Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/26/21
Mark Levin Podcast- 1,810 views
- 27 Jan 2021
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, equality has now evolved into equity and President Biden will mention it often, but he rarely mentions the word freedom. One can have equity in poverty but that's not helpful. Constitutional amendments and the civil rights movement paved the way for equality for minorities under the law and the issue of equity is a farce. The denial of school choice in communities of color is the simplest test to prove what Biden or any other Democrat truly care about, the education of kids in urban areas or teachers' unions. Then, Marxism seeks to eliminate history, the founding, and eventually all Americanism. The identity politics movement upsets genuine Marxists who argue that all things relate to materialism, not to mention that Karl Marx was a racist. This is why Marxists reject the concept of distinction and individuality so that all people will focus on the all-provident central government, the state. The goal must be to treat individuals as human beings not as part of a group, caste, or class as Marx suggests. Groupthink and bigotry promote government power to make decisions on race or sex, this gives the government power they must not have. Later, Biden is taking off where Obama left off; he is the new imperial President. Biden has now passed 28 executive orders surpassing the 6 orders previously signed by Presidents Trump and Obama at the same time in their first weeks in office. Also, Chuck Schumer suggests declaring a climate 'state of emergency' so that Biden could use presidential power to usurp the Constitution. Afterward, Rand Paul joins the show, to explain that the impeachment trial to remove President Trump is dead on arrival. It's an illegitimate process that is unconstitutional and has no chance of success. Paul again rejected how irresponsible it was to even suggest that Trump had anything to do with the pre-planned attack on the Capitol. He also reiterated the importance of adhering to the Constitution for impeachment and the creation of voting laws.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College now and it's one hundred and seventy fifth year. Hillsdale is a truly independent institution where learning is prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hillsdale for their sponsorship is here.
Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Oh, America. Mark Levin, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one 877 381 381 one. We've gone from equality to equity. At the slip of the tongue. In just a few days. Equality. Equality before the law.
That justice, we support justice. Equity. Equity is a different in the end, meaning. Equity means same. Not saying this before the law, but sameness, period. You know. The one word you'll never hear Joe Biden speak or his apparatchiks speak. Whether they're surrogates in the media or otherwise. Is the word that matters most. Freedom. Freedom, you can have equality or I guess the word is equity in slavery, you can have equity.
In poverty in most countries. Equity without freedom is slavery. Freedom is the key. Now, if you have freedom and we're treated as. Individual human beings, then you're not going to have equity. Because everybody's motivated by different things. Some people work harder than others. Some people are luckier than others, and you can go on and on and on.
That's the nature of freedom and a free society. Everybody can't be rich, on the other hand, everybody is not poor. There is mobility. You know, this caste system or class structure that Marx talks about, the bourgeoisie, the proletariat and liberals in this country talk about this class and that class, there are no classes. Because in America, you're free. To pursue whatever you want. We've had big battles in this country over equality. The abolitionist movement, the Civil War.
We had a fight, segregation of the Democrat Party. We have the Civil Rights Act of 64, the Voting Rights Act of 65, multiple acts since then. We had Civil Rights Act of 1957 of 1960, Civil Rights Act of 1868. We've had Supreme Court decision after Supreme Court decision all aimed at smiting. Inequality, unjust inequality under the law. All quite necessary. But when Joe Biden talks about equity, they never explain what they mean exactly, but I know what they mean because Bernie Sanders tells us what they mean.
He's a quote unquote, democratic socialist. That is, he's a neo Marxist, always has been and always will be. Is an old read from Brooklyn, New York. Found his way to Vermont, got elected mayor Burlington, got elected to the house and then got elected to the Senate. Vermont's a beautiful state. It's got about 12 people. And it's got about 14 minorities. Now, all that said. We don't seek. Human equity in this country.
We seek equality under the law. That's exactly what the framers meant, and that's what all these battles, whether they've been wars like the civil war or civil rights battles, are all about. non-Equity. Not democratic socialism, not neo Marxism, and yet that language has been slipped in and the reason it's been slipped in. Is because of the incredible influence, sadly. That Marks has in virtually every society. Despite the fact that it's an ideology of impoverishment, it's an ideology of enslavement, it's an ideology of genocide, that's the history of Marxism.
But Marxism creates excuses. It creates excuses, it treats people as groups. Now, I'll tell you something interesting if you want to put on your thinking cap just for a little bit. The whole identity politics movement. That is race, sex, orientation and all the rest of it. The pure Marxists are very upset about identity politics. Do you want to know why, Mr. Producer? Because they believe it takes away from the core argument of Marx, which is everything relates to materialism.
Not religion, not race and so forth and so on, in many ways, Marx was a racist, by the way, but that aside. And by the way, all these communists seem to be racist. How Castro was wiping out. Cubans who happen to be more black than other Cubans. Look how China now is wiping out Muslims. And so forth. But here's my bigger point, Marxism, the purists reject identity politics. Because they believe it undermines the core arguments of Marxism, which isn't about race and religion, because you're supposed to eliminate religion, eliminate the nuclear family.
That's what he says. Anybody cares to read it. And eliminate these kinds of distinctions, what you what you really want to destroy is the whole notion of individuality.
Everybody has to be relying on the state and that way we can all truly fulfill ourselves and realize ourselves.
Now, that's a thumbnail sketch, there's more, but that's enough for now. So the concern is. You're unmooring, the notion of Marxism by focusing on identity politics, but there are those in America today who said no, no, no, no, no.
They can do just fine together, and I believe they can. They can do just fine together. We count on the one hand, celebrate, promote and enshrine identity politics, not a colorblind society. Not true equality under the law, but we can enshrine. In our in our ideology, in our culture and in our law. Different caste systems. Based on race, based on religion, based on genitalia, based on what you do with your genitalia and on and on and on and at the same time embrace the materialism that Marx talks about because.
Mark said everything begins and ends with materialism. Which is preposterous. Those of you who go to church or synagogue, you know, that's not true, but OK. And then the identity politics types, they say, no, no, no, everything begins and ends with the race you were born into. Or if you're a female versus a male. Or if you're transgender versus straight and on and on and on. But what they all have in common is they hate the American system.
They hate American history. They hate American principles, including the Declaration of Independence, because you can't believe in the Declaration of Independence, natural law, existential truths and so forth, the Enlightenment. Western civilization, you cannot believe in those things and be a Marxist or a progressive or status or whatever you may call at the same time. Because you have to destroy what came before, you have to destroy history, you have to eliminate it. As an acceptable idea.
And now our goal, you see, is the perfection of man, the perfection of mankind. And we can't perfect mankind. If we're going to stand on the shoulders of our ancestors who are so putrid. It was so rotten to the core, we can't stand on their shoulders, we have to stand on our own two feet. So the world begins today. History begins today because we know more than everybody, we know more than Moses, than Abraham.
For Christians, we know more than Jesus. From Muslims, we know more than Muhammad. We know more than the great thinkers, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Brutus. Kaito. Smith. Burke. We know more than they do. All put together. Because they were imperfect and we are more perfect. We're more righteous. That's what this is all about. I wrote about it and rediscovering America. I wrote about it first in America topia, that's what this is all about.
You hold up a utopia, this is where equity. And I'm signing one executive order after another insisting on equity for underserved communities. You should insist on freedom for underserved communities. Because this equity thing is a farce, and I'm going to prove it to you right this second. Joe Biden opposes school choice for the poorest of our neighborhoods in this country. Where minorities are a large majority in the inner city, he opposes school choice to allow school choice.
Is to allow access to private schools, to charter schools, to parochial schools using the same tax dollars. In other words, just like in universities and colleges, the money follows the student. Joe Biden opposes this. Why? Because he says it'll take money out of the public schools. Ladies and gentlemen, education exists for the children. Not for the bureaucracy, not for the teachers unions, if we've learned anything in the last year through this pandemic.
I mean, the teachers unions in Chicago and other cities are preventing children from actually going to school. The education of our children, our flesh and blood. When it comes to equality or we'll call it equity, we'll call it whatever they want to call it, Joe Biden doesn't believe in that. And yet look how important this is. A good education is central to everything. Equity, he says. I don't even know what he means. He doesn't even know what he means, but it sends up a red flag.
Because once again, government is not treating individuals as human beings, it's treating individuals as part of a group. Now, as you listen to me, folks, many of you driving in your cars, many of you at the dinner table. When you think about your life and you think about your family and you're looking at your family member right now, are you thinking, gee, I'm part of a group? What are you thinking about how to raise your family, how to take care of yourself, what you're going to do tonight, what you're going to do tomorrow, what kind of life you're going to live?
Of course, that's what you're going to do. You're not thinking, gee, what are all black people going to do today? What are all white people going to do today? We're all lesbians going to do today. What are all straight?
