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Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College now and it's one hundred and seventy fifth year. Hillsdale is a truly independent institution where learning is prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hillsdale for their sponsorship is here.


Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin, our number 877 three eight one three eight one one 877 three eight one three eight one one now. American.


Let me tell you why you despise so much that goes on in Washington, D.C., let me tell you why you despise politicians generally and liberals in particular.


You had an entire hearing today on the Democrat side on nothing. Let's talk about Obamacare. The individual mandate was voted out of Obamacare a couple of years back. And that was the part. That was the part that was constitutionally sketch, in other words, unconstitutional. It was removed by Congress. At the behest of the president, the United States, it's not there anymore. So the administration is trying to strike, choose me, strike out the rest of Obamacare.


And unfortunately, from my perspective, it's unlikely to succeed. We have six justices already that have indicated. They're likely to uphold the rest of it now, why? Because they like it. Because they believe in the policy, because they think it's such a wonderful law, no. Because there's a judicial term called severability. Judges, particularly Supreme Court justices, if they can uphold a law, they'll uphold it if they feel it's constitutional. With the individual mandate now gone.


That's been severed. From the rest of the law. So the rest of the law is likely to stand and six justices have inferred at least that that's their intention. Now, the Democrats know this, the media know this, but they don't care. They don't care, and so. Half the day you're subjected to were subjected to photos of people who, if they lose their health care, they're going to die or go broke or what have you.


Now, these are very sad stories that have absolutely nothing to do with this hearing and absolutely nothing to do with this case. Zero. And so they turned. A hearing. Over the nomination of a Supreme Court justice. Into a Democrat Party commercial. Intending to pull at the heartstrings of senior citizens and women. Look what Trump is going to do to you. Look what Trump. Trump's not going to do anything to you. Even though this is aimed at suburban women in particular and seniors.


So unfortunately, Obamacare is likely to stand. It's likely to stand all those photos, all the drama, all the theatrics and outrageous, contemptible act by the Democrats who think everybody's stupid. Who think everybody's stupid? And this is entirely intended to help Joe Biden. That's what they did to the oversight hearing today on whether or not to confirm. Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States. Another mockery. Another complete mockery. Obamacare, Obamacare sucks.


For those who are required to use it, it stinks, the premiums are through the roof, the deductibles are through the roof. Some states you have no choices whatsoever. Other states may be, too. But the fact of the matter is the coverage is quite poor. But, Mark, what about pre-existing conditions? First of all, again, this law is very unlikely to be struck down on the legal theory that I mentioned and the fact that there have been inferences made by at least six justices who are currently on the court.


But I don't know of a single Republican senator or for that matter, a single Democrat senator. Who has said they don't support mandating pre-existing conditions so they would pass a law compelling insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions? That's it. Nobody's going to fall through any hole. Moreover, states already do that for the most part. Remember, most of these insurance companies aren't regulated by the federal government. They're regulated by the states. And in virtually every instance, they're required to cover pre-existing conditions.


So another straw man, another phony issue. Pre-existing conditions won't be covered. And then finally, Judge Barry, we've no idea how Judge Barrett would rule. When it comes to the Obamacare case and we're not supposed to. So the Democrats just view this as a politbureau that they want to control. And the irony throughout all this, they complain about the process. Is that the very senator sitting there and pontificating? Starting with Kamala Harris. Have every intention of destroying the Supreme Court by packing it so all the niceties of the Constitution, all the niceties of the issue of Obamacare and pre-existing condition they intend to destroy.


The Supreme Court. And we should stop asking Biden whether he's going to do it and we ought to tell the American people he's going to do it. He is going to destroy the Supreme Court, the Senate is sitting there on the Judiciary Committee, have every intention of destroying the Supreme Court. So when they sit there.


And want to know about Barritt and. Want to know about the court and want to know what? None of it matters to them in the end. Because their plan is to add six more justices, and I hear that's the plan to make it 15, just like FDR wanted to, but was blocked by his own party. Then Barrett is of no consequence. And Clarence Thomas is of no consequence. And Sam Alito is of no consequence on the rest of them are of no consequence.


Because they're going to pack the court, so when you watch these court gestures up there with big posters of individuals who presumably won't get the magnificent Obamacare coverage. Here's my problem. In part, the Republicans are utterly unprepared, Mr. Producer.


They're ready to debate the technicalities of this section or that section of the Constitution, which is perfectly fine, but the Democrats are playing on a political level. They're trying to win this election and they're using this nomination politically. So it's OK to argue the Constitution, but you must push back. How about some photographs? A veterans who died, over 300000 of them. When Obama and Biden. We're running the federal government, Obamacare and Obamacare, they died.


And they had VA coverage. Veterans Administration, which is even more comprehensive than Obamacare, they died. They have got to learn how to push back. They have got to learn how to play the Democrats game. I know it's unseemly. I know it's it's frustrating. But this isn't a serious hearing for the Democrats, it's exploitive, and so they played to the media, they played to the cameras. Obamacare and next, Roe v. Wade, they say.


And then they lie, we have six conservative justices, ladies and gentlemen, John Roberts is not going to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.


Period, period. That's five justices. And I doubt that Gorsuch would agree to that. And I doubt that Cavnar would agree with that, so those of you who favor slaughtering human babies, you're safe.


It's OK. It's a choice. Don't worry about it. And so this is a lie, and Roe v. Wade is a disgrace. It's a pathetic opinion. It's incoherent. Everybody agrees. But there's another policy objective.


If Congress and the American people so overwhelmingly want abortion on demand, on demand and paid for by the American people, then why don't they amend the Constitution? The answer is the American people don't. That's the answer. But for you left us out there, Roe v. Wade will not be overturned, so you should be very excited with your death cult. Very, very excited. So that's the second lie. And we even have one senator. Chris Coons, he's on TV all the time, is considered, you know, this is a rational guy, this Chris.


Oh, yeah, he's a rational guy. We got to bring him on TV to show that, you know, that we're going to have Democrats on the you know, what he claims today. Well, let's get cut 16, Mr. Producer, cut 16, go, judge, I'm I'm deeply concerned about ways in which your approach to something that may sound abstract to folks watching stare decisis or precedent, that means your approach to reviewing and reconsidering and possibly overturning long settled cases may let me stop you.


Right there was Dred Scott to settle case. Dred Scott, you remember Dred Scott, right, chief justice of the United States, Taney wrote the opinion. Holding that slaves are not people. That was a settled case. How about Plessy vs. Ferguson? Separate but equal is equal. That was a settled case. How about Korematsu? When FDR rounded up Japanese Americans and Americans of Japanese descent, that was OK, I can go through a whole bunch of cases where we really don't want the precedent and cases should be overturned.


Right. Ladies and gentlemen, you're damn right. Anyway, let's go to this low IQ, Senator. Go ahead.


Some of the very principles for which Justice Ginsburg fought her entire adult life, principles that protect settled fundamental rights for all Americans. What might this mean? Cases like Griswold versus Connecticut that established married couples have a right to obtain and use contraception in the Privacy Act. All right. All right.


So another way you see the fear mongering in the scare attack is how many are you going to fall for this? That is, Justice Barrett would vote. To allow states to outlaw contraceptives, how many of you are going to buy this? How many of you are going to believe this? It's so outrageous. So appalling. She said nothing of the sort. You should be disgusted with these Democrat. More when I return, I'll be right back. Much love in.


Folks, I have something serious to talk to you about. I don't have to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country. One side in our country claims that America was founded on bad principles and built on oppression. They've even put together a distorted history of America. The New York Times, 16 19 project. The other side knows, like you do, that our country has done more to achieve and advance liberty than any other in history.


The best way to fight back teach the truth. Today we can learn the true story of America from the college that's better at teaching it than any other Hillsdale College. My friends at Hillsdale have put together a great free online course called The Great American Story A Land of Hope. And folks, that's just what we need right now. Hope so. Get inspired. Sign up today for free at Lhevinne for Hillsdale, Dotcom, Freehills, Hillsdale course on the glorious history of the last, best hope on Earth America and share it with others.


That's leavin for Hillsdale Dotcom. Leavin for Hillsdale Dotcom.


So the Democrats want to pack the court now. What does that mean to your liberties and rights? I want to talk about rights. Let's talk about real liberties and rights like the Bill of Rights. It means the freedom of religion will be destroyed.


It means the freedom of assembly. We'll be destroyed if you don't assemble with the right people. It means your right to bear arms and protect yourselves under the Second Amendment. We'll be destroyed. It means due process in many instances. We'll be destroyed. It means equal protection in many instances we'll be destroyed. It means the taking clause where the federal government is supposed to reimburse you when they take your home as an example will be eliminated. It means for certain crimes will be strict liability crimes without probable cause eliminated.


