Ep.17 - There Was a Crooked Man... (1970) - No Peeing in the Tub
Golden Talkies- 1,446 views
- 20 Sep 2020
We're onto our third western now with There Was a Crooked Man...(1970), starring Kirk Douglas and, for the third time, friend of the podcast Henry Fonda
Hi, everyone, welcome back to the Krispy Kreme. Home of the most relevant teams in the world. How are you doing today, Duncan? I was just going to let you go on with that and now I can keep that track fleeing a sinking ship.
Welcome to the Goldenthal. His podcast is what Jimmy meant to say. I'm doing great today. I'm not great. I'm fine. I'm cool. How are you? I hear you're hung over, I guess. Yeah, other than that slight little difficulty, I'm very good. I mean, this afternoon or evening technically, because you made me wait so fucking long.
Yeah, sorry. I had a wee wee meet up there. It was pretty stressful.
I was planning on pretty much as I was playing to meet two people and then we bumped into more people. We ended up in a big group and I was very stressed out.
I didn't like it was it was it was it was more than 60 me and I really, really was not fun.
And I can't believe we talked to a criminal.
I was trying to I was trying to sit as far apart as possible, but it just was a bit awkward. And I kept worrying someone was going to come and tell us not to.
And everyone else felt personally and snap your neck. Everyone else seems to be chill with it.
And yeah. Are you finding that are you finding that a lot of people just seem to not care about the rules at all?
Yes, yeah. I find it very stressful because I'm trying to follow them as closely as possible, and yet it's hard when no one else is. And so, yeah, that's where that's all in it together. That's why I'm late. It wasn't fun. I mean, it was nice to, you know, speak to people again, but just not not the way I would have chosen.
But, hey, that's fine. And I was only so much you can do it. And you know. Exactly.
And I mean, we were we were we were outside in a park and I was sitting, you know, at least at least a metre, if not 10 metres apart from everyone.
So, yeah, I think, you know, as far as it goes outside, is supposed to be pretty safe. And exactly as far as things go, you know, I don't think I think as long as you're not indoors, then you're probably OK.
Yeah, exactly. But obviously. And still all the rules. Yeah, everyone.
I think it's wrong. What was that? I was predicting a wrapper like absentmindedly, and I realise that's probably bad form when you do that quite a lot. I'm fiddling with something at the moment that probably come up. And what is this podcast, Jimmy?
So here we like to talk about films that came out 50 years ago this week. Yeah, this particular time, this particular EP, this particular LP. We're discussing the film. There Was A Crooked Man, 1960, 1970. Oh, wait, 60. Hold the same thing.
Wait, did you watch. Wait. And I thought we were doing a special 60. Did you also want to 1970.
Ha ha ha. Yes.
I meant to figure out well what's the difference. They're completely unrelated, right?
Yeah, I think so. I think it's just a cool title for like people like to name films after nursery rhymes. Right. That's like the best thing you can possibly do if you're a film. Tytler So, yeah, good man is quite good because, you know, it means you're a criminal.
Yeah. I'm looking up now at the nineteen one and it's a British film about a law abiding demolition expert who was duped by game criminals into helping them.
So completely different from this film, which is a Western, although technically that one is there was a crooked man and then this one is, there was a crooked man ellipses. So that's how you know, as to who is it?
Uh, that's probably for. Oh, yeah. I hadn't even really noticed that. Neither did I until I had both pages video in front of me. I always felt that it was just like, you know, when you have a website and it goes longer than fits and you just put an ellipsis. Yeah, I assumed everything that I was looking at was just that.
Yeah, you're right. That's how we'll end. Well, there you go. And so this film is a Western, as we said before, it's quite low festoons and.
Well, this is this is like towards definitely towards the end of, like, the Westerns popularity, but it's still there. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
What do you know why Westerns died out specifically? Just like boredom. Also like a sudden thing like, you know, like with musicals. It was like, hello, Dolly was like the film that killed big Hollywood musicals and stuff. Never made them again. I don't know why.
I actually don't know. Yeah, no, I'm afraid I have no clue about that. And I mean, there is I don't know if they ever died. I think it just there's a like if you look people are still making them not as much, but I think it's just a there was a peak and then I guess people lost interest or maybe there were a few bad ones or whatever. But yeah, I don't think it's not it's not like it's something that completely died.
Changed, I guess. Yeah.
Mhm. So this film came out in September 19th in France, which is today. Oh. Three months earlier than in the US where it came out on Christmas Day, which I think is a terrible day to release a film.
Oh same as same as you.
Well it seems so well you know, it was like a Christmas specials like, you know, go together, rather all the family and watch an incredibly high concept film, you know, everyone can enjoy. Yeah, well, yeah. I don't think films are really released on Christmas. It's usually a little bit before. Yeah.
So are we saying that this one was in cinemas on Christmas Day? Yeah, definitely, Ursin, million on Christmas Day. They are nowadays, they might not be in.
They must have been if it got released because anyone goes gotin, I promise Familias, if you're there, if you're not Christians, look, if you're particularly in America, if you're Jewish or Chinese.
Oh, of course. Yeah. Because that's what I was for. That was sort of thinking.
Would you mean if you're not Christians because everyone is Christian, but of course, Judaism is quite big and they don't. Yeah, it's not a big thing. Yeah. I was looking at it from a Christian centric point of view, so I suppose you're.
Yeah, that's a good point.
And is you're right. It is a weird time. Normally you would really it in the lead up to Christmas and get the holidays all in and then, you know, keep it over New Year and stuff. So.
Well, apparently this film was a massive, massive flop. It was a flop. Right, that. There you go. So lesson learned. Hopefully. Yeah. Next hopefully next. Time Warner Bros. Don't release your film Christmas. Yeah.
Joseph Mankiewicz needs to really just listen to me more.
Yeah. Is he dead? He probably is. Right.
He looks quite that he's got a black and white photograph in his biography. Yeah. He died in 1993. Yeah. So he's been dead for longer than overanalyse so.
Oh we've not done historical context Jimmy. Yeah. Go ahead. Can believe it.
Before we get into the film, we always like to talk about what was going on this day. And so apparently, according to take me back to September the nineteenth is Hermione Granges birthday. Well, in 1972, it was in the one, but I assume not now, because Harry Potter's hypothesis that during the 90s, yeah, she'd be like something.
So I'm not really sure.
I think it was in the holiday section of Arsenal. So, yeah, it's also international talk like a Pirate Day, you know that.
And they chose that day because it's a day that had one of the few days I had no holiday on it already. Always seem to be filled.
It has so many Grinches birthday on it.
Well, I mean, J.K. Rowling hasn't done anything original in her entire life. Just had to steal talk like a pirate.
There's thunder history and. Oh, totally. Part two is great in 1995. So it also is not being celebrated in 1970.
