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Guest, Ditch on the way. Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the fuck up.


You're listening to Believe You Me with.






Count, Bizbing, and.


Anthony Lionheart Smith. I guess we saw something, bro.


I guess we started the show. Your wife got rear-ended?


Yeah, by a teenage girl on her phone. Yeah. Well, she actually hit another car, and then that car got pushed into my wife's car.


Okay, so fortunately, by the time it hit you, the impact had been reduced.


Yeah, thank God.




So the rental car company was finally... There's all these strikes and people... I know that it was going on in the movie industry a little bit, but now there's a big strike happening in the car manufacturers. Yeah, it's.


Been going on for a.


While, I think. Yeah. This happened a little... I don't know, two weeks ago, and they couldn't find a bumper anywhere to fix her car. So if you've been driving around with a messed up bumper, well, they found one somewhere and had to pay double for it just to get it because the dealership wouldn't give it up. Now we're getting a rental car and doing that whole song and dance.


Well, at least she's not hurt. I saw a girl recently and she'd done the same thing. I pulled over, she's run right into the back of someone. I assume she was on a phone and she was so shook on. But again, main thing, she wasn't hurt because just around the corner, I said around the corner on the freeway by my house last week, there was a Lamborghini driving. Guy was going stupid fast, smashed into the back of a car. The driver was fine. The guy in the passenger seat flew through the windscreen. He's dead, of course. Oh, man. That's a great way to start the show. Happy days, everyone. Yeah. How are you, Anthony? Feeling better?


Yeah, man, I was toasted. Just a long week. Wednesday to Sunday in New York City. It's not like I was partying the whole time.


I was in Brazil before.


That as well. Yeah, you're crazy. But I just felt like, well, I screwed myself at the very beginning. As soon as I got there, I went and did the aerial thing, met Steve-O and had a lot of fun. Well, then Wednesday night I was like, Man, I don't got anything until later on in the podcast on Thursday. Like, I'm going to stay up late. I'm going to lay here. I stayed in my hotel room. I just hung out. I was watching stupid TV flipping on my phone. It was like 3:00 AM. I was like, Man, I can't wait. I'm going to sleep in so late. And then eight o'clock in the morning, my phone's blowing up. I got people knocking on the door. I was like, What the fuck is happening? And it was like my management team. I forgot I had to do barstool at 9:00 AM on Thursday morning. So I just screwed my whole weekend after that because then it was barstool to an interview to then the podcast. Then I had a dinner, and then Friday. It was a mess.


Don't tell me about it. No, no, no. You didn't miss anything much anyway. Monday show, everybody, if you're back here today, thank you for being here. I could hardly string a sentence together. Anthony and Brian afterwards, sorry, Hamilton and Brian afterwards, they were like, Oh, no, you were fine. You couldn't really tell. I'm like, Really? I feel like you could because I could not think. But today I'm resting, I'm dieting. I got a sauna arrived at the house. I got the cold plunge. I got the sauna. I'm doing peletons. I'm lifting.


Speaking of dieting, did you see that water fast thing that Dana posted on Twitter and Instagram?


Three days.


Yeah, I'm going to start it on Sunday. I'm going to give it a shot.


I was talking to... Who was it? Chino Verra at the airport, Sunday. I was flying home and I sat down at this restaurant. Who walks in? Chino. We sit down and we're talking to each other and I'm like, Dude, I've picked out while I've been here, blah, blah, blah, blah. As you do, it's hard when you're on the road, right? And he's like, I'm going to do a three-day water fast as soon as I get back to cleanse my system. And he was talking about all the health benefits, how it breaks down cancer cells first, et cetera, et cetera. Of course, it's good for weight loss, but there's tons of other health benefits. And I was like, 72 hours, man, that's a long time to go without food. He's like, Mike, you can do it. I know you're strong-minded and strong-willed. You can do it. And I'm like, I can. I can if I had to. If I was in the middle of a desert, if I was lost in a forest somewhere, you know what I mean? But I've got a fridge right there, 72 hours. Do me some scrambled egg, do me something low-carb, do me something keto.


I don't know if I could do 72 hours. I'm going to start with 24. I'm going to give it a shot. When are you going to do yours?


I'm going to start on Sunday. And we're going to do the same way that Dana explained it. After 24 hours, then you can do the beef, or the bone broth twice a day for the next two days. I'm going to give it a shot. I'm going to start Sunday morning as soon as I wake up. That'll be the start of it. And then it's me, my wife, and then another really- My wife? My wife. My wife, and another really close couple of friends of ours. Because our two families are... I don't obviously have a lot of family. Mikaela's grandpa just had a quadruple bypass. They did their Thanksgiving a week ago. It's just none of us really have a lot of family, so we're doing them together. Then we'll end it on Wednesday and then just crush food on Thursday.


Well, good luck. We'll see.


How I am.


On Monday. My dad had a quintuple at heart bypass, which is five. Wow. Yeah, and he still smokes like a chinney, still drinks like a fish. Do you know what I mean? I tell him all the time, Dad, drink some water. I think I've said this, he was like, Mark, if you look up the first ingredient of whiskey, it's water. I'm like, Yeah. I don't think it works like that, dad. I'm looking at your skin. You look like I just want to rub some lotion on you, man. You're cracking at the seams. Oh, dear, that old school generation, man, they don't care. They're different. You're going to be sitting there with your friends, a little come by our circle, starving your tits off, miserable as hell, thinking, Why are we doing this? Living off bone broth. Let me ask you about the bone broth. Where are you going to source the bone broth, Anthony?


I bought the same or my wife had... She bought the same electrolytes that Dana used because he just showed the little container and she just got the same bone broth that he got. It was like the cleanest bone broth that you can get, apparently. I'm just copying Dana.


And giving it a shot. Rebecca, the cleanest bone broth. Did I talk about the bone broth in our house?






Apologize. You got some good bone broth?


You're probably like, What is this episode? What are we talking about bone broth? Rebecca is obsessed now with making her own bone broth. We're talking about bone broth, Rebecca. Come here real quick. She stinks the house out because she drinks a lot of bone broth. Does it smell like bone broth? She stinks the house out. She makes her own bone broth.


How do you make bone broth?


Well, you get-Here we go.


You get beef, marrow, bones. You can get a variety of different bones. Basically, you just put them in a crock pot, a slow cooker.




Cover it with water, and you can put some onions and garlic and a few things like that. You just boil it very, very slowly for about two days.


Then you put it in the fridge and then all the fat separates on the top, then you scrape the fat.


There it is.


It's delicious. Homemade bone broth, collagen through the roof, goodness, vitamins, minerals, richness.


It's a good thing, man.


It takes a while. Does it? Okay, well, I'll see if my wife is willing to do it. Otherwise, I'm going to have to buy it. But I'm doing a 72-hour- You've got a.


Lot of beef bones galore. You've got a.


Farm, right? Yeah, we got a lot of. But I don't ever do anything with them because I'm like, What the fuck.


Am I going to do with this? Don't throw them away. Send them to us. She's buying the bones.


Yes, send.


Them to us. They're really expensive.


To buy them organic grass-fed, they're really expensive. I just buy crappy ones from the supermarkets.


I would love- I just got a bunch of those just walking around out there. I just.


Chop a leg. Okay, like cow. No, I'm going to make bone broth. No, but.


What is better? It's just so wholesome. I'm drinking the bones of- Sounds- -of a cow. Yeah, I love that. You're using every part.


Of it. Right. Liverpool King will just scrape that out and eat it, like.


The narrow. Oh, yeah. That's what people do. I don't know if I could.


Do that. -that's a lot. -liver, bro, there's no steroids. There is no steroids going on.


And then also I add turmeric to it as well.


-turmeric. -turmeric. You can come back later. Okay. We have a topic.


For you.


She's going to come back and she's going to give her opinion on a certain topic that's going around right now, but that's later. We just mentioned Peloton. You mentioned Dana. You mentioned 72 Hours Fast. You probably saw this. I saw Dana on Theo Van's podcast. Shout out, Theo Van, massive MMA fan. I've been on his podcast a couple of times. Great guy, hilarious stand-up comedian. He had Dana on there and he was talking about how he posted a picture of Trump on his personal social media. A sponsor called, I don't know who it was. Maybe it's Bud Light, maybe it's Peloton, I don't know, told him to take that down. Dana's response was hilarious. Brian, can we roll the tape or the tape, sir? With the people who wanted an ad out, Peloton. Meanwhile, you have.


Rfkg- So Peloton, what are they? The stationary bikes?


Peloton sells stationary bikes, and they got a problem of Robert Kennedy. Who the fuck are they?


Are you.


Kidding me?




Peloton calling bitching about Robert Kennedy. Oh, this is the clip of people that called Thios, right?


Yeah. Let's do the other one, Bryan. By the way, I like my Peloton bike. I was on it this morning. I don't do the classes, though, because I can't stand. Guys, you're doing so great.


You're all so.


Fuck the classes.


What do you do?


Just ride. It's free.


No, I got to do the classes.


On mine. I don't do the classes. I can't deal with the condescending bullshit. Oh, my God. You're doing so great right now. You're totally crushing it. How do you know?


Oh, I need you to lie to me. I need you to lie to me. Oh, I don't. When we train together, we're going to train together, Mike, and you're going to help me because I have this plan before the end of my career, and you're a part of it.




Yes. Well, I'll tell you the plan real quick. Tell me the plan. There's a couple of people, and I actually said this yesterday, there's a couple of people that if I retire and end my career before having an opportunity to train with them and have them help me through a training camp, I'll be really disappointed. You're one of them.


Thank you.


But when we do that, I need you to lie to me the whole time.


Oh, no, I will. Okay. Anthony, you're doing shit. You're so bad at jiu-jitsu.


I need a little bit of Rara.


