Ep.26 - Love Story (1970) and El Topo (1970)
Golden Talkies- 1,295 views
- 22 Dec 2020
It's a slightly late Christmas doublesode this week as we watch and discuss Love Story (1970) by The Out-of-Towners (1970) director Arthur Hiller and the Acid Western El Topo (1970).
Hello, everybody. Oh, gee, I like to do that so soon after the mark, that's going to be a nightmare to perfect.
I wouldn't have been my friend. I was. Well, I'm pretty sure I still seeing Mark, as you said, hello. Oh, absolutely.
Let's see. Welcome to Go Talk Talkies, the most professional broadcast on the Internet.
What we do here, Jane, we discuss films that came out exactly 50 years ago this week except when we're late, which happens occasionally.
We're like, I reckon this is going to be going up two days late.
Well, good thing that I get more bang for their buck because this is a rare golden talkies double slamming as we do to film. Last time we did this, it was because that's an episode this time. So we're just really generous. And two pretty important films came out this week cos it's Christmas, guys. We're doing it. And also it's Christmas. Your present this year from Jamie and I is a double standard. Yeah.
Yeah. She sings and Christmas songs.
Yeah, why not. What's your let's each sing our favorite Christmas song starting at the same time. And if it turns out to be exactly the same song, it'll be great. Okay. You ready. I'm ready to start UMPHREY. Okay. One, two, three.
Carl is going over to Jamie playing with himself. Tis the season of Jamie masturbating. Merry Christmas, everyone. Remember that one?
I do. It was a very different song that took it up while we were in school. Also sung to the tune of those moments. I was going to say it's not songs that you're in a wonderful Christmas time. So that gives you a pass.
I suppose it was. What song is it? Snows. Oh, no. Those falling with songs that. Oh yeah. It's a wonderful Christmas time is what's wrong with that.
Yeah, it's the worst Christmas song, I would say. In preparation for this week's release of McCartney Free, I listen to McCartney one and McCartney to write in such a voyage of self discovery, because I don't know if you know, if I go through McCartney, who is a real track during McCartney, using the world's most polite phrase, experimental phrase with the base of sympathy with sympathizer and one imprecise very much yes. Synthesiser. Right. I said simple Christmas time.
Mm hmm. Well, I sympathize. OK, well, yeah. Wonderful Christmas time. It does show off in a very upsetting way to one year ever.
I cut my hair cut. Right.
Shall we get a historical context then? Oh yeah.
Well, what we could do is say this is some sort of context for the current time. I got my hair today and that could be the last time we get a haircut for free forever because we're going into love then, baby.
That's true. Well, I mean, that's true. On the other hand, I've never seen tears reinforced, but no notice for four is like shut down.
Shut down.
Yeah, but the glass.
But nothing really changed really for all the shops closed, all the shops are getting closed. Me and all the restaurants are getting close, but they haven't closed.
We know they're closing. They're closing. And Boxing Day. Oh it was a box. Oh.
Did we go see a four star in Boston for three weeks on Boxing Day I homeschooled you for.
OK, ok, ok. I was a bit so confused about to buy shoes right today and you know, I bought the shoes but I was also like pretty weird that I was able to buy shoes I volunteer for. But now I see we are not not yet in because everyone knows, everyone remembers Yaeko.
One of the important things to remember as being discussed is also record of our thoughts and feelings in this historical event. And I want the future to know is that this was all entirely preventable. I had become more competent and I do blame them.
Yeah, I don't really plan and I think it's a pretty impossible situation for anyone. But I do think that one is that it was 100 percent inevitable that something is going to happen at Christmas. And she just cancelled it a long time ago.
Yes, this is just my opinion, but I do I think their response generally has been pretty good given the situation. And but I think I think that they fucked it a bit in terms of how they, uh, have planned ahead.
It's been a perennial. Pattern of leaving big decisions to last minute, and I mean this one. I don't know, this one's based on new new evidence, based on a new strain. If it wasn't for the new strain, it wouldn't be changing anything at Christmas. But my point is not so much that they should have canceled Christmas because it's not responsible, although arguably it's not responsible. But my point is it is kind of inevitable that there is going to be some issue.
You know, we just think about that shit. It's been is pretty.
I mean, look what happened with the US and Thanksgiving. That was not good.
Yeah, well, but the idea the idea is that people are just going to do it anyway, isn't it?
So they're trying to do what incredibly important birthday happened on December 25th, 1970. Yeah. Following the birthday of a generation baby signed personally by Bong Joon-ho last year's Academy Awards, because, of course, everybody, Todd Phillips, the greatest director of all time, director of The Hangover and Joker, was he punching who praise him?
Very briefly, like you said, it was like also you may remember you gave a long speech to Martin Scorsese, gave them a slightly shorter one to prison time. Yeah. And that is very quickly mentioned. Todd Phillips and some of these guys, like you guys, are also interested.
But who failed?
Why are you talking about the twenty December 1970? Because that is that's the last 50 years ago today, isn't it? Yeah, but I'm just going through what happened 50 years ago this week.
That was supposed to be the day is supposed to be the day of the films, Jamie.
Well, yeah, but you know, for context, we like to go into what was going on the week of release so you can get a feeling for the time. I think, you know, I like to stick strictly to the day. Wow.
Some shipyard workers in Poland went on strike and then some soldiers fired on them, killing dozens as probably the uprising that said failed. Both the US and the USSR were performing nuclear tests this week.
Oh, Jamie, that was one of my things. Do you want to ruin the whole thing? I had a whole plan for so context, I'm going to go in the huff if I see the podcast Evil you Britney. That's fair. I don't regret anything. Okay, one more and then we're done. Nothing of much interest otherwise. So what do you got for us?
So, my boy, the two films are watching this week, our love story and El Topo, which came out in the 16th and 18th of December respectively. On the 16th of December 1970, there was the first successful landing on Venus, and that was by the USSR. And there was an article in Time magazine about black centers and how even though a lot of places had both black centers and white centers available, most people went to the white centers, even black families.
And it's because of the inbuilt cultural representation of center. And that made me think, as I thought by the other day, about the paper towns, which has a character in it whose family collects black centers.
I couldn't remember where I remembered it from, and I looked up when I saw this fight and yeah, there you go.
Interesting. And then there's our John Green one.
Yeah, it's quite good. It's I mean, it's a young adult, carried it a few and having a little bit. And I mean, you could still read it. Why not? You know, I suppose fuck the man.
And my other point, which you've already said, is that both of the dates that we're looking at at the US did a nuclear test in Nevada. So that just shows you that there were there were bombs and stuff getting so Cold War, we had to go. Which film shall we do first? We haven't discussed this skills academy. We are very professional. I think we should love story first because it came first. OK, so that works very neatly.
Right. Love story. So looking at reviews and stuff was a lot of hype around the film at the time. It was based on a book that's coming out I think very recently and was like the big hit, particularly among, you know, the lady folk.
Yeah, it is. So, you know, a lot of hype. The script writer also worked on this film. So, you know, did the screenplay try the script by Charlesworth?
Because what I should say, the author of the screenplay. Yeah, the father love story is about a man whose wife dies very briefly, slightly less briefly.