It means the Ninth Amendment, which they already ignore, will be eliminated, the Ninth Amendment represents your unalienable rights as expressed in the Declaration of Independence. It means the 10th Amendment and federalism will be eliminated unless they think it can help undermine further your individual liberties and the Constitution, like with sanctuary cities. It means they will destroy the Constitution's Electoral College Clause. It means they will destroy the whole notion of a bicameral Congress by forever changing the United States Senate as an appendage of the Democrat Party.


Let's talk about your liberties and your rights. It means the private sector will be the plaything of the centralized big government iron fist of the left. You'll have government run health care, whether you like it or not. They're going to eliminate charter schools and all opportunities to send your children to alternatives to government schools, they've all but said it. They will give illegal aliens the same rights as citizens and in some of their cities, they even have a right to vote.


You can see that expanding. Mark, what are you saying? I'm saying exactly what they intend. Illegal aliens, they've already said, should get health care, well, there goes Medicare debt, because when people don't pay into a program and they get 100 percent of the benefits, no program can sustain that. Medicare will be debt. Social Security will be dead. And what else? Our constitutional system of checks and balances will not exist any longer.


What will happen to your children and your grandchildren under those circumstances, you saw what took place in the streets, the law of the streets took place over the summer, rioting and demands. White privilege, systemic racism. These will be enshrined in our law and enshrined in what's left of our Constitution. Meaning individuals alone will not be judged by their own character. Individuals will not be judged based on their merit. Individuals will not be judged based on what's between their ears and in their hearts and in their souls.


But what's between their legs and the color of their skin? As the nation trivialises Balkanised, yes, that's what your children and your grandchildren have to look forward to, this is the Democrat Party. This is what they want to do to America. They can hold up all the posters they want. But make no mistake about it, their target is the Constitution. It stands in their way and they want to devour the Supreme Court, devour the Senate, devour the electorate.


And then it's over over for all time. I'll be right back. Folks, I have something serious to talk to you about. I don't have to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country. One side in our country claims that America was founded on bad principles and built on oppression. They've even put together a distorted history of America. The New York Times, 16 19 project. The other side knows, like you do, that our country has done more to achieve and advance liberty than any other in history.


The best way to fight back teach the truth. Today we could learn the true story of America from the college that's better at teaching it than any other Hillsdale College. My friends at Hillsdale have put together a great free online course called The Great American Story A Land of Hope. And folks, that's just what we need right now. Hope so. Get inspired. Sign up today for free at Lhevinne, for Hillsdale Dotcom for Hillsdale. Course on the glorious history of the last, best hope on Earth America and share it with others.


That's leavin for Hillsdale Dotcom 11 for Hillsdale Dotcom. If you turn off your radio and open the window, you can probably hear him straight from the studio. Call Mark Levin at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one man, Joe Morgan died today.


Great second baseman, maybe one of the greatest for the Cincinnati Reds, you know, last month, Tom Seaver died.


Last week, Bob Gibson died. Today, Joe Morgan died.


You know, my childhood or not childhood, but my teen years at least, these were my sports icons. It's really sad to see this. And three of the greatest ever, just tremendous. Perhaps you've been watching the last 24, 48 hours where the Trump campaign ran an ad. Which features, in part, Dr. Falchi. Praising the administration. Now, we're going to get into this since it was my show and my interview on the one to interview Dr.


Fauci at the old executive office building where he made these comments.


And I'll tell you what's shocking in it's. They've been playing this all over Fox, and not once have they mentioned it was on life, liberty and and can somebody explain that to me? They've been playing it all over cable TV, other networks, and not once did they mention it was my interview. In the newspapers, they almost don't mention was my interview on. This is how much. Well, I better not say. But it was a serious interview.


Like all of my interviews, a series of interviews. It's watching my friends on Fox and Friends this morning never said a word, I don't know why I you know, it's bizarre. Because I'm the one who can dig into this. I'm the one who can explain what he said to me face to face, I'm the one who asked them and we're going to get into this. Because Dr. Fauci. Dr. Foushee. Is deceiving the American people. Donald Trump is the head of the Trump administration.


Donald Trump chose the task force. Donald Trump appointed the vice president all the final decision to be made by Donald Trump. Mr. FOUT, Dr. Falchi said to me that Donald Trump, each and every time he would raise an issue with him about science, even if Trump disagreed, he would go along with Falchi.


He praised the president. And now you're fools at The Washington Post. Fools that The New York Times fools at CNN and MSNBC and elsewhere trying to pretend he didn't.


Why are they trying to pretend he didn't?


Other than the fact that they have this narrative that the president, the United States screwed up on the virus. This is the Democrat Party narrative. They've spent tens of millions of dollars pushing this.


And yet. Falchi praised the president, praised the administration, praised the task force, all of them. And now he's reversing course, he's spinning and I would argue lying. And I was there face to face with Dr. Falchi, this is the Trump ad. And again, it is bizarre to me. I interviewed for an hour and half an hour and a half hour the vice president, United States as head of the task force, so we really dug into the coronavirus.


And Dr. Fauci, at least at the time, was very forthcoming. And so I would encourage cable TV and network TV the next time you use my interview. Have a Kairouan or at least say it. Here's the ad cut one go, President Trump is recovering from the coronavirus and so is America. Together, we rose to meet the challenge, protecting our seniors, getting the life saving drugs in record time, sparing no expense. President Trump tackled the virus head on as leaders should.


I can't imagine that anybody could be doing more. We'll get through this together. But I'm not afraid I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message. Mm hmm. A perfect commercial. I've been wondering and waiting. When are they going to run something like this?


Well, of course, Dr. Fauci, he's been in Washington longer than by half a century. His liberal friends in the media don't like this, Hillary Clinton, who he wrote love letters to, clearly doesn't like this, the Democrat Party.


How dare you use the Fouche? You can't use the Fouche. Why not? So let's cut into some of this. This was March 22nd on Life, Liberty and Love in March 22nd, Cutforth, go to Foushee.


Let me ask you a question. You've been doing this a long time. Have you ever seen this big of a coordinated response by an administration to do such a threat, a health threat? Well, we've never had a threat like this. And the coordinated response has been there are a number of agencies to really describe it. Impressive.


I think they've been impressive. Wow. The coordinated response has been impressive. Which administration is this, is it at the Obama Biden administration, no. It's the Trump Pence administration. Go ahead, one of them I mean, we're talking about all hands on deck, is that I, I as one of many people on a team, I'm not the only person since the beginning that we even recognized what this was. I have been devoting almost full time on this almost full time.


I'm down at the White House virtually every day.


Excuse me, ask where are you? You're down at the White House almost every day, is your office at the White House now, so you dine at the White House almost every day working with the task force.


And the Trump administration. Imagine that, go ahead. I'm connected by phone throughout the day and into the night, when I say night, I'm talking 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 in the morning, I'm not the only one. There's a whole group of us that are doing that.


There's a whole group, I think we call it the task force that the president appointed and the vice president is in charge of. Imagine that. Any similar thing with Obama, Biden? No, of course not. Go ahead. Every single day, so I can't imagine that that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more.


Oh, I can't imagine anybody could be doing more. The team, right, the administration, right. Of course, that's what he was talking about. Not himself. Go ahead. Obviously, we're fighting a formidable enemy, this virus. This virus is a serious issue here. Take a look at what it's done to China, to Europe, to South Korea. I mean, it's serious. And our response is aimed and I know you've heard that many, many times.


And this is true. I mean, I deal with viruses my entire career. When you have an outbreak virus, if you leave it to its own devices, it will pick up and then come back down. Well, we learned from China that letting it pick up is really bad because it can do some serious damage. So we are focused now like a laser on doing whatever we can. And there are two or three things that deserve mention to make this peak actually be a mound, which means you're going to have suffering, you're going to have illness, you're going to have death, but it's not going to be the maximum that the virus can do.


A couple of ways to do that. Wait a minute.


So it's not going to be the maximum because. What the team, the task force. The Trump Pence administration are doing. Imagine that I had burst was, as we say all the time, the very timely decision on the part of the president to shut off travel from China. Wait a minute.


Wait a minute. The very timely decision by the president of China was from China, which Biden opposed. He posed for like two months. Wow, so Biden had been president potentially a million or two people would have died in this country. You just heard Foushee, didn't you, Mr. Producer, didn't you, America? And by the way, Falchi opposed it. Go ahead. We saw that there was this possibility of people coming in and seeding in the country.


We did it early and as it turned out, there were relatively few cases in the big picture of things that came in from China. Unfortunately for our colleagues, many of whom are my friends and people that I've trained actually in medicine in European countries, they didn't do that. And they got hit really hard and are being hit really hard. The first thing second thing, when the infection burden shifted from China to Europe, we did the same thing with Europe.


We shut off travel from many saying this save lives.


The president. Off travel, the infectious disease director does not have the power to do that, the president shut off China, the president shut off Europe. Wow. What Joe Biden have done that, no, he would not have done that. Now, this is flouncy. Go ahead, which, again, was another safeguard to prevent influx from without in the other way you do it is by containment and mitigation. And now everybody knows what the word mitigation means because it's the things that we're doing.


