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In the real world, we know it's the customers you keep that keep you in business, over 70 percent of Liberty car insurance customers stay with liberty insurance when renewal time comes around. That doesn't happen by accident. Switch at Liberty Insurance data and see why so many People's Day Liberty Insurance ready for the real world. Seventy four point nine percent of liberty insurance, private motor customers renewed between the 1st of January 30th of June 2028, acceptance criteria, terms and conditions of Life, Liberty Cigarettes Company.


It is a glorious array of cigarettes.


S.R. Trading as Liberty Insurance, as authorized by the general director of insurance and pension funds in Spain and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules. So, urn is the time has come while you grad school is here, you know how we bring in it? Over one hundred past webinars, weekly webinars from industry experts, monthly financial planning calls with Russia, our movie and book club, access to a private investment group on Facebook.


And we've just added the home buyers blueprint volume one Reloaded from our brother Meji. The Majorca, which has over 12 hours of content to guide you through the process of buying a home with a number of home buying programs to get you through the process. And in addition to that, you now have access to weekly mentorship calls for all things real estate, hosted again by brother MRG. It's an amazing package. We put it all together. We can't wait for you to see it and be a part of it.


And right now it's 50 percent or so you got to do is head over to UCL University Dotcom.


You're going to get 50 percent off the mass market one day, will ya? Well, I was going to put what our earnings was. What what? What up? The same is it. Salut. Salut. Salut. Let's get everybody in here. Just make sure everybody is right. Happy Martin Luther King Day. First and foremost, we find the same dream that made Martin Luther King first and foremost. Let's get it all in perspective for Stuart.


And we make sure. To everybody that we are. Or be crazy, Rob. Did a lot of stuff today. In a very short period of time, they're playing games and. What about. There we go. No, he was standing out and I see you out there and shot him up front. Let me in. You're in a studio studio. I'll see you. Sounds good, I'm good.


Happy money team, happy monitor, monetary earner's, everybody in Japan, everybody on YouTube.


And as is what else we are. It's fitting. We're in Atlanta for MLK Day. No other place to be. So definitely is an honor to be in the home of Martin Luther King Jr. on this glorious day. So hopefully everybody reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. And also, hopefully, everybody thought about what they can do to make the world better, because it's not just about celebrating a great man. It's also about thinking about how we can lead by example and carry the torch that he sacrificed his life for him and so, so many others sacrificed their life for.


So we all have different parts to play. Our part is economic empowerment. So some people might be political, some people might be a school teacher, football coach, whatever. You are just a good parent to your child. You know, we all got our part to play and hopefully we can play forward and leave this place a lot better than what we we it. Show him in is we all have the ability to serve. So, like I said, it comes in a multitude of ways.


I saw one of my favorite quotes from the great doctor said, if you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. So if we all take that mentality, I mean, we could be unstoppable. And I really believe that we can be. So, yeah. I mean, welcome. Welcome. It's Monday. They saw us at the airport. They said, yeah, yeah, yeah. And don't try to be late.


I mean, you on all planes coming here. You know, we took the flight early in the morning, like eight o'clock in the morning. So excited to go on a flight from Queens. He was like, yo, you're going to meet market Monday or something. Of course you have to. That's non-negotiable, man. That's why we on the eight o'clock flight for sure. So before we start. Well, Ian, do you want to say anything about Martin Luther King Day?


Yeah, I do want to ask the question for those of you that lived through the civil rights era, you're watching us now. What is something that we can do as a community now that was not able to be implemented during that era, that we can help exponentially grow the progress that Martin and everyone in that era was fighting for. So what can we do now in the 50s, 60s and 70s, who was not able to be done on?


Of course, you know, the foundation is tremendous, but I would be remiss with all the technology that we have and the ability to connect. I think we should be doing a hundred times more. But I want to hear from the people that were there during that time. So if you can guide us as young as I want to do, I would greatly appreciate it. Absolutely, absolutely, man. The earnings have come in depend, as it had on the tube, doing the tube, looking out over the gate, shots of the YouTube almost hour to two minutes.


Let's not play no games. I know the market wasn't open, but guess who is? Open market on Mondays is open. And so we're going to start with a disclaimer. You know how this works. Do your own research. Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You take independent financial advice from professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on a show in which to rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise.


This is brought to you by the good folks at Galizia and the good brother, and don't let the massive investor himself into a quick run down.


Before we start, this week's A Big Week, shout out to Sonia, who's to the loan doctor. So student loans, one point nine trillion dollars of student loan debt is currently in America. Economic tidal wave. We came to call it a crisis that's beyond a crisis. Mortgage and mortgage. The student loans is probably the biggest challenge that faces working class neighborhoods and young people today, beginning credit card debt, student loan debt. So that's the first episode we have had on student loan debt and bigger than just branding.


She started her own business based off of student loans, which there's always a way to monetize something while you're helping people at the same time. So shout out to I'll be out Tuesday, tomorrow at five o'clock and then talk to the class on Wednesday.


University. Yeah, yeah. We got another one coming back to kill the last time she was with us on Util University. And so what the people were like we need to see again, we need to see again. And so we're very fortunate and very blessed to have a come back, not only for one time, but she's going to be here four times throughout the year. So each semester she's going to be blessed us with a new class. And if you missed it, I missed it.


I got it. Was a if you missed something yourself a favor, go back and the catalog and check out her class and you will be highly impressed if you didn't watch it. Shati will tell you do yourself a tremendous shot. She's just she's responsible for linking up with killer. My big fat shot tonight for sure that I got my financial planning class on Saturday to Saturday. So. So, yeah. So let's do it. I'll drop the link for that.


If anybody's interested in joining you are university probably about 50 percent or so. Yeah. Big week as every week is a big week for us. Ian. Whenever you're ready, brother. Let's rock and roll. So let me share we can make some magic happen. I got you I got you to hold my mother. Thank you. I appreciate that. Happy Monday, everybody. I appreciate you all. Let's get right to it. Don't want to hold you.


So this is the biggest piece of the puzzle puzzle you're probably missing. Let's start here once again. We have to give knowledge and kudos to the great Dr. King type and chat. What is the greatest thing that you learned from Dr. King? For me personally, it was how to be fearless. Even though the foundation that he was leaning towards the end would not even benefit him or his family. There's a lot of things, of course, that you brought up throughout history, but his selflessness, especially those last two or three years.


On the economic side was very. Touchy, to say the least, knowing that he would die as a result of a couple of those decisions, all to be fearless in the midst of, you know, something that benefits me as one of the biggest lessons I learned from him.


You got to sort of news and the insight this week. I want you guys to do me a favor. Go on Instagram on Jim Cramer's page. And if you want Jim Cramer to come on market Mondays, Ted. Good old booyah. Jim, come on down. So kudos to everyone who has been helping behind the scenes to make that happen. Josh, I appreciate that bottle. I appreciate that. But I think it would be a great dynamic for Cramer to be on.


And also, he's the one that started this entertaining perspective on the market because it wasn't too common back then. So the stock club, the new version will be dropping tomorrow. So you guys have to get that. Twenty four things that I've added to the stock club for those of you that are already in it. I appreciate you so much going to on tonight. We're going to do a call. We're going on ten minutes and go through some charts.


But for those of you that missed out or feel that this year would be your year, I'm looking forward to having you on board. You can go to join our dot com to get more information.


So covid cases are spiking and this is going to be a little repeat of twenty twenty and I need you to get prepared. So for those of you that are conspiracy theorists there, listen to Alex Jones all day. Sorry, almost 400000 people have died. This thing is real and it's getting worse. Now, this is the scary part. The second version or the second iteration of it spreads faster than the original. So I want you to write these golden rules down because we are in a new normal.


We will never go back to the old model, so for those of you who want to work for us before 2007, when the Great Recession hit, it changed how business was done forever. I remember even going to college in 2000 and it was like, man, if you graduate, you're guaranteed a job. And then the Great Recession hit and that white that got wiped away. Twenty twenty is come and we'll talk about it later. The era that we're entering in now, so before the information age where we are in a new age now.


But here's the thing that I want you to do. If you are working, please write this down. Right now, for every dollar that your company pays you, you need to know how much of a return you are giving them, because it's the only thing that is going to give you any security with that company or when it's time to apply for another job. Secondarily, I want to focus on this. You have to break up your time into quadrants of four and you have to have a time for work, a type of play, I'll tell you like this.


Never have I been at a funeral and once thought about business when I was there. And companies will not care about you as much as everyone has seen the meme. If you die today, tomorrow, you know, your job will be on a job board. And that is very true. So as we enter this new normal and things are not going back to how they were before, I want you to pick your own balance for how things are going to be governed in this era for you and your family.


One of the biggest trading lessons that we saw, my traders get your hands out, we get your phone out, a screen shot this once you have a major loss, you have to cut your losses and stop. So, number one, I want you to take a break for a week. And after two days, I need you to look at the recording and see what went wrong. So if you go to the book Markowitz's, which is probably my favorite book on Treuting, one of the biggest things that people talk about when they have a big loss, you almost feel like you're in a tornado and you don't know what happened and emotions kick in.


But like a player would post game, you need to go through and look at the footage to see what went wrong, what happened wrong and what you can do differently. So that does not happen again. A number one. Number two. If you are a traitor and you are winning less than 50 percent of your trades, please write this risk to reward ratio down. I want you to risk one to make 20 to. Please type in what percentage do you need to be at in order to be profitable, if that is your risk reward now, not all products are going to allow you to do that, but Nasdaq, Dow, Russell on the future site will allow you to do so.


You need to risk one to make twenty two. So even if you are a bad trader from a stats perspective, you still need to be able to make money and know what the probability is of your trading. I know somebody's going to kill me, but look, if UFOs are real, then space exploration will be the next frontier. So couple of weeks ago on IG, I was posting all the conspiracy videos about UFO. Right. And then behind the scenes, you can see there are a couple of tickers up here.


