Ep.22 (Doublesode) - The Red Circle (1970) and The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970)
Golden Talkies- 1,308 views
- 29 Oct 2020
To make up for the lack of an episode last week, we're looking at 2 films this week and uploading early. Le Cercle Rouge (1970) is a French heist film by Jean-Pierre Melville and The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970) is a Billy Wilder film that does pretty much what it says on the tin. Find out our opinions on these films and why we've been so damn busy in this episode of the Golden Talkies Podcast!
Hi, everyone. How's it going? We're back once more into the breach related or great one of the two.
It will be obvious from the title of this episode, unless Duncan decides to be fucking smart about it, but we're doing two films this week to make up for the fact that we didn't do one last week, because despite the fact that we have watched it, we didn't have time to record yet.
But we are also going to try to put this one early for this week. Yes. So early and late. Yeah.
So you're getting one episode early one episode late Jimmy.
Jimmy Senses Dying audio file in time, that is. Wow. Wow, I've never, ever once in my life messed up, I resent the. OK, Jimmy, we're not said the name of the podcast or what we're doing or who we are. That's tradition.
That's why we are. This is the goal and always for me there.
But I think I think you thought out Superbad and it's going to be fun because I'm probably not going to have a lot of time to edit it. So we'll just leave that in.
And this is going to be his podcast, as you were saying. Yeah. Where we watch films came out. I won't go.
Fifty years ago this week, some witnesses this week, yes, I think actually one of the films, if this does go up tomorrow, as of today, recording is tomorrow will be on the day the film came out and then the other one will be outdate. So we are watching the first one is Lázaro Rouge, which is. Yeah, she a John Melville film high school, and that is the one that came out last week on the 24 October in France.
And then the second film we we're watching is the private life of Sherlock Holmes, which is a film about Dracula. It came out on the twenty ninth of October in the US. Um. That's today's date, as you listen to this, potentially, yeah, if Duncan is a fast boy, if Jamie sends me the audio in time and if not, judge me.
Yeah, historical context, I'm afraid I don't really have much. And what I do have is it Chavo Guerrero Junior was born in 20, Victoria, 1970. He's a wrestler. Nice. Yeah, cool, and. The circle reach the Circle Rouge, who who is Jean-Pierre Mevo Melville, Melville, John Carroll Melville is a French director.
He mostly directed simple genre fare, but he did it with aplomb.
He is considered very influential around the importance of honor. Films have persistent themes of honor, and that is really the persistent theme. Apparently, he's a big influence in the French new wave.
Yes, despite not being part of himself, which I find interesting, because, I mean, this film came out after the French New Wave. So, you know, he was very active during that period, but he was not part of it, but apparently very influential. Yeah, which is interesting.
It's interesting. This is actually the penultimate film. Appreciate. Oh, really cool. Sorry. This one week week. That's the last one you did. Right. But it's interesting. Yeah. I think like you'll learn more about it. I mean I think obviously the French new wave like very exclusive in this catheterizations in a way that a lot of other things aren't. Yeah.
And there's this very specific films and filmmakers that are part of the French New Wave, and that's just it. And yeah, yeah. Which is a bit of a shame for him, because I guess so, but then if he doesn't if he's not part of it, then it's not part of it, you know. Yeah, I know. I realize he's not I mean, really wants one thing, but even from this is pretty clear. It's not I wouldn't say it's French New Wave esq or inspired by such.
No Sigbrit.
No, I'm so. Do you want to do your little summary thing? Yeah, sure, I'll be even briefer than usual this time, because we've got fruit and because luckily they're both pretty simple. Anyway, this this one is a heist film. As I said, it is about a jewelry store robbery. Our main man, Corey, is about to get out of jail. And then a former boss office says, hey, there's this jewelry store is pretty vulnerable.
You should go steal some stuff for it. Yeah, I initially reluctant, but eventually he decides to go along with it, but he doesn't feel right.
Yes, the whole thing that the boss wanted him to do it, but he didn't, he does it with the boss, the bosses. Sort of structure and so most is after him, the whole film. That's true. He, like the former mafia boss in prison, and he's always after him. He was joined by a guy who is known, played what crime he committed, but something very bad. So I'm going to assume murder. And also his name is like vulgar or something.
The new Vogul, that's it, and so Verdell accidentally, after trying to hide in this car, after that, they recruit a gunman who Voegele knows he has had psychiatric problems all of his life. And together they robbed the jewelry store. But at the last second, they are tricked by a policeman when they're trying to fence the goods and they are all shot. The policemen are running some sort of film where he's trying to catch them. And this is like a scoop the grass as he finally wins.
So, yeah, pretty simple film, even though I was trying to write it down a bit, I think you'd agree I don't really miss much in terms of the actual plot of that. No, I don't think so.
The the the sort of rubbery sequence itself is. Famously, Rosie famous, I don't know how famous it is, but certainly in the stuff you read about the film famously long, it's like Häfner with very little dialogue, just sort of the heist going down. So I guess that makes it pretty easy to summarize for sure.
Yeah, this is mostly a film about a robbery that some people find and then it happens and nothing really goes wrong with it and it's nice in that way. Yeah, I like watching. I think the for me, the pleasure of the film is just watching a bunch of very competent people do their jobs quite well. I there was like a super genius or anything and they're all very comfortable with you. They're all very skilled and they just all sort of get on with the job and it's quite beautiful.
So anyway, I was going takeaway at the time.
