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Live. Ladies and gentlemen, if you are watching, wherever you're watching from, thank you for being here with us on a Saturday night. Anthony Smith makes the next walk. We just saw Jamie, Malarkey. Get Malarkey about all over the place. My God. How are we doing, lads? You well.


Dude, I'm doing excellent. I dropped off the baby. I'm done being a single dad for the rest of the week. I'm having fun now.


Oh, Mike's freezing up.


And Mike is frozen.


No, I'm back. Am I freezing?


Yeah, you just froze for a second. You were for a second.


That's all right. Yeah, I went off on my end as well, but I'm good now, right? I'm smooth. Yeah, you're good to go.


What are you sipping on?


That is low carb, vodka, tonic.




Little bit of lime juice.


Okay. All-natural.


It's my go-to these days. Go-to, no beers. Oh, look at that, Judge St. Pierre is in the audience.




Yeah, I know he is.


Did you see there was a video of he hopped in the cage tonight.


Did he really?


Yeah, he jumped in and then did his move around the cage and then did a Superman punch at the phone. It was pretty fun.


So let me tell you this. Obviously, everyone's saying that the rumor of the Superfight, the UFC 300 or whatever it's going to be. But George came out and he put a little post on here, like an Instagram thing. He said, Just so everyone knows, I'm not coming back.




But maybe he is. Maybe this is a blurf. Maybe this is a double entangement. Maybe old GSP thinks he's smart or he's just drawing attention to the fact that he is coming back. I don't know.


Just the GSP. He's just trolling now.


That's what we've come to in 2023. George N. P. Has got nothing better to do than to be trolling people.


Yeah, GSP got one over on me.


God damn, GSP. So we're seeing a lot of promo here for U. F. C. 296. I'm excited for that one. Very, very excited for everyone here watching you probably in America. So you can't come to tell us from the Otacon too, but I'll be on stage a few hours before this. And then me, Tom, Paul, Brendan Lofton, and a few others, we're going to go watch The Fight Live. And that will not be on YouTube because it will be a mess.


5:00 AM UK time after a live show? I think it's.


Going to get a little... Yeah. No, my YouTube editor guys are, Oh, yeah. Do you want me to film it? I'm like, No. No. Whatever goes on, you got to be there to see it. Kind of like the show, you know what I mean?


Cameras are getting checked through the doors.


How's your weekend's been so far?


We're doing all right.


It's been great. I had to get worked on my car, so I got that taken care of. I got my house in order. Dude, my wife left town for the week, and I swear I've just gotten so productive without having someone to bank on to take care of everything in the house.


It's nice. Yeah, Yeah. Well, what have I been doing? I've just been prepping for this show, but I found it very, this is very feminine. Strangely satisfying, clearing out my closet. But when I say my closet, listen, you don't understand, right? We got a decent place. You call it the Half Mansion, whatever. We got a walk-in closet. You couldn't walk in. And it got to a point where it was just a pile, a sea of clothing on the floor. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Because sponsors are very lucky. They send you some stuff and this and that. That's too good. I've wore it a few times, but it's too good to throw away. And I'll do something with it. And over years, I've been accumulating so much shit. And then today, even though I was busy, I got to clear up my closet. So there it is. And cleaning out my closet, in the words of Eminem. I just took it down the charity place and just gave it to him. All suits, all kinds of stuff. But, ladies and gentlemen, if you are watching this, this is what you call grade A filler.


Dude, this is an advertisement for the Greater Orange County Goodwill, because I'll tell you right now, if you're in the area, stop by, dude. Hit every single Goodwill place you can. If you're, what are you? You're size 36?


34, bro.


Oh, all right. Sorry to offend.


There's no offense.


I haven't been below 38 since high school.


I've been 34 my entire life. I've never gone above a 34. Callum's a 40 right now. We're a blessing. He's a big old boy. No, Canyon-Rim, elementary school, Anaheim Hills, they have a place where you just... I don't know what you call it. You just drop clothes off there, like a clothes bin or something.


Goodwill or whatever.


Yeah. Well, there's about five garbage bags. There's suits in there. There's a lot of design and shit. So if you guys are in the area and you need some clothing, or you just need something to start a fire with, do you know what I mean? There's a lot there. Go and get it.


Oh, man.




Keep saying I'm low. Am I low to you guys?


No, you don't seem low to me.


I got planes flying by.


I'm trying to- I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to open the chat at my end as well so we can talk to the people in the chat.


You can see it on the side.


Yeah. No, I'll just pop it out at my end. Sure. Pop it out. Talk amongst yourselves in one second.


All right. They just keep showing this Leon Edwards' headkick highlight, and it's pretty devastating to see. Oh, man, there it is again.


Pop out the chat. There it is. Now we got it. Now I can speak to you, people. I never thought to do that before. Ryan, you were quite low on the saying. David Allen, productions, thank you very much. Appreciate that, buddy. We got Superchats up here. David Allen, bisby is absolutely shitshast, and I love it. No, I'm not. I'm sober as a judge. Anthony May, you guys, green screen, I'm messed up.


Yeah, they are. It's not a green screen. It's just an internal StreamYard thing.


And I have pout and it says, Cheers, fellas. I'm going to tongue-punch someone after the fight. What's a tongue-punch, when it's-Where at?


Yeah, I mean, that's really what it comes down to, because if you think about it, if you were throwing a jab with your tongue, it's either going in some girl's mouth or any other oriface you can.


Think of. We're on YouTube.


That's why.


I said oriface. Yeah, Anthony is going to get smoked at night, boys. Well, user B, I don't know why I'm responding to that. I just read them out as I see them. Well, that's not very nice. What you've come here just to hate? Is that what you're doing with your Saturday night, you little prick? You thought, I know I'm going to go somewhere and talk shit. Do you know what that says to me? That says to me that you need to get a life. That he basically noticed me. Oh, Cezare, pent. I'm noticing everyone right now. I'm so nervous. Those backgrounds worked about as good as manscaped.


You're really coming at manscape. Well, my beard looks this good thanks to my manscape beard trimmer. Come on now. Don't comment the k.


Landscape is great stuff. It really is. I've got the weed-whacker for the nose hair. Yesterday, bro, it had its work cut out from there. There he is, that's Smith on the pads, warm and ill, taking it easy. So we were saying on the show, Yeah, my nose hair was out of control, bro. I will give the weed whacker a five star, because when I looked in the mirror, I had nostril hair coming out of the end of the nose. And I'm like, I'm definitely getting fucking old. Do you know what I mean? Because I'm going to take care of that. It was a very satisfying sound. You can hear it all chopping like a lawnmow. We're going through all the shit. And I was like, There we go. We're back in the game.


I've been using that thing for years. I have old man, nose hair for years. I'm 10 years younger than him.


Yeah. Adne Nade from Spain. Arriba, Eliata, Purria. Well, he's got a tough one next month, buddy, or whenever that bloody fight is. Whenever the fight is. But it's a good one. Can't wait for it. How are you feeling, you two? Are you-.


I'm sweating nervous.


Sweating nervous. Sweating Bullets.


I don't know, man. I just saw it. So I don't know. When I saw Chris Avila come out and get lose to Ardom Loeball right before Conor versus Nate two. That was a good omen to me for the Connor versus Nate-Ds two fight. Tim Elliot coming in with just two practices and getting a pretty dominant first round submission win. I feel like it's a good night for older guys. I feel like it's a good night for people on short notice.


Yeah, that's great, but it doesn't mean anything. I appreciate the positivity you're trying to put forward, but just because one fight goes a certain way, Oh, my God. And the reason I can say this with a little bit more authority, shout out, Brian, there. Look at that. Weedinghove, loves a Brian. Because whenever I would fight, of which there was many, we'd be in the locker room and you do try and form these narratives like, Oh, it's a good night for the Blue Corner. Or we'd be like, Everyone in this locker room has won tonight. We're going to win. And then you get beat. You know what I mean? Or you're like, No one in here has lost. Do you know what I mean? Or just things like that. None of it matters. None of it matters. It is down to the individual. And the reality is I firmly believe, as I said on Thursday, Anthony is the better guy everywhere. He is. He's the better technical striker. He's a better wrestler. He's by far better at jiu-jitsu. More experience. He's the bigger guy naturally. So it all points towards Anthony. But at the end of the day, when two people throw down, you never know what's going to happen.


I do think if I was to give Kaleel an advantage, it would probably be raw power. Probably. You know what I mean? But there you go. I think all the other advantages go to Anthony. Potentially probably conditioning as well because it's short notice. Yeah.


I mean, somebody today sent me a picture. He was like, Oh, I don't know how locked in Anthony is for this fight. I'm like, Are you kidding me, dude? And he sent me a picture of him weighing in in 2018 versus him weighing in yesterday. I was like, Dog, he had 10 days to prepare for this. You can't compare somebody who's coming out of... I think it was literally preparing for the John Jones fight, the biggest fight of your life to a fight you took 10 days ago. That's crazy.