You don't think that way. And yet you are treated that way. And so the consequences. The dehumanizing of the individual, whether it's Rousso or Hegel or Marx or Engels. Whether it's Lenin or Mao. Or Stalin or ZHAY or Putin, for that matter. The Islam and Nazi regime in Tehran. They don't think of you as individuals. Just like the American left, they think of you as a grouping. As a grouping, and this is the great distinct distinction.
Between me and those who hate me. And between you and those who hate you, regardless of your background, color, religion or whatever. This is the great distinction. Treat individuals as human beings, not part of a group based on some physical characteristic. Some religious affiliation. Genitalia, what you do with your till you treat individual human beings as individual human beings and you know what?
That's the natural way to live. If you go to a diner and I like a diner around here in particular. And there's a person waiting on you. Do you look at that person as an individual human being? Are you interested in what they they are about their back? I am. What do you say? Oh, that's a Hispanic guy. No, and I'll say, oh, that's a Hispanic guy. That's Frank, Frank, what's up?
How's your family? Well, whatever I'm interested in, Frank. So the government. Puts us in these different castes or classes, some of them are economic, some of them are based on whether you're male or female, some of them are based on why.
Why does the government do that, Mr. Peterson? To control us, and so we're constantly at each other's throats, constantly at each other's throats. I'll be right back.
Come on, Globin. I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen to my show and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hillsdale College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because Hillsdale is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hillsdale teaches stellar students to defend freedom no matter what they major in, whether it's science or music or economics or business, whatever.
Hillsdale teaches them how to defend liberty. And they do that for you, too, through their free monthly digest of constitutional thought. It's called in Primus, five point six million Americans receiving Prima's for free each month. And you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it, too. You can subscribe for free at Lhevinne, for Hillsdale Dotcom, that's LEVIEN. For Hillsdale Dotcom, no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations make it possible for all of us and for Hillsdale to send in Prima's to you for no cost every month.
Start receiving and reading and Primus so you can know how to defend the freedom you love. Visit Levin for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's eleven free Hillsdale Dotcom Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. Now, you've heard this phrase critical race theory, what's critical race theory to actually broader than race. But let's just stick stick to the race part. What is critical race theory?
Again, thumbnail critical race theory is the idea. That everything that happens to you and everything you do and everything you respond to. Must be seen through the lens of your race. Must be seen through the lens of your race, and this, of course, has not only caught on in academia, it's now being used as training and indoctrination tools throughout the federal government, under the Biden administration and throughout our school systems. White teachers in some of these school districts are now being trained on their white privilege.
On the other hand, minorities are being told that in many respects they cannot get ahead because of their race.
And so people are being taught to be extraordinarily race conscious, to basically take up views of race that are in many ways bigoted, if you will. I'll coin that word. So, again, not to look at as individuals, as individuals or Martin Luther King said colorblind, but no.
I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen to my show and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hillsdale College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because Hillsdale is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty. Hillsdale teaches stellar students to defend freedom no matter what they major in, whether it's science or music or economics or business, whatever.
Hillsdale teaches them how to defend liberty. And they do that for you, too, through their free monthly digest of constitutional thought. It's called in Primus, five point six million Americans receiving Prima's for free each month. And you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it, too. You can subscribe for free at Lhevinne, for Hillsdale Dotcom, that's LEVIEN. For Hillsdale Dotcom, no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations make it possible for all of us and for Hillsdale to send in Prima's to you for no cost every month.
Start receiving and reading and Primus so you can know how to defend the freedom you love. Visit Levin for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's Levien for Hillsdale Dotcom. Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. Some people talk about the Tea Party, we are that Tea Party calling now eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
Now, critical race theory, a move off this soon.
I just want to lay a foundation for what's going on in this new administration promotes stereotypes about individuals based on their physical appearances. It promotes groupthink. And it promotes bigotry in the end. When you hear about systemic, this are systemic there, but it doesn't apply to me that must apply to somebody else. You think you're morally more virtuous and righteous? The people who may have the same skin color or. Sexual orientation or whatever it is. But it promotes stereotypes.
And bigotry and groupthink. But even worse than all that, it promotes government power. To make decisions based on one's race, ethnicity, sex preference and all the rest of it, it gives powers to government the government should not have.
It may benefit one race one day and it may benefit another race one day, but e pluribus unum, that is supposed to be our nation. That's what we're supposed to be about, as a friend of mine reminded me.
Not I'm an African-American or a Jewish American or a Christian, American or Muslim, American or lesbian American. No, no, no American. And I use the word and I have in writing the D assimilation. Of the country, you know, we see it with immigration, we don't assimilate people into the country, that doesn't mean people don't assimilate on their own.
But we don't assimilate people into our American culture. And how are we going to assimilate people into our American culture when we're assimilating people right here at home in our American culture? Arthur Schlesinger Jr., who was a top writer and confidant of John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. He wrote a book years ago. A Harvard professor. And he said the one great fear he has is the failure to assimilate into the American culture. No country can survive all this tribalism.
It's just not possible. And so let me just circle back and then we'll move on. When you look at the tribalism. That is identity politics or critical race theory, and then combine it with the neo Marxism or Marxism. You can see this is what's going on today when Joe Biden signing one executive order after another. That's exactly what he's doing now. He's too dimwitted to know what he's doing, but that's what he's doing.
Bernie Sanders knows what he's doing. He's all excited about it, I can tell he's excited about it because he opened his eyes. But he's not the only one. And Joe Biden is ruling. Like some kind of a potentate. I called Obama the imperial president. Now Biden is the imperial president, he's taken over. Where where Obama left off and has done a lot more, 28 executive orders in six days. Trump had four executive orders in his first six days.
Obama had five executive orders in his first six days. Clinton had about five executive orders in his first days. George W. Bush had none, 28. And when you add in today, almost three dozen in these are substantive decisions. In other words, a clear violation of separation of powers. This goes way back to the American FICOs before the American founding to Montesquieu.
Who talked about. How you prevent a centralized tyranny and the way you prevent a centralized tyranny, Montesquieu wrote, is to separate government into these three arenas. He said the legislative, the judicial and the and the magistrate, meaning the executive. And it's this balance of power. That our Constitution recognizes, so we don't have one of these centralized tyrannies or one of these parliamentary mob type situations, it's a uniquely Republican, small r Republican form of government. It's genius.
And the reason the framers came up with this is because they studied all the governments of the past, they studied what happened in Britain and Germany and France. They embrace the great philosophers. The Western Enlightenment. And so they tried to create a constitution, despite all the imperfections in that society, despite all the tugging in the polling, they created a society. That was intended to respect the individual. Now I know you're going to mention slavery and you should.
So I'll give you Abraham Lincoln's response, because Abraham Lincoln did more. For African-Americans in this country than any other human being ever in America, ever more than any civil rights leader. More than any politician, and he gave his life. And he said, read the Declaration of Independence, which is really taught anymore, read it. He said, this is in the middle of the civil war. We have over 700000 casualties.
A civil war. Can you name another country on the face of the earth that fought a civil war to end slavery? Name one. Mark, the war was really fought to keep the union. Frederick Douglass thought that originally, too, and then he got to know Lincoln, he said, no, Lincoln wants to extinguish slavery. And if you read Lincoln's speeches, it's quite clear he wants to extinguish slavery. By the way, you have equity in slavery, too.
That's what I mean, that word equity can be extraordinarily dangerous. He said, read the Declaration of Independence. Those men in Philadelphia. They came together, they put their lives on the line. To break away for independence from Britain, and I might add, Britain continued to import. African slaves into the United States, even though Britain had abolished slavery for itself, it was making an enormous amount of money.
Importing slaves into the United States. The United States had pretty big boundaries and they had and they were not able to control their boundaries back then just too big, and they didn't have a Navy big enough to handle it. And they didn't have a border patrol or any of that sort of thing. He said those men in Philadelphia in 1776. Tried but could not resolve the issue of slavery. Here's something interesting. I believe it was his first draft. Thomas Jefferson, who owned slaves.
Who owns slaves? Not many, but he owned slaves. Thomas Jefferson. Wrote in the Declaration of Independence. How horrid slavery was and talk about the abolishment of slavery that was taken out of the draft. You see, back then, these colonists, these colonies were fighting for their survival. And so they never really got around to addressing that issue. They couldn't agree, Georgia and South Carolina, when they went back to the constitutional convention again. Some of the northern state delegates raised the issue, but South Carolina and Georgia threatened to leave the union.
If it was addressed. That is if it was about. So they couldn't get it done. And Lincoln knew that. There's Lincoln in the middle of the Civil War, and what is he calling over and over again? He's quoting the Declaration of Independence. Unalienable rights for every individual, God given rights. Does it say God given rights to only white people, says God given unalienable rights? And Lincoln would quote that over and over again, and he said, you know those men in Philadelphia who put their lives on the line?
