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Budget. I hate that word budget. I feel like budget is a punishment. It's a diet. I don't want to be on a budget, Tiffany. What do I need to do?


Your budget is a picture of your money flowing in and flowing out. And so the picture that I like to take is a month. Step one is to write everything down, just the words of what do I spend money on, just in general. I want you to just write the words. And step two is now you say, these words on my money list, how much am I spending approximately monthly? Some stuff you'll know, like your mortgage or your rent, some stuff you might not be sure. Step three is to write down how much you make on average every month from all of your areas. So if you have a job, whatever that is. Step four, you add up how much you're spending monthly and subtract it from how much you're making monthly. I call that the tears and tissue step, because usually people get there and they're like, Can I have a tissue? That tears and tissue step allows you to see what do you need to do now.