How to travel the world with almost no money | Tomislav Perko | TEDxTUHH
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- 26 Oct 2020
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, guys, I'm Tom from Croatia. In the last couple of years, the world has been my own. I travel, I hit cars, trucks, horses, motorcycles. I drove in buses, trains, the rickshaw. I worked odd jobs to spend time with local. I volunteer. I became a monk, just getting a sail across the Indian Ocean to try things that I never trained before.
I've seen things that I will remember as long as I know that almost no. That's pretty much it. Thanks. Thank you very much. Know most of the people when they see this video, they react with, wow, I wish I could travel like that. And the thing is, most of us actually can. Before I started traveling, as Andrew said, I was a stockbroker, working nine to five, had a lot of money. And then the crash came 2008.
I lost my job. I lost the money and I lost the meaning. At that time, I discovered one website called Couch Surfing. I don't know how many of you guys heard about couch surfing. OK, how many of you haven't heard about Couchsurfing? OK, for you guys, it's an Internet website that allows you to host travelers in your own home and at the same time it allows you to stay in other people's homes while you're traveling yourself.
When I was hosting people in my apartment, over 150 of them, by listening to their stories and seeing the spark in their eyes, my thought was, wow, I wish I could travel like that. But I was afraid. The world is a very dangerous place, at least according to the media, our education, our family, church and so on. I was afraid of leaving my comfort zone and going by myself into the unknown world. And I was also afraid of not having any money.
And then the people that I hosted in my apartment told me two amazing things. First of all, you don't have to be brave to travel. You just have to have a little bit of courage to start to leave. And the other thing they told me is that you don't have to be rich to travel. Actually, all expenses while traveling fall into three major categories. First is transportation to get from point A to point B, the other thing is accommodation.
And the last is everything else, food, drinks and so on. And they told me if you minimize those three expenses to some minimum, it can be actually cheaper to travel than live in your own city. I listen to them and I for the next five years, I've been traveling around the world with almost no money and this is how I did it. First thing I hitchhiked apart from being free, apart from being really fast, it allowed me one amazing thing to have an adventure between point A and B.
How many of you guys have hitchhiked? Maybe. OK, quite a lot. Why? What are you doing? OK, I'm gonna I'm going to play you a short video called Hitchhiking Guide just to tell you a few unwritten rules about hitchhiking and some of my experiences. When it comes to hitchhiking, everything is about using common sense first to start, you have to get out of the city wherever you to have to be on the right road, in the right direction.
So the basic lesson number to stick up your tongue from the most of you have it. So just. I've been such a striking lesson number thirty six look decent, like shave and stuff and try to wear some clothes, whatever, or hide behind your back pack of. Four do not hitchhike during night time, and it's your choice as the disease is roughly. Lesson number 58, eye contact with the drivers. See, this one nearly stopped. Yeah, don't you take a loan?
I have a friend that I can trade with, but we didn't want to. Lesson number twenty one to talk with drivers when you're in the car, because that's the only way you can persuade them that they would like to hear some interesting stories if you have one. Yeah, it's not just to listen to their story. That's sometimes it costs less. Number nine, fasten your seat belt if you have one. You taking lesson number two driver is a silly.
We always have people, you know, like you're hitchhiking, it's your choice. Don't expect to because we'll be wrong and ninety nine point four percent of cases. But no matter how long you wait for the right drive will come so that the ultimate hitchhiking rule that you have to go back, there are no rules, actually. So. Jack, go out there in your life and challengers fields or. Thank you. There are other alternatives to transportation.
One of them is walking. You guys know what that is? How many of you guys are? So just take your backpack and hit the road. Another way is cycling. It's not maybe completely free because you have to buy the bicycle and eventually fix it, but it's much more cheaper than the conventional methods of transportation. And the last one is actually working in exchange for transportation. I did this when I was sailing across the Indian Ocean from Australia to Africa, and I didn't have to pay for the ride.
I just needed to do some work on the boat, like do some Nightwatch is cooking and stuff like that when it comes to accommodation. Most of the time I was couch surfing because I had a lot of experience. I had a lot of these positive references on the website and so on. And what I like about couch surfing the most is not only because it's free, it allows you to have a different perspective of the destination. You're not destined to stay in your hotel room or take the tourist tours.
You just hang out with your host. He takes you on places that you would probably never visit by yourself. But also there are some other alternatives. Is one of them is camping. You have your tents. You can sleep almost everywhere you want in the big cities. I usually slept in parks just to have my sleeping bag and my mattress. And the last one when it comes to accommodation is volunteering. There are a lot of opportunities all around the world that offer you to work in exchange for accommodation, sometimes even food.
So you get to sleep in beautiful rooms like this when it comes to all the other expenses. One of them is food in rich cities. In rich countries, I usually buy food in supermarkets, which is the cheapest way, and just eat on the street. You can also cook with your hosts, which can be pretty, pretty unique experience, to say the least. These are Germans, actually. Sorry, but it was it was pretty delicious, to say the least, and one of the cheapest.
Yeah, another thing is dumpster diving, maybe over 40 to 50 percent of the food that is being produced is being thrown away. And a lot of people have a problem with that. So they go to supermarket bins after the closing hours and just take all the food that it's not going to be sold day after. And when it comes to drinks, boys, you know, the usual try to avoid the bars and the restaurant and drink in parks.
This is how you can travel really, really cheaply. But one other thing when it comes to traveling is that you can.