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Man, it's a sad day for America, not because there we have people protesting, our government sucks, media sucks. That's all of the blame goes towards really the media. Don't get me wrong, this is this has been building up for, like the last few years, actually. And I just turned on the TV and, you know, the left, they going do anything. They just point their finger. The other guy I know y'all have your hands in this just as much as anybody else.


Our politician, our government, everybody, every last one of you circus. Y'all suck. That's why we have people protesting all year long. That's why we have people storming the Capitol building, because the government sucks. Because our media sucks. Y'all keep pointing fingers. Oh, look at these horrible Trump supporters. Oh, how un-American. No, they're not horrible people. They say it's un-American. This is the most American thing you can do, evidently.


I mean, the media loves been doing this for like the last four years. In August, called on peaceful protesters and this one commentator was saying lives have consequences.


No shit. Yeah. Why do you think we have people protesting? I mean, just think about it. You've lied for years. You never accepted Donald Trump as your president. You call him a white supremacist, called them illegitimate president. You had him impeached for breathing down, said he colluded with Russia. Now you are trying to twist things around like this whole thing about fraud is just a conspiracy theory and then it's a fantasy.


You know what the media could have did to prevent it all this. Yeah. Is if the media would have covered the fraud issue. Yeah, well, it's conspiracy. Not that way. We could have seen first hand if it was true or not. Yeah. If the media were they did their job, but instead YouTube you can say from your videos and they don't even cover the media, they just say it's a conspiracy theory, there's no fraud.


There was evidence of fraud. Why couldn't the media have take an active role in this like they used to in the good old days, like sixty minutes used to do? They used to investigate stuff and put it out there for the American public to see. Yeah. So that way, I mean, if you were it did that it would have prevented all this. You can't blame the right. Yeah. What happened. Why don't you do your job.


Yeah. Showed that there is no fraud. Yeah. Stop trying to think first. Stop censoring people, stop taking information and deleting it or not letting people share information. What happened to free speech. We still have free speech in this country. The American people could sit back and look at it. Evidence. Oh, this is a bunch of hogwash. Just this. Oh, man, it's stupid. It's no evidence of mass fraud. But since you are prevented showing evidence, that's why you have people storming the building.


Yeah, y'all should have actually pushed for that. Yeah. Facebook, Twitter, all the social media on to our Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. It all would just show if you are to add it on TV, if you let people share the information, people can judge for themselves. If the information is false, why didn't the media push elected officials to prove to us both left and right that there was no fraud? This wouldn't have occurred?


Yeah, over almost a majority of America feel feel like that this election was rigged. And it's just not Republicans, independents, even Democrats feel that way. Yeah. Why do they feel this rig? Are they stupid? All the crazy. No.


We would just like the opportunity for the media, the politicians, to show that this was fair. Yeah, election, that's all we wanted.


Just prove to the American people. Yeah. That it was a fair and honest Ted Cruz came up with a great idea. They should just form an electoral commission to let these allegations be investigated. Yeah. And if they're investigated, then we can all see if it was true or not. Yeah. I mean, on the left you should be like, OK, if you feel this election was was fair. Well, let's form this commission so we can prove it.


Mr. GAO didn't want to prove it. You just want to call everyone conspiracy theories. You didn't do your job. You just stay with that narrative. Yeah. That's your responsibility to prove to us as elected officials that we have a finance election. So what's wrong with taking five people from the House, five people from the Senate, five Supreme Court justice? You'll sit down and go over their evidence and make a decision and not to vote. That's what Ted Cruz came up with.


They did it before. And it's past elections. Thus, there is precedent for this. If you did did that, the American people could sit back and watch televise it just like you did the impeachment hearings. Right. And then we can all see first hand if this is a joke. Yeah, well, if there really was a lot of fraud in this election, this is not Trump supporters fault. This is not Democrats fault is not Republicans fault.


This is not mainstream media's fault. It's everybody's fault. Everybody's got a hand. But the media got the power to prevent all this. Yeah, you can call out the crap on the left and the right, but you don't decide to do that. You got to there. You lean hard left. I mean, this is the man I mean, this one do.


So this is the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life at the Capitol Building. No, that's not the craziest thing you ever see. You just exaggerate. I mean, I can go on YouTube and look at JFK, get his head blown off. That's why his wife and kids. That's crazy what his kids was. No, no, no.


