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Hey, it's Mel. I wanted to jump on here because my week is so off the rails. It's jump the tracks and it's only Sunday. I mean, it hasn't even started yet. Here are three things I'm telling myself right now that I'm going to let go of so that those Sunday scaries and the wave of stress does not knock me over. Number one, I'm letting go of my expectation for how the week was going to go. Because if you hold tight to what it was supposed to be, you're never going to relax into what it's going to be. Number two, nobody's mad at you. Stop telling yourself people are mad at you. They're not mad at you. They're not mad at you if you get sick. They're not mad at you if you had to change your plans. It is okay. Number three, let's make it a great week. You and I can face this. Let's make it a good week together, okay? We got this.