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Early, girls, you are officially invited to my 23rd birthday party. Welcome back to another episode of Hot Mess with Alex Earle. Today, I'm taking you guys along my whole birthday day with me, all of my birthday plans. Buckle up, because this is about to be a long day. If there is one thing about me, I do like my birthday. I know some people really don't like their birthday, and they don't like being celebrated or the attention. I love my birthday, and it is my favorite day of the year. I always love having a fun birthday party, and I think I spend all year planning my next birthday party. This one, we have a whole day of adventures. This is definitely the most I've ever done for a birthday or planned for a birthday party. Naturally, I am waking up on my birthday, ready to podcast, ready to hang out with you guys. I cleaned my room for this. I cleaned the entire apartment. I have guests right now. We have a ton of balloons. My best friend, Isabella, drove down from North Carolina for my birthday weekend, and came back from Florence. She was studying abroad.


If you remember the Earle Girls: Verse Paris episode, she's finally back from abroad. We have so much to go over. Let the birthday party begin. Okay, so first off, I'm going to walk you guys through what we have planned for today. I wasn't exactly sure. I knew I wanted to go out on my birthday, but I was like, I want to do something a little bit different. Usually, we'll go to a dinner and then go out. But for some reason, that never goes over well for me or for anyone. When you're eating a lot of food and then you're going out right after, it never ends well. Everyone's always getting sick. I've seen it happen too many times. So I was like, What can we do that's different? I heard of this movie, Casino, and I went to Vegas recently with Kristen. We were obsessed with the casino, gambling. I'm saying that I know what I'm doing. I don't really know. I played Black Jack once, but I was like, This is just such a fun vibe. They have the Hard Rock Casino in Fort Lauderdale. I was like, What if we do something about that?


There's this movie, Casino. I think it's in the '90s or the '80s. We watched it the other night. Basically, it's like Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, and it's Vegas back in the days, vintage mobster stuff going on. The main girl, Ginger, she's a hustler. She's a badass. She's giving the guys a run for her money. That's who we are going to embody today. For the theme, they basically in this movie wear very eccentric outfits, sparkly dresses, gowns, colors, colored makeup, big hair. I was like, Okay, I can ask everyone to get a fun outfit or sparkly or feather outfit, but what do we do about the hair? I didn't want everyone to freak out about having to do their hair. We booked everyone an appointment at the hair salon. We're going at 5:00 PM today, and everyone's going to go. I think I'm going to do a huge side swoop of my bangs. We have three outfit changes today. This is outfit number one. We have it all set up. I'm going to take you guys out there. It is a bunch of cookies, a bunch of flowers. We're making breakfast. We're going to have all of my best friends over.


We might have some Mimosa to get the day going. First step of the day, we have PJs and Polaroids. We have Isabella and Kristen in the kitchen cooking up some pancages. We got scrambled eggs. Ibella's chopping the strawberries. Now, this is the Polaroid and PJs section. I got some Polaroid cameras for everyone, so we can take photos of this. I got a cute little scrapbook. And then laid out on the table, we have our invitations. This is a deck of cards that everyone invited to my birthday party got. We also have some cookies here that says, Celebrate your birthday the way you came into the world, naked and screaming. Wow. Two things I know for certain. One, it's my birthday; two, I have big boob. I love these so much. We have a What would Alex do cookie. If you see me out tonight, no, you didn't. We have our birthday treats for everyone. We have our chefs in the kitchen. Wait, Isabella, show your robe. I mean, your apron. Ashton brought these back straight from Italy. We have our Italian chef, Isabella, right over here. Oh, my gosh. Will this get like... Are we going to get canceled?


We can't get flagged. We have a hot man in the kitchen today. The way we did my birthday invite was on a deck of cards. First starting out, just a little cover. I think this is French. Then on the back, we have the schedule of the day because this is going to be a whole day of activities. 10:00 AM, PJs and Polaroids at Alex's. 5:00 PM, get styled at Daphne's. 7:00 PM, go home and get ready. 9:00 PM, meet at 9:30 PM, gamble away at the Hard Rock. 12:00 AM, time to dance at 11:00. That's where things are going to get really scary. This is the PJ and Polaroids. Then when we go to the salon, everyone's basically going to pick a hairstyle. This movie is from, I want to say, it's like the '80s or the '90s, or it came out in the '90s, was from the '80s, but they wore super cool hair like this. We're going to try and recreate that. Everyone's going home to get ready. We're going to do a little birthday cake. We have casino action, stripper action. This is basically the mood board for tonight, what it's going to be like, what the vibe is.


Everyone's going to wear sparkles or feathers of the sorts. This should be a really fun night. I'm a little scared for today. We're just getting started. The first guests have knocked on the door. Happy birthday. Thank you. Happy birthday girl. Hi. Oh, my. This is a delightful day. Let the party start. I'm an anti-nause band. Oh, my God. That's so cute. That's so cool. That's really cool. That's going to be so cute in here. This is so cool. Thank you. It's time for a toast. Thank you guys for all being here to celebrate my birthday. My friends mean the world to me and you guys have no idea how much I love you, so cheers. Love you. I'm very excited to see what happens this year on my birthday. Obviously, I always get a little crazy on my birthday, and I have this weird thing about getting naked on my birthday. It happened on my 21st birthday. I was naked in the back of the Uber. And then last year I was like, Oh, my God, that'd be so funny if that happened again. Literally, we were coming back from the club and I'm naked in the back of the Uber.