It is about a young Harvard lad whose name I've already forgotten, Bacik or something, Barney Oliver. Oliver Barrett. That's it. And he comes from old money. But so he's got to Harvard, you know, mostly because, you know, his father donated the building, as I understand the system. Yeah. And he meets a young girl library called Jenny CalEnergy, I think.
Yeah. Yeah.
And, you know, they have a flirty banter where she sort of belittles him and he tries to match to her, but he can't really and, you know, they fall in love and tensions arise between the young man and his father, who doesn't approve of his new gal. But they steadily fall in love and get married and in response to the father, cuts off the young man from his fortune. And he's forced to make his own way in the world, which he does.
And. They start to build a small, not small domestic site to build a good life for themselves in New York, but tragedy strikes and she falls ill and then she dies and the father feels bad and offers to help. It's too late. And then he all of our hopes. And that is the summary of my film. It was my brief synopsis. Thank you. I did not start doing this quickly because I feel there's more instance. Talk about things in detail than you know.
Jamie, you actually didn't need to do that because when I gave the film, a fantastic summary came up, which later, why no. Oliver and Jennifer are best friends. Semicolon love blossoms between them and they get married. All of his father doesn't except for their love. But with every obstacle they face, their love grows more stronger. I don't think the phrase more stronger is correct grammar, but correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not sure they're best friends.
Really belongs in the script. I agree this. I believe this was Wikipedia and it's whatever came up when I looked up and Google and I thought that was a rather humorous description of the film.
Sounds kind of sounds like a sort of early senior school, high school, kind of a piece of writing a book reports or the book report. And yeah, I'm not sure where they came from, but there you go.
So shall we discuss more than that, I suppose? What do we think of fucking all of our kids? I have problems with them. I want to hear you speak first about going to go ahead and think you can guess what my issues with him are. What do I think about Oliver?
And as a lead feels a natural place to start unless you.
Well, do you know, I want to say something else first person. So the person who directed this, can you guess or do you know what other film he made that we've watched?
I do not know. I guess I'm guessing he must be known for rom coms. If he was asked not wasn't around comments around drama. I guess if you was him, you would have done something similar and thinking maybe I never spring for my father, although that's quite similar or release time. That's not really close.
Well, I just think it wouldn't be that IVC pieces maybe.
No, that's too high profile. I'm toners. Oh, that does make a lot of sense.
Yeah, fair enough. And I just realized that I should say is this very engaging visually notices.
But my point still stands. No, but and so the guy's names are for Hillary and I think both films where a lot of anxiety in me and my anxiety producing no such things I but it was just kind of.
Well, I don't know. I don't know.
I realized my point is invalid because I got the film's confused. I thought it was I never sent my father, I got the film's confused, but I realized my point is.
So there's basically something. OK, you're right. Let's go. I told her and then we can jump back on that point later.
OK, so I'll say my opinions all over. I think she's a big but not enough. We need to be likable. I don't really I don't I feel for me a lot of the life and death of romance lives and dies in the chemistry between the two characters. And whilst I like Jenny a lot, I don't really like Oliver's banter with her. I think it lacks certain.
It seems like each other well, like a lot of like my favorite like fictional couples like each other a lot, but not like but like in a friendly way because they've sort of up to it. Whereas what happens with all of our Jenny is that like, Jenny's quite clever and Oliver is not, at least in dialogue. So it's mostly just Jennifer.
So I just making fun of him and then he wins a bit about and that's their relationship.
I find particularly agile myself, he occasionally gets a good sleep and often it's not fun to hear them talk for its own sake, which I think is certainly what the best romance is over. But also I would say, yes, his entire arc is about him. Well, his entire life is all about him giving up his privilege as a rich boy. But it really annoys me because he never really does like. Yeah, even his father cuts him off.
He still gets into Harvard Law School and then is earmarked for success immediately.
Like, he doesn't really work for anything he gets regardless, like he does well in school.
But like I said, he's already at Harvard. So, yeah, it really hurts.
It also has the fucking balls to just ask for a scholarship, which I think is fucking ridiculous. I realize things are different in the seventies.
Um, but yeah, like just in terms of the aspect of the film, like isn't it a shame that all of it is being cut off and like obviously there's an emotional impact. But I, I don't like the film's idea that you had to work for anything when he very clearly didn't really.
I mean, they they have to work quite a lot after he graduates by year is he almost immediately gets hooked up with a high class law firm and then he's just rich again.
I think it's not like I think it takes a while for it to happen.
Well, yeah, it's not like his mentor, like had to accept the, like, working class life with Jenny is that his father cuts them off and then he like maybe like say it takes three years to get four law schools, let's say four years later is immediately back to being rich again. I mean, I don't think so.
Yeah. I don't think four years is immediate. Exact. But let me just spoiler alert any dies so you know that for you. Jenny dies the time that he spent with her.
Just this is purely from the perspective of isn't it a shame that his father cut him off? It just doesn't seem to have held him back that much. That's all I'm saying. Right. And therefore, I struggle to invest too much in this struggle as character. I think I think the emotional aspect of all of our relationship with his father is more interesting. It's very sterile addresses. I think it's like, yeah, so my my my things.
The director was I was getting that toners confused if I never saw my father. And and I was going to say they're incredibly similar films with the same theme. I wonder if the director had this for his father. And now I then I realized now that different films and so psychoanalysis is needed.
Exactly. But yeah, I do think it's an interesting thing to explore and I think it's explored. I think that as well. And I think the relationship feels a bit unnatural.
Yeah, I think I think there's interesting ideas in this film, but they always exist at the edge of the relationship. I think the other interesting point that the films are brings up and then sort of brushes over is how much Oliver and Genius attraction to each other is based on their class is like is Jenny. Is Jenny's attraction to Oliver in some part based on the fact that he's richer and is all of our getting some part because he knows it will piss off his father and like whether that makes their love any less real.
And that's mentioned in a couple of lines of dialogue. And I find that quite interesting idea. But it's sort of brushed, not brushed past, but it's just it's brought up as an idea and then not really examined in a way that I think could have actually been quite interesting. Hmm.
Yeah, I would agree. It feels like the film should be about their relationship more than the actual issues.
Yeah, well, I think one of the weird things is that a lot of the emotional cross, the emotional crux of the story is really on all of his relationship with his father. And in a way that's actually not super cool. Jeni's death is just sort of used as a tool to arc. It's really about how Jenny's death affects Oliver and his relationship with his father rather than Altikriti in any way. He's mostly pretty cool and not really involved with the story of her own death.
And this is a sequel to assume that surprises me, although I guess it was very it's called Oliver's Story.
And he meets another woman and and then he really reconnects with his father over his father. Um, and I think he leaves women. I've not just go for a few because I've not seen that film. I just looked up a common interest and I went, I've got to say a sequel is good.
That does sound like a sequel, which is just what one would already assume was going to happen.
True. But I guess well, I don't know. I was going to say it could be worse, but probably not.
Yeah. Yeah. So that that's something to think about that.
Yeah. The kind of ambiguous ending of the film is really not it's kind on them. But if it does.
Yeah, I would say my my two major issues with this film because you just cover them all back to back is I don't like the way it portrays class, I think it's lacking. And I think that Jenny is sidelined in the story in a way I don't think is really justifiable. Do you have any major complaints or the introduced discussion?