Yeah. I mean, even Tom Aspinol, he's a heavyweight, but he looks a bit chunkier because he took the fire and short notice. You take the fire and short notice, you're not going to be in quite as good shape as what you would have been if you trained for 10 weeks. It's a crazy concept. It's a crazy concept, okay?


Yeah, I got on that guy's case is all I'm going to say.


What are my thoughts on morning combat? I don't watch morning combat, although I do see some of their clips, David Allen productions. I see some of it. I think Luke Thomas is a good man for the sport. I don't agree with everything that he says. That's okay. You're not supposed to. I mean, everyone's entitled to their opinions. But he's a smart man. He knows the sport. So if I play to him, I wish him all the success. I've got nothing against Luke Thomas. I actually quite like him. This is good. Bobster, Johnson. Do we think Ian Geary will skip the press conference and go sit in his corner and let his Wag wife answer everything? What do you think, boys?


Can we talk about how funny what Laura Sanco said earlier was?


What did she say?


She called him Machado Gary.


Yeah, that's his name, bro.




That's his name. His name is Ian Machado Gary. The Machado bit. Wouldn't you.


Would be the first if you took the other name, though?


Well, it would. Oh, God. I never thought about that part. Without question. Question.




Well, number one, you wouldn't... I'd say, Listen, you're marrying me. You take my name. Otherwise, we're not getting married.




The situation. I'm not being Michael Sidwick-Bisby. You know what I mean? Right. Oh, man. But I also wouldn't let her be Rebecca, be my manager. I'm not talking shit about Gary. We're just talking about specifics.


Just real quick about the specifics on this. What would be the punishment if he did skip the press conference and was like, I just don't want to get bullied by Colby, Covington. Do they find him? What's the...


Well, the thing is this, will he even be there? Because I don't know if you saw this, but he says now he's scared for his family's life about coming to America.


Oh, really?


Yeah, Harrogate, obviously you pretend to keep up with the sport of mixed martial arts, but you don't. You just do the notes in the morning. Yeah, I know there was some video coming as I don't know if it's safe for my family to come to America now. Well, I'm not talking shit, but just don't bring the family then. You're going to work. You're going to a fight. Don't bring the baby. Leave the baby.


So does anyone else have Kaleel walking out right now?


Yeah, I got Kaleel walking out. He just did a little U-turn back to his team. What's that? Eric Nixik? Syndicate MMA is it? I believe.


I do not know.


Cheers, Dan and G German. If you're going to keep going, finish the sentence.


Sorry. I did text you about this earlier.


Otherwise don't talk. One or the other. Say it or don't say it, Harrington.


I say it and spray it constantly. Is it me or does it seem like he's limping a little bit. Is that just how his gait is or what's up with that?


I didn't see it. Maybe he's just doing a gangster limp.


I was going to say maybe just cool, Harrington. You know what I mean? And stop. Listen, you did this last time. I'm going to put you in time out on the live. If you overreact to everything, okay? Because not only will you annoy me and listen, everyone's like, This has been so mean to Harrington. Right? Shut the fuck up. If you overreact to everything like he've answered his shadow boxing from five feet away and does that and you go, You're going to ruin the experience for everyone. Right, Brian?


I get it. Just give me the high side or I'll kill his camera.


Yeah, I'll do.


It myself.


There he is. He's gone.


How was that? I'm a little better that way.


Yeah, well, you're not being in the middle, bro. No, no.


Mikey in the middle. We know.


Oh, God. I'll tell you what, look at Kaleel, though. He does't look like Jack, does.


Look Jack, doesn't he? He's fucking Jack.




My bad. He's freaking Jack.


Don't look at him. He is big, old man. There's Anthony.


Ice cold, as always.


Anthony's 30. Okay, I'm a little behind you guys.


We got him just walking out right now. He's just turned the corner.




All right. I mean, listen, at the end of the day, what is it? What is that? 50-odd fights? Something like that? Oh, yeah. He's made this walk many, many times. Oh, yeah. And that, I guess, I mean, listen, it's great. It is good. Experience is great. Obviously, I said about all fighters, so I'm saying it about Anthony, mileage on the clock can be seen as a good thing, as a bad thing. Experience is fantastic to have. It can also be wear and tear on the body. And also having the experience allows you to be calmer in these situations because younger guys use up too much nervous energy in these moments, whereas he's done it a lot. The flip side of that could be that you don't necessarily respect the magnitude of what's going on because you've done it so many times. So there's always pluses and minuses, you know what I'm saying?


Yeah. Did you ever get to that point? I know... I think it was Cowboy was saying he came out for a fight and he couldn't even get excited. He never got nervous. He never got amped. It was just like he was flat the whole time. Could never get nerves for it.


Yeah. No, I wish. No, I was never in that point.


You hear the people who talk about when you lose that, that's when you're done. When you lose the fear like you're like, I guess I have to be done.


Yeah. No, you're right, Brian. You're absolutely right because once that, and that's what I'm alluding to. It could be a good thing or a bad thing. The bad side of it is when you get to a point now where it's just like, and I'm not saying Anthony is doing this, by the way, where you're just punching in for the day, you're taking a paycheck. That's obviously when you're not chasing the title anymore. That's not the case here. We know Anthony is 100 %. So let's go. Almost time. If he pulls it off, what a legendary move.


Puts him in the talks for title shot, doesn't it?


Well, it certainly gets him a step closer. The reality is this, I mean, what? Off the top of my head, the light, heavy, red, division. Who's next?


We were talking about this earlier, Harrington.


Yeah, there's a few people. There's Rakech. Well, hold on. Who just pulled out? Blahovic just pulled out. There's Rakech there. Who's the next fight? Is he not lined up already?


It's Walker versus Ankalayev, but there's also Jamal Hill is when he comes back from injury. But who knows when that's going to be.


Let me.


Just see. Six-four. So he's got the three-inch... Yeah, three inches bigger.


Guterres versus Yedong.


I was wondering, did anybody hear it? Did he come out to return to the Mac or did you have a new song?


No, I didn't hear it. I've got four kids right above me upstairs.




I'm going to smash their heads in. They're playing Dungeons and Dragons in Lucas' room.


And that's that loud?


Well, I don't know what they're doing. They are making a lot of noise, okay? And they're right above me. Sometimes when I'm doing videos and stuff, Lucas rolls around on his gaming chair and the noise it makes through the wood flooring. And now they're all stamp in their feet and stuff. It's like, Bro, I'm going to come in there. They're nice, sweet little kids. I went in there, they're all, Hello, Mr. Pink. I'm like, Relax, guys. Just call me Legend. Do you want a pizza? I was trying to make them all feel at home. But I'll tell you what, shut up! Right, here we go.


Bell's about to ring.


Tell your time in the round beginning for the sink.


Well, it is what it is, Anthony, Brian.


Sorry, Harrington. Whatever your name is. They just came out at each other.


All right. So, Anthony pushing forward early.


4:50 right now.


Yeah. A lot of movement from Kaleel. I think Kaleel probably expects Antony to try and take him down. That's why he's moving. He doesn't want to get pinned up against the fence. High guard from Antony.


Clif, shooting at a strong straight.


Yeah, but he hit fresh air. He was nowhere near him.


He keeps trying to swing that overhead.


There we go. Antony lifting that leg up. He's probably obsessing a little bit of a leg kicks and whatnot, but the problem with that is that when you lift that leg up like that, you can't do much. You're off balance. That's a nice headkick from Antony. What are you trying to do?


Low kick from Anthony.


Yeah, counter right.


Kaleel coming in.


With a 1-2. They're both settling down now. Antony was walking forward, Kaleel now. As I said, they've settled down. He was moving around. He was skirting around the octagon a lot. I don't like that. I was trying to settle down.


Go on. Anthony pushing back to the fence.


Yeah, I don't like every time Anthony is getting touched at all. It's 2-3 steps back.


What do you mean?


There's never an exchange. Anytime Kaleel lands, Anthony is moving straight back.


Yeah. Well, he's avoiding getting hit. You've had one-five-gain bogey beard.


Kaleel is doing mean shit recently that you don't usually see, but it's not necessarily illegal. They're grinding his forehead right into his jaw.


Yeah. No, no, no. But that's where the head needs to be. That head needs to be there. That's called head position. So if they don't have the correct head position, but you're not controlling your opponent. So that head driving into the side there, that act is like a third handle almost. Because you control them. You control them up against the fence. Instead of using your arms, you use your head as a little wild exchange there. I think, was it Kylil just missed with an elbow?




A good shot for Kylil though. I don't know if it landed flush.


The body shot looked like it was vicious.


Have you guys got your commentary on?


I do not.


No, me neither. Me neither for obvious reasons. Can't listen to that, listen to you stream everything all at once. That's right. I'm wondering when Anthony's going to shoot.


That could just be a thing where you just try to get... I don't know. What makes sense? In my mind, a minute-thirty left in the first round, it makes sense to start taking those shots.


