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What's up, gigglers? Gary, fix your WiFi. Manifest that shit. We can't be managed. I mean, the day just got away from me. What's up, my dick-guzzling gigglers?


That's after Easter Sunday. Jesus just rose yesterday.


But April Fool's being today makes me feel like it was a bit. Was Jesus coming back a bit? People didn't realize it was April Fool's, then they kept telling each generation that he really did it.


Hi, Barbies and Kens. This is Louise McSharry from Catch Up with Louise McSharry, and I am here to deliver the great news that the biggest box office release of 2023 has landed on now. As you may know, so many of us went to see Barbie that it became the highest grossing film in Irish box office history. I'm not surprised, to be honest. Greta Gerwig did a spectacular job of bringing the icon to the big screen, not to mention the brilliant performances by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. Personally, I can't wait to watch it again. You can stream Barbie in all its glorious pink perfection with a now cinema membership, which allows you to cancel any time.


When he was like, Guys, it was a joke, obviously.


Or let's think of Mary Magdalene being like, he's gone. He's gone. All of her friends probably being like, Okay, you're being so dramatic now. You got to let it go. He was never going to marry you.


Or the fact that Mary was like, Oh, I got pregnant by God. And it's like, You slept with everyone in the town?


Wait, I saw him the other day and it was like, Imagine if you only knew Jesus professionally? And Seth. It's like this guy to his wife. He was like, Honey, they crucified our carpenter.


He was so good at his job, and he had beautiful hair. Was it Rory Scoville? Oh my God. We're two seconds in. It might have been Sarah Silverman. Oh, fuck. I forget. But they were just talking about, I think it was Rory Scoville on HBO. He was talking about how people making God hot. It's like, so you want to fuck God? Why would you paint him hot? Like a Zaddie? Why is God a Zaddie?


He's literally ripped.


Jesus, too.


Was Jesus hot? Jesus 2024 would 100% be wearing rings. I feel a lot of rings. He'd keep the long hair. He'd throw them into a man bun. Today's Jesus would be different.


He'd be a fuck boy. Jesus is a fuck boy. Jesus was getting people... Well, Jesus, actually, I'm going to be honest, I don't really know what happened. Okay. Some people say JVN looks like Jesus.


Oh, yeah.


Jesus is just JVN.


That one really got you.


He parted the middle part C.


Can I tell you something? I don't go anywhere without my Stanley anymore.


I actually have been drinking from my Stanley, too, but only when my mom's around to make sure it gets clean because that shit cultivates.


Well, here's the other thing. There's all these people being like, You got to wash it every single day. Fuck no. Am I washing it every single day? This is the thing.


I'm not drinking straight up water. I'm putting Mio drinks it. Mio, I'm putting tea in it. I'm putting a newm flavor thing. I'll put every fucking flavor. So then it starts to become- A juice. A juice or a greenhouse.


No, that's lemonade.


It's a greenhouse of bacteria.


And so then- It starts blending.


I mix it.


Yeah, it blends.


I feel like there's two types of people. People who go to Panera and they get their cup. Either you go, I'm a Dr. Pepper girl or I'm a lemonade girl, or the ones that go, I'm going to fuck my shit up right now I'm going to go with vibes. You start putting the lemonade and you go, But I need a little bit of powerade. But what about a little spice?


I feel like there's a moment in your youth where you learn that you could do all of them and no one's going to yell at you.


And that sometimes there's a reason that they're not all together. And that's called diversity and learning and growing.


My favorite was then giving it to someone and being like, Try it and guess what I put in it?


Like, guess what is in there. That's a really fun game. We should do that at parties. I was a little worried about this week because the only notes we had, I wrote, Fuck April Fool, and Pedro, I miss Giggly this week.


I think it Sometimes during my week, something will happen, and I'll be like, Where's my microphone? I want to pod about this. I know. Some weeks are harder than others.


Well, when I feel like the gigglers haven't heard what's going on.


Yeah, we haven't even talked about the girls getting punched in the head.


Let's talk.


It literally rattled me for an entire week. I didn't say anything about it on social media because I- Because you didn't get punched. I didn't get punched in the head. I didn't want to, again, make it about me. But I had so many things. I was, one, enraged, and two, I will die for New York City. But this is the first time in 10 years that I felt scared walking somewhere during the day.


I was a little annoyed with New York City because New Yorkers, especially since 9/11, growing up, you could say whatever you want about them. But when someone needs help, New Yorkers come to the rescue. You ever someone feints on a subway, who's the doctor? The doctor. That's how New Yorkers are. I understand it must have been busy and stuff, but part of me is like, why did no one beat that guy's ass? I do have to say, there were so many funny quality TikToks that the girlies were making. They took their Stanley and they were like, I'm going to beat someone's ass. I do have to say, I woke up and I was not scared. I said, I've been waiting my whole life to have a physical altercation with a man, and I'm ready.


You wish that he would.


I wish you fucking would. When I heard you try me.


I saw so many TikToks of girls giving their subway route to get to them to punch them in the head, not these young 20-year-old girls in the West Village.


Wait, so girls were sacrificing themselves?


Yeah, they were like, Why don't you come here?


She was like, What tribe are you in?


One of the girls was like, Come to Park Slope, Brooklyn. I was like, Oh, my God. Hannah lives there? If you had to pick, if a situation happened, you would say your fight, not flight.


When it comes to a man, I fight. When a girl, I say you're having a hard day, I'm leaving.


I said, You work it out with yourself. I feel like there's got to be a moment of shock first.


Well, I was getting upset because they were gaslighting that girls were like...


No, the New York Times.


The New York fucking Times was like, Girls who are distracted on their phones getting punched. First of all, these girls are working. Something's going on. These girls are social media managers, influencers. They're working. They're doctors working on their phone, responding to emails.


No, the headline was like, Are Women... It didn't say the word hysterical, but it might as well have, Inducing Anxiety on the Internet. It was like, No, men are punching them in the heads.


It's like, Women are It's gossiping about possible men punching them because they're on their phones. It's like, no, women are spreading awareness. Also, the women haven't done shit. The men have gone rogue and are punching women. Then I thought about this even deeper and I said- The New York Times is on my list. They're on my list. By New York Times, we actually mean New York Times. We don't mean TikTok.


No, we mean the literal New York Times for the first time ever. The publication.


Were the men in New York keeping an eye out, though? Okay, if someone's going to punch a girl, I'll defend them. We're happening for sure.


Chris, your hair is giving such a quaff today and such volume.


That's high respect for you. I appreciate that. You're welcome.