No crowds work from home. Don't go to places that you can be susceptible. 10 people in a room, not 50 and 100 people stay away from theatres, take the elderly people who are susceptible and have them do self isolation, stay at a bar, stay at a restaurant. If you're in an area where there's a lot of coronavirus activity, close the bars, close the restaurant. That's heavy duty litigation. So I think with all of those things going on at the same time, I believe we we're already doing it.


But you just can't notice it yet because you have the dynamics of the virus going up. We're trying to put it down. You're not really sure quantitatively what you're doing, but you can be actually certain that we're having an impact on it.


This sounds like a man. He was very proud of what they've been doing, that they're on top of the issue. Now, who do they all work for, they work for the president of the United States president, United States can be proud of what his team has done. And his decisions, and so the ad is misleading. It's out of context, here's the whole context, Mr. Producer, here's the whole context, America. He's beating his chest, he's so excited about what the administration's been doing.


Go ahead. Now, there's another part here, I hope we captured it somewhere in these clips where I asked him if the president follows the science.


He said yes. President follows the science. Let's see if we can find out. We'll be right back. Much love in. Folks, I have something serious to talk to you about, I don't have to tell you that we're in a fight for the soul of the country. One side in our country claims that America was founded on bad principles and built on oppression. They've even put together a distorted history of America. The New York Times, 16 19 project.


The other side knows, like you do, that our country has done more to achieve and advance liberty than any other in history. The best way to fight back teach the truth. Today we can learn the true story of America from the college that's better at teaching it than any other Hillsdale College. My friends at Hillsdale have put together a great free online course called The Great American Story A Land of Hope. And folks, that's just what we need right now.


Hope so. Get inspired. Sign up today for free at Lhevinne for Hillsdale, Dotcom, Freehills, Hillsdale course on the glorious history of the last, best hope on Earth America and share it with others. That's leavin for Hillsdale Dotcom. Leavin for Hillsdale Dotcom.


More Dr. Park from my interview on March 22nd, cut five, go here, impressed every day, 20 hours a day of what's taking place.


How about the private sector impressed with their reaction? Well, I'm impressed with the fact that when the president called the private sector into the cabinet room and into the Roosevelt Room and said, we need to step up.


When you hear that, see, I'm doing the whole thing in context. I was taken out of context point after point after point after point. You can see Trump leadership, the leadership of the Trump administration. It's stronger when you hear the whole thing than when you just hear the one sentence go ahead hours to have a lot more bandwidth, if you want to call it that. I mean, particularly with the idea of when we were stalling early on a bit with the testing, they said, OK, we need high throughput testing, we need the companies that make it to get it out there and can implement that.


And to their credit, the companies step to the plate. So that's the reason why we are seeing and will be seeing quite soon a major escalation in the ability to be doing testing. There's this statement put out, some in the press, some of the opposition party, the president that the president doesn't follow, the science president following the science. Every single time that I am, I say every day it's like almost every day. It's not like a once a month.


We're in the in the task force meeting. There are several of us, myself included. I'm not the only one that's a scientist or a public health person. There are other people who have other responsibilities. So we get a good sampling of of expertise that you need. And it's led by the vice president, Secretary Azis there as the secretary of HHS. And we talk about every aspect and we we make all of our decisions and recommendations that are based on the science.


I have never in that room listened, had a situation where I said scientifically, this is the right thing to do it. And they said, don't do it, or scientifically, this is the wrong thing to do. And they did it anyway. Then we get up and we present it to the president and he asks a lot of questions. That's his nature. He's constantly asking the question. And I never in the multiple times that I've done that, where I said it for scientific reasons, we really shouldn't do this, that he hasn't said let's do it, or when he's decided not to sign it, when he suggests, why don't we do this?


And I say, no, that's really not a good idea from a scientific standpoint. He has never overruled me.


All right. So let's let's regroup. He says the entire response has been impressive. He doesn't think anybody could be doing more. He lodged a decision on China and the subsequent decision on Europe. And he talks almost braggadocio about the social controls that they've put in place. He's impressed by the president meeting with the private sector and telling them to step it up. And he says each and every time, each and every time we raise the science with the president, the president has agreed with us.


Ladies and gentlemen. The media have been lying for the last 24 to 48 hours. Obviously, Dr. Falchi has reversed course, and unfortunately now he's trying to undermine the president of the United States. The fact of the matter is, I did this interview. It's on video. The commercial only takes one sentence. If you had all the sentences that you used would even be more impressive. The fact is that Falchi is praising the president, praising the Trump administration, praising the task force.


I'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. This is here. Now we're broadcasting from the underground command post deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mike. America, Mark Levin here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Now, you know, why not a single news organization in the entire country?


Not even my own network. Asked me to comment on my interview of Dr Foushee, not one. Because I remember it front to end. There are at least six or seven lines in that interview that could have been used in a Trump ad. Now, Dr. Fauci says, in all my years. I've never been used in a campaign ad before. This is amazing coming from a man who's been on hundreds, hundreds. Of TV shows and interviews and so forth and so on, but don't use it in an ad.


No, no, no, no, no. How absurd is that, ladies and gentlemen? He's a public figure making public comments about one of the biggest public issues of our time, don't use it in an ad, of course. Of course, the Trump administration. And the Trump campaign should continue to use it in ads. Because it's the truth. It's the truth. You know, the media gets very excited. Very excited when there are Republicans who endorse Joe Biden for president.


And a lot of these Republicans cannot get attention and certainly not positive media unless they do exactly that.


You've got Carly Fiorina.


Remember her, John Kasich, remember him? Colin Powell, Christine Whitman, Chuck Hagel, who's who's kind of a clown anyway, wasn't he like an Obama defense secretary? I think he was Ray LaHood who was like an Obama transportation secretary.


Anthony Scaramucci, a complete schmuck. David Durenberger. What did he have some kind of ethics issue, whatever it was? At a Minnesota John Warner of Virginia, I think he's about 112 now, and he undermined Ollie North when Ollie North was running for the Senate. Jeff Flake, yes, he is.


And then there are others. I'm looking at the list here. We've got let's see. Former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder disaster. Bill, well, who's a who's a complete schmuck? I know him well, and he turned on my boss, the attorney general, and stabbed him in the back. And as I say, there are others. Several others, Tom Ridge is an example. Well, I want you to remember those names. Because they're all supporting a candidate who wants to destroy the Supreme Court, destroy the Senate, destroy the Electoral College, destroy our health care, who believes in open borders?


And has signed on to the most radical agenda in American political history, every one of those Republicans is now voting for that.


But there's even more. Ever hear of Angela Davis? Some of you are too young. Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Frances Fox Piven, these are all radicals, socialists, Marxists. The worst. In my view, the worst. You got to do a Google and Angela Davis. Well, guess what they're doing. They're all endorsing Biden. Where did I find this, the people's world dog, the people's world dot org, I assume that's some kind of a Marxist operation?


I don't know. So they're joining John Kasich and Tom Ridge and so forth and so on because. They say we've got to stop Trump. And so we've got to vote for Biden. Angela Davis, Noam Chomsky, Cornel West and Frances Fox Piven are among many prominent left wing voices there, more than left wing who are encouraging a vote for Biden. Harris take it despite the shortcomings of the candidates in order to block the greater danger posed by Trump's continued occupancy of the White House.


Now, think about those Colin Powell joined in with Angela Davis. Alarm over the prospect of a second Trump presidency and desire for substantial change is preparing the ground for an unprecedented voter turnout in November. This is from this commie rag, the virtual Democratic National Convention showcase, the vast array of support coalescing around former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Harris. That support ranges from former Ohio Republican Governor Kasich to socialist Bernie Sanders. He's a Marxist, a spectrum so broad.


Makes that required turnout a real possibility. November is about stopping fascism in America, and that's what Donald Trump represents since Alexandrea Ocasio Cortez.


What a post she is, by the way. What an ignorant.


Surface buffoon. Let's see here, the Working Families Party and the Center for Popular Democracy have jointly pledged to mobilize the vote for Biden Harris.


So the ultra radical way, way out redds in this country are organizing for Biden. You hear that suburbs, both groups have a base of progressive activists and backed Sanders in the primary. Both groups vow to keep fighting for a progressive agenda. Biden's elected, so Biden's elected, and they've already put this group together with a demand agenda. It's just the beginning. CPD director Jennifer Addison hopes to convince those active in the streets that the next step to take is voting and voting for Biden.


I'm excited, said Angela Davis, Biden's historic pick of Harris for vice president. Now, this isn't to say Kamala Harris doesn't have problematic areas of her record, but I think it's a feminist approach to be able to work with those contradictions, to be able to dwell there. So in the context, I say I'm very excited. Davis, this other communist right about that, Davis was a political prisoner for her work in the fight for black liberation in the early 70s and was the vice presidential candidate of the Communist Party USA in 1980 and 1984.