I don't know what it is about me getting naked in Ubers on my birthday, but we'll see if that happens tonight. We have a party bus tonight, so maybe that'll be a little bit better to strip down on. We have PJs and Polarids. Everyone's going to the salon at 5:00 PM. We're going to get our hair done. Afterwards, everyone's going to go home, do their makeup, get ready. They're all coming back to mind. We're going to have cake, and then we are heading on the party bus to the Hard Rock Casino. So at the casino, we're going to gamble. We got a photographer there. We're going to take a lot of fun pictures. And I feel like that will really be our pre-game and then have a little food there. And then after the casino, the night is not over yet. The night is young. We are taking the party bus to 11:00, which is the biggest strip club in Miami. It is my favorite club. Me and my friends have not been in so long. We used to go all the time, and we just haven't been in a few months. So we're really missing 11:00 and we're needing a really good 11:00 night.


So that's the idea is go to the casino, win some money. We're going to spend it, cash it out for once at the strip club. It is just the best. And when I say strip club, 11 is like... It is a strip club. There's a huge stripper pole in the middle, strippers all around. They give you massages. They're dancing with you. But it's not a club that's just a strip club. It's also a club where people go to party more than you would think of a regular stripp club. I don't know if I'm explaining that correctly. It's a regular fun club you go to plus strippers. It's not a weird place where only guys go and are sitting in chairs for a lap dance. Wait, look at what Kristen got me for my birthday. This is the coolest thing ever. So she painted because she's an artist, Picasso. This bottle of Don Perion, I have no idea if that's how you say that, the fancy champagne, and it says Hot Mess on it with obviously the Hot Mess, like burgundy color. I am obsessed with this. We can never touch it or open it, but I'm always going to keep this with me because this is the coolest thing ever.


So love you, Kristen, shout out. And today is going to be a girls' day. No guys allowed. No guys are coming. It's a big girl party. And it honestly worked out because NFL Man, he's NFL-ling tomorrow. He has a game, so he can't actually come out or do anything today. I spent last night with him, so we had a little Friday night, date night session, Saturday's birthday with the girls. I don't know, I like the way it's working out. Obviously, I love when he's with my friends, but I don't know, I think it's nice at times where you can just be with the girls and have all your attention on them. It's the night before my birthday. Braxton's like, I have something planned. We're going to go out, just be ready by 7:00 PM, and we're going to do something. He is very good at these surprise dates. I don't know how he does it. I was so nervous and anxious the whole day because I was like, What are we doing? Where are we going? You guys have no idea. This was the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. I was balling my eyes out.


So backtrack to start the night. I wasn't sure what to wear because I really didn't know what we were doing. I had this gold dress that was giving birthday vibes, and it was more cutie and flowy, not as sexy. I didn't really know the vibe. I was like, You know what? We're going to put on this gold dress. We're going to go with the flow. He comes up to my apartment. He picks me up, and we go to this restaurant first. I was like, Oh, okay, cool. This restaurant, I've never been here before. This is so cool. And he was like, Oh, no, we're just going here in the lounge for drinks. We're in the lounge of this restaurant. It's a very dark, romantic vibe in there. It's just chandelier lighting. He's having an Espresso Martini. I had this pair of Margarita. The tequila was flowing. We were having fun. I was already like, Okay, this is the surprise we are having a great night. I was like, Are we going to eat food? Because I'm so hungry, I'm going to pass out right now. He was like, Yes, Alex, we're going to get food after this.


Just wait. I was like, No, you don't understand. I'm so hungry right now. I need food. So while we're having our romantic dinner drinks, I looked on the menu, and the only snack that they had in this lounge was deviled eggs. I was like, Can we please order the deviled eggs? He was like, Are you sure? We have a big meal coming up. I was like, I know. I'm positive. I need the deviled eggs. We were having drinks over some deviled eggs. Very romantic, some nice egg breath. Then he's like, Why don't we take a shot? This is where I knew that something fishy was going on because I was like, Why does he want us to take a shot? He's trying to get me a little drunk here. What's going on? Of course, I'm following along. I'm like, Okay, we'll take the shot. Two drinks down, one shot down. He pulls out from his pocket a black blindfold. He's like, You have to put this on. We're leaving. We're getting in a car, and we're going somewhere else. I was so confused. My stomach immediately got butterfly. I was like, Why are you blindfolding me?


