Ep.16 - Five Easy Pieces (1970): A Question of Musical Integrity
Golden Talkies- 1,385 views
- 13 Sep 2020
Jamie and Duncan are watching Five Easy Pieces (1970) this week following a week off. In other news audio issues have returned and we thank all of our Lesbian listeners out there
Hello, everyone. How's it going? Are you asking me or are you asking? I'm asking the world. They can answer back very nicely in the world.
It's going. Yeah. Put in the comments below or to the site. Can you leave comments on, uh, wait one second. I was going to do something cool there, but I only just thought of what I was going to do also seeing it. But it's fine because in just a second, I'll see what I was going to say.
Uh, uh, can you can you put comments on anchor there from on Braker, audio on Google dot com slash podcast on overcast or FM on PC, s-t on radio public dot com or on open-top Spotify dot com Jimmy. Because that's how the platforms are on.
Probably jinxed. I don't know, can you comment some of those things, maybe if you can leave a comment, leave a comment, otherwise go to your YouTube channel at YouTube, dot com slash student Turki's. I don't think that's who you are URL, but no.
But still, go over there, leave a comment and tell us how you're doing.
Yeah, yeah, this golden talkies, as you put on this, my mistake, which I was she was one of our listenership comes from I think so you know how many plays we had last time?
86 was No. Nine.
Nine, wow, on a single episode, we had nine that's on the podcast, I look at the YouTube, I think half of those were me on one view with one view in YouTube and nine on on various other platforms.
That's ten views last week. Oh, boy.
Wow. Is this podcast growing or what?
So it's a thousand percent increase on some other sites, probably. Oh, John, explain what we do here. Duncan Oh shit.
You get me we watch films that came out 50 years ago today. This week. Yeah. Today, the film we're watching today actually came out today, data recorder this yesterday, a day of release, the 12th of September, 1970 film came out five easy pieces, five easy pieces named after the Mendelssohn set.
Indeed, it's a spinoff of a spinoff of the Big Five Easy Pieces. Yes, Hypnotoad. And that's quite a good name. Yes, all right, names good, I'm not sure. I'm not sure it quite I feel like it would be nice if they somehow incorporated number five into the film. But as names go for it, I know I'm going to bounce back.
Is not a great name. I'd say I feel is a better name for that film out there in the world. Well, I feel it really relates content that much dramatically. I say music is more of a motif within the film.
Yeah, I think that's the point, isn't it. Yeah. Title the background.
Shall we say it with historical context. Yeah, I'll jump into the film. So yeah. As we said, the film this week is five pieces came at 12 September 1970. And normally if you're a new listener, I do some historical context beforehand. Uh, so do you want to guess what am.
Of course, the word will air aircraft event took place today. I couldn't care less. And the first Concorde landed at Heathrow. Wow. Joining guess well, space event happened today, 1970, Ferd Moon Mission, the Soviet Lunar 16 lander launched, which was the first robotic probe to bring back soil from the moon. Very close, pretty cool that launch. I wonder if we'll find out when it lands, who knows? Um, the film that we were watching this week, this I think this is only the second time this happened was on take me back to the website that I used who sometimes considers the spy as I mean, how many times we've like many, many, many times.
So they've shown us once it is.
But I do use them. And the film Five X was on tape. I talk to you as a film that was out currently. So that's pretty cool.
Yeah, it was a big deal.
Got nominated for a bunch of Oscars for Academy Awards and five Golden Globes. Got nominated for. Yeah, there is nothing new in the charts. And Time magazine. Can you guess who was on the cover of Time magazine? Richard Nixon, no word, I mean, it was Elliott Gould from our first film and what was it was really not going straight.
I just realized you're going to ask me that. And I realized, you know, and I thought, wow, I did. I guess they were a team. And there was also an article about women marching for women's rights. Can you guess what the slogan was? Some stupid pun don't iron while the strike is hot, hey, I like that I thought I was really good, actually. That was good. Anyway, that's my historical context. I hope you enjoyed that.
I did that er there your right, but yeah, yeah, you know, I like doing that, er I think it's funny, I think it's, I think it's, believe me what they say isn't it. They say if you're doing a podcast or a radio show that you should you should have that er in it. Right. That's what they say.
Yeah. That's what you say. I think it is. If you have a show have that er. Hmm, that's the thing. Are you, Max, your value for money? Exactly. I will share that question. Paul, tell us about Jimmy. Well, OK, so this film stars Jack Nicholson in the role he was famous for Easy Rider, but this is another thing that he did and see main character, an easy rider.
Yes, I think he's the main character in that.
And there's one film or that where he got some recognition as a side character, not an easy rider, but I really can't remember much.
I'm really confused. Another one? Uh, no.
He could have been. He could have been for sure. Uh, Easy Rider cast. I mean, he was definitely in it, but I can't remember if he was the main. Yeah. Peter Fonda, Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, I think were the two main guys.
But Jack. Oh, no. Jack Nicholson, isn't it. I've seen it. Yeah. So so Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, the mean guys. But Jack Nicholson has quite a big part in it. He's in it for OK, so.
Yeah, yeah.
He's memorable in the film is Karen Black is also an easy rider and she's in this film that we're watching. She the waitress with an easy rider in this in this one, she's a waitress, an easy rider.
Cambria Squeeze.
And do you know the other connection to Easy Rider, same director maybe, or song writer ish?
The guy that directed this was a producer, an easy rider, and I think it was his company that produced it. He's not credited as like the producer, but he was involved in it. So, yeah, there's a link there. It's quite heavily linked to right here, which yeah, we should probably talk about more, but I can't really remember.
And you've not seen it. So, yes.
