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For somebody who is introverted, the idea of the spotlight being on you is your worst nightmare, but you do want people to look at you and go, They are an influential person. What's the body language that you can start to practice?


Well, first of all, here is a classic mistake that I see all the time. Hey, everyone. Your first impression is now little, small, defeated. That one cue creates a loop. You can change the loop of your awkwardness with this one cue. You want to maximize the distance between your ear and your shoulder pretty much all time. If you have your shoulders down and back, it signals to your brain, I'm taking up space, I'm claiming my space, which then tells your brain, Okay, we're safe. If you do the opposite, you're telling your brain, We are not safe, which then makes you have more cortisol, which shuts down your thinking, which makes you have dry mouth, which makes you blush, which makes you run out of oxygen. It creates all those awkwardness cues.