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I just hung up the phone with somebody that I love dearly who got disappointing news at work. And here's what I want to tell you. You are not stuck where you are. The only place that you ever get stuck is right up here. So whatever it is that you're thinking about doing, that change you want to make, the risk you want to take, do it. Do it. Because you're never going to feel ready. You're never going to feel confident. And that's not how confidence works. That's not how life works anyway. Courage comes first. You have to find the courage to take the risk, step into the unknown, and the courage to trust yourself. Because the fact is, you will figure it out, and you do deserve more. And today is the day to place that bet on yourself. And when you tap into that courage to take the risk, to take control of your life, guess what happens? The confidence follows because you start to believe in yourself. So go freaking do it.