I actually made Craig walk me to Amazon the other day. You know what else is so crazy to think about? If the rules were reversed and I walked by a woman punching a guy in the head, I'm like, he definitely did it. What did he do? He definitely did it.


I'll be like, tag me in, tag me in.


I start fucking- And another thing.


Imagine there When there was a woman going around punching men in the city, people would be like- It'd be our Lord and savior.


Someone would be like, Where are Page and Hannah at this exact moment?


Someone would be like, Oh, Page finally snapped. I Does she have a very long finger?


If you hear that men in New York City are getting poked in the eye, it was me and my nails.


Actually, I do have to say I was going through a particular hard time with men, and I was walking around the city with Ashley Hesel time. Who's a tall, very independent, strong woman. I was with her, and it was dark. We were leaving a comedy club, and there were these two really drunk guys behind us, and they were saying stuff to us. We both got a little uncomfortable. I go, Ashley? She's like, What should we do? I was like, I fucking dare them. I fucking dare them. She was like, Who are you right now? I go, Fucking, I will defend you. I said, I want to punch a frat guy in the face for so fucking long. Give me an excuse. Give me a reason. I fucking dare. You know the motherly strength? That's how I felt with Ashley. I was like, If he fucking does one thing, I don't know where the power is going to come, but I'm going to do the... I'm going to stab him in the eye. I'm going to kick him in the balls. I'm going to kick him in the shin.


See, when it comes to physicality, I feel like I get nervous. But when it comes to fighting, if someone's behind a counter, then I can verbally fight.


See, I'm only physical. I do have to say I've never gotten in one altercation in my life. But I like to say it's because I think people are like, She's fucking sturdy, strong. No one in school was fucking with me because they could tell that I...


I've also never been in a physical altercation. I've been hit, but I've never done anything back.


But we both have brothers.


Yeah, and that's like...


But this is the thing. I understand men are stronger. I play dirty. Same. I play dirty. I'll pretend I'm dead. No, I'm- Then I'll slip on them.


I'm slimy. I'm squirrely. I'll get out of there. I'll be like, Oh, that was too much.


And then I'll jump in.


Yeah, I'm a younger sister. I'm literally trained to get out of the most insane maneuvers, yell for my mom and walk away. That's my- Do you know when you just get in a crouch position where they can't really get you, and then they finally leave, and then you jump?


Or you do the fake punch. You fake punch them.


I've never... Okay, you and Daniel had a really intense It's childhood. Gary would just honestly beat me so badly that I couldn't even reach him. There was one time where he beat me so badly. My mom legit thought I had a concussion. He just beat me with a pillow for 20 minutes straight, and I just laid there, and I was like, This is how I go. It was right when The Rock became famous, and guess who knew all the moves?


My brother. My brother is younger than me. I think something happened where he started to go through puberty and he decided he wanted to learn MMA. Okay. Every guy has to go through an MMA face.


It's like if you just told your mom what was bothering you at that age, She probably could have helped. You don't have to get into a cage.


The thing men will do to not go to therapy. No, it's insanity. Actually, a really interesting parenting lesson that my mom did. My brother was 17 years old. He's now like... He's a businessman. He's a businessman. A successful grown adult.


He's a father.


17 years old. He goes, Mom, I want to get a tattoo of Chinese characters on my neck. Okay. That's every mom's nightmare. It's a neck tattoo of a language you don't speak. But instead of being like, No, she goes, You know what? Let's just wait till 18, and we'll talk about it.


I thought she was going to say, You know what? I'll get one, too. Because that would have been a great...


Well, nowadays, they have the ones that fade, which I recommend. But think about that time of his life, that would have been so fucking cool.


You could get a corporate job.


It would have been cool for all three seconds. Chris, did you want one of those, too? Chinese letters on my neck.


Or just a tattoo in general. Kind of, yeah.


I didn't have one picked out.


That's all we're going to say. No matter what he said, I wanted to do that.


Daniel just didn't get it. But yeah, he was doing this Taekwondo shit and MMA and stuff, and he would have me fight him. Show me what he learned in class. But I would grab his hand. He'd be like, No, you have to grab it this way because it was certain moves. I'm like, You're very lost. I'm not grabbing your hand that way.


You're going to be on the subway and be like, Sir, actually, if you could grab the other way, that's how I know my move.


He's like, Can you move your arm across? Because that's how I flip you. But then he learned how to make people... He could knock you out by pressing a certain thing in your neck or something. That's when I was like, Okay, maybe I should be nicer to him.


I feel like in that situation, I legitimately would share from Clueless. If I'm a good outfit. I'm like, Are you fucking kidding? I'm not getting messy for your childish bullshit. But also, I do want to say, in all seriousness, the girls that got punched in the head, I would throw myself in front of a bus for you. If I was there.


We love you so much. It is serious trauma walking outside and being assaulted like that. No, it is scary. It's something they're going to have to- I definitely looked around a lot more in the past couple of days walking.


But I I will say, too, I never walk with headphones on. I've never done that. Which brings me actually to a great segue. I have a question for you. No shade, no hate.


I don't have AirPods. Is that what you're asking?


No, but let's absolutely circle back to that because that's insane.


Continue. That's insane.


When someone says, when a musical artist puts out their art, an album, if you will, when someone says to you, Oh, my God, have you listened to the new So & So album?


What's your answer? Okay, so I've never, ever done this in my life until Ariana Grande because I had a six-hour drive to West Virginia. That was the only time. Everyone who's listened to the Beyoncé album, I want to. Totally. Things come up. And by things, I mean not a lot of things, but like...


And also what am I just putting it on my Spotify? I'm listening.


I'm not cleaning.


No, I'm not going about my day.


That's exactly what happened. I go, I want to listen to it. What can I do while listening to it? I go, I can't watch TV, so I guess I can't listen to it.


Because that's my only thing, too.


I'm not watching TV on mute.


But here's another thing that's also a little bit weird, I think, about me that the average person would also think. I'm not a huge music person in general. I only knew music, one, because I had an older brother, and two, I lived in the suburbs. What was on the radio? I knew. But I never go to Spotify. I never listen to music, I feel like.


What about when you're getting ready?


No, I'm usually on the phone with someone or my mom.


No, you know what? I realized in my therapy that Ice Spice is my therapy. But no, certain music really does help you get out of your own head where when I wake up in the hotel room at 7:00 PM and I have a show at 8:00 6:00 PM, I need a blast rap and it puts me in a new mindset. It is fun to pretend you're in a movie when you're walking and you put something on and you think you're in that scene where it's like, She finally figured out her life.


I feel like that's a form of mental illness.