I mean in front of kids. I mean in front of the front of his wife. Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you talk about crazy, I mean, that was crazy. Don't get me wrong. How is it possible for people to storm supposedly one of the most secure buildings in this country that governments in a having a session and protesters stormed the Capitol building and a woman ends up getting shot. How the hell does that happen? Just this just proves what I've been saying.


Our government is dysfunctional. A lot of our people have elected incompetent. Yeah. Yeah. I knew this day was coming. It's almost like I wanted it to happen. I mean, look look at everything is going wrong in this country. Black lives matter, yet their they're protesting. Why? Because lives have consequences. Job in line. From the very moment President Trump got elected and he was a white supremacist, you paint not the painter cops like they hunt down white people now.


And I have no gas to get on TV and say that to the American people. Lives have consequences. Yeah, no shit. We'd be looking at your lives from the moment president got elected.


And if let's say this was a lie, what Trump saying y'all could have made him look like a fool if y'all with a D youse job. Yeah.


If this is just a fantasy and conspiracy theories, you could show the evidence. Yeah. Show us how stupid Trump is. Yeah. You could have did that, but you didn't do that. You just called it conspiracy theories and you call Trump supporters idiots for following you and your man feels that the election was stolen from you. Y'all have a responsibility, a responsibility to all the American people. It is up to your to prove to us that there was an honest and fair election.


I'm looking at the George runoffs days like, OK, it's neck and neck, but we only got like 40 percent of the vote votes in in Fulton County.


I'm like, I've seen this shit before. I don't count Fulton County first year in Dade County. The other counties like that. I get the impression. Right. What happened in Pennsylvania? What happened in Georgia during the election? What happened in Michigan? Everybody get their votes in first. And then the last person to count that both the Democratic stronghold is OK. We got this. This is how many votes I need. Yeah, that's what I get the impression of how many votes and how we got out of the voting.


Now, how many votes we have to come up with. That's the impression we get.


Yeah, I mean, that was getting 80 percent of the vote in Fulton County for the Democrat, 80 percent.


Yeah, well, if things keep you know, if it looks like to me the way they got the Senate, they say that they got that. They got the House. They got the presidency. Yeah, the presidency. They got the Democrats have all the power.


They say if they want to stick with the Constitution, they don't. They talk about packing the court, you know, throwing out the electoral college. I'm going to tell you right now, these are these Democrats, man, they don't know who. I mean, Trump was print money and rightfully so. This is unprecedented because, of course, we the government made everybody stay home and not work. You got to give them something. Yeah. You can't tell people to go home and just wait it out and then don't make any money.


So I understand Trump being conservative, him to pay, you know, money, you have to get printing money. This is not your tax dollars. They going in the back and they printing this money and that money is going to be worth nothing. I want to keep printing money. Yeah, I want to say this about the protesters. I mean, there's a reason why. I mean. I support the president, but there's a reason why I didn't go know there's this protest in Washington, D.C., because emotions are high.


I mean, I'm all for protesting. Yeah, but what she did at the Capitol Building. I don't think that was patriotic at all. Year now, storming the Capitol building, a woman ends up getting shot in the neck. From what I see from reports, she died. Yeah, I mean, if I were just stood on the steps in and chanted, I'm in protest. Yeah, yeah, that's fine.


But what child did I mean. Oh, got in a Capitol building. What does that going to do. What does that going to change course. Look, when you approached all these federal police officers.


Right, I mean they got nothing to do with this. I mean, you put a lot of people's lives at risk and they're doing their job.


All it takes is one psycho. Yeah. Just get everything going. And a woman lost her life today. Yeah. I mean, it's it's just that was the wrong thing to do, in my opinion. I mean, I get why you pissed. I am pissed. Yeah. And I understand what we are going through. I'm going to do it too. Yeah. I mean we just fed up with the B.S. from mainstream media. We are fed up with the lies, we fed up with our our politicians support us after we've elected them to make sure our rights are protected.


I mean, we have Republicans and I giving these these speeches like they just want to let everything slide. You have a responsibility to show us and prove to us that this was a fair and honest election. And you you don't want to do that.


See, the thing is, to a lot of these states that states that's being contested, they made a lot of crazy changes to their election laws illegally. They didn't follow the Constitution. And these are states that's run by Republican states. This Republican ran.


Yeah, they have the majority and they just sit back and watch this. Yeah. Now.


And you still don't want to do nothing about you knew this was happening. You didn't do anything, didn't do anything about it. Republicans. You don't make any sense, man, the power in our Constitution, there's a remedy for this. You all have the power to remedy this. Y'all have the power to make us feel that this was a final decision and you're not doing it. Yeah, but this is the thing. I mean, if they was to overturn this election, yeah, this would happen every election.