When they wrote that document. They knew there and then at Independence Hall in Philadelphia they could not resolve this issue. As many countries couldn't, but they could not resolve that issue there and then. They're about to go to war. Really, it had already started with the most powerful military on the planet, the British. But he said they wrote it nonetheless, it's called the Declaration of Independence, they made a declaration for the whole world to read.
And he said they knew that they couldn't resolve the issue of slavery, but they also knew that their children and grandchildren would have to confront it.
Otherwise, they never would have written the Declaration of Independence to include the phrases that it includes. And he's right. And who am I to second guess Lincoln, who are any of us to second guess Lincoln when he was the greatest? Certainly one of the two greatest presidents we ever had. And he's the one that eliminated slavery. Through his statesmanship and his leadership and by the way, many in the North consider quite liberal at the time, one of the Lincoln to sue for peace, they were tired of the war.
The casualties weren't unimaginable. Think about it. A nation of about 25 million people, you wound up with 700000 dead. Almost no family was unaffected. The Declaration of Independence, he said. What's also interesting, if you look at the American population. The vast majority of people in this country, their ancestry. Certainly white people. Does not go back to the civil war. It goes back post civil war. Post Civil War. There were a massive influx of immigration during different cycles in our history, including before the Civil War.
But most of the population in this country today. Cannot reach back. To the Civil War. Or the pre civil war period when their ancestry. I'm not saying blacks, I'm saying most of anybody else and in fact, many of the black people in the country today don't reach back to that period either. They've come into the country since.
This is not to explain anything away. This is to explain when you have a huge country, a diverse country with every kind of of background, with every kind of race and ethnicity, with every kind of religion, because that's the kind of country we are. That's the kind of country we were meant to be.
Despite our imperfections, we are a great country. There's not another country on the face of the Earth with this kind of diversity. That has had this kind of a civil society, not another one. And we're destroying it. Because critical race theory, identity politics and Marxism are all about destroying the status quo, so we're supposed to emphasize our differences. We're supposed to to support stereotypes, depending on what the stereotype is and who we're stereotyping. You can see the promotion of bigotry and self-hatred and on and on and on.
So rather than treat ourselves as individual human beings, we're supposed to treat ourselves as part of a group.
A group that's either victimized, a group that's perpetrators. Wait a minute, I didn't do anything, of course you didn't do anything, that's just you. What about everybody else? And this is the problem. Now, the Democrat Party. Has. Decided that it is throwing in with these sort of neo Marxist identity politics, critical race theory ideologies.
And they've been very successful in husbanding votes this way. It's very hard to talk to people about personal responsibility and accountability. It's very hard to explain freedom if you don't unless you don't have it, then you understand it intuitively. God, I want my freedom, right? But if freedom is all around you.
If it's all around you, you may have a chip on your shoulder, you may be angry about something, you may have had a bad day, you may have been fired. Who the hell? No, it's just easier. Not to look at yourself, to be circumspect, it's easier to blame something else. Now, somebody is a bigot and a racist that needs to be addressed and under our laws, federal, state and local, it should be addressed.
But they say the entire society, an entire race is this or that is to be a bigot yourself, is to peddle stereotypes.
Is to participate in group think, not thinking as an individual human being. That's what's going on in this country today, whether it's young people in colleges, universities, online, their own social circles, whether it's the Democrat Party trying to manipulate people, trying to get votes.
I mean, Joe Biden used to throw in with the segregationists from Mississippi and Alabama and Georgia early in his Senate career. Now he's embracing critical race theory, identity politics and neo Marxism. Oh, Joe's a centrist.
Joe is signing executive orders like he's Mussolini, one after another, after another after another.
He just destroyed women's sports. Abortion on demand paid for by the taxpayers. These are first. We're not going to deport for the first 100 days, people come into the country illegally, even if they're criminals. A federal judge today said, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second there, brother. A federal judge told Chumby, no, you don't have the legal authority to do that, all these should be challenged. So he's writing executive orders left and the guy's been there a week or so, not even enough time to take in what's actually been taking place, but he's there.
Maybe he's signing away. No talk about him being a dictator. I'll be right back. Much love in. I know you love freedom. How do I know that? Because you listen to my show and my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and the form of government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hillsdale College, one of the very best truly liberal arts colleges in the nation. That's why I talk about them all the time, because Hillsdale is committed to pursuing truth and defending liberty.
Hillsdale teaches stellar students to defend freedom no matter what they Najran, whether it's science or music or economics or business, whatever. Hillsdale teaches them how to defend liberty. And they do that for you, too, through their free monthly digest of constitutional thought. It's called in Primus, five point six million Americans receiving Prima's for free each month. And you, my friend and fellow freedom lover, should be reading it, too. You can subscribe for free at Lhevinne.
For Hillsdale Dotcom, that's elevon for Hillsdale Dotcom, no strings attached. Generous donors who want to preserve freedom for future generations make it possible for all of us and for Hillsdale to send in Prima's to you for no cost every month. Start receiving and reading and Primus so you can know how to defend the freedom you love. Visit Levin for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's eleven free Hillsdale Dotcom Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom and.
Next hour, we're going to discuss this phony impeachment. We're going to have Rand Paul on the program as well, and we're going to talk about this a little bit.
What is this? Is this a joke or something? Senator Patrick Leahy rushed to the hospital, is that right, Mr. Bill? You want to check that? I don't know if that's true or not, but he was supposed to oversee, you see, the impeachment trial because he's such an objective.
Judicious type individual, by the way, as I was speaking in during earlier, they are Black Lives Matter is the quintessential example of the combination of identity politics, critical race theory on one side and Marxism on the other. The founders, all three of them, have said they are Marxists. And yet you can tell by the title of their group and their mission, which is identity politics and Marxism, that these things can be married together. And so it's like the worst of all worlds.
Leahy is in the hospital. So who do they go to next, Mr.. They're running out of. Presiding officers to oversee this thing, we'll discuss that more in the next hour, by the way. This critical race theory and identity politics cuts the other way to the white supremacists, the neo-Nazis, the Klansmen. What do you think they do? They identify themselves by race, they stereotype, and they're bigots and there's groupthink among them. So this whole movement, this whole ideology that's felt that some people around us as sort of a liberation movement, it's extraordinarily dangerous.
It undermines the whole notion of Americanism. That's why I wanted to spend the full hour on it now.
We will move in the next hour. I'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. He's here he's here now broadcasting from the underground command post here, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mike. Oh, America, Mark Levin here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
Before we get to this impeachment phase, one of the things Biden signed today and spoke a lot about again was this equity issue. And he's ordered all departments, including HUD, Housing and Urban Development, to make sure that equity is at the basis of all they do. I'm not going to repeat the last hour, but mark my words on this, this is aimed at the suburbs. I had Stanley Kurtz on this program several times, I had him on Life, Liberty and Levin, we highlighted his point about what HUD was.
Capable of doing under the Obama administration what Biden's proposal was. And what it is, essentially, is to nationalize the suburbs. And combine the suburbs for all intents and purposes with the city's. And of course, this cuts absolutely against. All notions of popular sovereignty, because they intend to do it bureaucratically by regulation out of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and they're going to use the Fair Housing Act that was passed in the 1930s, has said it's nothing to do with the Fair Housing Act.
But this is how the left twists these things when they have power. They don't allow the niceties of the law interpretation to get into their way. And so you will you will soon see. The impact on the suburbs where. Local school boards, local city council or township supervisors or what have you have in your particular area, those of you were in the suburbs or the outer suburbs? You will soon see how that.
Impacts, you know, when bureaucrats, left wing bureaucrats from Washington, D.C. at HUD. Start issuing dictates to your community about where your libraries can go, where your schools can go, about the kinds of zoning you can have they they wish to limit, if not eliminate, single family homes, the density requirements for public transportation, the constant centralization of where people live, creating more and more dense areas despite the pandemic, which demonstrated really to do the opposite.
But this notion of free will and private property rights are going to be devoured. So let's say you want to live on a little farm or a little area, it's not going to happen. You're going to have national zoning requirements. And the left does not like private property rights, that's why they always talk about wealth redistribution. And the left does not like single family homes. The left does not like people living in disparate and distant places. This is why they push climate change, so you have to take public transportation, so you have to build a smaller property so you can't have farm animals and other things because of methane and on and on and on as they regulate every detail of your existence.
That's their dream. It's certainly not the American dream, but Biden signed something today. I picked up on it. That's going to impact the suburbs and not just the suburbs, the more rural areas of this country. Because the strength of the Democrat Party is in the metropolitan areas. This is exactly why the framers of the Constitution created the Electoral College. This is why you have a Senate. With two senators from every state, regardless of population. Otherwise, the cities dictate everything.
Well, that's OK, Mark, that's where the majority really, but they don't grow the food. They don't produce the energy. That's not where our assembly lines are, so, so much of what is important to this country. Apart from from from population numbers doesn't occur in the inner cities. Many things that are important to this country do occur in the inner cities, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying that's not the only place there are other places.