I could do that so much better than you. That'll be the lie. I'll be like, Why do you want to train with me? I suck, bro. I'm useless. But that's very kind. Thank you very much. I would love to train you. You got to come down. All of you guys are going to come down to Orange County. Come stay at my house. We'll do some podcast. We'll do some training, et cetera. Brian.


Video for Trump is on my personal social media, and one of our big sponsors called and said, take that down. You know what I said? Go vote for yourself.


You vote for whoever you want to vote for.


And I'll vote for.


Whoever I want to.


Vote for. That's how this works.


I don't even care who you're voting for. It's none of my business. Don't ever call me and tell me who to vote for.


Yeah, I think a lot of.


People feel in fear these days. A lot of.


People feel in fear that if they don't.


Vote for certain people, they're going to.


Lose their jobs. I mean, it's.


Hollywood, for example.


Think about how.


Crazy that is. It sounds insane.


It sounds just like-.


It'll keep happening unless more people stand up for themselves.




Give them the like you response.


And you know what? He's absolutely right. I can't vote anyway, so it doesn't matter. But in the UK, it's considered very rude and impolite to ask somebody who you're going to vote for? Is it that out here?


Yeah, it used to be. It used to be more so than it is now. Now, people do a better job of starting to ask other questions that will, in turn, give them an indication of who you're voting for.


Try and decipher the code.


Yeah. When we.


Were- I'm a trans-friends.


Do you hunt?


I do. I do have trans friends. I have one transfriend. But yeah, go.


On, carry on. At the event on Saturday, obviously, politics aside, when Donald Trump and Kidrock walk out through the tunnel to American badass playing and the crowd's going crazy, it's a spectacle. It doesn't matter if you're on the left or the right or whatever. It's something to behold, to watch. It's insane. There's 55 or 60 Secret Service guys everywhere. It's crazy, right? I had this picture that I took from where I was sitting in Cage Side, and I'm probably 15 feet, 20 feet from Trump and Kidrock, and I take a picture of them and just the way the lights were coming, I just snapped it really quick. It turned out to be probably one of the best pictures I've ever taken quality-wise. I wanted to post it so bad, not because of anything else other than it just looks dope. I'm the same thing like what-.


You didn't want to post it?


I didn't post it because I know people are going to... They're not going to look at it for just the crazy spectacle that it is and just the photography factor of that picture. It just looks like a bad ass.




Won't take it like that. They'll be like, Oh, you're a Trump tard. Make America you mag a hat wearing a piece of shit. That's not even what I was going for. It's just an awesome picture. But I get it.


Just post it on today. Just post it and fuck him. Do you know what I mean? Because I agree with Dana 100 % there. And as you know, I have a lot of respect for Dana for what he's done with the company, for the way he's treated me. He's always treated me with respect, and I have a great life. So you can do with that what you want. Call me a company man. But when it comes to these issues, he's absolutely goddamn right now, granted, Dana is in a very powerful position and he's got money so he can tell big sponsors to go out himself. But you should be able to do that anyway. I don't mean tell sponsors. I mean, tell people if they can't dictate to you your political beliefs. Do you know what I mean? That's not what living in a free world and free society is all about. You're going to threaten to take away a lucrative sponsorship deal because your political beliefs don't align with yours. Theirs don't align with yours. It's just absolutely ridiculous, and they should be ashamed of themselves.


Yeah, it's crazy. I had a long conversation yesterday about this exact subject. There's a couple of people that talk. When they talk, they change the way that I think about things. Dana is one of those people because he's a very, very wealthy man. He has the ability to see the world in a way that I would never be able to see it but chooses not to. He doesn't look at the world from the eyes of a wealthy man. He looks at it from the same view or at least the same lens that I feel like I do. He just has the ability to say, Go fuck yourself, to whoever he wants to. And sometimes the way he said, if people don't start doing that more than we're going to end up in this space where people were too afraid to do anything. And it made me sit there like, I should have posted that picture. Politics society, I think it's just an awesome picture.


Post it. I'm going to post it right now. This second. I'm going to post it. Post it. Get the phone out, bro. We're holding a torch to your ass. You're going to post it right now. Listen, the reality is with modern-day politics, certainly in America, because these days I've lived there for 12 years, and I keep up with things to a certain degree. It's madness on both sides. The far left are out of the goddamn mind. The far right are out of the goddamn mind. Do you know what I mean? There's crazy on both sides. What do I know about politics? People haven't come here to listen to me talk about politics, but the fact that they're saying that, the fact that you yourself felt that you couldn't post what you perceive to be just a great photograph of an event because it was a spectacle. When he walked in, I was upstairs in the VIP area getting a cheeky margarita to take down to the seat. Just a cheeky one or two. I wasn't working the event. I was doing a post-fight show for TNT Sports. I thought by the time we get to the end of the event, that will have well have worn off.


I did hear some crazy uproar. I'm like, What the fuck is going on?


There we go. I tagged you on it too.


Oh, nice. People are like, Why is tagging, bispin and Trumps? Brian, pull up the picture because I want to see it. I'm sure everyone wants to see it. I want to see the photographic skill of the Lionheart Smith. I want to see what filter you went for.


There's no filter.


Oh, there's no filter. No filter on Anthony Smith. Let's have a look, Brian. Can we find it? It's probably still uploaded. But anyway.


Yeah, one second, guys.


Brian, I know I just asked you to do that. No worries. Give me your take on this, Brian, because I know you follow politics very closely, and you know a lot about it. What do you think about this situation and where things are at and the judgment coming from people voting for certain political parties?


It's getting really terrifying. It's looking a lot like a lot of fascistic downfalls before...




You just follow the history of empires, we're on the downslope right now. That's what it feels like. Everybody's apathetic about everything. It's pretty bad.


Well, the world's in a crazy place. But luckily or unfortunately, or there we do. I'd see that's a cool picture.


Yeah, it's a dope picture.


Beliefs aside, this is a dope picture. Brian, sorry, Anthony, I've got a couple of critiques for you.


What happened?


Not about the picture. The picture's cool. I like it. You caught it. The lighting on Trump's face is amazing. Yeah, it's wild, right? With the shade, Rickishays down under the hat of Kid Rock. You had to number one, you put it on a story, not your main feed.


I did. Well, I have a picture on my... I have a post on my main feed that has to stay there.


Secondly, you gave yourself the insurance policy. Beliefs aside, this is a dope picture. I'm pulling your leg. I'm teasing. I'm teasing. But you're like, you covered yourself.


A little bit. I mean, a little bit. You got to cover yourself.


You've covered yourself there.


That's a dope picture, though.


It is. I wonder what Kidrock and Donald Trump talk about. I wonder what they have in common.


I can't imagine a lot. I just can't imagine a lot.


I don't know much about Kidrock or what he's into. He's a rock star, right? Kidrock is.


Just as gaudy as every story you've ever heard of Donald Trump. His mansion is bananas. He has a gold elevator in his foyer because like you. I have a gold elevator in my foyer.


Just look up the net worth of Kidrock because anyone that's got a gold elevator in a mansion, that's a lot of dough. Did he used to be with Pamela Anderson or someone like that? Who was he married to? He was married to.


Someone like Pinnup. He did marry Pamela Anderson, I believe, and 150 million he's worth on the internet. I'm sure it's quite a bit more.


I'll be honest, 150 million, that's a tremendous amount of money. I thought it would have been more. When you're talking gold elevators, do you.


Know what I'm saying? That's different. It's a different world.


He built a replica of the White House. This is his house. It's much bigger than the actual White House.


That's amazing. That's amazing. Good for him. All right, today's episode is sponsored by Waterboy, the hydration power, which is scientifically formulated to cut your hangover time in half. Listen, you might have heard recently I said generally this stuff doesn't work. But Waterboy is different. You know why? I've put it to the test. I was in New York, I was in Brazil. I was dropping the drinks and I was taking the Waterboy and I felt fantastic. As I say, there's other hydration packs on the market, but nothing comes anywhere close to fighting those Sunday scares like Waterboy. With zero sugar and over three times the electrolytes of liquid IV, your hangover stands no chance. Unlike their competitors, Waterboy has added specific ingredients beyond just the hydration to help with nausea, anxiety, and fatigue. We all know that hydration alone is not enough to stop that hangover and stop you feeling crap. By the way, it's not just for you. Waterboy's Hangover Recovery Formula makes a thoughtful stocking stuffer or a fantastic gift for that loved one that loves a drink. Show them that you care about their wellbeing. By the way, they just do regular electrolyte powders as well, so check it out.


It's delicious, it's nice, it's tasty. And if you have a beer, if you have some wine, you like a whiskey, it's going to be your friend. So right now inside each stick, there is ginger for the nausea. There's also healthy and to help calm your nerves and reduce anxiety. Plus, the best part about Waterboy, as I said, it tastes amazing. Their flavors include strawberry, lemonade, lemon and lime, and blue raspberry. And you're actually going to want to drink this. It's gluten-free, caffeine-free, dairy-free, vegan, and it's made right here in the US of A. Right now get yourself over to waterboy. Com. Use the code, bisping. That's going to get you 15% off. That is waterboy. Com. Use the code, bisping, 15% off. Get rid of the hang of us. Stay hydrated, stay electrolyted by going to waterboy. Com. Use the code, bisping, 15% off. Should we talk something we do know about mixed martial arts?


Yeah, let's do it.


Yeah, let's do it. It's a shame you weren't here on Monday because we went through all the madness last weekend, but there is some follow-up talking points and we can get your opinions on some stuff there as well, because obviously people want to hear from you. Henry Cahudal, where is it? I'm just looking for it here in the notes. I'm looking for the exact quote. One second, though. What number is it? Herringbone.


Where is it? It's number four.