Yeah, but it's not necessarily like that. It's not necessarily like that at all. You know what I mean? If you want to say it's what's going on in the fight. It's how you feel. Sometimes you might want to shoot in the first 30 seconds, but just the way the opponent's moving is not giving you an option to. And it's very hard to explain unless you've been in there. I've been in fights where the whole training camp, you spend two months shooting double-legged takedowns and trying to execute a game plan. And then on the night when you're in there, just the way they were, wasn't allowing it until he's opened up. Looks like a little- Is that.


His eyes? No. I think it's his nose. I don't know. It's above his eyes. Yeah, it's on the eyebrow. Yeah. Switching stances quite a bit.


Kaleel is sharp with those counters.




He's looking fast.


He sure is. Anthony's playing a hand fighting game right now.


It's going to be interesting because obviously, Anthony's got to try and come out and try and get the job early. I'm sure he can go three rounds, but can he sustain the same pace that Kaleel can? That's the big question. That's always the danger of taking a short notice fight. Obviously, anytime you take a short notice fight, the game plan is let's go out there and try and get the job done early.


Right. But I think for somebody like Kaleel who's carrying that much muscle, won't he naturally wear a lot quicker than Anthony?


Well, yes and no. You can still go three rounds if you push it. It's just how strong you mentally. You know what I mean? Mentally, you can always push to the next level. A nice body kick and nice left for Kaleel, but Anthony counters nicely there. Nice right-hand, but Kaleel swing. But Anthony stung in with the right there, I think.


Yeah, and Kaleel's missed quite a lot with huge shots.


Yeah. Now the thing is, are you willing to push it to the next level? You know what I mean? You feel tired, but the reality is you can always push it. You can always dig deep. And that depends on Kaleel or whoever it is inside the octagon. I've been running with Callum. Oh, shit. Left, right. Or right, left for Kaleel.


-anton, he's hurt. He's hurt.




Getting a little cocky done. He's swinging like a motherfucker. He's got to be careful talking.


About Kaleel. How many of those can you be throwing?


Those- Wild haymakers.




Coming up with your hands all the way down. Literally one hand at your hip.


How is your hearts not just beating out of your chest right now.


Well, I.


Mean- You're a professional, Mike.


Yeah, I mean, it doesn't matter. That was a 10-9 round for Kaleel, let's be honest. Yeah.


I mean, it's keeping me calm because I'm, I think, a couple of seconds behind you guys. So as long as you guys are not freaking out that I know I'm good.


Anthony looks like he's all right, though. He's not breathing heavy.


Yeah, I do want to know what this corner is saying a.


Little bit. That body quote is rough. They're showing the highlights from the round right now.


Yeah, nice body quote there.


That cut is nasty. Yeah.


That was the best shot for Kylill. Nice job by the highlight crew because that was good right left for Kylill. Yeah, he landed more. He landed the bigger shots as well. But round one, still two more to go.


There's a lot of people in the chat right now. Not a big fan of all that.


I haven't seen the chat because I'm not looking at it whatsoever. I'm looking at the fight. But of course, that's what people do. There's a lot of haters out there. Why were they saying?


They're just talking about Anthony.


That first round was better for Anthony than the first round against Ryan Span.


Sure. Well, listen, he's losing right now. I haven't seen the chat, but if that's what they're saying, then let's be honest, they're accurate. But the fight is not over. It's not how you start. We're one round in, we're a third down. There's a 10 minute in an octagon. It's a long time.




Trading elbows. 10 minutes in an octagon is a long time. That's a nice combo for Anthony.


Anthony's peppering him up.


Yeah, that was nice work. Fast hands there.


That's what Anthony got. Oh, Anthony's wobbled.


Oh, shit. Shit. He's wobbled. Yeah, he needs this. Yeah. He's in deep with his tree top and they're heavy shots from Kaleel. They sure are. I don't.


Know if he has his.


Legs back. Yeah, he's covering up. Needs to get on his back. He needs to move around the octagon a little bit and just take a few deep breaths and recover fully, as opposed to walking forward, pulling with the hand.


Yeah, well, Kaleel didn't follow up, so he might be tired as well. Oh, am I peaking now? I went from being super-.


I don't know if he's peaking.


No, you're fine.


Let's have a look. What was it that got him? It's that lead-right hook from Kaleel. He generates a lot of power. Yeah.


Anthony looks like he's back in it right now.


Yeah, he's recovered. Generally, those shots that wobble you need 20, 30 seconds and then you find the effects wear off. It's not permanent.


Anthony was good about getting his chin back out of the way of that same shot.






Can you hear that noise above my head?


Oh, I can hear it.


Did you hear that? I did. Yeah, well, you want to hear how loud it sounds in here. Jesus Christ.


Anthony with a nice jab there.


Yeah, popped him there.


Getting out of the way of that.


That was close. Kaleel's swinging, man. He's got a lot of power.


Yeah, I wonder how much gas he has when he's swinging this hard, though. I can imagine Anthony tries to go for another take down soon.


There's still two minutes, half the round left pretty much. So nice little front kick from Anthony.


He's been throwing that... He's been landing the whole fight.


Kylille is swinging with nothing but power shots, of course. I'm going to ask, text Rebecca, please ask those kids to be quiet. Jesus fucking Christ.


Just popping him with that jab the whole time.


Yes, seems like he's timing it well enough to bait out his counters.


Can I just say something, boys? Do you know the amount of abuse I get for biased commentary? You guys could never do this for a living. Absolutely not. Listen, you're not getting paid to do it.


Yeah, I mean.


If somebody's like.


Who's a paycheck?


No, I know. He's got to be careful on these. I want him to go forward. But he's got to be careful because when he closes the range like that, that's where Kaleel's swinging those massive, massive hooks.


That elbow is super close too.




That cut's open back up.


Pace is slow. That lead right from Kaleel. But his pace is slowed for sure. He's not swinging with the same porosity. Anthony's got a nice high guard, though. He does block a lot of them. You see, he's got his hands on his face for the most part, then he brings it up high. So he's doing a good job of blocking a lot. He's still obviously getting caught, still taking shots, but he's still very much in the fight.


That high kick.


Yeah, that was nice. It was blocked, but you still feel it, still gets through, and it still looks good for the judges. And it also sends your opponent a message that you still got to be respected, that I'm still very much in this fight. Throwing powerful shots.


Anthony is big and thick and it's like, no pause. You throw a kick like that, you feel it like you said.


I know for sure. But also it can slow down what your opponent does because you got to be wary. You're going to be wary what's coming back your way. Nice little right-hand there.


Five seconds left.


Five seconds left. Not too many low kicks tonight. There's been a couple from Kaleel, but nothing crazy.


Anthony threw a couple back. No big deal. So Harry brought it up earlier.


You saw how.


Alex Pereiro was checking those low kicks in his last fight where he was hooking his leg. The leg that's not being kicked behind the other one.


Yeah, whatever. It's a bit of fun. Let's just talk to the people in the chat for a second, boys, while we've got a minute because I've just been ignoring them. Love, use, leave, this being legend, keep up the pace, do well. That didn't make sense. Magseed is like a woman who was talking about his diet. I literally haven't mentioned it one time. Anthony needs to kick a bit more. Maybe he needs a K. O, Well, he does need to finish this round and I think regrettably, you two agree, I'm sure.


Yes. Somebody in the chat says it could be 1-1. I don't know about that. When Anthony got wobbled, I'm pretty sure that gave the round to Kaleel.




I'm trying to do the mental gymnastics on it.


Yeah, of course you are.


Anthony looks even better than in the span five, but he's in front of a tough guy. You're right, he does. He doesn't look bad. He doesn't look bad at all. Kaleel has just had the bigger moments. He's had the bigger moments and he's swinging with such porosity, he does grab the judge's attention. Of course, it's judged on damage. And I think that well, the damage is on the side of Kaleel right now. Coney have done a good job of cleaning him up. It's just superficial stuff, but the blood never looked good. It never looks good.


That was a heavy body kick by Kaleel. Anthony's chasing him down. Oh, jeez. Oh, nice right here. Swimming for the fences.


He's right in again. He's in the hole now, Kaleel.




All right, in. Give him the shimmy hands.


That's a nice right-hand. He didn't find the mark, but it's snappy.


Oh, Jesus Christ. Anthony is done.


What do you mean he's done?


Did you what? Are you caught up?


I'm on four minutes, 17 of the.


Third round. The fight is over, boy.


He got TK. All right, well, you just shut up a second because I haven't seen it. Are we not? Oh, there it is. There it is. Oh, fuck. It's over for sure. Shit.


Sorry I thought I did.


Thought we were- No, you're good. You were a few seconds ahead. It's all good.


I'm very happy Kleel didn't follow up with the big old shot he had loaded up, thankfully.


Yep. I mean, God's blessing for that because other people would have done. I've been on the receiving end of them. But hey, that's it. That's the game. That's the fucking game. You dare to be great. You know what I mean? I think-.