And it's not defined by population. The problem is the more we move away from smaller Republicanism, the more we move away from representative government and move towards mobocracy or pure democracy.
The more people who are going to be cut out of the system. Are going to be disenfranchised. That's what's going on. That's the centralization of power. Now, before Rand Paul comes on the program in about 20 minutes, he did something really important on the floor of the Senate today. He moved that the so-called impeachment trial in the Senate was unconstitutional for a variety of same reasons we've been talking about here, I want him to discuss it himself. And he got 45 Republican votes, so what that demonstrates is that the trial is dead, that they cannot convict the president.
They're not going to get two thirds of the Senate. They can't even get a supermajority in the Senate. So they're doing this for two reasons to distract us from the radical agenda, let me tell you something. Nothing happens by accident. This is a coordinated effort. Biden signing away the imperial president, Mussolini like signing one dictator after another, after another. We've never seen this in American history in the first week of a presidency. We've never seen it.
And he's and he's bypassing Congress, bypassing the legislature, article one of the Constitution. The left isn't concerned about it at all. The left is cheering it, the media love it. If Trump did this or Bush did this or Reagan did this, they'd be calling them fascistic dictators, they'd be going to court and all the rest of it.
OK, fine. They are distracting us from what's actually taking place. And they're overloading the system, as I said to Speaker Gingrich on my Sunday show, Life, Liberty and Live. So they've taken a lesson from Professors Claret and Piven. I was a married couple. Who basically said flood the system, flood the system. Just make it too difficult. To track what's taking place, and this is supposed to be a representative republic, so you have Biden who just keeps signing these things, signing these things, signing these things, your congressman does not involve your senators not involved.
Nobody's involved.
So you're violating the most precious and core aspect, as I said, in the first hour of our constitutional system, goes way back to the writings of Montesquieu and the late 1536, hundreds.
If you read your Federalist Papers. You'll see they cite Montesquieu often, in fact, more than anybody else. They're so proud of the system. But slowly but surely and not even slowly so much anymore. That system is being destroyed and. I want you to hear Chuck Schumer, Chuck Schumer is a very evil and dangerous man. We've dealt with him for decades on this radio show. This radio show started in New York on WIBC. We've dealt with him for decades.
He doesn't like the First Amendment, he's actually proposing an amendment to curb freedom of speech, he doesn't like the Second Amendment. Actually, he he earned his spurs, as I pointed out the other day, as the number one attack dog against the Second Amendment, these are part of the Bill of Rights. You can't just vote them out of existence. And yet that's what they want to do. And now he is focused like a laser on destroying the Article three judges, Article three of the Constitution.
First, he threatened two Supreme Court justices. Remember that on the floor of the Supreme Court. But he never incites insurrection of.
No, no, no, no, no. Then he threatened to pack the court. And I believe that affected the court in the two Pennsylvania cases a few months ago. And he's still at it because what they want is an ideological politbureau. Hat tip, right, part cut, three go second. Traditionally, we have increased the number in the lower in circuit courts. I have in the city of Buffalo a huge they don't have enough judges just this long line before you can get to court because they don't have enough.
So we could expand those relevant district court and circuit court. Correct. Now, as for the Supreme Court, that's the big one. And and President Biden has put together this commission to come up with a report in 180 days. We're going to see what that commission says and go from there.
And who's on the commission as the. Do we now know? At some commission, there must be one of those executive folks, we don't need a commission. We had a constitutional convention. We don't need a commission to tell us how many judges should be on the Supreme Court. We've had nine justices on the court for a give or take 150 years. The reason they want to do away with that. Is because they want to fix the outcome of cases.
Again, this is tyranny. This is autocracy. For all the years the Republicans controlled the Senate and the House, they never even suggested this.
When Ronald Reagan won by a landslide and he brought the Senate in it for six years, he had the Senate and he had enough members of the House, including what they call Blue Dogs back then, where he could have gotten through any legislation.
He well, he never said, let's get rid of the filibuster. Let's pack the Supreme Court. Let's add seats to the Senate. He operated within the confines of our tradition, our system, our institutions and our Constitution. Trump never said, let's pack the Supreme Court, nobody has except them. And do you hear the media, the very upset, if you heard that, Mr. Peterson? Not in the least. Go ahead. I'll see it on the screen, correct.
You have an opinion on it heading into that. Wait for his. I'm going to wait for his report. Do you have the sense that your caucus has an opinion on that? And I think people are torn. Let's see what the report says on the issue of who's going to know what the report says.
Nothing happens without them knowing he is the majority leader 50/50. I don't know how your majority leader with 50/50, but apparently is. 50/50. Now, what else does Chuck Schumer have in mind? This is an amazing one, ready, cut for go.
Let me describe to me the new Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer's main legislative priorities. Obviously, we have some things that are not legislative, technically, the impeachment of the president, the president's the new president's cabinet. Can I say one other thing on this? I think it might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency flight because they he can. This relates to what you're saying. Then he can do many, many things under the emergency powers.
All right. Stop, stop. So call a climate emergency. To get around. The Constitution. Stack the courts to get around an independent judiciary. OK. Is this this is shocking sign, endless executive orders like no president in modern history. To get around the Constitution, the checks and balances. Now, ladies and gentlemen, this is Trump no did this. Bush never did it. Reagan never did it. Bush never did it. Two of them.
Why isn't Biden or why isn't Schumer being called a dictator? Because the media agree with him, they want the outcome, the ends justify the means, as we say. A climate emergency, we have a climate emergency. Does this not concern anybody? That Chuck Schumer sitting down thinking of ways to eviscerate our constitutional system. Call that an emergency, we can we can vote mere majority to stack the court, but we'll wait for the commission and we can add district courts and circuit courts.
And Donald Trump never added district courts, a circuit courts, not one when he was president, the United States.
Not one. Go ahead as president, that wouldn't have to go through that he could do without legislation from. Keep going. Emergency for a stupid war, which wasn't an emergency, but if there ever was an emergency claim, it is one. So OK.
Ba ba ba ba ba. On that stupid wall, which I happen to support strongly, Chuck Schumer supported it 12 years ago, and Biden bragged about voting to fund 700 miles, not 480 miles, just 14 years ago. So the Democrats have completely flipped on this because they've determined that immigration, illegal immigration and eventually citizenship, where three fourths of new immigrants vote Democrat, is something they want to do.
So it's all about politics, party and power. That's it. Not about principle or values. Donald Trump followed the law. Now, how do we know this, because the United States Supreme Court ruled that he followed the law.
Congress sets up these pools of money in these different accounts with different agencies. That allows a president. To use those monies for certain purposes. That's what Trump did. He didn't create any nefarious precedent. He didn't do anything untoward, but to point to that and say we should have a climate change emergency that allows the president of the United States plenary power and all kinds of areas, because, of course, everything is affected by climate. Everything is affected by the air.
Everything is affected by the weather. Everything is affected by water. So it is it is a way that we can just grab as much power as we want, impose and enshrine whatever we want, go around the United States Congress. We're not talking about a wall. We're not talking about using separate accounts. We're talking about this massive effort, plenary effort. Just by invoking the phrase climate emergency. He's coming up with one plan after another. To destroy the checks and balances.
And I'm going to keep calling them out on this because nobody else will with specificity. With specificity. I'll be right back. My love in. Forty nine percent of Americans say their top New Year's resolution is to save money in the next year. Well, let's check that box right now. When your family switches to talk from AT&T, Verizon or T-Mobile, you could save over 800 dollars a year. That's real money every single month right back in your pocket.
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So what I have discussed with you for almost an hour and a half goes right over the head of. Matsakis named Jeremy Peters. And Phil, what's his name, I can't remember all these reported bumpe of the Punster goes right over their heads, who how far he all goes over that. They sit around and they wait to cherry pick what I say. So everything I just said for an hour and a half is way too deep for them. And moreover.
Why portray me as somebody who actually thinks about this stuff, writes about this stuff and provides scholarly information on this stuff. Why do that?
Just change my first name to right wing. And this is how they character assassinate. So we're keeping a very close eye on these miscreants and malcontents. These frauds who pretend they're journalists but know better, we all do, you know, our friends at Sharmini want you to know that Valentine's Day is right around the corner.
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Senator Rand Paul. We'll be right back. This is Radio Free America on the Mark Levin Show, Cona, eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight to 11.
Senator Rand Paul. How are you, sir? Very good. Thanks for having me. Well, it's a pleasure. I I really want to thank you for your battle that you're fighting on behalf of America and the Constitution.
You went to the floor of the Senate today and you had the Senate vote on a particular matter that's very, very important when it comes to impeachment, when it comes to separation of powers, when it comes to private citizens. Tell me what happened today.
Well, you know, there are constitutional motions where you can challenge the Constitution and they are privileged motions. And so contrary to what everybody else wanted, I said I want to find out at the very beginning. At the outset, I want to know whether or not we can have a vote on the constitutionality. So I was told, boy, you shouldn't be doing this. This is not case, but I did it anyway. And the vote was quite interesting.