Go look at the ticker UFO. The ticker are OK to rocket, and then, of course, the amazing Kathy Woods has her own what she's going to focus on space exploration. I think over the next 10 years there'll be some incredible revelations. But, of course, Amazon and Tesla are already there. Whenever SpaceX goes public, I'm going to be biased towards them because Elon is a great leader. But look at these two ticker symbols tonight. Question for you, I need you to write this and check.


Have you made more money from long term holding or from trading? Put up a great comment. Last week, I was told by my uncle, an investor worth a high eight figures, what to do with my money only by growing companies and hold them. Do not worry, you'll regret doing that now. 20 percent of people that begin trading. Stick around for more than a year. Out of the 20 percent, only 10 percent stay around for five years.


Here is the great thing, though. Even if you never learn how to treat your own money in a market for a long enough period, a 10 year hold is ideal. You'll beat most people that are actually trading because most traders blow up their account and give all of their money back. So I know there was a lot of other things that are sexy, but the tried and true formula here is to hold for 10 years. And if you can hold for 30, that would be absolutely incredible.


In terms of selectivity, in terms of your allocation. For every 20 investments you see, you have to say no to 19 of them. So for weeks we've talked about fundamentally what I look at when I assess the company and we'll talk about another one tonight. But what I'm going through and comparing companies to the primary ones that I like, they have to trump the ones that I have already. And if they don't, you have to let it go.


Sometimes because of the amount of media we're taking in. We're like, hey, let me just jump in this one and let's see how it pans out. But remember, the number of shares that we own is more important. Then the price we particularly got in and we want to focus on a few concentrated quality companies opposed to having thirty five in a portfolio. Trading lesson number three. And for traders, our point of reflection and insights usually happen on the days that we have off.


So the futures market was open for half a day. The volume wasn't that high, but the secret is cutting down the number of trades you take for the year. So you can follow the simple Matrix first quarter, we you to take 12 second quarter. I want you to take 12 straight.


In the real world, we know it's the customers you keep that keep you in business, over 70 percent of Liberty car insurance customers stay with liberty insurance when renewal time comes around. That doesn't happen by accident. Switch at Liberty Insurance data and see why so many people stay. Libretti insurance ready for the real world. Seventy four point nine percent of liberty insurance, private motor customers renewed between the 1st of January 30th of June 2020, acceptance criteria, terms and conditions of life, Liberty Cigarette Company.


It is a glorious array of cigarettes.


S.R. Trading as Liberty Insurance, as authorized by the general director of insurance and pension funds in Spain and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules. Third quarter, 12, fourth quarter, you already have an assessment for how the year went, it was super bullish, super bearish or rearranging fourth quarter. You can double the amount of trades and do twenty four. But too many people trade like they're gambling in Vegas as opposed to running it like a business.


You want to treat trading like a business year in and year out. Please put trade like it's a business in chat. The top 10 to 20, 20 now look at these zone number one, which were now and they're gradually improving. Tick tock. Third is Disney plus fourth is YouTube, owned by Google. Didn't Instagram, Facebook. But the thing I want you to notice how Instagram and Facebook are fallen out of favor, Josh last week talked about how Facebook is the communication company.


And also, for those of you that are insiders in the industry, you know that Zuckerberg is not the most stable CEO for whatever reason. I don't know if because he blew off Wall Street, which they haven't liked him since then, he isn't the darling entrepreneur and CEO that some of his peers are held out to be. So Facebook is sliding down Snapchat, even though it's lost, popularity still was downloaded or not. A lot messenger is underneath Snapchat once again, a Facebook product towards the end of the chain Gmail.


And then, of course, catch up on my square. Square is an amazing company. So these are the top ten. But when you see these kind of lists, pay attention to who is up top and who was sliding down. And if you compare twenty twenty to twenty nineteen and go through twenty seventeen in twenty sixteen, you will see that there's a gradual change to the downside. And then of course Tic-Tac came out of nowhere and crushed the market.


And I posted this earlier. But I need to have a very honest conversation with you about for those you did a traitor. If you're not studying every day, it's only because. Deep down, you don't want to win, and if you're overtrading, it's because you don't want to win because you are self sabotaging. I'll tell you like this if you truly, truly love Trada. The active and we have some athletes on here, like the guys that you have to beat into the gym.


They don't want to play ball. And it's OK, you don't have to treat you can make way more money doing something else, I want you to follow what your passion. I know trading right now is sexy as hell. And this involved and I can't wait to goes not to being sexy anymore. I used to be three or four years ago, but when you want it, you will lust after the work that comes with it in order to win.


So if you are not studying every day or you feel like it's a chore that you hate, I want you to make the decision either to walk away and be a long term investor or go all in. But I want you to put in are you going to go all in? Or long term invest, and like I said before, even if he just long term investor, you're going to do better than most people who solely. Last week, Josh talked to us about what PE ratio doesn't matter as much.


And I want to take you down a quick trip down memory lane. So in eight because the same. So when you guys are like, hey, apples are going to fall apart, this story gets printed every damn year. So in two thousand eight. This is the day like the market lost faith in Apple. Steve was still running it, right? So you can see here had about an 18 Castrilli Conex fort while maintaining 70 percent earnings growth for over a year.


And it was the same thing.


Not enough products. Mac books are dying. The CEOs and good is boring. We want something new. Right. But look at the price of Apple. Then and if you were to help from 2008 through now, so when we're looking at these ratios and even if you're looking at Benjamin Graham's model or another indicator that you guys go right down is Buffett's measurement of the market, there are great ways to calculate, but sometimes they misstep. So if you go to look at this article, you can see.


Apple's full attention was discounted for six months before the recession and then the market bottomed out. And their earnings was great and they continue to innovate and continue to make sales like crazy, and they went to the upside. So even if something that has a high p e ratio is just a cost that you're paying for those earnings.


But what if they're earning the company's print and earnings like shit and they are not and their company does a nonstop print machine? You should not get out of them because of that reason. So sometimes p e ratio in these ratios can be misleading. I think they are good measurement for the overall index, but there has to be an exception for when a company is top one or two and is feeling. And this is a point that I need to drive home again for my fundamental and technical traders.


There has to be a catalyst for why the market force, the market isn't going to slide down just because we hit a technical level. That's why you can see we constantly have been hit an all time highs and everyone's like, well, I'm short here and I'm like, why? So they hit a high. I can go 15 percent higher before it eventually slides down. So you need an interest rate increase, which we may have sown a bubble, a weak market.


We need something to push it down. And here's a good trick to know. Whatever that catalyst is, it will be on the news as soon as you get off work soon and then it'll be all over social. So with culvert, if we hit a certain benchmark, we cross three or four million deaths. That will push the market down a lot. But until then, no more.


I don't know if you guys know, but market Mondays is a good idea and a real time course, that should be a hell of a lot in real time. But I want you to remember to execute Corrosively Brother here, who's up on plug in Neal. What I don't want to do is solely entertain you. What I want you to do is for you to be entertained, inspired, and then you execute. So I know some of you like, hey, you hear one thing when when you go back and listen.


Another thing has been said for those that have wondered if, Neal, a solid plug is solid. Yes. I don't think that a leader in face and I don't think that they will be at least for five or 10 years, but they are solid investments, but they are too high at the moment. Same thing with Boing Boing is not one of the best companies. There's a great lesson here. Sometimes certain assets will come down so much that they are just a steal.


So if you can get a house that's worth two hundred grand on sale for twenty five grand, that's what Boeing looked like when we crashed. I don't love Boeing, but out of the airline sector, it was the only one that I really liked. And then I went up to twenty nine, sold off and it's been slotted back. So once again, I want to remind you guys to listen, take notes, and even after the episode is over, watch the replay, because there are some gems in there that you probably missed all the fundamentals that matter.


Please write this down. Rotation is not for you. I've never seen so many retail traders in my life care about rotation. For a long term investor, if you're trading OK, different, but if you're holding for a long period of time, it's not for you. Hedge funds have to spend money every quarter. You don't. And then a second one is mindshare. So Mindshare is when you say a category or brand is the first thing that you think about.


So let's play a little game. So if I mentioned a car company, what's the first car company that comes to your mind? Please type in. OK, now if I mention a sneaker company, what's the first one that comes to mind? If I mentioned an electronics company, well, let's say a computer company, to be more specific, which one comes to mind? I love Michael Dell, but nobody's saying Dell, so Mindshare is the one if you interview 10 people on the street, eight out of 10 would say that particular brand, Mindshare is an equation and fundamental natelson analysis that I think is me underrated, very underrated.


And I want to clear this up. So I know some of you have been hit me up about 20 questions, and I want to be very clear, I'm not saying that I want you to make twenty four different businesses or have twenty four jobs, because that's impossible. But I do want to walk through some of the biggest finance lessons from some of the biggest companies in the world. So if you look at Microsoft, Microsoft has over one hundred and one products.


If they only needed seven for world domination with all the data that they have, don't you think they would do seven? Apple has 30. Pepsi has over 100 psychotrauma folks in Atheel, Coca-Cola, you can Google, this has five hundred brands underneath their umbrella and thirty nine hundred beverage choices. Thirty nine hundred. So if the magical number was seven. With all the research and brand development that Coca-Cola has done, don't you think Sarah will be more than enough?


So if you're just starting, I don't want you to be upset by hearing this number, but our job is to deliver to deliver the truth to the community and not bullshit advice that's been shoveled down Instagram and to you by people who are not doing that, but their own clubhouse nine hours a day, drinking all the kids juice, just like we're not here for that. But 30, not 100 choices is a lot of schools. But there's a reason for that.


I'll walk you through a book that I think is probably going to be the next money mess for the game from a macro level tonight, but a very interesting insight that Chaumont gave to Josh. When they were at a conference was they stopped learning 20 years ago. What I don't want you guys to do is even hear the information that we give you and just take face value. I want you to go review and read it and make sure that is true because most people aren't investing.