Now, even though Donald Trump and you support white supremacists, he's a part of the the corrupt drunk with stupidity media.


All of them keep asking that question.


Joe Biden was just endorsed by Angela Davis, who ran as the vice presidential candidate, the Communist Party USA 1980 and 1984, will he be asked?


To distance himself from them, will he be asked this a serious. Because she was violent, Angela Davis was a violent communist. She was part of the violent uprising in the 1970s. So my question is. Will Joe Biden be asked if he rejects the support of Angela Davis? Who was the vice presidential candidate of Communist Party USA in 1980, 94, and suburbs and seniors. I just want you to know she's endorsed Biden. I'm not a socialist.


I'm a moderate.


Oh, yeah. OK, got it. Well, critical of Biden's shortcoming on several issues, Davis added, and I'm reading from this world, people, dog, we have to get rid of the person who's in office at the moment, whose name I will not pronounce.


And it's really a question of who we will be able to pressure.


That's the organizing upgrade editor Max Elbaum has argued against the strategy of electoral abstention or third party voting, quote, The central polarization in the country today is between Trump's block driving toward authoritarian rule versus a majority opposition.


That for all the vacillations and boy, this guy's a headcase. Can't even understand what he's saying, can you? Over 40 democratic socialist signed a letter in the nation calling for Trump's defeat. The signers say the priority for the left in 2020 should be the electoral defeat of Donald Trump and the Trump Republican Party in November. At present, the only way to accomplish that will be to vote for his Democratic opponent. Trump's commitment to the destruction of basic needs are from communist's.


By the way, I'm told by my friend risperidone on this is the newspaper of the Communist Party that I'm reading from. Trump his commitment to the destruction of basic democratic institutions, the right to vote. An independent judiciary isn't that precious, a free press, even more precious Congress is a coequal branch of government. The sovereign character of state governments would make further pursuit of a progressive agenda impossible.


The letter includes the appeal was initiated by the North Star Caucus for Socialism and Democracy.


Signers include Cornel West, you've seen that idiot on TV, Frances Fox Piven, who argues for riots in order to change society, Gus Newport, Katha Pollitt, Carl Davidson, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Fletcher, and a list that has grown to over 200 special people.


The communist paper says as Trump continues to assault democracy plots to steal the election and polarize the nation with bigotry and hate, the urgency grows for his defeat.


But the Communist Party is ready. And so is Tom Ridge. Carly Fiorina. John Kasich, Colin Powell, Jeff Flake. Chuck Hagel. Christine Whitman. John Warner. And so many other reprobates. And has been they join so moronic, are they with Angela Davis, Frances Fox Piven, Noam Chomsky and Cornel West and the Communist Party USA.


In voting for Biden and trying to defeat Trump. Isn't it sickening beyond belief, sickness and these republics? Apparently have no problem with packing the court. A generation of Democrat rule in the Senate by packing the Senate, pushing through the most radical kind of legislation, by getting rid of the filibuster and destroying representation for tens of millions of Americans with the assault on the Electoral College.


That's who these Republicans are. But don't worry, they'll get a headline and some liberal newspaper. They they'll get a headline in The People's World newspaper, the communist newspaper. That has exactly the same goals as they do. I'll be right back, my love in. I'm going to be really direct with you if your cellular plan is with Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, you're simply paying way too much for the exact same coverage you would get right now with pure talk.


So look at your cell phone bill where it shows data usage. The average person who switches to pure talk is using less than four gigs of data a month. But the big carriers are charging you for unlimited data. It's like paying for an entire row on an airplane, but only needing one seat. That's how pure talk saves the average person over four hundred dollars a year on their wireless service, unlimited talk, text and two gigs of data, all for just twenty dollars a month.


And if you go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it. So folks, switching to pure talk is the easiest decision you'll make today. Go to pure talk to USA Dotcom and then a Promo Code Luvin podcast. When you do, you'll say 50 percent off your first month. That's pure talk. USA Dotcom Promo Code Leevi and podcast that's live in podcast Pure Talk USA Simply Smarter Wireless. How many of you believe in infanticide? What are you scientists say out there, you climate experts, infanticide, those are babies, right?


Right, aren't those babies I want to ask the climate change experts, the scientists, those are babies, right? By every definition. By every measure. Well, the Democrats pack the Supreme Court.


Infanticide will not only be constitutional, you'll be paying for it.


Free medical care for illegal aliens will not only be constitutional, but you'll be paying for it and every human being should have the right to vote. I'm sure the Democrats will push that even for non-citizens and that court will uphold it. It will uphold the most extreme agenda you can imagine.


Because it's not there to uphold the Constitution, it's up there to do the dirty work of the Democrat Party. Now I'm going to prove to you what a liar and a coward Joe Biden is.


Here's what he said in 1983 during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on packing the court, Cat six go, President Roosevelt clearly had the right to send to the United States Senate, the United States Congress, a proposal to pack the court. It was totally within his right to do that. He violated no law. He was legalistically absolutely correct. But it was a bonehead idea. It was a terrible, terrible mistake to make. And it put in question for an entire decade, the independence of the most significant body, including the Congress, in my view, the most significant body in this country, the Supreme Court of the United States of America.


Of course, he's an idiot, supposed to be a coequal branch. But now here's Joe Biden in Las Vegas this Saturday. Kate, seven go.


I've got to ask you about packing the courts. And I know that you said yesterday you are going to answer that question until after the election. But this is the number one thing that I've been asked about from viewers in the past couple of days. Well, you've been asked by the viewers who are probably Republicans who don't want me continuing to talk about what they're doing to the court right now or don't the voters deserve to know? No, they don't.


I'm not going to play his game. He'd love me to talk about. And I've already said something on the record that he allowed that to be the discussion instead of what he's doing now. He's about he's about to make a pick in the middle of an election, first time it's ever been done. First time in history. It's ever been done.


Hey, ladies and gentlemen, he's such a liar.


He's he's so sleazy for the vast majority of our history. We didn't have this early voting. You had some absentee voting, but he didn't have millions of people voting early with in ballots and all the rest of it. So now we're in the middle of voting. Used to be November 3rd. That was Election Day. So when he says this is the first time in the history it's in the middle of voting, you can see what a sleaze Joe Biden is.


He's always been a sleaze.


That's number one. Number two, he said it was a bonehead idea in 1983. OK, now it's 2020. Can he just say it's a bonehead idea? This guy flip flops, flops, flips more than John Kerry ever did.


Now, the reason is he knows he will lose his base. But they have every intention of packing the court and not only does that destroy our constitutional system with one vote. One law. But it affect your life mightily because the Supreme Court now is far more powerful than the framers ever intended.


Whether it's social issues involving your church or synagogue or your mosque.


Abortion and prayer. Well, that social issues. Well, it's other issues and involving your health care. Your freedom of movement. Whatever it is, the court has gotten into everything, everything. And OS and so now what they want is this massive. Control a politbureau. That will not serve as a real court, it will serve as an old Soviet style or a common. Communist Chinese court today, that's what they want. That's how these these dictators handle this and so they can go on and on about Trump, the autocrat.


Trump has never suggested changing the Constitution or changing these institutions. He's not the one who's proposed adding seats to the Supreme Court. He's not the one who's proposed adding Republican seats to the Senate. He's not the one attacking our electoral system. That is the the manner in which we like presidents today through the Electoral College.


It's the Democrats. I just hope there's enough of us who are smart enough to figure this all, you know, during the debate. He was he was interrupting.


Who cares? Who gives a damn? A year, two or three from now, God forbid, if the Democrats sweep the elected branches. And to destroy our health care and to destroy the nature of citizenship and they confer all manner of rights. And welfare on illegal aliens. If they destroy our Supreme Court, to destroy our Senate and ram through all kinds of changes in our society, in our lives. Are you going to be thinking about interruptions during a debate, for God's sakes, wake the hell up, everybody.


For God's sakes, don't let the media spin you. It's not about a debate, it's not about interruptions. It's about the life and death of this republic. It's that simple. I'll be right back. So I've been watching these riots around the country, I'm absolutely sickened, sure most of you are. You know, John Locke once said law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and a large freedom where there's no law, there's no freedom.


You want to let rioters burn down your cities. There goes your freedom. You want to get rid of cops. There goes your freedom. You want to elect Joe Biden. There goes your freedom. As you've heard me say many times, I have a liberty agenda and it live on TV, which airs on Blaze TV. You can watch this come to life with our conservative pro-American content that reveres our Constitution and champions our individual freedoms. This is what we do each and every day.


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covid, an unapologetic patriot and unapologetic constitutionalist, you can reach him at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one, by the way.


Next hour, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee will be joining us, Lindsey Graham. And we have other guests. And but here's my surprise. The press in the United States, this man is unbelievable. He gets through the coronavirus. They just keep attacking him and he will not he will not relent.


And here he is in Sanford, Florida. Go ahead.