45 Republicans voted that you can't impeach a private citizen. Now, the downside is the Senate set the precedent today with 50 50 Democrats and Republicans that you can impeach a non a non president. And I think that's a real problem because I think it will lead to great mischief. We talked with Professor Turley at lunch today, and his fear is that this becomes a tool and becomes weaponized. And this idea that you can do an impeachment with no hearings, no witnesses, sort of a snap impeachment, send it over and then you can impeach.
You know, one of my friends said, well, maybe we should impeach FDR next. And I said, I might vote for that. But, you know, it becomes ridiculous, this idea of impeaching people who are no longer in office. So we had the vote and one of the purposes of the vote was to determine what the body would say with constitutionality. But the other purpose was to put people on record as to what they thought of this hearing.
And the fact that 45 people think it's an illegitimate hearing means that there's no chance of impeachment. So everything else now is a charade, that impeachment is dead on arrival. And we've set that from the get go now. So now we know that everything the Democrats will do from here on out is theater because they cannot possibly win. But, you know, Senator, another thing shocks me.
Five Republicans voted against the Constitution and yet most of them claim to be constitutionalists. It is shocking and I see this more often, but it is shocking for that to happen because now they have essentially destroyed the impeachment clause with what the House did, which was a two hour debate, one hour each side. No due process, no. What kind of countries do that? Fascistic or Marxist countries? Right.
It's reminiscent of the Third World and it's very disappointing. The thing that I think some of them make this decision on is who the left wing has made it over and over. They say on television every night that there was an incitement to an insurrection. And so in the floor, in my discussion when I debated this cause today, I pointed out that there's a lot of Democrat rhetoric and words that have led to violence. But not once have Republicans stood up and said, oh, we should impeach someone.
I'll give you a good example. I was at the ball field when the Bernie Sanders supporters showed up and shot Steve Scalise, almost killed him, shot four other staffers, shot one of the staffers 10 feet from me. It was a very violent episode. But as the guy was shooting at us, he was saying, this is for health care. And at that time, the Democrats were saying that the Republican health care plan was, you get sick and then you die.
So you can see how that that kind of language might have incited this person. But I never in my wildest dreams or any kind of sense of fairness would have said, oh, we need to have a hearing to impeach Bernie Sanders and that it's his fault that this crazed gunman came, that this gunman was deluded but deluded by rhetoric like the Democrats were saying. But still to say that the Democrats would be responsible for that violence would be irresponsible. But then we look at the president's speech where he says, go take back our country, fight for our country, march peacefully and patriotically.
And now every network on television is telling us that there is without question that was an incitement to an insurrection. And if you disagree with them, you need to go to a camp because you don't understand the truth. This is the truth as they describe it.
It's a very dangerous period in our history is that I mean, when they go on and on about Russia collusion, he's an illegitimate President Trump.
And of course, that incites nothing. They go on MSNBC and they talk about Trump being Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin and his backers being neo-Nazis and white supremacists. You watch this Joe Scarborough show.
He brings these reprobates on CNN. Very similar. Of course, they incite nothing. How do we know they didn't anger these people? We do know from the from the time line that The New York Times provided a few weeks ago with a leaked document from the FBI that these attacks were preplanned, that the timeline based on what The New York Times showed, people followed that and said the attack on the Capitol began 20 minutes even before Trump finished his speech.
And that meanwhile, you have Swalwell, who is who is a national. Already concern, he's one of the impeachment managers. I mean, you can't write this stuff, it's so insane, can you?
Well, you know, they kicked parler off of everything. They kicked power off the App Store. They kicked him off the server. And I'm thinking to myself, well, it looks like most of the people were organizing on Facebook. Maybe Facebook's should just voluntarily take themselves off of their server and take themselves off of all the different app stores and maybe voluntarily closed since they were part of organizing this. It is just kind of ridiculous, but it's amazing how over the top it is.
You actually have people going on television. Katie Couric went on television and said, we need to deprogram these people. And I told somebody, I said, well, you know, at least you'll see Katie Couric there with a big smile. Take yourself up. You may get a little gentle shock, but you'll eventually and then you'll see this floating picture of Katie Couric smiling at you will be OK. You're just being deprogrammed. It won't hurt that badly.
If you give in, you won't get another shock. But they talk about deprogramming, you see what Simon and Schuster did to your colleague, you see what the Democrats in the Senate did to Cruz and Holly, these phony ethics complaints. You hear Clyburn in the House saying we need to have a committee, a commission to investigate my Republican colleagues who obviously were in on this. We've got a National Guard, apparently, that's not leaving Washington, D.C. We have the former acting deputy, DHS secretary Cuccinelli, saying that Pelosi wanted crew manned machine guns there.
You know, the big ones that indiscriminately shoot people, that she insisted on it and they turned her down. What the hell's going on here? Well, the thing is, is they can't have proof that there was an insurrection unless there's an army there. So the army has to be there despite the fact that there were no protesters that I could see within miles of the Capitol. But there's also no more speech. And the one thing about our country, whether you're from the right or the left, the idea that you can protest and make your voice known is part of the American tradition.
And the idea that we're going to squelch that through the military is an awful, awful image to present to folks who come to America thinking we're the land of the free. So, no, I am very worried about it. I'm worried about the new laws that will come. And I think the real danger of the new laws is there will be certain truths that are accepted and that are promulgated. Climate change has been one for 20 years now. You're not allowed to go on any of the major programs to question them on that.
But I think also election, you can't even say election integrity anymore. I tried to convince, you know, our colleague Stephanopoulos that, you know, I don't know for sure if fraud could have overturned the election, but wouldn't we at least want to know why don't we investigate? He says, oh, it's already been investigated. It's like, well, no, it hasn't. No court really ever heard the evidence. They were all dismissed for standing.
And we'll find out if I looked at the fraud and 35 states and we look at it sincerely over the next two years and there's no fraud, I'll go on national television and say there wasn't any. But until then, I want to investigate it. And I want to make sure secretaries of state can't change the law. I want to make sure that you vote in person with an ID. There's all kinds of things that we should do, but now it's become impolite.
You're not allowed in polite society if you have any of these beliefs. And ultimately, maybe there will be fines. We're going to be the platform. But maybe you go to a deprogramming camp, you know, with Katie Couric and Soma and the whole works, who knows?
And you know, what happened in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia has nothing to do with fraud. They violated the federal constitution. That is unequivocal. That is a fact. I bring it up all the time. You're bringing it up. And what are we going to do about it?
You know, if these state legislatures don't fix this, we're never going to win the presidency because the Democrats, whether it's the rogue court in Pennsylvania or the rogue governors and secretaries and states, secretaries of state and these other states violating the Konsta the federal constitution. And by the way, Senator, they wouldn't have violated if they didn't think it would help them. What do they think? We just fell off the tune about? It's quite obvious what was going on here, isn't it?
Well, I'm a believer and we do what we can do and we attack the problem where it exists. The election law is state law. And I plan on going to all the state legislatures that we control and trying to change the law, even in Kentucky, where we're doing pretty well. I want to make sure that we purge the rolls. And I'll give you an example. We had a Democrat secretary of state for eight years, even under federal court order, she refused to purge the rolls.
We got a Republican secretary of state and I think he purged them two or three times during the election year to make sure the rolls were as clean as possible. We also need to make sure that secretary of states do not create election law. So every state legislature that we control needs to pass a law saying the law should be obvious, but the law is only created by the state legislature and that if it doesn't explicitly allow you to solicit votes by sending out applications or ballots, you're not allowed to.
And so part of the problem was ambiguity. So like in Michigan and Pennsylvania, I believe the law said nothing about whether or not you could solicit votes by sending out applications. So it went to court and the judge says, well, it doesn't say you can. So I guess you go ahead. So there are ways we can make the law explicit that you can't mail out applications that aren't that aren't asked for and you don't have MoveOn dog or even right wing groups sending out.
Let me just say this before we before we have to break. One of the things I think you need to do if you're going to do this, because I was watching intimately Pennsylvania, my home state, my wife was involved in the litigation there to give a state supreme court that's elected five to two left wing Democrats.
And they would change the election laws, so even if the legislature changes the law, they'll change it again. So I think the legislature needs to say enco in statute, but they can do it in a joint resolution because the governor is not going to sign the statute.
He's a left wing kook.
What they can say is we're in charge under Article two, Section one clause to the executive branch and the judicial branch. If they attempt to change our election laws, we will consider it null and void. And electors can only be selected based on the laws that we as the legislature have passed pursuant to the federal constitution. There needs to be something like that, or we're just going to go in circles with these executives and with these courts.
I think it is that it also becomes the war cry. Oh, I'm sorry. I used a Marshall term. I should.
