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Let's talk about your gut reset protocol. The first day, in addition to what you've already done in the morning, you're going to add exercise. It's the first E of the four different E's that we're going to be doing. When you start moving your body, all of that distension starts to move, eliminate, take out dairy, gluten, white sugar, whatever you think may be triggering. So for some people, that could be nuts. For some people, that can be shellfish. For some people, it can be corn. Day three, you're going to start eating foods your gut bacteria loves. It's going to be that spinach, that asparagas. It's going to be that fruit, that bromaline from that pineapple. Enjoy. Spend time with people who are good for your mental health because they're also good for your gut health. These gut bacteria, just like we said, we want to make them happy, they are super happy when you're spending time with people who make you feel your best.