Number four. There it is. Henry Sehoodo, he has been talking a little bit of shit about Tom Aspenol. He said, Tom Aspenol weeping interim title. He said, cynical Henry Sehoodo craps on emotional Tom Aspenol for weeping interim title win. This was the actual quote, watching Tom Aspenol win the interim world title, he's already celebrated. It's an interim. Tom, save those tears for when you actually win the real belt. Sometimes when I see people like that, they just get too emotional after an interim belt. Yeah, you got a trophy, but they might as well dip that thing in either silver or bronze because it's not the real thing.


Yeah, I mean, that's spoken like a true asshole, first of all. I like Sehumo, and usually he has some really good takes on things. I think he does a great job breaking down film and tape. But that's something that only him or DC would say, Guys that are ultimate winners. And I mean that in a good way. These guys have won everything.


I thought you would say ultimate dickheads. I'm like, DC is cool, man.


No, they're ultimate winners. They've won.




Olympic medals in wrestling, several medals, especially DC and the NCAA wrestling, think about how the amount of medals that DC has worn around his neck for wrestling is in the thousands, probably. And is the exact same way. And then you start adding in USC titles and the amount of times they defend it. So of course, they're going to look down their nose at an interim title. But for guys that aren't born great, that are just like you, and me, and Tom, and just regular people, that is a huge accomplishment. And from the way that Tom talks and where he came from, it pulls at my heartstrings because it's very... It reminds me of where I came from. It's very small. It's very humble. Not a lot of people come out of where I came from doing great things or end up in positions like Tom Aspenal did. I look up to Tom like, I want to accomplish that. That's what I want. In a room, who gives shit? That is a world title around his waist. So if he wants to cry about it, go f*ck yourself. You don't like it. That is a life achievement that 99.9 % of the population walking this planet will never, ever touch.


99.9 % of fighters won't even be in a position to contend for one. So if he wants to cry, let the man cry. That's a huge accomplishment. That's a golden ticket to a lot of things. That opens up a lot of doors. The amount of people that that inspires that are from where you guys are from, that's different. That's different.


Well, as you say, 99.9 % of people, fighters specifically aren't going to get there. And you're right, it does open a lot of doors. Now, I have often said interim titles, they're great. And it makes when the interim and the champion finally do fight, and we'll get to that no doubt in a minute, because I don't know if we will see that. I hope we do. We need to. That's the real fight. Not taking away from, John Jones, that's going to be a spectacle. But we have got to see the unification of whoever wins that fight. But as we know, they might both retire. But I always said, it's just the number one contender matchup, but you will get pay-per-view points. That is the opening of the door to potentially unimaginable wealth for somebody like Tom, for real, genuine, working-class people. If he fights John Jones, he's going to get a percentage of the pay-per-view. He's going to get millions of dollars, right? Listen, I know when Colby, Coventon beat Hathield dos Angeles, and he came on and he just won. Me and him got into a verbal sparring match because he attacked everyone on the desk.


He talked about my eye and all the rest of it. We went back and forth. But I've got a lot of respect for Colby and a lot of respect for people that win an interim title. Yes, granted, I do see Sehudol's point. By the way, that is a really good perspective because you're right. That is what someone like a true winner would say. Olympic gold medalist, two-weight division champion. Yeah, of course, maybe when you look at it through that lens, you haven't competed. You're not stood right at the top of the mountain. There's still one more ledge to climb, I guess, if you look at it like that. But he still flew out to New York City, Madison Square Garden on two and a half weeks notice with a bad back with one of the scariest people in all of the sport and finished him in 69 seconds. The relief in a situation like that. Do you know what I mean? The pressure you are feeling in a moment like that, and then for it to be done and to be over, of course, because that's the dream, Anthony.


Right. I've cried after fights on the undercard, just from the relief of just getting through it, whatever you're going through mentally, the stress, had he had a 10-week training camp, went in there, fought and won, I don't know that his emotions would have been like that. But he talked about his back being bad, the short notice, the fear that he had of Pavlović and his power and the things that he brought to the table, and things we didn't know about. The travel alone just by itself is different. He didn't even know if he was going to get a visa until right before he left. Can you imagine you get this call, I don't know if I can get a visa. There's this pushback. You're supposed to prepare the whole time as if you're leaving, but you don't actually know if you're going to go. And then right before you're supposed to go, you get a fee. That's stressful. So just that in itself is an accomplishment. And no one should try to make anybody else feel bad for how they feel about winning. And that again, it's nothing against Suhodo and those guys, they're just-No.


-they're different. They're different. And you got to look at it from a lens of just a regular person, because neither one of those guys have been normal their whole lives. They've been special their entire lives. And everyone around them has told them that.


That's a good perspective. You're absolutely right, Anthony. You nailed that one. I want to ask you about something you said a moment ago. You said that you've cried. I want to ask you when was the last time you cried? Because I cried yesterday like a right little bitch. And it was from relief, I'll tell you about it. But I was going to say for Tom, what do you think about this? I did a video on this. I do believe Tom Aspinol has the ability to go down as the greatest heavyweight, maybe even potentially the goat that the sport has ever seen. Of course, he's got to go through John Jones if and when that time comes. Maybe it's Deepae, we don't know, right? That's got to happen. But if he does, I don't see anybody, and obviously I've said this many times, I don't see anyone stopping him. I don't see anyone coming close. He's got the power of a Francis and Garnu. He's got the skill of a Tyson, Forum on the feet. He's got the wrestling of a high-level wrestler. He's got unbelievable jiu-jitsu. He's got the movement of a George St. Pierre and the fight IQ of probably a John Jones.


I really don't see, granted, Tom Jones. John Jones. Let's go. John Jones was able to take down Daniel Cormier. You know what I mean? We are dealing with something special. And again, it's like we're forgetting about Steve Pierre, but Jones is the goat, right? But I think if he goes through John and that's a big if, I think he could go down as one of the greatest champions we've ever seen.


If he goes through Jones, then absolutely, without a doubt, he will end up being the greatest of all time. Because if he can beat John, he can beat anybody. But if you take John and Steepe out of it, because there's a potential that those guys fight and they both retire, we never see him again, take John Jones and Steepe out of it. I don't know that I can give you four guys that would beat Tom, that I would pick over them, that I would even give a chance to. All it takes is three title defenses. It's to become the greatest of all time. There's not four guys I can see beating Tom. I don't see a way he doesn't end up being the greatest heavyweight of all time. Now, greatest of all time, but that's a long walk. That's a time thing.


That's a duration. I'm just saying there's a potential because it's a discussion.


It's a discussion, absolutely. He hasn't been in the USC long enough. You know what I mean? He hasn't had the belt long enough yet. Once we get down that road, we can start to have that conversation. But as far as heavyweight goes, I don't know how he doesn't end up being the greatest heavyweight of all time.


Now, we don't repeat Monday, the show because we talked a lot about that same stuff, and there is lots of stuff to talk about Paul Craig. But also Tom will be there. Tell us from the hospital to myticket. Co. Uk. Don't speak over the plug-ins. If I'm crying out loud. December 14th, December 16th, myticket. Co. Uk. Paul Craig and Tom Asperall will be there. Get your tickets. They're flying off the shelves, you were going to say.


Paul Craig. He took a shot at me yesterday. I don't know what happened.


Because we.


Chit-chatted and talked in Singapore. We enjoyed each other's company. When I fought, he was cheering louder than anybody there, like really rooting me on. Then they're doing that name thing where they're like, Habib, what do you think?


You're like, a word. Word association.


They said, Anthony Smith. He said, Fight Dodgeer. I was like, What? What?


Paul Craig is off the show.


Yeah, we're pulling him off.


He's fired.


No, I'm going to try to find him tomorrow.


Oh, here we go.




Diaz. Badass. Colby Covington. The bad guy. John Jones. The Goat. Daniel Cormier. The guy underneath the Goat. Paddy Pimblet. J. F. E. In between us.


J. S. And G. T.


The real bad motho. Amanda Nunez.




Ronda, Rousie. The old female, Gould. Molly McCann. She's a UK female. Michael bisby. One-eyed legend. Anthony Smith. Fight Dodge. Fight Dodge.


Hold on. As a true narcissist. What did he say about me? One-eyed...


-one-eyed legend. -one-eyed legend.


I'll take it. Fight Dodge. So has there ever been a discussion from the USC between you and Paul Craig? Yeah.


I'll just be honest because now I feel like you took a shot at me. I have begged for that Paul Craig matchup. Begged, begged. I practically got on both knees and begged Mcmayner for it. And he always said, Oh, that doesn't make any sense. We can't do that to Paul every time. So, I don't know. Mike Maynard's been protecting Paul Craig for me for two years. Oh, my God. Every time I fought, I would go like, Hey, I want to fight Paul Craig. Nick would always be like, Stop it. Stop picking on Paul.


For fuck's sake, mate, we got some real Scottish beef.


No, it's not even beef.


It's fucking beef, mate.


It's not beef.


It's absolutely beef. You're talking of your ass.


I like Paul Craig a lot, so I've never said that, but nick Maynard has been protecting Paul Craig from me for a long time.


This is hilarious. We're going to get him on the show.


We got to. I don't know. I've never dodged a fight, especially from Paul Craig. I've begged for those.


I'm going to be one of those politicians now. I've got a tiptoe. I've got to walk a fine line. I can't say anything to offend him. I like him.


I like Paul. I like Paul a lot. I was like, Damn, man, come on.


He's a likable guy.


He's so likable. So likable.


Do you have a fight scheduled?




No, I'm trying. Do you have Rumbles of a fight?


No, we've been working really hard trying to get a fight. It's not working.


Let's say Paul Krieg wins this weekend.


He's a middleweight.


Oh, of course he is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I forgot about that. He's moved down, of course. We're not even in the same weight class. Why is he talking beef, mate? Why is he talking shit? I don't know.