I only mean that. But the word cry figurative the war cry. Yeah. But anyway, the war cry needs to be, though, that we need a new governor. And in Pennsylvania we need new Supreme Court. In Pennsylvania, we need new election officials. Not so easily. Well, I know it's not easy and nothing easy about this, but it is part of the answer. You know, we can try to do what you said about trying to nullify things that they do that are unconstitutional.
And I'm not against that. I'm just saying we have to do all the other things, too. This should be our rallying cry that we need to affect local office, that your state representative is important, that your state senator is important, and even if they are Republican, check to see if they actually are for electoral reform. This is part of the problem we have in Georgia. They're still coming out. I've been talking to them in Georgia and they're still coming out saying, well, that might be too harsh to have an ID.
Well, that might be too harsh to make people show up in person. Well, they've always shown up in person until this election. Well over 95 percent of people showed up in person until this election, where a third to a half of the people showed up by mail. And you can't police it by mail. We need to go back to in-person voting. I want to thank you for your leadership on this. It's very, very important what you did today was very, very important.
And you're right, we have our work cut out for us. We need to keep battling this in quickly. One of the things I'm concerned about is this is also intended to be a distraction.
Joe Biden is sitting there signing more executive orders in the early part of his presidency than any president in modern American history.
He is defying Congress. He's undermining Article one. These are substantive laws that he's signing. We have a court today that said, hey, hey, hold on there. You know, you don't get 100 days, no deportation. Where did that come from? He has to be challenged every step of the way. He's just signing and signing every left wing kook agenda item imaginable.
I agree with him. I couldn't I couldn't agree more. We do need to stand up and fight. I mean, in a figurative way, of course, we need to oppose what he's doing, this big government grab. We've got to oppose him. But sometimes I worry, like with this impeachment, everybody was willing to go along until I brought forward this motion. Today, everybody is sort of like, oh, well, what can we do?
We might as well let Leahy sit in the chair, be a Democrat presiding over this. We don't care that the chief justice isn't coming. I was like, what? The chief justice isn't coming. That means this is an illegitimate procedure. And so several of us got moving on this and it came to fruition today's vote. But the great news is impeachment is now dead on arrival. The vote today, so they don't have the votes, can't get the votes, and it is over.
So everything else they do for the next two weeks will be theater.
And you're right, even the chief justice of the United States says, I'm not participating in this rogue operation. I mean, I'm sure that's what went through his head. We've never we've never pursued a president after he's left office, phony impeachment twice.
And nobody's nobody's asked this question. Did Chuck Schumer talk to Justice Roberts? I bet my bottom dollar, he called him up and said, will you come over if we ask you? Because he didn't want to publicly ask him and be denied, I guarantee you Chuck Schumer talked to Justice Roberts. I would be just shocked if he didn't. And so a reporter worth their salt needs to ask Chuck Schumer, did you ask Justice Roberts to come over and did he deny Roberts is never going to say anything, but they should pester Schumer and see if he would admit the truth that actually Roberts privately told him ain't going over there because the Constitution doesn't allow for the craziness that you're doing.
By the way, I don't have time for you to come up. And I'm sitting here thinking you were at that park where Scarless and others were shot. You were attacked brutally by your neighbor. You were attacked after the Republican convention, leaving the White House. I mean, I don't know that a senator has had to face so much physical attack in my life. Be safe, sir, and God bless you and thank you for what you did today.
All right. We'll be right back.
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Well, we have real diversity, don't we, in our Democrat Party leadership running this country, the Three Stooges, Pelosi the Speaker, Schumer, the Democrat leader.
And then Biden. Casper, the unfriendly ghost in the Oval Office. I might mention they're all white, they're all old. And there's no geographic diversity, nobody from the Midwest. Nobody from the southwest. Pelosi represents San Francisco. Biden represents Wilmington. Schumer represents New York City. Got a lot of friends in all those cities, that's not my point. These are all cities. And so when it comes to oil workers, assembly line workers, steelworkers, truckers, farmers, ranchers.
When it comes to all those things. They don't have a clue and they don't care. That's not their power base. That's not their power base, the Democrat Party is a party of cities. That's it. What do you want from me, Mr. Producer? I owe you something. I know you love freedom because you listen to my show now, my show and everything I do is all about preserving freedom and a government that secures it for us. It's the same with Hillsdale College.
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They're all excited about it. The Palestinians couldn't be more thrilled. But Israel, you better get ready because you're going to be attacked. I don't mean militarily, obviously, by the United States, but you are going to be undermined every step of the way. I'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by the Association of Mature American Citizens, now over two million conservative members Strong EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we care about faith, family and freedom.
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Join me here now broadcasting live from the underground command post here. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Kirsten Sinema, I believe it's how you pronounce it, a senator from Arizona, you don't hear much from her in the rest of the country.
A viewer has a rather peculiar person over the course of a period of time, but. I want to thank her tonight. She's a Democrat, she's more centrist than leftist Kirsten Sinema, S.A.M., Senator Sinema, I want to thank her tonight.
Because she announced that she will not support eliminating the filibuster and quote she's, quote, not open to changing her mind, unquote. Now you can imagine the pressure she's under.
In the Stalinist caucus of the Democrat Party, you can imagine. But she said, no, I'm not changing my mind. So in many ways, she has come to the to the rescue of the Senate. Because she's had the guts to speak out and I don't know where she stands on all the issues, Arizona, I got it. But I'd like to bring her on the program if she's amenable to it. She'll probably be under pressure not to come on.
And discuss her decision. And on behalf of millions and millions of you, thank her for this decision, not the others, I don't know what else she's doing. I'm not really interested. But on this.
She helped save the United States Senate. So, Mr. Producer, let us see if she would like to come on the program, if not, that's OK. She said she will not support eliminating the filibuster. Mine cannot be changed, according to a spokesperson, as Democrats now control the House, Senate and White House. There, of course, has been discussion about possibly voting to eliminate the filibuster that would allow any legislation to pass with a simple majority.
Now, with her coming out against abolishing the filibuster, it makes it highly unlikely it could happen. Kirsten is against eliminating the filibuster. She's not open to changing her mind about eliminating it, a spokesperson said for cinema, and she told The Washington Post on Monday.
So that's very important. Again, I don't know how she'll vote on other things, no doubt she'll disappoint because she is, in fact, a Democrat. But that said. On this one. We owe her a debt of gratitude, don't you think? Did you know Anthony Foushee is the highest paid bureaucrat in America, if we look at the military, which of course is not very high paid and any civilian bureaucrat, there's over two million of them.
Falchi, by far, is number one. You know what he made in 2019, federal salary, your tax dollars. 417 thousand six hundred and eight thousand twenty nineteen. And that doesn't include pensions and. Medical and all the four hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred eighty eight, because he's doing such a fantastic job.
I would wear a mask now, I mean, I would wear a mask. You know, maybe you should wear two masks. He's saying today Fact Falchi even made more than the 400000 salary the president of the United States.
All salary data was collected by open the books that come via Freedom of Information Act request. 2.5 million, that's how much Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and current chief medical adviser to the president, will make in salary from 2019 through 2024 if he stays in his post through the end of the current administration, 2.5 million and a 10 year period between 2010 and 2019 thought he made three point six million in salary.
Since 2014, falsies pay increased from 300 35000 to the current four hundred seventeen thousand six hundred eight. No wonder he said, you know, I know it's inconvenient. You know, we got to shut down the economy. We're going to shut down the economy. I know it's inconvenient, but you got to do it for your country now.
Well, many of you who are bars and restaurants. In salons and and God knows what else has had to shut down or has taken a big economic. He didn't give one penny back.
Not one penny. And on August 13, 2020, Instagram interview with actor Matthew McConaughey. I like that guy, Dr. Thatcher was asked if he had millions of dollars invested in the vaccines, Dr. Fauci laughed and answered math. You know, I got zero. I'm a government worker. I got a government salary. He didn't mention that his salary was four hundred seventeen thousand six hundred eight dollars, the largest in the entire federal government. Dr. Thatcher became the early face of the White House coronavirus task force.
And this is where is this from? I can't I can't tell it's not printed out of my document nonetheless, you know who you are. I give you credit if I knew who you were. Appearing daily, often in a live broadcast update, the nation on the emerging covid-19 disease and March 20 20 convinced President Trump on the 15 day lockdown policy to try and flatten the curve. And reportedly advocated on March 29, 2020, for extending the policy beyond its final 15 days.
That's amazing. You know, he still wants it.
Yeah, we got a shot down here. I mean, you know, I'm only earning a government salary. Vice President Mike Pence, who chaired the task force, his salary was only two hundred thirty five thousand. In comparison to Falchi, Pelosi earns two hundred twenty three thousand. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts turns 270000 members of the House and Senate on one hundred seventy four thousand four star military generals. Earn two hundred sixty eight thousand. The 80 year old Dr.