What do you mean we're doing something that you have to blindfold me? We get in this Uber. He literally walks me to the Uber with a blindfold on, sits me in the car. I'm so confused. I was trying in my head to navigate where we were going. I was like, Oh, okay, we're making a right. We're making a left. Where are we going right now? He's like, Oh, okay, we're about to be in downtown. We're almost there. I was like, All right, we're going to a restaurant in downtown. What could this be? Why do I need to be blindfolded? I don't understand what's going on. I was so nervous. I was picking up my nails the whole time. I was like, Get me out. All I wanted to do is rip the mask off, but I was like, just be patient. Let's just wait here. He finally says, Okay, we're here. I'm going to come around and get you. Keep your blindfold on. We're in public, so don't do anything stupid. I'm going to help you walk up to this restaurant. I'm following. He literally was telling me to step, and I was so lopsided.


I had no balance. I'm taking huge steps onto this cobblestone. I'm like, Where are we? I have no idea. He finally gets me, and I feel that we're inside. I heard the door close, and he's like, Take the blindfold off. I take it off, and on front of me, all I see is this pink cake and a white tablecloth. I was like, Where are we? I was like, This looks like a cellar. I don't see anything, what's going on? Then I turn to the right, all of a sudden, I see pink balloons lining the whole entire ceiling, and there's a little table set up with flowers and there's candles leading a pathway for us to go walk and sit there. I realized we're at NFL Man's house. This is at his house. I just was confuzzled because I had taken the blindfold off and I had no idea where we were. But he rearranged all the furniture in his living room so that we could have this little private dinner. And I literally didn't even recognize that we were in his house. We walk over and we get to this table. There's a menu. It says, Happy birthday baby, on the back.


It's a full list of everything that we're going to be having for the night. There was a private chef there, a private caterer. I met them. I was like, Literally, what's going on? We sat down at the table. He was playing music from his phone on the speaker, and I just start crying. I just couldn't take it. This was so sweet. I don't know, it just felt so special and sweet, and you could tell that there was a lot of thought put into it. He's just so good at being romantic and thoughtful like that. I'm really bad at that. He is amazing. I was balling my eyes out because it was just so sweet. I look over and he's crying. Well, his eyes were watering up and he shed a tear or two. And it was just so special and romantic. And the food came out. We had sushi, crispy rice, we had steak, we had this kale salad. It was so amazing, so good. And then the cake came out. And the cake, I was confused at first. I was like, Wait, I don't understand. What is this cake? There was pandas all over the cake because backstory, Braxton and I call each other Panda.


That's a story for another time. But that's our nickname for each other. So we call each other Panda. Wait, I have to show you guys because I have a little Panda Teddy bear. And we also have these Panda-like chopstick holders that sit over there. Look at these cute little guys. So we call each other Pandas. This is me and Braxton, the two Pandas. You guys are probably like, What's wrong with you? But we had a Panda-themed cake. It was pink. It was so pretty. Then I didn't think there was anything else coming. I thought this was fully my birthday present done. I was so happy. I was not expecting anything else. And all of a sudden, and he disappears into the abyss. I'm like, Hello, where are you? All the lights in the house turn off. I'm like, What's going on now? Is a Mariachi band about to come out? I have no idea. And he comes out with a red bag. First, there was a card inside, and the card was so sweet, I started crying at that, too. And he got me a bracelet for my birthday. It was a love bracelet, and it was engraved with our anniversary date on the inside 11/11.


And it said, I love you -BB, because that's what I call him, BB. It was just the most romantic night. And then it was about to be midnight, which was meaning that it was going to turn my actual birthday. And of course, I put on Nikki Minage's new album, Pink Friday 2. And we danced around for 40 minutes. He probably was like, Can this bitch sit down and come give me a hug? But I was literally dancing around the house to Nikki Minage because I was so happy. And who doesn't love a little Nikki? Okay? That was the most romantic birthday I've ever had in my entire life. And now today, we're going to get feral and crazy and dressed up and sparkly. I'm so excited. Ashton's back from abroad, so I need to go get her because you guys need to say hi to her. Hopefully, if we sit her down here, she'll tell me how it was and tell me more stories. She's so secretive. I'm like, Hello, anything? And she's like, Yeah, no, it was good. I'm going to go get Ashton. Look who's back from Europe. Ms. Ashdy-basty. Yeah. Ashton has a little confession to make.


Oh, about the airport? Ashton was not as excited as we all thought to be back. I've posted a video on my TikTok where I'm running to Ashton in the airport. I parked, I came up, I was hiding behind this pole. I was like, This is the whole ordeal. I was so excited to run and jump and hug her. She hasn't been home in four months. I turn to her, I jump in her arms. She starts balling her eyes out. I'm like, Oh, my God. She missed me so much. She looks at me and she goes, I want to go. Go back. She was crying because she literally didn't want to see me. Well, it's not about you. It's about here. I had such a great time. I really didn't want to leave Italy. Well, we're happy you're back, even though you don't want to be. I'm happy you're here for my birthday. Me too. Maybe we can just go back after your birthday. We can take a trip. But Ashton hasn't been at my birthday in the past two years, three years? Two. The fun ones you haven't been to. Yeah, I haven't been to the fun ones.