That uppercut was nasty. The follow-up hook, he definitely did not see coming.


And still down. That's not good.


I don't want to say it, but I didn't like this from the day I found out about it. I did like it at all. I did not like it one little bit.




No, Kaleel look good. You got to give it to him. Kaleel look good. He's a nice guy. He's a class act. You can't sit here and shit on him. You know what I mean? He looks good. That uppercut was nasty. That's a brutal sport, you know what I mean? And people see fighters that they care about, people that they care about lose fights all the time. And that's it. You know what I mean? Two men step in there, two men, two women, 50 % go home, losers. And that's the hard thing. That's that lead right-hand. That lead right-hand of Kaleel is beautiful. He was threatening the right hook all night. And then it was the upper court. It was a beautiful shot, to be fair. Fuck. Yeah.


It was a rough one. That was a rough loss to watch, for sure. But at least he's sitting up. He looks like he's good. They just shook hands.


Well, it is. All right, let's have a look at this chat then, because that was a shame. It is what it is. You lived to fight another day. What did I say, Crespin? I don't know, mate. There's about fucking thousands of people, and it's all flying down like speedy Gonzales. So I have no idea what you said. If you were chatting shit, unlucky, bro. That's how the game goes. It is. That's how the game goes. You know what I mean? For anybody in this chat talking shit, I'll just say this. What have you done with yourself? What have you done with your life? When have you put yourself out there and dare to do something wild? When have you taken a chance? When have you stepped into a ring or a boxing ring or whatever? Now, granted, you don't have to. Let's look at the flip side. Your fans. You know what I mean? And when you support a sport, when you watch a sport, you entitled to your opinions. But all I'm saying is look at the human element. You know what I mean? That is a human being there. It's not quite the same as a football game or hockey or whatever.


Someone's just got cracked, dropped, and he's not happy. But other than that, as fans, you have the right to say whatever you want to say, but no point being a dick about it. Hey, man. This man is the best. Well, thank you. I don't know what for.


You're just being you.


Let's have a listen to Paul.


They might kill the broadcast if they pick it up. But just a little bit.


Yeah, no, no, yeah. It won't pick it up.


Let's get the second longest active win streak in the division. I mean, dude, let's not get this twisted at all. Kaleel Roundtree, right? Since he's come back from Thailand, has looked like an absolute monster. And this guy could be on his own run right now.


Yeah. Oh, well, yeah. I said it before we got on air. When he came back from Thailand, he looked like a whole new man.


Oh, yeah. Listen, he's the real deal. That's why I do think it wasn't smart to take that five. But I'm not Anthony Smith. I don't know how much he was training. He says that he was. So, you know. Oh, shit. It was a heavy shot though, weren't it? I mean, it's not a nice visual. I hate seeing that. It was a film. You got to respect that. An old boxing coach of mine used to always say he doesn't like to see people get knocked out. He doesn't like to see somebody lead on the floor unconscious, but you can admire the beauty of the shot. And that's absolutely right. That was a beautiful lead-off record. You don't really see them utilized that well as that in mixed martial arts that frequently. Good for round three, man. I'm absolutely gutted for Anthony, of course. Of course, it goes without saying. I think most people are.


You could see Kaleel was loading it up for pretty much the whole round or the whole previous round.


No man alive could take that shot. What are you looking up at? You're looking up. Is your chat upstairs?


No, the TV is over there.


Oh, sorry. Right, right, right. Oh, no, you don't.


Have to- I have it on my phone, too, in front of me. I'm locked in for this. This is- Yeah.


No, you're good. I was making conversation. It's not sad. It's not sad.


No? It's somebody who I consider a friend, somebody who I've gone to for advice with kids stuff, someone on a personal level. It is sad to see Anthony get knocked out.


He wouldn't want you saying that it's sad. Okay, fair enough. He would not want you sitting on here saying that it's sad. You go out there as fucking warriors. You're warriors and you dare to be great and you take a chance and you fight. Sitting around and being a fucking pussy about it afterwards is not what he would want to do. You won't go, I'm so sad. I'm so sad. No, you have respect. Nothing changes. You still have fucking respect. You still went out there and fought his ass off, sitting around and moping about and saying it's sad is not what people want to hear. It's like, Shit, man. We're devastated for you. We're gutted for you. What's he saying, Brian?


Kylil just called out Alex P, obviously. He said he wants to fight in Vegas and bring the belt back.


What? To America? Yeah. Him and Colby, Covington?






Although I'm super excited to see Colby, who we did fight. I'm pretty sure he's going to get knocked out, but I'm a big fan.


Yeah. Now, going back to what you were saying. No, I'm devastated for him. Of course. You don't want people sitting there feeling sorry for you and sympathy. It's so disappointing and it's devastating. Of course it is. But that is the game. And when you get to a certain point, you understand that and the career trajectory and all the rest of it. But that's what comes... That's what's at stake in this game. You know what I mean? You step in there, you try and you win or you lose. You know what I mean? And yeah, we're all disappointed. Fucking right, we are. But he doesn't want everyone feeling sorry for him.


Yeah. So on the flip side, I'm grateful Anthony gets to have a nice Christmas with his family, not worry about a fight, have the worries of a training camp and all that. It's like, yeah, enjoy the time with your family. I'm happy for that for him.


Oh, no, listen, it's not the result. Not any one of us wanted. I'm devastated for him. It's fucking brought the mood down in this little fucking party, hasn't it? I'm a little bit. I'm a little bit. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm like, For fuck's sake, it's not what we wanted. It's not how we expected this going. In hindsight, this whole fucking shebang was a bad idea. Are we ever going to do one of these where he fucking wins? And we're just like, Okay, that's great. Pop the champagne, let's go.


Well, here's the thing.


It's not Mike. No, it's Harrington.


It's me. The last one.


We did. It's Harrington.


He won the last one we did?


No, dude, Mike was working commentary for that one.




Yeah. Right. We were watching that one.


Yeah, we were.


Watching that one together. Listen, it's a tough sport, man. It's a really, really tough sport. And listen, God bless him, fair play. That's why you've got to respect every man or woman that steps in there. Simple as that.


Because-it was a bagger fight.


It was a good fight. One hundred %, it was a good fight. And he showed up and he gave it his best. Hell, yeah.


It was a great fight. I'm proud to add that you were taking it on two weeks and giving it that a show.


So time to Pete says here, and this is good. He says, Do you feel like fights that get into the broadcasting side take a hit to their careers? Their fight careers, their fight careers? Like one foot in, one foot out. I understand why you're saying that, and I understand why you're coming to that conclusion because of Anthony doing that, and obviously what happened here tonight. But no, that's not the case at all. And I would be a great example of that not being the case. I was doing the broadcast side of stuff since 2012. I was on Fox Sports for seven years, and I became champion of the world, and I defended the belt, and I won some great fights. I lost some fights, of course. But that right there would be my immediate go-to. It all depends on the individual. Everything's always on the individual. You can't have these hard and fast rules. It all depends. What are you doing on the outside? What are you doing during the week? How well are you looking after yourself? How dedicated are you to training and things like that? So just because someone's doing broadcast doesn't mean it's good or bad.


You could argue that it makes you even more dedicated. You could argue that it makes you even more on the straight and narrow and not partying at the weekends because you're fucking on TV. Do you know what I mean?


And also you're watching tape on everybody.


Correct. Exactly. And people that aren't necessarily... Let's just extend the conversation. Because most people do something with their weekends. Most people are doing something. And if you're not working on TV, studying the fight game, talking about the fight game, being around the fight game, well then what are you doing? It's probably nothing that's as good as that. Because no one trains necessarily on the weekend. You might have the odd Saturday morning training session, you know what I mean? But you're not. You're not having hard sparring. You're not doing wrestling. You're not doing jiu-jitsu. And being around the fight game more can inspire you. Being around big fights and seeing champions and all the rest of it makes you think, Shit, that could be me even more. Because you guys think you guys see it on TV. You want to be there at the arena. You want to see it after a championship fight has gone down. And then the fighter who just won the belt with his team and his coaches and all the rest of it, walk up and you come up to the TV studio or the broadcast section and you get to see it and witness it firsthand.


That's so inspiring. Certainly, as a fighter, that's aspiring to that. I understand why you say that or why you ask the question. Again, you can play both ways. Okay.


Fair enough.


Do you have a prediction for this next fight?


Do you know? I don't. I would expect Guitiares to get it done because Guitiares is phenomenal. I was just trying to bring... Why did you say it like that? Fair enough. You didn't even ask the question. It's not like I'm going against your... Are you okay? Do you need to cry? Do you need a tissue?


No, I definitely don't need to cry. I don't need a tissue. I think you're going to cry.


I'm trying to do. That's nice. That's great. And Anthony would be happy. Cry. Cry it up.


What is with this narrative that I'm like that I'm a woke, that I'm a pussy.


That I'm a- Whoa, whoa, Brian.


Who said that?