Um, I wouldn't say not particularly. Um, the Jenny's dad's an interesting character.
Phil. Yes, I was going to talk about that. So Jenny's dad, in contrast to Oliver's, she's quite close to Sa'adat yet, but she calls him by his first name rather than dead.
Yes. Which was, I know at that time, still considered somewhat scandalous. Yeah. Um, but her dad's also joining a Catholic, but she's more while she was across from their next. And really, it's not practising. She shouldn't consider a major part of her identity, but her dad does.
And then one of Wijffels quite interesting sign of the times is that Jenny and Oliver refused to have a religious wedding, uh, because they think it's old fashioned yet, which I found quite interesting because obviously they stuck around in the end, didn't they? But, you know, Jenny's father's kind of clearly upset because this is all modern. And he just he's basically like he'd be happy to have the married under any other any religion at all about the idea of being their religion.
Whilst he still supports that, he's clearly unhappy about it going it.
It's a nice contrast to hey. Yeah. The how how the two fathers compare when you kind of don't increase self interest.
Well, yeah, yes. Yeah. His approach when he's upset by something is to swallow it for the good of his relationship. As yet perhaps because he's a disgusting businessman all over the forehead, does not accept one over the four disobeys and. Yeah. And back down. And he doesn't seem like a man of compromise. Perhaps you'd agree? I would absolutely agree, yeah, yeah, but one of the other one of the interesting things I follow is that whilst this film talks a lot about marriage, traditional marriage going the way once all of our journeys, life starts out properly, they actually, Sutherlin says, traditional gender roles pretty quickly, like all of our family, becomes the bread.
Johnny becomes the housewife by the end of his school teaching, which I thought was kind of interesting. I suppose it just sort of shows how well the future is hard to predict, but also that even if you think you're being progressive, you can still overlook things that might seem I think I suppose the progressive thing was that she had to work for a bit, you know, at the time.
Yeah, that was the kind of. Mm hmm. I mean, I say at the time it's 1970, not like nineteen hundred, but still, you know, that's kind of the progressive element, is that she she supports that.
And then the sort of implication is, OK, she had to do that, but now she's able to do it. Not only has to do or wants to. Yeah. Yeah. And she you know, she wants to be a Miami. That's her big desire. Yeah.
I, um, I was going to say, uh oh yeah.
Fucking all of our wins 500000 dollars for an essay.
Is that did I for that. I got that wrong. But yeah.
Yeah. So well I looked up and was like well it's 500 because like five hundred dollars seems kind of low for an essay prize so it can't be five hundred thousand surely.
And I was, I was trying to think is it like five, five hundred hundreds. So it's like fifty thousand or is it like five. Yeah five hundred. But then like five if I was ten to work what could possibly be. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah. What I'm saying like about all of our immediately growing rich again what I'm talking about, even though he worked for the essay prize, obviously he doesn't leave Harvard already a rich man. So it is five hundred.
Is that compared to a big one. Is is a grand apparently. So I don't know what else be. Let me I'm going to look up. I'm sure as you look up in the context of the film specifically, yeah, um, whilst we're talking about Jenny getting sidelined, all thing that really bothered me, although I think is perhaps reflective of the times that the doctor tells all over the Jenny is dying before he tells Jenny that she's dying, which seems really weird.
Quite bizarre. Yeah.
Um, so there's a day or so where Oliver is aware that Jenny is going to die and she doesn't and he doesn't tell her, uh, out of the kindness of his heart, although it also seems a bit fucked up.
I can't find anything about this. It can't. It surely cannot be. I think it might be five hundred dollars.
I'm I'm I'm going to look it up right now again, even though I looked it up before. And you're going to swallow your words.
I believe a big, big one. I mean, I think the film means and well. Five hundred dollars. Now you must write a big one. One thousand dollars. Big one. Multiple of one thousand dollars. Yeah.
OK, so consistent apparently.
OK, this is this, this is not fully research. I just Googled it, but a prize of four thousand dollars is awarded for the best paper written by in the field of public international law. So to me that implies that he probably means five hundred dollars.
The center right at the time, maybe, I mean, I guess that makes more sense, it just still seems we I guess so.
I'm on the I'm on the Harvard writing prizes thing. Right. And they're all looking at the highest ones. Nine grand.
Yeah. Um, I just they can't give a half a million every year to the best of the best normal student essay. Yeah. Yeah. I mean surely that's what they really do.
I was assuming it was for the film. Well I don't really matter anyway because yes. He has a good job immediately.
Yeah it's true. It wouldn't be necessary to contribute to the film nor is it necessary to my. Yeah I think yeah.
The only other thing I have written down is that I apparently thought the film wasn't manipulative enough. But when I wrote this and to explain my opinion, which I will do now.
Yeah, I guess especially melodramatic. I think it's ridiculous. But this is enough I suppose.
I think partially because so much of the plot is taken off about being the father. I want to think about investing more in the main romance than there would be easier to get the tears going. Um, although, I don't know, maybe maybe audiences can only care about how a person's death will affect the female characters.
And that's just what you got to do. Maybe I create I suppose I don't know if I cried, but no, I definitely had some feelings towards the end.
And do you think there's any do you think there's any truth in the implication that she makes it he's just marrying her to annoy his father or to do something different, I guess. Are you talking about the same thing? Yeah, well, I think so. Obviously, Jenny, I think that Jenny's promise of rebellion is part of the reason. I mean, it's part of who she is to Oliver, but I don't necessarily think that makes star attraction any less real.
Yeah, I mean I mean, all of these things together, a part of who a person is, you know, if Jenny represents that to him. But you still obviously aware of her as a person beyond that because it's still part of who she is. So I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I'm much the same way that Jenny says that, like, all over being rich is part of who he is to her.
Yeah, I'm what I'm trying to talk about that because it's an interesting question. And one, perhaps it can be explored for the medium of film. Yeah.
Uh, I shouldn't argue too much about what I want films to be about what they are. I suppose making the film purely on its own terms, I would say is a decent enough romance, although I didn't really move me.
Would you mind if you if you were the American Film Institute, which put it number nine on your most romantic list?
No, there is no no chance. Most mentalist, so.
Yeah, I wouldn't say that. There you go on, this is probably really good if you're trying to enjoy it a lot. When I was, I suppose, or if you're willing to buy into it, I bet you'd like it a lot more if you were older than we are. Unlike you sort of looked back on your college days with a certain nostalgia, right.
For the for the youthful passions. If not, I mean.
Yeah, like, I don't know. I feel like something like getting straight would be a lot more.
And I don't think I don't think the middle aged adult of the time would like getting straight because.
Oh you mean OK. You mean you mean people at the time what they're doing at the time. Right. Yeah. Yeah. No, yeah. I think, I think you're right there. Yeah it's. Yeah. Yeah there's nothing. Yeah there's nothing in it. If you think back to King Street, there's nothing in this film about the context of the time. It's timeless. Yeah. Timeless film are timeless. Yeah. Well I suppose but yeah but yeah.
And you mentioned it like it is actually quite old that they don't really mention Vietnam at all for example. Yeah. That is just sort of passed over, I mean as a family guy. So he's not going well. Yeah.