I mean, the Democrats started with Trump. I mean, the economy is illegitimate. President here. They've been trying to get them thrown out the whole time. I mean, they they did start this, don't get me wrong. But if they want to do this, I mean, what's going to stop the Democrats from doing this? I think it's a little different because I understand where you come from. I understand where a lot of Republicans come from.


If we do this during this election, it's going to happen every election. But this is not every election. There's a lot of discrepancies, a lot of erit. It is just a lot of things. I mean, how can you look at a graph and you see the votes coming like it and go straight up like that? That never happened.


Never happens, man. The graph looks like an erection. Yeah. I mean, we have cities. I mean, we have states following the constitution verbatim when it comes to elections. You have these certain key battleground states, the swing states, people override the constitution, make new laws, new rules. When you don't have to have an I.D., I mean, you don't you're not verifying signatures. Yeah. And just because. Yeah. Fraud and you and I feel that this election was rigged.


Yeah. But you don't want to prove to us this election was not right. You just want to say it is. We just. Yeah. You say Trump is a conspiracy theorist. There is an idiot.


Show me. Yeah. Prove to me I could have did a hearing just like I was doing those impeachment hearings. When y'all got the judges in not talking televised and all that, you could have put all this could this would have been great ratings and you could have showed the American people what really happened. But she didn't want to. Yeah, and why is that? Yeah. These people on TV keep saying that a Trump administration, Trump supporters are ruin our democracy.


No mainstream media spin, ruin our democracy ever since Trump got elected.


Going to be for Trump. Yeah. I mean, come on. Come on.


That's why this country is in the situation we're in right now because of the media. Yo, yo, yo. Got a narrative to push you. You cover for the left.


Yeah. I mean, you're supposed to be. What's the word you're supposed to be impartial, you're supposed to be like the Supreme Court justices, are you supposed to be impartial? Turns out the Supreme Court just I don't even think, you know, it's funny, man.


The Supreme Court. They could prevent a lot of this, they cannot just review the evidence, but they rejected evidence, then you got a case based on its merits. They just didn't want to get involved.


I mean, why the hell do we got a court system if we got judges don't want to look at evidence.


Yeah, I like the way the media spins it. The courts looked at it. No, they didn't even look at it. They didn't even look at the evidence. They didn't want they didn't want to get involved into all you people saying that might have consequences. That's a bold lie. The courts have not took not one of these cases in throwing it out there on the merits of the evidence that Trump's legal team was shown. No, no, no, no.


There was no hearings. There's judges do not want to get involved.


Yeah, that's a lot. And that's why you got people storming. If you truly believe lives have consequences, which I'll stop telling lies. Yes. Yeah. Lives have consequences in our lives.


This is why we in this position right now. Yeah.


But anyway, I mean, I think they got they got capital building locked down. Now everything's safe. And now Congress is back in the vice president's back. I mean, I mean, what is this going to change anything, I think I think it's over from what I see. I haven't seen anything that's going to show me that Trump's going to be able to stand up. I haven't seen anything. I've seen a bunch of craziness today. Yeah, that.


Just crazy.


I just wish, man, if if if you say it is just a conspiracy, this show everybody, the American people put together your electoral panel. Five people from the House, five people from is too late for that.


This show just proved to us just to say, if we do this during this election, then we got to do it every election. But no, you need to you need the next election. You need everybody needs to stick to the rules. Nobody can go outside of the Constitution, make up their own rules, how they hold their election. If Texas is abiding by the Constitution, then, dammit, Pennsylvanians got to abide by it. I want to say this.


The media, they use this hyperbole all the time. They say, no, the right is destroying our democracy.


You know what if Congress was to overturn this election. Yeah, that's not destroying our democracy. It's actually in the Constitution. It's constitutional. Yeah. Why do you say let's say if they did do that, it's it's not that the right's destroying our democracy. It's in the Constitution. You just don't like it. But you use that phrase to make the right look bad because again, you have a narrative you have to push. How can you be destroying your your democracy when you overturning a rigged election that's ensuring our Democrats making our democracy better.


Right. Yeah, but, uh. I guess we're misled. We didn't see the evidence you got you got Republicans out there saying we're being misled. How are we being misled? We got one shred of evidence when a court won't take the case, when Congress won't have hearings to sit and go over the evidence for the whole entire American public to see. Yeah, just like those judgments, the impeachment hearings. Why didn't something like this. Because this is serious.