Yeah. Definitely. What was I going to say? So interesting, yeah, the sequence was like three times what I sequence is the whole sequence is very nice a the sequence where Voegele escapes from the train and goes, that's just what is running through the woods. Might you see like a sort of circle of pleats coming down on him for this very well organized? The maintainability is.
Yeah, there's there's a lot of dude, very nice sequences. And he gets you talk about him getting in the boot of the main character's car. Uh, very briefly. Yeah, that's quite an interesting bit where basically the, uh, the main character leaves his boot unlocked because he's heard about the fugitive in the radio and he actually wants him to get into B, which is quite an interesting. I think, yeah, there's a lot between them, even at first, because there are two loaded guns in that as well.
I still pray for the killer. Yeah, yeah. Uh, what do you think of the sequence dealing with the snipers?
I had nightmares, which is probably the most outlandish the with the spiders and the lizards and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So there's there's the character, the two characters, the murder and the sort of thief, I guess we could call them because I can't remember their names. The which one of it is it knows the sniper is in the murder.
Vogel knows them. Yeah. It's the murder.
The murder. Yeah. So he says he talked to him before and he's a crack shot, but now he's a bit of an alcoholic. And then, yeah, we cut to him kind of laying in bed with all sorts of beasts crawling over him snakes and spiders and lizards and stuff. And I thought it worked pretty well. It was quite cool.
And yeah, I really thought it was clearly shot like Superheat. We really worked quite well for. Yeah. I mean, like I was like he screams but there's no sound.
Yeah. Which is really cool. I'm on. It's like being quite minimalist compared to a lot of the other dream sequences we've seen.
Certainly, yeah. It's a nice dream sequence. The, the, the spiders are a bit shit there and yeah I don't want to spiders but I think but they're good to listen to the lizards. Are you all right. They looked real enough to me. Yeah, I think they measured everything apart from the spiders are real and that's that's really cool that the spiders I feel make a little bit like an adjacent, you know, it's kind of thing which.
But then if it's a dream sequence that kind of works, it kind of disorientate SEVEREID.
Well, it's more about, you know, like Shrek, just like conveying the emotion of like being trapped in a nightmare, I guess. I mean, we know it's not a real life, so it's not like it needs to sell off too much.
Yeah, yeah. No, it was cool, cool, cool sequences.
And yeah, it's just like I say, it's just really nice to see people who just know what they're doing and just sort of get on with it. And it's just so very it's almost relaxing in a way. It's just the very meticulous you sort of see them get step by step and then I see it. I really like that nothing goes wrong in the heist itself, actually. So I just sort of get to enjoy watching because I know, like, obviously the more exciting thing, I suppose, or at least the more conventional thing is to have something go wrong.
So, yeah, drama and the briefly, briefly implied that maybe the lights aren't going off as planned and then they do. Yeah. Which is a nice like a nice little moment, moment or two of tension. And you're like, oh good, fine. It's working.
Yeah. And then like there's a security guard and like he sort of gets out of his bombs and manages to hit the alarm only after they've left. So if anything, it's just rising drama towards the end. But yeah, I just it's very nice, you know, if you're feeling like read it like are strangely satisfying. It's not a vibe film, I would say. That was just pretty good. To turn to the fiends, because I actually read a bit about this for a second, please talk about it.
Oh, nice. So Jean-Pierre Melville, perhaps one of the pind inspired by his experiences fighting for the French Resistance, seems to desperately want to return to a world of honor, as all of his characters are very honorable and are very set in their natures. So the feet on set are honorable. And that's the bartender who doesn't snitch on them because he is not in his nature to snitches, despite everyone holding him up. He says, no, that's not the sort of person I am.
And. So, yeah, I thought it was a very I think it's kind of interesting way to write characters in space because no one in this room is very chatty. They're all quite monosyllabic. I think there's even a sense of rich inner life to a lot of them, particularly the. Yeah, I mean, boy. There's a knife. Yeah, it was nice, I liked the cinematography a lot as well. And there was one there was a couple of really cool shots, like there was the one the all these in the train.
And it's like seemed all the way in on him. And it consumes and it just keeps in the air until the is like you can see the whole train and it's like a helicopter shot or something which I don't even know how they did. I guess just a really, really long lens zoom thing. But that was a really cool shot. And there was another nice one where and when he's playing pool by himself and his shots from above the table and the table, taste of the whole screen.
And that's how they reveal something else has come in, because then someone else comes in and hits a ball and you just see the table and see what's going on in that corner. Yeah, there was a lot of very nice cinematography and a lot of nice hand-held stuff, and it really reflected what was going on at different points. It was nice. Yeah.
Yeah. There's nothing in it that I would say I haven't seen before, but it's all just done in a very lovely way. And there's the way people move in. The film is really nice. I keep saying nice, but like this is what it it is quite a lot of grace to it. That was very graceful film. Yeah. If it's that retreading familiar ground. But that counts for a lot, you know, why would you watch your normal heist movie when you could watch one.
That is really nice to watch. Yeah. Yeah. I had a very pleasant time, I would say. Yeah, good. Me, too, and much, much else you want to say about this film that we're kind of rushing for a little bit, but we are at the same time.
The thing is, I think you'd agree that actually a lot to say about it, because it's just it does a very simple thing that does it quite well. Yeah.
Just in this film, say, what do you think about the idea that all men are guilty? The policeman, yes, I think that sort of goes so goes back to the idea of them all living with a code every man in this world knows, I think it's I suppose it's sort of like. Verbalization of an instinct that I'm sure a lot of police officers have or they just assumed, or at least the attitude that towards the public, which is a very antagonistic, although obviously as an actual philosophy, it's complete nonsense.