He was going to get sent there but obviously I think it's it would be realistic for him to have a strong opinion at the time. Yeah, well, that's right. Boy, he would be strongly in favor.
Maybe maybe they would disagree.
Maybe they may disagree on, you know, maybe that would be interesting. But I think the only real contemporary reference is that the joke about how Jenny loves the Beatles, although even that's not that contemporary reference in the way they were at the time, obviously, but that still makes sense today.
And talking about talking about love in the Beatles. The Beatles, what their next film. Moving on to Jackie O that.
But they did say, I know John Lennon did. Yeah, but I want to hear more of your thoughts and love story. Is there anything else about it that stuck out to you?
The guy that plays Jenny's dad is the same guy that gets the horse poo in his bed in The Godfather.
Wow. I didn't know that. Yeah, and the dialogue is really weird. Yeah, I think. I think that's just it.
That's just of the time. Well, there's some good folks in that, and there's moments where the dialogue brushes off against being quite clever.
Oh, there is certainly. But for the most part, I feel like they're banned in all of our high there. As you said earlier, me. Hello. Looking at what Orendain and all of our accuses her of being able to dish out but not take it. Do you think that that's true or do you think that his banter is just not very good?
Because back sucks right on Johnny is banter tends to go towards being sort of surface level a playful, whereas Olivers is rare but often not crueller, but more based on true observation, I suppose, of our character.
But it's not it's not quite playing. I like playful banter and I don't think it quite is not that I think is a bit odd, but then like, yeah, I think generally I like it. I like Jenny's contributions. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think Evolver was more of a weenie and just like completely broke down upon being teased. And that would also be kind of fun. But it's just like he stands up just enough for himself for it to not be funny on its own terms, but also not funny as a back and forth. I see.
So Almagro was in convoy, sorry, the girl, please, Jenny was in convoy, a convoy is apparently really good and I've seen it, but it's a good film.
Yeah, yeah. So we go for. So you go for racing. Oh yeah.
I've never before but it's so cool. I'll I'll tell you mine. I think the song was all right, but I think their romance is not is not a spa. You don't run. I think there are other ones. And so I think this is for me a strong watch. If it's on higher quality than all the films I've rated above it about that rating just because it's fairly generic.
Did you take ages to say that or are you see the connection between. Possibly, possibly, possibly both. Um, I think I'm also going to read it if it's on is it's it's good. It's not not amazing. Um, yeah.
Yeah, OK. But speaking of the Beatles and speaking of amazing.
Yeah. It seems certain that there shouldn't be. We shouldn't.
But you know what we mean to get the ratings and maybe we could have them both ratings at end I guess.
But I guess our next film, El Topo, which translates to The Mole, which is a film by Judd Roski, I think is how you pronounce his name.
The Andrew Jodorowsky maybe through the Roski as Hotsy is is French.
Chilean, I think director. But this is a Mexican film. Yeah.
Chilean friend assume. Well I do know I was I was going to say I shimmies Chilean and lived in French lives in France. Grew up. I don't really know. I couldn't really I was Lieutenant lick. My assumption was he was Chilean and he got exiled and and then moved to France, as many Chilean filmmakers did. But I couldn't find anything about it.
So maybe it's a very interesting life. I'm sure he did. How he's never belonged anywhere. I saw an interview. I remember he was like, you know, to French, for Chile, to American, for Mexico, to Mexican, for America, to Jewish, for France.
What was he, Jews? Apparently those names were Jewish is. Oh, is actually he still alive? Apparently. Yeah, he is. Yeah. Like two or so. Yeah. But you know, good for him. Um so yeah. This film is also about, is about a cowboy who I see, you know, I think before discussing the plot we should, I should probably say this is what was like what would later be an acid western.
So it's about creating a very weird atmosphere. It's still very surreal imagery. It's very spiritual film, although I don't know if that's necessarily part of the genre, but something about this film. So it's poked into sort of obscurity. Obscurity, yes. And symbolism. So within this, we find the story of El Topo, who is a cowboy who rides with his son, who is a young naked boy, seven, and he arrives and he some local bandit who is a costume.
And he shoots them a lot and he finds a man called the colonel who runs the local gang is a man who dresses in full military regalia with white powder makeup, and he kills the colonel and his gang. And then the colonel's sort of mistress asked to ride with him and he abandoned his naked son with the monks there and rides off with her. Then he very coolly and not problematically sexually assaulting her when they're in the desert after a while. And she accepts it because this is the seventies and we're not the most progressive.
But she says that in order to win her love, he has to kill for gun masters of the desert, which El Chapo does. Every gun master has their own sort of theme.
Visually, they all are sort of they're all they're separate philosophies after major sort of Eastern spiritual spiritualities. I think one, of course, to be spirituality, although I don't know enough about the source material to have picked up on that when I was watching. And also if it wins against all of them. But he always cheats. He's not able to win outright. He's not good enough. And in the final battle, he doesn't win the title really because his opponent kills himself rather than face directly.
I see the lights and denying Alto for the chance of victory at this point out for the mistress abandons El Chapo because he rides off with another mysterious gunslinger, female gunslinger with a man's voice. They decide they'd rather be she decides he'd rather be lesbian with her and abandons ILT over and then I think also meditates. For many years, he's after being shot on the ridge. He awakens many years later in a cave where he's surrounded by people who have various deformities.
So people who suffer from dwarfism, people without limbs and that sort of thing. And they say they've been trapped in the cave for many generations. And he's their God. He has now woken and he and one female with dwarfism make the climb out of the cave. It takes three days. But also believes that El Chapo undertakes to free them all by the tunnel, a16 him begging at the local town, and that day in, day out, the town is run by cultists who have a cult of violence and racism.
But El Chapo continues to perform that like gathering arms, which he spends on clearing out the tunnel. But one day he runs into a month because he's going to get married to the woman that came with him. But the monk recognizes it is his son growing up and he says he'll kill him. But the woman pleads with him and says the El Chapo is doing great things now, even if he was evil in the past and that he should help them build the tunnel first, which after some persuading, he does and the tunnel is eventually built.
But the outpouring of those who lived beneath the surface is met with a massacre by the locals of the town who shoot them all dead. Everyone dies, including himself. Leaving is the woman who became his lover and gave birth to his child and his adult son to ride off into the sunset. I suppose as good a some of the plot as I could do.
Yeah, it was really good. Thank you a lot quicker. A lot quicker than the film felt. I really like the film.
I'm picking up that. Maybe you didn't. I liked the film, but I found it very long.
Yeah. As I said is more about the imagery on the way. Yeah. And philosophy and the philosophy of the characters you meet, which takes it sort of drinks in the atmosphere, which is why the actual plot is very long. But it's more yeah I would say the film is about anything is about El Topo's spirit is a very spiritual film about El Chapo sort of descending into a pit of self-loathing, violence, and then through is being reborn in the form society seeking a form of redemption, although even then he is cut down in his last moment of virtue, I suppose.
Yeah, this is one this is one of the many films I've watched that I really hated was watching. But upon reflection, you know, after you've done something, you only remember the good bits and reflationary. Yeah. That's why I think Sunit, I watched a bit of it yesterday and I wasn't super into it. And I got so that's it all. And I watch the rest of it this morning whilst I was like kind of awake, kind of asleep as much more into it then.