And I remember that and. I think Minecraft used to celebrate international talk like a Pirate Day, and for today only you could change your language to pirate, is that right? I know there is another game, there is a game definitely where you could change your life to pirate, and it was so oh, it was The Sims. It was a stunt and likely. I don't I can't remember if it was just on like a Pirate Day or if it's just always in the settings, but you can change the language to pirate.
And instead of seeing, like, go to bed, it's like. Sleep in your cabin or whatever. I don't know, that was a bad example, but they do. Yeah. Anyway, that's, uh. Yeah, so that's that's apparently the first ever Glastonbury happened on September the, oh, 1970.
That sounds quite significant, but doesn't quite significant.
It was sort of buried away, but yeah.
And I suppose Woodstock was only like two years before. So maybe that overshadows the birth.
Yeah. I mean I suppose Glastonbury Woodstock is very of it's time to discuss very still going. So the fact that it was made that specific date is probably not that relevant. But yeah I believe uh yeah. Inaugurated 1970, 1970. So it turns 50 today. Right. Yeah, obviously, because that's the that's the whole point. Yeah, so there we go. And. Happy, happy bicentenary. Yeah. Obviously, that is not on the front of our story Glastonbury show, I'm sure will be is canceled and apparently they actually take a year off every five years anyway to give us the land, local population and organizes a break and they take a break in 2018 and they're declaring this one the same thing.
So so we set it, as it were.
Yeah. Anyway, that's. Yeah. First of Glastonbury, that's kind of significant. Tom Jones was on the cover of Life magazine, which is just say, cool, he's still going, you know. Yeah. Which is a good thing. And there was an article about five easy pieces, which as usual, I didn't bother reading, but it keeps us relevant.
Trog Trog was also on Take me back to it. Oh yeah. As a film that was being watched at the time, I'm not sure why too many people were watching it.
No, I'm not sure why it was now, but yeah it was.
And also tortora tortora which you're watching next week, which was there and which I'm looking forward to, is, you know, I'm not looking forward to be awful.
And that sounds precisely like the sort of thing I hate. Yeah.
So let's move on to what was this film called Crooked Man. There was a crooked man.
There was a crooked land. Right. So do the plot do it. Yeah. So as we know is still the point in film history where the credits usually come up before the start of the film. Again, I'm very much in favor of I would say that there was a crooked man has the best opening credits we've seen so far, has very nice backgrounds, has a back in theme tune.
The theme, the theme song reminds me a lot of a man called Sledge. It does. I was very glad that they didn't repeat it 100 times. Yeah, well, let me repeat it like limitlessly the tune and then towards the end, there's a cool subversion of it as like the end credits roll. But like it has its time line at the beginning, exactly, whereas whereas it was just constant.
Yeah, this is a much better film than a man called Sledged in Vestergaard is.
Although having watched Mancos Sledge, this one is also very similar in the A where a guy goes to prison and there's a lot of money that he needs to break out of the prison to get. I mean, it's not quite the same, but and yeah, when I read the synopsis well, basically when I wrote a synopsis or they're not even a synopsis, just often it comes beneath when you when you buy the film.
And I felt this sense of like a man called Seija I'm sure isn't. And then when I say playing the opening credits and I had a theme song that was basically explaining what the film was about, I then was really worried it was going to be the same.
But as you have said, and as I'm sure I'll do credit to, there was a quick advance theme song. It is at least not as blatant as a little bit more alludes. Um, but yeah, it's I was thinking about I think the thing is that if you're filming a Western, it's really convenient to have any film like set in one location because then you can build a really nice, expensive set up. There's something I'd like you to fix around the site because.
Three hundred grand. Yeah. Which would have been ridiculous and of course untrue because that's before the bad shit happened really in terms of inflation. Yeah. But like, you know, if you're going to have if you want one set in the Western then you're either going to have it in a frontier town or prison or like the two obvious places or both as this film has.
Well, yeah, but, you know, like if you're going to go along, whereas if you're going wandering around the open plains obviously gets expensive after a while in terms of shooting on location.
Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so that was a crooked man. We opened with a robbery at dinner time and and well-to-do family. A racial stereotype is there. Yeah. Serving them dinner.
Yeah. That was a I mean to be expected but I was yeah it was, it reminded me very strongly of Tom and Jerry.
If anyone's curious as to which one. Yeah.
A nice African-American maid who is very stereotypically, I think that. Serving them dinner and then the family gets robbed at gunpoint at the dinner table, and then we meet our main character who is called Paris Hilton, Paris Pitman, Paris Hilton.
Yeah, anyway, so Harris, Harris, Pickman.
Yes, Harris, Pechman Harris, parasitic, Ben Harris Klick, Ben Harris, Pittman, yes, yes, yes, yes, Papis Pittman, even though he he's our main character, he's played by deer and not the other one, Kirk Douglas, who was in Spartacists and passive of Glory.
Yeah, see, like a very charismatic robber and what he gets is going to look at this, but he has a whole thing about like he talks about the fried chicken and he has little speech with, like, fried chicken parsley. So straight out of the oven. Sure. You guys would prefer to eat it right away. And so you should give me my money very quickly. Right. So, you know, he's a cool and intimidating just a little bit like a little bit dangerous.
Fun. So, Robert, this man who has a million dollars all stashed in one safe. And he flees into the night, there's a bit of a gunfight, the white people try to fight them off the the help. I refuse to. Yeah, because they get paid enough for this.
Yeah. The man goes to help. And the woman said something like, you ain't never going to risk your life for no white man or something like that. Yeah. Right. That Yeah.
Something along those lines. Something very much along those lines.
And in the gunfight, the homeowner gets shot and injured and the couple of passes can get shot, but then parachute's the rest of his gang as well. So he gets a.
Mm hmm. Which is a good tactic if you're ever roping. Somewhere, shoot the rest of your gang before they shoot you and then you get all the money. That's true. I'm looking forward to our heist next week, mate. Yeah, me too.
So Paris, Paris Pitman walked off to the middle of the desert, and so Buhriz, half the money in the middle of a rattlesnake nest. Yeah, best place that very obviously the best place to bury. Why would there be any difficulties? I feel what you want in a place where you're hiding money is for it to be out in the open, to produce a lot of noise and to injure you if you ever want to go back to get it.
Yeah, I can't think of any real advantage whatsoever beyond digging a hole and just sticking it in there. I guess it's easier to find.
Yeah, definitely easier to find. And you know, the noise of the rattlesnakes. Yeah. Those are the things we're trying to do. And obviously, you know, the noise of the rattlesnakes, you're not going to get bitten by them because you're going to hear them, you know. Exactly.
You know you know that they're what rattlesnakes rely on more than anything is the element of surprise. And that's just happened. Exactly. Exactly. So we cut to the millionaire or former millionaire. Yeah, millionaire. He walks up to a brothel run by slightly less offensive racial stereotype, although still very firmly on the blue.
Pretty progressives have a business owner be an African-American woman.
Yeah, but a bit of a shame that she's such a stereotype and, you know, baby steps.