Suppose it's kind of strange. In what way? I suppose that's kind of what's scary about the police, isn't it? Yeah, I suppose because there's not really a proper character. He's a cipher. The police chief is the detective who you follow. Yeah, but yes. But, you know, he's an interesting standard sort of stuff. The police particularly for places. Antagonists. Yeah, yeah. Cool. And talking about the police, the other film we're watching this week and we're not going on it quite yet because we have to relate to this film.
No, I did like that there's a little parallel that we're doing, both sides, a little one at a time. Yeah, well, it's Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes is not really a policeman in any regard.
No. Particularly in that film. We'll get into that. So, yeah, the circle is a very good film. Words it Justice Bythewood forces, I'd say a week by if it's fairly cheap you can say by so.
You know, it's definitely a feeling, I think you have to be in the correct headspace for, but it will reward you.
Yeah, I buy that shit, yes.
I kind of glad not to talk about it for four hours, though, because I would not be able to. Yeah. Now to somewhere I have more opinions at. Oh, wait. One thing we forgot to say about the Circle series, the title is based on a quote at the start of the film, which is is something the Buddha said about how and someone draws a red circle and that a group of Hannibal quotes I've forgotten and I basically brought it here, OK said.
When men, even unknowingly, are to meet one day, we'll ever meet before each whatever the diverging paths on this TED day, they will inevitably come together in the red circle.
Yeah, which is which is made by Budapest, made up, which you can tell completely meaningless.
And what how do you think the title relates to the film and what's a lot of the film focuses on like meetings of fate and coincidence.
Yeah. So I suppose that's really I mean it's not really I wouldn't say it's like a proper female motif, although going to the film is very funny, but yeah, there's a lot of love happenstance going on. I suppose that's why it's called that. Yeah. Cause you have an alternate theory.
No, no. I was I mean, yeah, I was just I was trying to think if there's. I mean, it's just, you know, the people meet by chance and they, quote, kind of says that and it fits so well because it's made up, you know, if it was a real quote, then maybe not not fit so well.
But apparently he made up he made up a corporate no on his films as so, which is that although I guess I guess is a very common practice.
Have you ever seen that tweet, which is like I can't believe the makers of Fargo lied about it being a true story. Can they imagine the damage they've done? No, I do think that sometimes yeah, yeah, there's no harm in us, it's not really unless you're a business and you don't like.
I guess other than like maybe flying off like nobody's reputation for saying very cryptic things, that's not too offensive now, although I get to decide you. OK, cool.
So the private life of Sherlock Holmes, I have no historical context for this one. And it was the right thing to do. Oh, absolutely. What happened on the day, at least? OK. It was actually people who were there who made his very famous and made a bunch of films I've not seen, including some like It Hot and Sunset Boulevard and. But have you seen other Billy Wilder films? I've seen some of the part where he makes what I think he did, maybe he produced rather than directed.
I'm not sure, but it was on his filmography. That's Thomas, good Jesus.
Yeah, and, you know, based on that based now that we're going to have to have a disagreement about this, um, yeah, I'm genuinely surprised he made some like it hot.
Yeah. It's like Hollywood Sunset Boulevard, which is another. Very highly. Yeah, I haven't seen it, same with the apartment so far. Yeah, I mean, yeah, but these are the great scores on IMDB and stuff. Yeah, I mean, he's made a lot of very popular things. Do you know for him? OK, right, yeah, yes, good, that's so that's Billy Wilder and he directed it. So what did you look at?
What happened in the Electoral Reform Society called for the introduction of proportional representation in Northern Ireland.
Right. I don't know how successful what they watch about the day before the US and USSR signed an agreement to discuss joint space efforts. I'm sure that came to lot. Yeah, and the date for that and the day before that Doonesbury debuted this week, the comic strip, which is genuinely kind of interesting, Doonesbury, also Doonesbury.
Oh, I don't even know. I just see it in like whenever I'm in other countries, I sometimes see it. Oh.
Oh, I'm. It's a comic strip. It's just about I think it's just a small plot. It's just one guy's world view is quite popular for a very long time. He might still be going. So, yeah, I'm reading about one about Uber here. Uh. Oh, Wikipedia hasn't updated, they say it launched forty nine years ago, a bunch of nerds that is pretty now.
You'd think they would set up. Yeah, once you click on the article itself up. I agree, I dare say this is me. Oh, you want me to read out the first Doonesbury cartoon that debuted this week? Yeah. OK, we got a guy. He's an American football gear, he's sitting on a couch, guy says, well, here I sit at college and any time my new roommate I know, I know he'll be cool.
Since his computer selected, you just fill in a form, send it in and presto, ideal roommates. Hi there. My name's Mike Doonesbury. I help from Tulsa, Oklahoma. And women adore you. Lied to me. Glad to meet you, roomie. Of course there are a few. And he looks at the camera and he says, of course there are still a few bugs in the system. Nice and. A lot of the more recent ones seem to be about Trump.
I'm guessing you also do newspaper columns, talk about everything. Have you seen what Scott Adams talks about these days?
No creator of Dilbert, like he's very obsessed with Trump and like mental problems and his ability to hypnotize you into having an orgasm. He wrote a blog about two years ago, and he says that if you read the blog post, you'll have a mind bending or so, you know, if you're ever in the mood for something like. Because they've ever tried it, because they really want to have an orgasm. But, you know. OK, good.