Stop learning after your one. And that's how most people end up giving up their edge. OK. And you guys did an amazing job with the interview with Mark Cuban. I want you guys to go back and look and listen to the interview. But the minimization of risk for how he was protecting his capital and his newfound wealth is the most important lesson in that college strategy that he executed. Could he have made more? Yes, he's done pretty darn well for himself since kudos to everybody knew, but.


Even if you don't have a lot of money, I know the idea is you want to grow fast, but if you grow fast and you lose fast, what ends up happening for us to the African-American? It breaks your spirit and you leave the market and never come back. It's a unique experience, so the reason why I'm saying defense, defense, defense, why it's not the sexiest thing, it doesn't matter if you have a 200 percent gain and then on your next trade, you get back one hundred and fifty percent of it.


Or two hundred percent or you get margin, call it and lose more, so go right down and go look up that strategy that he executed. And I think it will have a tremendous impact on how you invest going forward. This is for the debt. I want you to stop thinking about investing over a short period of time, and I want you to make some funds available for your family for the next hundred years. I think I think we're thinking about this on too short of a time frame.


Is it worth the sacrifice? I think if you love your child, yes, it's my job personally for me and my family to provide for the next two hundred years. So the seeds that I lay, I hope Xander or his child does not mess it up. But for the next two hundred years, I'll be able to provide a solid foundation for him. And then for the dads who love your children, I think this should be a goal.


And next week I'll walk you through some of the steps we can do to make that a reality. And for those of you who are just starting and you feel intimidated, let's look at this. Here's how much you would have made if you would have just invested five hundred a month type. Yes. And Chad, if you spent five hundred a month party or in other things, that brought you less value. Four percent rate of return, which I mean, investing is considered a risk, nothing is guaranteed.


We cannot project future gains based on past performance and the kind of schadenfreude. But I think I can comfortably say that we may be able to get you four percent easily, perhaps five hundred a month for 10 years.


You have seventy three grand. A six percent return. Eighty one thousand five hundred a month of years of eight percent return, we have ninety one thousand. Now, I want you to calculate, if you got 18 percent year over year for 10 years, how much that would be. It's not the dollar amount that you start with, it's the consistency in the action. And some of you figured this out in March, just like you got in at a great price and some companies, but you only got 10 shares of it.


And I was like, damn, if you knew. Back then, what you know now, you probably would have furnished or liquidated everything to furnish those investments going for it. So even if you're starting small, it's OK. It's going to give you confidence to build later as we get closer. Wrapping up. I want to show you how to identify the best companies in a sector in less than 90 seconds. So if we take. The site is called Guru Focus, so let's go to my favorite is go to technology, step one.


I want you to click on the sector. As my screen still shot it, no. Yes. OK, hold on. We show the entire screen, OK? Yeah, there we go. Now, this is our guru focus. I'm not a paid for anything. Step one, I want you to click on the sector. Great, now, after that, I want you to pick on the biggest portion of that pie. So in this case, it will be software, fifty point eight percent of the market.


So we'll click here. Great. Now we'll go to software. And let's see who runs that space, and you can see clearly by industry Microsoft as first. And then you have the other smaller players notice nobody's ever screaming, damn, I should buy IBM, even though they may have a chance in the next couple of years to go up a little bit higher. Right. And then you can do the same thing with hardware. So let's go look at hardware.


We can look at the lady who runs the waiting for hardware by a landslide is Apple. So I'm literally looking at who is the biggest player in the market. Selecting those and then inside of that category, I'm picking the top two, I don't know what the ninth best semiconductor in a space, so let's click on Semiconductor so you can see Invidia. Solid love a lot until their market share is dying. Great, and you can use this site to see who are the market share leaders and a particular space, and I got a couple more slides and then we'll wrap up.


So if you look at the five things the market cares about the most, please screenshot this is so much talk about what matters and what moves the market. These are a core five. Number one, the stability of the economy. Is the economy doing good or bad? The economy is doing good. People are going to spend more. And even companies that are not that talented or that great will have great management will do well. Number two, interest rates, interest rates have been low for a long time.


And when they finally bump this up, man, the market is going to slide back home. And all this free cash that we've been getting at the market and all these easy eighteen and twenty five percent gains, they're going to go away.


They're going to go away. Number three, earnings of a particular company. So I want you to look at the top two leaders of the top three leaders in a space and see what the earnings are. Number four, it does not get talked about enough, but it's really the number of buyers and sellers. There are more buyers in Tesla than there are short sellers for the short sellers, may you rest in peace stocks for Tesla, the number five, who is best in the category?


Investment is not that evil. We did the Monsur exercise. No one is of the 15 best player in the space and we are in an efficiency era and this will not go away. So before it was the information age, but the companies that will dominate now are the ones that will make our lives easier, get things for us faster and save us money. So like Roku, Netflix, Zillow. So if you guys have not looked, Zillow is now make an offer on houses.


So from our real estate agents, you're going to have to find a way. To take care of your customers and clients more and also sell them houses faster because the biggest player in the space is now starting to look to eat your lunch, and all technology companies usually aim to do this Domino's match.


So much owns everything except Bumble. They are a huge conglomerate. When I did the interview with we talked about that a few months ago. They've been on a tear. And of course, Amazon, the company that makes life easier for us so we don't have to drive and drop off, takes a blockbuster and get a fine. Netflix is a better pick, Roku's a better pick and comparison. We have now switched to an efficiency era and from our business owners, you need to find a way to get things delivered to you in a much faster way.


Ten years ago, you would have to drive to downtown to meet a right, maybe do lunch now. So we have to streamline everything. That we're doing and then the final thing I want to cover for you is the worst companies of this past decade had a central theme. They were energy focused. The big energy company we companies we are watching die in front of us. And some will make the adjustment and some will go to clean energy and someone and they will die.


A slow death before a company to draw down 70 percent or 80 percent in a year is unfathomable. But we are here at a change right before our eyes. So I appreciate you guys so much. I think ideally I want to remind you to please invest in a market every single month. And if you are going to truly be dedicated, practice your ass off because it's not easy. I love you guys. Thank you so much. So much.


A great, great presentation. I'm glad you spoke about the exploration of the space as a space that is going to be launching this startling broadband satellites into space tomorrow morning. So that's amazing. Yeah, 60 at least 60 satellites are going to blow that. They were set to do it last week because of weather and energy. But, yeah, I mean, that's the start of something amazing. Now, they have like earth convection right there is bigger than that.


That's interesting. Yeah. Great job. Sure. Thank you. So. All right. You want to go? Oh, I want to go to Mars. I don't know. I'll take it out of the shot you to get to work so you might go to work as a hostage thing. You kind of just do me like the whole outlook, because when you said defense play defense like defense, we only talk about things that we're doing right.


It's over here. At least like we're like we got to play some deep into some of these positions that we have. So it was just great that we talked about inverse indexes on this episode, I think like seventy or something like that. And so I don't think people really understand what that looks like. So I'm missed my screen and then we'll go to the Chargers, but it'll be quick. Good times. You can see the screen. Yes, we're going to go there.


Somebody was you're to get on our side, but yes, obviously I know. Use Yahoo finance. I can save some. Oh, well, let me let me check the audio real quick. Yeah, we good. You can be good. I can hear you. So obviously, like I told you from day one, I love using the Yahoo Finance charts just because it's easier for me to see and to break down. And so what an index does, it's kind of like hedging.


So you just laid it out perfectly, right? You said there's no point of having a book. Having a two hundred percent gain is great. But if you lose one hundred seventy five percent of it, what's the point? And so when we heard Mark tells that story, we're like, well, maybe we should start figuring out some place to hedge some of these positions we got. And so I had a conversation shop with Italian University. She was like, yo, I want you to look into these positions.


So as the. You see? As one of these. Person indexes, and so I'm going to show you exactly what that means. And so as obviously right here, it tracks that as the Dow 30. And so if we look at it as a Dow goes up, this position goes down. Right. And as. Than. As the Dow goes down, the opposition rises so we can see here in March, obviously, when Korona happens, look at the price target here for the high of eighty four.


And as we've been managing with Korona and dealing with the pandemic and the economy has grown, we can see that this is true of the Dow. Some people might be looking at. It's like, why am I going to invest in anything that turns down? Well, here's one right is the same reason you just said if you're up to one percent and there is a correction, you're going to lose some of that percentage. So let's go back to the last couple of corrections that we had.


Right. We had one in September 2nd. And I know that because I took the picture of my account and I was like, oh, my gosh, this is different. How am I going to manage it? Right, here we go, so you can see the markets doing great. I think we had an all time highs. Apple is at an all time high, this split, right. It hits a low here at 16. But then there's a correction and you can see the chart rise.


Right. And so as this is rising, people are making money. Right. So what some people within the options game, this would be like a put right. As the stock option goes down, the price goes up. So it's the same thing going on.


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Get over it shares so you can see it here. Right. We got up to sixteen right at the end of October. We saw it again. Why I took a picture because I was like, no, not again. Not again. And so at the end of October we can see it down here. It's hitting, it's low. And then boom, there's another correction at the end of October. And so, obviously, as the price goes up to almost nine, I think it opened at 19 and it got up to 20, 40 right now.


So ever since. You can see as the economy grows and grows, this has been going down and everybody keeps saying when there's going to be a correction, there's going to be a correction, when is everything going to fall that this can't be green all the time. And so if that is going to it and this is a position where you can take insurance. Think of it as insurance, right? If I pay five hundred dollars to get into this position and the economy keeps going great, you have positions that are going to hedge this.


Right. That means you gain more. But if there is a correction right, you're going to make money on the way down. I want people to keep that in mind. There's plenty of them, right? This is just one that was one I wrote that was as does one dog dog, which is the ETF. You can buy positions in this. And so this is like the insurance play. If you're getting nervous, if you get apprehensive like this can't be green all the time.


If you feel that way, great. Make some insurance, please hedge your bets and placing, placing. That was that was it, that's all. This is what we're actually doing every time we're doing something like, OK, let's show them what we're doing, this is what we're doing, and this is how we're trying to say, look, we can make one hundred percent here. But if I if I just allocate a little bit of funds to Hagit, maybe.


