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You got a new show for y'all, just another beautiful day in Trump's paradise. Let me remind you, President Trump is still your president. I know it hurts, Lefty, but is a fact. And every day that goes by, more and more evidence. It's been found in all of this corruption A. So bad and crazy hail, this dude was talking all day in behind them here, just the office of the president elect.


There's no such office.


They treat this man like he's president. He's talking about health care.


And I was like, wait a minute, hold up. This election is being contested. We have lots of proof that there was fraud. The Dominion Day software that was being used is seems to be a lot of shady things going on that companies not even owned by American citizen tech companies, whether it's a foreign company coming about to America, that's how it's not a it's not a foreign company, is it?


Just went, from what I read, is foreign.


And he has strong ties to Venezuela. Venezuela, that's on me, I think, and they use in service this not in America. Yeah. Yeah. Well, let me let me read this tweet. Well, Joe Barton, get where is the officer? Where is the office of the Vice? Where is the office?


It's such a bullshit title.


Where is the office of the president elect located? Is it in DC or is it in your basement.


I live here probably.


Yeah, it's probably in his basement office, in somebody's backyard pool.


And he's in a area with the kids playing with the hair on your legs. Hey, look here.


OK, so the president tweeted this. Yeah.


He put in all caps because he's actually screaming this Trump screaming at everybody. He put it all together. It got everything in all caps. He says, hey, well, you got to act like Trump, man. You got to scream at me right now. I'll scream.


Yeah. I'm just going to put emphasis here, like we put emphasis, like the West say yea yea yea yea yea yea yea. Oh. I look forward to with you. Let's get serious on this. This country is on the line here. Report dimensioned deleted two point seven million Trump votes nationwide, that's crazy.


Data analysis finds two hundred and twenty one thousand Pennsylvania votes switched from President Trump to.


But this crazy nine hundred and forty one thousand Trump votes deleted. That is crazy. States using Dominion voting system switched four hundred and thirty five thousand votes. Trump the but nowhere. Whereas Dominion, this software, it was used in Wisconsin. Yeah, that's being contested is Michigan is contested. Nevada, that's contested. All the major swing states matter. Arizona contested Pennsylvania contest. Yeah. And that's not to mention what was going on, Pennsylvania, with the mail in ballot votes, no.


No Republican observer was there to make sure the vote was valid, which means you got to make sure the envelope is, you know, postmarked by a certain date. None of that was done. No Republican observer was aware. It was just from what Rudy Giuliani was saying on Rudy's common sense on his YouTube channel. Yeah, none of that took place. He stated that. Boxes of ballots was was drover driven in from the vehicles out of state license plates.


Just ship was in chaos overnight when nobody was there, 3:00, 4:00 in the morning, they got pictures of this.


Well, that's when you know how we went to sleep. Everybody went to sleep. So we got this woke up.


What the hell happened? What happened was they brought them damn ballots in. Yeah, in a in three in the freaking morning. But anyway, yeah. Which I know Rudy Giuliani and the president's legal team gave a strong case against illegitimate. Yes. Taking those ballots, the million ballots out of out of the counting process. Yeah.


And they can't verify if they were legitimate and they found they got some they got some decisions from the courts there in Pennsylvania. They want some decisions today. Those not only are they doing a recount, they're doing an audit.


Right. I don't know if it's got that for yet. Yeah. I mean, you could bring up a good point. I don't want to recount. I want an audit. I don't want you to just sit there and count them. If they're fake ballots, what's the point in telling them you need to audit them? You got to make sure these are legitimate votes, especially the mail in ballots. I thought I saw a tweet. It was the Instagram posted.


It said there was doing an audit in Pennsylvania instead of just recount.


I don't know. I can see so that you could score. Yeah, no, you better be you better be sure we are studying your solo Einstein shit all.


It's the damn good show we got going. But look here now. Hey, hey, don't don't quote me on this, I could be wrong, but there is a very, very strong possibility. It front, it's going to be president for the next four years is a very strong possibility. I think they know that. And you pointed out that I was going through the comments of Instagram and people calling me stupid, that, well, those are black liberals, they are morons.