So I think the other thing to say is that you should watch this film on your high school.
So what you're seeing is that are you encouraging your viewers to watch films in multiple parts?
No, no. I'm just saying that maybe if you are drunk or under the influence of a substance or just really tired, it's good to be in the state between waking.
And I'm waiting for this film, I believe. Yeah, it's hard for you, but I think, as you say now that I've not it's been like the entire day I've stopped watching it and I've just sort of been slowly thinking about it in the back of my mind.
It's really starting to work its way and yeah, no degrading like really enjoying good things to think about.
I think it's kind of like an estimation as the weeks go by. The boss let me look up.
There's another film I'm thinking of and I'm looking up right now. I'll go just for whatever trivia.
So you may remember on the podcast, I said I was playing for the game, No More Heroes a while back switch release. And whilst I was watching this film, I was like half the first half of this film is basically the same plot and no more heroes about killing a lot of really skilled people in order to impress a lady. And it's very weird. And I was like, I wonder if El Chapo was like an inspiration. Maybe I could ask, like the officer on Twitter or something.
And then turns out on the Wikipedia page for also specifically says that it was an inspiration of the key inspiration for our heroes. So, you know, look at me, go and look finding connections between things I enjoy.
Woman in the dunes. OK, it's in 1964, Japanese new film, and it is really dull and it's silent, if I remember correctly, black and white and just like some dude in the desert. But it's much like this one. I really didn't like it when I was watching it. But looking looking back at it in my mind, I still remember the really nice imagery and the the ideas that I had and stuff. And I and, you know, I like that.
So, yeah, that's I guess, what you said earlier. But you need to in the right frame of mind to watch this film and be prepared to make. I mean, obviously it depends what you what you like, but maybe period maybe not enjoy it as you sit and watch it, but just make sure you take it in and then you might. Hmm. Think back on it. Yeah. It's very much. Yeah. It's not a very high stakes, so high stakes.
It's not very fast paced. It's very slow paced. I think that's probably about it. But like it is about sort of observing this world Todoroki has created and which is just very trippy but very yeah. It's a very spiritual world. As I said. I keep saying that is so true, but it's also a deeply haunting one.
And that's true.
So, yeah, there's a rape scene. And he. Yeah. Initially claimed that it was a real rape.
He actually raped the actress, but it turned out that that was at least allegedly a publicity stunt and which is not his explanation. I mean, you know, I'm usually quite amused, I believe one, but I don't think she came for it. But more importantly, I'm looking at his explanation after the factory was like that was just like, if you think about it for a second, like you need tons of people out, film shoot. I like people would have seen what happened.
I would have stopped him. And it's a long scene. So they would have had to take breaks in between it to redo the lighting and stuff.
Well, I mean, he did say that they went over just the camera guy and him. Yeah. But later he was talking about, like, how, you know, you film in the desert. They needed a hundred people there. You need to break down the entire thing to make sure there aren't any scorpions or spiders in it.
No. Yeah, no, no. I mean, it was pretty water and stuff. I'm no, I'm not trying to say it wasn't a publicity stunt. I'm just saying it's an interesting publicity stunt people. Yeah. You know, nowadays nowadays no one would pull that one. Yeah. It's it's an awful publicity stunt, obviously. But I do appreciate also that what you were saying about I mean, my understanding much of the time he was talking about Hollywood at the time was impossible for a Mexican to be taken seriously in the U.S. market.
So he had to do something to grab attention.
And also, I mean, he also talks about the way that the avant garde films are advertised and promoted and how they're their rules are so not advertised, really, but just had the rules of that kind of world are different. And I think that is true. If you look at those films that are full of animals getting massacred and people getting raped and all this stuff, and it's all done in the name of very specific things. And I feel like it kind of does go into that.
But I did find a really interesting thing.
Yeah, from is I don't realize that he was in a position to lie at that point, but I think it's always like from his position was also, like I said at the time, like I shot all those animals. I didn't I got them from the zoo. I'm like, the carcasses were all there. I bought them from a butcher. I was like, really? You know, we were being professional. Yeah. Yeah.
I think it's easy to underestimate how many people are needed to make a proper film, but I don't industry his his explanation was that, hey, I didn't do but be like I couldn't have done it because you need a lot of people out of films. And that to me sounded very small. It's not an amateur. It's not a film that was made by two people. I think that's pretty obvious.
No. So did they kill the animals? No, no, no. Then they were already that great. That's cool, because I looked into this, um, a few weeks ago, one of my courses, and and there are a couple of films over the years that have genuinely killed animals. And it's always an interesting thing, like, you know, some of them. It's like we brought the animal did it, some of them. It's like the animal.
There is one film I have what was called with is a horse. It dies. And the guy was like, well, we bought the horse from the slaughterhouse. And so it's morally neutral.
And the horse, the horse meat went back to slaughter house to be used forever is going to be used for. So all we did was film the killing of it. And sure, maybe they killed it, not in the same way they would do. You know, the he's killed, but no, I think they did. Basically, it's the scene. I wish I could remember the film, but it's a scene where a horse falls off, uh, Bannister onto his bike.
And in the in the film, it looks like the horse alive and possibly bouncing to Spike. But what he said was that they shot in the head. So it was. Essentially dead, and it was just like taking its last steps and then they pushed it and then it it kind of filled the air as it was dying. So it was I don't know, I just find it interesting the idea of what is morally right to do in film and show film.
Yeah, yeah. I think animals are interesting.
I mean, yeah, I think the general my my rule would go with, as with most things be like trying to kill animals where necessary, you know, avoid the where you can. But then thinking about I'm not sure if there's ever I'm sure any film could ever reach the real barrier for. Yeah.
Like is, is art is art artistry necessary. No, probably not.
Yeah. I mean at the same time it's not I mean obviously I eat like beans. Yeah.
So I can't like a horse is going to get shot in the head anyway. Why not. I think, I don't think I could really complain about that thing where I like a horse that the horse is like already bit to die. I don't think you can actually do that.
I guess, I mean, I guess the main thing about the debate is whether it's humane or not, the way that it's done on film compared to slaughterhouse. You know, and I guess that's the thing.
I suppose there was a debate. It's going to get less and less relevant, not CGI and less relevant as more options. Yeah, definitely.
Definitely. But yeah. All right.
Um, so any we're talking about images, any particular ones strike you throughout the film?
I think this is really the only way we'll be able to talk about, uh, any images, particularly struck by images. It struck me just generally, visually, it was very nice. Um. Well, absurd elements, David Lynch is a big fan of this film, apparently. Yeah, you can tell. Yeah, I can see. Um, I always find it really interesting when someone take this is the only acid was in scene.
And I think it's interesting when people take well-established genre and then play with the. Yeah. The rules and the traditions and stuff and make it their own thing. And the idea of like the journey into the desert and whatever, but then this sort of surreal surrealist or absurd twist in it.
And so it's all really interesting when we're talking about Cheyenne Social Club. I mentioned that like I don't generally like normal Westerns, but when there's a twist on it, I start liking it quite a lot. So this is very much that as well as like horror Western or like magic westerns or darker Westerns.
I suppose you're a fan of the Red Dead Redemption to Undead Nightmare.