And yes, of course, interesting and well, the film on the subject of men giving it to the orgasms, the private life of Sherlock Holmes. Yeah, this film is a Sherlock Holmes. So if you heard me say that it was about Dracula that was coming, we took a gag and we trick and I hope I hope no one left because they were not interested in that and would be interesting if they did TV.
I'm going to if I look at the analytics and see that everyone laughed when you said, Dracula, you're off the podcast.
Wow. I, I'm the money maker trying to run this thing without me. Anyway, it's sort of semi satirical look, Sherlock Holmes, but not really a lot straighter than I think that description would make one believe. And it's the Sherlock Holmes mystery where they try and solve the mystery of this woman whose husband has gone missing, which will take them to the hilly shoals of Inverness and Loch Ness.
There's a bunch of fucking jokes in this film are there's like there's just so many. And we all have a very weird accent. So I don't think I remember an accent like, you know, when it's an English accent, just like just enough to let you know in a way that I could start. But, yeah, a lot of Scottish jokes in this film about how they don't wear trousers and their ways are different to us and they're all very superstitious.
But yeah, a woman turns up on the trail and Dr. Watson's doorstep in the middle of the night, she has no memory, but she is trying to find her husband and they head out on the trail and they find that he's connected to a possible and the British government and the Loch Ness Monster. And I guess to just finish off the plot summary, I guess now I've mostly done it. It turns out that it's all a cover to because they're building a submarine, which is quite a twist, and that the blade is not actually the wife of that guy who died.
He's dead, but she's actually a German spy. So, you know, she got tricked. Yeah. At the end. We'll go into more detail later. But I think this actually does call for a fairly. See machine analysis, I suppose, but the most interesting thing about this film is that at least I would say you disagree, is that it was a very big source of inspiration for Sherlock and a lot like the modern soul Sherlock dynamic, where Sherlock is very antisocial and I'm kind of a dick.
I saw that that trend started in Texas. Thank. Did you know that shelach is the most played character ever? I think I've heard that before. I'm sorry I was in shock. Yeah, I think it's interesting.
What's nice about Sherlock is that like of all of that, he's one of very few, like big pop culture products that's in the public domain. And I like that. Yes, I think it's a valuable property as well, because I really want to have Cheryl and Dr. Watson and everyone's going to know what it's about. So I like that. It's like I like anyone can do what they want with you sometimes see very interesting takes which are definitely never have been allowed where it's still on the right.
There's more than 70 actors have played the part in over 200 films. Your name. Who's my favorite, Sherlock Holmes? Yeah, wow. Let's let's just start with our I don't know if I've seen any other Sherlock Holmes since Christ. Two hundred films and you haven't seen a single. Honestly, Jimmy, I don't think I have. Let me show it comes films. Oh, this is just this is the trilogy. All right, well, I feel it might be important to lay out my cards here, just to say my personal opinion on Sherlock Holmes, I really like the character and I really like the world, but I've never really enjoyed a Sherlock Holmes story or adaptation.
I often find the fun, the mysteries are engaging and you find that most of the facts are disappointing. Yeah.
Oh, sorry. So I put you down there and Joe, I've seen. Is it the Robert Downey Jr. once it's Sherlock Holmes? Sherlock Holmes. I've seen Sherlock Holmes, I've not seen in Nova Holmes, I've not seen Holmes and Watson, I've not seen any of the ones. I've not seen any of the old ones. I've not seen any. This is a first Sherlock Holmes I've seen. There is no Sherlock Holmes. I believe I didn't want Sherlock either with Cumberbatch.
OK. So just to finish off by saying, I never really like the actual stories, at least I'm reading them and I find most of the TV adaptations I've seen, I either find them kind of boring in the same way or the case of BBC's Sherlock. I think it's awful. I hate that show. And I think a lot of the carry from my hatred for that show is why I don't like the sound. Yeah. So I would say that my favorite actual trial is the Robert Downey Jr.
, which I know is horrible and I do like and if I was being serious, I'd say, Basil, I like default. I like I say for me, it's very much I like the atmosphere. I like the world of I do not like the actual stories.
This is what the great Mace Detective Jamie. The Great Mouse detective is a film of Sherlock Holmes, and it's not, although it is also very good.
I've not seen it, but I'm just I'm just looking at this year on MTV, there's a list and the great mouse detective there, mice that live in Sherlock Holmes house.
Oh, I see. I see that one sounds great, man. There are a lot of these Sherlock Holmes films, and I like I like this one. I think I might watch more.
And I you should you should watch which subscription services you have access to. Why did you say subscription so weird, I and I was just thinking because I would probably recommend elementary of all the adaptations, so I I'm sure elementary the available anywhere right now.
I've got my prime Netflix movie, no TV shows cinema the B if I player of your kind, if you're going to Disney plus got TV and watching TV is still on there because I think that's probably the best adaptation even takes the longer it is not on there.
So I that's also a serious. Yes, I see. Oh, you want to watch a film about property? Yeah, I mean, I want to fucking oh, it's good that L.A. is Johnny Lee Miller is Sherlock Holmes.
Yeah. Historical on unofficial Watson. Mm hmm. Oh. This one does an interesting. It is good to say New York City doesn't like you watching it. He hates the idea that childhood takes away from the outside.
I certainly see that is fair, is fair. Recent Israeli military have an American accent. And it. No, he's still British. He's just an expat. Oh, apparently he's British American, though. So I think it. Yeah, but so he lived there for many years. Oh, is it? Yeah, oh, it's not that he's. There's no way he became an American citizen in November 2014. Interesting. Anyway, this film, right?