True, for sure. When you're watching condensation drip out the window and you're just like, And that's life and she knows what's going on now. She doesn't care about her past.


I would say the only time I really listen to a song I don't listen to sad songs.


I think people who listen to sad songs are crazy.


I would say maybe when I'm in the shower, I'll turn on Spotify and put it in my sink. But that's what? Fifteen minutes?


Do you know people who listen to sad song because they want to be sad?


I think that's crazy. I've done that a few times.


But aren't you sad already? Why do you want to be more sad?


Yeah, it's just because the drama. It's like, maybe you'll get it all out.


See, that's worse than having me skipping on the street to a theme song.


But I had a friend a couple of years ago, I would say maybe four years ago now, where he would me to ask me a specific question. There was a reason he was calling me. It wasn't just to shoot the shit. Every so often I'd be like, Are you in the shower? He'd be like, Yeah, this is where I get a lot of my calls done. I would be like, Okay, that's insane. I'm hanging up now.


I do have to say I do a lot when I'm on the toilet.


I now exclusively take shower phone calls. If I know that there's someone that I have to talk to them for a solid 20 minutes or 30 minutes, I'll do it in the shower.


Is it like important calls?


No, not like business. But if I have to tell my mom something and I'm getting ready to go somewhere.


What if you accidentally it gets slippery and you drop your phone?


I have an octobody right on the wall.


Do you do FaceTime?


No, sometimes. It depends on what you're talking to. Well, that definitely depends on who I'm talking to.


This is the thing I want. The shower for me is peace. It's like no one can get to me unless if someone breaks in and that's everyone's.


I'm like, Why don't you do a Zoom in there? Why don't you maximize your day? Are you ever?


Well, you're always alone.


That seemed loaded. It seemed loaded and pointed. Okay, right to me.


How come whenever- Well, You're miserable.


You're a loner. No one likes you, so you'll relate to this.


Whenever I'm alone, which is not often, I always think I'm going to get punch in the shower.


Oh, really?


The shower The shower is where they'll get me. You have a fear. If someone's been hiding in my apartment all day, they're going to come out when I get in the shower.


You're a nighttime shower.


I'm a nighttime shower girl, so it's dark. I will go and make sure my door is locked before getting in the shower.


You know what's something else? Now that I go down to the suburbs or I was just home, and people will always make the argument of, The city's so scary. That's so terrifying. And no one ever does the opposite. Are you The suburbs are one of the scariest places. The crickets? When I'm home alone at Craig's house, I'm like, But no one would hear me scream.


That's the thing. When you're in New York, there's people everywhere. There's police everywhere. Everyone is on call. Yes, some people do get hit every now and then.


If someone broke into my apartment, realistically, it's two feet big. Where are you going to go? I can get out the door. Also, how are they going to escape?


You have to wait for the elevator. No, no. No, no. No, no. You're like, Can you get lobby for me?


The elevators are never working. Certainly not going to work for my murderer.


No, I always get scared that a crazy drunk lumberjack is just going to be running around the suburbs. I'm like, I... Oh, my God. I'm so scared of vast planes. The sounds? I don't know what a plane, but a vast plane. Oh, I hate that. No, that's scary. When you're driving and you're like, If my car went down, we'd get... It's like the Hills of Eyes. Have you seen the Hills of Eyes?


No, but I can surmise. It's scary.


The Hills of Eyes actually was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. It's a movie where I guess there was some chernobyl shit that happened. There were creatures living in the hills that had some fucked up eyes.


They were just like creatures. Suburban moms who had bodies. Because that's a really scary species.


Also, when you watch all these murder things, most of them are in the suburbs.


No, 90% of them. My biggest worry right now is that my neighbors know I smoke weed because they can smell it. When I walk out my apartment, I'm like, prove it. You know, bitch? Prove it's coming from this unit. But I know that if someone was killing me inside my apartment and I ran out there, they'd be able to help me.


Someone would hear.


Someone would hear.


I mean, Jeffrey Donner did kill a lot of people in his apartment in Milwaukee, and no one knew for a while. But they got him eventually.


Right. And the Silver Line. Anyway, speaking of Airpods. Wait. Yeah, let's circle back.


Okay, so I don't know what's wrong with me, but I don't trust them. Because in what capacity?


Because you Do you think the government's in your brain?


No, not at all. Do you know why WiFi doesn't really work? Yeah. So I'm like, I'm not going to risk. Bluetooth doesn't work a lot. So I'm like, I just don't believe it works. Wait. And then when someone sits next to you and it tries to connect to your phone, you're like, Yeah, this thing clearly doesn't fucking work. Figure it out. No, I don't think it works. I've never tried it, but I don't think it works. And then it's a tic-tac. I'm going to lose it. I know I'm going to lose I know it's going to fall in the sink. I know something bad is going to happen, so I'm like, I'd rather save my money.


Also- What's your headphones of choice?


I collect Delta headphones. I have hundreds of Delta headphones.


No, no, no, no, no.


Hundreds. Then I just talk with a phone.


With a string?


Yeah. But it doesn't connect to your phone, though. What are you using it with your iPad? I'm a speaker girl. I'm a speaker girl in the house. Everyone's on speaker.


When you get on a plane, you put the Delta headphones in your ears and you connect it to what?


The TV, the Delta TV. If there's no TV, we're sleeping.


No headphones in?


No, because I sleep. The second one in a moving vehicle, I'm sleeping.


This is so...


I actually don't even know what my first question is. I'm fighting for my life trying not to get punched. So there's no...


First of all, Bluetooth works. It works 90% of the time, if not every time.


90% is not for me.


I couldn't tell you the last... The last the last time it didn't connect? The last time my Bluetooth didn't connect.


But do you ever feel like it's my connect to the wrong person? You'd be like, hello.




Not one time. Not one time has it been like a man just like, Hey. You know when the radio station's a little off, it's just an alien. They're like, Mouthreetings, earthlings.


It's like, Hey, I'm in 13C. If you want to come back here. No, Bluetooth works.


Secondly-do you have to charge it? Yeah, that's so much admin. When do you charge it?


When you charge your phone.


I barely charge my phone.


Okay, but when you get on a plane also, there's technology now that you never have to hear the sound of an airplane ever again. The noise canceling is game-changing. Sometimes when I fall asleep, I'm not listening to anything.


I need noise to quiet my own thoughts. I don't want to be sitting in silence. That's the scariest thing you've ever said to me.


You get on a plane most of the time. Raw dog. Raw dog.