We'll take a live disaster declaration for the state of Florida. And I'll be with you through every step of the rebuilding and you'll be hit with others. The one thing we know about Florida, you're very good at this stuff. You get hit by hurricanes and you rebuild and you rebuild fast. And it's incredible. I've watched. I've watched. And you don't want much help either. You're proud people. You're incredible people. You put it back together. But we're there for you all the way.


And we're there monetarily and we're there with FEMA. And I think Ron Freeman has been incredible. Everything right there. They've been incredible. Thank you to FEMA. We have a lot of FEMA people here, right over there. We spent the last four years reversing the damage Biden has inflicted over the last forty seven years with that ridiculous dumb thought. NAFTA, TPP and China's entry into the World Trade Organization, a disaster for our country. You know, China is considered a developing nation.


I stop that. China's capacity to develop. In other words, China is so wonderful that developing isn't that nice. Now, by being a developing nation, they get much more benefits than a nation. That's not a developing. So I said, well, we're a developing nation, too, if they're a developing nation and we just won, you know, this we just won seven and a half billion dollars from the World Trade Organization plus. And from the World Health Organization, I took this out, they said, why do you do that?


I said, number one, they were wrong on everything, although they corrected themselves today and they said I was right or the lockdown's, but I said no to why are we paying 500 million a year? And China, which has one point four billion people, is paying thirty nine million. He explained that they couldn't explain. It was very hard to explain. So I took us out for that and other reasons. OK, so we'll see what happens with that.


But these are the deals I could go over hundreds of different things with you and just common sense, I mean, common sense, what what we do think of it, World Health Organization, we spend we have three hundred and twenty five million people. We spend five hundred million dollars. China spends thirty nine million dollars and China dominates them. I said, does it work that way anymore? Does it work that way anymore? They'll take us back in so fast that much less money.


For decades, our politicians spent trillions and trillions of dollars rebuilding foreign nations, fighting foreign wars and defending foreign borders. But now we are finally protecting our nation, rebuilding our cities, and we are bringing our jobs and our factory and our troops back home to the USA. It's a remarkable man in the hospital, not that long, invisible days of betrayal, and that's what we were. We were betrayed by our own politicians, whether it was on purpose or that they were just plain stupid.


We'll come back with unprecedented force if Washington Democrats are allowed to take control again, we can't let it happen. You have got to get out and vote. Sleepy Joe Biden. And it wasn't him, it's the people that control him, he's controlled totally has put forward the most radical platform in American history, including a plan to eliminate U.S. borders. Oh, that's wonderful. Wisoff border. We don't have one. Just come in, everybody. Come on in.


Come on in, everybody. If you're a murderer, if you're a rapist, if you're very, very sick with a disease that could spread all over, just come on. And now, you know, we're up to almost 400 miles of wall. Nobody talks about that anymore. And we now have the tightest, safest border in our country's history, but we're up to almost 400 miles. It'll be finished very soon and it's top of the line.


It's exactly what Border Patrol wanted. But by implementing nationwide catch and release, imposing deadly sanctuary cities nationwide, nationwide, they want sanctuary cities. That's what they want. I don't even think I'll tell you. I know a lot of people in California, they don't want sanctuary cities. It's like the politicians want it. I don't think the people want it, but they want to suspend all removals of illegals out of our country, whether they're murderers, rapists, thugs, bank robbers.


They don't care. They wanted to spend. You almost say, where the hell are they coming from? Where does it even where does the thought process come? It's demented. It would mean the total nullification of all U.S. borders overwhelming every city and town in America, including this wonderful place that we all love very much. Under my leadership, we achieved the most secure border in U.S. history and we're finishing that war. It's going to be finished and so beautiful.


Why did you see that? When you see. A few more months, we're doing 10 miles a day, and by the way, Mexico is paying the hate to say it, Mexico is paying for. And Mexico has been great, you know, Mexico, let's talk about a few more things here, although I could listen to him all night, couldn't you? But I want to hit a few things you may not be aware of.


The Economist is no friend of the president of the United States.


It's actually quite liberal. And I want to read a paragraph that's in an article they've published that's really quite fascinating. Again, they're not they're no fan of the president, but I want you to listen to this. Because these polls may be dispiriting, you and I want to get you excited and motivated, most of you are, and I hope you're the Thomas Paine's and the Paul Revere's that I know lovingness can be. And we'll get all these people out to vote, your friends, your family, your neighbors and your co-workers, it's so crucially important.


Here's what they say in The Economist's polls may be understating Trump's support a bit.


The reason is a phenomenon researchers call differential partisan nonresponse and less geeky words when the candidate you support is doing badly.


You're less likely to answer pollsters call, or at least when they're reported to be doing badly.


Pollsters are used to having to adjust their data to be demographically representative of the population as a whole.


Imagine. That in a pollsters sample of likely voters, 50 percent do not have a bachelor's degree. But according to the census. In 2016, the share of voters without three year degrees was 60 percent. So to get a representative sample of likely voters, a bit more weight must be given to this group to bring them from 50 to 60 percent.


Similarly, if there are, say, too few noncollege educated or low income respondents in a sample, pollsters will adjust their data to meet demographic or geographic reality.


But. Even after correcting these demographic biases, pollsters data is still unrepresentative of Trump's support in other ways.


They may have the right shares of young people and Southerner's. But too many Republicans or Democrats in their data sets. But many non identified voters are secret Trump supporters. This problem comes to the fore when an event causes especially good or bad news for a political party, as is the case now. In such scenarios, making national polls suddenly filled with partisans eager to voice their pessimism about the president.


Now, we discussed this the other day, not this point, which is a brilliant point and a factual point. You have a poll that came out this morning or yesterday that says nationally the president is 12 points behind.


Last week we had a CNN poll that said the president is. Fourteen points behind. Yet an NBC poll that said the president also was 12 points behind. Do any of you believe? That Joe Biden will defeat Donald Trump by a modern landslide. Do you believe that? It's not going to happen. You don't have to predict what's going to happen, but you can predict that's not going to happen. There will not be a Joe Biden excuse me, landslide.


And so, you know, these things are not right. You know, they're not right. And what the economists are saying here is. These pollsters aren't taking into consideration a lot of Trump people who just don't want to bother with the pollsters. I've gotten calls here and I have caller I.D. on my hard line from pollsters, I don't pick the phone up. I don't I don't care what they think. I don't care what they have to ask. I just have no interest in it.


It could be that's what they're talking about. In fact, in many ways, I think pollsters are part of the problem, not all.


John McLaughlin types are musicians, and so but you understand what I mean, these push polls. Will they try and influence the outcome of the election rather than try and honestly determine the outcome of the election? I'll be right back.


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That's pure talk. USA Dotcom Promo Code, Leevi and podcast. That's Lhevinne podcast. Pure Talk USA Simply Smarter Wireless.


All right, here we are, folks. Facebook is censoring me. They made another run at it. They backed off again, but I'm getting loaded up here to do something with Facebook. We can have them overlooking my shoulder all the time.


As we get closer and closer to the election, it's clear they're trying to sway the outcome with their left wing ideology. And there's censorship. The policing, my perfectly legitimate posts and. They, in effect, are threatening. But nobody's going to shut me up, not here on radio, not on live in TV. This is why it's so important to watch and support live TV on the Blaze TV network. Do not let big tech control what information you're allowed to see in here, this is our country.


This is our election. If they don't want to let you hear it, Blaze TV will. Now they create these platforms.


They lure you in. People like me build up the platform, he got over a million and a half people on, I do on Facebook, I've got over 2.5 million on Twitter. And then they they try to threatener. They try to threaten you. One of the reasons I like parlor, by the way, and I hope you're going over to parler, I love the way they bring on these doctors and former bureaucrat doctors and experts on TV to comment on whether or not President Trump should be campaigning.


For president. And look how they've turned things on their head, what Trump is doing is normal, it's routine, it's what presidents are supposed to do when they're running for re-election. What Biden is doing is perverse.


It's odd. And yet they call him responsible, not responsible. He's hiding. And there was a story last sold on the blaze. Did you see this, Mr. Producer, where Biden and Kamala Harris were in Phoenix and nobody showed up?


Nobody showed up, literally nobody showed up, and the local reporter there was basically saying. Nobody showed up. But you see 12 percentage points ahead, 14 maybe even. Going to be a massive landslide, he's got the Communist Party USA behind him, as well as Kasich and Ridge and Whitman and those types of republics.


So together they've got this force. Pretty crazy, no. All right, let's take some calls.


Let's see, how about Quinn in Hickory, North Carolina, the great H.K. Quinn. How are you, sir?


I am well, Donavan. Go right ahead, my friend. No, with the separation of powers is supposed to exist between the nature of the government. It should be necessary for each branch to determine their state and the request of Congress.


No, it doesn't work that way. Under a Constitution, Congress sets the number of seats in the Supreme Court.


I can understand them saying it if there is a need. Well, me too.


