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Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College now and it's one hundred and seventy fifth year. Hillsdale is a truly independent institution where learning is prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hillsdale for their sponsorship is here.


Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. To America, Mark Levin, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one man or man, Auschwitz. We got a lot to cover and we're going to do it enthusiastically here. But before I do.


You know, there is it's an odd thing on TV and radio that people. All said they support Trump, but he's very defective, he's got character flaws and all right, I hear this all the time. Especially tweets, I just wish he would stop tweeting, maybe, maybe not, but let me give you some context.


You've had presidents. Who views the FBI and the IRS and the CIA against their political opponents, against newspapers? You've had presidents. Who've arrested political opponents? You've had presidents have closed newspapers. And Donald Trump tweets. I am sick and tired of people. Who think they're above it all and above the fray and. We know Donald Trump has character flaws. I know everybody has character flaws. This election is about the survivability of this country. George Patton had character flaws.


In fact, John Adams was the one who started locking up political opponents and. Journalists he didn't like and shutting down newspapers. John Adams, our second president, one of the founders. Woodrow Wilson. Same thing. Franklin Roosevelt. Unleash the Internal Revenue Service against his political opponents, against publishers he disagreed with. Rounded up 120000 Japanese Americans and Americans of Japanese descent. Considered our great president. JFK used the IRS and the FBI against his political opponents, conservative groups and newspapers.


He will give. Tax return information does buddy Ben Bradlee, who would print it in Newsweek at the time. LBJ did them one better use the FBI, the IRS and the CIA. We all know about Nixon. Nixon was following on LBJ SEALs. But the media hated Nixon. Obama, we know all about Obama and his use of the IRS. We know all about Fast and Furious, we can go on and on. His attack on the Associated Press, his attack on Fox News.


His attack on a New York Times reporter. President Trump hasn't done any of that. He tweets. So let's not pretend he has character issues that are that are offensive or that he abuses his office or any of the anything of the kind.


He's actually been. One of the most well-behaved and ethical of our presidents, regardless of what people say about him and think about him. Regardless of what Media Matters, that phoney criminal front group says, regardless of what media it says, hey, by the way, you hear about Jeffrey Toobin, our legal analyst from CNN. Mr. Producer, did you hear that one? Well, we'll have to circle back. You know. This thing, zom. Has tended to zoom into your genitalia, are you, Mr.


Producer? But CNN has no standards, so there you go. We'll get into that a little bit later. So it's not hard for me to come on here and attack our president over his tweets and say I'm going to vote for him anyway. Are irrelevant. The vast majority of the people are going to vote against him or not voting against him because of a particular tweet or tweets. They're going to vote against him because he's been brutalized and they're too stupid to realize what's on the line.


They have responsibility, too, they have accountability to people who vote. One other thing before I jump in, Anthony Fauci, why is Anthony Fauci on 60 Minutes a little over two weeks before the general election?


He says he doesn't want to be political. He's never been political. Never been partisan. Never used in ads. Why is he on 60 Minutes? Before the election, trashing the president. And the president's rally basically saying, yeah, he kind of knew that he was going to get. The virus. Anthony Fauci is a liberal. Anthony Fauci loved Hillary Clinton, and I want you to remember something in 2009 with the swine flu, the H1N1 flu, which was handled in a disastrous way, according to Joe Biden's own chief of staff.


Anthony Fauci held the same exact position in the federal government that he holds today. Far more people got the swine flu than got the coronavirus, and can you imagine if if the swine flu was as deadly as the coronavirus, Mr. Producer?


We'll be talking about hundreds and hundreds of thousands of more deaths. And even Ron Klain, again, the former chief of staff to Joe Biden, he said they really dodged a bullet. Because if the swine flu had been a truly deadly flu. There would have been enormous amount of carnage because Biden and Obama and Falchi mishandled Foushee never gets tough questions because Foushee is another foil to use against the president. He's another foil for a narrative. And so the people in the suburbs and senior citizens who aren't supporting this president, aren't you folks talking about your neighbors?


Oh, he's criticizing Falchi, not on TV. That's an unforced error. Why don't they explain things on TV rather than the surface level nonsense? Why was 40 on 60 Minutes, he was on 60 Minutes to do harm to the president. That's the swine flu and and Joe Biden says, I keep them on and I listen to every word.


So if Foushee says shut down the economy, they'd shut down the economy over the virus, all the other maladies that that result from shutting down.


All the other physical, mental. And life disasters that occur as a result of that apparently are of no consequence. It's why you can't have somebody who is myopic.


Who's myopic, who only operates from things that show up on his or her desk running a country, the person running the country has to make decisions across the board that affect a lot of people. And I want to jump into this again, laptop, these emails and text, these photos and videos involving Hunter, Biden and Joe Biden, the big story here is Joe Biden.


If we're Jess Hunter Biden, nobody would give a damn. The big story here is Joe Biden. Joe Biden has lied repeatedly to the American people. He lied about knowing nothing about charisma, nothing about Hunter Biden's business deals. That's what he said. He said it repeatedly and he's on video saying. And this is the problem, the Democrats have The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Democrat Party media, they're trying to figure out how do they protect Joe because Joe lied to the American people, lied to you.


And the way they're trying to do this is to raise questions about the authenticity of the information and to attack those who've brought it forward. Whether it's a gentleman who runs a computer shop. Whether it's Rudy Giuliani, it's a Republican plot and now it's the Russians had it again, it's a Russian disinformation campaign. No, it's not. It's a Biden disinformation campaign. It's a Biden disinformation campaign. John Ratcliffe is on the Fox Business Channel today with Maria Bartiromo, who has terrific.


So he oversees he has an umbrella organization since 9/11, they set this up. The director of National Intelligence, he oversees all the intelligence agencies and all the intelligence information.


That is gathered by our country. Adam Schiff doesn't. John Ratcliffe does. And here's what he said today on the Fox Business Channel to Maria Go, is this Russian disinformation director?


So, Maria, it's funny that some of the people that complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing intelligence. And unfortunately, in this case, it is Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who, as you pointed out on Friday, said that the intelligence community believes that Hunter Biden's laptop and the emails on it are part of some Russian disinformation campaign. Let me be clear. The intelligence community doesn't believe that because there's no stop there.


So Adam Schiff lies. He is a he's a poison, he's a cancer. He makes an assertion, another lie. That the intelligence community doesn't believe this, so the head of the intelligence community says that's not true. Specifically calls out Schiff as the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, says it's not true. The intelligence doesn't support that, but that doesn't stop the Democrat Party and the Biden campaign from regurgitating this go ahead.


That supports that. And we have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff or any other member of Congress that Biden's laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign. It's simply not true. And this is exactly what I said I would stop when I became the director of national intelligence, and that's people using the intelligence community to leverage some political narrative. And in this case, apparently, Chairman Schiff wants anything against his preferred political candidate to be deemed as not real and is using the intelligence community or attempting to use the intelligence community to say there's nothing to see here.


Don't drag the intelligence community into this. Biden's laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign. And I think it's clear that the American people know that.


No, but it's part of a Biden Democrat Party disinformation campaign, just like 2016. Was part of the Obama Biden Clinton interference in our election and disinformation campaign, and they're trying it again.


But this is a treasure trove of evidence, emails with names, dates, texts with names, dates, photographs, videos of underbite and lewd situations, also taking illicit drugs. Signature of Hunter Biden on the contract when he turned in the computer. At 90 days to take it back, and after that, it belongs to the shop owner. There's tons of evidence. If the media would follow it. But they don't want to follow it. They don't want to follow up because it would expose Joe Biden as a pathological liar his entire life, he has lied about so many things.


Cheating in law school, plagiarism on his run for president before lying about his academic status, lying about scholarships, lying about his IQ, lying about grades now, lying about where he stood when it came to integration 40 years ago. Lying about his position on the 1994 crime bill, when his name was attached to that bill, it was the fault of the states, don't you know?


Forty seven years as a politician, a liar. But he's got sweetheart relationships with these journalists and these news outlets after half a century. He's leaked to them and they have leaked to him not so of the president, he's an outsider. And let me show you what a fraud the media are. Here's Andrea Mitchell on The Today Show today. Complete, absolute, unbelievable fraud. Cut three go.


There are new questions about an unverified report targeting Joe Biden's son and unverified report.


We don't get an unverified dossier. And unverified FISA application. And unverified story in the Atlantic, unverified, this is unfair, unverified, if this is unverified, I'd love to see what verified his ladies and gentlemen. So I would ask Hoda whatever her name is. I would ask the people. On The Today Show, what have you done to verify your reporter's. You have research and you have investigated, what have you done? Have you tracked down any of the names I see Fox News is beginning to do that and people have said, yes, that's my name and yes, that happened.


How hard is that? Go ahead. Think about possible ties to a Russian disinformation effort aimed at influencing the US election. NBC senior Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell has details on this. Hey, Andrea, good morning. Hi there, Hota. NBC News has confirmed that US spy agencies have gathered intelligence that the president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was dealing with alleged Russian intelligence agents last year on a trip to Ukraine as part of his effort to dig up dirt on Joe Biden.


What does this have to do with anything? What is this character assassination story has to do with anything? Who cares what Rudy was doing a year ago with the Russians? We have evidence in front of your face, Andrea Mitchell. And you're reporting like a Russian. Mouthpiece, I'll be right back. Much love in. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character to preserve it.


Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, not only to its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide through its free online courses and through its support of Classical K through 12 charter schools. Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844 commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the Constitution. It includes the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence Hills does motto is pursuing truth and defending liberty since 1844.


And it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lhevinne for Hillsdale. Dotcom Oblivion. For Hillsdale Dotcom. Lövin for Hillsdale Dotcom.


Let me help Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd. Jake Tapper and all the other frauds out there. All Joe Biden has to do is pick up the phone and call his son Hunter and say, Hunt, is that your laptop?


Yes or no? Those are your emails, are those your texts? Yes or no? I'm running for president of the United States, and I need to know. That's what any other father would do.


And you know what, I bet Joe Biden did it and I bet he got an answer he doesn't like, that's why we're going with Russian disinformation, with Andrea Mitchell and the rest of the media that are lying to us.


Absolutely lying to us with propaganda. That's why we're getting you can't verify these emails.


All of a sudden, the media, the one with the dossier, wants the emails verified. Well, the emails are being verified. No thanks to Andrea Mitchell and her ilk. I'll be right back. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character to preserve it. Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, not only to its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide through its free online courses and through its support of classical K through 12 charter schools.


Hils those articles of association dating way back to 1844 commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the Constitution. It includes the laws of nature and nature's God. As described in the Declaration of Independence, Hils Doe's motto is Pursuing Truth and defending liberty since 1844. And it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lhevinne for Hillsdale. Dotcom Oblivion. For Hillsdale Dotcom.


Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. The voice of sanity in an insane world, the Mark Levin Show. Call him now at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.


The enemy of the people. The clowns in the media wasn't supposed to be this way. What do we need to do, lay out the breadcrumbs so the reporters know how to follow, so they know how to do a story, they don't want to do this story. They don't want to do this story. Andrea Mitchell's a fraud. So what does she do? She goes after Rudy Giuliani.


NBC News has confirmed that U.S. spy agencies have gathered Intel that the president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was dealing with the alleged Russian intelligence agents last year on a trip to Ukraine as part of his effort to dig up dirt on Joe Biden.


So what? Was there dirt to dig up on Joe Biden? Is Rudy running for president? Giuliani's been digging for information on Hunter Biden's work for Karisma, Ukraine energy company, and Joe Biden is dealing with Ukraine and China's vice president. So what? Andrea, Andrea, focus. You're having attention deficit focus and where you're going to come out now. We're talking about Hunter Biden, his laptop in Delaware, which he turned over to a gentleman who has a little retail store, his laptop got wet and he wanted the gentleman to fix it.


He signed a document. Andrea, you can actually go see the signature. It's not his signature. Then he forgot it or he left it in violation of his agreement. So the retail store owner got to keep it. He turned the hard drive over to the FBI after he looked at it and really noticed Rudy wasn't involved in the. And he kept some copies, and then because of the unconstitutional impeachment of our president over a perfectly fine phone call, he got annoyed and he gave a copy to Rudy.


Now, let me ask you a question, Andrea. Have you made any effort to verify any of the information? Have you tracked down any of the people on the e-mails? Have you tracked down any of the meetings? Have you looked at the dates and the times that. And we're. Why are you attacking Rudy? Because you're an ass, that's why you're before. You're a fraud and you're not the only one, the conga line of reprobates, miscreants and malcontents on MSW Day is infinite.


What are you going to do, bring back this guy, Duche, what's his name? Donnie Docx. Hey, Tribes' Hitler and all of his followers are our brownshirts. Oh, very good. Comcast. And then they say, why is the nation so divided?


Why can't we unite? Why can't we unite? Andrea Mitchell, I'm starting to think she's Adam Schiff in drag, if he get my drift, Mr. Producer, there's really not a dime's worth of difference between them. And so if you're part of the Biden campaign, it's all you have to say is I asked my son, he said it's not a slip.


That's all. We asked Biden, Hunter, Biden, the number one hunter, Biden is he's hiding under some rock, but they know what Hunter, Hunter, Hunter can't do.


My Jerry Lewis. Is that your laptop, son? You stupid little bastard, I mean, there is your laptop. And no, dad. OK, so why don't they just say that it's not his laptop? We asked. Hornery says it's not his laptop. You know, his fingerprints are all over it, even though it's not Atlanta. Why don't they say that? Apparently, they can't. Apparently they can't. And so Jenna Arnold. A Biden mouthpiece.


Very senior official on the Biden campaign is on Fox News yesterday, and I was actually shocked, Leland Vittert. Committed an act of journalism. And I want to congratulate Leland. You know, the funny thing is, my father never liked Leland, Mr. Producer, you know, he would he would watch. So I don't like that guy with the hair, you know? But, Leland, let me just say this, I watched you yesterday. I'm writing my book, you're in the back when I watched you.


Let me tell you some fellow. You actually were pressing. The Biden surrogate, and you weren't taking any crap, you just give us an answer. And here's how it went with Jenna Arnold and Leland Vittert, cut, whatever it is, go we.


Thank you so much for bringing this up. And I really appreciate Jillian pressing Steve, the representative from the Trump campaign, on the fact that so much of this is unconfirmed is real simple.


You say it's unconfirmed. Tell us what parts are not true. One Hunter, Biden, knows what emails he has and hasn't said. Are you saying in the campaign saying that these emails aren't his? It's unclear to me. I would say, that what's so important right now from both the Americans, the decision and the media, yourself included, is to continue to ask clarifying questions about why the FBI is investigating and to note that the NSA that Giuliani was being played by these emails.


But again, it's the easiest, Jenna, the easiest thing in the world to do. Stop with all the obfuscation. The easiest thing in the world to do would be to say these aren't Hunter Biden's emails. Nobody, including Hunter Biden, including the campaign, has said it.


Mm hmm. What's so hard? Cut six, go listen to the one time Joe Biden was asked about this. I know you ask that I have no responses. Another smear campaign right up your alley.


The question you always noteworthy, that was a CBS reporter who was able to get that question in the one time that Joe Biden was available. Let me ask the question gently. Jenna, let me ask Jenna. I'm going to ask the question, then you can respond. The question is this. I thought that demonizing the media was a threat to our democracy. Every time President Trump attacks the media, Democrats and yourself included. Can't wait to yell about that.


Don't the American people deserve better?


Leland? Standing ovation, brother. Go ahead, then, the vice former vice president attacking the person who asks a legitimate question. Well, I don't know if he attacks the person.


I think he just said it was fake news. I'm sitting here, he's going to write up. It's another smear campaign right up your alley. Those are the questions you always ask. That kind of sounds like an attack to me. That doesn't strike me as an attack. I'm sure they're going to ensure you can find some other statements on behalf of the campaign that are specifically an attack. Like what your other guest just said, that having conversations and working with the Chinese government is the same thing with working with the Nazi party, like comparing apples to apples or not.


OK, the Chinese Communist Party has concentration camps. It was Joe Biden who was over trying to do business with the Chinese and brought Hunter Biden along with him to introduce him around. And there's video of that you don't you think, who we see?


So we just lost two hundred thousand American ladies and gentlemen.


Lilling is right, I'm right. All the Biden campaign has to say is it's not Hunter's laptop, those aren't his emails, nothing there is correct. They won't say it. They haven't said it. Once again, put yourself in the shoes of a father here, Joe Biden. This story breaks, you call your son Hunter. Hunter. Is that your laptop? That's the black and white of it. Is that your laptop? Hunter says now. Then the campaign's all over TV this weekend.


And all over TV today and all over TV tonight saying. That's not 100 Biden's laptop. So those aren't his emails. But they haven't said that. Instead, you get the Democrat Party press running interference like Andrea Mitchell. Let's dig up dirt on Rudy, what is really have to do with you digging up dirt? It's a simple question, Andrea, or the New York Slimes that's attacking the news sources that have brought this forward.


Isn't it amazing? We have the vast majority of the Democrat Party media now attacking The New York Post, soon to be attacking Fox News, always attacking me. And not at all giving a damn about what took place and why why is this so concerning?


Again, it would underscore that Joe Biden lied repeatedly to the American people about what he knew about his son's business activities.


And people would want to know more about what Joe Biden knew. So Joe Biden could at least if we had a legitimate free media be questioned about this, what the Joe Biden known, when did he know it?


They've also said to look at his schedule, we looked at his official schedule and it's not on there, the meeting with the Paris Ukranian executive. Really? Well, that must mean that Joe's in the clear. Of course not, Peter Schweitzer was on this program, he looked at the same schedule and he said there's a two hour gap in the morning and a two hour gap in the afternoon.


So I have another question to follow up that with you. If he spoke to this executive from Paris to the Ukraine, in which he clearly did, according to the email, why wouldn't they put it on the official schedule, Mr.. Why isn't it there? Why isn't it there? Because that's problematic, too, you see, because Joe wants to hide the fact that a discussion took place. So if we had real reporters in this country. This will be the subject of a serious investigation before a national presidential election.


So that the people might have information before they vote, but the job of the media today is to conceal and center as much as possible. To try and drag their candidate. Who refuses to campaign in any serious way? Who is incapable of talking straight for 60 or 90 minutes? Who is the plaything of the radical Marxist left in the Democrat Party? It's the drag him across the finish line. That's the goal. And so they're not going to do anything.