Did anyone say that? Who said that? I just said, Do you need a tissue?


I don't need a tissue.


Because I can't get you in fucking California.


Can you believe this? Goodie Ears is over a three to one underdog in this fight.






Three to what? I know. I think I saw that.


Dude, it's nuts. I understand. I respect for Song-A-Dong. He's a great fighter. He's got to win over Cheeto, if I'm not mistaken, it happened to have Feathrway, but he's got a very solid resume. But I can't imagine anybody being that big of a favorite over Chris Gudierres. That guy's a beast.


Yeah, no, he is a beast.


He's saying put a couple of bucks on him.


Put a couple of books on him. On who Gudierres? Yeah. Go ahead. Leave my name out of it. Oh, yeah. Fias can't gamble, and I don't gamble. It's weird, isn't it? Really? When we could gamble, I never did. Now I've been told we can't gamble. I'm like, Well, that's not good, is it? What? Like a 12-year-old.


Yeah, thanks, Obama.


When did that happen? You're not allowed to bet on any fights?


That happened recently. Within the last year.


The whole James Crowe situation.


Oh, right.


And then, like family members and stuff. They know. They have ways and means and algorithms. They're stealing your data, everybody.


They are. They are stealing your data, everybody.




Are. And guess what? Who gives a fuck? Just get on with your life. It's not going to affect you one little bit. Just get on with.


Your life. Yeah, you're not getting back.


It says the guy is streaming to YouTube from their homes.


No, that's what I'm saying. See this phone? They got all the data they need. Who cares? Only thing I can't do because of that is gamble. And I never gambled anyway, as I said. So Song-Y-Dong, four and one in his last five, the one loss coming to Corey Sanhagen, which, of course, no shame there. Chris Cutierra, let me just bring up his record here. I like watching Chris Cutierra fight. Wow. Look at this. Jesus Christ. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, fight, win, straight, 1 draw. Lost to Pedro, Munoz, beat, Eliting, Haley. So he's on some form, man. Twenty and five overall, 10 stoppages.


Yeah, he's got the Frankie Edgar win fairly recently, too, right? I feel like that was within the last year or two.


The Ghost of Frankie Edgar.


Jesus. Still, though. Still, though.


Yeah, for sure. I'm not dissing Frankie Edgar. I'm saying that it's like Calvin Gaslin beat the Ghost of Michael Bisby. Do you know what I mean? He didn't fucking beat me, bro. I've just been choked out two weeks before and I was fucking over trained to the max. I will fucking rip a motherfucker's head off.


You were retired by then pretty much.


He beat the Ghost of Frankie Edgar. And Chris Kudjars, he was so nice. I remember that afterwards. He took no satisfaction in that. And he's beautiful to watch. He's kick-boxing. Just his all-round game is phenomenal.


I do think there is something to that though. I think there is something to that though. When it is like a quote-unquote, ghost of... When it's a guy who's announced, This is my retirement fight, whoever they do match you up against, I feel like that typically is the U. F. C. Telling me this is a guy to watch out for. This is somebody who we do believe could have a real run here in the next couple of years. So I've had my own Goodie Ears since then. And yeah, he hasn't disappointed. Very, very, very entertaining fights throughout.


Yeah, yeah. No, he is. I'm a fan. I'm a big fan. I'm a fan of him as a person because he's always so...




He's a man of few words, let's put it like that. He's a man of few words. He doesn't talk shit. He struggles with the mental side of it a lot. And every time I've spoken to him when we do fighter meetings, he's always the mentality. But when you look at his record, he doesn't struggle. But mentally, he's definitely... He has some demons there. He's had some personal problems which I won't get into because it's not my place to say that he shared with us some family stuff and stuff like that. But he's a beast in the octagon.


-unclear. -he was just doing somersaults. You see that?


Can you do a somersault?




Can you do a somersault, Harrington?


I bet I could. I haven't tried since I was six or seven, but I bet I could.


-grab your toes. -harrison could do anything. Go on. Do it, Harrington. Do it. Yes.


I've got space for activities in my living room.


What you're showing us the back of your TV? What is that?


You need to dust, bro.


You need to dust.


This is just going to be like a week...


Hold on.


Nobody saw anything You.


Were just- You didn't do it.


What? You didn't do it. You guys didn't see it?


No. You have like a quarter inch of a frame.


To see. I'm hoping that's your hand. That is my hand. Or is that your belly?


No, I hurt my neck doing that, and you're telling me you didn't get it at all.




That stinks. It was such a perfectly executed some result. I'm so mad.


So perfect.


I mean, probably not because I don't think you're supposed to injure yourself doing it. But man, I got ass over tea kettle.


Well, do you think Paul Craig can do a back flip? A standing back flip?


I bet he could.


Are we going to.


Find out? You think Paul Craig can do a standing back flip when he's had loads of vodka and whiskey?




Not. Well, we're going to find out because he's going to do it. And some of the stories, because we did a little research call for the show, like stuff we can talk about and ask him about. I felt very professional. I remember I went on the Colin and O'Brien show, and that's what they did. So I'm like, Guys, just going to do a little research call. And Jesus Christ, some of the things that Paul Craig has done in his life, he's hilarious. I said, And you're happy to talk about this? He said, Yeah, absolutely. I don't give a fuck. And I'm like, You're my new favorite person. Jesus Christ.


Well, as long as it's not being filmed. Talk about whatever.


It's not being filmed. And I'm making sure people better fuck off with the phones.


People better go to myticket. Co. Uk and go buy tickets to Tells from the Acorn.


That's why you're the man, Brian. That's why you're the man. Having to be over there crying himself to sleep.


I was about to jump in with my own plug, but.


That's fine. Brian's over here plugging the website. You're like, Oh.


I'm sad. Oh, you're talking about byticket. Co. Uk?


That website? What would I tell Andy his next career move should be? I don't know. I'd have to think long and hard about that. It's just happened. We're all upset. We're all sad. We're all disappointed.


What do you mean, next career move?


I do see a lot of people in the chat are mentioning, What about a return to 185? I don't see it.


No way. He's a big boy. I don't know if he can get back down to 185 these days.


I also just don't think it's good to be cutting weight like that.


Yes. Yeah, I mean, it just happened. I couldn't... None of us can, unless you're around the camps, unless you're in the gym day to day, you can't base. I mean, yeah, you can make unadvised, uninformed opinions, but unless you're a part of the team and see what's going on a day to day and all the rest of it, it's really hard to make real advice. My advice would have been not to take that fight. I didn't like it from the start, but I wished him the best, and I kept that to myself. But I was like, Bro, don't do that. Fight in a few months with a full fucking camp. But I respect it. I understand his motivation for doing it because he wanted to have time with his family at Christmas. But yeah, it is what it is. Nothing can change it. Kylul is.


A mother effort. You know what I mean? He could possibly hold that belt soon.


When you cut that much, you lose your chin. Well, that's it. Exactly, you do. It wasn't easy. There's a reason why he came up to 205. I'm assuming there's a reason why he came up to 205 in the first place because the weight cuts would have been drastic. Because Antony is a big fucking dude. You know what I mean? I'm not a small guy, but when I'm next to Antony, he dwarfs me. He's a big guy. And as you get older, it gets harder. You know what I mean? So going down to 185, that isn't the answer.


I feel like you'd have to lose bones to go down to 185 at this point.




No. I mean, yeah, you did make a good point. Roundtree is now, he's the only guy in the top 10 who's on the win streak that he's on who's got the finishes that he has. Yeah. I think.


Absolutely no shame. I think I'd say he smokes him, though.


It's a fun fight.




You tell me watching those two stand and swing hammers at each other? Guys who literally just want to land one big shot, power shots on each other? Yeah, tell me a ticket right now for that fight.


Oh, absolutely. I'm already calling it fight of the night.


What? Perar and Kaleel? Yeah. Look at you lot. Look at you lot. All of a sudden, Kaleel is the shit. No, but like- I'm teasing you, Liz. I'm teasing you.


You stop, Anthony Smith? Yeah, dude, you must be.


I'm teasing you. You must be the next. A minute ago, he's going to fucking lose. He's going to lose. He's the best. I'll look at this. They're stealing the Tomasman or Serge Pavloviac moment.


Who? Oh, man. Where the hell? Somebody posted a meme of a movie that that's lifted directly from, and I can't remember now.


Oh, really? It was a Schwarzenegger movie, right?


Yeah, it was. It was like Kindergarten Cop or something. Yeah.


All right. All right, Song-Y-Dong, Chris Gudieris. I think this fight card initially was supposed to go down in Korea, I think.


Because when we checked what? Last week it was scheduled for 7:00 AM or something.


Yeah. It was like it was China because that's why all the road to the USC guys are on there.


No, sorry, you're right. No, it was supposed to be China. It was supposed to be China.


Good to hear. It's throwing spinning back kicks to the head?


You're five seconds ahead of me. Let's have a look, see if I can speed mine up. See if I can catch up or something. What can I do?