I don't know. We're going to have to drink about it on Saturday or something. I'm not doing this with him. I'm telling you, I hope he sees this. Paul, we're not doing this. We're friends. We're in different weight classes. Don't be an ass. We're going to talk.


Be the bigger guy. Anthony Smith is being the bigger man right now.


Yeah, we're not. Because normally I'd be like, Well, go fuck yourself, and I'd start this whole argument. I don't want to do that. I like Paul. I want to be your friend. I don't want to do this. We're not doing this. This is good.


We're not doing this. This is maturity. And this is before you sit around and you come by our circle and do a 72-hour fast, you're going to come out the other end like some Druid voodoo warrior.


I'm going to come out just like Rashad.


Oh, God. Dreadlocks, High on Magic mushrooms, and hugging everybody.




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Bonus match. Did I ever tell you the story the first time I microdosed with Rishad? No. Anyways, he gave me this tea. It was this microdosing mushroom tea. And he was like, Yeah, I mean, you guys like beer and stuff, but try this. All right, so we drink this tea, and it was the most warming, calm, relaxing sensation I'd ever had. But Rishad just starts talking about things that I don't understand because he's more in tune with his feelings and the spirituality of the world better than I do. I look over and because I'm not looking at him, I'm just spacing off. I look over at Rashad. He's backwards on the bed because I had two beds in my room and one of them wasn't used. He's got his feet up against the wall like this together, and he's just opening and closing them and he's got his hands out to the side. And he's just doing this with his hands and feet, like talking to me about the world. And I was like... And it's one of those moments where you flashback to when you're younger. I remember grinding on the regional scene, seeing Rishad on pay-per-views and I want to be like that guy someday.


Now you're in a hotel room and he's wasted on magic.


We're all both.


The KSI routine up against the wall doing Jumping Jacks and Star Jacks and talking about Quasars, moons, lasers, parallel universes that everything's connected and everything's talking to you and the animals know and the spirits know and God is out there and everything's alive and everything's connected. I've had the talks. He's very deep.


I love it. But it was one of those, I don't know, those moments where you look back on your life. All the times watching him knock out Liddell and all the craziness on the ultimate fighter. I never thought I'd be all on mushrooms sitting here talking about charging crystals in the sun with this guy. But I'm glad I'm here.


I can't do the mushrooms, man. Someone gave someone to me recently and I was freaking out. I did not like it. You know this.


Microdosed pork. You don't like them? I don't mind the microdosing thing. I can't do the mushroom trip at all.


Ain't my vibe, bro. Ain't my vibe. Give me a bottle of Stella and a wee vodka. I'm all eight. Let me see. Jamal Hill, right?




We had him on the show last week. He was a little feisty last week.


Yeah, he was a little... I don't know, he was a little fired up, wouldn't he?


He was fired up. He was a little feisty. Now, Alex Perera got the job done. Just real quick, 30 seconds, Uri Prohaska's performance. What do you think?


I thought he looked stale. I thought he was not as sharp as we've seen him. He didn't move as fluidly as we've seen him. He just looked off without shitting on him on individual aspects. He just looked off. He didn't look himself.


Alex got the job done as we know, landed that right-hand, dropped him. Yeary, like a G to be honest, turned that immediately into a takedown attempt. He was in the moment and that's really high-level decision making, gets dropped, knows he's going down, grabs the legs, survival instinct, and all sorts to try and get a takedown and take himself out of danger. The brain was working. The elbows put him out momentarily. I was hoping to get Mark Goddard on today, but he didn't want to come on and talk about it and cause even more controversy, which I understand because he's a well-respected person within the sport. It's happened, it's done, it's moved on. He doesn't want to drag it up. He knows he made the right decision. Uri confirmed that as well. I think that conversation is dead in the water. The champion is Alex Perera. It's unbelievable what has achieved seven fights, beat four champions, two-weight division champion. Now he's going to fight Jamal Hill. That's the fight that has to happen. Whether or not he calls it out is he? That doesn't matter, right? Jamal Hill is there. He relinquished the belt. Alex Perera is the champ.


That's going to happen probably sometime next year. I think it lines up perfectly for USC 300, because that's about five months away. I think Jamal will be good to go by then. He has come out and said that when he fights Alex Perera, he's not going to shoot a take down. He's not going to wrestle one little bit. He said, Mark, my words, when I say this, I do not plan on taking him down. I don't plan on wrestling him. I'm going to go in there. And where you all think he's just this other world. The guy because he did kickboxing. And I didn't do kickboxing. This is a different sport. Kickboxing, MMA is MMA. I've been bred for MMA, and when I do fight him, I would do it standing and I will knock him out. Give me your thoughts on that.


I think it's a tough match up for both guys because they're both crazy, powerful. I think if we're talking fundamentals of striking, Alex is going to be the guy that looks like he's doing it correct. Jamal is tricky, though, man. And I said this going into the Glover fight. He's hard to hit. He's deceivingly long. He's hard to adjust to because he doesn't do things the way that we expect them to be done. If you throw a jab at me, I can think of two or three different ways that I can deal with it. I can slip to the inside, I could slip to the outside, I could peri it, I could draw on counter. There's a bunch of different things I could do. But what if that jab looks different? Now you start running into problems because now you have to figure it out first. You have to take a couple of them to figure out the timing, the speed, the angles. That's Jamal's entire striking game. It doesn't look right when it's in front of you. And I don't mean correct. It just doesn't look like what we're used to seeing coming at us.


He has his own style that I don't necessarily know he's ever been taught. I think that's his instinct kicking in. That's just how he's figured out how to fight. He's got really good eyes. He's crazy accurate. He sees everything. -athletic as well. Crazy athletic, regardless of what you think he looks like or not looks like. He's crazy athletic and he's crazy athletic. He's got power that'll shut you off.


That's right. I thought.


You were dumb. Well, we've seen him do it time and time again. We all know what Alex Perre is great at. I think it's a really competitive matchup.


I agree with what you're saying. I really do. Because I think when you look at the two on paper, of course, Alex Perera is a more technical kid boxer. He just is. He's one of the greatest that we've ever seen in the sport, in the sport of kid boxing and then coming off to MMA. I do find Alex's style to be... It's not overly flashy. It's a lot of fundamentals. It's jabs, it's calf kicks, head kicks, one, two, left hook, right-hand. Now, of course, he can throw knees and stuff like that, but he's not doing crazy stuff. He's not doing showtime kicks. He's not doing spinning wheel kicks and stuff like that. He's not knocking people out the way Anderson and Silver did. It's fundamentals. It's stuff that you would all learn and know after six months of kickboxing training, but he just does it at an extremely high level and delivers it with extreme power. Jamal Hill isn't as slick. He's not as refined, but he certainly is as effective. And that's essentially what you're getting at. I was talking about this recently and a great example, and I had to bring myself into it.


When I fought Dan Henderson at USC 100, I was kickboxing since about 12 years old. Do you know what I mean? I was a good kickboxer. I was a very skilled kickboxer. I was a way better kickboxer than Dan Henderson. That's just a fact. But I got knocked the out cold. Francis and Garnu just went up and pushed Tyson Furi to the limit. Tyson Furi is a way better boxer than Francis and Garnu. Just because someone has a better technical ability, if that person is willing to meet you head-on, if that person can deliver with just as much, if not more power, if he's got the balls to walk you down to get in your face and become better mentally prepared and in shape and ready to push the pace, nothing is guaranteed. I also feel like Jamal is telling the truth there. Granted, a lot of times, fighters might try and set these traps like a Yamblaovic. Remember, I am Polish powder. I'm going to stand and test.


With-he shot in 30 seconds.


Straight away. First thing he did, double-legged take-down. Okay, I don't think Jamal is going to do that. He doesn't have a wrestling background.


I was going to say, to be fair, I don't think he has the.


Ability to do that. Yeah, he doesn't have a wrestling background. He doesn't have a single submission victory. He's only been competing since 2017. Not being insulted, just pointing out the facts. Yeah, it's not-I think he's totally honest when he says that.


He's not the type of guy that we figured out again when we had him on last week. He's not going to bullshit you. Jamal, he's too cool for the games. You know what I mean? That's just not part of his life.


Right, Harrington, get yourself on the show. Timely, man. Please don't mess around. Don't be naked. Definitely.


Why are you a bit naked?


Where's the scratch?


Right there. What the hell happened to your head?


Bro, my cat.


What did you do to the cat?


Nothing, dude. I was asleep. I woke up. It was just a ton of dry blood on my head.


My cat just hates him. I get it.


The cat did that to you and you didn't wake up?


No, I slept right through it, dude. I sleep like the dead.


I thought you didn't drink anymore.


I don't.


Drink, dude. Speaking of cats, one time my wife's brother was passed out drunk. He used to have this real long rat tail, like the rat tail, little pony tail thing. Yeah, it's gross, whatever. He passed out drunk and the cat ate his rat tail off while he was passed out. Just ate it? The cat ate the rat tail off of his head. He woke up to the rat tail on the floor being chewed on by the cat.


Oh, my God.


How are you doing?


What's up?


I never thought we'd be discussing Billy Ilish on the podcast.


Really? I mean, she's a voice for generation.


Shut up. I don't listen to Billy Ilish. Okay, do you listen to Billy Ilish, Anthony?


Oh, yeah. No.


Yeah, exactly. Rebecca is going to join because we have a little segment that's going to involve for this one. Well, you're not going to get a chat, babe. No, can I hear? Harrington, set the scene for us because Billy Ilish has been basically saying, Men are mean, women are awesome, et cetera, et cetera, and... I was talking about it and Rebecca was like, That's bullshit. That's why she's here, because if me and Anthony respond, we might get a bit of shiznet. But go ahead, Anthony, at Harrington.