Anything that might harm his presidential campaign, so it's left to you, ladies and gentlemen. This is an interesting obviously they're monitoring my comments at the White House. Don't say that because braggadocios clear, I've been saying the president's running again. It's not just the Democrat Party, but the media. This is a line the White House is now using and accurately so. And so what that means, folks, is if Joe Biden wins the corrupt media one.


The corrupt media. That have done everything they can to depose a constitutionally elected president. And I won't go through all the particulars, the ugly particulars, whether we've done it many times before in the same corrupt media that's trying to drag across the finish line a man who will be 78 years old, the oldest man ever to serve as president, who will go further downhill.


During the course of a term of his presidency, God forbid, if he's elected a figurehead.


And the radicals in the media, the Democrats, the Chuck Todd, say Andrea Mitchell's, the Wolf Blitzer's, the Deliman, Fredo Cuomo, Jake Tapper's, all the liberals in the Democrats, in the media, they know exactly what they're doing.


They are dishonest and deceitful to you, their audiences. It's up to you to make this right. It's up to you to set this straight. They're not going to do it, they're not going to tell you the truth. And they're not going to all of a sudden become professional journalists. Joe Biden has wanted to be president his entire life. This is the third time he's running, he can taste it, he thinks he's going to slide into the Oval Office.


Thinks he'll just slide in without really earning it. Because he believes all these polls. I hope these polls are wrong, but that'll be up to you. It's up to you to decide if you want a corrupt media and a corrupt Democrat Party and a corrupt presidential candidate. Or if you want to put an end to this. I'll be right back. Much love in. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires educated people and people of good character to preserve it.


Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over one hundred and seventy five years, not only to its 1400 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide through its free online courses and through its support of classical K through 12 charter schools. Hils those articles of association dating way back to 1844 commit to preserving the blessings of civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. The learning includes the Constitution. It includes the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence Hills does motto is pursuing truth and defending liberty since 1844.


And it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom Oblivion. For Hillsdale Dotcom Lhevinne. For Hillsdale Dotcom and.


I'm reading this right, you want to double check me, Mr. Producer, Mr. Call Center, that 50 Cent endorses Donald Trump for president. You want to check that out?


Oh, oh, well, check that out for me. Very interesting media will go nuts, of course. I see Barack Obama is going to be campaigning in Philadelphia for Biden, was he going to lose Philadelphia or something? I am Magic Johnson campaign for Joe Biden, and I ask quite does Magic Johnson familiar with Joe Biden's record? Early on, as a racist who worked for segregationists and opposed integration, I look at. The votes of African-Americans and black Americans and I said, are they aware of who Joe Biden is?


But then again, I look at my fellow Jews. Joe Biden has a number of antisemite on his staff and in his circle wants to undo all the peace that's broken out in the Middle East.


And I read that 70, 75 percent are going to but not Orthodox Jews, of course, but the other.


Do they know what the hell they're doing?


As my wife likes to say, the problem with the left is their religion and their identity is with their party, the Democrat Party, and I'm afraid this is true of the vast majority of minorities, the vast majority of Jews, a vast majority of too many groups.


Too many groups. Really, it's shocking to me. People knew the real Joe Biden and they'll never know the real Joe Biden through the media, that's that's for sure. I wonder if would even change some of their minds. I'm starting to doubt it. You know, Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom. Well, not that this is at the top of my list, but. The magazine, the left wing kook magazine, The New Yorker, has suspended Jeffrey Toobin.


Jeffrey Toobin is the legal analyst over there at CNN, or at least he was.


And I've told you for a long time, he was a reprobate, but I didn't know the extent of it. He's got a very seedy background and history.


He really does can Google it. With his adulterous activity and the birth of a child and so forth and so on, but it's all right, he's he's standard fare for CNN.


CNN, which embraced Stormy Daniels, remember that? CNN, which embraced Avineri. The New Yorker is suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin. Sources tell Vyse it's because he exposed himself during a Zoome call last week between members of The New Yorker and WNYC Radio News. Remind me never to have him on the show.


Toobin said in a statement to motherboard, I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake believing I was off camera.


I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers, but I hate Trump. Trump. I hate Trump. I hate Trump. No, I just added it that while there's an update, I don't know if it's accurate. I'm looking at right scoop that he more than exposed himself.


Mr. Producer, I'm not going to get into the particulars, but he is part of that circle, you know, schmuck.


All right, that's enough.


I'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. He's here, he's here. Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. We're going to continue promoting candidates, which we hope you'll support.


We took a list, a look at seven or eight on a list who are going to have difficult races in the Senate. And we invited each and every one of them on. Six of them have agreed. One of them, Junior, said she's too busy, too busy for a phone call. You folks in Iowa, you can make your own decisions. And the Cory Gardner campaign in Colorado has never responded, but other than those to all the others have responded, they will be coming on the program.


I'm just trying to be helpful. The media keeps saying that Donald Trump attacked. Anthony Fouche, you know, Anthony Falchi attacked Donald Trump on 60 Minutes, and he does so with forethought, thought he's obviously an egomaniac. He really is going on all these TV shows and radio shows. He doesn't have to. I mean, he basically has one recommendation to wear a mask, wear a mask.


Unless, of course, you're looting, burning. Assaulting then you don't have to wear a mask. The virus supports active and black lives matter otherwise. If you're Orthodox Hasidic Jews and a gathering. You need to be rounded up otherwise, you know. Why am I asking? I know the Trump event was a super spreader, wasn't a super spreader. Oh, yes, I'm a scientist.


You know, I. It is amazing to me a guy who started out by saying don't wear a mask is now the mask guy and the left never criticized the media because they use him again as a foil. Because he and Hillary, you know, they would write love letters back and forth. And he'd love nothing more than Joe Biden to come back. You know, I worked very well with Joe back in 2009, swine flu, H1N1. Joe did exactly what I said, so he completely effed up the whole thing.


Never really had a vaccine. Over 12 hundred little kids died. But, you know, there's always second chances. Maybe we should have worn masks back then, I, I remember we didn't shut down restaurants and gyms or anything like that, you know, 60 million people got the swine flu, far more than I have ever had the coronavirus.


And again, if the swine flu had been deadly like the coronavirus, we would have lost potentially millions of people in this country.


As the great Ron Klain, who goes, hey, exactly, former chief of Staff Biden, as he said, man, we screwed this damn thing up. We got really, really lucky. And that's Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci, and, of course, they stopped testing. Obama famously said, hey, we know it's a pandemic, why do we need more tests and then they attack Trump, not enough tests. We're not tracking people, you know.


Oh, we're not doing a ridiculous.


Remember when Joe Biden got up and he said famously. And then after remember when he said to Andrew Cuomo, Andrew? If that is your name, Andrew. Why are you shoving coronavirus positive patients in with nursing home patients in an assisted living patient, senior citizens who have various maladies, why are you putting them in there? Remember when he said that?


Well, he didn't say that. Why not? So he can blame all deaths. This is sick being sick so they can blame all deaths on trompe. It's Trump, you know, Trump did it. No, no, Trump didn't. Trump did it. Trump didn't. I'm not and let me remind you about Giuliani and the Russians a year ago. Well, that has nothing to do with anything. Nothing to do with anything. Now, Kristen Welker, most of you never heard of her.


She's the NBC White House correspondent. Now, the Commission on Phony Presidential Debates. This is supposed to be the third debate on Thursday, and this debate was supposed to focus primarily on foreign policy. Do you know how many questions are going to be asked about foreign policy in this debate? None.


You want to know why? None. Because Joe Biden failed when it came to foreign policy, just like he did on domestic policy.


They don't want questions to be asked of Joe about China. About the Ukraine and Russia and his son's involvement. Or Iran or any of that stuff, they don't want to know. So the commission, which is run by a bunch of Lib's. With a couple of Republican fruitcakes on there, they have decided now we're not going to focus on foreign policy, so no foreign policy questions. So the Trump administration said, wait a minute. You need some foreign policy questions on here.


But the Politburo, the fascistic Politburo, known as the Commission on Presidential Debates, has decided no foreign policy questions. I'm surprised they didn't say here's our five areas, a question, Trump's taxes. Trump's taxes, Trump's taxes. Trump's taxes and Trump's taxes, that should cover the whole map there, that should cover everything right there. If if Dopy Joe brings up the president's taxes, I hope he'll use it as an opportunity to fire back and say, you know, you like to talk about taxes, Joe, let's talk about your taxes.


He set up an EZCORP. And you didn't pay Medicare taxes and you didn't pay Obamacare taxes. I thought you support Medicare and Obamacare.


What, you don't want to pay your fair share. Joe. And what would you say? That's how I ask that CampbellI. You just trying, Schrager? No, I. As the dentures wobble. It's not like true. So Kirsten Welker, it turns out. I'm looking for my document, but I can't find it, of course, she and her family are up to their eyeballs in Democrat politics, particularly her parents.


They've given money to Obama campaigns, 20000 dollars. They've given money to the DNC. They gave money to Hillary Clinton, they were invited to the White House by Barack Milhouse, Banita Obama and Mrs. Barack Milhouse, Banita Obama, they were invited. The parents aren't here and they went. She's also known to be. Very nasty to the president at these White House events. Called press conferences. And so she's picked as the moderator moderate, oh, yes, the moderator.