Yeah, what count are you at in the round, Bryan?


Four minutes and two seconds.


Oh, yeah, I'm literally 20 seconds behind you.


I'm as close as I can go. I'm at 357.


Oh, nice.


What are you at, Brian?


3:46. I'm still over, Koday. I'm just.


Asking for the head.


All right. I'll keep it to myself for a minute.


It's all right. It doesn't matter. From what I can see, nothing's happening so far.


Yeah, they're just dancing with each other. Gudiers keeps pretending like he's going to spin and hit him with something.


Well, this is why, because you have... He is fainting the spin. The feeling out process is because.




You're a good fighter, fighting is a thinking man's game. It's not about let's go, let's swing, let's have it, let's fight. Some people do that and some people are entertaining, and people like that generally have a short winded career. You have to go out there and you have to move a little bit and you have to see what your opponent's giving you. And you have to... Of course, you watch them, you study them, you pick up their tendencies, and you have an expectation. But everything is different on the night. So you go out there and you take your time and you move a little bit. You don't overly commit to anything. Don't get me wrong, sometimes a Jorge Masvedal knocks out, Ben Ashran, in five seconds. Sometimes you get these crazy blitzes. You get the black beast jumping through the air, which is fucking awesome. You know.


What I mean? With five seconds left in the fight?


Correct. But generally, certainly at these weights where they don't have the same power.


Right. And exactly to your point, if you look at the Leon Edwards-Kamara Huzman fight, he was just downloading and making him move that way, the whole fight. Throwing that punch, making him dip his head, making him dip his head, and then... Bam, headkick.




Headkick. Headshot. I hate that.


Headshot, dead.


This fight is a lot of tipy-taps. Those little leg kicks that he's throwing, the little low leg kicks that look like they're getting checked, what does that count as on the scorecard? Do you know? I guess it's individually up to the judge?


Well, no, unless there's like... And by the way, there's not a point criteria. There's not like, Oh, three points for that. Five points for that. But generally, if there was a big reaction to it, like you see sometimes with the calf kicks where they fucking or they start limping and they got to switch dances and things like that, that will create a little bit of sway on the judges to their side. If everything's even, the guy that landing more doors, maybe he would take it. You know what I'm saying? If both guys would... Yeah, so it all depends. You know what I mean? There's no exact way of defining that. In fact, there is. I've got wording. It's in my notes. It has a fucking seminar. Oh, that's a nice one from Song-Ye-Dong, though. Damage, duration, and dominance. They're the three Ds that they use. Damage, duration, and dominance. Who caused the most damage? Who was the most dominant? And who had the duration of the damage of the dominance? The damage chombs everything. But of course, damage goes on a round-by-round basis. People go, Look at this guy. He was all messed up. But if all that happened in round one and then for the next four rounds do the guy beat him, but then you win.


It's a round-by-round. It's not you beat someone up badly, their faces folks, and therefore they win the fight. You know what I mean?


That just reminded me of I had that argument with Chuck Zito about one of your fights.


The Dan Henderson fight?


The second one. Yeah, we were arguing about that one, and Chuck came into it saying that he was very, he questioned the decision making. After about three and a half hours of arguing, he left that cigar bar 100 % certain that you were the rightful middleway champion of the world. Oh, well. That was a night well spent.


I shout out Chuck Zeto. I like Chuck Zeto. We know each other. We text each other. He's absolutely cool as hell. He's a legend. I like him, but he's spending his spare time arguing against my bloody victories. Shout out, Chuck Zeto. What a guy he is. He's going to be like one of the... How old is Chuck Zeto? Because he's no spring chicken.


Oh, no, he's an old biker man at.


This point. Yeah, in the 60s, I'd say, right? '50s, '60s. I'm choosing my words carefully, I don't end up in a body bag.


He is. Yeah, he's seven. Seventy this year.


Get out of town.




Hope I look that good. And I tell you what, I hope I'm as active in life as.


He is. And he is still Jack, too.


He's Jack. He's at the fights. He's on the stage at the weighings. He's traveling. He's going to places. I tell you what, God bless him. That's unbelievable. Seventy years old. You know what? I might reach out to see if you want to get him on the podcast or something. That'd be awesome. I would love to see some tales from Chuck Zeto. Because he's always so kind. Whenever I see him, he's always so respectful and he's always got something nice to say. But his energy, his energy is like...


He's an intense man.


Yeah, he's fucking walking, talking, living, breathing fucking Robert De Niro, Tony Soprano, motherfucker, isn't it? You know what I mean? But he's also cool as hell with it.






He put JCVD through a... What was it? Strip Club window.


Did he? Really?


Something like that. Yeah.


Iwould like to see that.


Yeah, dude. I'm sure he would tell that story.


Now reach out? It's a chance about the time he beat up JCVD?


Yeah, he would a hundred % tell that story.


Sungle Macdungle, swinging hard.


Oh, yeah.


I like what Gudieriz is doing with this throw the leg kick, dead in the body kick, front kick to the face might be coming next.


I think Song is chopping out his legs pretty effectively.


So far. David Allen Productions. Who is Jesse Lee Peterson? I have no idea, buddy. You're asking him.


For- You don't know Jesse Lee Peterson? He's like an old black conservative voice. Oh, really? Yeah. He's pretty controversial, but he says some hilarious shit.


I would love to go on his podcast then.


Oh, yeah.


Controversial people are way more fun to talk to. Do you know what I mean? Going on someone's podcast that wants to toe of the line and not say anything. We don't talk about that here. Fuck that. That's boring as hell. If someone wants to fucking talk some shit and get into something and just speak their mind and be honest, great. No one wants to.


Listen to that either.


You know what I mean? You're just looking at some of the chat. False Jordie says they spoke about Anthony's post on Instagram. They spoke about Anthony's post on Instagram. They spoke about Anthony's post on Instagram. What is he talking about, boys? I should not have read that.


I don't know. I'm about to look.


Yeah, what did he post on Instagram?


I can't.


Imagine he's post on Instagram.




Is that an Ipoq or a nut chat? No, it's an Ipoq.


Then Rebecca shut the kids up, Vivek, Tamang. Do you know what? I think she did. I think she did. I think she shut them down. I think they still look that I think they're still Dungeon and Dragon-ing. Oh, yeah. I think Lucas is going to get disowned if he continues this behavior. I want my son when he's there. Like today this afternoon, I took him on the pads, and then we did chest and traps. And then he's sitting with the nerds, the virgins.




Dungeons and Dragons.


He's going to battle all the hot nerd chicks. He's putting himself into a really good position.


If you make him king of the nerds, dude? He'll go and defeat it forever.


He needs to be King of the nerds, Harrington. He's going to be King of the world.


So here is... Yeah, but you could start somewhere.


You got to start in a smaller kingdom. You have the post?


I got Anthony's post up right here. It. Congratulations, Caleon.


His team, Alvin, you deserve it. Sorry to everyone who supports me. I gave it my all. Sometimes that's not enough.




We appreciate that. Exactly. You know what I mean? He gave it his... Yeah, exactly. That's what I mean. I wasn't having a go at you. Of course, he would appreciate the fact that you care about him so much, Harrington. Of course he would. It's always nice to know that, but he just wouldn't want people like... You're a sweetheart of a human being. You are. You can say that you genuinely care. You're on the verge of tears. And that's nice, but it's just such a bitch of a sport. I guess being involved in it for so many years and being around so many fights, it toughens you a little bit. It's like you can't... You just... It's like... That's it. That's the way it goes. It fucking sucks. It's hard. It's horrible.


On the flip side though- On the flip side as well. I agree. On the flip side, though. You were talking earlier about the gambling aspect. I told Brian earlier, this is the first card I have not bet at all in maybe five years, right? I love gambling, especially on mixed martial arts. But this sport is... This one's rough, dude, because whoever you're betting on a guy to not go home with half of his paycheck. I don't know. There's something that feels.


Very gross about that. You're not betting on one guy to not go home with half of his paycheck. That's not what you're doing. You're making a prediction on who you think should win. And by the way, not every fighter loses half of their paycheck when they lose. That's not how it goes. Entry level fighters, that is the standard contract. But as you progress through the rankings and in your position in the USC, like...




Would imagine- I'm just trying to think like I'm going to say, I have them a second or third contract. That wasn't my situation. Do you know what I mean? And it all depends on the individual fighter, their relationship with the U-of-C, their manager, and what deal they're able to negotiate based upon their worth to the company, because that's what it all comes down to at the end of the day. If you're not worth much, and when I say worth much, what I mean is in terms of attracting viewers, selling pay-per-views, selling tickets. I don't mean what they're worth as a human being. Of course, that sounds awful. But if you're not generating things on your side, then it doesn't give much negotiating power. If you are, you might have negotiating power. You can get it. You can negotiate a better deal. But anyway, back to your original point, you're not doing that. You're just predicting one person to win and one person to lose. So don't feel bad about it, Harrington.


Fair enough.


