Trump's Impeachment Trial Set To Begin
Hodgetwins- 1,495 views
- 10 Feb 2021
Hodgetwins discuss Trump's impeachment trial set that's to begin.
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You don't have to say circle back. I think you can say circle jerk. Anyway, the impeachment trial, the second one has the president everybody been impeached twice, but Donald Trump is setting records.
He's a trendsetter. Well, you know who to blame for this, right? Who dumbed down Republicans? It went have to let them blame the Republican Guard. Republicans de de Angels'. Either of past Republicans want to impeach that Damanhour. Bill Clinton at down to time and sneak over, suck, get sucked off for getting sucked off in Oval Office, not using that as a political tool. May they set the precedent. Yeah, well, that's Bill Clinton, even though he was a two time scumbag, should have never been impeached.
Set the precedent. Where do today kid precedent. I mean, but hold on. Let me say so. Some talk so much. It's a two man show. I mean, should they have impeach him for that? Clint, I don't think so. Was embarrassed. So he didn't want. Yeah, he was he was lying because he didn't want people to know that he was in the Oval Office getting sucked off. But the Republicans kept pushing.
I understand he lied under oath. But seriously, seriously, I don't I don't blame him for lying.
I mean, look at his wife. I'd like to I want to hold it against him. Yeah. Just me personally. But anyway, it was an abuse of power, though. Think about it. Yeah. Yeah. No, that was an abuse of power. Personal data by me, not the president. No, he's the president states. He said, Monica, get in here. Put a little bit. But she came in at. The president of the United States, get on your knees.
He didn't do that. He had sway. He's the president. She's an intern. He took advantage of the situation. Yeah. Now, was that abuse of power? That's that's an example of toxic masculinity. I'm starting to what Democrats talking about, but now sources get back to front. No, no. See, that's why we're going to this democracy. That was a perfect example is, man, we can still use the impeachment process as a political tool against people we don't necessarily like.
We don't like their policies. We just find something impeachment, no matter how small, how trivial. If we got the numbers, we can get rid of them. And only reason why they pursued this impeachment because they want to face Trump in the next election. Yeah, I mean, what are you scared of? You won fair and square this time. Yeah. Your man got over 80 million votes. He's the most popular president ever. What are you so scared of?
I've got to go. Got the best candidate ever ran for office, even though it took him three times. Yeah. Just so you know, we're being facetious. Yeah, we're being sarcastic. I know a lot of things Flowserve liberals hate. Say what I want to say without saying a word you can't sell on YouTube. Yeah. I outsmarted John.
Say I'm concerned. We are smart. Yeah. We got brains man made millions of sheep but they try and impeach Gitomer President Trump because they said he incited violence. How can you say a protest was was incited by violence after everything just went over instead it went on past this past year. I don't. OK, let me say this. Let me say a little bit. But I don't see how the president cited violence when he never called for any violence.
How how was this? I understand you can call this an insurrection. Yeah, but how is the insurrection? When the Capitol Police waved me in, they would have just did their job. Yeah, there have been no insurrection, right? I mean, it's all to secure, you know, Washington, D.C., like with anti-war and Black Lives Matter get. Yeah. Got there. Nothing happen. It's almost. You scared the building. Yeah.
This is more about you fail to secure the building because you have cops waving, waving people in and they will get out of here. Like 90 percent of our government was in that building that day. But the police is waving a man. Yeah. I didn't have ample forces there in case things got out of hand. Yeah. It's almost as if I wanted this to happen. It's like I give to your Democrats are pretty smart.
The plan is to get seriously. I mean, the Republicans may go ahead. The numbers in the Senate for the last four years and you did absolutely nothing about free speech, about taking people's gun rights. You always just I mean, y'all a scumbag just like the Democrats. Yeah. Only think about yourself. You never think about the public and the people that vote for you. Yeah. Go up preaching unity now and let the whole Super Bowl commercials all about doing it.
It's all B.S.. And yeah. How can we be about you know, you try to impeach the man I voted for. Yeah. And dead on the left. Y'all been actually inciting violence against conservatives? Yeah. Call us white supremacists. How many Trump support has been attacked for when America had or should. Yeah, I mean bloodied Maxine Waters, AOC. Yeah, Nancy Pelosi. The red is the new KKK. Yeah. Counts people has been attacked.
Just simply weren't. McGeer why haven't you been removed for inciting violence. I can show you people getting attacked, I can show you people dictating that when they see McGeer or Maggard that that stands for the KKK because of the words you said and nothing has happened to you. Yes, absolutely nothing. You can not show me one strand of evidence that Trump calls an insurrection at the capability. Now, one sec, whatever. All showing, they tried to use his speech here.