Five hundred thousand dollars to some of my place, if I lose a thousand. That's great. That means that my other investments have gone up. Right. If it goes down, like I said, we can make some money on the way down with our thousand dollar investment.


So I want to try and save for everyone else and also for legal reasons. You shouldn't have more than 10 percent of your account. Hedging and then also you should not be in a position longer than 10 days, if you do an equally weighted, you're basically betting against the market. And if you look even at that with your one hundred or two hundred. That's right. Yeah. He has not broken above twenty one thirty nine in a long time.


Can you hit Max. Chart me real quick sir please. I mean, you can see this man sloping down forever. But the twelve thousand four twenty max line for the two hundred has not been touched. So as an inverse product, but maximum 10 days. And I wouldn't have more than 10 percent of your account hedging, because if you do twenty five percent or 50, you are going to get destroyed. And that's the key what I'm talking about.


And that's what I'm talking about. Your whole 25 percent, which all small amounts, like I said, five hundred dollars, maybe a hundred dollars if you go in that just so it offsets some of the losses that you have in the event of a. That's amazing, and I appreciate that. Mark, what happened to that guy that got me thinking, like he was saying that a lot of people is like right now, especially a lot of the story was like, you have to watch that market, but I was going to check it out.


But the story is legendary. How he got five billion dollars in Yahoo! Stop Yahoo! By three percent. But he actually made more money when I declined because he had put and he hedged his position. He was staying when he went on CNBC. He was going on CNBC. And I would say, like, you feel stupid, like, OK, so sure, I can sleep at night knowing that Forbes unprotected. And when it did fall, I only was he protected, but he made a boatload of money and he told us that story.


He was saying that right now he has lied on all his stocks. And he was saying that he advises people to at the very least, think about hedging, because if we go so, at least you can recoup some funds. What if it doesn't go south like Joyce's insurance policy? So you don't put too much on the hedge, whether it's put what is an inverted ETF index, you don't put too much on it. It's like insurance, right?


If you pay off your car insurance, hopefully you never get a car accident, hopefully. But if you do get in a car accident, then you've got insurance protection. So it's the same thing. It's the same thing with the with the investment. So something to think about. Everybody to do what they want of our job is not to tell you what to do, just to give you information, but something that definitely marked you made a point of saying and then he bought the market like crazy after twenty four, but he made money on Yahoo!


Shorted and then drove the market back up like once you said, all right, we've got to there's the reason why this is happening right now. We've got to start looking at this a little bit. But like I said, we're not telling anybody what to do. We're going to tell you what we're actually doing. And if you can help somebody, great. If we can, that's great, too. We're just going to be one hundred percent transparent about what we're doing.


I hedge I had once again people saying, what is a hedge when you're hedging your position and whatever you have, you are investing, obviously. So if I'm investing in the stock market, I hedge might be the inverted index where I'm actually start investing that the stock market is going to go down as a hedge or you can put a put on a stock or coal, you can have soap. I have Apple stock and I think it's going to go down in the short term.


I might put the put on Apple or put is the opposite of a call. You actually think that the stock is going to go down? That's what Mark Cuban did with his Yahoo! Stocks. So, yeah, hedging is pretty much just a security measure that you would take in case it goes opposite from the direction that you're invested in. That's pretty much ahead. Invesco Field, there was nothing you're not allowed to do what we think.


That's one way you think about investment, you think about investments going up, but you could also invest in investments going down. You can make a lot of money. The Big Short one, a great, great movie. Great book. And during 2008 Global Financial Crisis, a few guys made billions of dollars because they bet on. Mortgages falling apart. And it happened, and when it happened, they got paid out, Prezzie actually had to make those products, wasn't even actually out.


They made sense, but it was a very good movie. I encourage everybody to watch it.


Yoma up a link to what you guys can go and back test, what allocation would be right for you. So you're just not hearing it. You can go to Portfolio Visualises, though, and go back to his portfolio and see if you has 10 percent versus what you have now, how well we're doing. And also, bonds like bonds is a good way to hedge as well. But play with that and see what allocation is right for you based on where you are financially.


So you're not just running out and doing something incredibly risky and going to open you to be a hedge.


Now, gold is kind of moving in the same direction, so. But that's all. So you can also have a different allocation. We could do a whole lot worse because there's actually a lot more that I'm thinking about.


There's a lot of different ways that you could hedge insurance, but people don't talk about insurance or they don't go out is about to say, oh, that's great. I just bought a little house, by the way, that whole life insurance definitely that I don't jump into my whole life that you're not here to tell you what to do. But it definitely can be used as a hedge because it's not depending on the stock market is guaranteed and it's through dividends.


So when the stock market goes down, a whole life of the cash value can still go up. So, yeah, fixed interest investments definitely could be a hedge, not only against inflation. So you can hedge against inflation as well. This is an ongoing conversation we can have about this. But yeah, there's more than one way to skin a cat. But before we go into the questions, I wanted to do a presentation. I'll just do the slide.


I'll just I'll just go to slides. You got it right. Well, we didn't really have we didn't do all of the obviously. But obviously, I mean, I got so so. Yeah. So he was saying, you know, inspires me. I'm still practicing as an adviser. People might not know that, but I still have my financial planning business. So he thought it would be a good idea if I tried to give like an example of what somebody would do if they came into a windfall of money, could be sold by like a portfolio to diversify.


But it's like, what does that mean? I mean, so it's like, all right, this is like a sample of what I would recommend a client to do. So once again, everybody's situation is different. This is just the general idea framework. And somebody came into my office and I had a conversation. I just wanted to kind of give some give you kind of framework of like a financial plan, because we haven't really talked like that too much.


So like a financial plan. So we picked the magical number, one million dollars, so and put the thirty five or thirty five to one million dollars. So if you have one million dollars in a life insurance policy, that was you got the reasonable life insurance tax free, so you'll get one million dollars is the fact that you have to pay. So out of that one million, the first thing that I would suggest somebody to do is pay off debt.


The first thing, so the average American household has fifty seven hundred dollars of credit card debt and depending on where you live in the country, that's even low, then we have a lot harder. That's what I would take, at least ten thousand dollars credit, especially credit card debt. That would be like the first thing that I would do. Then I would put money into savings or savings account. So, you know. Thirty five hundred dollars is the average American savings.


Thirty five hundred. So we talk about stocks. We talk about long term investing. But me personally, I don't feel like anybody should invest before they have a credit card debt paid off. If it's reasonable and savings, you've got to learn to save cash is trash. Very true, but but you have to have some money in savings, because what happens is that if you don't have money in savings, investments become your savings. So the entire blows or you get sick or your dog needs to go to the veterinarian.


All of these things, you've got to have an emergency. You've got to. So I'm a big proponent of having at least six months, at least six months of living expenses in an emergency. So I will put fifty thousand dollars into a savings account. Reasonable. I say all our savings account that has a higher interest rate, slightly higher than brick and mortar. And I'd like to separate out a lot. I have all my eggs in one basket.


So like me, I would chase when I have my own life savings with Capital One. So for a couple of different reasons. A, I just don't want to have all your eggs in one basket and then be psychologically for me. It's a lot less tempting to transfer money from this because you've got to go to a whole different app and it's like three days to take the money out. So it's like the whole point of the online service is out of sight, out of you, really what you think about it, that I go every day and I would see that Walmart chase that if I had a lot of savings that change.


So that's something to think about. I will put seventy five thousand into a 529 plan. The reason why I say seventy five thousand if I were to have kids, because now you can front load the twenty five years. So that allows you to put a maximum amount. And whenever you get a lump sum like that, you always want to compounding interest or the more money you put forth the better. So I will front loaded for five years and certainly you can't put more money in for five years but at least you have that seventy five thousand right away that's working.


And depending on the state that you live in, can estate tax dollars at the box office? Well, that's what we talk about, that I would put seventy five thousand into it. The reason why not the plots going on is that once again you want to diversify. 529 is great for college education. But what if your kid doesn't want to go to college or what if anything could happen so much as provides more flexibility? And I would invest in something that we've talked about before, like a student ETF that is broader and give more exposure to the stock market to a lot of the top tier companies.


So you don't have to, like, risk penny stocks or something like that. If your kid's future, you're too much risk with that. Life insurance is something that you definitely need. That is an important part of the financial planning process. So no matter how you go about it, what you get to make sure that get thirty five, you probably get a million dollars or six hundred dollars a year. If you're in good shape, you get like six hundred thousand a year.


Now granted, you're not making money off that because it's term and it only lasts like let's say 20 years, what, 20 years is still a long time. So it's like I personally think that a million dollars is something that at the very least, most people in today's society should try to aim for when it comes to life insurance size. Because if you think about it, you taking care of a family or at least one child, a million dollars is not really that much money in the grand scheme of things.


But it's like that has to last the whole life that's replacing your earning potential. So if you make one hundred thousand dollars a year, a million dollars covers 10 years of your salary, you know, you look at it from that standpoint. So the life insurance is something that definitely would have coverage. Like I said you to you do whole life as a whole conversation with. So I would probably put one hundred thousand dollars into a deal that might not be familiar with that is that is called a deferred income.


So these days are great place, especially for retirement or long term like this is why when you see a lot of athletes, you contract someone they get this is one of the most famous in our recent times is Allen Iverson. So a lot of people are very familiar with that Reebok contract where I think it pays him about one point five million starting like in two years. You get like one point five million for the rest of his life. What they did with that was that it was part of his contract that a portion of the money that was paid to him went into a deal, which is a deferred income annuity.


So it's an annuity. It could be set up 20, 30, however long you want. But like let's say you put ten dollars million to it. And then in 15 years now, that 10 million will pay a lifetime income of one million dollars. Right. So it's similar to how a lot of you can do the same thing with lottery. So that's great, because now you defer. You defer. So it's like if you blow everything and at least, you know, you've got that coming to you every single year.