Something weird just happened.


Yeah, that was interesting. I've never seen that before. So Herb Dien stops the action to point out that Gudier has had his fingers inside of Song-Y-Dong's gloves. And it seems like Dien and Gudierras are getting into it after the bell.




Herb Dean.


Oh, really? Oh, sorry. Yeah, no, you might see me sticking my finger in my eye every two seconds.




It's just these contact lenses, bro. It drives me nuts. I'm fine. I can see all the time. And then when I sit down at a computer, everything goes super blue and I can't see fuck all. Let's have a look. Oh, that was a nice front kick by Gudierres.




Won the first round? Because I was talking, looking at the chart.


Who do you think? I won the first round, I think.


I think.


It's likely 2-0 Song going into the third here.


So Gudierres keeps throwing that straight kick to the knee. I don't know, that feels like a dirty move to me.


Well, it doesn't feel like a dirty move to me. It feels like a stupid move. Yeah? Yeah. Because have you seen the force that he's throwing it with? He's not committing to it. He's not trying to do any damage. But what you're doing is, and I'm not criticizing him, I've spent the whole walks and what a great fighter I think he is. Oh, shit. He's wobbled. But when you do that, when you're just flicking out, when you're doing stuff like that, you're going to think of the consequences. You got to think of the risk versus the reward. What's the reward? Well, you might make contact with his knee and not do any damage whatsoever. The reward is that you put yourself in striking range, you're putting yourself in striking range. You're on one leg, right? You've got a higher propensity and higher chance of getting knocked down because you're on one leg. What they're going to do is give you a little push and you will fall over. You're not in a position to move out the way. You're not in a position to bob, to weave. You can't generate any punches with your hands to land counters.


But the only thing you can do is touch the leg a little bit and do that. If you're committing to it like a Kaleel Roundry versus Modestas, Pukawskas, and try to fucking snap the leg, that's one thing. But doing that, he would say it's a range finder. It's a habit. It's a tactic. That's what he likes. But the risk versus the reward, it just isn't worth it. And that's what ultimately the Fight Gains comes down to. When you throw a technique, why are you doing it? Why are you doing that? What are you trying to achieve? All right. So you're trying to achieve that. Well, when you do that, what are you leaving yourself open to? Well, look at it. It's fucking like this. So don't do it.


That apple was nasty.


Yeah. And significantly, we're talking about it's a range finder. You're eating up space with it. So it's essentially doing the same thing a jab is doing.


Just putting you - No, it's not. A jab will fucking smash someone to fuck. A jab will ruin someone's soul. A jab will want people to get out of that. A jab sets up the right-hand. A jab will dominate the entire fight. You can knock someone down with your jab. You can use a neutral jab. You can use an advancing jab. You can use a retreating jab. Positive, negative, neutral type of jobs. Jobs are way much more. Not the same thing. It's not the same thing whatsoever.


Yeah, I.


Think- But it's a better tool.


-one of the first fights-.


What the jab is?


The jab is a way better tool than the flicking front kick.


Well, the last fight on the undercard, Kevin Jousset just Hummeled him with jabs. It was just jabs, the whole fight.


When you're looking at the bottom half, Gudiaris isn't really committing. I'm not shitting on him. Song-y-dong, when he's throwing, he's throwing with bad intentions. Gudierres is... Because it seems it appears that he's losing the fight. He keeps raising that one leg. And again, I don't know why he does that. I mean, that was a nice kick. That was a nice attempt, the spinning wheel kick. That's what he needs to do. You're going to go for shit.


So it seems like he is committing a little bit to these, like snapping front kicks to the face. And he's throwing out the little kick to the knee as almost like a faint for that snapping front kick.


Nobody's doing it every three seconds, Hamilton. That doesn't become a faint. That becomes a pattern. It becomes a fucking stupid. Listen- Somebody can count that. If you're going in real, Jim, and honestly, don't make me have to argue with you, Hamilton. I'm not giving you shit. Don't make me have to argue with you. I know you fought a bug of beard. I know you thought of a beard. But I've spent my entire fucking life in real fucking gyms. If I was... If I was in a gym and I was doing that and Jason Perilloow was here, he would fucking slap me in the fucking face. Oh, yeah, but Harrington says... Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I'm trying to be polite to you right here, and it's like I'm not intellectually debating this with you. It's not an intellectual debate. I'm speaking English. You're speaking Swahili right now. You can be a fan, and you can understand the absolute basics of it, but that's about where it ends. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but that is the facts. You can have your different opinion. Of course you can.


I'm very polite. I was very polite the whole fucking time. And I'm like, Right, okay. He just keeps fucking disagreeing. I've got to tell you. I've got to tell you. I've got to tell you. I love you, Harrington. I do. You're fucking awesome. But please, shut the fuck up sometimes. In the nicest possible way, continue to talk.


Just shut the fuck up while you're doing it.


I think the police are at the door. No.


Too much fun?


You're like, You've been too mean to Harrington.


People are.


Having- The chat has called the police already. They're like, Get this thing out of there.




Like, What the hell is your dog doing?


Yeah, this fight. This fight. I thinkI think Kaleel and Anthony wins fight of the night so far.


Well, it has to be. I love you, my best friend. Well, Clint Robbs. That's a nice name. Thank you very much.


That's how you get them.


Bully, Viscop. Yeah, I am bullying. But let me tell you this. This is a mixed martial arts podcast. And no disrespect to Brian and Harrington because they were awesome. And I have so much respect for the pair of them. But when it comes to the mixed martial arts knowledge and prowess, always. Brian is the producer, Harrington is the producer. I spent my entire fucking life in this sport since I was eight years old in gyms fighting, understanding the nuances, the mindset, the philosophy, the physicality of it, how you have to train. I'm not going to go at you, Mike. I'm not going to go at you. I'm talking about the people that are calling me a bullet. I'm like, So when I have to intellectually spa with Harrington- I.


Don't know, Mike. I saw Harrington holding the Middleweight Championship one time.


All right.


Oh, dear. Oh, dear.


Yeah. No, I do.


Like that. Producer abuse. I call the police.


I do.


Like- Call the police. Producer abuse alerts. I'm not even watching the file. I'm monitoring Harrington's eyes.


Too busy beating me up to be watching another man fight?


Okay. Yeah. No, I have not. Have I said one mean thing?


Not at all. I'm literally... Here's my thing. All I'm doing when I'm doing that is like, I'm an idiot who doesn't know this at all. So I'm telling you what I see with my two eyes and then you tell me what's actually going on as a fighter.


With my.


One eye? I was about to say.


What a dig from Perris. Jesus. Hey, I'm seeing this with my two eyes, okay? It's not what I commentated. They got this big. This big. They got one eye, don't see half the fight. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Jesus, Harryton. You really went there.


Wow. That's me.


What? Is that strike one, Brian?


Oh, at least. Yeah, let's call it one. Sure.


Do we give him a strike one? Like official.


Warning one? Oh, yeah. Why don't you give me a time-out?


No, you're good.


Please, can I have a time-out?


No, do a back flip again.


Yeah, do more somersaults.


Has he gone to cry?


No, he's still here. I don't know what's happening. He's just taking a two-minute time-out real quick. Just a.


Brief little time-out.


I'll tell you what. I'm going to give you guys an opportunity to talk shit about because I'm just going to go to the bathroom.


Oh, yeah. We're not in front of 19, 120 people.


Sure. Yeah, we can just shoot the shit you and me. I was going to.


Sit here and talk shit about Mike because he told us we could.


Yeah, he's definitely not just backstage listening to every word we say. I'll tell you right now.


We just suddenly dawned.


Him in the eye. Chris Guiterrez gets put on his ass.


No, it was all those little flicking things he did with his leg.


Oh, shit. He softened himself up.


For that left hook. He's hurt. Yeah, for sure. Oh, potential triangle.


Oh, Goody. Yeah, it's slick with it.


No, it's gone. Well, it'll be okay. He's in full guard now. I can control his arms and try and stop the onslaught. But he was definitely wobbled there for a second. Yeah.


This is not the fight I saw coming at all.


No, that's all right. Sometimes they're bangers, sometimes they're not.


And the thing is, going back to Anthony for a second, he's fine. He's posted on Instagram already. The reality is when you step into an outcome like this, sometimes you come into in the hospital. I've been there. Sometimes you're getting rushed. Sometimes you're awake, but you got to go to the hospital. Sometimes you got fractured Orbitons, you've got broken noses, you're unconscious, you've broken your leg, you've torn ligaments. You know what I mean?


I'm hoping somebody's taking a look at Anthony right now, but I'm sure he's fine.


Yeah, he'll be getting a stitch or two. You know what I mean? It's just the damage to the ego, to the trajectory of the career. But he's still young enough that those are short-term things. Do you know what I mean? It's not the end of the world. It's very disappointing. But it's all part of the journey, and that's the way you got to look at it.


It's a notice fight, too.


Quit is never win.