Baby steps. So he walks up to her and he's like, oh, I'm so sorry they got robbed. Yeah, well, you know, if you want, you can have a wee part of an alliance just on the house. Me, OK, because because we're buddies yet. So he goes off to do that. There's a judge there. He's also having a fun time and the other people and he looks through and then he sees Paris Pitman.
He's blowing his money.
He sees what he sees the guy that stole his money. Yeah. Incredible. Unbelievable. So this promptly leads to Paris getting arrested and tried by the judge for ten years. Yeah. We then move on to the first half of this film is showing how various members of what will become the highest gang, as it were, for this film, we get arrested. So I believe our second one is like these two con men. One's pretending to be like a priest and one's pretending to be deaf and mute.
You know, he's talking about their charity is like give them an artistic outlet so you can now be a great artist. And, you know, wouldn't it be great if you donated money to. Yeah, but of course, there's a we mishap where the mute man accidentally leans against the stove and then he jumps up and says, oh, my Haney's has been burned, thus giving the game away.
Yeah, that does somewhat ruin the whole thing about him being deaf mute.
It does ruin the illusion. Yeah. Then there's one man who robbed so robbed the merchant and went to a bar, to a saloon. And the sheriff played by Henry Fonda, who will become a very important character, walks into him and he's like, hey mate, just put the gun down and go quietly. And then the robber just shoots him in the leg. He gets overpowered and then he's also arrested. That one more.
And then we go, Hey, Cameron, I think is his name or your family, Cavendish Hoy Cavendish. Yet the stupid name is an activity we've never seen before.
But we have watched from beyond the Valley of the Dolls, from beyond the valleys, the one that gets raped by men or whatever. Yeah, in that weird film, we've also seen Henry Fonda before twice.
Yes, we have seen him once, briefly. And to the hero. Like the hero. Yeah. And then more resolutely in high end social club.
Yeah. And for those that don't remember, he was also in there once, one time in the West and 12 angry men.
And although there are more I, I didn't even realize he was in this until I looked up the cast. For some reason I didn't recognize him.
Well he has a beard now as far as people. All right. Does it really. Yeah. For me. Yeah.
There's a lot of quite big names in this. More notes than the league, right? Yes. Yeah.
And the team is in it. And he was a Taiwanese decathlon. He plays another stereotype in this film, of course.
Yeah. Anyway, Coie is having relations with a young girl and then her father comes in with a shotgun and says, why are you messing around my daughter? And she says, Shoot, daddy, self defense. He sort of chucks a billiard ball. A lot of money goes down. Yeah. I mean, he's been sentenced to hang. It's not clear if he's been tried with rape or murder, but it's clearly one of the two. Yeah.
Probably murdered, but maybe maybe I think either is plausible in the circumstances.
Yeah. So they all sort of arrive in the cell about what amount of time the warden's here. He's a no nonsense fellow. You know, the prison's quite harsh, very hot. You got to break rocks. Yeah. The cell they meet, the Missouri kid is like an old timey train robber, apparently one of the best he's ever lived who's been in this jail cell for about 30 years, 35 years, I think. Thirty five years. Yes.
He's the one who can sort of do the very important job of telling them that it's hopeless and they shouldn't, you know, even dream about escaping, because that would definitely be impossible. Yeah. And then they also meet a Chinese man who they address using a very similar word at home.
So they say they see where he's from and then they say, man, but they don't.
They say the places from and I I wasn't entirely sure why he got arrested. I think he just hurt some people.
It they don't think they I don't think they ever specify. And yeah. That the kind of place where the guy plays him, is it an athlete.
And so I think it's one of those things where, you know, some films have athletes in them and they just like pick stuff up and stuff because there's only role in the film is to light up and then pick stuff up.
So I think it's I think it's one of those things where, yeah, it's like the athlete. And I don't think he's an actor. Yeah, yeah, so we see the prison, they have to break rocks up as sort of pointless labor. Yeah, it was the fashion at the time and so they go with the pickaxes and stuff and it's completely backbreaking labor. The con artists have a funny dialogue where one of them says that's bad for his heart and they have this sort of dynamic where they bicker like an old married couple.
Yeah. Which I really like the comic relief of the film. Yeah, I enjoyed it as well. I, I might as well say right now. I thought the dialogue in this film is a very good but it was very modern as well in the way that we haven't seen a lot of films. It's got a certain tone where it's just a bit jokey but not quite a full comedy, which I realize I identify very much with those who've been seeing it felt ahead of its time.
I didn't really notice that. But now you say it. Yeah, I yeah.
I think a lot of the film, even the best films that we've watched for this have all been things were like, yeah, I appreciate this is like an art form thing. Like this is the very first one. I can be like if I was just kind of tired and just wanted to zone out something I could do, I could stick this on and I would enjoy myself in the same way. I would like a Marvel film or something right now.
Interesting. Yeah. Anyway, yeah, yeah, so just to bring in that particular point of praise. And so the warden, it turns out it's kind of crude and he offers us the chance to you know, he'll help him escape if Paris gives him half of his money and then they can split it, head down to Mexico together. And Paris agrees to this. And and it seems that the plan is to have parricide in solitary and then, like, they'll, you know, covertly scoop them out later.
Yeah, but but the warden gets killed in a prison riot before any of that can happen. So bust. But Warren's replacement is the sheriff from earlier played by Henry Fonda. Yeah. And Sheriff, we find out it's kind of unpopular with the town's hoi polloi, the people who really run the show because he's too soft, they say, on criminals. Don't treat them like the animals they are. Mm hmm. And so he comes to the prison.
Then he's got this new program where he's super big into rehabilitation and he's like, no, we're not going to do a pointless work anymore. We're going to do useful work. I'm going to have you all build a dining hall. We're going to build hospital. And, you know, if you have any problems, come talk to me about them and I will deal with them. And we can be constructive.
Yeah, I don't think and. I don't I assume that's not accurate and like prison reform presumably was not really a thing I said in school, didn't we, actually? Yeah, in the US. But I'm trying to think what kind of time it was like reform became a cool, cool and hip thing maybe.
I'm sure people were writing out. People were probably writing about it about now. Yeah.
I don't know what probably was. But clearly, I mean, even nowadays this is there are almost no countries beyond Scandinavia that are like sharing the kind of prisons that Henry Fonda runs. Yeah, this is true. So he's very, very ahead of his time. Yeah.
Yeah, and yeah, I'm not 100 percent sure about the film stance towards it. We'll get to that as time goes on. Yeah, so Henry Fonda's so he realizes that Paris is going to escape and he levels with him. Paris tries to bribe him. But we both know he's never going to take it because he's a very morally upstanding man. And that's what their dynamic, you know, the kind of hate each other. But this I get along as well.
Just because they know each other, they understand each other to an extent, although Henry Fonda still believes that Paris can be reformed. Something better than himself. So for all this, Paris is planning on escaping, he never really gives up on that dream. And so what it comes down to is that as the dining hall is being built, one of the concerns, a good painter. So he gets a painting job which gives him access to the supply shed.
