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What's interesting is that if you're in a relationship with somebody who has this dismissive, avoidant, attachment style, you tend to get very frustrated, which makes them only pull away more.


So this individual as an adult becomes a person who can be very charming, charismatic, wonderful, early on. But when things get real, they often get afraid, and so they will push.


People away. Or withdraw. Is that like the other- Exactly. When you say push people away, it sounds very active and purposeful, but is withdrawing and isolating.


We will definitely see dismissive avoidance, especially in the earlier dating stages of relationships, actively push people away by sabotaging the relationship, by leaving early. If they feel like their feelings are too real or it feels too raw for them, they'll often say, Okay, I have to get out of here. That's it. We're done. And there can be that push away dynamic. But when they're actually in a committed relationship, you'll see a lot more of the pulling away, the withdrawing, the retreating.