'm just like, Well, why does Harry follow him? Must be his favorite landscaper. I thought you were going to click on Harry. And then I just go, Wait for Harry.


I thought you were going to click on Harry.


Did you DM the landscaper? Oh, my God. Did I DM the landscaper? I looked at my hand and dropped so fast. I wanted this. And what did he respond? He was like, I'm a landscaper.


I can't help you.


That was it.


So that's where you're at.


What's the strategy now? How are you going to get him?


The strategy is now we move to phase two.


The Housekeeper.


We must find the Housekeeper.


Who else from Harry Potter would be dope? Hermione would be just as big of a clutch, if not bigger. Yeah, for sure.


The other guy died.


Hagrid. Hagrid died. Rip.


Never I've seen Harry Potter. What about for Draco?


You're missing out. Draco Malfoy?


I've never seen it either. I feel like Draco would be maybe attainable for you. Do you watch Harry Potter? Of course, bro.


Ron Weasley?


I never watched this.


Weasley would be cool.


Weesley would be good.


Honestly, on a serious one, JK Rowling would be great.


That would be great. That just been a late episode.


I can do that. Maybe you could let me substitute.


You could sub JK Rowling.


Maybe I should just make my next all episodes, all Potter characters, all guests.


Let's work on one at a time. All right. Good call.


Neville Longbottom?


Yes. Neville. I remember it was yesterday.


What house is Neville in? He's a Hufflepuff, right?


I think he's.


Oh, he is. So basically, Sean, if you don't get what's going on, we've talked about this before, is when you want to get a job done with a lady, what's your go to? What do you put on the TV? Well, you're a UFC champion, so you probably don't have to do that.


I just don't have sugar highlights.


Do you ever watch your own shit?


Fuck, yeah, maybe. Oh, yeah. I watch my own shit all the time.


You're in a relationship, sorry. It's hard to say.


But I watch sugar highlights all the time, baby.


What would you say was your favorite knockout?


Either the Eddie Wyland. That was the last one. Yeah, that was sweet. But Eddie Wyland or the Thomas Almeida one. Ideally, I hit Cheeto with the Eddie Wyland, where I sleep him, and then the Thomas Almeida, where I land one more.


Is that the one on Ultimate fighter?




The one on Ultimate fighter was for.


Contender Series. Alfred. Contender Series. Yeah, that one was pretty crazy. I've had so many.


That was your- That was your one just so sick as even being there for fight week, how counted out you were.


Yeah, massive underdog.For you to finish him like that.


Seeing him drop like that. I even saw it the other day again. I was just like, damn.


I've watched that fight a hundred times. I get fired up when I'm up against the cage, I hit him with a little fucked something, something, and I get off the cage and you stand up, pump fist. That shit gets me fired up.


You had the happy... That was sick.


That went perfect. It was perfect. It was literally was like a perfect- Does it bother you when all these reporters are coming out saying that you actually have a loss? No, I don't care. I play into it a little bit. It's fun, but...


You have a loss?




They say I do. You have a loss. It's on your card. Really? I think so. What is he, 14 to one?


He's undefeated, bro.


Fucking bomb.


So why do reporters say he's a loss, then?


Can I give him my take on it? Yeah. I think he was personally lost. Yeah.


Because you also thought Peter Yana was going to beat me.


I thought- I know.


I'm sorry. You better not.


I'm sorry. I have it down you, bro. I have to apologize.


Salim just goes with the favorites every time.


That's why. No. Okay. But in a way, doesn't it make sense that since you did fall and he did, right? Like your leg was done, right? Yeah. I mean, the fight, he won the fight, right? The whole point is to win. I mean, to beat him, right? Yeah, technically. But that's my take. I don't know. I'm sorry.


Salim. People's opinions of certain things, it's not like it bothers me. If you said you think I'm going to get knocked out tomorrow or Saturday, I really wouldn't care.


That's true. If I care what you guys thought, that would be a weakness mentally. Didn't you reverse it, though?


We'll reverse it to where it took. The Sugar State Athletic Commission did.


If you're on this weekend, it'll say 17 and one, not 18 and all.


It should say 18 and all.


It should say 18:00.


Oh, not.


That's the-I reversed it.