Yeah. Why is Facebook Twitter prevented seeing evidence w why it's considered to be, in fact, checked.


I mean, I tell you like this, I mean, I had a girlfriend. She wants to look at my phone, make sure I wasn't cheating on her. Asinine cheating on you. Let me see your phone. I said, that's my damn phone.


You can look at it not. That's how our government is acting right now, you know why I didn't give it our phone? I was cheating all over that damn girl. I was a damn dog, junkyard dog. That's what our government is, a bunch of junkyard dogs. Nobody has any. Oh yeah, all we want is transparency. That's all we want. But that's all we want is transparency. No work, no transparency here. That transsexual transparency.


That's all we want. That's all we want. That's all we want to work for.


Today creates transparency. And if you were to give us. Showed us, prudence, that this was a clear and honest election, you wouldn't have people storming the Capitol Building. That's crazy. You wouldn't have told people that our president was a white supremacist. And this is this country's being ran by a white patriarchy. You wouldn't have Black Lives Matter and a Tea Party are burning down people's business. Yeah, people actually got murdered during those Black Lives Matter.


Yeah. And you're a woman. Unfortune got murdered. And it's all because of our media. Yeah, it's all because of our government. You're dysfunctional. It's your fault. It's not the protesters fault. Your fault. Yeah. I mean, how much how many times you think you can stir people up until something happens?


Yeah. Like like like wow. I can't believe this shit in people's in the Capitol building.


I'm like, what the hell's wrong with you people? You mean, I know you're just plain stupid, that's what you're doing. You're playing stupid walking this. Then you turn the camera, man, this is getting crazy and it was going to happen. Yeah, that's what they say. That's what they're doing, man. But anyway, let's see what happens tomorrow, buddy. But as it stands right now, it looks like Joe Biden's going to be the president.


Yeah, they got the Senate now. They got the House, too. So the only thing they got is the Supreme Court. But they I think they got the power.


They got the power in Congress now to shut that down. What a Supreme Court mandate. They don't want to take no case. They got to House, to the Senate. They got the presidency. They got worried about the Supreme Court, because when you take them a case, I don't see that shit like this political. Take that shit out of you.


Yeah. I don't want to get involved in the Supreme Court for you. Supreme Court could end it all. Is their elected officials they supposed to look the merits of evidence. Now, this is now this is this is this is now this is what this like was I was looking for like now this is going to lead to more riots, you know, that's what I was thinking. I mean, that's what people were suggesting, that the Supreme Court did not want get involved because there been horrible riot because Trump picked them.


Yeah. I mean, you know, the left they get when they get pissed. Yeah. There's no they they burn stuff down. That's how they operate in the media, man. They the root they the biggest problem we have in this country because they take whatever the government does. And if it's not in their favor, they twist things. That's why we got things. That's why it is this. People are so upset and. Yeah, well you got on both sides.


But you know what? I'm tired of beating his dead horse. I'm just I'm just pissed. Yeah, I'm just upset. I'm just this has been mentally exhausting ever since election night. And I'm just I'm just I'm just tired, man. Yeah, I know. I'm just exhausted. I'm done talking about this. I just want to know who my damn president is. We just got to prepare for the next election. We can't, like, give up, you know, to be nice.


Man, what would it be? Nightmare. If this was a damn Fernado selection man and his transparency man, I mean all I want to too much to ask for, I just want transparency. I could have held hearings, looked at the evidence the whole American public could see, and this would already be over.


So now Trump was he's crazy. It's not it's not wrong.


Oh, wait. Look. Look who Trump was right now had that opportunity.


Maybe he didn't want to do it. Because you know what? You work for yourself, you don't work for the American people, you're supposed to be, you know, making sure, ensuring that we are we feel good about our government. I feel terrible about my exam time. Don't talk about this. Beating a dead horse. Let's go to Washington, D.C., Herkes twin storm and.


Anyway, I'm going over the dam water going to stop hurting everybody, hey, we may have lost this battle. Yeah, the war rages on, yeah. Hope you know me, God, don't give up, man. Don't give up, so do not give up to that fat, lovable man.


She already thinks she's actually stripping. Right. I will close this out one more time.


Oh, good oficial half twins'.


Dad, come and pick you up. You got a t shirt today? Hell, I mean, to give you 20 percent of disturbing discount code Chinese buyers. We call it Chinese because it's from China. We make t shirts. Great again. We are.