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Hey, it's your friend Mel. I wasted my entire morning sitting around waiting for this storm to pass, waiting for the rain to clear, waiting for the conditions to be better. Just think about how often you do that in life. How you sit around and you wait. You wait for motivation, you wait for inspiration, you wait for the fear to go away, you wait for the right time. It is such a waste of your precious, amazing life. Stop doing it. Seriously. There is something that you know you need to do today. There's a phone call, there's a project you need to work on. Maybe like me, been waiting around to feel motivated to exercise. Let this video and this message from your friend Mel be the sign that you needed, that it's time to stop wasting time and sitting around waiting and 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 tap into the power in here and just go get the damn thing done.