So especially for some people to have a lump sum of money, that is definitely a great idea after that. I would invest four hundred thousand dollars into the market for a split between ETF tech stocks, even some mutual funds. So like the index, we talk about that X, OK, X or Y estimate, you know, the regulars, tech stocks, Salvias, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, Amazon, things of that nature, because it's like you don't really necessarily have to try to hit home runs when charity doubles isn't guaranteed to double your guaranteed to have 20 points of every game you'll need to try to score.


So in my brain, those all make sense. They all have short track record sales will be here for a long time. The next hundred fifty thousand. I would take more risk. If that's what you want to do. It can allocate that to stock options. You can allocate that to cryptocurrency, to future trading, to a little bit more like risky, risky. But like, you know, like a 10 or IB. If you want to look like biotech or renewable energy, we're gonna say that's risky because I believe in biotech and energy.


What is a lot that goes into play with that? Right. Is a lot of very political standpoint, whether it, you know, the drugs or the biotech industry is still is still more volatile in the next ten years than a QQQ will be or frankly, dramatic. And then the next hundred or forty thousand dollars I would have as alternative cash money. So you might want to start a business or you might want to invest in real estate or you might want to do a variety of different things outside of just regular investment.


That's the point. I will allocate that so. That's my breakdown. That's my million dollar break, a million dollars. That's my goal. What percentage of the deal does that give per year? Like what's the average return?


Yeah, so it really depends because this is a few different factors, like how long you believe. It really depends on how long you believe it and the interest rate that the insurance company pays. So we really have to run like an illustration of like a real spotlit answer to that question. But, you know, usually and it usually will grow in a fixed capacity around like three to four to five percent annually rate of return on the type of that type of product.


So you can kind of compound that over the course of 10 years, 20 or 30 years, something like that. And that's that's what you get. And as you guys come to these lump sums, you want safety like you think that you just throw it all to the wind, but like, hey, let me just put it all in one company. But if you lose it and people don't think that financial role can hurt you, but like every recession, people die, commit suicide, people make bad investments.


That hurt like lose your career. So the more money you accumulate, the safer that you want to be. I know some of you are in a growth phase and you're looking to grow, but even with that, you still need to go look at what the drawdown of those companies are, because if a company is drawing down 20 percent, 30 percent every two years is not a place you want to. Because what if you hit it hard 20, 20, 20, 21, and next year you put your money into the riskiest and now you give up two years of your life and all this hard work and study the more money you accumulate, please, like go to safer vehicles that are available to you.


And you know what?


Another thing, too, is that so you can really use that type of formula for any amount of money, right? If you have a thousand. Right. So what you do is you just you just lower the amount of money relative to how much money you have. So you have a hundred dollars if you have fifty thousand. Right. Obviously, you're not going to be able to for all the doubts about what you would do the same thing. So you if you got one hundred thousand, I would really recommend more like 30 percent of that into the more risky investments.


So that would mean fifteen thousand dollars going to a crypto futures options. But you might put, you know, ten thousand thirty thousand dollars into the kid's college fund. So it's like if you've got ten thousand dollars, you might invest fifteen hundred dollars into Bitcoin and then you might invest three thousand dollars into your kid's college fund. So the numbers really aren't the most important thing. This going to use a million dollars. That's a nice round number. And that's something that a lot of people aspire to become millionaires.


So as I write your inspiring stories about these athletes and everybody criticizes what it's like, all right, when you get there, because, you know, you can get there, too, it's not like it's impossible to get a million dollars. So you've got to be prepared for the worst thing that could happen is that you get there and you're not paid and then you have no plan.


Oh, my. Yeah, OK. What happens from here? We have to play. I mean, you either don't you think it's going to happen, you end up blowing it or you're going to be so scared. Why don't you just have the savings, tell anything frightening and scared? Some of the worst thing is to be scared with money. And it's like you have money. You waited your whole life to get money. You've got it. And now you're scared to death because you're losing.


Hold on.


There's another game on the side of the fence once you acquire already. You guys learn this now, then when it's too late and it's almost OK now if you have cash. But what about if they bought interest rates to two point eight? Or three percent like inflation is going to eat you alive. So on. Would you be able to give them the percentages they can write them? Yeah, so what was it?


Because if not, I know they're going to blow us up tonight and tomorrow night.


Let me do something like off like a hundred. It was like kind of random. So I'll go right now. Yeah. Yeah. So it's it's nine o'clock, which is crazy. So I'll just give the earnings for this week because last week we broke it down. We told you it was going to go crazy. They did pull back a little bit but still got TSM so we got some more financials Tuesday. We got Bank of America, Charles Schwab and Goldman Sachs will be reporting at closing Netflix, which is interesting stuff.


Well, I'm interested to see the numbers, the subscriber numbers that come back from Netflix. Obviously, Disney is pulling a whole lot of pressure and now the max just putting out content stream to the platform whether to go the movie theaters. So even more pressure. So I'm interested in seeing a Netflix numbers and then we got on Wednesday. I know people if you're not familiar with Procter Gamble, but if you're in the zone, you should even be more familiar with it because it's 60 percent of the ETF.


They will be reporting on Wednesday. And then we got to we got two companies that was with great companies at one point and were very innovative. IBM and Intel. You were pointing out that was a. It's Bank of America got to a high. I'm in chocolate. No, I was going to do the last financials on Friday. Well, you're going to be reporting on Friday. So those are the financials. A lot of financials this week.


And then everybody is I told everybody was next week. Is is that next week is that we we got the big boys and they will be reporting. It's going to be on your calendars. January 26, January 27. So it should be interesting to see. I'm looking forward to yeah.


I'm looking at the chart right now. Bank of America had a high price adjusted. Fifty five bucks back in twenty six. Fifty percent. Rise from there is 20 dollars and eighty six cents, they just hit the number of last month. I love Brian Moynihan, but damn, I thought I was a dead duck, like it took 12 years to get back to 50 percent.


And for those you listen like, OK, if you're making a hundred grand, you got fired and took you 12 years to get back to making 50 grand. It's like you may need to move to a different state. So Goldman is killing. I like Goldman's model. They're doing pretty well. But Bank of America may be in trouble. The intel is a dead man walking so shot everybody. That was to them last week when I was just saying that drafting was on fire.


I got a lot of choice. Yeah. But obviously I got my stance on that. And with everything going on, especially not with our state deficit, we got to figure out some ways to some income. And so we look at it. Taxes probably won't be an option that people can go for, especially in this climate. So if we look across that, George Washington is a state that actually legalized gambling and sports betting sports boats, jersey, and they have gone crazy.


I think outside of those Vegas jerseys, the number one place for gambling at this point was across the river that we had to see that was working in. And I saw Governor Cuomo actually mention that legislation in place. So it'll be interesting to operate that space.


And it goes back to the ad about how to also Ameriyah, like Mariga, recovered pretty well, that we're forty nine bucks and there's like one twenty six. And I was like, if you guys just hold some of these, even the B grade companies, you should be printing ten to twenty five percent a year depending on what you got in. Yeah. So that picture that I just gave that once again, I mean the percentages might be a little off because it was a larger sum of money and it's going to depend on each person's situation, obviously.


What put that particular one, it was one percent what the pay off debt, five percent with the savings, seventy seven point five percent went to twenty seven point five percent once a month. So 15 percent total went to the kids, 10 percent went to the dealer. We talk about retirement planning, 40 percent went to investing, which is a conservative investing. But, you know, mainstream investing, 15 percent went to more aggressive investing and 14 percent went to the alternative cash bucket for business, real estate, things of that nature.


So, yeah, that's kind of like, you know, like I said, it really just depends on your situation. Everybody's goals are different. What they have to work with is different. But, you know, I kind of at the very least to the part about the 40 percent going to mainstream investing, 15 percent go into more aggressive investing. I definitely would stand by that and only use less than 50 percent of the person, which is the only 30 if you hold it.


And now you might want to just be 10 percent. So like more aggressive investing, but you can invest 100 percent of your portfolio if that's what you want to try to give you the most responsible thing possible so you don't lose money. But, yeah, that's that's the percentage breakdown. All right, there's nothing wrong with safe investing. I mean, I know you guys are seeing some incredible numbers from last year and this year it's not going to be there come March, like one year after those same kind of gains won't be there.


But, man, if you get 20 to 30 percent a year for five or six year period, it will change your life, will change your life.


And those was of question. To Mike. Mike, we come to you, Mike, we come to you. You yourself, you've been on. It was going on. Hey, what's up, Troy and I are in Russia. What's going on, my guy, I see you everywhere. How are you doing? I know right away. So my question is no. It's a it's about like how to structure my personal portfolio. Like I have I have Apple.


I have to have Microsoft. I'm trying to figure out what percentage of tech should I have in my portfolio or should I just just keep building those up? And you want to take that I'll shot fired first. Well, I'll let you go first, since you're the amazing Aviva's with an alternative. I mean, I think Josh made a very interesting point last week when he was saying, like they say, like 20 percent of the market cycle really is like forty five percent when you really think about all of the tech that's categorizing different things.


So for me personally, to make it easy as possible, I would at least have 50 percent of my portfolio in tech, especially if you're in your 30s, because when you're looking at investing in tech, you're not just looking at investments, you're looking at every sector of the economy is tech. So if you look at investing in car companies, Tesla is a tech company. If you look at investing in financial companies, square tech companies, PayPal tech company, if you look at investing and consumers, first of all, yeah, Amazon is a tech company.


So, I mean, you might want want to 50 percent because it's like now you've got you've got to kind of look to see what's not tech like what's not. If my partner even if you look at drug companies, I mean, you can make an argument that a lot of these biotech biotech is making an argument technology even when you had dominos up there. Right. People think that's the people know the technology is what separated. And so you said that would really say that's not what I would do, at least at least 50 percent, because we can still make money in areas that's not tech.