Yeah. And for whatever reason, the Missouri kid is has a cleaning job in the gun locker at the barracks specifically. That also gives him access to the guns. Yeah. So his big plan is that it's going to be a big speech from the dining hall was unveiled. And, you know, the big government is going to be there and he's going to see Henry Fonda's achievement. Yeah. During that time, they're going to blow up the wall using dynamite from the supply shed.
And there's all the prisoners rush out there and they're all going to go out the front gate while the guards are distracted, all six of them, and they're going to get the glorious freedom. So that's the plan that they're still working on. The interim. There's been sort of advance of the governor's visit and Henry Fonda and Paris were very nice, very interesting conversation I felt where Fonda sort of says to Paris, like, why are you doing this?
You should stay here and you should reform yourself. You I'm trying to help you. Yeah. And Paris's retort is that he's still going to be hanging out. That was what was kind of an interesting sort of comment on reform. Yeah. Obviously, how nice a prison you make. It is still a prison and still always going to be trampling on people's human rights. Regardless of whether you think it's valid, do that or not. Yeah, and particularly when the death penalty's in the mix, there's always going to be a fool's errand to create a prison.
That could be really constructive, I think. As an idea in and of itself is not built for that, I suppose that's sort of what in many ways Henry Fonda's character struggles with. He's very much to reform the system from the inside man for most of this film. Yeah, tactlessly. And. Well, yeah. And yeah, he does, but only because I feel like the other prisoners kind of like it, though. Yeah, I think no, I think I think the spanner in the works is that Paris just wants to escape because he's he's a crooked man.
I don't know if, you know, he is a crooked man. Yeah.
So he just like very briefly starts in the riot and that's how he escapes and give context to what we're about to discuss. But yeah, I was for wondering whether the film was like down on his things, like agreeing with the governor that, like, these criminals really are just, you know, monsters and they shouldn't be treated with kindness. But I don't think that's it.
No, I don't think so. I think I think really it's about power specifically. And I think it's everything for himself.
Yeah. I think it's about the sort of monstrous selfishness of the past, destroying the president ecosystem. What he knows that, like, it's become far better than any of the inmates reasonably hope for. Exactly. Just for his own gain.
Yeah. And yeah. The same way that he shoots his own crew. Yeah. Yeah. So I think a lot of all of the climax, this film slightly awkwardly structured and I feel is like a climax and then a weird sort of epilogue which is apparently this film needs to be 40 minutes longer, which I very much believe that it was down by the studio. Interesting.
But so they have that discussion and, you know, our challenges, Fonda's beliefs, yeah, and then we get to the dining hall and the plan goes off, which is like the government is there, the schoolteacher there.
This chicken right there. Right.
Like, yeah. So Fondas asked Paris to give a speech to on behalf of the inmates to talk about how much they like it. Yeah. And then Paris just a trashes the idea. He says, like we're the worst criminals in the world and look at us here eating delicious chicken. Yeah. Clearly like trying to play into the governor's moral wrangles with the ideas. And then he starts a food fight and this a riot. The school teacher gets carted off in a very worrying way and.
And in the confusion, the guard gets shot by the Missouri kid who accidentally walks in on him trying to steal the guns. Yeah, and so we get to the point where the five members of the cast are here and they're about to escape. So Paris says to the two old con men that they should wait in the carriage to cut off and they're done. I says decoy, that he should open the front gate so they can sort of scharper to try and find the Missouri kid.
But he's killed that guard and he's clearly just completely out of it. Mentally, he can't deal with the chaos that he feels. He's completely ruined any opportunities, had any sort of return to normalcy. And the character didn't quite land for me.
I don't know if it did for you, but what what what the late Missouri the Missouri kids mental breakdown. Oh.
I think it's that thing of he's so used to, you know, the you know, in The Shawshank Redemption when a guy just hangs himself because. He no. Oh, I'm just thinking I'll forget about it that way. Well, it's like an old guy who's so used to being in prison that when he gets released, he just can't cope with outside life. And I feel like this is not quite that. I think it's the same kind of thing.
And where I mean, if you read the film as a kind of critique of. The prison system, which I guess you could, and I feel like a bit that where? He's finally got this chance to escape, but he realizes that he doesn't want to and he regrets shooting the guy and he just wants to, you know, so he's just accepted. He's not going to escape, I guess.
Yeah, I suppose that's true. But he says he said he shot away his opportunity for his farm. Yeah. They wanted this entire time. Yeah.
He was he going to get released at some point.
Presumably because. So presumably not for a long time if at all.
No, but I wouldn't play. If he says that they would imply that he was going to get released at some point and he just said it was going to stay. And obviously the fact is I shot a guard means that he's going to get hung or if he escapes, he's going to have to flee to Mexico or something, whereas maybe he had an idea for a life afterwards.
I mean, he still had a life in prison, even if it wasn't a good one, although, of course, it was becoming a good one. Oh, we had to farm.
Of course, he has a farm in the prison. Right. As in the president, I just you owned a farm, and that was like waiting for him. Oh, maybe I. I remember him saying something, and I thought they had a prison in a prison farm in the prison where he was growing, so was that twenty five acres that would be quite hard to fit inside a prison.
Oh, well, then, yeah. In that case, you're right. Go this time as a beginning. And I think it's so used to it.
So Paris reveals that he has no intention of going out the front gate. As he said, he's going to leave those two old men in the cart because he thinks there will be a burden on the way back. Yeah. And he's leaving college to go out the front gate as a distraction because he says he's going to be hung in a week anyway. So it doesn't matter if he dies or not. Yeah, which is cool showing of his hypocrisy, as it were.
You know, he made that challenging argument to Henry Fonda, but doesn't even believe in it, really. Yeah. He's equally unique, which is Henry Fonda is willing to kill him to uphold the law, which is kind of fucked up in his own way, but not nearly as fucked up as killing him just to sort of further his own selfish ends. So they abandoned those three. The sheriff, former sheriff, now warden sort of chases them on the rock pile and he's about to shoot them.
But then the Chinese man I'm hopping leaps down from on high and knocked him out on a rock, but in the process has killed himself. And Paris considers shooting him but decides not to. Presumably the sort of residual fondness for him. Yeah. And then he and his he and the last guy left, who is Floyd Moon, wander out into the plane and Floyd says, we're free. We're free. Just the two of us, like any good, smart person at the end of a heist, when every other member of your crew has been abandoned, he's completely confident that it will just be the two of them now split, splitting the money equally.
The circles roll, Jimmy.
Obviously, I mean, that's what's going to happen for our heist. And yet at the end of the heist, I want you to turn around and face the other way.
And just for a second, I mean, I want to admire the view of the place.
Exactly. So when we rob it, we're going to leave the place with all the money. And then I think it'd be nice if we do like a photo to commemorate it. So if you give me all the money, so I have it and I'll take a photo.
And if you I'm most important is that we kill our comrades who were planning on killing our two comrades who we were going to split the money four ways.
