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Eighty % of women do not believe they're enough. 91 % of girls and women don't love their bodies. A lot of times we tell ourselves lies. We're not even aware of it. We just think they're truths. And so the next question is, do you want to keep that lie, or do you want to unlearnt it? If you want to unlearnt it, you reframe it. And every time it comes into your mind, you intercept it. You intercept that lie that says things like that don't happen to people like me. You decide, oh, no, no. My new meaning is, things like that haven't happened yet. Oh, but they're going to happen. And I just reframe it, and I decide the meaning I attach to my story. I decide what I'm going to believe is going to happen, and I decide that will be my narrative. And when you change your story, you change your entire life.