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When you were in that cycle for yourself, where you were just in the monotony of the day-to-day, where do you start when you're there?


When you know you don't like where you are, it's a great start. But again, if I don't know where I'm going, I don't know how to put a plan together. I was the stay at home wife. I started to realize I had been swallowing my dreams for eight years. Why was I doing that? I had to start there. What was the conditioning and the thought process that made me think like I couldn't speak up? And so I backtracked and I wrote the script. What was the things that I was saying to myself? It was the word when. I will do this when. The when is so powerful to us that keeps us stuck. And what I had to ask myself is, what happens if the when never came? So I'm going to Z when this happens. What if that thing never happens? What now? Now you have a choice. And so taking away that when was very powerful for me.