Well, it is your money. So you want more money and yeah, they're going to tell us, obviously. So, yeah, one thing. So just quickly, my camera makes this noise.
It kind of goes like shit like that before it takes off one of those all time.
So when you're when you're facing the bank and you give me all the money and you hear that's just a camera, get ready to take a photo and then it's kind of you might hear a kind of bang as it takes a photo, but it's because the flash is so like one of the really old kinds, really old.
So you have to film load the film and how that's possible. So when you hear that, I mean, you might not hear that. You would hear obviously, because you're going to hear me take a photo.
But just don't worry and then we're going to leave together fine with all the money and listen to the money would hathaways and.
Yeah, that'll be fine. So just see Didley. Yeah, looking forward to it. But same thing happens in this film because of course Paris and of course Paris goes well, I killed those other five guys.
But you know what, Lloyd, I like you. Exactly. So Lloyd genuine Lloyd earlier was offered a chance by the sheriff to sell out Paris and tell them what the plan was. But Lloyd didn't because he felt loyal to him. He said the past with a true friend. He sold out the gangs before. But just because he didn't like them, he genuinely, completely loyal to them. Yeah. And then Paris turns around here and says, I can't trust you and shoots him twice in the chest.
Yeah. And he is clearly, very genuinely betrayed, deeply like shocked and upset. What's happening not just because he's dying, but also because it turns out that Paris was never his friend at all. Yeah, it was never a friend to any of them, actually. He's been lying the whole time. We go back to the guys in the car. But Paris is written off and they notice that Paris is Laci's. They've been wearing for most of the film we're here.
And it turns out they're just playing glass, which is, you know, a very common twist. Yeah, but I always think it's really cool.
I like it when I see one nice wee twister. I would say, you know what, this cliches in the world. Some of them are terrible, some of them are, some of them with us. And this is one of them.
It's lupus, it's a can of lupus. And so they the two men discussed riding out the open front gate. But the shorter one who pretended to be deaf says that there's no point because they're going to be shot anyway. What's for them is if they just wait out their time. And so in front of a wide open gate, they just calmly walk out of their carriage and they walk back to their cell. They close the door behind them.
Yeah, they have a little they have a little married couple argument. Yeah. And then he says, I'm going to get the toilet.
What do you think? They're gay, Jimmy. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but I would absolutely buy it. I think the gay couple yeah, I think the film works better if you interpret it that way. So why don't we.
Yeah, they're like an old married couple and I think they actually are an old couple. That's what I want to believe.
And yet the deaf one has a shorter sentence for some reason because he cried at the trial, apparently.
Oh, OK. So yeah, he's getting out earlier. So he says, I'm going to go get a job for a bit. I'll buy a nice house and then you'll come out and we'll live happily ever after. And as a gay couple, but not because it's 1970.
But you know, although it's slightly fucked up, the short man was always like more on board with sort of staying in the prison the whole time. But in order to sort of recruit him for the heist, the taller one tries to kill himself. Yeah. In the hopes that the short run would stop him and be so distraught that he'll agree to help. So he hangs himself with a belt in front of him whilst the short like all the time, like sort of shaking his head, like he'll never do it and think like he genuinely does, like leap off the stool and start choking.
I was only then he's able to sort of like takes it seriously and saves them and like he's really genuinely distraught. But then, like over the shoulder, the tall man is a wink at Paris to show that it was all a ploy.
Yet it was also a ploy where he probably could have easily died. Yeah, it's very fucked up. It is also very, very sweet. They had faith in him that he knew that he would come to save them. Yeah, in its own way. Only true love can really describe such a bond. Exactly.
True platonic love. You know, it's like when it's like that thing where, you know, the meanings were like archeologists find like men buried together and they're like, oh, they must have been such good friends. Yeah. Like that. This film is like that.
I think it's brose being Powles.
Yeah exactly. So yeah. Fucked up relationship but you know they're very close.
The short man can do better and perhaps they'll realize that one day maybe he'll get out and find another man to be good friends with.
He'll be good, good. Good living buddies with. Yeah.
And I mean that sounds like that was a big climax. So that's the end of the film. Yeah.
Well, you see, the thing is, if I were at least when I was watching it, I was thinking, you know, you should end it after they closed the door on themselves. That's sort of every are like sort of wrapped up fairly neatly. You know, the sheriff's lost his ideological belief. The prisoners have all escaped. Paris has been rewarded for his selfishness and, you know, managed to escape. Everyone else has been duped, apart from two guys whose only victory was, you know, accepting defeat.
But wait a minute, you have ten minutes left, just like Return of the King.
You don't remember that there is something of a snake pit.
Surely there was they wouldn't have done that for no reason. And it's ten minutes my here.
What could happen? So we see Paris on his journey. He stays the night with a random widow. Yeah, and I don't really know why that scene's there, but you know why.
No, there's no there's no we don't meet here earlier, right? I don't think so.
Unless she was one of them. No, no, I didn't think so. I think it's just to create a trail that like the sheriff. Yeah.
OK, so I guess you could have a connection to him just without being in the film. But it's a bit of a weird way to do it.
Whatever, whatever. I suspect that given that we know this film was cut down from something much longer, they may have had a more emotional arc or something. I mean, the nice thing about knowing that a film was cut down is that you can always just speculate that it was it was what you bear the entire time. Yeah. Anyway, the sheriff says, OK, I'm going to hunt down pirates myself. You know, it's personal. I need to do this myself.
We see the president. It seems to be back up and running somewhat. It's not really possible to tell whether it's still the reform the president or not yet, although one finds it unlikely. But the sheriff knows he knows roughly where the gold is buried because obviously he knows where he was, where Paris was arrested, so he's going to check in that area. So he goes on the trail and we see Paris go to the snakepit. And using the masterful strategy of pulling on the glove and shooting the snakes, first he reaches down and pulls out a satchel in the bag that contained all the money because five hundred million dollars is quite bulky.
So he opens the first satchel the money. Then he smiles to himself.
The evidence, the big duffel bag and a snake is pure pantaloons, me a pencil and saw a snake springs out, bites him on the throat.
Yeah. And then he goes down and he says, Oh shit. He says shit. Mm hmm.
His last words, the zebley comes and then he comes riding.
Up next, why isn't Sheriff Henry Fonda saying the ironic death of his great rival? And so you know what Sheriff Henry Fonda going to do now? He's always been a morally upstanding man. Is he going to continue on that path or really perhaps have been changed by the events of the film? You could say he rides back to the prison and we see from the side that he's still the warden there, but all he does is slap the horse, has Paris on it and make sure that it rides his body into the prison.
Yeah. And then he skedaddling himself and he goes off to Mexico with all the money. And then we get and I know the song. Yeah, at no point does anyone ask what the sheriff's doing, they stand and watch as he writes up the watches, the horse rides and they watch as he rides away. They don't say, oh, hi, sheriff, or who's this or what's going on?