Oh, my gosh. The last birthday that Ashton was at with me was... This was 2020, so this was COVID year. Everything was shut down, and we were staying in New York City at the time. I had a bunch of my friends from college come in. I got a hotel room, and we were looking for something to do in the city. The only thing that was open was this, Ratched strip club, like Ratched. We were the only people in there. We were actually the people. No, actually, it was just the strippers and us, and there was two strippers. I buy a table at this little club strip thing. Oh, my God, we were having a lot of fun. But I got a little crazy because one of my birthdays always ended up at strip clubs. Because you love to be naked. Yeah. Of course, Alex had to get on stage. I told you guys I got naked in the car the past two years. I got naked on my birthday in front of my friends. On the stage. Okay, so, anyhow. Because we were the only people in there, the workers were like, Yeah, it's your birthday.


They're like, get up on the pole. I'm like, This is so much fun. I had this little dress on that was like a robe. I don't know, it was like the Vaka Soda that I was drinking or something. The Vaka Soda? Yes. But I literally ripped my robe off and started dancing naked on the stripper pole in New York. All of your friends looked at me, and I was like... Because I was what, a senior in high school. Yeah. All your friends looked at me, all the guys, and I was like, Yeah, I don't know. We had two guy friends there, but they were my best guy friends, so it was fine. But immediately, it wasn't... I'm making this a dramatic thing. Immediately, as I took my clothes off, my friend, Isabella, who's also here, she came in and literally swooped in front of me, saving the day. She was like, Alex, this is not happening. Get down right now. I don't know. It's just something about me and getting naked on my birthday I love. You just have so much fun that you -We're definitely getting naked on the party bus tonight. Okay, you are.


Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Ashlyn's the opposite of me. She's like, You'll never catch me naked. Nope, only the lucky ones. Do you have any stories abroad? Any men? No. Can you tellem? Can you tell them about the wine, man? There's no story to tell, really. About Hot DJ? I mean, there was a Hot DJ. There's always a Hot DJ. Ashlyn had a Hot DJ boyfriend while she was abroad. Okay, boyfriend is-No, yeah. Not a boyfriend. But the first day she's out abroad, whatever she texts me and she's like, Oh, my God, there's this Hot DJ. And when I tell you, Hot DJ, is the hottest guy you will ever see in your entire life? Leave it to Ashton to go abroad and find the hottest man in all of Europe. Dark hair, tan skin, tattoos, ripped, like a DJ. I don't know. Dj? He's a DJ. I mean, leave it to Ashton to literally find the perfect man. I'll settle for nothing less. All semester she was there. I was like, Can you please hang out with him, please? And she was like, No, no, no, no, no. And by the end, Miss Ashdie had smooched Mr.


Hot DJ. . He's Italian. He speaks Italian, right? Yeah, it was really hard to communicate. We were like, What? And I was like, What? I don't know. He was just saying like, Grazie, Grazie. But this bitch coming back from abroad is literally around my apartment last night. I was like, Oh, can you get this for me? She's like, Grazie. I was like, Please, Ashley. First of all, it's not Grazie. What is it? Grazie. Oh, my God. I can't stand her. I literally can't stand her. She thinks she's like... No. She has a new woman, actually. I am. No, I already... I called it. I was like, I know I'm going to get back to America and be one of those people who's like, Well, then I was in Italy. Yeah, she is. She's going back. I just need to go back. But Ashton actually did change. This Ashton I'm sitting next to is not the same person that I was next to when you were leaving in August. You completely did a 180 with yourself and your self-confidence. Do you have anything to say about that? Or what about advice for people who want to go abroad or who don't or who are scared?


Oh, my God, do it. I was the most not independent person. Yeah. Ashton was trying to think herself. I couldn't think for myself. I couldn't do anything for myself. But I did know I wanted to go study abroad. But I don't know, just living alone and meeting new people and new experiences and new places really helps put you out of your shell. And I highly recommend going because it was so much fun. I'm actually moving to Italy. When Ashton graduated, I said we would move there together for a year. But Ashton is so confident now, and it's so funny because before she was like... I don't know, she just be like, Yeah, I look hot. And we're like, What? Like, Ashley-You guys have to call me out on it. I'm like, Can you just let me be. I know, because she's perfect. And she's literally blossoming, and I'm so happy. Are you excited for my birthday? I am excited for your birthday. Oh, my God. This is going to be a crazy night. Wait, we need to get Isabella in here, too. Isabella! Wait, we didn't tell the story of your birthday present from me.


This is the most dumb blonde moment. I mean, I have a lot of dumb blonde moments, but this was definitely one for the books. I am so excited about my outfits today. I told you guys I'm outfit changing three times, and my final outfit, which is my going out club outfit to the strip club, I was like, Ashton, look at this bag I got to wear tonight. It is so perfect. It just so happens. That's the first thing I showed her when she got to my apartment. I was like, Look at this. It has a money sign on it. It's gold. It's sparkly. It says millions on it. It was just so cool. It looked like a big $100 bill. I was like, Oh, my God! I got you that same bag for your birthday because I thought it would be perfect for the casino strip club theme. It's sparkly. I was like, No. I was like, No. She got me the same bag that I'm wearing. This is so sad. I was like, Well, it's okay. At least now we can match. I'll give you mine and you can give me yours. I was like, Dang.