She's good, she's she's she's good at moderating, you know, from a liberal perspective, of course. So that's the moderator. So. We know who the first moderator was, his his name can't pass my lips. Are you aware that, Mr. Producer? He's a colleague, I've never. Met my colleague, but that I'm aware of, but he's a colleague, so. I've been told don't talk about colleagues, they can only talk about you, OK, then the next one, Steve Scully.


Well, that never happened. Why? So now the liberal Democrat hack was an intern for Biden, a staffer for Kennedy. Other than that.


What about a perfect objective moderator, and then we have Kristen Welker. Wow, she's terrific. It was between her eye here and Jim Acosta, so they picked her. I'm just kidding. And in 2016, she was quite. On a hot mike. Telling one of Hillary Clinton's consigliere is the subject of the first question she was going to ask her. Can you imagine that, ladies and gentlemen? A real journalist. So good. She's going to be a moderator for the third presidential debate, which is actually the second presidential debate, is it not a so-called journalist out there capable of being a moderator?


God's honest truth. You look at this. What was her name? This Guthrie. What a clown. Hey, we're going to have a town hall, but I'll ask the questions for the first 40 minutes. When did you stop beating your wife? Excuse me? Yes. And over there, Joe Jo. Yes. Joe, we have a question to ask him, George. Stephanie, I know who you are, George. OK, I just want to make sure, you know, there's been some issues anyway, Mr.


Vice President. Yes. Do you like smooth peanut butter, crunchy peanut butter? Honestly, I didn't know there was about Joe. Oh, yeah. I mean, George, you know, there is well, whatever, Mommy, I mean, whatever Jill puts on my bread, that's fine by me. OK. So this is how it works, like Andrea Mitchell. What about this laptop and these emails, Rudy Giuliani a year ago at NBC News can confirm was a question about excuse me, I didn't ask you about Rudy Giuliani.


I asked you about the emails all the while or not. They're not verified, you know. Well, go verify them. Well, it's not my job. Anyway, Kristen Welker on Melasti in 2016, tipping off the Hillary Clinton. Official CuDeco go right to Kristen Welker, Kristen, go ahead. He's OK. OK. And I'm asking you about Flynn. Kristen, go ahead. Your life. Kristen Welker in the spin room. I believe she has the Clinton communications director with her.


Go ahead, Chris. OK, thank you. I think this is a larger question. You know, we have Christian Walker we're looking at right now, but he said, by the way, nobody said she's smart, could be dumb as a rock as far as we know. Crash Then that would be you. Kristen there's only one Kristen in the room, Kristen Flynn. And I ask you about Flint. I think it's his last question. They'll be off the hook, let me just ask him what he wants and then move on in.


That will attack Trump. All right, go ahead, go ahead. Can you hear me now if you can? Go ahead. Hey, Ari, I'm here with communications director Jim Palmieri for the Clinton campaign.


Yes. And I want to ask you about Flint.


Oh, what a surprise.


This is why Joe Biden gets angry. He's used to this, Joe, when he's talking.


Joe, I'm over here. No, Joe. Yes.


I'm going to ask you about, you know, taxes, OK, and then somebody says, hey, what about Hunter High Schmear me?


What do you mean by Marama? You again from CBS. You're out to get me. I don't understand the media has been sucking up to you for 40 years now. Yeah, I get my next question. Matter of fact, forget it. Now, Joe, we have a big question for you, chose out theories, he's a milkshake place. And. Joe, what is a milkshake he's with his 26 year old granddaughter, is a leftist working on his campaign.


And people want to know, Joe, what are you eating? I'm having a milkshake. Having a milkshake. I'm having a milkshake. And so the reporter, we don't have this dhuey misprinted I'm just looking for. So the reporter yells out, Oh, yeah, the reporter yells out this, cut one.


Go get the car. All right. You got to. He's a very busy man.


What flavor did you get, Mr. Biden? What do you say? One vanilla, one chocolate. He he's got a black and white. I think it's called. Go ahead.


I want to get to we call black and white and we're going to do another. Hey, and by the way, didn't it sound like prepubescent Brian Stelter did to me? Hey, hey, Joe, Mickey, many I mean, Brian, what is it? Hey, what kind of flavor milkshake did you get? Well, I was going to get chocolate, vanilla and. Well, a black and white oh, very good. Then this guy, Bo Erickson.


Dares to holler out the question, you can have airplane noise, but we'll give it a shot cut to go. Did you write a movie with your full story about your son? I know you'd ask it. I have no response, it's another smear campaign right up your alley. Those are the questions. How about this? It's not his laptop.


I asked him. He said it's not his laptop.


No, no, no. It's Rudy Giuliani and the Russians. It's a disinformation campaign. And you're trying to smear us.


Is it his laptop or not? I'm not answering that. Oh. And I'm going back to the basement and to the debate and don't bother me. Well, what are you going to do in the basement? What kind of food you eat? All it typically I eat cream of wheat or oatmeal. It's better for my dentures, I want to keep taking them out. All right, I'll be right back. Much love in. I'm going to be really direct with you if your cellular plan is with Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, you're simply paying way too much for the exact same coverage you would get right now with pure talk.


So look at your cell phone bill where it shows data usage. The average person who switches to pure talk is using less than four gigs of data a month. But the big carriers are charging you for unlimited data. It's like paying for an entire row on an airplane, but only needing one seat. That's how pure talk saves the average person over 400 dollars a year on their wireless service, unlimited talk, text and two gigs of data, all for just twenty dollars a month.


And if you go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it. So folks, switching to pure talk is the easiest decision you'll make today. Go to pure talk to USA Dotcom and then a Promo Code Luvin podcast. When you do, you'll say 50 percent off your first month. That's pure talk. USA Dotcom Promo Code, Leevi and podcast. That's Lhevinne podcast. Pure Talk USA Simply Smarter Wireless. I hate my computer. I just got a new printer because the printer wasn't working.


Now the computer screens blacked out. Oh, my God, they're the issues I have to deal with. Just overwhelming. So a lot going on on hot mikes.


If the North Carolina governor, Roy Cooper, who won by about three and a half votes and they have this Democrat Senate candidate who's now been caught in two adulterous affairs.


Two and by the way, the two women he's had affairs with are now angry because they didn't know there was another one. So it's been campaigning with his wife and two kids or three kids. What it is, he's a family man, but little did we know.


He's also an extra family man and he won't drop out of the race. And the Democrats are circling the wagons and they want to drag him across the finish line.


Because God knows, we just need another pervert in the Senate. Maybe he can become a legal analyst over at CNN, Mr. Producer. So here we go. And by the way, the guy's name is Cal Cunningham. Yeah, I'm Cal Cunningham. I'm running for the United States Senate. Here's my wife, my kids. Your sleazoid. Well, I don't care. North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper talking to Joe Biden, you'll hear some airplane noise, but here it is, Cutline go.


Well, look, I know, I know it's frustrating this guy, Carl, he's a complete f up this guy, you know. Women everywhere and. But, you know, we Democrats, we stick together, come hell or high water, nothing matters to us but victory and power. So I want you to know, Joe, we're going to we're going to get Carl across the finish line. I think Carl will get across the line to. I know that's frustrating, but we'll get him across the finish line there.


This this cow, he's going to be great. And besides, Joe, it'll be three women there when we saw him, and you can smell all their hair, right, Mr. Producer? You can smell them, we know you like to do that, Joe. I'm not trying to be crude, it's true. It's true. The United States has been campaigning all day. He's been in Arizona for for several hours. You can tell he's trying to earn the vote of the people, Joe Biden thinks he's going to slide into the presidency.


And you will determine whether he does or doesn't. You know, I posted that I had voted on Saturday. And so many of you, wonderful of insights posted that you had voted to I voted in person and several people came with me, including family. It's not enough. Don't get mad at me. It's not enough that you voted. We need you to help us get family and friends and co-workers out there to vote. We need your help. Now, if nothing I'm saying is influential enough about how crooked the Bidens are and how they want to destroy Joe, does our constitutional republic I want to talk about pocketbook issues.


When we come back, real issues that are going to affect you and your family's livelihood.


I'll be right back. Facebook has been censoring as we get closer and closer to the election, it's clear they're trying to sway the outcome with their left wing ideology and control their policing. My perfectly legitimate posts and they want to shut me up. Nobody shuts me up. Not here on radio, not on live TV. This is why it's so important to watch and support Libyan TV on the Blaze TV network. Don't let big tech control what information you're allowed to see in here.


This is our country. This is our election. Now, if they won't let you hear it at Lytvyn TV on the Blaze TV network, we will. You're not currently a subscriber. Make sure you sign up today at Lhevinne That's Leevi and TV Dotcom. Subscribe now to watch me and an amazing roster of conservative voices free for 30 days. That's 30 days of liberty loving content for absolutely free in the lead up to this election. It's crucial, but only if you subscribe right now at Lavant.

[01:00:08], nobody's going to shut me up. Zellerbach love in the show like a national at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Well, I am back.


I want to talk to my blue collar friends or no collar friends. You know, I don't normally wear a columnist, but is.


All of you really. All of you out there who don't earn millions and billions of dollars, this is for you. So Wall Street Journal piece the cost about INOMAX and they took a very good look at the Biden economic plan to a new study on Biden's tax, health care, energy and regulation proposals.