Billy Ilish was in Variety this week, and she said, And I quote, Being a woman is just such a war forever, especially being a young woman in the public eye, it's really unfair. I said, For instance, nobody ever says a thing about men's bodies. If you're muscular, cool. If you're not, cool. If you're rail thin, cool. If you have a dabbot, cool. If you're putgy, love it. Everybody's happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice. We don't give enough because we see people for who they are.


Antony, first of all, I'll give you the first take.


Okay. Well, I was hoping Rebecca was going to take the first one to say this.


What do you think? What is your experience as a man in your mid-30s?


The people that have been the meanest to me have always been women in the history of ever. I'm not just saying that because I'm sticking up for men. It's just the people that have hurt my feelings the most as I was growing up has always been a female. Always. Because I feel like guys don't really care, especially guys with other guys. I do agree. Like if you're fat, if you're muscular, if you're thin, guys don't really give a shit what you look like for the most part.


It's usually the- They'll let you know. They'll let you know. They'll call you a fat mustard.


Yeah, but in a nice way. Every time I walk into the Apex in between fights, there's constantly a guy tapping my belly like, You would enjoy yourself. But it's like in a fun, playful way because I don't feel like I'm being attacked for it, for sure. But the first person to mention how I look on the show while I'm working is almost always a woman. Almost always a woman.


And you're right, because as men growing up, certainly as young men, women have the ability to cut to the core, because we don't, unless you're a gay man, we don't care what we look like to a man, so it doesn't affect us.


I don't think that's true.


I don't give a fuck if Anthony thinks I'm looking hot today. But you.


Want to look good for.


Everyone in general. I want to look good because I feel good about myself in person. I feel more confident. I want to feel good for me and look good and it brings you confidence and your clothes fit better and all the rest of it. But I don't necessarily care if Anthony's going, Wow.


Look at Mike's ass in those pants. -he's smoking those pants. -he's smoking those pants.


Look at it. He's got those tight English jeans on.


He's got those cheekbones.


Popping now. I'm down to 216 pounds, bro.


You're going to be a 205 here pretty soon.


I'm fucking coming to you.


On the flip side of that, I was raised by all women, and I live with all women and girls. Girls and are so mean to other women.




I think she, in my opinion, could not be more incorrect. I agree with you 100 %, Anthony.


Women don't lean on your chin and talk at the same time. It's a bit weird.


Women are... Oh, my God. I was just going to say women are bitches, but I don't know.


You are mean today. Sorry.


Women are horrible. We can be so mean and we will be scathing. We're not joking when we say it.


Yeah, no, but when we were talking this morning, when Harrington sent the notes and I saw that there, I was saying to you, look at this. She says that women don't care what a man's body looks like and all the rest of it. What was your response? You said, Hold on a minute. Women certainly have some specific requirements that they're looking for. You're not going to like one of these, Anthony, because I said that, but you're.


Not going to like this. No, I don't know. I might refrain from saying that one. No, just say it. She's fine. If you're under 5'9, you're screwed, you're going to struggle. If you're balding, receding, that's not okay with some women. If you don't earn a lot of money, if you live with your parents, there's so many things, and they are very judgy when it comes to bodies, men's bodies, too.


I feel like most guys that I know, especially growing up, wouldn't care if... Those pieces of shit wouldn't care if they had a job, lived with their mom. I don't think that guys would have cared about women nearly as much as women cared about men.


I don't think so. I haven't been single for a very long time, so I don't know what it's like out there in the single world these days and trying to date and find a man. I don't know, maybe it is different. Like maybe they are more judgy these days. I don't know, but I.


Don't think so. Certainly not to Billy Bailish, which I find funny, too. What does she know about being a normal person in society?


No, she knows nothing about the real world. Everyone hangs off her very word because she's rich and famous and she's young. In my opinion, she does look good. Even if she did put weight on everybody, Oh, my God, you look so great. She can do no wrong.


She's looking a bit better these days. This whole picture of her recently, she had some tits popping out.


She's secretly banging hot. When she'll do special photoshoots, like for Vogue or something, she had a bathing suit on. God damn. I know.


Which one you're talking about. Yeah, she did look good, but I will say she's very young.


Yeah, she's young. She's very young. She's very young. She's very fat. That's a hater, Rebecca. That's going to change. She's going to get older. She's going to put weight on. Oh, my God.


No, I'm saying I'm like, watch what you say because she's freaking young.


As well. Oh, sorry.


She's like early 20s. If that-.


No, I know. I don't.


Give a shit how... Yes, she looks young because she's really young. So watch.


What you say. Well, no, we're not being too scared. We're just responding to the fact that number one, as you said, and it's like Ricky Givay said that when he was hosting the Oscars or the Golden Globes, whatever the hell it was, and he's like, You actors here know nothing about the real life. You spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So come up here, thank you, God. Thank your agent, and fuck off, because they don't know. God bless her. She probably means well. She's trying to empower women and say the nice thing and be... But the reality is women are soldiers, gentlemen. When you look on social media these days, there's a trend, I don't know who it is, it's a TikToker or some Instagram guy, and he's always going up to women and says, How much does a man have to earn to take you out? Have you seen these videos?




There was one the other day. She's like, It's going to be $1,000. He's like, What? A month? He's like, No, at least that per day. And he's like, That's 365 grand a year. And she's like, Yeah, it has to be about minimum for that to take care of me, to give me the lifestyle that I want. Do you know what I mean? He's like, Well, what do you bring to the table? Well, my good looks.


Yeah, there's no-I think I saw that she turns around and shows her ass to the dude, right? Oh, really? She was like an orange. Yeah, she turns around and shows her ass and walks away.


Now, I do think in... Let's be honest. Men, I think, and let's be honest, men, I think generally would prefer a woman that looks good and takes care of themselves. I think, let's be honest, she's got a point there. But so do women. But so do women. Women don't want a fat slob. If that's who you are, because some people prefer a dad bad, some people prefer someone who's in shape or athletic.


But some people just love the person they're who. Some people prefer insane muscles, which six really hard to achieve for men. Some people, that's what they like.


But we should love the person first and if they change over years. But what were you saying?


I don't know what I was going to say, but I guarantee she was home-schooled. I haven't looked, but I guarantee she has not been to proper high school because girls are nasty.


I just can't.


I mean.


She's been special and talented her whole life. I'm not trying to judge her for that. That's not even really her fault. It's just I just don't know that you have a full actual grasp on what people deal with day to day and their regular... How often is she going into her workplace worried about how people feel about how she looks? I can't imagine that it's very often. She could have any guy that she wants for the most part, especially anywhere around her age.


Would you say, Rebecca- Around her age. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Would you say growing up that all the women and all the girls that you knew were so nice and kind about everybody, all the other girls, and they never had anything negative to say and nothing bitchy and no negative connotations?


No. I felt under pressure to be skinny as a teenager because of my friends, because of other girls, not because of what boys thought of me. It was always what the girls thought and what the girls say. Oh, yeah.


As an aunt, he has four daughters?






That's the thing- But to me, that was the.


Part of.


Growing up. It starts young. That's the crazy part. Because I have young daughters, I see it already. I grew up with raised by all women and have a younger sister. From my six-year-old daughter to my 34-year-old sister, it's happy happening all the way through. It's crazy.


Yeah. I just saw that and I just felt the need. It was just an interesting conversation point. It's not that I necessarily want to rip on Billy Eilish. I don't know the girl. I've got no negative thoughts towards her whatsoever. I hear her name, I see her. I know she's a musician and etc, and she seems to be getting more and more oppressed. But I was like, Hold on a minute. That's a pretty sweeping statement. I think there's good and bad on both sides. Exactly. Just like what we said.


World paces of crap. Men and women.


Hey, Mike, did you read what Brian put in the chat? Thank you, Public.


Okay. Hold on.


No, this is for Rebecca.


It's for Rebecca. It's for Rebecca. Come back and said, Maggie and Patrick's decision to home school... Just read it out. I'm blind, bro.


I'm blind. Maggie and Patrick's decision to homeschool their children was partly due to Billy's Tourette syndrome, which causes her to have severe motor tics and are made worse by the stress of mathematics. Your homeschool thing was spot on. Okay, homeschool, 5,000 %.


She has got homeschooled or written all over.


Stress of mathematics. A lot of people get stress of mathematics.


Basically, she can't get stressed at any point because it's going to make her tick worse. Maybe you should put her into it and make her learn how to manage it.


That would have been my tack. That's a way, right?


That's a way. I think people need to be exposed to a bit more stress so they can toughen up to a certain degree. I don't mean in a nasty way. I don't mean, Hey, you need to toughen up. But you got to understand the world's a vicious, hard, tough, cruel place, and you're going to get prepared for that.


Well, unless you're going to end up having a kid that's got $100 million from singing, at some point they're going to get thrust into a tough position in life. You can try to put a balloon around them or bubble around them all you want. At some point you're not going to be there the whole time to do that their whole lives.


That bubble is going to pop at some point.


-yours hasn't popped.


-your time has popped. -my times popped. -your times popped, Beth. -pop off. -pop off. Get out of here. Jeez, going on about Billy Ilish. I've got nothing against Billy Ilish for all you Billy Ilish. Rebecca's a bitch. I'm joking. I got the death star. I got the death star. Well, let's talk about the newest sponsor, Xbar. Xbar is the new home gym that you can take with you on the road and you can target every single muscle in your body with this one piece of equipment. So the Xbar, what it is, it's like an easy curl style bar that uses resistance bands instead of weights. So it's better for your body. You're not going to get injured as much. And it comes with resistance of up to five pounds, from five pounds, should I say, up to 480 pounds of muscle-building resistance. It is a full gym in the palm of your hand. It's great for travel. You get the results of a 45-minute workout in just as little as 10 minutes. Better for your joints. It's got a lifetime warranty. It's got over 1,005 star reviews. So if you're on the road, you're at home, you can't afford a full gym, you can't afford a gym membership, you can't work out with a private instructor, listen, get yourself an Xbar.