We'll have two of these cute little money bags for going out tonight. We're continuing this conversation for 10 minutes. I was like, How did you find this bag? I thought I was so unique. No one else has this bag. No one has seen this before. She's definitely going to be so happy. I was like, Where did you find this? I was like, Oh, well, it was just gifted to me. This brand sent it to my apartment. It was gifted to me. I was like, Alex, that was... This is the bag I got you for your birthday. I sent it here because I didn't send it to Italy, obviously. And she's like, Oh, I thought they just gifted it to me. I'm like, I didn't know it. It was just a book. I even texted you, don't open the package from this brand. I don't see. I don't see. You said okay. I don't read my text when I'm reading them. And basically, she sent my birthday present to this apartment, and I opened it as if a brand had gifted me this bag. But it's perfect that without her having to even say to wear it on my birthday, I was like, Obviously, I'm wearing this on my birthday.


Yeah, but I wish I could have been like, I have something for your birthday. Yeah, but now we have a better story to go along with it. Isabella. Isabellla. Can you hear my name? Yes. Come over here. My best friend in the entire world is back. She, for some reason, clambs up a little seashell when she comes on here. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Come. I want to show my personality. Hi. Hi. She's shaking, Cain. No one understands how scary this can be. I'm like a little kid when they get their mom. But we're so excited. Isabelle has been with me on my past eight birthdays. I don't think I've missed one since I met you. No, she hasn't. She drove from North Carolina for this birthday. Yeah, baby. What you girls talking about? Oh, you know. Just the tea. All right, well, we're off to the next venture. We have to get ready to go to the salon, and I'm going to do a big blowout look. We're all going to do different hairstyles. See you there. Hi, guys. It's Ashton. I asked all of Alex's friends to come in here secretly and give her a little birthday message or say something nice about her for her birthday.


Yeah, sure. Love you, Alex. Happy birthday. Happy birthday, Alex. I love you so much. I have absolutely no idea what I'd do without you. I'm so excited to celebrate you today. You are probably the easiest person there ever is to celebrate. I've been saying this since the moment that I met you, you are so genuine, so kind. You've been there for me when no one else was. You've taught me how to be confident. I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend and my sister. I'm so grateful for all of our incredible memories from all of our honeymoons and our hubby trips to all the ones that we still have yet to take. I can't wait to be old ladies living next to each other. I'm so, so proud of you and all you've accomplished since your last birthday. It's absolutely unreal and incredible to see you living out your wildest dreams, and I'm always going to be your number one fan. I love you so much and happy birthday. Alex has been my best friend since high school, and she's just one of the most incredible people I have ever met. It has been so, so fun watching her flourish into the person she is now.


Her birthday has notoriously been one of the best weekends of the year for everyone, so tonight should be very interesting. Happy birthday, Alex. Hi, Alex. Happy birthday. I just want to say that I love you so much and I'm so appreciative of you. I was so happy when Natalie found you sophomore year, and I'm grateful to now I get to spend time with you too. I wrote you an acrosic poem. A is for awesome. L is for Love suit. I. Is I love you. And X is for Xylophone. I just want to say I love you. Have the best day. I can't wait for tonight. Happy birthday, Alex. I'm so happy I get to spend it with you. One of the times that I'm most grateful for is this past summer, spending it in Montauk together in my favorite place. I'm so grateful for all of your advice that you've always given us. I'm so glad that you have a platform now to give it to other people because we really could not appreciate you more. We are all so proud of you and you deserve every single good thing that happens to you. I love you so much.


Happy birthday, Alex. Love you so much. My favorite memory with you is... I can't remember if it was sophomore or junior year, but me, Kate, Kristen, and Alex drove to Charleston together. And so Alex and I were driving together. And of course, she was late. We were supposed to leave at 5:00, 6:00 in the morning. She's asleep. And we get in the car. And this was the day that the Olivia Rodrigo album came out. And it's all about boys, all about exes, whatever. And she looks at me and she goes, Why do I want to text my ex right now? Talking about Chad. And I go, I literally just Snapchated my ex. And she was like, We can't be doing this, and gave me this whole spiel about not going back to exes and staying strong and all this. And I feel like that just describes Alex so well because she is always like, no, girls, we can't do this. And yeah, I just love that you're such a strong, independent woman, and you give the best advice, as I'm sure you guys know, because she gives you guys such good advice. But she really does hold our friend group together and keep us all strong.


And I love you. And we're going to have the best day and night ever. Happy birthday, Alex. We all love you so much. The memory that comes to mind when I think of you is back to freshman year when we both did not have an off switch. I think it was our fifth or sixth night out in a row together in one of the first few weeks of freshman year. And we decided to be really responsible this night and take a breather, stay at home, which was not in our playbook usually. But it was 11 or 12:30, and you came knocking down my door. I was almost half asleep. You came and you're like, Hannah, this guy just asked me on a date and we have to go. You have to go with me. I really like him. We've been talking and you're coming with me. I couldn't say no. You came, you helped me with my makeup. It was just one of those girls getting ready and giggly and exciting. It just has really stuck with me. It was one of my first core memories at college and one of the first times I felt like I had a level of a friend that I had back at home in high school, so that really meant a lot to me.