It predicts 6500 dollars less in median household income by 2030. And 10 years, and so you'll lose and come every year. But they looked at the whole 10 year span. And this is the editorial board, Joe Biden has shrewdly kept the campaign focus on covid-19 and President Trump, which has helped him avoid talking too much about his own policies. That's especially true of his economic proposals, which a new study out Sunday from the Hoover Institution shows will have a damaging impact on growth, job creation and household income.


Wait a minute. You mean massive individual federal income tax increases, massive corporate income tax increases, massive capital gains tax increases, the reduction? Of the of the inheritance tax cap, so people lose their fun. You mean that's going to hurt job creation? No way. No way. For the Democrats, as California goes, so goes America. Mr. Biden often cites Moody's, the credit rating service, for saying his economic plan will yield faster growth and more jobs.


Wall Street likes to say when he mentions Moody's as if that's a conservative stamp of approval, even as he claims Mr. Trump is a captive of Wall Street. And here's the irony. Biden's receiving almost all the money from the big Wall Street firms, the Goldman Sachs types and everything.


Now, that's how he's significantly outraising Trump, not by little contributions, but by Hollywood, by billionaires and millionaires on Wall Street.


But everyone knows most economists at today's big financial institutions have a Keynesian bias that posits consumer demand and government spending is the main drivers of growth. That's certainly true at Moody's, whose chief economist is Mark Zandi, who, in our view, underestimates the impact of higher tax rates and regulation in his economic calculations. This isn't a personal criticism, but a factual statement about his economic model. We're also not predicting a depression, as Mr. Trump said, Mr Biden wins the election as predicted.


On dire economic predictions, Mr. Trump is the mirror image of Paul Krugman on the left. See, these guys always have to take a shot at Trump, even when they're trying.


To defend him, this is what you get from the Wall Street Journal editorial board and in others, they feel just in case he loses, they need to be able to see.


I supported him, but I told you he was fat. I told you what a genius I am. Yes, the data show that the U.S. economy is recovering from the pandemic shutdowns faster than most economists predicted. Democrats may attempt to portray the economy as a disaster that requires trillions of dollars of new spending, but Mr. Biden would inherit an economy with strong growth momentum.


So Biden would inherit a vaccine. A massive testing program. An economy that's growing. He take all the credit for the Democrats while they're killing it. The housing market is booming. Small business sentiment is bullish, manufacturing is on the rebound once a covid-19 vaccine is approved and better therapies become even more widely available, the economy should take off as even Democratic governors ease their lockdown's.


The service economy will revive as Americans feel safer. The Federal Reserve will keep interest rates low as long as they can get away with it. Mr. Biden could do nothing and inherit a boom in twenty, twenty one in 2022. So Joe Biden could inherit an economic boom and a vaccine for the virus. Both of which would be the result of Donald Trump's policies. Incredible. The issue is whether Mr. Biden's policies will nurture this strong recovery or slow it down, as Barack Millhouse beneath Obama's policies, did after the 2009 recession.


This is where the Hoover study comes in as it examines the Democrats proposals on health insurance, taxes, energy and regulation.


The authors are economist Timothy Fitzgerald, Kevin Hassett, Cody Callen and Casey Mulligan, Messrs. Hassett and Mulligan, where members of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Trump White House. But then the boosters of biodynamics are veterans of the Clinton Obama administrations. Mr. Hastert has done pioneering work on the impact of corporate taxation. Mr. Malone of the University of Chicago on the impact of government subsidies and so forth and so on. Overall, the authors estimate that the Biden agenda fully Embla Hello America, this is important is going to affect your lives.


Overall, the authors estimate that the Biden agenda, if fully implemented, would reduce full time equivalent employment per person by about three percent, the capital stock per person by some 15 percent in real GDP per capita by more than eight percent compared to the Congressional Budget Office estimates for these variables in twenty. What does all this mean? This means there will be four point nine million fewer working Americans, two point six trillion less gross domestic product and 6500 dollars less and median household income.


Now, what they're not telling you here. Because The Wall Street Journal is of the open border variety is the impact also of open borders and illegal immigration, the impact that will have on on people who work in this country, the working class. And the impact on entitlements and the impact on health care will be disastrous. The analytical details are especially helpful on energy costs and the labor wedge against hiring that have received little attention to, take one example, the electric of the electric fashion.


I can say that most passenger cars.


Would increase the per capita demand for electric power. So, in other words, they want to get rid of the combustion engine by 25 percent.


Even as more than 70 percent of baseline electric power from fossil fuels would go offline, the point is they want to slash the use of fossil fuels for the production and energy, but they want to massively of electricity, but they want to massively increase the use of electricity in automobiles.


These are the idiots. This is by. Bridging this supply demand gulf would require enormous subsidies and far more investment in labor to achieve the same energy output, Mr Biden's energy plans would cut total factory productivity by one to two percent across the entire country. I keep telling assembly line people out there.


I keep telling steelworker's. Other people who work in Mills. Oil fields. Your jobs are on the line. They're on the line. They're going to attack the smokestack industries, they're going to attack these jobs, they're going to drive up the cost of energy, they're going to open the gates to illegal immigration. It's like, what can we think of the destroy American businesses and destroy American jobs? Union, non-union, white collar, blue collar. Doesn't matter.


What can we do? Well, that's their plan. No, no, no, Joe's going to reunite us. Joe's a good guy, Joe doesn't believe in Wall Street. Well, then why doesn't Joe give back all those massive donations he's getting from Wall Street? Consider Biden's expansion of the Obamacare Affordable Care Act and Medicare for those above the age 60 versus 65. Now, these subsidies affect the incentive to work, and the authors estimate that Obamacare changes would increase the average marginal tax rate on labor by two point four percentage points.


That's nearly half as much as the six percentage points from the original ACA.


In other words. If people can get Medicare at the age of 60. Many will stop working. So you're going to have this massive additional drag on Medicare. Which is a drag also on Obamacare. With less people being productive and less people working. Hey, what's wrong with that, Mr. Biden's also proposing substantial increases in business tax rates that will raise the cost of capital. So the former vice president likes to say he's only raised the top corporate rate to 28 percent from twenty one.


But so-called pass through entities, often small businesses, employ more than 40 million Americans and most pay taxes at the individual tax rate. Do you understand what that means? Small businesses pay as proprietary businesses. They don't necessarily incorporate the pay at the individual tax rate. Biden's plan to raise personal income and payroll taxes would push their federal rates from below 40 percent to above 50 percent. So when you add in all the taxes they pay and that's how they figure if they're going to hire people or fire people or expand or or reduce the size of plant.


They look at all the costs, so the dramatic increase on the payroll taxes and the dramatic increase on individual federal income taxes means small businesses are going to be paying effectively at the federal level over 50 percent, apart from state taxes on top of state income taxes. And let me ask you, sir, how do we compete with foreign countries when we do this to ourselves? The Chinese must be loving this. The Mexican government, they're loving this. The Canadian.


Yes, yes. Kill yourselves. And for Biden, of course, he Tosa, we're going to tax the rich my time, these bastards pay. Wait a minute, we're talking about union jobs and small business. No, are not you liar. You're just trying to smear me. Why do you get that from Giuliani? You're a liar. And then I'll have the moderator there. And Mr. Trump, please, please stop interrupting. He keeps calling me a liar.


I don't know. You don't understand Mr. Trump yet. You'll have your time, Mr. Trump. I promise you I'll return. Mr. Biden would also raise capital costs by phasing down bonus depreciation in the 2017 tax reform, he'd raise labor costs by imposing the twelve point four percent Social Security tax to income above 400000 dollars. The 400000 threshold isn't indexed for inflation, in other words. That twelve point four percent. On all income, really. Will be a massive added tax, massive added tax.


A massive increase in the individual federal income tax, massive increase in the in the corporate income tax, massive increase in the Social Security tax.


This is shocking, people aren't paying attention. Of course, the moderates are either liberal or too stupid to bring this up. The risk from Joe Biden's policies isn't that they will send the economy reeling right away. The problem is that they will have a long term corrosive impact by raising the cost of capital, reducing the incentive to work and invest, reducing productivity across the economy. Americans will pay the price lowered standard of living that they otherwise would have and that they deserve.


Just think of your energy prices and the cost of transportation. They're going to go through the roof. A gallon of gas will double or triple in cost.


I want you to think about this. Anybody who wants to purchase a car that's not an electric car, the price is going to be significantly high, maybe double. And you think they're going to leave it at cars, they're going to look at your homes, I'm telling you what they're going to do. They're going to look at homes, then they're going to get into rationing. OK, you can have one car like this, maybe one like that in your home can do this.


HVAC systems are going to change. I just put into two new HVAC systems because I know what's coming. Brownouts and blackouts, I predicted that liberty and tyranny, and there it is in California, it's going to spread across the country. I'm telling you. This is what you're going to get, these are not. These are not for the people, these plans, it's for government, it's for the Democrat Party to control you. I know you know this, I know many of you have voted or you're going to vote, you better bring out your friends.


We need to bring out a a mass of people to put this down. Oh, you're going to suffer. We're all going to suffer. I'll be right back. Much love in. I'm going to be really direct with you if your cellular plan is with Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, you're simply paying way too much for the exact same coverage you would get right now with pure talk. So look at your cell phone bill where it shows data usage.