With raw dog. Wait for her, or he, to walk around and say, Does anyone need headphones? Does anyone need headphones? And I always go, Yep. And then I say, Thank you. Because regardless, I like free shit. I'm going to take it. I'm going to take it. I will put the amount of Delta headphones I have in my bag is crazy.


This is a wild revelation.


And then I love a fresh new pair. You pull it out.


I think you're single-handedly keeping the Delta headphones alive because everything Every time she walks by and says, Headphones, headphones, in my head, I always think, who the fuck is getting on the plane without headphones? I can see one or two times, Oh, I forgot my headphones. But there are multiple people raising their hands.


Do the Airpods connect to the Delta thing?


Well, there's an attachment you can buy. It's called an Airfly. I have it, and you plug it into the TV.


It's like capitalism wins again. How many attachments do I have to get? You know what happened?


I have a little pouch that has all my headphones. Why? You love a pouch? I love a fucking pouch.


You love a fucking pouch. When she came with her tanning stuff, she brought it in a pouch. The cuteest little pink pouch, the little leopard.


I own 8,000 pouches.


You'll never throw away a pouch. I'm never throwing. Actually, my mom was like that, too. She's like, Why are you throwing that pouch away? We could use it. I go, What are we using this pouch for? You can always... It's true. Then she'll put all this stuff in pouches and put it, and then I take it all out. I'm like, Why did you put it in all these pouches?


Well, my pouches are in a pouch that lives in one big pouch. That's how you I think you have a pouch problem, a pouch addiction.


But you know what it is? Now I can never look at a pouch again. When the Airpods first came out, their PR wasn't good. It was like people were dicks.


You're holding it again. Airpods came out 20 years ago.


No, when they first came out and guys were walking around with their Airpods and they were yelling with their Airpods, everyone was like, Okay, you're a fucking loser. You have Airpods. What are you selling stocks 24/7? Chill out. I think I just never got past I was like, I'm not a dick. I don't wear Airpods. Then one day, I looked around and everyone was wearing Airpods. I think I joked with one of my friends. It was like, Airpods are for fucking dicks. Then I'm still in the corner joking about it when everyone's like, No, we all use Airpods. I thought Airpods was going to be threads on Instagram.


Yeah, you thought they were going to die down.


Yeah, I thought it was a thing, and then we were going to be like, Okay, we all lost it. How many have you lost?


I think I'm on my third pair of Airpods, but I've had an iPhone for 20 years.


I would say that it's probably not great for the environment that I have 4,000 Delta headphones. Also, they're all in and not.


I can't believe you haven't got 100. It's one huge not. You've never used one twice. You can't use it again.


Once you put it in, it just dies. How does it do the most intense Boy Scout not that you've ever witnessed just by me putting it in my back? What is the science behind that?


No, that's a black hole. That's a quantum theory.


But you see, when we do the podcast over Zoom, you always see.


That's a Delta.


Yeah. I'll do interviews promoting comedy, like live TV. Is that- With your Delta headphones. Wait, have they been laughing? Have they been like this?


Did you see your Delta? No, because people probably don't know, but I can't believe you don't have a good pair of headphones, not Airpods.


It's so big. I just don't want to bring it. It's like an umbrella. Why? It's so much.


It literally couldn't get more compact.


But also, I feel like it's a little like when you have big headphones, it's like, okay. It's like when someone sneezes loud, you're like, How much attention do you need? Calm down. Then you can tell it's for the outfit. Wait, I'm on two different... Yeah, colors.


People are leading in. Hannah, I have the green big ones because I was like, They're so pretty. I saw all these fashion girlies having them and then matching it to their green fucking cute.


Capitalism ones again.


And then...


Are they Bluetooth? Yes. Every headphones is Bluetooth.


It's 2024. Every headphones is a Bluetooth.


When COVID hit, I did Watch Happens Live.


Yeah, and you swore off all headphones.


When someone had Bluetooth and Andy was like, Oh, the Bluetooth, you don't sound good with the Bluetooth.


Okay, but yeah, because that's a computer onto a television show that they're trying to rework it. Not you listening to your TikToks on an airplane.


You can watch TikToks on airplanes? I'm just going to say.


I was like, Wait, do you never connect to the WiFi?


I recently learned that you could text, which I don't like. That was the one time when I'm on an airplane. Sorry. Then I know. That was connect to the wife. I go, What? Then I was like, I'm on a plane. I can't text.


I remember. Yes. I know the first time that happened to me, I was flying to LA, and I was like, Good, no one can talk to me for six hours. Someone was like, Okay, cool. You'll do this while you're on your I'm like, No, the act is I'm on my flight.


That's the best part about flights is you don't feel guilty because you're like, I'm literally traveling through there. But you know when you would land and you'd be like, let's see all the people who've been texting me. That was a great feeling. And then it's literally just your mom.


Yeah, like, okay, tracking you.


And she's like, did you make it? Did you land? Text me when you land.


I'm like, oh my God.


You go to Instagram, zero messages. You're like, okay.


No, but now you can just see it. I will say, though, the past couple of times I've flown Delta, I've had no Wi-Fi for over a six-hour flight.


Yeah, sometimes they're just like, Oopsy.


No, they're literally like, Our bad.


Also, I had a six-hour flight, humblebrag, and I couldn't change the screen. You feel like a dick if you're like, Hey, my screen's not working. Because they're like, You're fine.


They're like, Well, we have to shut down everyone else's screen just to make yours work.


I do have to say there was this one person that was like, My chair is a little clinky or something with the chair. But nothing bad. I think it just moved a little bit. I remember thinking, this is not going to be good. I looked at the person next to me, they looked at me, and I just was like, I don't think this is a good, I'm getting a bad feeling. We had to de-plane. Stop. We had to de-plane because they had to get a mechanic in to tighten the thing. We were three hours late because this one person was like, her chair was clicking a little. I don't want her to be uncomfortable, but instead be like, Hey, can you just give me a refund for this flight? But we'll go.


That happened to me. It was a over four-hour flight. My seat never went back. We're up in the air. The flight attendants were like, We have nothing for you. We can't do anything. I was just like, Okay. Then when I landed, I called and I was like, Give me that fucking money back. I'm not sitting there and paying that.


Some people don't... They think going back is rude if you put your seat back. Wait. Did you say that?


I didn't say that, but I've seen that, that people think it's rude.


But the whole point is we all go If this ego is back, if it's made to go back, I'm going back. Also, if you go back, when I go back, everyone's happy. Right.


Even if you don't go back, I don't care because I'm going back.


Well, also, I consider myself an empath, and I've never once thought about how the person was feeling behind me when I went back.


No, because when the person in front of me goes back, I go, Oh, and we're going back.