But you would have to kind of look hard to figure that out, because even if you've been like a Wal-Mart is moving in a direction of having done so pretty cool to be considered a tech company. So I would say at least 50 percent of the portfolio needs to be a tech. That's a good question.


My colleague. If you can handle the risk. It won't put you in a bad spot financially and you don't have a lot of kids, I would have a lot more than three up until maybe you're forty five. I wouldn't have. I can't imagine I'm not an adviser. But me personally, I'm leaning 50 percent and the other half is the indexes. So what I want you guys to do, I want you to Google what the draw down is of the S&P 500 every year draw down is how much you pause there.


So even if the market slides down, say, 10 or 15 percent, tech is going to do usually double. But then when the S&P recovers, tech takes off a lot faster. That's why NASDAQ recover before the Dow and before the S&P 500 and even and having some of those other listed companies and stuff like that and financials. And there is hedging that way. But. TechCrunch, our man, like ever since we were kids and even like Josh said about classification, even Visa like I love this is the reason I like it more than American Express or MasterCard, but it's also market share leader.


If you can afford it, I would do 50 percent. And then for your kids, I believe their first 15 years of their life, tech as well, for sure, somebody or YouTube might say, what's the difference?


Is it better to buy individual tech stocks or ETF? Me personally? I just feel more comfortable with ETFs because ETF indexes are much safer even with even one or two options. I do after the ETF, more so than individual stocks. I just feel like is I rather have an all star team than a star player because even if I have a star player shout out to Brooklyn but Kyrie microwaveable. I don't know where he is. Yeah. If I own the Eastern Conference All Star team and Kyrie goes missing for a couple of weeks for the whole night I'm still ok so ok.


I'm saying like even the greatest of all time. LeBron James he he, he, he, he can really get out. He never really gets hurt. Maybe that limit one year hurt is going to be is going now if you put all your eggs in Iran he poses for your school. So I just feel like for me personally, it's a safer play and especially with like these estimations of the world that I'd be in for, I don't know, chip companies are or which biotech companies are really just invested, 30 of them in kind of cash.


And then these are matches of the classic. Go ahead. Sure. But I was going to say, when you look inside, that will got to tell you, if you're like, all right, that's cool. But I want to be a little bit more aggressive. The ETFs usually will tell you where the allocation is going. Right. So if you look inside, that's OK. About to avocations, Microsoft and Apple. All right. Well, if you're going to do a single position, that might be you want to take a look inside of estimates.


Right. Is the number one allocations. That might be something you want to look at if you want to be more aggressively like this for growth. So if the funds are telling you where to go. Don't try too complicated. Don't try to complicate the with. I mean, if you guys for those that are older, like if you want to look to minimize, say, your past 50s or 60s close to retirement and then you go 20, 80 bonds to stocks like you want to focus on, how much can you lose if you go on his portfolio.


So, like. Six percent in eighty seven, what, 4.5 percent loss was the max of five percent in ninety four, two thousand and seven or seven percent, and then this year is three point nine percent. So it really depends on age. The more tech savvy you go, you have a higher probability of drawing down or the value decline in some point. But you're going to get a multiple like fifteen to thirty five to forty five percent.


It really just depends on age and what your personal goal is. But if you have quality companies, what you do already, I will continue to ask them and then put the index in play and there may be a bond to offset it and then you're good. All the information, like every formula around investing. Has been talked about ad nauseum, like you need to do 80, 20 stocks and bonds, you can do like my formula, half tech, half index, you can do 20, 80 if you're older, if you're very conservative and you just want to make sure that you don't have any losses, you can do 50 percent bonds, 50 percent stocks would be OK.


You will make a ton, but you won't lose anything. The max shot out on that probably, I think is like 11 percent.


So play for how much you're willing to lose. This is how, you know, this test. Some of you said if you're willing to lose 50 percent, go take half of the money out of your checking account and go give it away to somebody. That's how, you know, if you're willing to risk 50 percent most or not, if you're willing to risk 10 percent or 20, that's how you know. And then you can judge how much you're willing to donate or give away.


What is your risk tolerance for investing. So it is a sharp edge to you, like transparent everything. So if somebody asks for you to what's the difference between ETFs and mutual funds? Mutual funds are actively managed to keep this high fee structure investing. Will you be coming to you yourself? You've been a muted. You're what's going on? So everything's hunky dory. Good man, I just want to say y'all are really changing the game with this with this podcast, with just giving out these useless information.


I just want to say I appreciate your preaching. Appreciate you even more. They appreciate that.


And my question is, when you evaluate a start with what are the things that you should look for when you're you're going to start? We did, yeah, guys touched on a lot of these things, like the like beta p e ratio.


Well, some things are going to founder the founder vision, current market share, so when we do charge before we wrap up, I'll kind of walk you through like a good company versus a bad company.


How many products do they have in their lineup that are top three? So if you notice, like what IBM type name me was the most to popular products from IBM. Most people don't know that's a market share in mind share year. I think IBM has some tremendous value, but they started to rest on their laurels and want to divert away from science based data and they lost their position. So those are the main things that I'm looking at from that perspective.


And then also to me, the most important thing is, is their competitive advantage, like what's the one thing that they can do that no one else can do for me? Apple, it's a couple. So the three things that Apple can do, like they're the only tech stock that does not draw down 20 percent since Tim Cook is run. That's an anomaly. Number two, they have a moat in technology. So I stop using my iPhone.


Then guess what? I can't use everything else tied to it. That sucks. And I loved Android before, but I don't want to not have a message, not be able to face time, not use iCloud. So they are keeping me inside of the ecosystem and then Internet like the incremental innovation, they still innovate better than anybody else. And the crazy part is as popular as Tesla is. Apple is what Tesla wants to be. I'm assuming Tesla is what they want to be.


Apple, they are not producing the revenue that Apple is. If they do or if they did, their stock would be like four or five thousand dollars right now. So I'm looking at what can they do better than everyone else? Microsoft, same thing. If you look at Activision Blizzard for you gamers, they have a strong hold on a gaming market that other companies don't have. So those are the main things that I'm looking at. And then then after that, I go to the technical stuff like we look at AT&T.


What does AT&T do better than T-Mobile? Nothing but mess up. No competitive advantage, nothing. So like they're great. Buy businesses that are high value, selling them off for pennies on the dollar and then doing it again could offset at AT&T. But, you know, so that's amazing. What can they do better than everyone else? Once you get that down, it takes away a lot of the analysis that you need to do. Well, appreciate it.


I was I was like a trap. Got me thinking. Somebody said to you, to those like, I wish I wish I knew how to make money off all of it. I want to the whole point of the show is to encourage people that they can make money. So the easiest way to do it, how to make money off the information is open a brokerage account, pick up one, whether it is true or two, but is ask the next.


Well, is pick one of those two worked and put some money into it. That is going to make money now. The problem is that people think 20 percent is No. One, because it creates big business. One of the greatest quotes is the only people that have no experience with money think 20 percent is No. One, because if you if you you have to make 20 percent or anything else because you have an invested. So it's either you are nothing at the bank actually losing money with inflation or you're spending your money and you're actually losing the money.


So you invest 20 percent, it takes seven, it takes seven point two percent a year to double your money in 10 years. So if you can earn 20 percent a year, you double your money in like four years. Right. You accelerate that process. And if you put let's say you put ten thousand dollars around, not to say you have to put the ten thousand ten thousand terms of twenty thousand, twenty thousand in terms of 40 now 40 times the eighty eighty six.


Eighty six. Right. So this is this is the this is why they say compounding interest is the seventh one in the world, at least one in the world would like that is because you start with a smaller number, but that double you're not doubling of that, the doubling of the higher number. And you accelerate the process by investing in ETFs that you don't have to do any work. We already told you the ETF, that you can invest in.


The reason why I say 20 percent to 20 percent for the last 10 years, I'm not just going to come out. That's not to say is going to do the same again. We don't know what I mean. It's already done for the last year.


And fellows, if you can play 2K, you're not playing with the trash team, aren't you? OK, that's the same thing. So the index is all star team like Melo went to the Hornets. Now the Hornets may have a better chance. Same thing. You just to pick a couple good companies, start that because here's what happens. You see the game. Happen, and then you stop shopping on ghosts and you put that money into the market or stock it to wherever you shop it, and because for us, we need to see the gains actually happening and not be theoretical.


It's like I can't give you the feeling if you've never had it, like you have to at some point say, hey, I'm a take one hundred and I'm a get to it, I'll have the dog. And if the one because I can't verbalize, you know, how amazing it is. But if you can see my expression that you know, so just take some time and just put one hundred and be like, OK, great, you're good.


Pick one, pick up. You're fine, go to monetize.


In two years you'll be happy that you didn't just start. There's nothing like just starting right the first time you see. Oh my gosh, this is really something.


So just because you're having the best companies in the world to work on your behalf and the chances are is drafting a top player, you're spending with them already. Right. So you probably have. You probably have. You probably have. But you're already spending money with them. Why not just be part of this, too? Because it's like everybody that I know now that they have asked me about stocks trading, futures options and everybody before that it was only talking about basketball and ran.


And then it was like nobody. He doesn't like to make money. So when you see that it actually works, you actually making some money, you become addicted to it. And now you spend all your time studying it. And it's like, yeah, this is kind of dope, but I can actually make money in my sleep. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm telling you. I'm telling you. I see see I see it happening and it's just but I know people from my neighborhood, people that I grew up with.


Everybody, any time I see somebody like that with bitcoin, what's up with this. How do you flip the house. Can I pull up on it? And that's nothing to it doesn't this is a stock sale mostly. But just just get invested and learn to live. That's OK. If you invest in real estate, if you invest the money, this is all the same game.


If a house is one hundred grand, why would you pay ninety nine thousand for it? Even though most of the market is at a high while you chase and it's like in a market when the market comes down, we can buy them like this little juice left in an orange. But once you learn how so everyone in real estate, I talk about this all the time. If you know how to invest in what you know, how to invest in another, you know, low value, you know, when you can build equity, you know what?