Despite it being out there, you are there. You just assume I haven't seen it.
You saw I think you started seeing it earlier and then I just picked up on it. And it's obviously a very relevant film to this time period. Very iconic. Yes. I've got a book about this time period, which I have not read, uh, that's called Easy Rider to Raging Bull. And it's all about like all these films that inspired each other and created this movement. But I've only read the first the first bit of it.
And it was a well, like pre new Hollywood stuff. Yeah, I guess. I guess. Or maybe it goes into new Hollywood. But anyway, regardless. And yeah, Easy Rider, very iconic. And this film is linked to. Yes, a couple of weeks, so that's cool. So, yeah, the Jack Nicklaus is Dick, the document was Nicholson, Nicholas, Nicholas Cage and yeah, he's an oil rig worker.
He the working class stuff he does is oil rigging. And then he goes home and it's his girlfriend who's a waitress and her name is Ray Ray or something.
Yeah. Ray. Ray. Yeah. Yeah.
So, so many treats are very well. Very nicely there, clearly a lovely couple, lovely couple, and very much there's no issues or anything. Yeah, if you like, you know, it's sort of different varieties of Jack Nicholson performance, if you like Jack Nicholson with barely repressed rage. This is a good film. Yes. It's very similar to The Shining. In a way. It is. It's kind of like mind of most.
It doesn't get as extreme as The Shining, but it's definitely got some character bits.
So he and his girlfriend go bowling with his friends at one of those old Elton.
And I want to see Betty. It was stony, stony, did someone call it in? Yeah, maybe it's. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they go bowling and Jack Nicholson's pretty good at it, but his girlfriend's really shit and he's not high fat, really deeply frustrates him. Yeah, it's a very personal way. He can't handle the fact that she's not good. She's trying to rescue try to have a nice time and she gets a stroke at the end of the game and is like typical because, you know, we've already lost it.
And then she has some self-respect and says, I'm not gonna let you talk to me that way. I'm waiting outside. Yeah, and he has a chat with two nice ladies who mistaken for a guy on the TV and liked him very aggressively. Yes. And he pretends that he is that guy. Yeah. You can canoodle with them at a later date because China is such a nice character in this film.
He's clearly annoyed that they don't get confused with someone else, but they still don't let that stop him from getting in there.
Yeah. Plays along. Yeah.
And then he goes outside and his girlfriend in the car and her girlfriends, as you treat me like shit, this is horrible. What people going to think when they see you farting people when I'm around you and Jack Nicholson says I'm sorry.
And then they Magary he says that he may be an awful guy, but that just makes her better because she puts up with him and everyone's going to think she's great because she puts up with him even though he's awful.
Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Just seeing what she wants to hear. Hmm, yeah, and then I think we go to basically this entire first part of the film is about setting up Jack Nicholson's life as an oil rig worker in California. It's a life that we see he's quite frustrated by and we don't quite understand why at this point. And he's very silent always. He doesn't seem to get along with many of the other people at work. He just kind of wishes he wouldn't have to go.
The next morning. There's a sequence where he's stuck in traffic and then he just sort of goes slightly insane and he starts barking at the dogs and we see him go get step up to the truck, which has a piano on it, and he starts playing the piano remarkably well. And that's interesting, isn't it? Yes. And then his pals, like, that's really funny, man. Do you want to get back in the car before the truck cries and then he just keeps on playing as the truck takes a left turn from the road and he's not seen again until the evening.
Yeah, which is pretty funny. It's quite funny.
Yeah. Poker game with the workers. He shouts to the boss man. He visits his friends and they have a baby. And like, you know, when you think about getting one of those baby babies, baby.
And he says, yeah, and that's kind of the end of that. Yeah, and it's very clear he doesn't want a baby, which will be quite relevant. And so one day he's at the oil rig place and his friend Elton tells him that his girlfriend's pregnant and she hasn't told him. Yeah, I imagine because he's really quite stressed. And who is not going to be the father material?
I think it probably is, because he's quite sure. Yes, that's the reason. And then Jack says something very interesting where he accused Elton, where he says that Elton shouldn't be criticizing him because he's just the sort of way about fucking some of these words, like a trailer trash asshole.
Yeah, somebody said something about living in a trailer park. Yeah. Yes. It's a very classist abuse, which is interesting.
Surely I felt that he was the same class as him.
Yes, that's what we are led to believe. How mysterious is very mysterious.
I wonder if that's going to come back later. Yes. So Jack Straw decides to quit his job. And the boss is like, I don't care. Just go away. You don't do anything around here anyway. And then it's arrested. All of a sudden it's like, can you tell my wife that getting arrested by the U.S. of him in the entire film is just gone? Yeah, kind of.
It's yeah. It's a good way of getting rid of a character. I think he says he robbed somewhere or excuse me, somewhere like a year ago, and then he just decided to get caught up with his wife now.
And then they finally I suppose that last scene is quite nice and that does well, Jack. Jack, Bobby was yelling at them and they were yelling at each other just a few seconds ago about whether or not he was trailer trash and still shows in that scene that quite like some people see. Yes, Bobby is like, no, he hasn't done anything wrong. Just take me instead. Yeah. Tell my wife what's going on. Yeah. So after this revelations, you know, Bobby's going to be a daddy.
We cut to him visiting us. What we find is sister. Oh, yeah, yeah, but after these revelations, we see Bowlby sister. And we're like, hey, isn't this interesting? And it's just as a piano player and she's quite good, but she keeps singing along to the lyrics so no one there likes her.
We're back. I wonder what happened there. LOL, Jim is going to keep going about the plot. Yep, got to keep banging on. OK, so Sisters says that their dad's sick. Yeah, that, you know, he's had two strokes and Robert should probably come visit time, which is two more than you would want to have.