Yes, so this film sort of, I would say, or is that it's supposed to be a bit look behind the version of Sherlock that's presented by what seemed to be more interesting so that the kind of the ideas that all the books that exist in real life are based on a real person, but they're written by Watson, essentially.
That's the content because in the Sherlock Holmes, because the within the universe of the books, the Sherlock Holmes books also exist. And Charlotte also complains about how inaccurate they are all the time. Right. So that's not this film. That's part of the original source material. I didn't hear a lot about that. It just wasn't easy. Yeah, it's actually quite post-modern for Victorian film. Yeah, for Victorian series.
I was thinking I was written for Victorian film. Yeah.
Although it would be modern and then it would be completely fine for that Mormonism's anyway. So this film, which is sort of setting up their dynamic, has just so successfully solved the case. And he returns to his cocaine habit, which is listed in the books. And he's everyone's favorite thing to talk about because it's quite weird, because in the books, just like one sentence, which is like and then Sherlock Holmes injecting cocaine into himself, he was bored and it sort of moves on.
But this film really hammers home whenever he's bought.
You know where he's going to be? Yeah, it's kind of assessing actually when it shows like what some like really desperately trying to, like, get him to quit being unsuccessful. And I suppose that is like due to the fact that this is a 70s film. So drug culture was very much the issue of the day. Yes. Suppose it's harder for an audience at this point because obviously 10 years later they'd all be doing cocaine. But, you know.
What can you do? And so the big thing about this film or part of his lasting legacy is that there's a scene in it where homes, in order to wriggle out of a Russian ballerina who's trying to get him to produce a child of her pretends to human what's their game, which is an outrageous joke and very funny. Everyone has a big laugh. But if you look at the interviews from behind the scenes, Billy, Billy Wilder says that he initially wanted him to be explicitly homosexual, but like repressed.
And that was supposed to be like his thing. And Mark Gatiss has said that to it. I think my guy is gay. And he said that he really liked the film. He thought it was about the melancholy film is about Charlotte falling in love with Watson, but not being able to speak it yet. So I don't think that's true. Oh, I was honest with you. I think it comes across to me is as the that was the plan.
And then I mean, I think it's pretty clear that you're supposed to think that he falls in love with this, the German spy. Yes, and it's awful socially, but I think I think the star of the film. The the the you can sort of see where he was going to be gay. Yeah, it's like someone at some point said he can't be gay. It just has to be that he's not met the right woman yet and now he meets the right woman.
Right. And then loses her.
Yeah, well, it's kind of like the first 20 minutes or so of the film until, like, the woman shows up in the door, like you can say, the setting the scene like other than that, they were quite spectacularly not relevant to the rest of the plot, whereas if they were talking about homes being homosexual, there'd be very obviously relevant. And that would be like home sort of showing that he's not interested in women. And what's the enjoyment is not just the men.
And that would be.
But see, that's what I thought the film was going to be, because, you know, it's called The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes. The whole thing is it's the stuff that can't be told. So it's like, OK, well, it's not it's not going to be just a normal mystery film or I thought, OK, it will be enormously famous, just a dumb title. And then when it started and it was just a short sequence and, you know, in places gay in any so it's full of warts.
And I say thinking, is this is this film actually going it, you know, is it going to try and build the character not around some stupid case, but around, you know, his personality and where and and and then it kind of loses. And I wonder if maybe. That is a result of some kind of judicial pressure or something, don't know. Yeah, I mean, from what? Yeah, and I'm looking at the language Billy Wilder uses and he says wanted to.
Yeah, exactly. I think that someone else would have maybe stomped out this. Certainly it's a massive opportunity. I mean, it sounds like. It sounds like he'd say developing the script, you know, with that in mind, and then it was pretty quickly shot down. Yeah, yeah, because now you mention it like the weird thing about this film is that it's called The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes. Right. Is so unremarkable as Sherlock Holmes stories go.
It's just. It's slightly sillier than the average Sherlock Holmes case, but not like incredibly so, you know, yeah, it's just it's really it's very Scooby Doo. It's a Scooby Doo mystery.
I thought it was very Tintin personally. Tintin is I think Tintin is more willing to Scooby Doo to acknowledge that governments exist, it's probably more appropriate, but yeah, certainly it's quite childish. I think that's maybe the best way to say yes, definitely.
Which I liked. Oh, yeah, personally. Well, I didn't buy that, so why don't you tell me why you liked it? Um, I just find it pretty chill to watch it. It was quite nice. And I suppose it was it to me back to reading Tintin books when I was younger. And it was a nice little, you know, like the mystery was was was slowly undeveloped. And, you know, I didn't necessarily get it early, but I kind of knew what was going on at all points.
There is no, like, dumb twist or anything. It was just just nice and smooth sailing and it was good. OK, but from that version, I do think it was a big missed opportunity based on what you see in the first 20 minutes of the film. Yeah. I think that the mystery, if we're going to talk about that briefly, isn't I wasn't at any point very interested in what happened, I think because you don't really care enough about the female character whose name I've forgotten because she is so fucking down.
Gabrielle. Jamie.
She really is falling von Hofmannsthal. Yes, by the way, she's not a great romantic presence, just kind of sits there and obviously sends out messages using Morse code for umbrella and I genuinely can't believe that Sherlock Holmes would not recognize it as Morse code is really obvious. Even like watch even. This isn't the. But, yeah, if you're if the idea is going to be the stupider one, which is like, oh, Charlotte just hasn't met the right woman, then why would it be this one?