That's from my dad. And I'm sure one and no. Oh, sorry, sorry. I meant I meant the second red dead game. No. Yeah. No, you know, I meant yeah.
Zombies do not get to counts as an interesting twist for those that don't know.
Red Dead Redemption is actually the second game in the series. Yes.
I have to read that revolver. Exactly. Classic. I'm sure that has been unjustly you is it. I think it's just mediocre. I think it's meant to be very timely. Beg for mercy shall leave it behind. Yeah.
Um anyway I to talk about stuff that interests me, um, I really enjoyed the sequence with the third gun master who lives with the rabbits rabbit farm. And he and I also learn to understand each other through music. Yeah. He, he, I think of the way is also free of cheese. I find it most interesting. He promises that he will be able, says he only needs one shox. He will always, always get it into his heart and also for his trickery is to a small bronze dish about his heart.
Yeah. Jacket so that when he uses his one shop for that he's unarmed and also can kill him freely, which I liked. And also for notes. It's a lesson on how affection sometimes isn't enough and has its drawbacks.
But I feel like I missed all the, uh, the deep and metaphorical stuff in the first half at least.
I feel that this film is very much a film in two halves with day one. And I think I was a lot more focused and into the second half.
The second half was a lot more Christian imagery, the first half as well, which I guess would be more familiar to you. And I think yeah, because like I say, from what I read, the foreground masters each represent some Eastern philosophy. And whilst I can relate to not directly due to my lack of experience, what they have to say is interesting on its own terms.
Yeah, no, it is definitely I feel like I feel like I sometimes about I feel like I kind of missed it. And I got the film a lot more in the second half because the first half it's not it's not there. It's the script at all. But you can kind of watch it as a Western and just be like this in a really weird Western. You I mean, whereas I feel like in the second half it's a lot clearer that you need to look a lot deeper into the film and try and understand what's going to be shown.
And I feel like I got that more as a phenomenon.
Yeah, sir. I think certainly in the second half becomes undeniable what it's trying to do.
Yeah, it's less it's less like what the fuck's on more like, OK, I know where we are. And then then, you know, I would still able to think back to the first half, but it was more and during the first half I was kind of like, what the fuck is going on there? Just in the desert. Yeah.
Yeah, I uh. Yeah, I find I am I'm trying to think also there's an actual line in this film, uh, which is.
Oh yeah, that's cool. Yeah.
Apparently if you're paying attention you can see a guy running off by stage and uh, if you don't like looking at where the shots focus and just watch if I ever watch this again. Look looking for um. Yeah. I'm troughing as a persistent image in the film of dead bodies being covered by honeybees, which I don't think happens in real life, but I would give a ten out of ten, um, for, for being really cool. I did not even notice this one, which goes, uh, when El Chapo has this crisis, after he's betrayed, he runs back to the dead bodies of the four masters.
Yeah. And then the very first one is now covered in honey as the bees have made their home.
Oh, I did see that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that at the end of the film I'd forgotten how else overdone until I said this was one not my fault. Sorry. El Topo covers himself and Lampaul. Sets himself on fire. Yeah, the mission, which which is what the Buddhist monk did in Vietnam or Cambodia. Yeah. Do you think there's a link? Uh, it might be an established Buddhist practice.
I didn't sound like this.
Well, a lot of a lot of monks did it.
And yeah, I guess I guess it must be something less recognized than the philosophy or. I'm sure. I mean, that's stupid. Sorry. I should say that she probably has a spiritual significance as Locke only.
Apparently Alejandro became a disciple of a Buddhist monk in Mexico City in the 1960s. So there's potentially.
OK, so apparently is the final shot of the film is also for his body, having also become a Honi right as our Chinese philosophy, Zen Buddhism, astrology, Sufism, European surrealism, the Kabbalah and Ateret is apparently the main inspirations for him.
I'm tarou early to studying Torah reading and trying to get it right in terms of bringing it back to find interesting and more thing based on the more I think I really did enjoy it.
Yeah, exactly. It's just it gives you a lot to ponder. It was, it was the thing was well it did feel very long and there were a couple bits. I was a bit bored by the the imagery was good enough and the meanings in dialogue were good enough to kind of keep you going, which I feel like the problem. I almost wish we'd watched Valerie and her week of wonders back in whatever week that was that we missed out.
Oh yeah. Because I really, really hate that film because it feels like it is just one of these films is like super, super real. But I think it would have been really interesting for both of us to compare that to this one, because for me personally, this one works as a film at face value, albeit a very weird one, as well as having the deeper meanings which I always think a film needs. And personally and maybe maybe that's, um, maybe I'm a fucking philistine for that.
But I think I think you should always be you should always remain accessible.
And and I don't think and the most accessible film of this, apparently Jodorowsky's most accessible, it was like fine with that in mind. Yeah.
So I think I think I really I really, really do believe that. I don't think I don't think every film needs to be mainstream. Um, and I think some of the best films are surrealist films and absurd films. But I think you have some element that everyone can connect with or else I don't think you can really be successful, although you're so you you're there's always going to be an audience, whatever it is.
But I think yeah, I, I think I mean, it just depends on what your motivation is. And if you're making, if you're creating for creations sake, then obviously I think you should be free to do whatever you want.
No, I mean I think I absolutely agree and I agree that you're free to do whatever you want. But I'm just saying in terms of getting an audience, not even getting everyone to like it, but just having an audience, you need something because anyone can make a film for themselves. But I don't I don't I don't like these people. I don't like films that are literally just for the person who's made it, because I feel like that can be the point for me of filmmaking.
But yeah, yeah, there's I don't know if it's like a common thing in a lot of Japanese stuff. I've read they talk about how if you make orders too self-indulgent, then that's basically just asking the audience to watch you masturbate.
Yeah. There you go.
Yeah, that that sums up my point. Exactly. I have to agree with that, um, yeah, I think I suspect that on a rewash this film would work really well once you get like guy for the whole of it is very much the sort of Sakho life, I suppose, a spiral spiral. Yeah, well, yeah, it spirals downward spiral of his actual redemption. It comes in the form of the next generation, which is obviously universal potential redeemer for us all.
Yeah. The cast of one.
So I'm talking about talking about the next generation and stuff. There's supposed to be a sequel. Yes.
What happened is that Jodorowsky was going to make a film. I think he's given up and he made a comic. Yeah.
There's a big yeah.
There's a comic book produced by David Lynch. Oh no, I'm sorry.
The film is supposed to be produced by David Lynch, but it might not happen. It probably won't. The guys, the director's Ninety-One someone says it won't happen, but. Yeah, and the it's a small film project and and David Lynch was dying to produce it. So that's that's interesting. Mm hmm. And yeah, you're right, it is a comic book. And apparently the guy is a comic artist as well.
So it's not just running. He's done a lot of stuff.
Yeah, apparently. I apparently had a real renaissance in his career in the early 20s, uh, he made to semiautobiographical films that were apparently quite good.
And that would be in his 80s, which is pretty impressive.
Yes. Well, my grandpa still works and it's not impossible. Does he? Yeah. Uh, yeah. You've worked with her. It was interesting.
I said, well, you already said too much, Jamie. I have I interview if you just look up Jamie's granddad, well, they're going to find out, um.
Yeah. What else to say about Alterable, I suppose.