The average person who switches to pure talk is using less than four gigs of data a month. But the big carriers are charging you for unlimited data. It's like paying for an entire row on an airplane, but only needing one seat. That's how pure talk saves the average person over 400 dollars a year on their wireless service, unlimited talk, text and two gigs of data, all for just twenty dollars a month. And if you go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it.


So folks, switching to pure talk is the easiest decision you'll make today. Go to Pure Talk, USA Dotcom and then a promo code luvin podcast. When you do, you'll say 50 percent off your first month. That's pure talk. USA Dotcom Promo Code, Leevi and podcast. That's Lhevinne podcast. Pure Talk USA Simply Smarter Wireless.


So the Politburo on presidential debates has just announced that there will be a movement and I guess it'll be controlled by the Democrat hack who's going to be the moderator, Mr. Bruce.


I'm sure nothing will go wrong.


I mean, the problem in part is that Joe Biden's a mute already, so. It's really quite appalling what they're doing here, how they're trying to influence the election in so many ways. So I'm going to post something. On my social sites and by the way, if you're not. If you're not on my Twitter site, on my Facebook site or my parler site, you really are missing a lot because I am on the air three hours, right.


And all during the day and night and even early morning, I'm posting information, so you might want to check it out. And so I'm going to post something very simple. Joe Biden. Please provide me with your son Hunter's phone number so I can ask him if the laptop in question is his laptop. Don't you think that's a fair question, Mr. Producer? And I we'll get an answer. Says yes. Wow says no, there are ways to check that, aren't there?


It's a very simple question, if I were deposing Joe Biden, I'd ask him the same, I'd start right off. Joe Biden says he doesn't know I'd ask him why. Why don't you ask your son? Well, you know, there's there's a wall between I don't know. Why didn't you ask your son? Now, by the way, Ron Reagan Jr. says his father would be horrified by the Republican Party. Let me tell you something, Ron Reagan Jr.


, your father was horrified by your politics his entire life, your left wing coach. That's right. I said it. That's right. Did you even vote for your father? I don't even know. I'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by the Association of Mature American Citizens, now over two million conservative members Strong EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we care about faith, family and freedom.


Thank you for listening and please support Amen. And you can become a member at Armacost U.S. Join.


He's here. He's here now broadcasting from the underground command post here, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, we're about five step ahead of everybody else on this laptop, Joe Biden, Joe Biden stuff, we jumped right on top of it to get a hold of Rudy, who's been at the epicenter of this.


And so you're hearing a lot about it now. But we really have been hammering early on on this.


But let's look at the rest of the world, what's taking place. We have Chuck Todd on Meet the Press. Chuck Todd is a left wing Democrat. He never Trumper and a liar.


And he's on Meet the Press, the Michigan Supreme Court, the Michigan Supreme Court said basically that Governor Wittmer was conducting herself unconstitutionally, that the emergency powers in many respects that she was exercising simply did not exist. And this is a court with a majority Democrats.


And in the course of its decision, as Jonathan Turley has pointed out, it cited 50 to 60.


I forget that number. Of legal cases and legal decisions. 50 to 60 legal decisions, and this is how Chuck Todd questions Governor Richard Wittmer cut 11 go.


What recourse do you have? I know that. Can you. They didn't really cite any Michigan law that inside any law in deciding why you suddenly didn't have this, why are you lying through your teeth?


I'm sure your parents paid for very expensive braces with the orthodontist. I'm sure they're nice and straight, nice and white. Sure. Use those white strips. I don't use any of that stuff. If you're wondering, you have your left wing Democrat operative wife.


Why are you lying, schmuck? Todd. Go ahead. Do you. Is this something that you want to send to the US Supreme Court or are you just going to try to work around it?


So he's begging her. Look, you got a you know, the the fascistic martial law that you have in place. I mean, seriously, Governor, I mean, you don't have to put up in your own Supreme Court. They don't even mention any law, just 60 cases. Why don't you go to the U.S. Supreme Court?


Go ahead, channels. Well, I'm going to continue doing my job, so I've got other powers that we are using. We have epidemic powers.


No thanks. No, thank you. No, thank you. And I'm sorry that people threatened her life. It's outrageous. I'm sorry that people threatened the kidnapper. That's sickening. And all of us are in public life who've had our lives threatened, it's no fun, trust me. And there's no excuses for any of it. Trust me on that. In any threats that I get, at least the ones I have got are from this neo-Nazi Klansman type, not from Muslims, not from this know them.


So, of course, it's frightening, but on the other hand, if she defies the Supreme Court of Michigan, she is a lawless governor.


And people of goodwill can call her out and Chuck Todd is not a person of goodwill, he's a hack. Now, if Anthony Fauci goes on 60 Minutes last night, why is he going on 60 Minutes two weeks before the election?


Because Foushee likes Biden, because Foushee work with Obama and Biden, they screwed up the swine flu and Tufa follow the science. That doesn't mean you have to follow Falchi. He's not the only scientist in the world. You know, he's not the only scientist in the country. And many outstanding scientists and actual practitioners of disagree with much of what he's done. Don't wear a mask. Don't worry. It's much like the flu. Don't worry. I'm all right.


I've got a pandemic. What about the riders, they don't have to. What about the Jews? Yes, mask's. Anyway. Here he is on 60 Minutes. Tonight, they're the president attacked Vietnam Falchi attacked the family knows exactly what he's doing. You're not in the same position of the bureaucracy for half a century.


If you don't have long nails and long teeth, you're not declaw people and bite them in the neck.


Let's just be honest. The Fouche got 13 go.


Were you surprised that President Trump got sick? Absolutely not. I was worried that he was going to get sick when I saw him in a completely precarious situation of crowded no separation between people and almost nobody wearing a mask. When I saw that on TV, I said, oh, my goodness, nothing good can come out of that. That's got to be a problem. And then, sure enough, it turned out to be a super spread.


Why is he saying all this is the answer? Look, I'm not going to get into that. That's my boss. This is a hack. Speaking. And he knew it would draw attention, and so the president responded, hey, the president's attacking Foushee, he can't attack, vouchering my God, the Fouche. I can't attack the Fouche, he wanted to shut down the economy, he said I open it and shut it again. Kids shouldn't go to school.


Where am I don't where I'm at. Don't wear a mask to wear a mask. Don't celebrate Thanksgiving. I don't know what the hell goes on in this guy's house, but we saw a little of it. When was time for him to throw a pitch? There he is in the stadium with his wife and I guess his brother in law, and none of them are wearing a mask. No. As we continue to travel around and liberal Dem.


So we had Moctar, we had the Fouche. And now we have Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo being interviewed by a fellow left wing Democrat, George Stephanopoulos.


Where the media are disgusting, so corrupt. So shameless. K-12 go, how confident are you in the approval process of the FDA right now kind of question is that, you idiot? You just thrown the guy a hook and he's going to bite. This is Good Morning America, which is more like I picked up I picked up my breakfast. America. Hey, hey, hey, Andrew, how confident are you in the approval process, the FDA right now, you know, under Trump, how come to give him a hit, give my head, give him a hit where we're only 15 days out slap.


Go ahead. Well, first, how confident are my I'm not that confident, but my opinion doesn't matter. I don't believe the American people are that confident. You're going to say to the American people, now, here's a vaccine. It was new. It was done quickly.


Folks, this this is sick stuff because the vaccine process goes to several boards of experts.


They say follow the science. It goes to one that's in the private sector, which is a conglomeration of different organizations and experts. It has to go to a government board for approval to before the FDA. FDA even has a shot at it. None of that's being cut out. Notice, Stephanopoulos doesn't explain that Cuomo is too stupid to even know that. It's really appalling. It was done quickly, and this is how you you kill people. This is how you cost them lives.


Now, George Stephanopoulos should be banned from Twitter, Facebook. And really from the airwaves because he's a schmuck, and then you have Cuomo. Probably the dumbest governor ever, and not just in New York, just the dumbest governor ever. Go ahead, trust this. Shut up, you idiot, you got more blood on your hands than anybody else. Why don't you ask him about that, George? You jerk. Why don't you ask him about his decision?


Why don't you show me his memo for March 25th? You shmo show it to him. But you won't you're a punk. I'll be right back. Much love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington.


AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's.


That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead a c us.


Senator Steve Gains in Montana. How are you, sir? Doing well, thank you. A bit of a race there. Tell us about it.


We do. We got a toss up race in. Many believe that as Montana goes, so goes the United States Senate. My opponent wins Montana Schumer as majority leader. We hold it. We're going to keep Schumer from leading the Senate. You're running against the governor.


The governor fancies himself quite the populist, doesn't he?


Well, he does, but he also ran for president briefly in 2000, 1920, stood on the same stage. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and his true liberal colors came out. So he's left a left us a treasure trove of statements and positions he's taken here that are way out of touch with most Montanans.


But he's got a lot of money, doesn't he? So he raised nearly 27 million dollars. Wow. Last quarter. And remember, Montana State with a million people. To put that in perspective, I was talking to Lindsey Graham tonight on the floor of the Senate. And, you know, South Carolina has five million people. So if you wanted to normalize that population, that would be like raising, you know, 100 and 140 million dollars in South Carolina last quarter if you look at a per capita basis.