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Maybe we'll have to-No, I'm going to force it. We're not doing this. I truly don't want to be... I'm going to try to find him tonight. Remember, I'm flying to Vegas.


Yeah, I'm flying to Vegas. You're working the show? -i'm working, yeah. We're going to have drama at.


The apex. No, I'm going to find him at the hotel.


When this airs, you guys are going to be on the news already.


It's going to be a dicey one. I'm going to stay the party even further because we're going to talk.


About his final week. I'm going to put my hands on his shoulders to keep his arms down and say, What are we doing, Paul?


Caress his beard.


I don't kiss it if I have to.


You might want to wash his mouth after.


Yeah, because we know what he puts on that beard.


We know about the regimen. There's a lot of DNA in.


That beard. I knew you were going to go there. Perfect.


Paul Craig is in action this weekend, though, taking on Brendan Allen. That is the main event on ESPN+ this weekend. Paul Craig making his second fight at Midway, of course, against Brendan Allen. Brendan Allen has been so impressive, and I feel like Brendan Allen gets overlooked. I'm looking at his record here, 22 and 5, the two losses in the USC: Sean Strickland, of course, and Chris Curtis. I believe he took those ones on short notice as well. Other than those, he's been perfect in the USC, currently on a 5-5 win streak. Bruno Silver, Munez, Christophe Jocko, Jacob Malko, and Sam Alvy. Paul Craig, as we know, jiu-jitsu specialist. He's got theisn't the only win of Jamal Hill in the USC, or it might be.


I think it might be. He's got the only win over Jamal Hill and the only win over on Kaliath.


Four minutes, 59 of round three. You can never count him out. Little bit unpredictable, a little bit uncharacteristic in terms of the style of fighting, as we said before, talking about the flaws and the methodology and what to expect, you know what I mean? Likes to pull guard a lot, but he believes in his ability. Brendan Allen is very well-rounded, tremendous grappler. You've clearly done your study because you're a professional and you're the fight professor. How do you break this fight down? I think-I'm just going to do it from a whole of fame cup.


I love that. Obviously, Brendan Allen is going to be the better, more powerful striker. I don't think that there's even really too much of an argument or a debate there. Now in terms of the jiu-jitsu, technically, in terms of positional awareness, the passing ability, and things like that, I think that Brendan Allen is a... He has a wider array of skills as a grappler. I think in terms of finishing ability in the bottom game, Paul Craig is far ahead of Brendan Allen there. I think he's a better finisher. I think he's more dangerous in terms of just where you're at. He flows through transitions very well. He's willing to take a big shot to throw up a submission, which is uncharacteristic of a lot of grapplers. I think Paul Craig can do enough to, especially with his size and length, I think he can do enough to neutralize the striking problem. Brennan Allen is going to look pretty doing it, but Paul Craig is fairly effective in what he does and tends to do a better job of staying in there, right? He stays safe where he can. I think that positionally, though, he's going to have a tough time with Brennan Allen.


I think he defends submissions very well. He attacks submissions very well. But positionally, he's really dominant. He's the better wrestler. And the one glaring hole in Paul Craig's game has always been his offensive wrestling. He just doesn't have the ability to flash back to Paul Craig, Vulk, and Ozdomir. If you can't get someone to where your strength is and they're not willing to follow you down, you're going to... He's going to find himself in a tough spot. Now, that's at 205, where he had a big size disadvantage, and now he's going to have a pretty good size advantage. I think that some of those things are going to be a little different.


But I.


Think the best of both guys show up, I do lean Brendan Allen.


I think if you pick with your head, Brendan Allen would seem like the obvious pick.




I do think he has the grappling ability to probably not get caught. I agree with you 100 % on the positional abilities. He's the better wrestler. On the feet, he's an underrated striker as well, Brendan Allen. He is very good. Of course, he had that stoppage. Well, the two stoppages that we mentioned, but they were on short notice. He's flying high. He's on a five-five win streak. He's very committed. He's got a fantastic team around him. Great coaches. Trains at Killcliff. Some of the greatest guys down there. A lot of big time trainings, sparring partners. But Paul Craig seems to have the intangibles. You know what I mean? Paul Craig is a man you can never underestimate, and he has a way of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. As we said, Magamad and Kaliv, one second away. Now, you can't always rely on that. Relying on that is a dangerous way to approach a fight, but it also makes you extremely entertaining. Makes you entertaining. It makes you a fan favorite, and it makes you someone that you want to watch. And it also makes you someone that you have to respect. Paul is by far the bigger man.


He's the bigger man. He's the longer man. He's got those long legs. He's amazing at triangles. He's got 13 submissions. He's incredible at finding a submission when people don't think there's one there. You know what I mean? He sets them up. He just snatches them. He's so quick like that.


He's so opportunistic.


Now, I guess Andre Munez, he managed to take man position. He got on top, finished him with nasty, nasty elbows. Paul has good sweeps as well. I do believe if you pick with your head, Brendan Allen would be a logical pick based upon what we've seen. But I'm just going to pick with my heart. I'm going to say Paul Krig. We're going to have him on the show on Monday. He's sitting and tells from the octagon. There's no way I'm going to do that. I'm not going to put that evil out there, Ricky Bobby. I'm just not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm just going to say Paul Krig all day long, mate. If I pick- I tell us from the Oticon too. Could you imagine the shit? He's talking.


Shit about- Where do you get tickets for that?


Myticket. Co. Uk.


There we go.


Or you just searched tells from the Oticon too.


I mean, if I pick with my hurt feelings, then I'm definitely going to pick Brendan Allen. I want Paul Craig to do well, I do. I know Paul better. My heart says, Well, I think Paul Craig can do well. My brain, if you just look at it on paper, my brain says Brendan Allen overall is a better fighter.


Yeah. But the.


Better fighter is.


More than that. I know how committed Paul Craig is. I mean, he does these crazy strength and conditioning routines. He's very scientific in his approach. I'm sure Brendan Allen is as well.


He explained that to me in Singapore, how he likes numbers. He's like a numbers guy. He likes chasing things on statistics and readings and measurements. He gets really fascinated with that and figuring out how his weight cut. He just breaks it all down scientifically and that fascinates him. I thought that was a cool conversation to have.


Yeah, he is. He's very scientific in his approach, very dedicated. He's been out in Las Vegas now for I think for a few weeks. And listen, everything we just said there, I'm sure, applies to Brendan Allen as well. I think whoever wins this, though, I think they're going to emerge. Do they have rankings? I'm sure both of them are ranked. Just look at the amount, Brian. Yeah, I think both are. And just take a look at the odds as well, if you don't mind, because I will be interested in that. I would assume Brendan Allen is the favorite because I think people look at Paul Craig and just see. I'm not going to say deficiency because it's like we said before. He's very effective with his striking, but it's not as pretty to look at. It's not as technical. It's not the style that somebody would necessarily teach in a kid boxing class, but he does find a way of making it work for him. Yeah, plus 1,000 for Paul Craig?


Wow. To win by K. O.


To win by K. O, one of the overall odds.


Wow. To win by a decision was bigger. Jesus.


My word. My word. Hamilton and Brian will kick it to the panel. What do you guys think? What do you think? I'm going to poll Craig. I'm winning him on. I do think he has a way to win. I do think if he wins, it will be by stoppage, either submission or ground and pound. I think Brendan Allen, if I was coaching Brendan Allen, I'd say use all of that space in the octagon. Use that footwork. He's got slick footwork. He's got slick striking. He's got good wrestling. I think if Paul goes to his back, you're going to be very controlled.


You've got.


To move forward. Like Jessica and George versus McKenzie Dunn. Anytime he hits the ground, say, I'm not playing that game. Yes, Brendan Allen can stop probably on paper all the submission attempts.


Why play that game?


Why play that game? Why I play to his strengths? Harrington, what do you think? What's your pick?


I don't know. Every single Brendan Allen fight seems to be about getting the guy to the ground. Every single Paul Craig fight seems to be about getting his opponent to the ground. I don't know. I like Paul Craig in that. If we're doing a jiu-jitsu match in MMA, there's very few guys I'm taking over Paul Craig. You're one of them, Anthony.




Yeah. I just recently watched his fight against Jamal Hill. I think it popped up on my feed this morning. After watching that, I can't bet against him.


Yeah. All right. Well, there we go. We'll see what happens. I'm going to reach out. We'll try and get him on Monday. Monday show. That would be awesome. I'd love to hear you guys hash it out. Although it looks by the sounds of it, you're going to do it at the apex.


I'm telling you, I'm going to do it tonight at the hotel. I'm going to DM on Instagram and ask him to meet me somewhere.


In the lobby. Sliding in the DMs also we've got Michael Morales, Jake Matthews. That'll be a good one. We got the battle of the nice guys, or as they call it, the least intimidating fight is in the USC. Chase Huber, Jordan Leavit.


I'm so excited for that fight.


Are you, really?


I am.


Yeah, I am. Why? No, it's a great vibe. But why are you so excited about.


That one? I just feel like it's going to be a shit show. I like them both as people. They're fun to watch. They bring a different energy to the fight world. They're just different. They bring a different type of vibe than we're used to. And so it's interesting. I don't know. They're both grapplers. And so typically two grapplers, especially young guys, it usually ends up being like a shit show, striking affair where you get two guys who don't really like striking but are forced to. And it's maybe not the most technical thing in the world, but they're just throwing bombs the whole time. I hope that's what we get into.


Yeah, I know. Jordan Levy, and I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, I think he's, if not, married in a long-term relationship and has children.