So you have it. It's going to say 18 and all? Yeah, it should. Oh, that's sick. Yeah. So now you're back.




Do you see where I'm coming from, though? I think a lot of-I really don't want you to think I don't fucking-I understand what happened and how it actually played out in reality.


I'm very aware of what happened. Yeah.


I mean, we weren't in the cage. So yeah, you're right.


So money-wise, when you started off with the contender thing, that's how you got bigger.


Yeah, I think contender, you make five and five. So I was making that. At the time, it's $10,000. Like, holy shit. Because before I was not making anything as an amateur. Then you make 300 as a pro, then 700 as a pro. Now you're fighting on ten years of series, make it five and five. That was crazy amount of money.


How does that getting back in on the pay-per-view, how does that work out? Is that something where you have a little leverage because you want to say, Hey, we need more? Or is it already built in your thing?


It built into your thing. Also, I was able to renegotiate. I would sit down and do my thing.


So who was that negotiation between? Take us by the business side of fighting.


Me and Hunter and Emron, my guy Emron. Down with Hunter and talk numbers and smooth.


So it doesn't go through Dana at all towards the end?


I've personally just dealt with Hunter for the most part. Sean Shelby is the first while. And then Hunter. Hunter is the first man. He is the first man. He's the first man. He's fucked cool as shit. Not a ton of people hear about his name.


But Hunter Campbell is a beast.


Yeah, that guy's a go. Yeah, for real. Yeah, 100 %.


How does it feel, the last two fights, you were like, Underdog. This one, it seems like you're super, super favored.


Yeah, everyone keeps saying it's going to be a super easy fight. This is not a easy fight by any means. Dude has 25 UFC fights, never been dropped, never been subbed, never been knocked out. This is not an easy fight by any means.


That's what I mean. Does it change when you hear that? I know you've been off your phone and shit, too, which we should talk about. But does that noise from people that you're supposed to win, does that affect you at all?


No, not really. Me and him are going to stand in the octagon and fight. That's just as simple as that. I don't overthink shit to where I'm like, Fuck, is that? We're going to get in We're on our Saturday night and fight. Whoever wins, wins. And as simple as that. I definitely try not to overthink anything. But I don't mind being an underdog or a favorite. It's whatever. I like being an underdog for the boys. They can make some chatter. You know what I mean?


I fucking bet Yon and Aljoa.


You bet on me.


You bet on both those fights.


You think that plays in your favor that Cheto starts really slow? Apparently, all the fights that he's been fighting in, he does start pretty much slow, right?


Yeah. Yeah, but that's also dangerous because you get tired beating him up. So it's a balance. I got to go out there and play the game. But with all that said done, I feel like I go out there and knock his ass out. But I'm very aware that it's very tough, very durable. It's hard to finish. Never been finished. So it's not like it's going to be easy.


You see yourself mixing up like wrestling or. Yeah.


Full MMA fight. You got to be smart and see where his weaknesses are and shit, too.


What was the... How did you come up with the decision to not really go on your phone this camp? That's a new thing, right?


Yeah. I deleted Insta and Twitter off my phone. I hired Blake as an assistant, which is also new starting of the year. So it's been so nice. I have a fucking family. So it's so much easier to delete that and just be off that instead of building blocks with Elaina while I'm surfing. Because it'll get you.


When did you decide that?


Probably eight weeks ago, nine weeks. No, probably earlier, closer to the beginning of the year. Because I tried putting the Timer on there, and then you put that type of dance. It doesn't work. I just got to get rid of it, get it off It's been nice, dude. I feel way more clear-headed, but I also haven't been smoking. We dialed in eat and perfect, sleep and perfect. So it's all a mixture of all those things. But I do feel like I'm on my phone way less. My screen time is always down way more. It's been nice.


What is your screen time? Everybody check their screen time. Everybody should go check their screen time.


How do you do that?


I just really want to know what every screen time is. I'm curious. Yours is probably the highest. Is it?


It's weird because-How do you check your app? When you look at app limits-If I just go to the settings and type screen time, then it'll probably pop up. But when you see what you're looking at, I have three hours on YouTube, hour on Snapchat, hour on Messenger, 44 minutes on Discord, 35 minutes on Tetris. But I'll listen to Spotify and it counts that as hours. You listen to Spotify for two hours.