And some of those white men now, most of them are black people ever since Trump supposedly lost election. Y'all to see my Dems from black liberals, but you got to find a new gig near your. Don't lose his job. He can fight like I supposed to stop being a comedian. I supposed to stop being conservative just because my candidate lost. Yeah. People don't follow us because the people follow us because they love this country and they know that we love this country and we put ourselves out there being black conservatives.


What people appreciate. That's why they not because Trump's in office. If bouncing off his old man horse wins or loses now. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. What was I doing before Trump was president? Being a comedian.


Yeah. They said nothing's changed, I'm still going to be I was I was going to serve then I'm a conservative now, nothing has changed. Yeah, the only thing that's changed is just, you know, we don't have a Republican office. Does it make sense for me to stop what I'm doing? I mean, you didn't stop being a liberal moron just because Trump got elected. Oh, man, no. Oh, that was a good point.


You kept being a liberal moron, a liberal meaning a bit.


But explain to them why you are explain to them. Stop, cut me off. Let me do some talk. Let me tell you like this. If they take those million ballots out there wasn't verified, if they can't legitimize those ballots, technically, you cannot certify that state's election process. You can't back it. You can't say it's true. And it was honest. So you have to throw those out. Yeah. If they throw those out. Pennsylvania, Michigan.


Wisconsin to right here is going to flip back to Trump. Yeah, but what if this is the thing? Let's say those states, the electors said we cannot. Hmm, they don't want to go that route. Right. They say the vote's been delegitimized because throwing the ballots out, let's say the electors cannot figure out. Yeah, because the Supreme Court, the court system, they don't want to certify who the president. The Constitution. Yeah, that's what constitutes coming a little bit constitutional.


Yeah. The framers of the Constitution, there was some racist white men, but they were smart. They were genius. They were brilliant.


If you take that whole slave thing away, man, it was real good people that still only say, yes, the only thing you got against them, slavery. That was horrible against women, too. Yeah. Yeah. Man is they hate. Yes. Have women in the kitchen cooking and just below. No. Just making babies. Yeah. Man it was the women wrong too. But they framed that constitution perfectly and thank God you did something right.


Right. But in the Constitution when the electors can't decide the or when they can't decide the president, you know, they don't get the 270 votes, the amount needed to be awarded the presidency. This election is then decided by the House of Representatives. Now, wait a minute, Lefty. Oh, we got the house, yeah, we got the majority don't work like that, you moron. How we can let Joe Biden know this, how it works?


Nope, nope, nope, nope, each and every state only gets a vote. And the Republicans, he got the majority.


You know, Republicans coming down vote, they didn't like jail time to vote suckles this time, we got all kinds of observers.


Yeah, but that's on rare occasion. Yeah. If they if the electoral votes cannot be decided, will be legitimate or they're contested, I think is going to have to represent if it's contested, it has to go to the House of Reps. Got too many states. There's too much fraud going on with that. They found votes. There was went to Biden. It should have went to Trump using software. It has to you have to delegitimize the entire.


Let me say this. Let me say this. Let's say they throw votes out and Trump wins. If Biden contests that, because nobody can contest as well. Yeah. And if it's a contest, I think it has to go to the House of Representatives point. Yeah, don't quote me on it. But even Nancy Pelosi, she told Joe Biden, you're burning up and telling Joe Biden, don't you think with Clinton, don't you concede the election because she knows it's going to go to the House of Representatives?


Yeah, and they was trying to get some more seats there in the House, but they did. And they lost like 15 seats. So liberals are screwed for Trump is gonna be your president in four years as of the year. You heard it here first. That's what I'm hoping. Yeah.


Because we need we need we need President Trump in formal. Hey, man, look, is no other way to go about it. You can't let him legitimize those votes. They came when it's up to the states. I'm not going to say it's going to do because states they don't want to date or want to make a decision. Who's our president? They want the Constitution to decide that. And it's going to have to go to the House of Representatives.