He is, yeah. I think he's married with kids.


I would have put money on him being gay. And I'm not trying to be insulting, but that's how he carries himself, doesn't he? He has a very feminine, you know what I mean? A campy vibe, right?


He's different.


Yeah, he's different. Yeah, yeah. Nobody owns it. The little tworks that he does and stuff, you know.


What I mean? I was doing some research last night, and I pulled up his Instagram, was going through it. There's this almost like a TMZ remake. They ran up like, Mr. Levert, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan. Are you going to twork on Chase Huber? He was like, I'm not that queen. I don't tort on children.


See, that's what I'm talking about. I think he plays up to it for a bit. It's hilarious. He's so funny. He's just not that queen. But he is underrated. You know what I mean? That's not - He did do really good. Kind of knocked out against Matt Wyman was really creative, rebounded from Patty Pimblet, got a quick stoppage of a Victor Martinez. You know what I mean? Man, knows his shit. He does know his shit. I just mentioned Patty Pimblet there. Obviously, he's fighting Tony Ferguson. Tony Ferguson is training with David Goggins.




What do you think? We didn't talk about this on Monday, did we, boys? I don't think we did.


Yeah, we briefly talked about it. We pulled up the video and throwing up.


We did. Okay, we won't spend too long on it. David Goggins, I think he's going to get the mind right over Tony Ferguson. What do you think about all the long-distance stuff?


I'm a huge David Goggins fan. He's not one of those guys that when he speaks, I listen. It makes me think about things in a different view. If Tony Ferguson had some mental toughness problems, or conditioning problems, or pushing through darkness problem, I would say it was a great idea. But four weeks or three weeks from a three and a half week, whatever it is, from a fight. Tony Ferguson is mentally tough. He's never had a conditioning issue in his entire career. We've never seen him away from the darkness. So I don't know what Tony is gaining from that. I feel like if you're going to spend time in moving with someone to try to gain something different than you didn't have before, why wouldn't Tony Ferguson move in with like Doreen Price? Some guy to just immerse him into some striking or defensive stuff. Or he's got great grappling. His wrestling is good. The problems he's been having is in the striking affair. It's not because he's not tough enough. It's not because he's not conditioned enough. It's not because he's not mentally in the right place. He's having a tough time striking. So why not, I don't know, go live with someone who's a professional boxer.


Go live with Andre Ward for a week and figure that out. I feel like you're just making your strengths even stronger while potentially breaking down your 39-year-old body more than it needs to be too close to a fight when you could be doing better things with that time, focusing on your weaknesses. But I love Tony, and I have a hard time saying anything bad about the guy. If that's what he thinks he needs, then whatever, Tony gets what Tony gets.


The reality is, though, going into a fight, losing your last six, confidence is key for a fighter. You got to believe in yourself. As you said, he's always been mentally strong. And I think he still will be. I think you'll still look at those matchups and go, Listen, I was fighting the best guys. I was fighting the best guys. I came up short, but I'm going to beat Pave Pimblet. I'm going to put him in his place. I'm going to be the guy to end the Wind Street, to end the hype and all the rest of it. But deep down, when you lie in your pillow, when you rest that head at night and you lie and think about it, doubt creeps in.


Yeah, what are you really thinking?


It really does. And if anyone's going to help you with that, somebody like David Goggins or some inspirational guy will help.


I think God is going to be in his corner.


Yeah. I mean, he was in the corner of John John, seems to be permeating into the mixed martial arts world.


I wouldn't even mind. I don't even care about having him in the corner, but having him in the locker room right before you walk out, right? That guy would have you ready. He would have you run through a wall.


The ultimate height man. I guarantee Tony's trying to run through a wall. He's that type of guy. Some of the training stuff that he does, some of the videos, you know what I mean? And this one, in its own way, is just as mental as some of the other ones. We've seen him breakdancing. Some of the videos over the years are some of the training stuff, especially after he just tore his ACL when he came back three months later. He was jumping over blocks and doing this weird training. I mean, he's an original and we'll miss him when he's gone. Do you know what? Tony Ferguson is a character. He's a badass. He's had some legendary performances. You know what I mean? You forget how much color guys like that bring to the sport of mixed martial arts.


It's different when Tony fights on a card, too. You can feel the different vibe on that night. The week is a little bit different. Question, though. Still early, I'm not going to hold.


You to it. I'm talking, brother.




No, that's what he said. I know. I'm talking, brother. I'm talking.


I wasn't finished yet. Who wins that fight?


Don't put me on the spot like that. You're getting me to try and pick against Paul Craig. You're just trying to get me against Paddy the Baddy. I mean, hold on. Just talking about when Tony walks out, when he plays that music, is it Africa, Bam-Bata? I don't know the song. It's like an old hip hop with a robotic. It's brilliant. I love it. What a tune that is. Or as my buddy would say, That shit's a gem, man. But it's cool as hell. I love that music. Yeah, it is special when Tony fights. I don't think he'll be around much longer. Win or lose is not going to. He's 39 years old, simple as that. I think Tony has more power on the feet. He did drop Michael Chanma. I think.


He has- And Bobby Green.


And Bobby Green. Did he drop Bobby Green? He did, early.


Like first round.




Think-with the jab. -jiu-jitsu.


I think jiu-jitsu and wrestling, I think he can compete there. I think Paddy's faster on the feet. I do think Paddy will come in less confident, even though he will say that he is to the public, to the media, I do think after being pushed to his limits and getting the backlash from the public and the fan base against Jared Gordon, I do think that might affect him a little bit. He's taking a year out. He had an injury. I think there's a lot of pressure on Paddy Pimbley. I think there's a lot of pressure. There's probably more. Well, they're both under pressure, but maybe more pressure on Paddy because... And listen, he's a great promoter, and he took the world by storm. He said I was going to be the cash cow. And he was super popular instantly. Got this huge deal with Barclay sports, taking guys out, and then the Jared Gordon fight happens. It wasn't his fault. He got the decision, could have handled that a little bit better, but we're not perfect. But I think he's in a tough spot because he needs to come out. The reality is he needs to blow Tony out of the water.


Certainly now with guys like Tom and some of these new people that are coming through, like your Hamzats and all these big stars.


To stand out now. He needs to stand out against Tony, and I don't think that's possible.


What's your thoughts?


I agree with everything you said. Absolutely everything. I also agree that in order to get back anything that he lost in the last year, he has got to dominate Tony tremendously. I don't think that he can. That's not easy to do. We've just seen what Bobby Green did to Grant Dawson. That's a prospect, a future world champion in everyone else's eyes. Bobby Green went in there and walked right through him.


And Tony- Grant Dawson is a bad-.


And Bobby Green smoked him. And then rewind that to Bobby Green, Tony Ferguson. It's a pretty competitive fight for a lot of it. Now, Tony Ferguson takes shots a little bit better than most people do. But I mean, it was a competitive fight for a lot of it. And Bobby Green was ahead the whole fight, but Tony was competing. Tony was making it hard on him, was making it work for it. I do do comparisons like, What does Bobby Green do to Patti Pimblet?


Patti, I'm just looking up his record, six knockouts, nine submissions. He knocked out Luigio Vendramini. Before that, had a knockout on Cage Warriors. But it's all been submissions pretty much, obviously, the decision against Jared Gordon. So the knockout ability. Tony is a tough man to knock out.


He is.


Just because Michael Chanler did that recently.


That was a vicious-Yeah, that was a nasty kick, though.


Nasty front kick.


Gagey couldn't drop him. Yeah. I can't forget it. He never put him down.


Well, Gagey was a standing TKL. Yeah, the referee steps in.


It was a standing TKL, yeah.


Gagey's got big power. Charles Olivera couldn't finish him on the ground. Benille, Daryush-.


Daryush couldn't.


Submit him. -didn't finish him on the ground.


Michael Chlebowski, he's dead off. Benille's got crazy power. Benille's got crazy power in his hands that people don't talk about.


Diaz caught him in a triangle at the end of round four in a five-round fight. What?


In a 39-year-old-on short notice.


Was that short notice for Tony?


Yeah, because that was when Diaz was supposed to fight Hamzaat.


Tony was fighting- Yeah, but Tony was.


Already on the card, right? Yeah, but he wasn't fighting-.


He wasn't fighting.


Five rounds. He wasn't fighting five rounds, and he wasn't fighting... Who was he supposed to fight?


I don't remember.


I don't remember either. You're right.


That's significant.


That's significant. Yeah, then that's a lot of mess that happens in one day. It's like on Thursday, you're fighting one person, and Friday morning, as you're cutting, you're fighting another. And they fought at 1:70.




Fought at 1:70, but I.


Never look at it as taking a short, a notice fight. But the three rounds to five rounds, that's a big change. Then he went towards the end of round four. Again, not making an excuse- Not making an excuse.


-but there's definitely- Not make an excuse. What's that? What's the color to it.


There's a big factor there. Then Bobby Green, he got submitted by Bobby Green, who's not exactly a jiu-jitsu specialist. But look, as we said, what he just did to Grant Dawson. When you look at it like that and you break it down-.


Yeah, it looks different.


-you slide as it's been quite... When you dig into it... Because I've never done that. I've looked and gone, Okay, he's lost six times, but when you really dig deep and you look at it, yeah.


There's a lot of people that didn't go to decisions and were unable to be finished by Benille and Charles. He's always in there. He may not always be ahead, but he's always in there.


Hey, Bryan, can you just look up the odds on Paddy versus Tony Ferquis? And that'd be interesting because I tell you what, if Tony's a big underdog dog, might be worth sticking a few books on that because he's a dog man. -he's got that old man's strength.


-plus 2.35 dog.




There's going to be some people making money on Tony.