Fauci holds a medical degree from Cornell and began his 53 year career at NIH in 1968. But this guy. For 50 of those 53 years. Worked in the federal government. He assumed is now a director position in 1984 and has advised every president since Ronald Reagan, though he serves directly under the NIH director Francis Collins. Did you know he serves directly under the NIH director? I would never have known that because he's the he's the face that's out there all the time.
Known as the nation's top infectious disease expert, he qualifies for a full federal pension and Social Security under pre 1984 federal pension reform rules.
The executive branch includes two point one million federal agency employees, one point four million members of the military, half a million postal employees, federal employees salaries are generally capped at level four of the executive schedule, which is 170, 2500. But there are exceptions. And Dr. Fauci is an exception. In our data at open books, dotcom, there are three doctors all working at HHS who are in the presence of the United States and incomes ranging from four hundred and six thousand four hundred seventeen.
On October 19, 20, twenty, President Trump called, Falciani was right, a disaster. 2008, George W. Bush honored Dr. Foushee with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He's the 30 second most highly cited living research, according to a well, of course, because he's in the media all the time. I don't know what research he's actually done. Which brings me to another point. I've been thinking about this to. Unfortunately, I think a lot, but I've been thinking about this to.
Why can't we know the names and faces of the men and women who actually developed these vaccines? Foushee didn't develop a damn thing, maybe developed a hemorrhoid or an inner thigh rash, but he never developed the vaccine. In fact, none of the people we've seen on TV develop the vaccine. These are scientists. Her working in labs. Whose names and faces we do not know, should we not know who they are? Why is Dr. Fauci getting all the credit?
He's the infectious disease guy, is not the vaccine guy. And who gives a crap about his politics? He can shove his politics. But who are the people who actually developed these vaccines and I see more spinning by the Biden administration, you see they said we're going to come in and we're going to have more vaccines.
We're going to get them all out there. We're going to take care of everybody. Just a matter now, then. Oh, it's a little bit more complicated, isn't it?
A little more complex, this process. Dealing with 50 states, dealing with localities, dealing with hospitals, dealing with the federal bureaucracy. Joe Biden made a big announcement today that they're buying 200 million more units of the vaccine. By the summer or happen by the summer. Now, that's not the great achievement. That they're going to buy more vaccines by the summer. The reason they can't have until the summer is it takes a little bit of time to produce 200 million units.
I don't care how many companies in nationalize. But the fact is, we have a vaccine. Not because of the Democrats, not because of any Biden plan, not because of any of it, because of warp speed under President Trump. Or there would be nothing to give to anybody and just to show you how sleazy let's her name Soki, what is what is the the spokes idiot for the idiot Jen Psaki? The where the P is silent, of course.
The spokes idiot for the idiot, may I say that I think I will. She's fighting with the great governor of Florida to Santos, to Santos says, you know, we could use more vaccines here. Well, you haven't used half of what you have now. The census is a data guy, Zahava guys really following this and he says, excuse me.
Both of these vaccines require two shots. So the people who've got one shot, we're monitoring them and then when the time it's like three week, four week interval, I'm not sure what it is that they're going to get the second shot or the first shot is wasted. This is the CDC guidelines I'm following, the governor says the CDC guidelines says you need two shots and there's a period of time between the first and the second shot. So we're maintaining a database to monitor who gets the first shot so we can make sure they get the second shot so they reach immunity.
And what PISARSKI, the spokes idiot for the Spode for the idiot, is saying. He's got half his vaccines there. He hasn't used and of course, the media run with that Florida governor hasn't used half his vaccines. It's a lie. That is, he has every intention of using the other half. And guess who is prioritized? I'm sorry, not teachers, not politicians. Senior citizens. Not criminals, not illegal aliens. No senior citizen. Not until every senior citizen in the state of Florida has been inoculated twice, has gotten the vaccine twice.
Will he go to the next tier of individuals because he wants to save lives? He's looking at the data. The people who are most vulnerable are the older people, and the older you are, the more vulnerable you are and the people with other underlying maladies.
So that's what he's focused on. Such an amazing thing, the Democrats said. Two and a half months ago, three months ago. That Trump was all washed up, that he was using this vaccine thing for politics to get votes, that there wouldn't be a vaccine in time. And there they are. And unfortunately, these two corporations, the corporatists didn't announce it till after the election. But we have to vaccine now that, well, we don't have it, not because it's such a mass.
Trump didn't do this Trump thing to. Trump is the guy that got the vaccine done, he's the one not Foushee, not Burk's. Not the media, not Biden, not not Pelosi, Trump. Well, when we got here was quite a mess, you know, our mess here. No, it wasn't. It's a complicated matter. It's not so easy. And stop whining, you jerks. Just do your damn job for once. Hey, I'm signing.
I'm signing. I'm signing an executive order. We're going to destroy women's sports and. Yes, yes. Isn't that progressive? Oh, yes, we are. Oh, look at this. Open borders for illegal aliens. No deportations for 100 days, even if they are criminals. Look how progressive I am, OK? Not equality, equity. We're going to do equity everywhere. Look, look at me. I'm a progressive. Oh, let me sign that one.
Let me shut down the oil industry. Let me shut down Exxon Excel at pipeline. Tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs and go on food stamps. Hey, that's good. I'm a job creator. I'm a union guy. Let me sign that one. This is this is what we're living with. I'll be right back.
My love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them, a man who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy.
Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amax US. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.
Join amoc instead a a US.
Over at Hot-Air, great Web site, jazz, sure, Democrats moved to ban Trump supporters from federal jobs are joining the military.
Oh, they got all kinds of ideas on the left. They've got all kinds of fascistic autocratic regimes where they can study them and figure out how to do these sorts of things, cancer culture has arrived in Congress in a big way. Well, to be fair, it's been there for a while now. But Florida Democratic Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy is really upping her game in this regard, new proposed legislation for Murphy would prevent anyone who participated in the January protests and riot on Capitol Hill.
All right. We get from being eligible for a security clearance. Further, she would impose a similar ban on anyone who participated in any, quote, stop the steal, unquote, rally or anyone who knowingly engaged with Kunhardt. Given that a security clearance check is required for virtually every person applying for a federal job in many state or municipal jobs or enlistment in the military, Murphy would be banning an entire class of people from public service.
Even if they never engaged in any violent. Activities. Remember anybody who went to a stop the steel rally at all? Would be nice, broad. You're not allowed to ask anymore if somebody's been or ever has been a member of the Communist Party, that's OK. That's OK, you can do that. That's Murphy. The proposal was initially reported in The Daily Beast. The level of attempted government repression is breathtaking in its scope, as a rule, anyone who is convicted and that's a key word, having breached the Capitol building on January 6th and committing acts of vandalism or attacks on law enforcement officers would obviously disqualify themselves from obtaining a security clearance and hence a federal job.
In most cases, the same is true for all serious offenses. He can generally receive a waiver for misdemeanors and minor violations. No to legislation would be needed to make that happen. But this bill is something entirely different, would effectively criminalize every person who showed up for the rally and remained out in the streets protesting. The same would go for the hundreds of other rallies held across the nation in preceding months. And he goes on, What Murphy's proposing here is nothing less than a huge raft of thought crimes that Americans could be punished for without ever having broken any law.
This would be no different than a law seeking to restrict the employment opportunities of anyone who ever participated in a Black Lives Matter protests that devolved into rioting and looting, even if the person in question didn't participate in the criminal activity that followed.
You have to wonder now if these college and universities, their admissions programs are going to try and ferret out Trump supporters, people who worked in the Trump administration at lower and mid levels, people who attended any of these rallies. I mean, look at all the rallies that the president had. That were completely peaceful. I don't know where this is going to end, but I'm worried it's not going to be very pretty because it's the Democrat Party that's the tyrannical party, and they are using the institutions of government as well as their friends in big tech, among others, and big publisher to try and destroy tens of millions of people.
I'll be right back. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them, a man who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy.
Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.
Join amoc instead. A m a c U.S..
The liberals and the Republicans don't like him, but America does. You can call My Love ended eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one Liberty Merit competition.
Three words you don't hear from the left. But the heart and soul of America. Well, I'll announce it. Again, this Sunday, Life, Liberty and Levine was the highest rated show. On Fox, MSNBC, CNN. The highest rate of 12 plus overall audience, I want to thank you. I can't communicate with you on Facebook or Twitter or parler. So you just have to schedule and remember 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Life, Liberty and him, and I think you'll agree it's worth the watch.
And we were number one, Mr. Producer, overall audience, even though we were up against the Kansas City Buffalo game. You know, my show is right in the teeth of football. Can't say that about most of the rest. So we cracked CNN and we crushed Melasti. And they know it and I know it now you know it. I say, let's take some calls, what do you think, Madeleine in Surprise, Arizona XM Satellite. Madeleine, how are you?