You go back, I go back. We're all enjoying life together.


We're all going back. Were you going to sit up straight like a nerd?


I have a question. Do you know that when... And it's different on all these different flights, but- And it's different for everyone. It's different for everyone. No one's right or wrong. You know when the window is like, it's not your window, it's not their window. It's like an in between window, but no one's putting it down. It's an uncomfortable window. Do you reach in front and push it down?


I have before. Because I believe in certain etiquette on flights in terms of the windows. If it's before noon, put that fucking window down. Yes. Put it down. It's too bright. And so if we're taking off, and sometimes they want them all down.


Also, if you are going to wake someone up when you're about to land in New York City because you're going to tell them you want to see the view, grow up. Yeah.


Grow the fuck up. And if I'm in the window, don't even look at it because I own it.


Hi, Barbies and Kens. This is Louise Makhshari from Catch Up with Louise Mokshari, and I am here to deliver the great news that the biggest box Box Office release of 2023 has landed on now. As you may know, so many of us went to see Barbie that it became the highest grossing film in Irish box office history. I'm not surprised, to be honest. Greta Gerwig did a spectacular job of bringing the icon to the big screen, not to I mentioned the brilliant performances by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. Personally, I can't wait to watch it again. You can stream Barbie in all its glorious pink perfection with a NowCinema membership, which allows you to cancel anytime.


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Oh, my God. Sheena just texted me.


Wait, it's so funny.


Let's see what she said. What do you think she said? I feel like she's always in town, watch Revenues Live, doing the most fun stuff.


Yeah, she's definitely like, Hey, guys, I'm in town. She didn't text me.


I think she knows that I'm with She's definitely like, Hey, Hannah, I'm in town.


Do you want to get together? I'm doing X, Y, and Z. She's always doing- She's always doing something.


Like an event. As someone who just spent four days with a toddler, Lois, who's the greatest, I don't know how people do it. Yeah.


Give us a little insight. What time was Lois getting up? What's her sketch?


She was having a little time change from Indiana, but she goes to bed late. She's a party animal. She's a creative. 8:30 She's like, I get all my best work done. All I know is the only person that could wake me up in the morning is Lois. She walks in and her hair is always… When you wake up from a nap, you're just like… She looks at me and she calls me, Hennie.


Oh, that's so cute. Hennie. I thought you at museums.


I went to museums. I went to... I went to museums. What did we do? Playing on the playground. Just so much playing. A lot of playing. When she was leaving, I was I didn't want to get emotional. Good riddance, Lois. No, I didn't want to get emotional because I was going to miss her. She's the cuteest thing ever.


Me, good riddance Lois. I got to be either I'm exhausted.


She's going to leave, but obviously, I don't want to make it a thing because I don't want her to be traumatized because it's crazy to see a thing that isn't traumatized. I'm like, I don't want to cause trauma for her. I was like, Don't make eye contact. Give her a little wave. She doesn't know. She starts walking because everyone's leaving to go to the elevator. She loves the evaluator. Then she comes back and looks at me I said, Bye. Then she runs up to me and she goes, Honey, come. I said, Well, now I'm traumatized. I need to get my name in front of this. She's like, Come, come. I said, Honey, can't go.


You immediately go third person. Hannah needs to make money for this family.


And by this family, I mean butter. I don't know where my husband is. You're like, Hannah can't do another museum. Hannah is museum-bound. Hannah needs to sleep, and Hannah needs to get her life back.


So it made you more like, Oh, my God, I could do this.


She leaves, and Dez was like, Do you really want that? It's fucking exhausting. But it's funny because then I have nick Vial content all over my page for some reason because nick had a kid.


I feel like there needs to be a study for all new dads who are like, no one's going to ever hurt her. It's like, you know what? We're someone's daughter, too. I'm also someone's daughter. My dad looked at me one day and said, no one's going to hurt her. And guess what? Just burnt.


No, nick is actually becoming the ultimate daddy influencer. I don't know what he said, but he was like, you wake up and you have a purpose. And I was like, I have a purpose.


And that spoke to you?


No. Oh, like having a kid.


I was like, wow, is nick two?


I'm trying to make funny jokes about stupid things. I need to think of jokes.


That was my purpose.


The whole purpose of keeping something alive seems a little dramatic. Then he was like, for all the guys out there who are partying in their early 20s, being a dad is actually pretty cool. I was like, What riddle is he trying to confuse people with? This is the thing. If you have it, you'll figure it out. If you don't have it, the question is, are you going to miss it?


Are you always going to be like, What if I had kids? Yeah.


Am I even going to travel that much? Did I need to not have a kid because I want to travel? I travel to shows, but I'm not going to the Maldives all the time.


Here's the thing for us. I think that what it is deep down, we- Are selfish. Love ourselves. No one loves me and you more than me and you. I don't think... Our moms come close, but- No, I know. But I love myself. Yeah.


My mom, for example, wanted to go into medicine, was in hospitals and was like, You know what? This isn't for me. She didn't like the vibes. Then was changing careers and was like, We could have a kid right now. There can be a part of our life when something happens that we're like, Maybe this is actually the perfect time for a kid. But then people have kids in very not ideal times, and they make it work. This is the thing, though. You know what it is?


I think me and you should freeze our eggs this summer. I've been thinking about it and I've been talking to my mom about it and she said, Well, why don't you with Hannah.


Why don't I envision you just taking out your makeup fridge?


Okay, I have one girl here, two girls here.


You put your serums, your eggs, your embryos.


No, I feel like there was a moment in time where I thought you took your eggs with you. You froze your eggs, but you put them in your own...


You got them. Let's be honest, no one actually knows how to freeze your eggs. No. Even the girls who are doing it, they're explaining it. I'm like, You don't know how to freeze your eggs. No, but I think freezing your eggs is very now. But this is the thing. Who decided that just because we can have kids is what we should do? What if the life is actually happier without kids, but everyone is just trained for evolutionary purposes to make kids, and it's a life hack to actually not have kids, and you can just visit your aunt.


This is one of a struggle that we're different in. I know for sure I want to have kids, but also I'm over here like, I don't know if I want to get married ever.


Yeah, you can You can't even commit to getting married, but you want to have kids. But then again, it's very celebrity to just have a kid. Yeah, I feel like it's- And not get married. Really chic. Out of wedlock is so in right now.


Wait, I love that you wrote on the thing Spring Trends because literally, as I was typing something, I looked up and saw it. Capri pants. I can't wait to wear them.


Look, I actually do like it.


I think they're so cute. You know who's going to rock them? For other people. Who? Your mom.