You know, that was just a mass breakout is a busy prison. But there's people that there's guards standing still at the gate.
But, you know, there's not a reason why. Yeah, I suppose. No, I mean, he rides off to Mexico and the theme song plays leaving us to wonder was perhaps the sheriff the crooked man all along or not all along. But is he now the crooked man in Spanish?
Yeah, in Spanish because he's in Mexico and, you know, totally forgot sin.
Jimmy I forgot several I was trying to skip, but. Oh, well, we've got the crime scene. Yeah, that sounds good. It's a very good they they have to mention it. Oh you're going to mention name one of Vonda's. I was going to say like in the context of this film has really nice car industry. It has to work very well together. The characters will have a certain playful banter between them and it feels very nice and natural.
One of the things I remember us complaining about with a man called Sledged was that his gang wasn't very like memorable or identifiable, which I don't think you could possibly say was true for this film. They all make a good impression. They're all quite fun. Yeah. And in ways the possible exception is being coy and the Chinese guy. But you know what you don't like in a Chinese guy.
He's fine, he's kind of if you think of like a good comparison, might be the chief in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but less likable just doesn't have much to do. I mean, we'll watch that if we're still doing this in four years. No, I never watch it.
It's on my on my list and to watch it.
But the central dynamic of like Paris, the Missouri kid, the two conmen and Lloyd FOID story is very strong. They have a good dynamic together.
I think going to China, a Chinese men fit into that.
Well, they do. I suppose they kind of work as an accessory. The thing about that, you mean he's is mostly just there to, like, look worried when they hang people? Yeah.
And the Chinese guy doesn't say anything and then. Yeah, yeah. But I think I think that having someone that's getting hung is quite important to the story and I think he works in it.
But it's just it's a nice cast to spend time with, you know. And a nice thing that really exemplifies that is the bath time scene where as part of his reforms, Sharriff on the says all the inmates should start bathing. And a lot of these inmates have been here for years. And I've never had a bath at Missouri that hasn't had a bar for 35 years and refuses to get unchanged.
They just dunkleman it wholesale in the bath as a form of revenge, which is hilarious, is hilarious.
And it's just nice seeing, you know, Paris sort of like arranges the whole bathing thing and they all really respect him. It's a very fun time, a showing of what might, could, might have been had past just been less selfish monster who was willing to destroy an entire prison ecosystem and kill five of his friends in order to get some sweet moolah.
Yeah. So an interesting thing about this film, which is probably worth talking about. The thing it's the most interesting thing about it is it's written by the same people who wrote Bonnie and Clyde Newman and Robert Benton. That's right. I haven't seen Bonnie and Clyde. I know it by reputation. I'm hoping you've seen it.
I've seen Bonnie and Clyde. Good. Do you want to talk about it for a bit and its historical significance? I know. OK, no, it's quite a good film, and I didn't when I watched it, I didn't think it was like.
Great and then blew my mind, but it was quite good and historically it's significant, it's kind of one of the starts of this this era that we're talking about, the start of new Hollywood exactly before what you call the Easy Rider and stuff.
And, yeah, that's I was there a while ago, so I'm afraid I can't really remember much.
And of course, it was Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway that the moonlight lalala and fuckup. Well, those, too, yeah, I know that that's the most significant, but I know who they were at the time.
Yeah, it was er Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway that said Lullo and instead of moonlight at the Oscars. So there you go.
Well, I haven't seen Bonnie and Clyde, but I'm interested to see it now. I feel like if you're able to write characters well and do good dialogue, as it were, like convincing fans or sparking dialogue, I don't think it's a very considerable skill. I think it's just one of those things that you either have or you don't. So I'd be interested to see how they apply that to a more critically lauded film rather than this, which I assume.
Given the slight dearth of writing on the film, it's a much lesser known part of their career.
Yeah, I would say I would watch Bonnie and Clyde, although I don't feel like I really can't remember that well, and I, I don't remember it being incredible.
And it definitely wasn't bad, but I don't really remember it much at all. And I always used to get it confused with what's the one of the two women escape, Thelma and Louise. Yeah.
Which is a much better film and it kind of has the same ish sort of ideas, but it's still like escaping.
Yeah. Escape like true crime stuff and is much better.
And but yeah, I would watch Bonnie and Clyde, but I can't really remember it that much. And yeah, it's obviously a very significant film in history, so. Yeah that's good.
Do you know how this particular film was critically received. I would love to know what massively. Well there's a lot of complaints about it being quite low key and not having a lot of momentum, not really building to a point, which I thought was quite interesting because I thought this film was structured and worked quite well overall. And I wouldn't have said it was lacking momentum, at least not compared to any of the other things we've seen. I think I've said this before.
I think films in this are quite often quite slow paced compared to what we're used to. And so maybe I'm just giving it too much leeway. But I feel with that in mind, it works fine, you know? I guess it could be retooled to work a little better, I suppose, in terms of pace. But, you know, I you know, I'm super bored. No, I wasn't. No, I quite liked it and definitely it it wasn't.
Super, super engaging awe and a great, great story, but I don't think it had many flaws that I could point out and it definitely, you know, kept me watching and characters and story.
So, you know, all the time, like, oh, you really need for film is like, you know, a decent cast to enjoy in a moderately entertaining story. Yeah. Obviously, like moral corruption.
I think they should put that in the post to meet. Yeah, a decent catch to enjoy and write stories you said. That's why I said I stand by it. I suppose the sheriff's arc of moral corruption is quite common, and I think it's pulled off fine. I really, really enjoyed Paris's. It's not really an arc. Obviously it's quite static. But in terms of like just showing that sort of monstrously selfish person I was, that's a common thing.
I think this is actually a really good execution of it.
He is mostly selfish.
Monster is worth the price of entry to see. Yeah. Yeah, I found it. Quite chilling is the wrong word. I didn't quite get to that level, but suddenly a bit a bit disturbing towards the end when he's acting, when he fully goes mask off as it were. Yeah. And revealed that they just want say he's happy that he's Kilcoy. Yeah.
Yeah. That's a turning point. But then, um, it's kind of it shouldn't be surprising because you see him, right. Not in the very start, but. Yeah, I know what you mean.
It's definitely a we think. Well well what would you rate this film.
I'd say mainstream. I would say actively seek it out. Don't pay an overwhelming amount for it. Watch it. I would summarize it to watch it. Yes. Yeah. I don't think watches the same. Yeah.
Yeah. It's a good film. If I had been taken on to see this on Christmas Day with my family, one non Christian family and I mostly empty theatre, I'd have been pretty satisfied.
Good. I'm glad. What do you think about the music? Wasn't a big fan. I loved it. I thought it was fantastic.
Genuinely, I find it kind of complained, but it's quite intrusive to be fair. But I've always I like it when when soundtracks insist upon themselves. OK, I feel like it's definitely from like the genetic history of like films of like one big theme song. And there was these variations on that Hasenpfeffer proper bang, isn't it?