It's been those type of vibes with you for the past four or five years, so I just want to say I'm really grateful that you're in my life. I love you and have the best birthday ever. I've known Alex for three years now, and my favorite memory with her was two summers ago. I had plans for the fourth of July that fell through, and I was really upset about them. She was like, Why not? Let's go do a spa day in South Beach, have ourselves a day. That was so nice. It was just us two. Then she had already had a big dinner planned with her own friends at the time, and she invited me and she really didn't have to. But it was so sweet of her. I just feel like that is a reflection of who Alex is. I love her and I'm so proud of her. All right, we are officially ready. This is the hairstyle that we went with. We ended up actually changing it 45 times. This dress is from Retrofit. We got some gloves. I am so excited for tonight. You guys have no idea. I have another outfit change in my bag, which we're going to do later.


Everyone is killing the looks. Let me show you, Ashton. Okay, queen, she looks so good. Yes. We are doing cake at mine right now, and then we're going to get on the party bus and go to the casino. Hopefully, we win a lot of money so that we can spend it at the strip club and we can throw it all around. So do I look like Ginger from the casino movie? I am a hustler. I'm going to steal all your money and spend it on the strippers. Let's go. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Let's go. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Let's go. Good morning, Earle Girls. Welcome to the morning debrief with Big Al. What a lovely morning to wake up and podcast. Every night after I go out, I would love to wake up and podcast for you guys because we have a lot to go over. Birthday night was great. We have hangover cap on right now. I'm actually like, I'm okay. I definitely feel nauseous and could spew out any moment, but not nauseating to the point of I can't sit up and speak.


So that's good. Ashton's chilling over here. I don't know what happened. I busted my son open. You busted him open. I busted my son open. That's not going so great, but it was such a fun night. It was everything and s'more. It couldn't have gone better. After I saw you guys last, we were running a little bit late. We were singing Happy birthday here. We had a bunch of candles. Everyone wanted to take some photos. Then we got on the bus an hour and a half after we were supposed to. We got on the party bus to go to the Hard Rock Casino, and we started off the night with gambling because the theme of the night was the casino movie. We got there, we got a bunch of chips for everyone. The Hard Rock had set apart this private section for us, so they had food laid out. We had two Black Jack tables. My friends and I haven't really gambled. I've gambled a little bit in Vegas. I played Black Jack for 30 minutes, but this guy was sitting next to me and told me what to do the entire time, and I won a thousand dollars in 30 minutes.


It was insane. I just thought I would make a lot of money. I was wrong. We lost a lot of money, but that's okay because we had a great night. We were all playing Blackjack. I got Blackjack once. I was feeling ballsy at one point. I had a $500 chip and I was like, I'm going to put this down. The dealer was like, Bitch, you've been losing your $25 chips every time you're giving them to me. He was like, It's your birthday. You don't want to have a bad night. He was like, Just don't. I was like, No, it's my birthday. I'm going to put this $500 chip down and I'm going to win. I won and I got another $500 chip and then I got Ballzy and I played it again and I lost it. Then I played a second time with that chip because I was like, Okay, well, now I have to make that chip back that I just lost, and I lost it again. We went down... You're the one who lost all the money. We went down a few dollar bills at the club, but at the end, we collected all of our money and we put it in and we got cash.


We were like, You know what? We're going to go spend this on the strippers at the club, and it's okay. But gambling was so fun and I can see how it's so addicting. I am so mad and fed up now that I was losing money that I want to go back and win more. I'm like, I don't know. I can definitely see how it's addicting. But it was really fun. We were playing Black Jack and they were serving us tequila sodas. Then we went to this table to play Crabbs. I was calling it Crabbs, but apparently it's Crabbs. Okay. That's one where I, at this point, Big Al had a few tequila sodas, too many. It was 1:00 AM. I get to this table, there's a bunch of people there. I see chips and dice and they're like, Pick a number and roll. I was like, Wait, I don't really understand what's going on right now. Everyone was watching me because we had a photographer there in the casino, so he was taking pictures of us the whole time. Everyone's like, Who are these bitches and gowns at the casino? Literally, what are they doing?


I'm throwing these dice and I wanted to get cool pictures throwing the dice because from the movie that we were basing the party off of, there's a really cool picture of the girl, Ginger. We were throwing the dice. She looks so hot and she's smiling and looks really cool. I was like, I'm going to do this. The photographer kept telling me, he was like, Alex, can you throw your hand? He was like this. He was like, Lay your hand flat. Throw it pretty. I was like, I don't understand. The one time I tried to throw the dice pretty, I knocked over. I threw my dice right into the stacks of the dealer's chips and they just splattered everywhere and everyone was laughing. I was like, I'm not good at this. I'll show you guys right now the pictures from playing this game. My hand looks like the Grinch because my gloves are coming off my hand at this point. I'm like, my fingers are spread out like I'm Spiderman shooting a web at the wall. It was just like, they weren't exactly how I was picturing those pictures to come out, but that's okay. At that point, I was like, You know what?