Yes, exactly. It's a non ideal number of strokes. Yeah. The idea of strokes is zero and yes. One or minus one or minus one.
If you could take a stroke or give someone else a stroke, then yes, negative numbers. But yeah, you don't want to have to anyway. And this film proves that because the dad is really not there much.
It's the big theme of this film is that you shouldn't have a stroke if you can avoid it.
Yeah, and certainly you can all two strokes. Yes.
If you must have a stroke, this character comes up near the end. He's only had one stroke. Things like my life's a bit shit, but no one is that guy except that.
And you know exactly the film, much like golf, you want to keep your mind strokes as low as possible. Yes, exactly.
You know, the golf, golf and life really are the same in many ways. You know, there's winners, this losers. And you want to keep your strokes as low as possible and as close to zero.
And yet so few of us can really manage that quite clearly in golf and life and.
Yeah. And Robert goes back home and he picks up stuff, riots, crying and saying that she's going to kill herself and that he's no good, he's just going to leave her.
Yeah, she does. And he's like, yeah, you're right. I can send you some money by. Yeah. And he feels that he does the classic Oscar film Freak out behind the wheel of the car. Yeah.
He says shit, fuck, fuck, fuck shit shit, fuck shit. And then. Yeah.
Does he do I really want to call it a cliche, although I slightly suspect that this film may have been one of the first to do so. I can't do that. Yeah, but you might be right. Let's not. It's definitely become a cliche.
It definitely has.
But you can come along with me if you want.
And they have a road trip, baby road trip, the first part of the film, which is very different from the second part of esthetically.
And it was an exploration of Robert's working class life in California. And so we see that he was around, you know, all blue collar guys. And yet we see pretty convincingly throughout this that Robert is not happy with his life here and the sense that he feels he's better and at least more intelligent than his girlfriend. Right. I say I don't pick it up as much with Elton, apart from when he sort of lost his anger at the matter of him and then some.
Yeah, I don't think he thinks he's better than Elton, but I think he when he gets angry and he certainly uses that class power over him.
Yeah. Well, that's interesting because obviously Elton doesn't know he's better off in terms of origins. And I think it's like that. And when you in the class, that inherent feeling of superiority, sort of unacknowledged bit exists subconsciously in that.
Are you saying that you have that? I'm trying to avoid saying that, although I think it's the inevitable consequence of, like any kind of privilege is that you sort of are conditioned to think that you aren't, if you know what I mean.
Yeah, I do. I mean I mean, I feel like I've really earned the privilege of having 10 listeners. Yes, I feel I feel I deserve more. And that's the real thing. Yeah, I feel like we deserve a lot more time and effort into this. It's just ridiculous.
You know, they're all trailer trash. And if you're listening to this.
No, if you're not listening to this, you're trailer trash. Yeah. If you listen to this. Thank you.
But get your friends to listen to it and maybe clean up nicer next time you go spelunking, because you know that you know this you know, you really should be wearing a tuxedo and you're listening to this because what you're what you're wearing right now.
I'm not really sure it's what we're looking for. I mean, if you're listening to this fucking jammies, then that's just not OK with you.
I mean, if you're in your jammies and basically just fuck wearing those. Yeah, like on some trousers at least is just the trousers is enough for us.
Yeah, anything purchases, you know, if you could go there, chest trousers with a little bow tie on. That would be ideal for me. Yeah, you can get one of those like a clip on bow ties and clip it onto your skin, your fruit dangle, you know, like old people who have that dangle in their fruit if you're old age.
This year, there's about 50 as nobody else will see most of these films.
But, you know, if you're just going to assume that, yeah, be 100 percent of your listeners, according to anchor, are 18 to 22 and male. Hmm.
Although I suspect the suspect, a snake that backs up what you said earlier about maybe half of them being you.
Is that demographic? Well, there's a lot of listeners in the US, apparently. And so if you're American, you can fuck off. No, I'm joking. Please keep listening.
We hate your country, but we do need your attention. I don't hate you. Well, a little bit. I do hate your country. I'm going to be lying.
If if you guys hadn't and, you know, left us, then I would not hate you so much.
If you just apologize for all of your actions throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, I'm sure we can get along. Yeah.
If you just rejoin the union as a dominion, then Duncan comes from a different perspective than me. I will be hoping to agree to go back to the film. The second half. The film begins road trip. Jack and his girlfriend pick up a pair of enterprising lesbians who have their car is broken down.
Did you did you take that definition from my IMDB or Wikipedia while enterprising lesbians?
Yeah, there's there's something about something I don't think is enterprising, but there is like something gay woman was one of those.
And it really is like you've just slightly changed and you're living OK.
Well, well nice. Well done. Enterprising lesbian term.
Exactly. Oh of course they all are very enterprising. They're offering. Please listen to our podcast. We clearly need more diverse demographics.
If you're a lesbian and you're listen to this. We love you. Yeah, but only platonically, of course, of course. Well, I mean, they. You can never give us back the love that we love for you in the same way, and we understand that truth and we're just happy that you're listening.
Anyway, one of the one of the lesbians is very quiet, but one of them is very obsessed with consumerism, which she says there's too much filth being produced in the world.
Too much dirt was actually too much dirt, too much filth, all the words you were supposed to, you know, remember, she says it's not that dirt is not the problem.
It's filth.
Oh, yes. You were supposed to repeat that when I said. You know, this is where if we if I actually edited it properly, I would I would we would do that again, I would add to it, but I'm not going to. So you just really fucked up that joke there.