Because she's because she tricked him, Jamie. It's even really Tricon like Charlie, it's like, oh, yeah, well, I figured out pretty frequently, but like, you know, it's not like I wouldn't say they come off as intellectual equals in the film, which I guess if you're going to go for like shot in the. This one particular would have to be. Right. Unlike she's not presented that way, I'd say really, she gets one up on him.
But like. She doesn't get one up on the audience. I think that's a really big thing, I think, to work with. She'd also have to trick us because when it when the reveal happens, we know it's coming. So it doesn't feel like, oh, she's so smart. It just feels like some idiot. Why wouldn't he have figured this out? So maybe he doesn't love me.
I. I absolutely hate the fucking. I hate the impulse to have Sherlock have romantic interest, because I think it's very untruth, the original character. I think it's like really hetero normative, especially hate in both Sherlock. And that's how they keep making jokes about him being gay, as if that's the most unbelievable thing in the world. I think it would be perfectly fine and also genuinely interesting, vastly more interesting than keep on making jokes about it if he was gay.
So I just this entire thing is like an axe is like a fucking exercise in frustration for me as we have like this, like, oh, wouldn't it be weird? Holmes was gay and I was going to watch, like, a fucking stupid ass Scooby Doo mystery.
If you watch Scooby Doo in the Loch Ness Monster and you have seen this film is the same plot, I've not seen it in the long run. So could you please could you please enlighten me as to what happens in Scooby Doo, not as Monster and Scooby Doo in the Loch Ness Monster.
Loch Ness is haunted by a monster whose Loch Ness monster that turns out to be a secret military submarine. Oh, really? Yeah.
When did you did this monster come out? Way after this. And it's part of what's new. Scooby Doo.
Scooby Doo. Come in after you blow. It is the best Scooby Doo theme song, in my opinion.
And probably. Well, no, I'd say the 60s. One is one has I guess the original ones were the ones we do. I mean, where are you?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was really good. But the last one is also quite charmingly dated the 90s.
One is awesome. It's awesome.
Yeah. OK, I just found this because I had this open on my fuckin laptop. But did you know the first couple of this film was three hours and 20 minutes long.
No, apparently there's an awful lot of like extra scenes and MINURSO, as it were, where I was just completely cut. Yeah. If you want to hear some of them, what you think of other opinions.
Chocobo Yeah. Like I said, was originally a modern day prologue in which Dr. Watson's grandson found the papers was, you know, far enough worth losing.
But I mean, they kind of showed anyway, right?
Yeah, it's just like I have the strongbox. It has a new story in it which is more efficient. So I don't think the scene would have added much other than being another really irritating. But we know once this is gay, the then we go to originally there'll be Holmes and Watson are introduced by having just sold the case in Yorkshire on the train back. And then, you know, does this thing where he deduces that the man is an Italian music teacher who is having an affair with a wife, another woman at the of and.
There's a bit where Inspector Lestrade, who isn't in this film as Holmes and Watson to solve the case of the upsidedown room where there's a corpse in a room that is completely upside down, it's like everything's on the ceiling. But then it turns out that Watson staged the whole thing in order to help Holmes put cocaine, having an interesting thing, do you know? And then homes destroyed his vials of cocaine as Watson agrees to stay, but it turns out that Holmes hidden the four vials in this file in case.
And then during the scene on the train to Scotland, there's originally going to be a flashback where he told her about a student is in Oxford where he falls in love with a beautiful girl from afar. I guess it's something stupid and then turns out she was a prostitute. Oh, my God, she was supposedly the one who fell in love. Yeah. And then eventually is like a last case where they travel back to England and discover murders happened on board.
And then the last, like, epilog thing is supposed to start coming in and asking how to solve Jack the Ripper. You know, good for them, good for them. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it would be interesting if you just had, like, Sherlock Holmes. So this is more about Sherlock Holmes. And what's this like, private life about? Like it's sort of like flitting between cases. They saw what they're all about.
Well, I mean, it's I mean, that's really what Folsom is going to be. I mean, I know I said it, but watching the first 20 minutes, you know, they go to the belly. You think it's going to be a case, it turns out that it's not a case. Homes might be gay. They go back and have an argument what is going to move out? This is all going to be about how he deals with that and how they recoup and maybe to be a little mini case or two.
And, you know, the woman turns up and it's all forgotten basically. And I mean, it's still it's still has elements of the private life, you know, that he's not met the right woman yet and stuff. And, you know, I guess it kind of works if that's what the studio needed. But yeah, it's just. Yeah. It's just the most boring possible conclusion to The Bachelor, I guess he just hasn't met the right woman.
Yeah, and the right woman. Isn't that interesting? I guess I feel the the ways out of this would be either shaped like the right woman is like an intellectual equal there very clearly on the same playing field, which I think would be a cowardly way out, would at least be the way out if you want them to matter. And the way most adaptations is there is this a Hoess asexual which conforms source material and that if you weren't Achour, you could say that he and Dr.
Watson are gay. And I would admire you greatly. But, you know, no one has had the Stones yet to do it.
I kid you and I could do it right now. Duncan, no one in Charlotte remembers anyone can make a show. So you want to make a quick Charlotte radio play right now.
Right here. Right now. Right here, right now. I'll play. I'll fly home. OK, you ready? You'll be watching. Yes. Hello, John. I just came round to say that I love you in a sexual way. Sorry, Holmes, I'm not gay. Are you sure? I know I might be by. How about I kiss you and then find out, OK, you know, what the hell?