We have to cash in, we have to leave, we have to go to the club. Now, at this point, we get on the party bus and I strip naked. I knew I was going to get naked on my birthday. We had not moved away at all from the casino. We were literally still in the parking lot and I'm just taking off my dress. Now all my friends are trying to cover the window. They're like, Alex, what are you doing? It was time for the outfit change. I got into my second outfit of the night. This outfit I loved. This one was a little bit like… It was still a gown, but my feet at least could move in it. The other one had a train, I couldn't really walk. This one was my dancing dress. It had big bedanglies on the skirt, so I could whip it around. Literally one minute into dancing in this dress, I knew it was going to be a nips slip night. Anytime I moved, it just flung open, so I was like, Shit. That's not really great for the club. We had a few nips slips on my birthday, but that's okay.


This party bus was so much fun. It had smoke on the bottom. I don't know what that was about, but we were having a lot of fun. We were dancing like crazy. I was getting up and breaking my back, twerking. I think we listened to Pink Friday 2 10 times through, and finally we get to the club. You guys are probably wondering what these big owls behind of me are doing. These are cutouts from the club. Let me explain. This club that we go to, I told you guys it's like a strip club, but also like a normal club. I don't know. We walk in, we get to the table, and they brought out the bottle service with the big sign. Along with the big sign comes six cutouts of myself. I'm like, What is happening? There was a huge, hot mess sign. I look behind me, I see my photos of me in a bikini. I'm like, Oh, okay, cool. Who picked these photos of me? I didn't organize that to happen. That was Braxton and Kristen's doing. I'm looking at these photos, and all of a sudden, I turn around and I see this photo of me.


I want to make sure you guys can really see this right now. This is a photo of me in my most unwell state ever. This is me at Coachella this year. I have the head of Mega Mind with my hair because it was all tangled up, disheveled from a night of going out. This night, we stayed out so late that the sun's coming up. This is me watching the sunrise, literally like, What the fuck do I do with my hair? What the fuck is going on right now? Where am I? I have my merch on. This photo is making it out in the club where all these people are looking over because we have these huge, obnoxious cutouts and this photo is there. Honestly, I was so happy. I was like, This is much better for me than these bikini photos. I'm liking this one way more. I'm looking at Kirsten, she's dying laughing. I'm like, How did this photo make it here? Who did this? Who else did it besides NFL Man? He's like, This is just the best photo of you. I thought this would be great. He is really close with the guy who manages this club, so he was able to make a connection and get these cutouts there.


I'm just so scared of her. Obviously, I feel like she needs to be our new podcasting buddy. I think she should be my new background for podcasting because I don't have any art in my room yet. This is probably just going to stay here forever. So say hi to her. She's going to be here for the next few months. How are you feeling, Ashton? Not good. Ashton got a tattoo yesterday out of nowhere, literally out of nowhere. We're at the hair salon, and we're all getting our hair done. All of a sudden, I see this girl bending down by Ashton's crotch. I'm like, What is she doing over there? What hairstyle is Ashton going for? I hear like... I'm like, Hello? I look back and they were like, Oh, yeah, Ashton is getting a tattoo. I go, What? I stand up and I was like, They have to be joking or it has to be some type of henna tattoo, also we're in a hair salon. How is there a tattoo gone? Ashton got a tattoo of a little A with a heart. She's like, I got this for your birthday. I was like, Oh, my God.


I was a little shocked. She consulted no one before doing this, but it's really cute. In the moment, I wanted to get one to match her because it was like an A with a heart, like the cards that have the deck of like an ace of hearts, but I don't know what I'm saying. I was like, maybe I should get an A with a spade and match her, and then we could have each other's initials. But I turned to my friends and they all were like, Alex, do not get a tattoo right now. You will hate yourself in the morning. I was like, Really? I had a few aparel spritzes. I was like, I think this is a great idea. What do you mean? Honestly, I'm really happy I didn't get it, but I think it's so cute. I love tattoos. I'm so indecisive that if I got that, I would probably be freaking out right now. But it's so cute and love the dedication. Such a great sister. Mom, dad, and my grandma are probably going to chop her head off. Yep. But anyway, we're at the club. The bottles are coming out. We had stacks of ones because we cashed in our money from the casino, and we're throwing them everywhere.


It was so much fun. We had so many of these stacks of ones that like... I don't know. When you're holding these, the strippers, they're coming around. They're like, These bitches, they got ones. We're coming over here. The girls at 11 are just my favorite. Sometimes I just end up in conversation with them. I love them. They're so hot and so cool and literally my best friends. They're coming over and we are just showering them with money. I'm like, Take it all. Take it all. The one girl taps me on the shoulder and she's like, Hey, do you want a massage? I was like, Okay. She starts massaging me. Guys, this woman had the hands of God. You don'tI don't understand. She touched my back for one second. I'll always ask Braxton to give me a massage and he should be strong. But this girl blows him out of the park. She literally touched me, and it was like, indenting into my muscles. I was like, Oh! It was the best massage I ever got in my life. I'm sitting there getting this massage. Three girls are on me giving me a lap dance. I'm just throwing money at them.