She's really worried about all the filth in the world. She is. OK. We tried our best. Did you miss the bit where I said, if I did it properly rather than I will?
OK, and just do it again now, so might come away from it.
Believes if you're a lesbian, a male, 18 to 22 year old lesbian from the United States of America. Welcome back from your your cup of tea that you just went to get, which you probably didn't you would do with the US.
But what were you saying about the woman, Jamie?
She's really annoyed all the filth in the world. Oh, and like the dirt and stuff. Yeah, the dirt and stuff. No. OK. And she says it's OK, right? Yeah.
So they pick up these women and and then. And then then they they they have a road trip and the woman is obsessed with filth. Yes.
She says there's too much stuff being created and no one will ever get rid of it. All the consumer access is driving the country insane, which is quite interesting.
Quite a early view. I mean, obviously, the whole hippie movement was like kind of thing, but yeah, like specifically consumerism and like and throwing stuff away in the first of a way is quite for me.
That's quite a modern things that I feel is very in line with hippie philosophy. Is it. I don't really know. I can afford it or maybe beat if for being more specific.
Yeah I suppose it is. I suppose it is. But it just feels I mean OK, certainly seem very relevant to this outdated or anything. It's not outdated. Yeah.
Yeah. That's probably what I'm saying. Or Yeah. So she's going to go to Alaska which she thinks is clean because she's seen some photos. Yes, she's seen some photos. Although as anyone who has been to Alaska will certainly tell you, that's not true. Alaska, I haven't. But you know, I look at the election maps, I see that I'm not going to be a welcoming place for think. Um.
Oh, interesting. Yeah. So I take.
Yeah. So let's do a little bit of the elementary analysis. I thought that this woman was in some ways design services or parallel to the in that she clearly hates everything. And, you know, she's really unpleasant to be around.
Yeah. Much like Robert. Yeah.
Just like Robert himself. It's not nice to be around people who don't care about things. Yeah, but she does care. But that's just she doesn't really she just kind of hates everything.
Yeah. She hates everything. That's true. Yes.
Principled hate, but she still hates everything she likes. She seems to like Robert quite a lot because Robert, a very famous scene. I'm definitely seen ripped off a bunch of times. Ekh negotiates with a waitress about getting toasted, though she doesn't serve tofu, they only do sandwiches. Yeah. Oh, can I get a sandwich with all the fillings held back. And she's like, no, go away. Then he smashes, flips the table, pushes everything off and walks away.
And he's like, yeah, you're super cool. I like you.
Yeah. Yeah. But then hilariously, she says, I like the way you negotiated to to get your toasts. And he says, but I didn't even get my toast. So they can see the situation differently I think.
Yeah exactly. I think she's very happy with the principles of. Oh yeah.
She's more like I just wanted to toast which I think shows how they're they're kind of hatred of everything or anger is different because.
Yeah, well, it's certainly higher principles that she appeals to, whereas Robert definitely doesn't have anything like that. Yeah. He's not guided by any sort of personal philosophy wise. Well she's quite horrible. You can't see that she is. Anyway, they drop them off, that's the sort of role in the film, is to just have some conversations with Robert and Grant, whether they insult her a lot, which breaks up breaks up the road trip.
Yeah. So, yeah, re a lot. Yeah.
That's really our purpose for most the rest of the film. So Robert, you know, drops them off and they go to a motel and it's like, oh I forgot to mention, but Robert cheated on a bunch of times with those women from the bowling alley back in his town in California to see, although without taking pleasure in it, which is very important because he was very sad. We did it. Yes, it's really sad. He didn't take pleasure in cheating, you know, exactly, very sad.
Yeah, so he stays in the motel, they all sleep together, although again, he's very, very reluctant to do so. Yeah, I know. And I like rapee way, but just in a very sort of tired cumbie way.
Well, he is. Yeah, he's getting fucked, but. Yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah. And uh. Well, comedian you are. I'm sorry I didn't stop. I am on this podcast that was like my brother.
Yeah, that was a big part of that air followed by an M.
Well, I think the reason is that er I'm trying to pause instead of saying and I know better broadcasting live radio than there is proposing me.
Pulls the recording for a second. I've just got a storage space warning. Big fine. OK, we're back, and Kolbeinn, there's a good chance that this second half will be recorded for my phone. Uh right now I have my phone up near me than before, but my computer is very low in storage space for reasons I may go into later. And, but regardless, we were we were in the motel and he was having bad sex. Yes, currently, it's not really that attractive to his girlfriend.
It's quite clear, yeah. And then he says next days, like, OK, you just need to stay in the motel. Was like, you know, my family aren't going to be ready for you to come. So just stay until I get back, OK? I go four days by my.
Jack drives up to his family's house on an island at. It's a big old house, we see, you know, the film never really has a definitive moment, reveals its hand about Jack's upbringing. You know, this is the closest thing to it yet in terms of saying, hey, this is actually a rich guy who. Fell from grace, perhaps in some way, so we see Jack introduce himself to his family. He's got a brother, his brother has a fiancee named Katherine and he has a sister and he has his father who's in a wheelchair and a mute.
Yeah, the nurse. So we have a dinnertime conversation and it's implied that Jack sort of. Abandoned his family, as it were, and went in search of something more, something better. Yeah, and that's how we see him, despite the fact that he is musically educated, working in oil rigs at the site. So they say that, like the family wanted to hire some private detectives to find him, but then his brother sought to sway them people they should be.
And that seems to be the attitude the family takes in that we just sort of leave him alone. What do we want? Yeah, they're not entirely willingly.