And so for those of you that are like in specific industries like health care, Johnson and Johnson, pretty damn good. I don't like some of the things that happened in the past. Stock is amazing.


Striker legal mafia. There are a couple if you look inside of the industry that you work in, there will be ten or fifteen players that have been there forever, that have been printing money. But we like if you're tired of us making these brands popular and making no money from it, please type. Yes, I'm sure this is the way to off set that the information is. There is not as hard as people make. It is not as hard as people make it.


But once you start, even if you lose, you'll be like, damn, I bought a terrible company. Let me not ever do that again.


And then you'll lean towards quality and you'll see why we always talk about like the top 50 or top 100. I mean, of course, Neil. Great, great. But they are you know, they're not a company that's going to move the market yet. Got a pool and also to our yeah, they've got to prove themselves. And I don't like thinking about a stock like if you ever have been in a risky stock, you've literally woken up out of your sleep and checked your brokerage account die.


Damn, I hope I'm not down nine grand on us. I shouldn't touch that. And I'm like lean towards safety because I'm small gains will add up. And if you get ten percent here, fifteen percent here. Twenty five percent, they're pretty soon you're not going to get the part. And he's telling that one thousand percent. True. And I told this story, I called business seven thirty eight in the morning I guess it was six thirty eight cents.


It's not like what happened to that. So look, it wasn't to discourage to say that I'm never going to do this again.


I was like, well, lesson learned. Can't do that again. I need more research and our research. Learn it. Learn to read what you're not reading. I say that to say one of my favorite Instagram pages and CNBC. And they always got some interesting article on Instagram. And the other day they had an article about Mercedes Benz. I think it was it was maybe was going heavy in electric cars and how they invested a whole bunch of money into electric cars.


Now the average person reads that and they're only reading that Mercedes Benz is investing in electric cars. I read that and read something completely different. I read that is said Tesla's go up even more because they are ready. The industry leader, they are already ahead of the curve. So if Mercedes Benz. All of these car companies are they know that they can't fight the way they go in it. Well, the leader is already one hundred yards. Tesla got one hundred yard head start on the competition.


So that just solidifies to me Tesla even more than what they do to that. If anybody, we talk about reading and doing the research, you know, that that was posted. And if you look at what happened today to deliver that model crossover Shanghai, why they do it in Shanghai, China is the number one market in the world. They can talk it out. Goodbye. They already have five hundred thousand vehicles. They're trying to get it to 20 million in the next 10 years so they can test it out there.


And it goes crazy in China. Obviously, Americans want the cars. Forget about it, forget about it. Let's go to one more question before we go, the last question, can we ask I want to ask you on. We have a historical moment that's about to happen. So we got at least a little bit of a new president will take office on Wednesday, I believe. So we got two days left of the regime or one day, one day and a half left from the old regime.


A lot of people, you know, they have different views of Joe Biden and the Democrats when it comes to the market. A lot of people are enthusiastic. Some people think it will be higher taxes, more regulation. How do you feel about this administration coming into office and how do you think it will affect the stock market? Taxes potentially could be higher, but tech is going to be tight, that they always find a way. I mean, they were in Trump's office just as much as they were Obama's just as much as they were in George W.


Bush's tech industry is going to find a way. If anything, I think the gains may slow maybe a percent. Can maybe two percent max overall, but they're not going to have a drastic I know everyone thinks the market is going to come to like a screeching halt because it's going to be an office. I don't think that to be true. And then I think health care probably will do even better than what it's doing now. But if you can stabilize the country and get these vaccines out faster, people forget, like Obama, what the quantitative easing.


And there are some things that he's done that I did not agree with. But in terms of saving the economy, he killed that. So if biting can follow a similar plan and he's coming in crisis the same way Obama did, we can go on another 10 year bull run if they can get this COVA thing under control. Now, if we have 19 genetic variations of it, not so much. So they need to get these out faster. But remember, Barack came in.


The market was in shambles and we should have went to hell in a handbasket and it was controversial at the time and I'm worried how long we can stay. We need to get an economy strong because I forgot the number. But we've been at zero interest rates for so long, I'm worried if we ever go back up to four percent, five percent is going to cripple the country. And usually what happens in these economic cycles when interest rates are at zero historically and they raise back up all the risk, people flee to another country and across the country.


So when people are talking about going to other places, that's why I get a little bit worried, because I'm wondering if they're seeing the writing on the wall before we do. But I think the economy overall will be stable. The market the market's going to be great, like we've had Dr. King Di Kennedy gutshot 9/11. Every travesty we can think of in our community happened. The market hasn't slowed down. Markets are losing their jobs.


The whole episode, how the market is going to continue to go up, like if our economy or the stock market does not. Continue to go higher. We'll be a third world country from a competitive event standpoint, that the military is all that we have. We can say whatever we want to, but that's the reason why if you guys noticed when a market drops 20 percent, it's on SportsCenter to not just CNBC.


So if we ever draw down and get to 50 percent of where we were, there's going to be time to go to another country anyway. So we'll we'll continue to go higher.


Yeah, I think he's stable. He's using his old school politician, so he's not going to mess up the economy. And he's not really too liberal. He's not obviously, he's he's middle of the road. He's a middle of the road type of guy. So I think it's politics as usual, politics as usual. You have a very steady hand on a situation Wall Street wants to get back to being comfortable. They don't have to worry about crazy tweets coming out in the middle of the night and everybody's going to go back to making money.


The whole point, they don't make it make the stock market not to this guy. I think immediately the whole point of investments is to make money like whoever the first person that came up with an investment idea, they don't make investments to lose money. And this is why over the course of time, this is why a long term investing always wins. One hundred percent of the time.


The market's been up in 1790 to. It goes up, it's designed to go right? I don't think people fully comprehend that this is gambling. No, it's really not gambling because these people make they made it to make money. Houses are designed to go now short term, if you don't all kinds of crazy, you know, if you can turn into gambling if you want. But the whole point of investing is engineered to make money. So these people want to get back to make it.


But we all know about it. I sit in the thousands. I'm about to say, Malita. But Melida. Yeah, you said it right the first time. I'm good. How are you?


I'm getting out and everybody say this is very cliche, but we do appreciate you guys. And it may sound redundant with the questions.


And your guys are being very patient with us and just hearing us out, answering questions. So I just want to put that out there.


Thank you. I appreciate you. Of course. My heart is racing, but this is my captain. I'm from Brooklyn and I'm in the union for carpentering right. But I haven't worked in two years and most of it is my choice because I'm on my entrepreneurship and I want to start my own businesses. So I'm starting a construction company wanting to, but I have fallen on plan and all that other good stuff, pensions and stuff. And still what do you suggest I do about that?


Take it out of control or let them continue to do whatever to age.


I'm thirty. I'm thirty, I'm thirty three, about to be thirty four in March. So OK, if you the thing you have to do is check what you until you fall fallen provider to see what your options are because a lot of times you can't actually take full control over while you're actually still working. You have to work under the parameters that's provided for you in the fall when your pension plan each for one plan is different. Also, some do allow you to have self directed formal plans, but a lot of them, the vast majority don't.


So the first thing you want to do is an option. That's a good question for a first. Most people don't even know their options. So, like, even with like a service before his service as a way to actually roll over money while you're still working, which most people are not even aware, you can actually do that most of the time. You can only roll over money after you leave a job. But some jobs actually do allow you what is a draw.


And I've seen people be able to go up to 90 percent of their vested accounts over into an IRA while they're still working at the job. But knowledge is power. They never really tell you all this stuff. Why you signing up for it? So you have to if you don't have enough information, that's a question. A lot of times we lose because we don't know what questions that C questions are only good if you have knowledge, you have to actually have some level of knowledge to even ask a question like if I know nothing about cars, I'm not even in a position to ask a question about the car muffler because I have to have at least some information to even ask a question.


This is the problem in our community is what we do is we don't have enough nurses. We don't have enough information to ask questions, so we just stay silent. But the problem with staying silent is that you just lose out because there's so much stuff that you don't know. So I say I have to say the first thing you want, which is be thoroughly familiar with your form, like with your pension plan, see exactly what was offered to you.


And so if you do have an option of taking some control over it, self directed for work or service control, I would say if you feel comfortable, if you feel comfortable that you can do a better job, then which are provided for you or was offered to you? Yeah, I always start with the whole thing. I would start with a portion of it. If you're allowed to do that and just become comfortable with that and then you can kind of work your way out from there.


But the only reason why you would want to do that is if you feel like you can do a better job. So I guess that's just up to you. The level of confidence that you feel invested in the lack of knowledge is what they're praying for. So somebody is on the other end of that knowing that you're coming in, not knowing something. And they're praying because in the end, they probably will make more money when you don't know. So it's always important in any aspect for any of them that you're going to just get rather a little bit of those.


I spoke to a child. The baby was tuned into one of our classes. He's like, you're about to listen to that car episode. I would have been at the service. He was like, yo, I use everything that they said. It? S in everything he said. And I took it to the dealership and they will likely be my manager because things you actually like you, you must be in the car industry. So that's it.


Mean anything, any avenue or any prospective new venture that that you're going to get as much knowledge as possible because it only is going to help you in the end.


What business are you most passionate about? Out of the two to my clothes and I dropped at length so people can support you.


Appreciate that fact. Thank you for that. So even those who listen. Well, we got we got here. We'll put it to you to support small business, got to support small support. This is a. So I think it is, you know, there from my business owners, it's really important that you take 20 percent of your revenue and look to invest it, because even if your clients walk away, your customers walk away, you lose competitive edge.


At least you still have some money coming for you in a market. It was posted to do post, please. Thank you so much. Thank you. She said yes, well, that's almost two hours right now. Plus, we have a fun. Thank you for joining us and know it's a holiday. So a lot of people might have been off of work today or spend time with your family. Was close to the market, was closed today.