But you said each branch should set its own. That's not the way the Constitution works. Well, if I can look at this, it'd be better if we just vote and make sure these people don't get anywhere close to a majority. Yes, sir, but. What we're looking at right now. Is that the talk is overthrowing the balance on the Supreme Court?


I'm well aware that we've been talking about that.


I can understand if the Supreme Court was saying we need more members.


Thank you for your call, sir. Folks, there's no point. The Constitution says that Congress can set the number of seats they pass. The statute the president cited. It's not a matter of I wish this could happen and I wish that and it doesn't work that way.


And it's not going to work that way. Period. There's no there's no debate, there's no discussion. It just doesn't. The court doesn't get to set its own no, I don't even think it should, but we got to do is chase these reprobates, these tyrants out of town. Susie Dallas, Texas, the great webapp Go Haywire. It's great to talk to you again. Thank you. So I love listening to your show, but I wanted to bring up a point about Joe Biden.


Isn't it interesting that by saying the American people do not deserve to know whether he is going to pack the court or not, that he really is answering the question that he will?


Yeah, and I don't think we should ask him any. I think we should say he's going to pack the court. Yeah, and all he has to say is that's a lie. No, I'm not. He's going to pack the court. Let's not be passive anymore.


I know. So I just find I'm like, he's a lunatic. He's totally a lunatic. I don't understand how he thinks he could win this election because he has no brain. Well, he could if we don't turn out.


All right, my friend Susie, thank you very much. We got a powerful hour next. The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is asked to come on. He'll be coming on as well as others. We'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by the Association of Mature American Citizens, now over two million conservative members Strong EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we care about faith, family and freedom.


Thank you for listening and please support Amen.


And you can become a member at Armacost U.S. Join me here now broadcasting from the underground command post here, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Remember when I told you a couple of weeks back that Joe Biden set up an S corporation so the money he would get from speeches, believe it or not, he was paid to do speeches and writing.


I guess he wrote a book or somebody wrote it for him because I don't think he can read one, which was substantial money, over 13 million dollars in a relatively short period of time that by sending up an S corporation. He he contributed almost nothing to Obamacare, and now they're running around talking about Obamacare.


I hope people listening to me in the Trump campaign, even some in the so-called media, are paying attention.


Because the truth is, Joe Biden has contributed very little to Obamacare over the last several years. But now I want to talk to The New York Times, thanks to The New York Sun, which is an outstanding publication, IRA Stoll. Listen to this, folks. The New York Times investigation of President Trump says the president used big tax losses in some years to avoid paying taxes and others that he invested some of his profits in the money losing businesses, and that Mr.


Trump paid his daughter as a way to transfer assets to his children, quote unquote. In addition, it says that Mr. Trump's businesses are propped up by foreign revenue and that Mr. Trump, quote, has written off a business. Expenses costs, including fuel and meals associated with his aircraft, used to shuttle him among his various homes and properties, unquote. The Times ought to know because the New York Times Co. and the Sulzberger family that control it have done the same things.


The New York Times investigation and Mr. Trump reports, quote, Mr. Trump's business losses have often accumulated in sums larger than could be used to reduce taxes on other income in a single year. But the tax code offers a workaround with some restrictions. Business owners can carry forward leftover losses to reduce taxes in future years, unquote. That's how it works for the New York Times. Company shareholders to the New York Times Co. had a loss of about 58 million dollars in 08, and its 2009 annual report disclosed a net income tax benefit of nearly six million that year.


The annual Stay with Me. The annual report says state tax operating loss carryforwards see they're carrying it forward total thirteen point five million as of December 27, 2009, and so forth. Such loss carryforwards expire in accordance with provisions of applicable tax laws samant 2006. Same in 2006, speaking of the New England Media Group, it is the Sulzberger family, what loss producing golf course is part of the Trump family? See, the Times company bought the Boston Globe for one point one billion in 1993, how did the Walter Telegram and Gazette for 295 million in 1999 and sold them both to the Boston Boston Red Sox owner John Henry for 70 million dollars in 2013.


They lost a ton like Mr. Trump. The Times company has even dabbled in the golf sector. The Times company bought the Golf Digest magazine in 1969 for between three and four million and then sold it in 2001. The New York Times makes a big investigative scandal about President Trump's business paying his sons and his daughter Ivanka, describing it as a way around the gift tax. Less than a week before the Times published its investigative report, it issued a press release, quote, The New York Times company today announced that Arthur Sulzberger Jr.


will retire as chairman and a member of its board of directors and will be succeeded as chairman by A.G. Sulzberger, Times publisher. Since twenty eighteen, Sulzberger Jr. will assume the title chairman emeritus. So the Times 2020 proxy statement includes two paragraphs on us, Ochs Sulzberger family members employed at the company in 2019, including not only the outgoing chairman son who has paid over two million dollars, but also James Dreyfus, who earned over two hundred and eighty thousand dollars, Pamela Dryfoos, who earned over one hundred thirty eight thousand dollars and so forth.


And and David Perpich, who earned nine hundred thirty one thousand.


So these are family members, the social worker, father and son, chairman, publisher, duo themselves can't even be bothered to report their transactions to the government on time that 20 20 times company proxy statement says on February 27, 20, 20, reports on Form four were filed for Messrs. Sulzberger Jr. and Sulzberger disclosed certain transactions in 2017 and 2018.


So in 2020, they're paying money out in 2017 and 2018. Now, they inadvertently omitted from previous reports that Mr. Sulzberger Jr. is too clever to give some class A stock that he made in 2017. And Mr. Sulzberger has transferred a class stock in 2018.


Imagine the treatment Mr. Trump would get from the Times if he claimed to have inadvertently omitted reporting gifts of stock and foreign revenue. The Times complains that Trump is making many overseas licensing deals in countries with authoritarian leaning leaders or through any job or thorny geopolitics. For example, three million from the Philippines to appoint three from India, one million from Turkey. The time is operating overseas to does business in the Philippines via Singapore based subsidiary. The most recent times and reports is international digital only news subscriptions represented 17 percent of their new subscriptions and it goes on.


Times even claimed a two point six dollars million tax deduction in 2019 for foreign derived intangible income, along with five point seven million research and experimentation. Tax credit. The Times annual report lists a subsidiary in communist China that Beijing Shanghai Consulting Company felted. Meanwhile, nine point eight percent of the times company stock is controlled by a Mexican national. Carlos Slim Hoola, according to a 20 20 times proxy statement. Now, that's down from seventeen point three percent control back in twenty nineteen.


And still, though, he owns about 10 percent of the company. The Times complains that Mr. Trump's taking the use of an airplane as a business expense. The Times, though, did so, too, for years with a plane, with the FAA tail, No 1896 matching the year that Ochs Sulzberger family acquired the paper. 2009, the Times company put its corporate jet up for sale.


In its report on Trump's taxes, the Times assures readers that all the information the Times obtained was provided by sources with legal access to it. That skirts, though, the question of whether it was legal for those sources to provide the information to the Times or for the Times to publish it. Twenty six U.S. Code Section seven two one three makes it a felony willfully to disclose tax return. Information provides for the punishment of up to five years in prison, and the law applies to federal and state employees and also to other persons.


Carlos Slim and the fifth generation members of Ochs Sulzberger family are making money selling a story that is based on information obtained from methods and sources it refuses to disclose, and that paints Mr. Trump as some are corrupt for doing things that the Sulzberger family has itself been doing for years.


For years, the new New York Slimes, unbelievable, I wonder what Facebook thinks of that, Mr. Producer.


I also have an article here from First Things First Things that come and they go through Kamala Harris record of anti Catholic bigotry.


Kamala Harris has a deep record of anti Catholic bigotry, and I want my Catholic friends out there to understand this.


Particularly on Columbus Day. And they talk about this at length at first things, and this is a piece that's out today by Kenneth Chris-Craft and you can Google this information yourself, the attack on the Knights of Columbus.


And she's gone after other Catholics, as a matter of fact, when the Center for Medical Progress exposed evidence that Planned Parenthood was illegally trafficking organs and tissues from aborted children.


Then California Attorney General Harris offered a raid on the home of Sandeep's David Daleiden.


She sees the video footage.


Harris's office conspired with Planned Parenthood, one of her generous political supporters, in drafting a bill of attainder style legislation against him. And this is an organization, obviously, that. California, the U.S. senator, a possible vice and so forth. And she's instituted a movement against the Catholic Church and has in the past and the beliefs of those who share the faith principles. And other than conservative or Catholic publications, what you see in newspapers like The Washington Post is an attack on Judge Barrett.


Her Catholicism and her children. That's how loathsome the left is, and the guy that's the chairman of The Washington Post is also the chairman of the Reagan Library, this guy, Fred Ryan. There's no policing of his newspaper and it's bigotry, it's a shock to me. We'll be right back. Much love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk.


AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us.


We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.


Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lindsey Graham, how are you, sir? I am doing great after hearing Amy Barrett.