OK, I find it very annoying, but I'm glad someone liked it.
Yeah, I didn't think any praise seems to have been given to the soundtrack, so, you know. Yeah, no.
Charles Strouse, who seems to still be alive, he is related to the classical composer Strauss, uh, you know, wrote Bye Bye Birdie surprisingly at.
This is a very famous musical. Oh, OK. Good for him. Is it film for 1963 musical comedy? Oh, yeah, cool. Well, good for him, huh. And anything else about the film you want to say? I suppose so, in terms of thematically how it links to other films we've seen or where we should do that and.
Well, we've seen a lot of Westerns and I would say the. They kind of blend into each other. Not bad in a. They tend to have a lot of elements are similar, I suppose, just because Michael's life was saved. All right. Yeah. It becomes hard to change social club was not, but it did have the same actor and had a profile and all this.
Yeah, I'm trying to think I don't think we've seen too many depictions of, like, over evil or at least not super concerned with that so far.
The conformist, the conformists is like he's evil, but I wouldn't consider him. And he has is not selfish or lazy. Selfish, not trog irredeemable.
Trog is like the only one, although I'm not giving that hatchet a hatchet for that.
Oh. Hatchet for the honeymoon probably. You're right. Yeah. And also I guess catch 22, that has a very specific vision of evil.
Well yeah.
To say I suppose it's but it's a very interesting is a very Kirk Douglas plays a very good charismatic villain. Obviously he's not known for villain performances, but does it. Well, yeah, that's true. Well I suppose it is banking on like his natural likability, isn't it? That's sort of the essence of the character. Yeah. I wouldn't work otherwise. No, but yeah, I wouldn't say this. This doesn't seem to conform to any particular trend.
I've never seen the film done so far beyond, I suppose, the broader historical trend going on and gaining momentum at this point of a fascination with more. Morally, not complex, but even just morally bad, bankrupt characters, I suppose five easy pieces would actually be the biggest comparison from that perspective.
Yeah. True. Although, again, it's not particularly sympathetic portrait rose five easy pieces, definitely as. So, yeah, well, you know, not expecting. The most complicated shit in the world from Western is one time for the family. On the other hand, tour territories going to be there are deep. I don't like military films well, I don't like Western films, but that's true. But here we are fucking I am.
Well, what else have you been up to? Uh, not much. It's been working. I've done some research for my dissertation. That's good. I've watched all of Klowden High on YouTube, which is a fantastic show, very, very close to my sense of humor, you know, like video. And so I've been laughing the way that it got canceled after one series, which is very sad, but they're rebooting it, hence its current uptick in popularity.
So it'll be interesting to see what comes of that. I'm cool on that. I've been meeting people in the most irresponsible way. I mean, people. Yeah, just a few times, actually. I wouldn't. I could.
Because, you know Laty. Not in their houses. Oh. You need people outside their houses, yeah, outside and I and I'm pretty suspicious.
I don't think I've got anything else to notable that needs to be discussed. I played for you a game called What Remains of Your Finch the other day, which was very good. It was only two hours long. So if anyone wants my short thing to take care of a story based thing. So it was about sort of going through an old house where every member of the family has died at one point. And so you responded to their deaths. It's not like one of that.
They like cast apparently to like meet unfortunate fate. So like they all died for our history, but like they leave their bedrooms as they were as a memorial to them and just build the house bigger every generation.
Interesting. Yeah, it is interesting.
And anything you've been up to other than your illegal activities. Uh, no, not really. This is the first time I've seen anyone today and ended up being loads of people.
What are you finding it hard? I'm finding really hard. Yes. When people are ignoring it and then want to follow it. It's quite hard when, like, you know, if, like, you assert yourself and that's like you sort of like ruining the evening if you know. I mean, yeah, because someone said because I was so I was meeting two people today, which is already illegal, but one of them's living alone at the moment.
So, you know, it's kind of not that bad. And then we met these other people. We just bumped into him in the park and kind of set them.
And then one of them said, like, oh, you make the circle smaller or you guys social distancing. And it was kind of awkward to be like, oh, like we we we are, you know, trying to separate. But it's kind of awkward when they're just all scene together and they don't really care. Like I met with a friend like but the other day and I was like, you know, like we were fine. But then he mentioned offhandedly that he'd have a massive gaff like a week before.
But I really don't want you didn't have to tell me that. Now, I'm going to be worried about this the entire time.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Because I know. But the thing is, I know these people. I know the people, the people that I was point me out with were fine. But the people that we ended up coming into, I know, I mean, they're not having big parties, but I know that they're just ignoring it and having, like, small parties with multiple households in this kind of thing. So I'm not too worried because I know that they're still being sensible ish.
But I just I wish everyone was following it very closely and then I would not be such an asshole for having to. Or I wouldn't feel like I was missing out on everything, which I can and do feel now. To be honest. I mean, I've never been I've never been to bad, but like I feel almost like an emotion I can deal with, you know, I really don't like it.
Whereas I don't like feeling like the bad guy in setting, you know, particularly if you say things that you immediately like, brings the meeting, you know. Exactly. Yeah. It's not cool, so that's yeah, I've also been up to I've been watching Phil, I try to watch all the films. I wanted to watch a movie before I paid and then I forgot to cancel it. So I ended up paying for a month of nudity. And so I need to watch for you to watch a couple of good ones.
Know you're not watching me, have you? No, I should I mean. Oh, no, yeah, there's a phone call like you call for a second day and the image didn't load. I was like, oh well bargain. And that turned out to be 2006.
I had I had the exact same thing yesterday. I'm just looking at it now. But yeah, the other day I was like, oh, it was awesome.
I don't mean to be rude. There's nothing wrong with immediately on this.
No, it really it really helped that I knew it was running out because I watched everything that I wanted to watch. And I've got a few more things as I watch it this month and then cancel it. I what did I watch? That was good. I watched a Portuguese film called Takeno Boss, which is kind of cool. It was like a musical and that's fun, but like a really eccentric, quirky, weird musical. I like that one.
I watched the brand New Testament, which is Belgian.
It was it was a really good film. And I watched Showgirls, which is basically just porn. But, you know, sometimes sometimes you gotta to watch a film that's like that. So that's fair. Yeah. That one was a bit not so much, but. Yeah, yeah.
That's why I drunkenly bought a month of Disney plus the other night. Oh can I steal.
Can I steal it. Yeah. If you want. I mean not obviously. Obviously for anyone listening I'm not going to use Jimmy's Disney plus because every individual should pay for their own Disney plus. But yes I look I might steal it. Yeah I bought it to watch Finnieston for. Oh that's why I want to watch this.
Oh. Oh. Like I might wait because I'll probably buy it again when the next Mandalorian season comes out. You sure were happy to give you know, I'll take your log in, but I might just I might not end up using it. All right. If you want to just say you're looking now, then I use an also generated password so it cannot be pronounceable by man.
Also, we are currently recording was saying, you know, anyone and anyone who listens to this little reward, any of her lesbian listeners, I have my private and also my access to my account.