Yes, I definitely like women, but I also like that kiss. I am a bisexual and you are gay homes and I pay a fee and.
What fun. That was good, yeah, yeah, it's one of the best things that are done, I think.
Yeah, it was good when I really felt a connection. Yeah, you know, I try not to get too involved in my rules, but that one really overtook me, the emotional beauty of the part. And that was it, um, yeah, it would be, yeah, so. Yeah, I think not to shit on us, but I don't see much evidence for his reading of the film in there. But, you know, our subjective view is more than entitled to believe it.
I think this is one of those films where I think it's very clear and that more outstations, where it really just seems like Holmes hates Walson and it's not entirely sure why he all around.
Yeah, well, the most notorious ones that it's pretty clear that their friends and most modern ones just sort of figure that. Well, obviously trying to get around together. Idea Watson, I keep yelling out there clearly like down each other's nerves.
But, you know, it's like it's like the old married couple kind of fight, you know. Well, yeah, I think Jamie. Of course, I'm sure they'll survive the war, but I think particularly I think it's more of an issue in the BBC shareholders complaining about it when they haven't known each other for very long.
But Charles is just consistently horrible to Watson the entire time. Fair enough. All right, fair enough. And I was going to say something, and then we go down in the married couple thing, um. What was it but something I didn't find very convincing instantly, like so he knows his brother was involved somehow, right?
That's because in this film he's played by Mycroft. He's from from Hammer Films and Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. And so so he knows he's involved somehow and he's always going to be evil. I mean, it's a government military project, right? Something. And then, you know, they kind of just brush over the fact that three people are dead as a result. Yeah. They're kind of like, oh, yeah. So unfortunately, too, to the to the can it can you say midget's I mean, that's what they call in the film.
But I don't know how offensive that term is.
I say or people or Fusillo people are dead and also the inventor of their pump's dead and but but you know, we're so cracking on and we had to bury them in unmarked graves because, you know, it would just be too, you know, to like the Germans over once our government gets involved like this.
Films like Attitudes towards Death starts to get really weird, like all the German spies die horribly drowning. And like it's supposed to be like funny and like how they died. Yeah, exactly. Exactly the weird way I feel like. So, Detective, can you have to be like kind of invested like the value of individual lives? It's very weird to someone who usually solves murders is like over six people died about their German.
So it's fine bearing in mind, you know, we're not at war at that point, like, you know. Yes, yes and no. There's no reason to hate each other except the Queen. Victoria in this film strikes a very weird vibe of being very naive and anti-war, which I realize is so I don't think anyone in their entire lives ever associated Queen Victoria with pacifism. No. I mean, yeah, it doesn't seem like it's meant to be a joke other than just like ours, and it wouldn't be funny if a queen was, like, super naive.
It's a weird vibe.
And she also wants to have wholesaler's be little people because it make it easier to pin the medals on because, of course, it was short.
Yeah, she's very sure in this film.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
That was kind of funny, but I, I wouldn't say I wouldn't feel like saying this much of a comedy. And I think the first 20 minutes is clearly, you know, jokey jokes and then there's like towards the end I guess a bit back into that mode. But most of the time I'd say it's actually fairly, fairly straight. And or at least no more than like an average fuel economy. That's always I'd say, yes, it's pretty straight.
There's a couple jokes and stuff. And then all of a sudden it's like low. Queen Victoria's here. She wants a bunch of little people, three sailors, and she's anti-war. And also, we're just going to drive these German spies, lol. It'll be funny. And it's such like a change in tone, you know, like like you compare the see the scene where they dig up and what's his name, the the Belgian air pump guy.
Right. The scene where they take him up and it's shocking like, oh my God, oh this is my fault.
I think, I think you could get along with the art and scene of Sherlock Holmes robbing a grave.
I think it can be very good. But the way it's played, it's very different. Like. Sure, sure. Yeah. It's so funny.
Yeah. It's just seems strange to me. And I guess if I were hypothetically remaking this film, which I couldn't because this film would I mean I could make a very similar film. Fine. Then I would probably then I think I would focus more on human sexuality and also more like immorality, which is also an interesting angle which the film sort of hints towards, but doesn't really you know, I mean, in terms of like not caring too much about the actual lives of the people involved.
I mean. It's an interesting one, isn't it? Yeah, so, um, well, what else do I have to say? I don't think there's much really. There's a couple bits where he whistles nicely and he whistles the equipment and the song equipment. He whistles the theme from Swan Lake and he's pretty damn good at whistling. That's fair. And. Yeah, I don't think I have anything else to say, it's not a particularly interesting film.
I genuinely feel bad that we talked about for longer than the Red Circle and. But I just yeah, I know sometimes blindness is. More noteworthy, it's just it's hard to talk about something that's visually interesting, because that's obviously by its very nature, it doesn't work in word for where we're just talking about the script of the thing. And it's much easier. Yeah, yeah. The other thing I'll say or shall we just. Can we rent it?
To move on, I would say that this is a don't watch on me, I don't think it's worth anyone's time. As you mentioned, there are an awful lot of Sherlock Holmes films. You can probably just watch one of them.
I'm going to say you should watch it. Watch it, because it's much entertaining streamer stream it. There because it's very entertaining. I feel a slight problem with everything that we say, it's extreme stuff a lot with most of the films we watch from the streaming service.