Yeah. And so this starts the second portion of the film, The House, Jack, starts to have a connection with his brother's fiancee and I see exactly. She asks him to play something for him and he plays some shopin. He does. And then she says, like, what will that make you feel like? It didn't make me feel anything. And then she gets really upset that she's, you know, not being emotional, emotionally open with her yet, but, you know, eventually let you sleep together because this is a film that's got literary ambitions.
And this is one thing that people do in literature is sleep with each other's wives.
Yeah, it's a cool thing to do. Well, you know, when you have a once in a lifetime connection, that can only be expressed in that way with another person, when you find someone who understands you, that's just the way it is.
Yeah, it just is. Yeah, everyone does it a fair in terms of their similarities, Jack, you know, flows from place to place, hadn't worked in the oil long jobs job state fleeing responsibilities, which quite worryingly does seem to imply might be children. Might be it might be children. Oh, I see. Like boots. He wants to avoid having any sort of roots or responsibilities. Yeah, but we see that Catherine's on her for his brother will be our third husband.
So he's gone from the marriage yet. So we've got that quite similar. Don't want to be tied down to a life. Ice cream. Yeah, exactly, but eventually she thought she was, you know, I should go and some of their weather and some of his brother and her friends arrive at the mansion and they sort of discuss stuff in a very intellectual, faux intellectual middle class way. Yeah.
And analyze everything and, you know, psychologically analyze everything. If I really knew what they're talking about. Yeah. Exactly, and then react comes up to the mansion without permission because he's run out of money at the hotel, BoJack stayed longer than two weeks yet and they really tear into her and her country bumpkin.
We to say she asked if there's a TV because she gets bored with their. Yeah. Their chat. Yeah. And they're like, no. And she asked eShop over dinner and everyone's incredibly shocked and Jack gets genuinely angry with her and has to leave the table.
Yeah, but it is important to say that he does defend her when the press survey the TV and because he has sort of become more like that, I guess that's what we see during the first half of the film, attracts very frustrated with the working class people around him because he's got a certain sense of intellectual superiority.
But we do see he gets incredibly irritated with the middle class environment as well. It it's very obvious why he left. He finds them all to be both incredibly style and deeply cruel. Yeah. And the way I see a new point in this film, does Jack seem particularly comfortable with his surroundings? Yeah. In any way. Yeah. Yeah. Not happy as a working class blue collar bloke.
Not happy as a middle class white like you really needs to be upper, upper, lower or lower middle. Exactly. That's also the message of the film, I think if you just go on a nice job as a not particularly well paid doctor, you know, I think he would have been just right. Or an office worker. Exactly.
I think office worker, two bedroom home. Doug. He'd be happy, you know, but instead he floats between these two extremes, you know?
Yeah, I suppose so. You undercut the film's message. I think the film is very much trying to sell the idea that Jack can't really be comfortable anywhere. Yeah, I say that obviously, if you are in that situation, if one felt they were in that situation, then, you know, you can keep looking and you'll eventually find people who can get along with family, probably.
But then if you're really grumpy, then maybe no. If you were really grumpy person and you don't know what you're looking for in life and you run away at the first sign of responsibility, then people are going to want to be around you because you're really unpleasant. Yeah. And that's you know, I think a lot of people saw this film in the day and like sort of saw themselves in Jack Nicholson's character. And I feel that's a bit worrying, sort of a retro Walter White thing, as it were.
Yeah, yeah. It's like that's me. That's me there on TV, on the film. Yeah, so this sequence concludes with Catherine and Jack has a conversation, Jack says, you know, can you leave me? And she says no and says not just because Jack, you know, is disrespecting his brother or anything like that because you wouldn't want to be with him anyway. Because Jack doesn't love himself. He doesn't love anyone around him. He doesn't love his work, love anything in the world, and therefore he can.
You still kind of love her? Yeah. She knows she can't be expected to love him. Yeah. And, you know, that's the perennial advice that before you can learn to love others, you have to learn to love yourself. It's true statement. And it because it's very bad about these things. But it's quite a sad moment because obviously, whilst it is true, it's not fun to be told that because it's not a problem you can immediately solve.
So Jack sort of left defeated, being told these unlovable and the best of the film happens, I think it takes his dad for a walk, takes him out in a wheelchair for a walk, and the dad's mute.
Well, Jack has a final conversation with him, and he says that you wouldn't be able to have this conversation with your dad if you could talk.
We wouldn't be talking, he says.
But he tries his very best to open up his heart about how he can't face vulnerability, how he's not happy anywhere, how he's never good at piano. He's not going to do anything else in his life. Yeah, he just wishes he had a place to belong. We can't do it, which is really sad. He can't articulate his feelings properly at all. It's a complete jumbled up mess. Yeah. And he ends up just so desperate to articulate, I think, really his loneliness more than anything else.
Yeah, he is, more than anything, a deeply, deeply lonely man. And he ends up just breaking down, crying instead of being able to talk at all, developments deepen or deepen, mostly affecting, you know, his art.
And then then what happens? Well, then he and Rayette leave the house, they've stayed there time, you know. Yeah. And then on the way back, they seem to be getting along, though, obviously, as ever, it seems a bit strained on Robert's behalf. But let's stop at the guest. And she goes into the cafe, she takes his wallet. We don't have any money or he goes to the bathroom to wash up and then he just sort of looks at himself.
And then he goes up to a truck driver, to a random truck driver, and he's like, hey, can I just travel with you from now on? And the car was like, OK, whatever suits you, he drives off never to see any of these ever again. Yeah. So basically, one last time he completely abandons his responsibilities, completely abandons his life, moves on in search of something new, but without any idea of what he's actually searching for.
