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I thought.


Zeus ever time.


You know.


What are you doing?


In fact, it's over 99 percent,probably 3:00 a.m. in the morning.


What is it?


There's a meteor hittingtowards Earth in 10 days. What?


What's the speed of the trajectory?


It's traveling over seven million miles


an hour, accelerating toward us,towards the gravitation pull of our sun.


How did you find it?


Luckily, I have a spectroscopicosmium reading.


It's just it's off the charts.


Oh, wait there.Wait here.




Let me figure this out.


Evan gets us,


Evan gets us.




Be advised, Target is secure.


You doing here?


Who do you think pays for this stuff?


I don't want to pry.Chase.


Good.Thank you.


All right.


You win.


No conversation.


Taking one for the team.


Action, my friend.No,




That speaks louder than words.




as awful and annoying as this song is


in English. Who knew itwould be so good in Chinese?


It's Korean.


Well, I assure you, Miss,I'm not here to molest you in any way.


My body would not dare warma seat beside yours normally.


But I am here on a


mission of mercy.


You see that a sailor,that lonely sailor over there.


You know, I'm having a really bad week.


Well, no, that's good.


That's really good.


You see, my friend.


He is terrible company.


Actually, he's downright dull.


Chase, what's your name?






He's terrible company,but you're in a terrible mood.


So you're all set.


I bring you down.


Sorry about my friend.Whoa, whoa.


No, no.There's no need to apologize.


I've already warned herhow dull you can be.


Thanks, Marissa.


This is my friend Chase.Chase.


This is Marissa.


It was a pleasure meeting you, sir.


Oh, and by the way,she is having a terrible week.




Sorry about all that.


So what's the matter with your week?


Oh, you wouldn't understandbecause I'm stupid or insensitive.




I'm a deep sea geophysicist taskedwith mapping the Yap trench.


But I can't right now,


as of subduct or unstability dueto the reactivation side panel


took rocks for jocks and college.








Luckily, we've got a super cell.


Neither have I.


Threatcon.This is madness in my day.


We've got a shit stormdown here unstrapped car.


This is madness in my day.


Damn, he's not working.


Interference in the ionosphere.


You really think thesereinforcements here can hold up?


I hope so.


Identify yourself.


Major Sara


opening the door.


You and your wife.OK.


Yes, there there's a situation


expected as much.


Are you in charge, sir?


I'm General Jim Masterson, and you are?