So we are being overwhelmed by outside liberal money. California and New York kind of money flooding into Montana. Steve Bullock, my opponent, has an F from the NRA. I've got an eight plus. Bullock wants to pack the court. In fact, he was one of the first, I believe he was the first candidate ran for United States Senate. The Democrats say that said he would pack the court. I was debating him a week ago and we pressed him on it and he admitted he was open to packing the courts.


So you put Steve Bullock in the Senate here, right there. And Schumer's poll. And truly, if that happens to our country, I fear for a constitutional republic because then the Supreme Court just becomes another arm of the legislative branch and the audience, this audience, and this is no joke, they've made it clear.


And the problem, Senator, is in one election, you can destroy the Supreme Court. I mean, nobody used to think this way, Mark.


You know, you go back over 150 years, we've had nine justices. And, you know, remember, FDR tried to do it and the Democrats stopped him from doing that. So this is it would be a complete destruction of our constitutional republic. This is what's up for grabs right now. And it might come down to a few thousand votes in the state of Montana. Have the polls right now have us tied? We are rated a toss up race by about every prognosticator in the problem we've got right now more because we close this race out the next two weeks.


We are absolutely overwhelmed with outside money. If you were in Montana, Mark, you couldn't you couldn't watch TV more than about 30 seconds and see just us getting blitzed right now by these ads hammering us. And that's what we've got to fight back when we need it. We need Patreus across this country. My website, Stebenne dot com, it's been dot com. You folks in Shippen right now we've got to fight back radio, TV, digital, because this is a race is going to come down a few thousand votes.


So thank God for our founding fathers that have two senators from Montana and Texas, from California. The point is, you know, low population state like Montana, this is where we've got to hold it and we're in six hours votes. It will literally make the difference.


Mr. Producer, make sure you put his website on all my social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Parler that Steve Daines, dot com dainties, DJI and yes, Steve Daines DGI any now America Lhevinne. It's really doesn't matter where you live. The senator votes on issues that affect the whole country. You heard what he said. Massive amounts of money coming from both coasts against him in Montana. To the extent you're able to do it, we need to help him.


So he has a fighting chance at Steve Daines. Dotcom, Steve. Dana? Yes, Mr. Producer. Promise me he's going to get them up quickly on all of our social sites so you can go there and check it out.


Now, let me the people who may not be familiar with you outside of Montana, give a little bit of your background.


Yeah, well well, Mark, I'm a chemical engineer by degree. I spent twenty eight years in the private sector growing and building businesses. I'm a private sector guy. I saw the threat that Barack Obama presented to our country, the threat to our businesses, the threat to our economy, a threat to our national security. And so I left the private sector and ran for Congress. I want a seat back in 2012. Montana has but one congressman.


So it was a statewide election. I won that race in 2002. I ran for the Senate in 14. But Mark, I'm the first Republican senator elected to the seat in over 100 years. Wow. So that's why that's why, first of all, it was historic for us to to get the seat back. And it will be historic when we win the re-election, because, in fact, I'll only be the second Republican senator in the history of Montana on either seat that's ever won a re-election is less than one that's ever done it.


That's why, you know, with Montana politics, we are notorious ticket splitters go both ways on it and we're going to win this race if we aren't outspent. That's what's coming down to right now. They're literally hammering us right now is a tsunami of liberal money. And we've got to fight back. We've got two weeks to call this out. Literally hold I'm looking at here today. Is race tied 48 48.


Is this the old Mike Mansfield seat? You know it is, yeah. Man. Mansfield, we've had of course, Mike Mansfield was the longest serving majority leader in history, the United States Senate. And for your listeners who have some political history, he was from the state of Montana. But, you know, I'll tell you, you know, Mike Mancia was a Marine. My father was a Marine from Montana. The Mike Mansfield Democrats don't exist anymore.


You know, they used to be folks are you could you could work with that. And it has some moderate, moderate blood in their veins. The problem we've got now is how progressive, how far left the Democrats have moved. I mean, Kamala Harris, Mark, you I served with her the most liberal senator in America last year, more liberal than Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, to think that we would literally have to Bay Area liberals, two heartbeats away from the presidency with with Speaker Pelosi and and Kamala Harris.


If God help us, Joe Biden wins this race, wins the election here in a couple of weeks.


You're listening to Senator Steve Daines. He's very solid. He's a good guy. That's detainee Steve Daines, dotcom. Senator, I've been saying something I've never said before in my life. Vote straight Republican. We must remove Pelosi. We've got to hold the Senate and we need to hold the presidency. We can figure out all the little differences another day. But right now we got to hold the line. Do you agree with that?


I do, Mark. And, you know, it's a sad reality we face today that the Democrats have moved so far to the left, my my grandpa Danes, who was like my fishing and hunting buddy, who taught me the love of the outdoors as a kid, grew up Montana. He was a die hard Democrat. This is a Democrat, the 60s and 70s today. He would reject the party that that they are that they'll represent.


They're crazy. Let's be honest. They're not radical. No, they're nuts. They've got an envy and confiscation approach that relates to taxes and prosperity. My my opponent, Steve Bullock, the governor of Montana, supports sanctuary cities. He's he was opposed. The Keystone pipeline is going to F from the NRA. He supports a carbon tax which would affect 35000 Montana jobs.


Didn't he change your voting system at the last minute? What's that? Can he change your voting system at the last minute with mail and votes or something?


Yeah. So because he has a sitting governor and because of covid pandemic's, he to use his emergency powers to to allow our counties to go all mail. And 46 of our 56 counties have adopted all mailing. But Mark, we've got to play the hand we've been dealt and we'll make you all mail in work because our our conservative patriots back home in Montana, they're gearing up. We've got to make sure they turn out and they vote. But we got to have you've got to have the resources here to fight back those independent voters.


They're going to say this race are here in kind of a one sided argument right now. And that's massive amounts of Chuma dollars pouring into our state.


Can't let me do it now. It's a massive state, you know, geographically. How's your ground game there?


It's really good. I'll tell you, we haven't focused on the ground game now for the last six months. I literally get a metrics shoot every night, Mark, that has knocked calls made. We've got we've got people all over our state pounding doors. And again, in a race that's going to come down to probably a few thousand votes, the door knock is really important. It's hand-to-hand combat right now. And I'm very thankful for the great ground game we got going on right now.


It's become a very sophisticated crowd. You've got out from the phones at the densify. The propensity of voters and households are strong, are strong, damn or persuadable. And that's all goes into this app that they have on their phones are going door to door right now.


Knocking on door All right, Senator, we wish you the best and I hope the live night's out there. I hope you chip in at Steve Daines dot com, Steve d.H, any crucial Senate seat out of Montana. Good luck to you, sir.


Hey, Mark, thanks so much. Appreciate it. Appreciate all the support from your listeners. Thank you.


We appreciate it. Is it up there just in or not? All right. It's on all our sites.


Folks, please. These candidates are very, very important.


I'm only bringing in six, seven, eight senators. We have House members that are absolutely crucial. I've only been bringing in around 20 of them. All these reports say she's going to gain a few seats in the House. They might take the Senate, they might to the president. Look, folks, who cares what these people say? Just kick ass.


I'll be right back. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more.


And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an iMac member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.


We Americans meet to defend liberty and defeat tyranny, call the Mark Levin Show now at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.


We now have a candidate for the House of Representatives for whom I am a huge fan who won the election last time. But in my view, it was stolen from her in New Mexico's 2nd District. Yvette Harrell. How are you, Yvette?


I am doing great. Thank you so much for having me back on your show. It's such a pleasure.


Well, last time I feel like you had it in the bag and then all of a sudden days go by and they count in county count and then you're behind. Isn't that funny how that works?


Very funny how that works. And I tell you, we're ready for it this time. We've got more pollwatchers, challengers, the attorneys, and it's all eyes on New Mexico, 2nd Congressional District. We're not going to let him still at this time, I promise. And we can win this seat.


Tell us tell America a little bit about your background. Yeah.


So I born and raised in New Mexico, grew up in a working class family. My dad was in real estate for years. And so I kind of followed in those footsteps. And not only have I had the pleasure and the privilege of owning different businesses, but I'm also in the real estate business like my dad. And I just tell you, we are excited about this race because we're excited about protecting our one nation under God and that and serving in the New Mexico legislature for eight years, I think.


And the relationships that we've got built on the ground here because of that experience, I believe just makes me a stellar candidate. And people are really paying attention to what's happening on the state, local and, of course, national level.


Now, you're a solid conservative and you're running against a leftist. Tell us about your opponent.


Yeah, this is great news. She is anything but moderate. She ran as a moderate two years ago. Now she runs ads on TV talking about her support for President Trump, how she work with him, yet fails to let the population know that she voted to impeach him not once, but twice. She's steady on joining the Paris Climate Accords, which are district for a lot of folks that don't know. It goes from the Arizona border to the Texas border and that about half the district, about 71000 square miles.


But we have a very large oil and gas industry here and in fact, one of the largest oil producing counties in the country. And of course, her position on these things is anything but helpful. She is all about the New Mexico Green New Deal. She's all about the Paris climate accords. She voted to allow future presidents to ban fracking, which will kill our oil and gas and fossil fuels energy industry. And, you know, don't even get me started on social issues.