There's going to be some people taking that bet for sure. -for sure. -interesting. All right, well, look, listen, I've been going for a little bit here. We shall do some questions. If you have a question, send it into bympod@gmail. Com. The more creative, the more the more funny and the more insightful, the more thought-provoking, the better.


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All right, so the first question we have here today is from a Miss Nina Carby. Sorry, I just got to trim it down just a little bit.


Let's go, Nina.


You know how these broads get.


Nina drama. Sweet.




Can play the whole thing from Nina. I'm joking. I'm joking. Best player. Get to the question. Just a nosy one for today. Tom held it together all through the interview. A little emotional, but kept it together. Comes out the cage, gives bizbin a hug.


Starts crying.


What did you say? Anyway, if this question gets through, I can ask you all the other millions of questions I want to ask you. Keep up the good work. Love the podcast. Shout out to my dad. Got me into the USC. About 20 years ago. Never look back. See you soon. Thanky, Nina, and shout out to your father as well. She sounds like she's from my neck at woods. She sounds like she's from where I'm from. There's a lot of people where they're from, they talk like this. I've just lost it a bit because I live in America now and people don't understand me. But when I go back, I do start talking like this, like Wilmo.


Does Rebecca notice when you do?


She hates it.


We can't really help it.


Yeah, I go straight back. Because I commentate the USC. When I was on the ultimate fighter, they used to subtitle me. You know what I mean? I have to change things. And thank you for the question, Nina, and keep them coming. Yeah, Tom, bless him. I was there and I knew he was coming out and I was so proud of him. And I know what a journey he's been on. Certainly with a leg break and everything we all know. So I just went up and just wanted to give him a hug and say congratulations. Seeing a friend achieve something like that's incredible. I just gave him a big hug and I just said, I'm so proud of you, Tom. I think that was it. That broke the seal. Do you know what I mean?


Sometimes it's all takes.


Yeah, I don't think it was anything to do with me. I think it was probably coming. It was on its way and then just something like that. I mean, he's got his father there and all the rest of it. Yeah. When's the last time you cried, Anthony? We mentioned that before.


Oh, yeah. Let me think here. Probably in Singapore. Probably in Singapore. Maybe a quick cry and drive and start getting my feelings about whatever. I don't think it's a secret. I still struggle a little bit with the stuff with my mom. Sometimes I'll be driving, I'll hear a song, or I'll see something, or whatever. So every once in a while that happens. But definitely in Singapore is just a heavy moment in Singapore for me.


Yeah. Well, then that's natural. There's nothing wrong with that, of course.


I don't think they should have been with.


Anyone else. I'm so scared all the time. My mom's getting on and my dad's getting on. I'm like, It scares me to death. It really does. Anyway, I mentioned before, yeah, I had a little shed a little tear yesterday as well. I went to the doctor and I had a little procedure on my neck. It was just a test. I've got to get an ablation like I did on my back. They did it to my neck because the back worked for a little bit, but it wore off pretty quick. But he said, The neck has a 95 % success rate, and it lasts for five years. I am in constant pain with my neck, and I have constant headaches, constant headaches. It's so bad. For the insurance to pay for it to do it properly, they have to do two tests. I went yesterday and it just brought back all these feelings and memories. I've had so many surgeries with my eye and everything. I don't know. I brought all that stuff back. But then they did it. Then when they did the image and the guy was like, Holy shit. He said, Your neck is manled, Mike.


He said, You've got really heavy on set arthritis. He said, I'm going to go in and do it a couple more times if you don't mind. I said, Yeah, sure, I'm here. Do it. He did it. I got up and I was a little woozy and he's like, No, you're going to be dizzy. Take your time. Take your time. He sat me down. Literally within three minutes, I had no pain in my neck. -very. -i had no pain in my neck. I had forgotten what that felt like. I've forgotten what the pain like, just not having searing, constant, pretty much 10 out of 10 pain in my neck felt like, and I just like the relief. I wasn't crying, crying, but my tears welled up and the nurse came over and she gave me a tissue. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I said, No, don't be silly. She said, You forgot what it was like to not be in pain. I'm like, Yeah, I had. You know what I'm saying? Fuck. I was like, Get shit together, business or nothing. Hey, leave me alone. Leave me alone. Shut up. Shut up, dickhead. Oh, you know what?


I almost cried yesterday. I got a little dusty in my car. That dog we were fostering, we went through the interview process. It's a long process trying to find someone. Then we found this family, and the dad flew all the way from Pennsylvania yesterday to come get the dog. We met, did the whole adoption process, and then he was flying right back. And so instead of him getting Uber and us just leaving, we just took him. Me and my whole family took him to the airport. I was nervous I don't want this dog to be sad. It's going to miss us and miss the other dogs. He ran right up to him, jumped all over him the whole time, just, I don't know, connected with him right away. And then as we were pulling off, they're just both prancing together into the airport. I was like, This is a fairy tale ending for this poor little dog. We're going on to this happy life. I was welling up a little bit, just super happy for them.


Yeah, it's beautiful, man. It's beautiful. -yeah, it's cool. -brian, what else we got?


We got another question here from Jeremy.


Hey, BYM. I'm hungover, and I'm listening to the podcast right now. Get the water, boy. I talked about being scared every time he goes into a fight. I've heard a lot of fighters come out and talk about the nerves and the fear that they have before a fight. I'm just wondering.




Is it with Justin Gaiety or a Robbie Lawler where they look like their.




Wait for the fight to start.


They're about to ride a.


roller coaster, and they've been way in line.








Or do they still have that fear and anxiety, and that's their coping mechanism?


Or are there real-life.


Savages like a Justin Gaiety that couldn't imagine doing.


Anything else.


In the world but get into a fight in front of the world?


Appreciate you guys.


I love all the content. Fuck you, Harrington. What's your thoughts on that? Because I think we all have fears and anxiety going into a fight. But he brings up a couple of good examples there. Robbie Lawler, definitely stone-faced. And afraid. Just engagey. I feel like the dude is like... I don't know.


If I asked him that. I asked Robbie one time.


And what did he say?


He said he's terrified.




You know who else? That I used to always that I finally got to ask how they felt before they fought that I always thought was like, God, he's different than we are. Matt Brown.




Brown told me, The day that I'm not afraid anymore is the day that I'll quit fighting.


I don't think it's the fear of the fight. No, no, no. It's the fear of failure. That's what it is. That's why everyone's scared, like Tom was scared. And of course, grante, you know this isn't going to be pleasant. It might be, but there's a good chance that you're going to have to get down and bite down on your mouthpiece and you might get the shit kicked out of you, even if you win. Do you know what I mean? When I fought Anderson Silver, I won the fight, but I had 30 stitches in my face. Do you know what I mean?


It wasn't the funniest thing you'd ever done.


There's better things to do. In fact, it was great. I love that. I would love to relive that moment. I think everyone does in some ways. But do you know? I don't want to bring it up, but I have to. You know the one time that I watched a fight, I walk out and I just thought, Look at this guy. He is genuinely not afraid at all. When Connor McGregor fought Josie Haldor, he walked out and he was like, He didn't give a shit. He was so confident. I just remember him walking out, smiling and all the rest of it and chatting to everyone. It looked like he was going to take his dog for a walk at the park. Or he was waiting for his mom to come down that he hasn't seen for a while. He just looks so calm and loose in that moment. And I did. I've had a contentious relationship with Connor, but I've got to give him his props there and then look at what he did. Look at the performance that he had. Do you know what I mean? If you can control that, and I'm sure there was that there, I'm sure there was some internal anguish of some sort, but he was able to.


Control it. You have some there more than others, right? There are some where I'm insanely nervous before. When I was younger, I didn't really get that nervous because I wasn't smart enough to know what I was getting into anyways. But as I got older, and now I'm probably from five years ago, the nerves really picked up because it means more now. It's more important now. And the consequences are larger. Before I didn't know- The bills. Yeah, before I didn't know what I was getting. I didn't know what I was getting. I didn't know what I didn't know.


Well, it's not just that, sorry to interrupt, but also at your age with a wife, with the four kids.


This has become who you are. The ceiling is closer.


The ceiling is who you are. Yeah. No, but this has become who you are. So now you have to make it work. When you're younger, when you're in your early 20s and you start doing this, if it doesn't work out, I've got to do something else. But now you've got to make this work because this.


Is the path. You've not.


Even gone down that path. Your bowl-deep, you're all in.


Because if you turn around and look behind you, there's no going back and going down a different road. This is the one we're on. Yeah, that's a good way of saying that. No, that's a great way of putting it. But I have had fights where I'm more or less nervous. The Devon-Clarke fight, I wasn't too nervous. That had nothing to do with Devon. That's where I was in life. The first Ryan Span fight, not nervous at all. The second one, crazy nervous, like stressing a little bit. Which I get. The Johnny Walker fight is somewhere in the middle. Some of them are bigger than others, but it's always there at least a little bit. Even for Robbie Lawler and even for Justin Gagey.


Unless you're Robbie Lawler sitting on a bus in New York City and a bunch of pro-Palestinians are smashing the windows and they just want to smash everyone up and Rob's just save you all energy. We got a lot of fighting to do right now. He's a badass man. He's a badass. And you guys are all badasses. If you're still watching the show to the end of the episode, I thank you. Monday, I guarantee a lot of people switch off quick. I could not string a coherent sentence together. I was so tired. I was so shocked. I just wanted to get it done and out the way and just fucking forget about life. And I had shit on on Thursday, Tuesday as well. Guys, thank you for making the show what it is. Anthony, thank you. Brian and Harrington, wouldn't be the same without you guys. We'll be back on Monday. I'm going to try and get Paul Krieg and a couple of guests. I'm going to get a Mark Goddard's case and say come on.


Let's get Goddard.


Let's get Goddard. Guys, have a good weekend. See you soon.