I find Mark, how are you? Very well, thank you. Great, thank you for taking my call, and it was a great show on Sunday, by the way. Look into it great. I loved him. So we just want to let you know that and I was calling it basically because every time I listen to the news, maybe in just five minutes of it, I every emotion comes over me. Depression, despair, disgust, contempt, nausea, anger, everything.
I can't imagine how many elser. But there is. And so what I've been doing is I've been getting on the phone and calling our congresspeople, all of them and senators, the media. I like doing that. And I call them and just say it as it is. I am nice on its own. A little sarcasm never hurt anybody, but it just it makes me feel better and like I'm doing something. And I know a lot of your listeners call in, they call in and they want to know what they can do.
And that is something they can do. They can get involved and it will show I'm sure they'll show we do care and we're calling in and it doesn't have to be just my senator or my client.
All right. I got it. I call. I got it. Yeah. All right, Madeline, good job.
We appreciate it. You take care of yourself. Let's keep rollin. Let's see, Jose, Pensacola, Florida, on the Mark Levin, how are you, Jose? Mark, how are you feeling? Thank you so. I'm doing OK. How are you? Moving marks, no complaints. I back in Communist, I went to a communist in 1973 when Salvador Allende in Chile from Nicaragua and this radical left for Democrats, they hate their own country.
They want to destroy their own country just for power and control. And it's disgusting, disgraceful what they're doing to this America. Let me tell you, I like that you said I have widows calling me and they want to pray like I had a call the other night at 3:00 in the morning. This lady's stomach is sick and just worry because the American people are good people and these people are evil, evil. They hate their own country. They hate it.
And there seems to be a lot of that doesn't they're. Yes, and you know what? Let me let me tell you this, I would love to have more immigrants from Nicaragua. I'd love to have more immigrants from Cuba. I'd love to have more immigrants from Venezuela. Because people coming out of those countries get it, they know what liberty means, they're not interested in all the rest of this crap. They know what liberty means. They know what America is.
You know what it is. It's something you really can't teach, you have to live it, and once you've had the iron fist of tyranny punch you in the nose, you know what it means to be an American. And that's why, quite frankly, I love people like Jose who come into this country or their parents came into this country because they love America and they love liberty. Go right ahead. And I thank God that I've been with a freedom of speech for 49 years, Mark, in this country, and I really love this country.
I came the legal way. And let me tell you, Mark, all those criminals comments that the Democrats are bringing, I mean, a lot of them are MS 13 people. I have some family members there, MS 13. I know what they do to American people. And it is horrible, horrible. Here in Pensacola, we got almost 4000 and is 13 now here in this little city and is.
Well, that's all right. You know, Schumer and Pelosi and Biden have never met any MS 30 gang member, and they never intended they're protected. And most of these people in Washington, D.C., never come in communication with anybody who's been assaulted by these people.
We've had calls on this program of people who have been severely affected by these. These violent gang members coming across the border. Jose, thank you very, very much for your call. And God bless you, my friend.
Let us continue, Susan. Brooklyn, New York, the great WIBC. How are you?
Mark, listen, today, our current suppose the president had a some kind of oh, you're going to get attacked by The New York Times and The Washington Post because you said suppose the president what you need to say is the president, who I think may have been elected from Russian collusion, say that that that they'll go along with that if it's, you know, if it's a Trump.
But kind of watch yourself. Go ahead. Well, and I'm yes, but he had a talk, I think it amounted to, but under 11 minutes or 12 minutes, if I'm not mistaken, about racial equality and no, no racial equity, not equality equity.
OK, well, let's talk about you say you say it's no longer global warming. It's climate change. It's no longer equality. It's equity. This is how they talk. This is how they change. This is what they've been brainwashed to do. This is how they create the narrative. Go right ahead. All right, but the solution and the problem is that the biggest civil rights movement has been and continues to be the know the inequality in education.
I talked about that school choice he opposed. Now, here's the biggest problem. The federal government now is going to create more problems because it's going to make decisions based on race, religion. Sexual preference and the federal government's going to further trivialize this nation. And rather than rather than people being treated as individuals in a diverse nation, and so there's going to be favored groups, there's going to be disfavored group, there's going to be education, not camps, but in brainwashing.
And we already see this by some groups against other groups. And so this is how you destroy a country.
This is how you destroy a country. And of course, they're inciting trouble. That's exactly what they're doing. People don't want to be treated this way and they certainly don't want their children or grandchildren treated this way.
And people are now wondering, are my children or grandchildren in a favorite group or not favorite group or how are they going to be treated if they're successful? Is it going to be dismissed because of their race? Because they inherited some wealth that I was able to to husband my resources during the course of my life, working 20 hours a day. What's happening now? Is so is so diabolical and always in our history, when something horrifically diabolical has been pushed, it's been by the Democrat Party.
By the Democrat Party, and they're at it again, and you have the dummy in the Oval Office who's signing anything that's shoved under his nose. Thank you for your call, my friend. Let's see, let us go to. Some of these are a little provocative, Mr. Call screener, like no one, I'm not going there. Let us go to let's go to Michael in Target's California. How are you? I doing fine, Mark, thanks for having me on.
I just want to point out to America just how little Class Biden and the other Democrats have and how I'm grateful and thankful they are because Trump develop a vaccine. And until then, Biden was hiding in his basement, afraid to come out to do anything. Now, him and Pelosi and these others who downplayed and bad talk to the virus to the point where a lot of Americans don't want to take it, they were first in line to get the vaccine.
Yes, I honestly think all the Democrats should have to wait in line because they voted for candidates who said they didn't trust the vaccine. OK, well, then Republicans should be first in line, don't you think?
But you make a great point, Joe Biden is 78 years old and he got the vaccine, he didn't wait. He got it right away. And he could thank Donald Trump that he thank Donald Trump, sir. No, he actually has been very acting, very disgraceful to him, he could have been gracious and humble and American and that would have done a lot to help your nation.
We've known Biden for half a century, gracious and humble or not, Joe Biden. Stupid and punkish, that's that's Joe Biden. But you make a great point. It's thanks to Trump that Trump that he got his vaccine and he's out of the basement now, out in the open where people can actually see him.
It's a great point. All right, Michael, thank you for your call, my friend. Let's not. We'll be right back. Much love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington.
AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's.
That's a.m. AC U.S. stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join AMOC instead a MEAC U.S..
All right, let's continue. Ivan Miramar, Florida, on the Mark Levin go. Mark Levin, how are you doing, man? Hey, listen, already. Hey, wait a minute, I remember when you lived it. Hold on now. I remember when you lived in Maryland. And I lived in Laurel, Maryland, so you got the hell out of there.
I got out of a hey, listen, sport radio jocks are a dime a dozen, but there's only one Mark Levin. Listen, I would hope that I mean, the Republicans will each each of them will make a short statement similar to like this trial is unconstitutional and baseless and is nothing more than an extension of the phony Russian hoax and the baseless first impeachment trial used to impugn the president, then use the rest of their four and a half minutes to attack the Democrats.
If they want to show that this is going to be a show trial.
Let it be a show they could use the rest of the time to talk about the Democrats, how they how about talk about Kamala Harris on with Steve Coburn when Kamala Harris was cheering on rioters in August.
What about that is an impeachable offense that they stood by, fiddled while their cities burned their game to the anarchists? You could use their words. They colluded with Russia to do a real coup. They called the cops, storm troopers that cities. And you're right, we should they should attack the Democrats. And then at the end, they vote vote not to impeach the president, but use their time to attack the policies of the Democrats. I agree 100 percent.
I really do, and they should go on about how the Democrats are eviscerating the Constitution, the voting system, our borders, how they are failing to focus on the threat of communist China and its in its virtual attacks on Taiwan. What it's done to Hong Kong, I'm telling you, we are watching this rising regime.
And it reminds me in many ways of these genocidal regimes in the past, while we in this country are destroying our, as I should say, while the Democrats are destroying us in this country, in the media, by the way, tomorrow, I shouldn't say this because the backbenchers are taking notes, but nonetheless.
There's a fantastic piece by Armin Rosen in the tablet, the tablet magazine journalist mobilize against free speech, and he goes through that A new generation of media crusaders clamors for government control over what you see, hear and read and for banning their competition. Basically, what we see in the modern media today are fascists or neo Marxists who do not believe in free speech for all, just for themselves. And they use their speech to try and shut down speech for other people.
It's a brilliant piece, unless everybody hits it before I get on the air.
But, you know you know, Ivan, I'm the cleanup hitter, so hopefully I'll be able to get to. Ivan left us or we hung up on him. Ivan dropped from Miramar, Florida. Now, you folks who are thinking of moving into Florida from Maryland, Connecticut, New York, Illinois, let's see California. Where else? All over the place, New Jersey, all you liberal Democrats thinking of moving into Florida, don't enjoy your own nirvana, that crap holes that you created for yourself.
Stay the hell out of here. We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. We mean it. God bless each and every one of you. I will see you tomorrow right here. Same time, same place, Bewell. From the Westwood One podcast network.