So who who was your favorite character and why was it John turn from the guy that the sheriff looks exactly.
John Trun. No, it's OK, I know. OK, I'll get I'll get up and I'll put it in the discord to be sure.
And in terms of actual characters, I like, um, I think I'm going to stick with the gun master. The gun master is definitely the most memorable characters, I suppose. All of them. Perhaps I'll take care of myself.
Uh, I like the, uh. I like the blind one. Well, don't join me. Go through the four gun measures I was carrying away from that.
I don't remember them all, nor do I. I was hoping you did well.
OK, well, we'll work out together. Right. Um, the first gun master I think is the blind one on my right. Um, I don't think so.
Yes he is. Yes. Because I'll type up tricks him by doing like a tiger trap underneath him remember. And the sand. Sure. OK, well, you're sitting in a restaurant and he has like two assistants, one of whom has no arms and one of who has no legs, and then they sort of work together occasionally.
Yeah, yeah. I remember those guys. I don't remember the lessons. The blind one on tape. I apologize then. Altarum It's a delicate man who builds very pristine sculptures with his hands. Oh yeah. And it is entirely to due to a particular woman and Altiero tricks and by hiding shards of glass underneath the woman's feet. So that's when key parts of selfies distract, distracting the computer. And the third young master talked about is the music man.
I used to live in the fine. Yeah. Oh, sorry. No, sorry. Go on.
And the final gun master is he's a former Greek style, I suppose, naked old man on the mountain who traded his gun away for a butterfly net.
But I'll tell you what kind of system I have with his gun initially suggested these vests. I know it's overcount, Punshon. These too quick and he's a gun. The guy said with that, either he's able the old man able to ricochet them with the net and he says he'll work and explains how to push hard. But then they have a conversation where the old man Selter for what he wants, but he has nothing and also says, I want your life.
You can still give me that. And the old man denies him this gift by killing himself. That's right. And this starts with the spiral.
And can you can you get Amazon on you get it up now. Can you get to they. Yeah, and I know I can.
And if you if you go to one hour, twenty six minutes and 40 seconds, you'll see the guy looks exactly it.
John turn. Okay. You really wanna do that.
And has everyone doing today. Wicked glad to hear it. And I'm not very good at this, this whole talking malarkey Jerry. Wow. I'm just looking on and I think, I think the guy might have a couple of films and maybe some, you know, he does it and it looks like it's his films is looks like it's the two films you're talking about in the 2010s.
What was the time stamp he gave me? Oh, Jimmy El Topo's on. Oh no, it's not a movie that was being funny. I would have been really embarrassing. One hour.
Twenty six and forty seconds. One hour.
Twenty six and forty. Oh I'm sure. Why are they talking about.
I afte pretty easy. Did I know.
I don't think I've watched on Trone for but for some reason I know an image turned out to be a racist but I noticed immediately though and for some reason, by the way, speaking of mildly relevant to what we do, I do not like these new layout.
I prefer that one of them just list gotten all complicated. I don't think I saw it when interest list.
I'm quite close to canceling it. Do you have me have your. Oh you have my maybe. Yeah, I'm going to cancel it because I think my next payment is in January.
Oh well I'd like to mourn it but I can't deny that. I can't deny that I don't use it as often as I should. Yeah.
I barely watch it all which is really I don't. Why am I doing much.
Sorry. I've watched one film. I'm on it. Yeah. It was cold. It was cold.
It was cold.
I was told it was called Meek's Cutoff and I thought it was shit, so I bought one, too, for a I've watched 15 films on movie since I got it, which was most impressive to me.
I mean, but that's for me to know of which 15 films. Yeah, I know the five.
So the films I gave five stars to one movie. Who are they. The Dolce Vita. The brand New Testament. Mm hmm. Anti porno. Yeah. And Popeye the sailor meets Sinbad. The Sailor wife and my four star films are Waterlilies and Techno Boss. Hmm. There you go. That's my movie reviews for everyone.
Yeah. I mean, I might watch a few of these. I probably should watch, um. I haven't watched any of the Fellini films. I'm here. It's like promising to on this very podcast. I see they have the original Suspiria.
I don't know. Have you have you still got to be if player, by the way. No, I guess you can say that. Yeah, that's fair stuff.
I should I mean, like I, I mean you can if I.
Yeah. If you get your score, if you get scripts you know I'll just do that for you. Yeah.
But that's, that's the cycle.
We asked to surrender to its kinase and I might get the B if I play it again because I'm looking at all the films and that just for over Christmas.
I mean I suppose these things are logotype for a while. I just they are but I've got so many do so amazing.
This is just that Netflix and stuff have more films and I'll go watch them even after a lesser quality. I'm like, yeah, I don't know, like a real sport movie as a company and what it's trying to do. So I don't know.
Yeah I know what you mean.
And anyway shall we, shall we finish off the felt. Okay. Get back. Get back on it. So give a rating. You want to give it a ring already. Yeah actually I think. Oh well yeah we can give it ring and then there's a couple of things but we can retire for a couple of things you can say.
Um well I think so. Well John Lennon was the. Yeah. Was one of the main reasons this film is so big because he convinced the the Beatles, the Beatles manager and manager who also had a distribution company to distribute in America.
So that's cool. Yes.
And, you know, historians or John Lennon get shot now. And so the Beatles, the Beatles manager, find something he wanted to draw to direct the connotation of a French BDM novel. And like he'd already promised investors that this is going to happen. I just discovered feminism at the time when he refused to directly follow the sexist. So he fled the country so he wouldn't have to direct it. And as Reven Klein made it, so no one could ever watch El Chapo or Holy Mountain ever again until 2007 when it was finally released on DVD.
Really, he was Jodorowsky would die and then the value of them would go much higher. And then I've been able to see them. Um, so yeah, he's basically they both saw tortured and ruined Jurisich his career.
This is obviously a of shame for him. Yeah, that is a bit of a shame.
There's also a story Jaroussky was chosen to adopt Dooen before David Lynch was. Oh, yeah. I saw that was quite interesting to see because I think if the jury feels the first choice, Lynch for the second month shows they have the very specific vision of what they want to to be. But his student ran out June.
I have not seen June another, but I've seen bits of the police version run out of budget even before I started filming. He wanted all the orderly to start it, and he offered him a rate of one hundred thousand dollars an hour. Oh, man. And he also got Orson Welles to be in it on the condition that Orson Welles, his favorite gourmet chef, would provide the the meals for the shoot. Right. And it turned out that he worked with French Harbor on it and he gave him a script for it.
And it was in the film had ever been filmed. Would have been 14 hours long.
Jesus Christ. So when you said 100 percent per year per his work or per hour, I always work out of the film.
So there would be be very different price. I would have had his son who played the son, and I'll play the main character, Jose's actual son. Yeah, right. But yeah. So that film never happened to the real money, but it became Convention, the subject of a documentary called Desroches Jew. And interesting, apparently also quite good. Yeah.
Oh, and and the other thing I had I want to say is the film, despite being a mainstream production, was not released in Mexico because apparently there is a very bad response to his first film. So, yeah, not a lot of filmmakers complain.
So this film was just just in the US and midnight midnight Ft. Yeah, I mean, I feel I feel I must now it's true.