He is completely unchanged person by the events of the film. Or at the very least, someone who's tried to change and failed would perhaps be more accurate. Yeah. Through what did you think of the film? I really liked it genuinely is quite conventional, I suppose, probably because it's more of a pioneer than anything else in terms of like this is a film about a character who's got this really bad, this really flawed character. We're going to follow him for a bit and then he's going to, you know, not learned his lesson at the end.
And it'll be a sort of existential but tragic ending, you know. Yeah, I've seen that a lot, but generally in slightly more modern. So that's why I'm giving it some credit. But what I really like about the film is that it doesn't really play its hand until quite far in. Yeah, it's really very slow to reveal what is about very slow to reveal what this character about exposed it and doesn't really foreshadow either. Actually works very well to its credit.
Mm hmm. The small hint, there's obviously hints throughout the first half about Jack's upbringing. But the things that would only make sense in retrospect, I think like the fact that when he gets in the truck.
Yeah, yeah. But you might get us a bit weird, but you wouldn't give it much thought. But then when you get the part later, it's like, yeah, he grew up in this household. Piano players. It's like yeah it's like yeah.
OK, ok. Yeah, it's nice, though, it doesn't explain itself to you too quickly, you sort of give them time to absorb everything. Everything is revealed that it's own pace. Yeah, especially in the film at whole. I walked as the water, I don't know if you necessarily get away with that thing, I don't know. Yeah, so when I watched it, I kind of felt there wasn't much going on and didn't mean that anything to say.
But then on reflection, I was like, actually it was pretty good and it had a lot to see. But I think it's because it doesn't have that like foreshadowing or and, you know, obviously as a plot.
But it's not like really major, major plot points.
You just kind of this stuff happens. But actually, yeah, some reflection works really well.
I think it's definitely more like some stuff happens to the character rather than a plot. And you find out by the character as it goes based on what's happening to him. He doesn't know who to put forward much and or I guess even when he tries to, he kind of isn't able to maybe. Yeah.
I like I'm a fan of, you know, a more grounded character study. Sometimes I like a good issue with this film is that it's maybe not the most unique character in the world, although I think that's one of the articulations I've seen of it.
Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, it's definitely not unique, but I mean, it could be that it's the first or one of the first of looking at this kind of thing.
And yeah, I mean, that's one of the things where like how you have the benefit of the doubt. And also it's like even if you're telling a story that's been told before, as long as you do it really well in an interesting way, which I would say this film does do both counts, then it certainly is worthwhile.
Who are we to judge? That's that's why I was going for good. Um, what else happens? Else have I got written down here to. Talk about an. There's definitely one or two things I'm just looking through the old Uluru's here, and there's the thing now jumping over me. You look for your notes, it's fine. I'm sure this is interesting listening for everyone.
Yeah, you're really good at this.
All of the transition in it where he sits down in a chair and then it kind of he sits in a chair at nighttime and like the camera kind of pulls around him and then it's daytime.
And that was kind of. Oh, yeah, that was cool.
And there's there's not that nice camera bit when he's like playing the piano for Catherine and it goes round all his family's portraits and it's like, oh yes.
I see a really nice. Yeah. There are a few nice bits. Um.
Hmm. Yeah. It's a pretty nice looking film overall. There's nothing to see.
Super is incredible but also nothing like not good. Yeah. It's pretty nice. I don't know who wrote it in like. Uh, facial facial hair in the film as as often in the films that we talked about was very good. You had similar sideburns or a few good mustaches and stuff in this film.
Doesn't to feel particularly dated. I'd say that's an observation. No, I mean, maybe the sequence at the bowling alley, I would I don't try and go, oh, this is the 70s. Yeah. Yeah. Which is a point to its credit, it's good to be timeless. Hello.
I'm looking at pictures of it now. He does wear a rather large turtleneck in the diner scene, which is I suppose.
But, you know, but yeah.
I don't know what you mean. It overall, it's not very dated. Yeah, it's nice. Oh, I've just seen a nice poster. I'll tell you what the Criterion Collection poster for this film is very nice.
Oh, let me see. Yeah, give it a look if you listen to at home Google five Easy Pieces Criterion Collection. Yes, nice to see you, this one in the truck.
Yeah, he's on the truck and it's like piano.
There's five pianos, one going for it at the last minute, a tally, you see, I'm sure over at the Criterion Collection, they put a lot of effort into the design.
It's really nice. It's there for a nice film.
I would happily and I think you recommending it what you give. Yes, we go by. They go by. I thought and here I was before we started recording. I was going to get a watch if it's on. But I'm leaning towards my Dutch and I'm not going to say bye. Uh, really, I don't think so.
But I'm going to say watch. I say watch. Um, watch this film.
That's interesting, actually. What made you cooler on it, do you think?
Um, I'm not sure if it grabbed my attention fully the whole time.
And I you feel a bit bored during the first half.
You were saying, I don't know if I was bored. I was just kind of I found myself wondering where it was going, but not not wondering where I was going in a good way.
Just kind of like, oh, well, the second half, you definitely start to I know the design of the film.
Is it the second half of reveals stuff in the first half and explains things and shows this and that. But I just kind of felt like when you're sitting watching it in the first set, you're kind of saying to yourself, is this whole film going to be him going back and forth from like, I hate my wife to the oil rigs?
Because I don't I mean, it does. And then it does get more interesting.
But I think I would have been down for the film as it was in the first half. I definitely wouldn't have liked it as much, but I was engaged enough and I drove the relationship drama and like his clear dissatisfaction with people around him.
Interesting. I just felt like it was a bit too much. And although definitely I think it's I'm glad that the they moved him somewhere else, um, because I couldn't just be out with him being a dick to everyone for the whole film in the same scenario. Whereas I can just feel with him being a dick for the whole film in various scenarios.