She looks so good.


So cute in a Capri.


I can't. First of all, massive calves. Also, my calves are short. Capri pants make my calves look even smaller.


What do you mean your calves are short?


I have short shins. I have a normal body up until my knee, and then my knee to my foot is three inches. It's short.


It's not.


Okay, it's short. I did a rowing machine and I just didn't move. I was like, moving back and forth, I just didn't go. I was like, I have a small shin.


I feel like you should never not be this color hair.


That was the funniest way you put a compliment together. You were like, never, don't, not do that.


Don't ever change your hair. I love this color.


Do you remember the limited two Capries that were plaid?




I used to wear those every day to school.


That had a matching shirt that has a saying on it that's like, Cutie pie, love soccer. It was just the most insane slogan. It was like a weird presidential slogans for middle school girls.


It was like, I love America, wink.


It was like, If you don't love dogs, love cats also. Just so crazy. Activists and pigtails.


I was like, We couldn't read at the time. We'd wear anything at that point. Okay, Capri's, you can wear. What shoes are you wearing with the Capri's? Don't say a ballet flat.


No, not a ballet flat. Like a little open toe heel.


Kitten heel?


It doesn't have to be a kitten.


Why are Kitten heels harder to walk in than normal heels.


Kitten heels are so fucking hard to walk.


No one talks about it. Then all they do is put a little bit of a wrap around your ankle, and obviously, I'm going to flop around in it.


Yeah, those always never stick to my ankle.


Why do I feel like the patriarchy invented these shoes? Shoes because some shoes, people would just be like, Yeah, you're not supposed to be able to walk in them. That's called a badly made shoe. Is the whole point of shoes to walk?


I call certain shoes car-to-table shoes.


But see, I don't think that's cool.


Again, we're different on this one because I will stuff my foot into anything that looks good and I'll bleed for 6 hours if it's the perfect shoe.


Because if I'm going out and I need to defend my friend physically, I cannot be wearing kitten heels.


That's another thing in fight or flight. I feel like I'm never in the right outfit to be fight. I will want to be, but I'm like...


You know what it is? It's why I don't like getting too drunk or getting too high or wearing kitten heels or wearing something I can't...


Say no to kitten heels. Don't do kitten heels. But just ask Can you add that into dare. Can you actually add something into the Dare program? It's Kitten Heels. We're really against them.


Kitten Heels is a gateway drawing. But you know what's in the outfit?


Kitten Heels lead to stripping.


Do you know some outfits? And we support sex work. Do you know some outfits where you can't raise your arms, some you can't sit down in? I feel so out of control. In that moment, I'm like, But what if I had to? If I had to raise my arm right now? Or if I get high, I'm like, What if I had to put a sense together right now?


You have that of when you're a little kid and you just realized that you could say no to your mom about something you're wearing. I feel like you never lost that.


Apparently, when I was born, they put a hat on and I got my finger stuck in it and then tried to pull it off and they called me a crazy animal because all the other babies were like, me, me, me. I was like, get this off my fucking head.


I would actively go get the bows that match my socks and give them to my mom. I wouldn't wear socks.


I refuse to wear socks. I was like, I will not wear socks. My mom would have to dress me the night before to trick me into wearing an outfit the next day.


I would tell my mom, We're getting dressed the night before.


My mom had to trick me and be like, What's that? And put a T-shirt shoot on me.


I wish. Just for one day, we could have met a seven-year-old to see what we would have played.


We would have been obsessed with each other.


I wouldn't go outside unless I had a cute outfit. I was like, I can't play with all the other kids if my outfit's not better.


I wear the same striped T-shirt every day.


That's so cute.


No, I was really adorable. I think boots and a skirt are going to look so good this spring. My problem is when it's hot and I wear boots, it's just a disaster. It's slushy and sweaty.


Inside your shoes? Well, you can wear a tight boot.


Like a spring boot.


Something that has a little give to it. It's not like your leg is right against the leather.


Because I'll wear black leather in the spring and I get shin splints.


Honestly, who has really good knee high boots that are a little pulled away from your leg and sturdy and good is Zara.


Oh, I love that. Yeah.


Hi, Barbies. I'm This is Louise McSharry from Catch Up with Louise McSharry, and I am here to deliver the great news that the biggest box office release of 2023 has landed on now. As you may know, so many of us went to see Barbie that it became the highest grossing film in Irish box office history. I'm not surprised, to be honest. Greta Gerwig did a spectacular job of bringing the icon to the big screen, not to mention the brilliant performances by Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. Personally, I can't wait to watch it again. You can stream Barbie in all its glorious pink perfection with a now cinema membership, which allows you to cancel anytime.


People are now obsessed with tennis. Everyone's like, Tennis has never happened before. And I'm just like, okay.


What's going on?


I've been just like, everyone's wearing tennis this summer. Everyone's wearing tennis. I'm like, Welcome. Coming for your brand. It does feel a little like...


Wait, when's that Sunday, a tennis movie come out?


Don't talk to that movie because I watch a tennis channel all day, so they keep playing it. I'm going to have to say it I support women in the arts. How dare they? First of all, put the racket in her hand the right way. If you're going to say she's the greatest player that ever did tennis, it's disrespectful to-Who is it? Zendaya.


No, but who is she being? Oh, this is made up.


They're just like, She's the greatest player ever played, and she's holding the racket wrong. It's literally like doing a football movie about the greatest, and then he's throwing the football not even holding it the right way. It's disrespectful. It is. Then she tears her ACL, which is not a career-ending injury. It happens all the time. It takes seven months. She tears it. Don't tell Dessa.


My old man Dessa has recovered from it. Career ending, get back on the slopes.


She also tears it just stepping to the side. She's like, Oh. Then also, what really pissed me off was that the two tennis guys that she has a threesome with are so... I don't want to be mean, but like... Do it. Tennis guys are so fucking hot. They're all 6'3, big shoulders, chiseled, cocky, hot. They pick twerps. Twerps that are like... Find fucking hot tennis guy.


Any tennis team-I hope those two don't live in this pod. I'm sorry.


No, but they're great actors, but they're not like, We're not good-looking. Also, you know what I have to say? This is why.


It's hard. It's just been airing our grievances.


Because when you first listen to a song, if you like that song, that's insane. Whenever I first listen to any song, for me to like any song, it has to play in the background 800 times.


And eight people have to text me about it and be like, Have you heard the song?


I need to hear it as a TikTok sound for four months before I'm like, Wait, I like that song.


That's such a good song.


Have you heard that song? If you listen to a song once and you go, Yes, this song is good, that's crazy. Yeah.