They said he was calling for violence, no doubt an analogy deals on a big speech, he said when he gave a speech, he said, let's fight like hell. What do you mean by fight like hell? Yeah, the courts. The Constitution. Yeah, that's what he's talking about. He followed the steps in the Constitution. He'd never called for violence. If he really wanted violence, he would have said it verbatim. Yes. You no.
Trump says what he wants to say. If he really wanted to say that, he would have said that he's not a politician. He's not one of you guys. That's why you are going after him. Yeah. And if you take a fact checker and just fact check the evidence you got, your evidence is missing context, making your own opinions, not facts, to impeach the president. Yeah, if twice if you're going to impeach the president, you got to impeach him.
Not based on opinions. Yeah, it's got to be a fact. You got to have strong evidence. You got to be based on laws that allow he's broke. He hasn't broken one law. You might don't like his policies. You might not like the things he's saying, but you can't take things out of context and use it to impeach somebody like the person people. Delta's on the phone call. I read the transcript. There was nothing there.
And y'all impeach him simply because we have the numbers. The first impeachment is about withholding aid and stuff to the Ukraine or whatever. Joe Biden is on tape bragging about it, laughing. Yes. Even called them even Chris. When he was bragging, he said, son of a bitch on tape. Yeah, he said, son of a bitch. A couple hours later, he was fired. That's what he said on tape. It there's strong evidence to impeach not only vice president, but Pelosi AOC, who has called him a white supremacist.
Oh, man.
The whole said said, I mean, a white supremacist. What is a white supremacist to go? A white person decked out don't like it. Don't make him a white supremacist.
It just makes him white. Did this whole impeachment is the white person wants to shame, you know, white supremacy.
Think about white supremacy. What white supremacy is out there to does not speak vocally about what he or her believes in. Yeah, people they believe in segregation. A white man, first witness, Trump said white man first. He said America first. Yeah. If y'all sit down and really took to heart what you guys are saying, you actually use a little bit of logic. You know, you can impeach him. You don't even have the numbers.
You don't even have the evidence. It's just totally ridiculous. Figure out just how to do this. But y'all talking about y'all want to bring everybody together. Do you know even if, say, you impeach Trump, say you got the numbers and you remove the president, what do you first of all, that even if it's not, he can't run again. Right? He can't run again. That's the only reason why you do it. How so do you think Trump supporters are going to be if you do that, if you want to bring everybody together, brought the impeachment trial and start preaching, start doing what you preach?
Yeah, that's all B.S.. So, yeah, see, they send it to their followers. Look, we're all about unity. Let's see. We're about unity. Just bring everybody together. It's not about that. That's not what they want. I believe that's how they won because of the divide in this country. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That would unite with you. You people started all this. Everything that's wrong when this country is because the people on the left.
Yeah. Inside the Trump supports white supremacist that we hate people of color, that we hate gays. We massages every all the points we got. I'm not saying it's bottom. Right. It's perfect. I mean. Oh perfect. But you guys on the left, you cost a majority of problems in this country. Yeah. Yeah. All of that hate is coming from the left. Showed me one person on the well. Show me people on the right who preaches all this hate that the left is racist or misogynistic.
You hate gay people. Yeah. That's all coming from the left. But now I went OK, we about unity now. Yeah. We're all about unity. Everything that comes out of our leftist mop, a Democrat, a liberal progressive mop is always hate speech. It's textbook hate speech. You calling other people racist? You know, I see in this country it's coming from the left left to only hate. The only other hate I see is fake hate crimes.
Hey, you'll see. Making up things that she was in danger. Yeah. And nobody's holding these people accountable. She was she felt danger when the cop came in to protect her because he didn't look right. I guess because he had blond hair and blue eyes. He's white. Oh, my God. Is one of them white supremacists. He's here to get me. Yeah. He's just disguised as a. So, man, I would never but, you know, I was on steam try to show the other day and did well, I wanted a decent Democrats.
You do have this is totally you stole the time from her, took away her whole reach. Call her damn Russian asset. Y'all even attack your own party. Yeah. Took away a reach. I got a lot of respect for after one after the interview you're saying.
I mean, 30 minutes. That goes a long way, man. Yeah. This got to look at Biden for the next four years. Yeah. This country's been a lot better shape.
I mean, ptosis, not my political wise. Yeah. But we've been a lot better shape. If she was an overbite any day. Yeah. This she can sit down. He has a these but at least the woman is objective. Yeah. And she can sit down and have a conversation with anybody. Unlike a majority of your party Democrats.
You, you guys suck all you. It was a damn good show.