But that gives me well I think in the second half as much. I think possibly just because he doesn't see himself as better people are morons in the second half is much less of an asshole.
Yeah, he is definitely. And yeah, there's definitely a power thing where. He feels like he's having a lot of power when he's on the breaks and stuff, and then you can see that removed a bit. Yeah, definitely. Hmm. Definitely. All right, it's done the film. Yeah, I think so. I guess I'm not sure what to say, I think it's a very nice tale, very good character study about this recently. Interesting person.
Nice. And I think in terms of feeling of disenfranchisement from society, which is not to belabor the point is something we have again seen in this film. I keep seeing it time and time again. All these films is the theme of not knowing where you fit in, in society, usually articulate. No, it's like chocolate. Usually, you know, it's particularly those are you happy or are you an office worker? This time it's, you know, are you the working man's life or middle class life for you?
But there's still this feeling of disenfranchisement. Yeah. Which is interesting. It's clearly, you know, what people were feeling in the cultural moment, which I suppose makes sense when you know what you're supposed to be doing culturally is fighting in a war that, you know, you don't support or being a racist.
The war is not in the film at all. No wonder that's part of the sort of timelessness that they were going for. Yeah, there's not much reference to specific events, I think, because the film is more about the feeling, the need to be musically wise.
And there's a lot of country music in it, which I would assume is from the time.
Yeah, obviously the music's a very recurring motif, particularly in the first half hour. And we contextualising it. It's clear that it's because people pay special attention to music. Could be such an important part of his life. Yeah, but like in the first half, as all references to music, he gets quite annoyed at Elton's band Elson's ukulele playing and he pays attention to an not for harmonica, for example. It's not just piano, it's music in general.
Which if something's is going to remind you of your origins, is quite bad because obviously music is quite omnipresent in the world, is rather omnipresent in the old the old world, isn't it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Um, but yeah I'm not quite finished absorbing it yet. Talking about that with you as it was revealed. Certain layers of it to me, but, yeah, it really. Good. I really you know, I think one of the better films of the time. Oh, good God. Here, let me.
This means I'm a mainstream lawmaker because obviously that's what the academy for as well. Yeah, maybe you are just Mycock is entirely possible.
That's the case. I'm cool.
What else have you been watching. Playing, reading, doing. This week, I have watched two films and one of them, Angels and Demons, based on the novel written by Dan Brown, is terrible cool. Ewan McGregor and play your McGregor plays plays a priest who goes in a helicopter and jumps away from exploding antimatter bomb and then shoots down. And it's very cool. I feel like if I see as very bad, I might have seen this, but it's the sequel to The Da Vinci Code.
Yeah, I know. I know that. I actually I don't know if I have. I don't know. Have you seen. I think I've seen bits of it. Um, but I don't think it's one of the things everyone sort of vaguely aware of. Yeah.
I don't know if I've actually seen them, seen them, but yeah. Other than that I really watched Dr. Strangelove recently.
Oh I wonder who watches. Oh it's such a good film. Yeah.
Not to be too controversial but so really fantastic. Yeah.
Yeah. I want watch it.
I've only seen it once and I really enjoyed it a lot more than I did last time. I saw, I last saw about four years ago and I feel I was able to appreciate it a lot more than I was previously quite keen to.
Watch some the Kubrick stuff. I really want to see space all the same now I own a of. You need to see that man. You just I don't need to have a very big screen so I can either watch on a small TV or on my laptop.
And I feel that they're not good options.
No. Yeah. Maybe you should wait, but you should definitely see what I mean by the Kubrick.
If you seen or not seen, I think just the Shining Eagle, you should watch Clockwork Orange. So, um, uh, I wish I can recommend Spartacus. It's very long. It's a good film, but it's just it's one of those films. It's sort of long and you just kind of know a bit dull.
It's not like. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not a bad film. It's not a boring film, but it's not. So it's not it's not it's not not boring enough to keep you go justify it.
So yeah. Uh oh. Full Metal Jacket is really good as well. Oh yeah.
I remember you raving about that. Didn't really try that one already. Yeah. But there's still a few of I've not seen eyes wide shut. Oh, that's supposed to be an acquired taste. I know some people would. That's from 1999. That must be his last film. Yeah, this is last from a lot of people think it's. Yes, but there's like a very passionate group of fans who like it.
Was there a huge gap between that? And because I'm looking at Smokefree here, I see 1987 Full Metal Jacket and I see Eyes Wide shut as the next one gets SOCAP interest.
I guess Tom Cruise just moved him. Not much. I guess so.
Yeah. It's a big if you. So Tom Cruise's in it in a Kubrick film. But anyway, Lolita went to see his eye. Yeah.
And parts of the watch all of these because I really sure it's remakes the right term, but like a different adaptation of that movie right now. Version of Lolita.
You know, interesting, I want to see by the Germans, I've seen little bits of very, very interesting.
And like I said, a precursor to the favorite and that kind of thing, like this costume drama, that's a bit got a bit of a different thing about it. That's cool, yeah, interesting, Wolf, I watched The Truman Show the other night. Oh, yeah, I watched them pretty recently as I was before. It was good. You know, I didn't I wasn't thinking about the treatment years, I think a lot about like the better version of that film I feel could have existed.
Yeah, it could have been deeper. Well, I've always wanted from it is that I really wish there was more exploration of how the actors felt about what they were doing, which is kind of glossed over, I guess, sort of for the purpose of a joke. And also just to focus more on Truman. Yeah, but like, I thought it was really interesting and it's only ever really into that.
Yeah. I mean, you see how certain ones feel about it in terms of.
