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Hey, what's up is Michael Thomas hair colors, how do you choose a color palette for your website? Well, right off the bat, I'm going to share this tool with you if you haven't found it already. This is what I use for my colors. I've even referred my clients in the past to this website and said, hey, give me an idea as to what your vision is for the colors that you want for this website. Go over to this Web app and take a look at the color palettes and see what they can do is they can go on there, have a look and they can get back to you with what it is that they like.


Now, the great thing about this, this tool is it has color theory. Well, I'm assuming it does anyway. It has unassuming color theory built into the algorithm for giving you color suggestions. So what you can do is you can put in your color in one of these hex value boxes here and then you can find different shades, complementary colors to that monochromatic suggestions that will go nicely with that color. And that's what I used. I'm a huge fan of monochromatic design.


What is monochromatic design? Let me the best way is to show you. So here's an example of monochromatic design. And if you look at my portfolio, you'll notice that the icons are a it's a complementary color to this shade of blue grayish that I've got here on my YouTube channel. And it's bright enough that it stands out, but it gives the style that you can only get from using monochromatic design. I'll give you a few of the examples used in this blog post here, which I will link to in the video description.


So these are all examples of this as a great example, and I just like it. I just take it. So using colors to your advantage. I'm no expert on design, but I know some of the basics. I know that if you want a button to stand out, then you're going to use contrast. You're going to use a contrasting color to help it to stand out from the background. So as you can, I'm not a designer, so I'm not going to go into detail in regards to color theory.


I'll just search on my Web YouTube channel. I've used colors here in my thumbnails to denote the different types of videos that I do Web development, journey videos, tutorial videos. And there's a sense of continuity when you're let's say, for example, you build in a landing page when they click through to the product page, don't completely change the colors, go with the same color scheme because that's going to give the visitor a sense of continuity that they're in the right place, that they didn't.


You don't want them to think subconsciously that, oh, did I click on the link? Is this the right website? What's going on here? I mean, the wrong place. So there is a method to the psychology of color theory. So that's it for this video. Really, I wanted to share this audio Adobe Web app with you until you know where I got the idea for the icons I got was able to use this app to get that color back from this video.


I hope you got some from it. We're going to start building out the portfolio now, starting with the development environment, and I'll catch you hopefully on the next video. Take it easy piece before you go.


I just want to let you know about Team Tree House. It's where I'm learning JavaScript right now. They'll take you from beginner level all the way to professional from HTML success and then onto JavaScript if you want, or Python Pièce Pinchy. They've got pretty much everything here, man. Look at this C sharp Android iOS and actually build an iPhone app with the help of Team Treehouse. I'm currently doing the full stack JavaScript track, so for 25 dollars per month you get all of those tracks on there.


So go have a look, see what you think. They've got tech degrees as well, which I think is a good alternative to a boot camp. If you don't want to spend a whole heap of money on a boot camp, have a look at the degree. There's a free trial, so you have nothing to lose by trying it out. I've left my affiliate link in the video description below. So please, if you're going to sign up, use my link.


It helps to support what I'm doing here on YouTube. I'm documenting my learning journey over on my website. I'll leave that link in the video description as well. This goes all the way back to 2015. There are gaps where I was just so busy I wasn't coming back to document it. But I will be from now on. I've made a promise to myself anyway. Thanks for watching the video and thanks for supporting what I do. Catch you on the next one piece.