If you watch today, Mark, of course, and awesome she was let me just say history is being made. I hope your audience understands that this is not only the fifth woman to be nominated to the court, but this fine woman is unashamedly conservative and she should be an inspiration to all young women who are concerned that there's a seat at the table for you. And I want to thank President Trump for making that possible.


First, I thought I was at sort of a education committee hearing or health committee hearing. The Democrats want to talk about Obamacare. I thought I thought we're at a presidential debate. I thought, you know, Trump nominated himself. Well, here's the thing that I hate for you to get in the way of a good conversation.


But here's the thing, Lindsey Graham, we know this. There's severability. I don't know what the court's going to do, but I counted six justices so far who are leaning towards upholding the whole Obamacare law. And if they knocked it down, I don't know of a single senator of any party that opposes covering pre-existing conditions. So this is all a fan dance with them, isn't it?


You get it as you always do. So it's about driving a narrative, anything other than her qualifications. The only thing we didn't talk about today on the Democratic side was her qualifications. She's every bit as qualified as Sotomayor and Kagan, Alito, Cavnar, Gorske, you name it. She's every bit as qualified as anybody that would be nominated for court. So they're clearly using the hearing to beat Trump up and us up about the Affordable Care Act. And as you say, I don't know one Republican that would do away with pre-existing conditions.


But I can say this about Obamacare, Martje. In my state, we started out with five choices on the exchange. We're down to one. Premiums went up 30 percent. And here's something most people don't know. 35 percent of the money under Obamacare goes to three states name. I'll give you a free trip to Myrtle Beach if you can.


Let me try. Let me try. OK, California. Yeah, New York. Yeah.


All right. Now, hold on. This is the tough one.


Illinois and Massachusetts. You still can't really be dramatic. So here's the deal. They're all very generous Medicaid states. So they're 22 percent of the population, 35 percent in money. What do they have in common? Pelosi, Schumer and Elizabeth Warren. If we did a block grant where you sent the money back, the dollars that exist today based on a per capita formula where no matter where you live, you get the same contribution, whether you lived in Charleston County or San Francisco, it would be almost a billion dollar increase to the state of South Carolina.


And my goal is to get the money back into the hands of local doctors, local hospitals, and hold local politicians accountable. So if you don't like the product, you can do something about it versus a bureaucrat you'll never meet this. Graham Cassidy is a block grant approach rather than centralized single payer approach.


I think that's a great idea. I'm in favor of block grants generally, by the way. Yes, it was welfare. Remember when we block grant money back to the states for welfare, we didn't pay people more to have children out of wedlock. Guess what? They started having less children out of wedlock Medicaid. When you allow Indiana and other states to come up with different ways to cover pre-existing conditions, they do it more efficiently. So my goal is to take the money, get it out of Washington, put in the hands of state officials, hold them accountable at the ballot box, and allow years to consumer to have a say about what kind of health care you you receive in 50 different ways of doing it.


You'll find some state will find a way to do diabetes better than other states and it will spread. The only way you're going to get better outcomes in medicine is through innovation. The only innovation is to empower people at the local level.


All right. I want you to let me speak a second. I want to speak to the people, the country and the people of South Carolina. We're all over South Carolina, right?


You need to re-elect this man, the United States Senate. He is very, very close to the president, the United States, and helps him on a myriad of issues, both publicly and privately. His opponent is a radical leftist. We can't afford to lose South Carolina. We lose South Carolina. We lose the Senate. We lose the Senate, filibuster the Supreme Court, the whole kit and caboodle. They're pouring money into this race out of Manhattan and out of Hollywood to try and knock off Lindsey Graham.


And I'm telling you as a Reagan conservative that we must have Lindsey Graham back in the United States Senate, that his opponent is my comment, not yours, Senator, is a crackpot. And and and we got to get him and we got to keep at the issue with Rush and all the rest of it. So if people want to help you, where do they go?


Lindsey Graham Dotcom, very kind of you to say that 57 million dollars was raised to beat me and all the money came out of South Carolina, the most money raised in the history of the United States Senate in a three month cycle. Why? I stood up for Cavener. I was on your show a lot, voted for Sotomayor and Kagan. I thought they were qualified when it was Kavanagh's turn. They destroyed the man's life, tried to I got in the way of that game plan and went and shamefully helped President Trump.


He won. I lost. I wanted to be successful. Those two things are driving this money. They hate my guts. Jamie Harrison is a reliable vote for the agenda you just described. He was the South Carolina party chairman, is the associate chairman of the National Democratic Party. And the bottom line here is I need your help and Grant Dotcom. I don't need outraise him. I just need enough to talk about the fact that he opposed Gore.


Listen to this, Mark. Remember the filibuster, of course, by Schumer? Yes. The first partisan filibuster in the history of the United States Senate regarding the Supreme Court. He is quoted, he tweeted out, bring out the cots. When it came to Cavnar, he was cheering the destruction of Brett Kavanaugh. When it came to police reform, he sided with Nancy Pelosi, not Tim Scott. Tim Scott, a national treasure. He sided with the Pelosi bill that would cripple the police.


And finally, if you think there's no difference in this election between the Republicans and Democrats, listen to this. If Republicans keep the Senate, I'm in line to be the budget chairman. If the Democrats take over the Senate, Bernie Sanders will be the budget chairman, an avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders versus Lindsey Graham. That matters.


So it's Lindsey Graham, not Dotcom, not Graham Dotcom.


I want to make sure that dotcom, whatever you can give, would be helpful. We've been getting a lot of money. I'm going to release my numbers in my world, the Republican world, they're going to be outstanding. But ActBlue, when this is over, Mark, we're going to look at how.


What is that? That is a dark money front group. Well, I'm telling you, my friend, 48 percent of the people giving to ActBlue listed themselves as unemployed. They've raised three hundred fifty million dollars since Justice Ginsburg's passing. It's all low dollar donations where you don't have to report. I hope somebody at the federal election committee will look at this. This, to me, doesn't pass the smell test, but I'm in a fight. We're all in a fight.


We're going to win this race in South Carolina. You said something that people need to realize. Ronald Reagan was an inspiration. One of the reasons I'm a Republican. I entered the Air Force in 1982. I went to Germany in 1847. Reagan gave a 25 percent pay raise. I said, I like this guy, but Donald Trump is Ronald Reagan plus P.T. Barnum. When you mix the two, you got Trump.


All right, Senator Graham Levine, come on. Let's help the senator. We got to win this seat and many others. God bless you, sir.


We'll be right back. We're going to get. AMEC, the Association of American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond.


Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.


Join amoc instead. A m a c us.


Mark Levin, the Voice of America, Dunklin, now at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Joe Biden today, he's not sure what he's running for again. Go ahead. You know, we have to come together. That's why I'm running. I'm running as a proud Democrat for the Senate. He is oh, what does he keep doing that, Mr. Producer? He's sharp as a tack. We have a wonderful guest, Matt Rosendale, he's running for the house, Montana at large, that's a big dam district, the whole state, and that's a big state.


Matt, how are you, my friend?


I am doing outstanding tonight. How are you doing? I'm doing great. It was a pleasure for for me and Julie to meet you and tell everybody about your race. You know, it's going well, our races are always close up here, unfortunately, people have the perception that Montana is deep red, like Wyoming, but we're not. We've got a big bowl of tomato soup with a couple of huge blueberries dropped in there that make it difficult for a conservative like myself to go ahead and achieve victory.


But we're we're keeping it close. We've been able to maintain a small but consistent lead in the polls for about 60 days. Unfortunately, that has certainly attracted the attention of Nancy Pelosi and the national Democrats. So while they're going to dump and have already committed to spend several million, about three dollars million in the remaining three weeks mark, I'm going to work harder. And with everybody's help, we're going to we're going to get this thing across the finish line.


You know, Matt, not that this helps you, but every candidate I bring on here, whether they're running for the House or the Senate, is being outspent. It is an amazing thing how much money the Democrats are able to raise, whether pretend to be for the little people. And they raise most of the money from both coasts and from enormously wealthy individuals who are willing to put their money on the line for power. And I'm a little troubled by the Republican billionaires.


I don't see as many of them stepping up. Some do, but most are not. In order to try help save this country, you know, you got to go blow for blow against people like Soros and Steier and and so forth and so on. But in any event, Montana, tell us about your opponent.


Oh, my Lands'. She is absolutely a radical liberal from check this out, Berkeley, California. She was educated in Berkeley, born in San Francisco, and she's trying to place this middle of the road. I get along with everybody Democrat and nothing could be further from the truth. I served with this woman in the Montana legislature and we were both there in 11, 13 and 15. So you could look at our votes on the same subjects side by side.


The NRA gives her an F rating. The NRA gives me an A rating. The Montana Shooting Sports Association, our local organization, gives her an F rating. Give me an A rating. She was so poor on tax policy, on regulatory policy that even the Montana Chamber of Commerce raised her with F as they were rating me with with a champion of business, voting me as a champion of business. She's already voted against one billion dollars in tax relief for the hardworking people across our state and has said that if she was elected immediately, she would vote to repeal or sunset the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which would place a two to three thousand dollar tax increase on every family across the state.