She's fine with abortion, taxpayer abortion, up to date of birth and being funded by Emily's List. And so we we couldn't be more different. And her voting record, ninety five percent of the time with Nancy Pelosi is not conducive with the district. And I'm telling everybody, you know, what is either Pelosi or the president? That's what we're fighting for right now, is to keep common sense in the White House or let this radical group run the show like they've been doing for the last four years in the US or the last two years in the US House.


You know, you it I notice the lefties and their hardcore leftists. There's one in my district, the district of Virginia name's Waxman or some such thing, and they pretend to be moderates and they're hardcore leftists.


And then they overwhelm the airwaves with how they're their moderates and their opponent is the radical right winger.


And and this apparently is the strategy all across the country. How is your ground game there?


It's great. And one thing that I'm very proud of is we have had just a super amazing ground game. We have been on the doors, Mark. We have been on phones. I have still conducted meetings, roundtables, rallies throughout the district because voters want to know who the candidates are. They're not going to just buy into the TV ads. And my opponent, by the way, is outspending us about four to one. And we do want to finish this race strong.


But they want to they you know, actions speak louder than words. And they're saying that her voting record is not with what aligns with them in terms of values, but they appreciate now having the chance to talk to the candidate, ask the questions, ask the tough questions and look for ways forward to move and protect our America, the one that we grew up in, the free country that we woke up in this morning. We are fighting to keep those values safe for the next number of years.


And our ground game has been very strong. And I can't say enough about the team that we've got working here in New Mexico. Unbelievable.


How does she reconcile the top of the ticket, which has said many times in the past that they oppose fossil fuels, they oppose fracking?


How does she reconcile that? Did she just pretended it never happened?


Yeah, it's really quite funny because we had our debates and I called her out straight up and said, you support you say you support Trump, though. You voted to impeach him twice. Will you yes or no, vote for the Biden Harris ticket and she wouldn't. Answer, she said, well, I'll work with anybody, that's her catchphrase, but finally, a few questions later, she came around and said, I support Joe Biden, but I don't support his energy policies.


Well, it's too late for that because New Mexico is not falling for this disingenuous act that she's already voted to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords. Joe Biden said on TV the other night said that he would join him. In fact, at the debate, he said the first thing he would do is join the Paris climate accord. I tell you, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are not for fracking. They're not for the Western way in life. They're not for what moves New Mexico in terms of ad fossil fuels.


And so she tours small, is right there with them. And like Trump said on our call the other day, she's a puppet for Pelosi. She voted to impeach him twice. And she's not what New Mexico needs in the second congressional district.


I'm talking to Yvette Harold. If people want to help you, where do they go?


They need to go to evet. Herel dot com. It's yv keyte. Herel h e r r e l l dot com. Marc, we need the help. We've done great, but we need help to finish this race and finish strong. They're outspending us about four to one right now, but they're not outworking us and we've got their grit and determination. But I would like to ask all your listeners to help help us finish strong so we can stay up on TV and and get this job done, because really, we're not fighting for just a second congressional district in New Mexico.


We're fighting for one nation under God to protect our constitution, our way of life. And I've got to just get a little shout out to the folks over at the Sierra County Republican meeting tonight. I spoke there right before you and I went on the air. And I want to make sure they're all listening and say hi, our best over there. I sure will. They're listening to us right now.


All right. Well, let's let's really get all excited and get out there and get our friends and our neighbors and our colleagues all over the country activated.


You not you know it. We can win the state for Trump. We can win it for me and we can win it, more importantly for America. So, Mark, I can't thank you enough for letting me be on your show tonight. I so enjoy it.


While it's a pleasure in America, it's Yvette Harrell.


That's why the ltte h e r e l dot com Mr. Produced.


Have we put it on my social sites? All right. And we know you that my wife and I, she is terrific and she'd be a great congresswoman. You really would.


That's event herald dot com y v e h e r e l l dot com.


They're going to help her. Please. Do she need your help yet? You know, the Democrats are killing our guys and gals in terms of fundraising, an enormous amount of money from Wall Street, an enormous amount of money from these billionaires who set up these dark front groups, an enormous amount of money from Hollywood. And they just need a little bit of help from us. So God bless you and good luck. Thank you so much.


And I appreciate it again, being on the show. And let's go get them. And let's do this again after we win on November 3rd.


Well said. Amen to you. She on election night, she won. And then, you know, the Democrats start because they control a lot of these secretaries of state. They start counting and they start finding these ballots. And that's the problem with this harvesting nonsense.


And then she had won the race and then it slipped away. And we have a number of individuals like that.


There was about there were about six or seven of them in California law. There were one or two in Pennsylvania. They do this harvesting. After the fact. They really are anti the franchise while they while they complain, you know, I hear these complaints, I've heard LeBron James make them in Atlanta. The lines go on for five hours. They go on and on and on.


Well, two things about that, as I said yesterday. Those are the communities to decide how many precincts they're going to have and where they're going to have them, nobody's telling them not to have more precincts. In Fulton County and in Atlanta, they want to have more precincts. Then the local government should set up more precincts and this is a minority controlled area, so why are you blaming it on white supremacy or systemic racism? That's number one. Number two.


How can you claim that there's voter suppression or oppression? When there's long lines of people voting, they don't close the precinct until everybody's vote, it doesn't approve the opposite. That there's so many people who want to vote, they actually get to vote. That's not voter suppression. That's Liberte. Liberte. It's really crazy listening to some of these dumb cuffs, but I haven't used that word in a long time. Mr. have you ever heard of that word, Tomka young guys?


I mean, whats that mean? Dummkopf Now, the Biden campaign is running ads aimed at women in the suburbs to show how he supports women. He treats them with respect. He's chosen Kamala Harris.


Joe Biden is a sleazeball, he's a pervert. How many women has he fondled during his long and less than illustrious career of all ages? Sniffing their hair, touching their shoulders, bizarre, kind of sick, actually, I noticed no mention of territory goes the way of the Hunter Biden laptop. It's as if she doesn't exist, no terrorist or the scores of other women who've come forward. No, no, no, they don't exist. So women in the suburbs just trying to appeal to you.


But he chose Kamala Harris really well. How did Kamala Harris treat Amy CONI Bharat? With contempt. With contempt, see, liberal women hate women who aren't liberal. It's as if they're not women. Liberal women hate women who are not liberal. And that's what people in the suburbs need to understand. Senior citizens need to understand that they're going to destroy your Medicare, they're going to lower the age to 60, which means a greater drain on Medicare, less people paying into it because a lot of people are going to give up work.


Plus, illegal aliens get free health care. Well, presumably that includes Medicare. But they don't tell you that I'm telling you that that's exactly what's going to happen. Donald Trump has massively lower the price of pharmaceuticals, including insulin.


And he said, once we have a vaccine, which will honestly be in a few months, according to the CEO of Pfizer. He's going to make it free for everyone. I don't know what else this man can do. I don't know what else he can do. I know that Democrats should have acted earlier. You should put a bag over your head, you should wear galoshes, you should work, wear, screw them.


They have no plans. They never had any plan. They didn't really plan in 2009. They haven't contributed anything to the advancement of the science, the technology, the therapies, the vaccines in dealing with this, not anything. In fact, they've been regressive. They've shut down economies. They've kept our schools closed. But the Democrats know how to do is to close things and destroy things, not to build things unless it's their own wealth and the government.


I'll be right back. My love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them, a man who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond.


Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.


Join amoc instead. A m c U.S..


Ladies and gentlemen, you see this Biden commercial where he has doctors, some of them are ICU doctors, and they're saying Biden has a plan. And by the way, they never say what his plan is. Well, several of these ICU doctors work for state run universities. One gentleman I've seen on that ad I'm familiar with, and he works for a state run medical university in the state of Virginia.


And he's on that commercial. Joe Biden has a plan that Donald Trump doesn't and so forth and so on seems highly inappropriate to me. That a that a school that at least partially receives an enormous amount of state tax dollars and is effectively a state run school in the Commonwealth of Virginia, has one of its ICU doctors on a commercial for but. And first of all, the whole commercial is a lie. Biden has no plan. What's his new plan?


It's a joke. Whatever he has, it's what it's what Trump has done. Trump has followed the science. So that commercial is a fraud commercial. I want you to listen carefully next time you see it and and hear what the doctors say the plan is, they don't say any damn thing. And I want you to know some of them, at least in part, on a public payroll. At least they're subsidized by taxpayers like me and you.


They're getting away with murder, that Biden campaign. It's unbelievable. All right, let's take a call here if we can squeeze a few in. I got one minute, Mark. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the great XM satellite. One minute. Go.


Hey, Mark. Hey, real quick, last night you were talking with Mayor Giuliani about the emails and how the the technician at that computer shop read them illegally, right? Well, I'm legally blind. And on most laptops, computers, there's assistive technology that's built in that will allow the computer of one person with a vision impairment to blind to navigate the computers and the keyboard, as you do with the with a mouse, for example. That's very cool.


Yeah, I use it. I use it. There's seven different programs. I mean, Microsoft and other third party software like jobs, so.


All right, my friend, thank you for calling and God bless you, too. What's the end of the program? But there's always tomorrow we salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel for 15 days away from the election. That gives you 15 days, really 14 days to get on the phone, get on your email, get on your text and help us get the vote out.


Please, please. See you tomorrow. From the Westwood One podcast network.