You get that. What have you been listening to lately?


Rogan. The whole time? I listen to Rogan all the time. Phil pod was crazy. Kid Rock pod was fire.


Have you been on the show? Three times. Oh, shit. Like you, I don't use the internet either, so I don't know these things.


Boys, I got to go. It's legit. I got to go, bro.


We can talk about our victory real quick.


You guys talk about some shit.


You guys didn't win, bro.


Nobody does what I did.


I've never seen that many stories on a fucking shared reel in my life. It was ridiculous, dude.


We got only 20 million views.


It got like a mill, bro.


Because first of all, I'm shadow ban. Dude, first of all, I don't allow-It was crazy that you celebrated a tie. Yeah, it was crazy.


That was just ridiculous.


I was just shocked.


People were calling me like, Yo, was it actually a tie?


Tiger woods doesn't do that.


Tiger Woods doesn't do that shit.


I think the hype was just tripping in on 18.


Tiger Woods does do that shit.


He did it well.


He was so hammered that he thought he won. I swear to God, I think you actually thought you won.


No, I just was like, I'm a beast.


I'm one of the best champs, baby. But you know why?


It's because me and Salim, I do consider it somewhat of an L because we were supposed to win.


You guys are heavy favor. No, No, no, no.


We're not our heavy favorites. The first nine, the first nine.


Steiny showed up second nine. That's what happened. I had to warm up.


You showed up. Steiny showed up. He showed up.


Yeah, he made one big put. He showed up.


No, he was hit.


He was hit. He was hit. 15, 16, 17, 18.


I was putting well and chipping well. I wasn't hitting the ball well, though. Kyle, you got that. I wasn't hitting the ball.


There's nothing we could do about a chip and birdie.


Yeah, but you didn't win. Nothing you can do.


That's what we do. There's nothing to do.


But the rematch will come.


The rematch will come. The rematch will come. See him.We wait a few weeks.We want back in on the paper view buy.


Let's see the next time is going to be a whole negotiation.


The third episode is not going to happen for a year.


I know. Bob's going to think it's some huge thing.


Every day you post on FullSend with any guest, any full guest, that you guys put on that FullSend Golf channel. I will ride you till you fall and die on social media and say, Unfortunately, you have not paid the champion.


By the way, we put the video up on TikTok of me asking you to do a playoff, too. And you're like, Oh, yeah, sure. We have all that footage, too.


Yeah, we do, too. Don't worry.


Because actually everyone was down for a playoff.


I had guys in the trees.


You didn't want to do one more hole.


We're good.


Real quick, I got my pink shorts. Fuck that. That's the first time. You're doing that? Yeah, pink and gold, baby. Yeah, it's going to be incredible. You're a photo of it? I posted on my Snapchat and Twitter.


I want to see that. You hear if there's anyone big coming to the fight?


I know Mr. Beast, KSI, Logan, Joey B. Hit me up. Joey B. Joe Burrow is going to be Joe Biden, No, I'm not sure.


Is Biden really going?


Yeah. No. He's a big sugar fan, bro.


Yeah, it should be Friday. Oh, these are sick. Yeah, those are fire, the pink and gold. Holy shit. Yeah. Incredible. Yo, that's awesome. To be fired. You like that video, too? Is it silly or no? Wait, did you watch the video?


He just sent it to me.


Oh, okay.


The video is from Joe. I was trying to look at it on Snap. How's it? These are sick, dude.


Yeah. Damn.


Those are nice. What do you charge for people that want to do shit with you?


Oh, A lot.


Really? Yeah. So what do you sell for the fight when you do sponsorship stuff? I see the video.


I'm pretty much locked. I'm not really doing just short term stuff. I'm trying to do seven-figure long term. Long term, like Happy Dad. Yeah. Real shit. I'm not sure Make sure I take a post for 30,000.


Make sure you trust your partner. He's saying long term shit. Make sure you trust your partner.


I got Emra. I got a good team around me that looked over the contract. Very good.


Make sure you do that, too.


Sign the contract.


Some of us guys are old school. Over here in Hufflepuff.


All right. Boom. We appreciate. We're fucking fired up. Should we shop, baby? Saturday night? Let's go Saturday night. Let's go.


We'll see you on Saturday night, by the. Good luck..