I don't know.


I listen to Ariana Grande's album, and I was like, The only song I like is Yes, and- You say Ariana? Ariana.




Anyway, the tennis movie was Zandeya Zandeya. I don't support it. I'm vocally speaking against it. If you are a journalist, notice how no journalist ever pulls a quote from Giggly Squad because I think they're like, We can't.


Wait, they never take it a quote. I saw an article. What the fuck was this article? I don't even know what the article was. And they quoted Reddit. And I was like, There's just no way people are out here quoting fucking Reddit. That's one of the craziest websites.


That's like a student using Wikipedia. You're not allowed to do that. No, that's just people's literal opinions and hobbies.


I could go on and say some of the craziest shit.


I know that there's actual reporters who listen to Giggly Squad for fun because they have amazing taste and I support all their work. They've never once been like, this is an important opinion. From the Giggly Squad podcast.


Anyway, when you're on a plane, if it's seatback time, it's seatback time. Direct quote. Follow the person in front of you.


Okay, direct quote this shit. I do not support Zendaya movie. As a former tennis player, I think it's bad for women to in sports, and we just started doing well in basketball, and now you're taking us back with tennis. Also got some hot guys. Yeah. They're the same height as her. Tennis guys need to be minimum 6 feet.


I don't know if there's much more to say about what you said at all. I agree, and I wholeheartedly concur.


Thank you. You're not allowed to watch it.


I feel like the outfits, though, are going to be so good because her outfit that she just wore... Did you see the set she She just wore that was a tennis brand set? But then she put this crystal maxi skirt over it, and it looked just so cool.


I missed it. I'm not supporting the campaign. I'm not supporting the campaign. I blocked it. I'm going to send it to you. I blocked them all. For the tennis community, I will not support her press outfit. If she doesn't want to do it on the street, I'll do it, but I will confront her.


We didn't even talk about this because it's so crazy, but all the P. Diddy stuff. I'm in deep, deep, deep, deep. I can't even I scrounge my way out of it.


Reddit. This is the thing. We're Italians. The whole Italian thing with the mob is like, Snitches get stitches. P. Diddy straight up was like, apparently, he's going to tell them everything of anyone who's ever been involved in fucked up shit that he did.


But Because it's all about pedophilia, yeah, go.


No, for sure. But I'm saying they're saying stuff like, You saw the Jay Z stuff?


No, I'm in a deep hole about Jay Z basically being- It's so intense.








Killed his baby mama.


Well, his baby mama died. Well, we don't know. Allegedly, his baby mama. Allegedly. No, she's dead. Of a brain aneurysm. Of a brain aneurysm. She was a fitness coach. Allegedly. She was fitter than Zendaya in the tennis movie. Why did they? I actually really want to listen to Beyoncé's full album because I want it. I want it to decipher all the things she sang.


She would go home and listen to it then?


Should we have a listening party and just sit?


I did. Once, I kept seeing all the TikToks of like, Did you listen to the album? I love this one. I love that one. I did like, skin.


I like that she was... You remember when she showed up to the Grammys and was wearing the Cowgirl hat and that was her Easter egg? Yeah. I want to Easter egg. Like, Gigly Squad needs to Easter egg. What would you be Easter egg? Do you know what Easter egg is?


Like, give little hints? Yeah. But we're big mouths. If anything happens, we're like, Oh, let's tell the gigglers.


We're not mysterious enough to Easter egg. We're not strategic enough to Easter egg.


I couldn't even wait two days I got to the White House to be like, Oh, we got to tell the gigglers we're going to the White House.


Also, I watched on Apple Plus, there's this thing called Dynasty about the New England Patriots. That's so fucking good.


Wait, I watched Martha Stuart. Did I tell you that?


Oh, my God. Were you inspired?


And beyond. The poncho.


The poncho.


It's all about the poncho. It's all about the poncho. I mean, she went into jail and was like, Sorry, I'm just going to take a quick...


Rebrand. Rebrand.


I'm going to rework. Honestly, jail was the best thing that ever happened to her. She got to sit and focus alone for a goddamn minute, didn't give anyone up, was like, I literally rather go to jail, get this over with than have any of you continue to talk to me.


She also wouldn't admit that she made a mistake. She goes, I'd rather do seven months in jail than say you were right. No.


She loves revenge. She fucking must love revenge because that is She's so women-coated of like, I'd rather sit in jail and rot than ever say that I fucked something up.


And also, let's be honest.


Can we talk about her husband for a second, too? Because everyone was like, Oh, yeah. She just works so much. And he was just like, he was a little bit like, secondary. And then he left her because of that?




Like, fuck you. Sorry that she was building a brand.


I think she felt that way, too. She was like, Fine, go. No, literally scram. And you've never seen her with anyone else, which is the ultimate decentering. I wonder if she's on the low. A hundred %.


A hundred %.


She probably just like, picks a guy and tells secret service to bring them to her, like, chalet.


She made me want to just redecorate everything and just- The woman invented entertaining.


She was like, This is how to be a rich, stuck-up Connecticut person. Yeah. And just follow my book.


She was like, It's clear that no one here has ever thrown a dinner party, you actual pieces of trash.


I do have to say the whole dinner party thing, when people are like, I love throwing dinner parties, what is that life? That you, A, love to socialize. You're like, You know what would make my life better? If I had to cook, decorate, invite people over, and then clean after, that's my nightmare.


Well, even the thought of having people over to my own home to socialize.


It's dirty. Get out. It's get out.


What if I hit a moment moment where I was like, and I want everyone to leave right now?


I watch HGTV right now. It's a weird phase I'm going through, but I'm obsessed with it. They'll be like, What house are you looking for? They're like, We love to entertain. I'm always like... You just want strangers running. Or you know those celebrity documentaries where they wake up and there's always a hundred people in their house? Like, Oh, that's my assistant's assistant, and that's my wakeup artist, that's my agent. I'm like, Get out.


One of mine and Craig's biggest fights to date, driving down the street, block party on the corner, all these kids running around the yard, parents talking.


Which is basically a child parade. Continue. Yeah.


Craig said something like, Oh, I can't wait to go to block parties with my kids in the neighborhood. And I started laughing and I go, I will never. You'd have to literally drug me, tie my hands behind my back, drag me to that fucking block party. A party on your street that you live on with all the other people that live on that No. I don't even know who lives across the hall from me. We live three inches from each other.


Get the fuck out of here. You did get into a little altercation with your neighbor once.