Yeah. Like his wife gets a decent amount of like you know. Focused like his best friend, for example, you only get the barest you know, what would it be like if you spent your entire life like, yeah, I feel like I was expecting more from the best friend because, yeah, that's really interesting.
And like, it was just a really interesting idea because it feels like one of those films that you wouldn't think would exist just because it's so insane and like random and whatever. And I think it was interesting to watch it. I'm not because I feel you can sell sell it on the premise alone quite easily, and I'm sure that's why it made no difference.
But just like it was the giant dome that takes up like half the country and all that kind of stuff, just like insane. You can a can of worms. You kind of just watch it.
And yeah, I really I like the very, very end of the film, as I'm sure everyone does. It's very iconic. Yeah. I just feel you could have fit other stuff in it. I don't like the romance very much. I feel like romance is a bit weird in a way. Maybe it was like more power social like to sort of fall in love watching them on TV and then like you can sort of focus. And I was at this really weird one sided relationship and family does that.
Yeah. Yeah. But I feel maybe that would be too weird for what they want.
There are dozens of more interesting versions of that film and I feel it's so. And maybe I just I don't actually find Truman to be the most interesting character in the story. You know, once he realizes that something's up, that's kind of his for outlived its usefulness until he makes this final decision, whether he wants to, you know. Yeah. Stick with the world he knows are not true.
I was expecting in my version of the film I would want it to be like the first half hour set with Truman. And I discover something's up then like the rest is focusing on the world around. Yeah.
Or I wish I would even like to see how he like works out in society because I was kind of expecting I thought maybe that would ruin the whole thing. But I just think that would be more interesting than just seeing him trying to escape.
And that would be interesting, I suppose, of the value in ambiguity there.
But like the whole film being about him escaping, it just feels a bit. Yeah, yeah. There is an interesting note to strike. It's just there's other interesting avenues to explore and it doesn't. So this is more focused vision, and I also was a very funny film in a weird way. No, that's true.
I learned more jokes they could have made. Didn't really get much other than the private placement.
Product placement is very good. But yeah, I also watch The Passion of Joan of Arc. I'm not saying that it was really the acting is really cute, it's famous for having a great acting and it's also got no like long shorts or white shorts. Everything's either close up or medium close up, which is really interesting.
Uh, well, what's the point of it?
Just like the human emotion, because it's a silent film and it really like, oh, is this on?
This will be a thing. Yeah, it was on BFI from 1928 and it really pushes the like. Actors, you know, to their limit, and you really have to see the emotions and it's good.
It was really, though, I mean, I was but you know, after after the tenth time that you see the close of a Joan of Arc crying, it does get pretty dull. But I watch it anyway. And in a lot of ways, it was very, very impressive.
So, you know, I no believe as a silent film wasn't too long.
An hour and a half, OK, or not quite an hour and a half to close in less than normal.
Um, and the other five things you watched.
Oh, I watched a bunch. Have you watched her watch yet, just in the show? Yes, I can. I've lost it. I've lost the subscription. Oh, know, I know I.
If we lived in the same city, that's a shame. We don't, um. What did I watch? Person Joan of Arc. Oh, I deleted the ones I washed. I must have put them on my IMDB, but I can't see it. I was a few, and it was, yeah, they're good. I wanted to watch in Poland, which is like five and a half hours long from 1927, but I couldn't be bothered in the time.
I don't blame you at all.
In the time I had until it expired, I could not be bothered. I did not have that long. But one day I watch it differently because it's so iconic.
And other than that, the reason that my storage space is running out, which is fast becoming a problem, is because I downloaded Microsoft Flight Simulator 20/20 to ensure that, you know how long it took me 23 hours to download it. Yeah, I downloaded it on steam and it took like half an hour. And so that doesn't seem right because I've heard it had a huge download. And then once you open it up and steam, that's when it actually downloads all the stuff.
And it took 23 hours. And I now have essentially no storage space on my computer, so I'm going to need to work that one. I had to I had to be the game on external hard drive as well because it's so big. Anyway, that was fun.
You have no one to blame but yourself.
I know, but it's quite a fun game. It's really. It's fun, but also. It's like when you're flying a plane, you're going in a straight line and you're looking at clouds and stuff. And I feel like if I think of other simulator games, I play like euro truck simulator, it's all like driving the motor is the most boring bit. And even that involves changing lanes and driving somewhere as the flight SIM just feels really like. But then it's also fun to, like, fly around places and stuff.
That's all cool.
So, yeah, it seems like a lot of the joy people got on that game is just looking at the ground and going, oh yes, that's where I live.
That is that's basically the point of the game and it's very cool. My graphics settings are not high enough to really, really fully appreciate it, but they are high enough to see it and be like, that's cool. You know, I flew over my house and stuff like that, which is pretty cool and.
Also, I've been playing Madden 21 and it's really glitchy and I think it's been out for a while. Uh, they're doing a free weekend this weekend on, like, old platforms, and it's just really glitchy. So I don't I don't think I'm going to buy it. I bought Madden every year for the last six years. I don't think I'm going to get it. Fair. So you don't like her? Well, they don't support you know, you don't like the intense E.A. and they just play the same game again and again.
And then this one seems to not only be the same game, but also be very glitchy, not work.
Yeah, but I guess I mean, it's a free play. We can still play it and a bit more and see.
But yeah. Yeah. So I've been doing and. Shall we shall we call it a podcast? Yeah. Hope you enjoyed listening. OK, thanks. Bye bye.
We love you, especially if you're a lesbian. Yes, especially please watch her show and then share it with all your other female friends. That's the saddest thing I've heard. I've heard you say in my life. OK, bye. Thank you.