Because she calls it a revenue giveaway. People are sending their tax dollars to Washington and trying to limit the amount they're sending to Washington. And she calls that a revenue giveaway.


How does a person like this get elected in Montana? You're right. It's Montana is a marginal state either way. But she's so radical.


Is it because all the money they spend on these buying these ads to indoctrinate and to lie and the same thing that that every Republican runs into nationwide compliant media, they will not expose her for what she truly is. And it's shameful. Now, if people want to help you.


Yeah. Thank goodness we've got people like Mark Levin out there helping us to evangelize.


Well, listen, it's very, very important in Montana and the rest of the country that we remove Nancy Pelosi from the House of Representatives.


Are we going to lose this country now if people want to help you, Matt, that is people in your state want to volunteer in the last few weeks or people all over the country want to support you because your votes affect all of us. Where should they go?


Matt for Montana dot com, that's Matt Aboulghar Montana dot com. And they can get information or maybe they can get information on the work that I've done and they can get information on how to get in contact with us so that we can get them to help us with phone calls and doorknocking. And they certainly can help us with our contribution, not for Montana dot com.


Give us a little bit information on your background. How about this Mamak? I did not get into public service until about nine years ago. I was in real estate development. Brokerage management took a little one office operation. It was a mom and pop operation, my mom and pop, and basically with five agents, I. Was instrumental in building that into a off office, 65 agent, multi-million dollar firm, did that for about 20 years, came out to Montana with my wife and three sons and settled in on a ranch in the eastern part of the state where not many people are.


A lot of cows, a lot of horses. I did that for about eight years. The community got together. They elected me as president of the AG Association. They elected me as president of the parish council, very active in the Catholic Church. And then they said, you know, we really see that you've got a lot of skills you aren't utilizing. And they got me to run for the legislature. And then from there, I found myself quickly taking leadership roles.


And what I also found, Mark, was that most of the problems that we dealt with in the legislature didn't originate in Helena. They certainly didn't originate in Glendive, Montana, population 4500. They originated in Washington, D.C. And basically, I've become tired of fighting the fires from too far away. It's time to go right in and start trying to sort some of these things out in Washington.


All right. Let's see if we can help Matt, who will help us if he gets to Washington. This is a very winnable seat. It's Matt Rosendale, by the way. It's Matt from Montana, dot com Matt for Montana. It's very simple to spell Matt for Montana Dotcom. He's one of the candidates we really want to help. He's in a district that we can really win and God forbid, Montana, if Donald Trump doesn't win because they will make mincemeat out of that state.


You know, these these people from Wilmington and San Francisco and Queens, they don't quite get Montana. You know, Matt.


No, they don't know. They don't. Look, Mark, we've been social distancing here since 1889. We just want to keep it that way.


Just got to do a little more socialist distancing and then you'll be all right. All right. Well, all right, my friend.


God bless you, Matt from Montana. Dotcom, you can check out Mark Levine, Facebook excuse me, Mark Levine show Facebook, Mark Levine show Parler and Mark Levine show Twitter. If he can help Matt, let's help him out. Matt, God bless. Take care of yourself.


Thank you so much, Mark. I appreciate it. You bet.


And we met Matt. He's a terrific, terrific guy. Let's go to Moses North Bergen, New Jersey, the great WIBC Moses.


Make the call. Did we lose Moses, Mr President? All right, Mark, do that, yeah, go ahead, Moses. All right, Mike, great to talk to you again, my friend. Now, the one thing I wanted to talk about was this like the incongruence of Dr. Fauci because. Oh, I guess we lost Moses, I guess, want to try another sorry, Moses, Fred, Salt Lake City, Utah, XM Satellite go.


Hold on here, let me refresh this. This is becoming a mess here. Hold on one second.


David in Milton, Delaware, kind of home to what's his face running for the Senate.


We're in the red part of the state, Mark. We're in his backyard, but he doesn't know where he is. It doesn't matter. I just want before I even start, I said fifty dollars to Lindsay, not only because, you know, from Delaware, not only because of Cavanough, but if we don't keep the Senate, this whole Russian scam goes away. All right. All right. Yeah, yeah. So anyway, what I wanted to say is polling is absolute nonsense.


And by the way, I said we have to elect every Republican. You know, normally I say no way. Now I'm saying yes way because everything's on the line. Go ahead.


The whole thing is nonsense these days. And all you have to do is ask yourself who the heck is answering calls from numbers they don't recognize anymore, do you? Certainly not us know. And Mark, there's never there's never been a better time to read Animal Farm. It's really. Yeah, some additions are only about 70 pages. So even liberals can read it. And the pigs, they chose the geese to spread their propaganda, not because there were more of them, because they squawk the loudest and because they were among the stupidest of the animals in the media today are so stupid they can use bringing the source to mix up their squawking points to try to fool us.


Well, the problem we have now is we've never had a media like this before, so thoroughly corrupt, it's always been liberal, but they always tried to pretend that they were, you know, unbiased and and so forth. But now they're fully out of the closet. They've embraced what's called public journalism or community journalism. It's pushed by a bunch of leftists like this guy, Professor Jay Rosen and others that I've written about. And on freedom of the press, it's an ideological approach to news.


It's not enough to report the news. You've got to push the social activism aspects of it really started with John Dewey when it comes to education.


No, it started before Providence really started with John Dewey, a progressive, and it has spread into other areas of our society anyway.


Go ahead. That's all that's left. All right, brother. Appreciate your call. Let's keep going, Tom. Glendora, California, 870. The answer, the great Keala, how are you? Very good, Mark, it's an honor to be on the air with you, one of the greatest patriots trying to save this country in a time of dire need. God bless you.


And you, too, my friend. Well, thank you, Mark. I recently retired as a conservative instructor from Cal State Long Beach, and I didn't get one bit of help from the Endangered Species Act. Yeah, but I did mention when I would go to class. One of the first things I would say every day is whatever you think of politics, this is the best nation in the world. It's based on God and God given rights. And you need to defend your freedom because it's fragile and we'll lose it.


And how apt I was and I didn't think it would be this soon. That would be we would be facing such a grave crisis. And my Cormark concerns education. We talk about saving the country. The huge danger we face that we're seeing, the horrible effects of it is a three headed monster in our school system. I know you're well aware of it. And No one is the vile history book that's been in the public schools for 40 years since 1980.


Howard Zinn's Discussing People's History of the USA, which just not this great country number two is what you referred to and is now taking deep root. It's cancerous. Evil roots are getting deeper. The File 16 19 project from The New York Times, which says that we are just a nation of white evil devil, racist murderers, and number three, which Donald Trump has addressed and tried to fight the most vile of all, perhaps critical race theory, which says again that it operates under diversity.


That's a power lie yet again says that these white enwrapped, I got to run.


I got a heartbreak. You wrapped it up very, very well, Tom.


We'll be right back a little bit. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy.


Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot U.S. stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.


Join AMOC instead. A m a c U.S..


You know, it's too bad the Israeli Jews can't vote in this election. Sixty three point three percent of Israelis prefer the re-election of Donald Trump.


Eighteen point eight percent prefer Biden. It's almost a reversal here in this country because it's one thing to live in cosy neighborhoods and so forth. And and be a leftist, and then if you don't like what's going on, you can move. Move the Florida move somewhere else and then continue to vote like left wing Democrats. It's not only Jews, it's Catholics, everybody. But you see, in Israel, there's no moving, they're surrounded and they appreciate this president.


They appreciate this president. Too bad they can't vote in our election and everybody else seems to be voting in our election. So that piece I was telling you about, let's see here if I can find it again. Here it is, The Jerusalem Post.


Let me find the article, a new poll published by 24 News and conducted by Direct Falls Research found sixty three point three percent of Israelis prefer the re-election of incumbent U.S. President Trump, compared to eighteen point eight percent who who prefer former vice president Democrat challenger Joe Biden.


And the respondents indicated that they believe a majority will be a better president for the state of Israel, a minority of Israelis said the same about Biden.


Let's see here. Well, anyway, it truly is a remarkable thing, isn't it? It truly is a remarkable thing. Donald Trump has been the best friend in the Oval Office that Israel has ever had, ever. It's not even close. And even in our own countries issued executive order against anti-Semitism to protect Jewish students on our college campuses, given the growth of the BDS movement and the effects on immigration. In our country and the lack of assimilation.


And they try and turn him into an anti-Semite, and yet he's he's been a fantastic president for Israel and for Jews as he's been a fantastic president for really all minorities in this country as well as the majority in this country.


Think about it, ladies and gentlemen. We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel and all our heroes. Thank you. And we will see you tomorrow right here. Don't forget, you're the Thomas Paine. You're the Paul Revere. We need you to get five or ten people to vote. If we all do that, we win big. See you tomorrow. From the Westwood One podcast network.