Yeah. Yes, I don't think I've been doing much else really watching those films. I've been looking at masters and stuff to do after uni and stuff, but I know I've got no idea yet.
So, yeah, well, I feel as though I've been doing during your auctions after you won the Oscar for a program that gave you one straight up. Well, and they gave you an option straight up. Well, you know, they respected career path. Absolutely. There's so many things that I do at the point where after I've done my job.
Yeah I know. I know. Undergraduate degree. Yeah, I know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know.
And I know there was a crooked man. A decent time. Perfectly watchable. Yeah.
You go give it a go if you're bored but you know and follow advice and don't make your friends feel weird for following in advice. Very true, because, OK, I going say when we're finished, I read all these things online about how young people are not following it. And I think I think to myself, God, that's so unfair. And I see even posting this is so unfair. But then I come up here to uni and suddenly I see all these all this stuff going on, people meeting up.
And I think actually, you know what, maybe maybe for once the boomers are right to blame us, because from what I've seen from most people, it's true.
Yeah, well, it's just become so much more difficult once it's like a social expectation that, like, you won't follow the advice of, you know, I mean, it's OK. But at the same time, it's completely impractical right now, which I guess has to be by necessity. But like obviously like it's hard to, like, blame like a 17 year old for wanting to socialize with people outside of their household during Freshway, which is absolutely.
Yeah. I mean. They yeah, they it's such a tough one because on the one hand, there's a virus that exists and is killing people and whatever, but on the other hand, there needs to be some, like, practical stuff and pragmatism and stuff, you know?
In terms of the economy and people's social lives and mental health and stuff, you know, that's all well, it's just I feel for the time, the time for decisive action was passed, as it were, like if there was a time, like, properly locked down and sorted out. And that was like six months ago. Yeah. So, like, obviously what we're living through now is like a cluster fuck. Yeah. So I do have sympathy for the government departments and stuff.
Oh absolutely.
I'm saying this is an impossible situation.
Yeah. But I can't say like all the advice is definitely wrong that there were stupid for and it's just it's the social reality, the honest reality of it.
And I genuinely think what is true is that everyone's bored and everyone's bored.
I don't think people maybe it's current culture, maybe it's human beings like a default. But I don't think people are equipped to care about a thing for nine months. No. And I just feel that a lot of people were just they were able to do it for a bit, but like, they've just bottomed out. They can't take it seriously anymore. Yeah, time is wrong. They aren't taking it seriously anymore. And they should be condemned for that.
But at the same time, it's entirely understandable. Yeah. I mean, I don't play I blame people that are being really stupid about it. I don't blame people, respect what other people want to do and, you know, keep it somewhat logical. You know, if you have a party with 15 people and, you know, someone says you don't want to come because it's social distancing, you just respect, that's fine. But if you're having if you're if you're having a party like that and then you, you know, like ostracize someone for no one to come or if you have a much bigger party or, you know, if you ever feel like you're having any kind of gathering that can be realistically referred to as a party, then that's like you being a right shithead.
Exactly. Exactly. Like whether feel like you're meeting like like two other households at once and like, well, it's obviously against the rules. That's hard for me to muster either.
Yeah, I agree. Yeah, and obviously, if you're being flagrantly irresponsible and like, fuck you, yeah, but something and fuck you if you're having actual proper parties or meeting up with different people every day and not distancing yourself, fuck you.
But if you're, you know, just just just make yourself aware of what other people are thinking. And I think the hardest thing is if you live with someone that is has a season a different way to you.
That's a very tangible way of putting it. But I get what you're saying. I am.
And this is no, I'm not talking from personal experience here because my friends have moved back yet. But I think, you know, if you have friends that are. They're they're doing it a bit differently, then you can kind of say to them, OK, you know, you could even say to me, I don't think you should be doing that, but whatever. I don't want to do that. But then if you if you literally living someone and they see it differently, then I think that's where it's really hard because, like, it affects you as well.
Obviously, it makes you a lot. Yeah. Yeah. But like, it's hard to like you can't it's not like you don't know mom, you know, you clamp down on they're going to like make them aware that you're not happy with it. Yeah. That's all the power you have.
Yeah. But then I also hate the whole thing just because I mean it's the sort of thing you shouldn't even. You know, in a normal world, you know, yeah, it's just it's it's crazy, but then I know, you know, a couple of generations ago they were at war and they had to placate every night. And, you know, I think every generation has this major event that I just hope it doesn't last, you know, a ridiculous amount of time.
I'm still I'm hoping that late next year, which will be my final year of uni, will be fairly normal. And yeah, meeting my hopes are fading by the day.
Me too. Yes. I can't yeah. I'm kind of seeing this year not right off, but going to be very different.
But I mean I mean, to be honest, this is my final the most last year, my undergraduate degree last year for yours as well. So obviously is going to be busier than most other years anyway. So at least it's not like yeah, I'm not too worried about mean socialising that much anyway. Yeah. So that's you know, if it was going to happen during university, this is a good year for it.
I agree. I agree. But I also think that maybe the social service kind of important when. Yeah. You know, it's pretty depressing if you're sitting writing essays all day and then you're not allowed to see anyone or drink anyone, you know.
So I guess you got if you live with people you like and you've got, you know, another household that you like, then you can kind of sort of a it just everyone's in such different situations, you know.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But be responsible. Look, there's a long signoff there.
That's an important one. I'm sure I'm permitted for everyone to hear them actually talks about that much directly on this spot.
I know we started this right here and we barely talk about it other than saying perhaps it was just too dangerous to to too much of a hot issue for us to look directly.
Yeah, I feel like the coming back to uni is a big thing. And you know, where you're where I'm really starting to see because when we were at home, we were meeting up. It was really. And just the same group. Yeah, exactly, you know, so we were distancing, but maybe not as much as we should have been, but we kind of knew what we were all doing and who we were and stuff. Whereas I feel like the problem of uni is that, you know, if you're in a couple of societies, a sports team and everyone that you're in that with is with other people and they've all got boyfriends and girlfriends and you've got flatmates are doing this.
And then suddenly you see how the whole ecosystem expands.
And and that's the social ecosystem of units like a lot more intertwined. Exactly. Than it is back home. Yeah.
Whereas we were just moving up like the same, you know, same, you know, it was like five people out of a possible group of ten every time.
I'm going to follow all the rules all the time to, you know, stop it.
I mean, not perfectly, but as well as I think practically. Yeah. Anyway, my bum is getting sore.
So once you've been over you. Uh, yeah. And my seat to my next one. Yeah. You should be at the desk.
Yeah. The entire year.
Yeah. OK, well, on that lovely Chipley note by everyone, thanks for listening, watch.
Well, SHOWBIZ on Call, there was a crooked man.
Yeah, 1970 and a little extra assignment for all their watch in 1961 and tell of his gate and then we might watch it.
We will never watch it. Thank you and bye bye.