So Alejandro describes himself as an atheist mystic, you know, and I was like, that's probably how I describe myself.
So I'm happy that maybe this way you connected so much to the film, right? You believe in God?
I believe in about not believe, but I feel there's a spirituality to the World Cup should be right. Yes.
I will write this. I'm extremely strong. Watch it. I think it's the sort of film that everyone should probably experience at least once. As it relates to my mind, I may potentially be upgraded in the future, but for now it is a strong recommendation to watch it at least once.
I'm also going to say watch it. I was kind of hoping you would say Criterion Collection after your your previous very, very close to Sidney Poitier. Is there a criterion?
You know what? I'm going to say it now. Oh, my God. I think this is the second film serves such a ranking, although I think I think I haven't discussed this with you.
Yeah. I think at the end of the year we should do a top five each of the films so far as we can discuss our trends there. I definitely think some of the better films we've seen there is a Criterion Collection.
It comes with four of his other films and the poster French film I say becomes a free, but it's for films total because the poster for each film and it's sixty pounds from HMV. So you're going to entirely reasonable going to tell people since sixty pounds on this film. I would genuinely spend that. I think I had the money.
I'm going to say watch it and go go on Amazon right now. How much did it cost you to rent Jimmy.
This 99p is surprisingly right. Go and buy it times and watch it rent it rather than times.
And that's a good picture. Yeah. Good flick. Not one you'll forget.
I know. So I know. Was quite late for you and I, but this is a very important week for me. So I to get in at least one thing about what I've been doing, which is that after a grand total of one hundred and thirteen hours, I have finally finished the main story of the which free and thus I'm ready to prepare opinions for it. So are you ready for them?
My opinion, unfortunately, we're every time.
So, uh, no, no, we're not.
This is not an unusually long overdue de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de la is really conventional.
But it doesn't matter because the writing did. You can take your time. OK, yeah.
I like the way the characters are fun. It has a certain time to it occasionally has a really nice otherworldly weirdness that isn't actually dissimilar to the film we just watched. We're only really in the second of the game's major areas, which is Ballum, which I think is strong as part of the game by far. But even once we move past, I think it has. I just it's just incredible how much good writing helps in the video game because it's so rare.
But like when it's when you notice that there is like just as soon as there is actually like things like chemistry or good dialogue or things are genuinely funny, like it just makes such a difference to how much fun you have. And I like the picture a lot because it's part of my favorite joke in the entire world sort of version of it, which is a very serious group for a man who was forced to do incredibly unserious things, uh, alongside Marquis de Sade, which is another great game series.
Um, but yeah, I just I think compared to the books, I can say pretty constantly at this point, it's not as semantically I don't think I don't think it's quite as much to say, but I think it's still an open world game besides is remarkably well written.
But yeah, I would also say from a game perspective, it's nothing special, but it doesn't matter. I just think there's a lesson for us all there. And it's also it's not like the rock star thing or like it's a really well, the story, but it's what happens between chapters. Like it's very interwoven with the world around. It's very easy to explore.
Yeah. So we're doing the expansions. I started Stone immediately, so I'm going to do that and then I'll take a break before you. Bottom line.
So having played that, you're now, of course, going to get Cyberpunk 2077 right now and play it, uh, when you're on your gaming room.
I'm really curious about long term fate of Cyberpunk 77.
Yeah. Uh, in the. Stages of the controversy. I was thinking like, OK, so it's probably not like, you know, a year from now, no one's going to remember that and like, it will be considered a classic. But I'm wondering if, like, the negative publicity is actually has been so bad that, like, no matter what they do to his legacy will be forever tarnished. It seems to have been really bad. Really, really, really bad.
Yeah, I was I'm thinking of getting it when when I get a new computer, when, if and when whenever that is. And because I don't think my current one I've got I think I got myself quite similar. Twenty twenty. I think that's the most so draining gameplay to my PC and I had to play that and like Mitchem and it's still not, not great. So yeah, I definitely think there's no point. Um, yeah. It's doing something that um uh I find a really, really good YouTube channel.
Jimmy Yeah. And I say I mean I say I found but the guy's gone from like, uh, three thousand subscribers to almost two hundred thousand in like a week. So what I mean is YouTube found, um, Joe, Joe Heaver Joe, however, actual behavior and I've sent a bunch of them to the chat. I don't know if you watched them. Um, definitely you didn't. That's fine. But now I'm officially recommending the films on the podcast.
Jimmy the guy makes a short film every week, generally comedy films, but they're like their comedy films that are very high quality. It's not like, uh. Yeah, well, I guess I mean, I guess all the big ones are pretty high quality, but yeah, they're really good. And um, so I would highly recommend that it seems that he's blowing up and it's very well deserved I would say. Um so yeah I'd recommend it.
Yeah. I'll send you the link and you will feed me back on, uh, your favorite ones of course. Yeah. Uh yeah.
I uh I watched It's a Wonderful Life also earlier in the week, um, you know, uh, this is the first time I watched it.
Oh really. Oh. What did you think. I wasn't a big fan of it. I really liked it. But I know where you fucking go, where the chances are it's not exactly exactly the same opinion. Disgraceful. Um, yeah.
I'm trying to think of anything else I mention in my life that's been very important. Uh, probably not. So yeah. I'm done with my updates to next week's film will be The Railway Children.
All right, nice. I showed a film that I produced. Um, we did a little, uh, in it within the filmmaking society. We did a viewing. We all like to publicly premiere it. Yeah. But it went really well. People really liked it. And I thought that was good. And interestingly and me me and my flatmates felt we had a birthday party, um, just happened to flat for my mates. And we filmed we did a film where we, uh, we filmed every twenty minutes of his birthday.
We'd film what was going on. And then, um, I edited it, edited it together and, uh, hopefully entertaining way.
And then I got good, good responses as well, which I was surprised by because, um, I think it's very because we all find it hilarious. But then we were wondering, you know, because it's full of us just like joking and being drunk. However, we were wondering if it would work and and it did work. So that's really good.
And maybe maybe I'll I'll make it public and promote it on this very podcast, Renaults. I, um. Anyway, so that was nice. Simplest ideas that worked best.
Um, yeah, it was, it was, it was a nice old concept that I had and then we made it, made it well I managed to edit it well, which I was happy with because um I know I'm not the best editor I know about it anyway. Yeah. It was interesting. It was good because it feels like I'm getting better at making films which is nice. Everyone should be watching my old ones and it was pretty wank but it's good.
I think I prefer to think it that way. Yeah that's true. But I always credit. Well I feel like this one, the one that I'm talking about, it's quite annoying because it's actually the story is really good. Um, and people have said it. So it's really good. I mean, I wasn't very good at writing dialogues.
The dialogue is really bad. And then the film quality and sound quality is really bad as well, because it was two years ago and I wasn't really. So yeah, there's that.
But anyway, that's just a little, little bit there. Fair enough. Yep, right. Uh, cool. Case the final let's first and let's take the boys and girls. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, guys.
Yes, our next episode will be after Christmas, I guess probably unless there's some very negative reason to not do that. Most likely. Maybe maybe we'll record on Christmas Day. Definitely not.
I probably spend more time with my family, you know, saying that that was a that's a joke.
OK, bye bye.