And if, by the way, if anybody contested, then it has to go to the House of Representatives in the courts, they'll make decisions, but they don't want to step in and decide the election. So that's why the Constitution to what the House decides. So let's grab your popcorn. Everybody's going to get stoned, get real interesting, right?


Yeah. Going to be the best reality show on TV. I'm telling you, watching the left just destroy themselves and just fall apart a top down series. But you know what? The left is going to say this. Trump stole this election. No, no, no, no, no. He never had to steal it. He won it. You guys were cheating.


Trump was never the president elect. I mean, Biden was never president elect. He never had enough votes. Those votes that y'all say came in for Biden, if there was for Biden, why didn't you follow the rules? You supposed to have an observer there. Yeah, but, you know, I'm saying that's why the media did what they did. They want to have the perception that Biden won, that the media cannot award the winner of the election.


Yeah, they've given you all that perception that they can dislike the media, cannot find a president guilty for Russia collusion. They kept saying he was guilty. Well, in the end, he was acquitted. People don't realize the media's been playing out for years. Yeah, I think the presence a white supremacist.


Who told you that it was the media, won't it? Yeah. Who told you about Russia? Collusion in Moscow make synonymous with the Russians. And Trump, who told know that mainstream media. It was the media who told Joe Joe Biden won the election. Mainstream media who?


Tojo's a bunch of racist white men hunted down black people in the media.


They've been going to be mad at President Trump when they when he remains the president. No, you should be mad at yourself because the meat has been playing. I've been pimping out for the full show. All Hey, President is doing. President Trump is not going to concede this election. Why would you spend millions of dollars and be in opposition this long, taken all this heat from you guys? Our 70 million people of America voted for him. We think he's just going to step down and walk away.


No, he knows the law. He knows our Constitution. He knows there's fraud. He's not going to step down because a true king. It's just not going to walk away and leave his followers behind with their thumb up there.


But, yeah, don't say king, because, see, they take that the wrong way to live. I asked why I said it.


I want to trick somebody. He's King Trump and he's not a dictator. And we're not members of a cult. We just got brains, y'all idiots. Everybody's meme of a quote is, you guys, the media's been lying to you for years, years, day after day. The company kills white supremacists, mocking our Native American. I mean, they lied about everything. They say it's like 90 percent liars. I don't think they've told the truth.


Yeah, pretty much no longer journalists. They're just. Yeah. Liberal propaganda against Republic. And now I noticed today they got Pelosi and Schumer. Everybody wants to talk about covid. Yeah, y'all need to talk about all this damn fraud going on. I don't want to talk about that. Y'all want to keep your constituents, these brain dead people who support the Democrat Party, y'all want to keep them in the dark. Don't keep lines. Not us, you mean half of your vegetables?


Yeah, but look what's going on. Look what's going on in Chicago with the Mayo doing. Yeah, she canceled Thanksgiving. How to hell can you cancel Thanksgiving? Yeah. This because of the covid spiking. Look here, not over 90. What is in the heart. Ninety nine is yet the survival rate down on Thanksgiving because nine percent had nine survival rate when it comes coping. Here you go. Cards for Christmas. They come out of vaccine.


There's only got a ninety nine percent survival rate. Your immune system stronger than this. Damn. I'm busy right now. I'm not taking that damn vaccine, I'm not I'm losing my look. That vaccine is going to kill me. Hey, Obelix, you liberals take it first of all. What? See what yo yo, go turn into zombies. That movie will set up a Will Smith. I am legend man. I found the cure for cancer.


The turning is over. Hey, we got the cure for colon. Got go to turn into zombies anyway. I don't take the flu shot. Yeah it's about the flu so I guess I normally get a lot of heat for that. But I just don't get the flu shot because every time I take it, I'm like, what did I do?


I took it one time when I was in the Marine Corps. They made me take it. Got sick as hell. Yeah. I said, you know what? I don't need them. I was doing just fine, by the way, but you two popcorn. It's not over. Yeah, I'm telling you. Liberal Trump can be president for the next four long years, just 365 days a year, you got photos we haven't even finished the fourth year yet.


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