I was like, I'm having the best night of my life. No one ever talked to me again. Then Marshmello came on. He was playing just like banger after banger. It was good music that we could sing and dance too. There were a bunch of Earl Girls at the club that night, and they were having so much fun. I love you guys. You guys are actually the best. Also at the club, one of the waiters comes over and he brings a huge stack of $1,000 in ones. I was like, What? They're like, Yeah, this is from Braxton. He told you to get a lap dance and have a good night. I'm like, I don't understand sometimes how he's so perfect and sweet and thoughtful. He did not need to do that. I told him I literally didn't want anything for my birthday. Then he comes through with the best birthday night of my life, the best present, and then sends us a little present while we're at the club. I dispersed the money between me and all my friends, and it was insane. It was just, overall, a great night. I think we ended up leaving around 5:00 AM.


We go home and I'm like, Of course, the cutouts are coming with us. What am I doing? These literally keep scaring me in the apartment, but I was like, Whatever, they're coming with me. I don't know if I told you guys this yet, but during PJs and Polaroids this morning, my friends gave me presents, which I was like, You guys did not need to get me anything. Without coinciding with each other, all of them got me cans of soup because I'm a soup girl through and through. I'm always needing a soup. Not fancy soup. I want the ramen. I have packets of ramen right now. I had the little cup of noodles in the microwave. I'm like, Literally anything soup I love, all of them got me soup. I have 100 cans of soup right now. We get back, I make a big pot of soup. Of course, what do I do besides FaceTime Braxton? At this point, it's 5:00 in the morning, and he has a game in the morning. He's going to wake up soon, but he actually answered my FaceTime call. He woke up really quick. I don't really remember this part, but he sent me a screenshot this morning, and it's me with the pot of soup.


I guess I was just eating the soup out of the pot that I made it in. The pot is on my face. I'm literally drinking it like this, and he's like, I had to take a screenshot of this because what the fuck are you doing? I'm really happy I remembered to take my makeup off last night because I don't always remember. Now it is Sunday morning, bright and early, NFL man's NFL today. He has a game. I feel bad, but I was like, I don't think we can come to this game today. We're going to have to watch this from home. I don't know if I can get up at 10:00 AM to get to the stadium that's an hour away. I was like, That's just probably not in the cards for the day after my birthday. We're sitting on the couch and we're cheering him on today. They're playing the Jets, which is his old team. It's a big deal. He's going to be mic'd up for this game because Hard Knocks, which is an HBO production of a football series, is doing this season of their episodes on The Dolphins. They're basically following The Dolphins around at all times in their practice, during games with just cameras, microphones.


This week's episode is going to include Big Al. I'm so nervous to see this because we went over to Braxton's house the other night to record for this. We basically were setting up a Christmas tree and they had microphones on us. It was just so scary because I don't know, they're like, Just talk like you're in your normal habitat and like... Habitat? You're in your normal habitat. That's the only word I can think of. Environment, I don't know. And they're like, Just be yourselves, talk. But I'm like, There's 20 people staring at us right now and we have microphones on us. I don't know how people in reality TV do that. That was pretty scary, and I was very much so nervous. I think I was red and sweating the whole time. That comes out this week, so that will be so not fun to see. I'm very curious how that's going to go. They also were asking me questions, and I was like, I don't know. I just feel like I answered so embarrassingly. Hopefully, it's not too bad and they can make some big edits there. But thank you guys for coming to Big Al's birthday.


Twenty-three years of being a Hot Mess. We've made it to 23 Jordan year. I'm really excited for this year. I think it's going to be a good one. Actually, I know it's going to be a good one. That is all for today's episode. Buckle up for the next week. I don't think you guys are ready. We are doing a little episode and a recap of the year, but not the recap that you guys are thinking. I'm going to do the recap of the T of 2023. Basically, all the behind the scenes and drama of this past year or anything that I have not spoken on and kept my mouth quiet about. We're going over Xs, we're going over rumors, we're going over lots of stuff. I'm actually a little nervous, and I'm probably like, maybe this episode is a bad idea. But, I mean, why not kick off the year with just pissing everyone off because we're starting fresh on January first. We have to clear out our name by the end of the year before it's over. That one is going to be a very crazy episode next week, so just buckle up for that.


It's my Christmas present to all of you guys. I'll give you guys all the tea, even though I probably shouldn't be saying some stuff, but that's okay. Don't forget to subscribe if you want to give a little Christmas present back to me. Would love that so much. Me and Ashton are going home this week to Jersey, so you'll see us there back with the little siblings. Ashton hasn't been home in so long, so this is going to be so nice. She's like, sad. Do you want to say bye to the Earle Girls? Bye. All right, I love you guys. Cheers. Merry Christmas. Happy holidays. Have a good one. Big Al is out, and I will see you next week. Bye.