Yeah, I mean, it's true. It's true. I was thinking of giving this one a bye. But then I think given that I've given that I get the last one to buy and then, you know, this one is not as good as the other. One's definitely not a criterion collection, but I feel like it's appropriate. But yeah, and things are not available. But I guess what we're seeing is added to your added to your streaming watch list, you know, actively for everyone, because this wasn't Netflix until quite recently.
I was kind of like, see that I'm going to watch it for free.
But I don't know anything in that place.
I don't think have we know which is good because I'm not quite sure I want to purchase that barrier because you don't have it.
But I do have it. Oh, do you do? Yeah, yeah, I've got to I was going to say I could just use your account, but I have it, so. Yeah. My, my, my family. Well, the thing is, I don't I don't I don't. Yeah, I'm the same thing. I'm in the same situation.
I can still get along and use the loud ones.
Do you want to hear what options we have to watch next week and then we can choose life? Oh yeah. OK, so the symptoms that I think the most interesting ones we could do are Dickins Exclamation Mark, which is a musical based on Scrooge, which is nominated for best soundtrack Oscar, which is why I say we could do it or we could do our first carry on film and the film carry on loving.
I would like to carry on. OK, let's do a carry on, because I'm very fond of them and it's also my turn to pay, so I don't mind doing the. OK, I work with cinematic art, so I look forward to that time, folks. Yeah, yeah. Well, before we end, I think both me and Duncan are quite busy today. I certainly am. And I think she's OK.
Yeah, I was going to say, what have you been up to?
I have not done anything. I played more haggerty's and I did not for a successful run of it, which I'm very proud of. I need to finish it more time at the end of the story. So interesting.
And you'll be writing an essay, right? That's why you wrote an essay last weekend. So I haven't yet. I watched two episodes of Star Trek. Well, you know, probably not worth talking about.
I, I got space. Guerrouj, remember last time I was talking about Space Crew? Mm hmm. I got it. And I was pretty disappointed, to be honest, and. I don't know if I was disappointed because I played so much a bomber crew that I'm used to how it works and also have played enough that I'm kind of bored of it, or if this one's actually not that good, I'm not really sure. I guess I need to play more and form a proper opinion, but yeah.
And I would still recommend bomber crew. I don't know if I can recommend space crew as a as a game. I watched the first Bura again last weekend and it's really, really good looking. All right, well, I've not seen to say no, I don't support. I quite like the second one, I think they're a bit smart lines are bits where it doesn't, you know, this time it's not more focused in the first war, I suppose, as I think the first one was really good, because when I watched it before, I, I just kind of laughed at how he was funny, how he was a funny man, but no.
I feel like you can see, oh, you're like. The literal Real-Life version of that meme where it's like, ha ha, funny man says my wife and then like ovaries had to go the moral corruption of Bush's America.
Yes. So the first time I watched it was funny man, says my wife, same time I watched it is that realizing that it's deeper a little, I have to say. I've been watching Barack clips as well, and most of them are really not sure. Yeah, I guess from the Allergy Show and I mean, I think he's done the character on other things as well and separately from that, but. Yeah, and like a lot of them are just kind of him seeing my wife and and like the people just react like, oh, OK, cool.
Your wife, you know, like there's no there's there's a couple but there's no of clips where he gets like a genuine reaction at someone is shocking.
It's more just. Yeah. For people. I mean it's very real character.
Yeah, there's one where he talks, I do like a Republican dinner and they actually just like genuinely laugh at his jokes and like are a little bit awkward when he says me awkward and he doesn't really catch much. Late is a couple of jokes about women. And it's like, you know, oh, they're misogynistic. But like, that's really not a surprise. There's not really any of the jokes. He says you're like, oh my God, I can't believe that most.
It's just like awkward silence. And then they like genuinely include him and stuff, which kind of defeats the point of the the thing is, there's just too much for the character.
And it's like, oh, look at what horrible things people will admit when they think they're in a room with someone who agrees with them. And then there are times where I was like, oh, look at how like people will just like so and go along way like weird when, like someone they understand is sort going on and doing her own thing. I find the former funny and also like culturally important when it's just like a nice person is just not quite sure how to act around like a man who's yelling at them.
Then I find it hard. I just feel inspirited to me exactly like was.
So there was one where he goes to a horse show. Right. And he's talking to a woman. He's he says, like in in Kazakhstan we say man like horse. When a horse is hungry, it's like a man is hungry and he goes on and does that for like five minutes and she just kind of stands there awkwardly nodding and like looking at the camera a couple of times. And I was kind of watching. I was like, this isn't very funny.
Like, what's the purpose? Like, this is just awkward, you know? But no, it's not even awkward in a funny way. Like, I find consumer quite funny normally. And this is just like, you know, there's there is nothing to it really, which. Yeah. Yeah.
Um, I think I find everything I've watched Sacha Baron Cohen's like very famous. I think it's just because, like, it depends so much on like the target, you know. I mean. Yeah. Rather than that I think. If you get, like, a sufficiently horrible person that will do horrible shit, and that would be really interesting and funny, but like a lot of the time, it is just like people who are mostly normal and it just feels bad and like there's a sequence of a Holocaust survivor in the sequel.
I'm sorry to spoil was little, but like I felt really bad during that, even though, like, I learned later that, like, the person in question was cool with it, just watching.
I just felt comfortable and cool. I have another resolution, right? So unless you've got anything else to say. No, I don't think so. Do you see next time for love? I do. Bye bye bye bye.
The return of four boys is the final curse of this year.
Yes, it's nice. I hope you enjoyed my podcast with my friend. And goodbye from.