So, oh, can we do charterer so they don't kill us across? We're all going to. I was going to say. So I want you guys to what a good company looks like and what a bad one looks like, and then we'll wrap up in the next week, we do a few more. I want to get that. You got you know that the.


You know, I know she shouldn't be playing me. All right, so this is AT&T.


You guys can write this down. So when I first evaluate a company. I'm looking at the highest time frame, so since inception on TD Ameritrade, you can go to Max available and type Max available in the chat.


OK, so before we get to indicators, anything like that. Right. So this is like an 11 period moving average. That's a faster one. You can see that it's underneath the moving average, which means that it's on the decline. I notice the dividend on AT&T t is sexy as hell and you see it all over again, but it's not one of the ones that I like. Here's the easy way to calculate some levels in which you can buy.


Right. So this is called a channel you will go to right here and then you just go through a typical channel.


So it's just a high and low, but I've kind of modified it. So this is a top. So let's call this top 50, 1984, and then this is a three dollars and 80 cent. So you can see this yellow here as the 50 percent mark is not even staying above 50 percent of its value. So once again, when I asked you guys, what is the competitive advantage that AT&T has over Verizon, T-Mobile, most people went quiet.


So this bottom line here is zero percent. The second area is twenty five percent. So if we scroll back and see when it was around here. If you will, but look how far back this is in 1995, so if you were holding AT&T in 1995, great, this is 50 percent, this is 75 percent and this is one hundred.


AT&T hasn't hit a high since 1999. So when I was playing that card, Carter three straight out of man alive when my FUBU, AT&T at that time was the most dominant force in the telecom space, not anymore. I want to compare with a company that is doing well. So let's look at Roku. Well, even Roku is not the best example, but if you look historically. The chart is moving to the upside. So let's look at I'm a breaking my promise for BBVA.


You can look at the max time available and zoom out as Devah going up and down or down. The partnership to have the NBA is amazing, but it hasn't helped the brand a lot. So they just start to push above the moving average, but if I had a stock and back here it was at 19, so let's put 19 up here and it got down to these lows. Because everyone is getting in at the rock bottom. This stock is normally going to go back to the downside.


I like companies that print highs and continue to go higher. Yes, they're expensive, but I want to get them on on sale in comparison. So if I look at, like Netflix. Look at the growth of Netflix, so since 2002, shout at everybody else. Chris writes, I think was the first person to have the actual DVD play ball, and you got four DVD there. All right.


But if you look throughout the years, the value has gone higher. And I don't like the capital costs required. But from a technical analysis standpoint, look at this since. This is two thousand and thirteen, they have stayed above their moving average with the exception of November of twenty nineteen December, and then of course, we had a hard back in March right on the line. So when I tell you guys, Mark off the spots that you want to get in before when you do your homework, as Troy suggests, you should know where you want to get in.


So I want to invest in stocks that are constantly going up. Like every year Brian gets paid more because he performs better. I don't want a declining player. I don't. So short on Brookmeyer. That's what it's the last one. So you can't count on Home Depot if you look since nineteen eighty five. Home Depot has been pushing up. I don't know about you, but every time I've been to New York, New Jersey, Houston, Atlanta, L.A., they're always building shit.


Residentially and commercially, right, so this is a company you can look at, but if you look here on a longer macro time frame, if you look at since 2011, they've been above their movement average and then they have smaller put these pullbacks here. I look for someone to drop this far in March when everyone was panicking. I'm like, do you really think people are going to stop building homes? Because if you're married, your wife is going to have the honey do list for you and you go out to build some stuff like a fortnight.


Right. And then we see a month later it turned around and back to 104. And now Home Depot is at two seventy five. So the first time frame, you have to look at the entire history of the business first. Most traders that invest, you're looking at too short of a time frame, if you can see this trend you want to buy on these harsh pullbacks and you'll be OK.


And I wrap up here real quick, as you put in as we talk about that, inverting the FTSE and just go back and look at this so they can see it. So if you look back here, the crisis, this is the high so you can make money. So here's a trick that most people don't tell you and publicly because they don't want to get. Then wanting to chastise when markets collapse, it's a tremendous opportunity to short the market to make money and then also there in Crimea always says that there's a bull market somewhere you have to look.


Now, these positions are not staying longer than 20 or 30 days. But as the years went from eleven fifty seven roughly to a high of twenty one thirty one twenty. And look what it's done since March. March is a key month when the Federal Reserve does something go Google what it is and then you'll see why we normally turn around in a recession. In March, March, we started to slide down and the recovery has happened ever since then.


And if we zoom in here, we have the same peak in March of forty one and it's dance and underneath is moving average as usual, because it is going opposite of the market. These are. Now, that was a that's what we like, you know, our colonial powers, like we did that on Saturday, right. Thought we'd be here to let dirty. I put on just blazoned on Spotify and go off.


I had that sort of I'm like, why, why that is, but I think that's the same as a lot of I mean, just this episode alone, so much information about it in our 40 minutes, like a masterclass from covered everything from star charts, the inverted index to duty, I'm sure.


So it's a Slapton asset. Just fixed income products, slapdown, but. Yeah, this is one of these things where you've got to diversify, you can have all your eggs in one basket. So, yeah, I mean, once again, thank you guys for rocking with us, Atlanta. So always a pleasure having time out. And it's like AGL is on. That is a very special place. People hit us stuff. As soon as we touch down in a city like yo, we pull up here and link up this link.


We don't even have a. And that's. It's a whole it's a whole different world out here, like you come to Atlanta and it's just nonstop.


It's not it's not people just like they come bearing gifts. It's a whole it's a whole culture. Try to tell him. You shout out, you shout out to everyone here and obviously to shout, my brother, my brother, my mom, Ben Rich, everybody out here, Janet. Tomorrow marks on our two year anniversary of our first episode. So Child of my mom s and every person that told a friend to tell a friend two years ago in January, nineteen twenty eighteen, we shot the first one.


So this crazy was a quick two years, to be honest with you. And so tomorrow we shall we shall recognize that. But on Thursday, I want everybody tune in. And on Thursday we are nominated for the best business podcast with the podcast was airing here on YouTube. And on and on and on.


Our hearts out to the good folks are all gonna come across Russia.


Very devoted to what I know. I mean, the nomination alone, we already have what week before we said we the best business podcast because we know the people that we impacted, we know that they needed the most. So it's a win already, man. But just tune in and come celebrate with your voice. You know, we bring on the show will be at the next year. Bring it home. Tell that when not a shout out to that job.


Everybody, what they want to get top line is like you can you can do a lot in twenty four months. You do a lot in 12 months, you the six months. So never limit yourself. Sky's the limit. Oh we didn't do our job while doing a Christian show in Las Vegas during the next chapter and after the whole court shot to for me Kasarda shot and my baby bought a big.


Market Monday, once again, is one thing to have one hit show, but you can duplicate it twice as you used to say, that if you are good, it's what you could do it twice. That's a whole different cultural phenomenon. Every day somebody walks up to me, not even Bernie Ålesund market. One day they like market. One day it's like it's become a stand alone. A stand alone is is just as strong as the least. So to us that that's don't like the market one day Alijah and they're both at different shows, but they're both as strong as each other and so appreciate.


What's the biggest lesson you took over the last year? You know, I got to go my tennis wall real quick.


What was over the last two years for the entrepreneurs that are listen to that are that may need some inspiration to get to the next level. So I don't get the answer that I would say consistently, keep your head down and just be consistent and just do the work. Consistency plus work will result in some crazy things we never put any. Like I said, we never had any expectations. We just wanted to do something that we knew that our community needed.


And the results are what is out there. That work ethic is extremely important to somebody today. As far as why we don't have a PR publicist for the company, everything that we do is, is to relationships like marketing. Cuban came to Al Harrington and I'm a heretic 15 years ago and it's like, you know, a game. Dash comes to Ken Burns. Ken Burns comes to day that United A.M. So we in a position now where people really genuinely rock with us and their relationship that we've built, not only just the guests, but by trucking.


We've got to talk now to Alex. He's been mentoring us in the trucking game, is our CPA, is business our lawyer to be on board this guy for real estate needs? These are people that we had on the show and develop relationships. Trap, of course, can't would work with Mark Day developing his own culture from bottling to our even Josh. Josh just came on last week and I called him yesterday, Daxam for Favre. And he's like, no problem.


So Mon's has his own name on that list. So, yeah, it's great. It's it's is to me, relationships, the power of networking, the power of relationships is something that has changed my life. Definitely. Just amazing. It's amazing. Also from entrepreneurs, when will you reach out? Please explain what you can help them with and focus on that to piggyback off the relationship part on me personally. Like, I try and give first and over deliver.


So whatever the industry is doing, try and deliver five fold above that, but literally just make a list of what people are trying to achieve and help them get there. Anything. Ninety nine percent of people that I call on, I'm never doing it for me. Like I mean, like I'm trying to help connect me to such and such. I'm like, oh, what can I do? And in the long run, trust me to pay off and pay off.


So I think we've got special people. We got special treat out next week, special treat. We'll ask them next week at about 17 and I'll tell you what it is. Oh, shut out the entire network. So, yeah, you get a date set out the Dave since sleep is sleeping specifically on Instagram social poop. I guess he got one ball in his pocket, a long shot. We got a few other people that, you know, we just we just got the paper came through right before the game, so we got another announcement to make.


So now what? I definitely want to get the kids shout out if you get a chance. I got back to school social go to social proof park and the interviews entrepreneurs is the one to do, which was amazing.


Oh, yes, that was crazy. Alex, what is crazy, crazy, great DAVIS super talented man and his style is is is precise. So, I mean, watching him, I learned and so shocked that they could do it. All right, guys, don't forget to subscribe to Market Mondays on our podcast. The Spotify, wherever you listen to back and read the podcast, pop star reading a comment. Very, very employees.


And you tell a friend to tell a friend, we will be back next Monday. Make sure you check out all things that's going on this week, episode coming out tomorrow. And you think you guys. What is love is love. You will see on the other side. Peace, peace. Peace.