Well, that was like girls. Girls for the being girls. But a man lives across the street. I have no idea what he even looks like or across the hall. No. Anywho. Entertaining is stressful. It was like, I don't even know. It was like, you don't even know me because- Do you know what I would be the worst at? Below Deck.


I would be fired so quickly. No, I would be fired. So quickly. No, I was trying to think if there was... Even the deckhand thing, they'd be like, Is that clean?


What does that have to do with entertaining?


I don't know because you know how they have to make the... Have you ever watched below deck?


Yeah, but they're working. This isn't coming to your house.


I know, but they're basically like, Welcome to my yacht. Then they have to make this party. My mom loves it. This one girl was really good at tablescapes. Tablescapes. I didn't even know what tablescape was until summer house when you were I'll do the tablescape. I was like, that's a middle thing.




Okay, go tablescape. You put a candle in the middle. I was like, Okay, fucking Picasso. Calm down. You put a branch and a candle.


It was very avant-garde. How dare you? It was a lemon. I put a bunch of lemons around. Big lemon.


I do have to say, I just started the New England Patriots dynasty thing. If you like sports or not, I love sports, but if you don't, it's so fucking dramatic.




Apple Plus. It starts with this guy, Drew blood so hot. Why is every quarterback the hottest guy ever? Anyway, so he's so hot and he's the big guy on campus.


It's just so... Exactly.


Look, he's the man. Yeah. Okay, he's the man. Yeah, I get He's the face of the franchise. They call him. He's the Shid. Then they select fourth overall, Tom braided, who's this just like... They said he walked around like a giraffe. He's annoying and whatever. He's not even second, whatever. Okay. Drew Bledso. What's his last name? Bledso? Bledso. Drew Bledso.


He gets hit.


Speaking of bleeding, he gets hit and his insides get crushed or whatever. So he has to go to the hospital, and they throw in Tom braided. Tom braided, I think he won the game. They were like, Okay. He kept playing and he keeps winning. Then Drew Bledso finally feels better, and he's on a $100 million contract, mind you. Tom Brady's playing for Snickers bar. He comes back and the coach goes, Yeah, you can sit on the bench. We're still playing Tom. Talk about awkward in the locker room. Tom is this young boy. The other one is $100 million They're not a quarterback, but they like what Tom's bringing. It's all this drama. That was just the beginning of it.


I love when the men have drama.


The men were like, he's like, Look, obviously, I'm disappointed, but I support my team. I love my team.


The coach is always like, They played good. They put their blood, sweat, and tears into it.


It's all about the good of the team. I do have to say, thank God I didn't become a professional athlete because I would have had too much fun with the interviews. Press conferences, they're so media-trained to the point that their job to not say anything for anything to become a headline. I love headlines. I've been trying to get a headline with the Zendaya thing.


I love when there's a rogue basketball player who just learned how to spell, and they put him in front of the media and he's asking the media the question. He's like, What's... I don't know. They give one-word answers. I love it. I'm like, How dumb can you be? I love it.


Because it is reality TV where they create story lines. Even when it's not important, they'll be like, Oh, is there drama between this? I would lean in. I'd be like, I'll pick a side.


I can't believe they don't do more reality shows like that HBO Hard Knock show. I'm surprised there's not more.


But you know what it is? It's because if you are causing drama off the court or the field, it affects the team in a negative way. You have to stay focused on the goal, which is winning, because that's the most important thing in life is that you win. If you don't win, you're not lovable or important or worthy.


That's really what we've been trying to say here the whole time.


That's what my dad said. Anyway, you guys, not to Easter egg, but like... Why? I think you're not allowed But that's not how Easter egging works. You just have to do it.


Not to tell you everything, but...


We're definitely announcing the tour soon.


Yeah. That's not an Easter egg. That's literally just telling them, Guys, we're announcing the date soon. As soon as one of our agents say that we can do it, we're doing it. We're taking the photoshoot tomorrow for it, too. Easter egg. Easter egg. That's our thing. Giggly Squad is Easter egg, but it's just us saying it.


Also, fuck April Fool's because I went on my phone and it was like, Stasi is going back to Vanerpump. Even texting me. I text you and I go, Stasi, go back to Vanderpump? Then I look back at it and people in the comments are like, L-O-L, April Fool's. Then I go, Actually, never mind. Sorry, it's April Fool's. We don't need an excuse for people to just lie. Why?


I love reading text messages where people have resolved the issue on their own. I feel so accomplished when I read a text and I'm like, Oh, shoot, that's a problem. Oh, they figured it out. Amazing. Cross that off the list. It's like, I didn't even do anything.


I'm always like, Never mind. Ignore me. I love that. I figured it out. So yeah, April Fool is stupid. It's April Fool for me every day because we're giggly girls. We're having fun. We're being silly. Don't use this one day to suddenly try to make a joke that's not a joke. I've never seen a good April Fool.


Some pranks I just don't find funny.


Most pranks are not funny. Unless we do them. Unless we do them. I feel like I'm the person who someone will prank me and then I'll prank them back and they'll be like, Whoa, that was way too far. Then I'm like, I don't know what we're doing.


It has to be a certain style of humor for me to think the prank is really funny. If it's borderline, I'm going to get hurt.


It's hard to get the right prank. Once I walked in my apartment in college and everyone was laughing at me and I was like, Okay, I'm going to talk about this is a therapy. But everyone was just laughing. It literally happened for two hours. It was three other girls and they all just kept being like... And that was the prank? They were laughing. No. Then they were like, You just don't notice anything ever. I was like, I don't understand what's happening right now. They were like, Look up. I looked up and there was a photo of me tape to the ceiling. I was like, You guys are so fucking Wait a second.


That was the prank?


They were like, You didn't realize it for three hours. We had to tell you about it. Were you naked in the photo? No, it was literally my Facebook photo. You on the Tennessee? It was on my Facebook photo. They were like, You didn't realize it. Because the girl was dating a basketball player who could reach the ceiling. I was like, I hate you all. That was so stupid. And then I probably pranked them. That would be like...


That's so dumb. Someone typed a picture of you.


And the fact that I remember that because I remember it. I was like, What do you guys want?


I just picture like, Teresa Giudice. Like, Ha ha, funny? Like, It's funny. Your picture is on the ceiling. Ha ha, funny? It's like, What? It's not funny. Honestly, it's a pain for the janitor. How dare you? There's a union because of this.


I was like, Why would I look up? Anyone who looks at the ceiling is a weirdo.


I was like, Now I have to fuck your boyfriend because he piss me off.


With that said, thank you for giggling with us. Thank you for ginkling with us. And we're also working on something else, too. Easter is not over. Easter is not over. Love you guys. Bye..