That's it. If you don't swing for the fences, you never hit a home run. And some other corny things.


I like it, Brian. That was very philosophical.


Oh, man. Yeah, I don't know. What does Gudierres do from here?


Because it's like- I just put shit on.


I feel like at the absolute best you could give him the last round, but I don't see it. So you're now deep into the fourth round, probably down zero three, and you're on your back.


Yeah. Now what he needs to do right now is it's the first thing you do in the jiu-jitsu lesson. It's called shrimp, right? So what you do is instead of when they do this with the hands, you push on the head and you move your hips away. And then Song will follow him. And then you push at him and you shrimp the other direction and you move further and further away. But Song will follow him further and further. And eventually, he'll end up on the fence. And then when you get to the fence, when you push the final shrimp, you lean on your post on this hand and you open your guard. And then the opponent steps over because they think that they're going to pass your guard. But then when they step into your half guard... I'm going to do a fucking video breakdown on this because it's fucking so frustrating. And I try to talk about it all the time. It's so fucking easy. All you do is push on the head and you swim and they follow you. And then the last minute you get an overhook and you open your guard, they step over that you're into half guard and you suck your fucking leg out and you're back on your feet.


And it does my fucking head. It's so easy. I built a career on it.




I got up all the time. Don't get me wrong, it's not easy, but there's definitely a formula to doing it.


Or you could just use the Derek Lewis method and just get up.


Yeah. Right. I'm getting up now. I'm heading up. That's it.


Oh, man. I was going to say these gyms should just call you in for wrestling get-ups.




I like that in the USC game where you can hit a thing and you call in another fighter and they show you some cool moves. I think that'd be pretty sick. You head to a gym and be like, All right, guys, I don't know anything about getting takedowns, but this is how you get up.


Yeah, well, I do not think it's too about getting take-downs. I don't know if you saw Brands, Stan, being catapulted through the fucking hour, but I don't think these MMA gyms are going to fog me, bro. No? No, I'm joking, of course. I'm just extremely busy. I get asked to do seminars, not all the time, but not frequently, but here and there. I just don't have time. With the USC duties, with the podcast, with the family, with all the other stuff that I do outside of USC stuff, it's really hard. Do you know what I mean?


I can't be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger if you're out there doing other things.


Well, I don't think I'm going to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, but if I can fill my time, my dull free time with a little bit of fun and games and go on a movie set and do some little bits and bobs, why not? You know.


What I mean? You can overlay that into a career as the next mayor or the next governor of California.


The the mayor of Clitherow?




Dude, you got John Furry running Manchester. You got you running Clitherow.


Carter McGregor running Ireland.


It's over for these fools.


It's time real men took charge at country, right?


Enough of this. New world order nerds try to take you guys over.


Oh, man. Gudierras looks in a not good way on the stool.


I mean, dude, he hasn't been looking good since the end of round one.


Yeah, it's not a good visual. But I will say this about Chris, and again, it's not an insult. It's not. It's just the way he looks. He always looks like he's about to start crying.




Do you know what I mean? He has a pained expression on his face. I want to say pained. I don't mean like... I mean a sad, pained expression. That's what I was talking about before, the mental side of things is like, I don't know Chris outside of watching him fight and speaking to him before he fights. I don't know him. I don't have a relationship like that. But he does... I think there's-.


He just made a mistake.


He just looks like he's fucking got some... I don't know. He looks like he just needs a good old cry. And you always feel better after a good cry. Harrington, after this, you can go and cry and then come back and everything will be fine.


I'm good. I'm good.


He just pitches the baby. So the baby cries over his crying.


Come on now.


Caruma Lavi says, I get the vote. Thank you. When is Red Sonia out? Sorry, go on, I'm fine.


You think that was Chris Guitierra's way of trying to maybe take a way out of this fight? I didn't see it. It was a sloppy, like.


Imanari- Oh, the Imanari roll attempt?


Yeah, it was sloppy, and he tried to do it from a football field away.


He did. It was far too far away. I don't know why he did that. Okay, if you want to go down the negative aspect, and I'm not saying this, but if you wanted to have a negative opinion, you could say that if you wanted to say this, and I'm not saying this, but here's a formula or an opinion you can come out with is that on the ground, he wasn't taking as much damage, and it was a bit more comfortable there. So if you go for an Imanari roll, even though it fails, he's going to follow you down, and therefore you're not on the feet and getting knocked out. I'm not saying that, but I understand how one could come up with that opinion.


I'm getting abused by this chat. Harrington looks like he's running a failing deli.


That's a good one.


That's so solid.


You look like you're running a fucking successful deli. You're rating it all.


Yeah, it'd be so successful if I wasn't the number one customer.


That's getting high on your own supply.


Yeah, this is a tough one for Guitiara. I think we're cruising towards a pretty obvious, unanimous decision for Song and Dog. Yeah.




You think I could have beat George San Diego if I didn't drink? I could have beat George San Pierre if I didn't tie my ribs the week before, which is actually what happened. And on top of that, my cup snapped as well. Halfway through the fire. I was swinging around on my shorts. But the cup was a real thing, not to mention the one fucking eye.


Just the parade of tragedies?




Be fair, he fought like a 10 % Michael Bigby.


Yeah. Well, listen, fair play. That's how I went in there. God bless you. But I did tie my ribs. I did have one eye. It's not because I might have had a couple of Stellars and a vodka here and there. In fact, to be honest, when I was training for a fight, I didn't drink. I was extremely... I was obsessively disciplined. I'm not an alcoholic. Never have been. No. But it's a Saturday night and I love a fucking.


Little bevy. You couldn't keep your shit together if you were an actual real-life alcoholic.


Let me ask you this. For all these people saying that stuff, were they up at six o'clock this morning? Did they do four miles? Did they do chest and traps, get in the sauna and the ice bath? Then after that, did you cultivate the award-winning soon-to-be tales from the arts? Would they be liaising with their editor? Were they be liaising with all the people that are putting the show together, sending out flights and trains and all that type of stuff, booking hotels? Then after that, come here and sit here and do that. That sounds like a lot for a man that has a really serious drink problem and on a Saturday when he's got the day off. That's my fucking day off.


Yeah, dude, it sounds like you got a problem.


Yeah, that is the problem, Brian, according to Rebecca. Yeah.


You should see someone about that.




It's a big fight for you, Doug, though.




Oh, yeah. No, you're right there.


Form one in his last five, as you mentioned, the only loss to San Hagen. He does have a win over Cheato, who I believe is about to be the next Ban and Wait champion. So pretty good spot to be, so you don't.


That was a while ago. We have about 20 seconds left. And it was... That was a controversial. I don't know if it was controversial. It was. Yeah, Cheato was not happy with that.


And it was at Feathrweight, if I'm not mistaken.


And Cheato was flipping out, backstage. He was pissed. Basically, Can I travel to Vegas and give you a smooch on the cheek?




It's the final part of that sentence that says no. Brother.


I was like, Oh, really? Where can this dude smooch you?




I said, Let's go get a guy.


Ain't no brother giving me a smooch. Well, you can show your appreciation. Shake a hand, give a fist bump. Give a little dap me up. Give me a bro hug.


We even got Superchats on.


Yeah, we got Superchats, but no one's giving me a smooch. Kobe wins next week- Sorry? Go on, Brian.


Just a pretty decisive win for Song-Y-Dong.




It was sad at the end there.


Did, because I was looking at the chat, fiddling with my eyeball and just monitoring Harrington's emotional levels. Do you think San Hagen... Sorry, San Hagen. Gudierres won any of the rounds?


I saw somebody in the chat say maybe round two, but I didn't think so.


No, I had it and they... Yeah, I saw a bunch of 50-44s. I got it 50-45.


As a fighter, that's always the really tough one, you know what I mean? Especially in a five-round fight.


You couldn't get one.


When it's a complete shutout. You know what I mean? It's like, oh. Sometimes you'd rather get finished in the first round. You'd rather get caught. You know.


What I mean? -than get tenderized for fucking 25 minutes?


Well, to get outclassed constantly throughout the entirety of the fight because it doesn't say you got beat. You didn't get lost. It was just well established that they were a better fighter. So the loss is one thing, getting caught, getting dropped and all the rest of it. You can deal with that internally. You can talk about that and you can go back and say, But the mother fucking got me. Jesus Christ. What a shot. Fair play to him. He committed to it. But when you get systematically beat for 25 minutes, that's when you go back and you start to ask yourself questions internally. You know what I mean? Because getting caught and getting knocked out, you can deal with that. You can reason with that. You can make excuses for that. You know what I mean? But when you get handled for 25 minutes, you can look at things like, was a dedicated in training camp? Did I have personal problems going outside? Were there things? Were there negative circumstances outside?


Does it drive you to find an excuse?


Well, that's what I was just about to say, because people, they will sometimes do that rather than... Because you don't want to confront the cold, hard facts. You're going to do two things. You can have a confront the cold, hard facts and say, Right, he was better than me. Jesus Christ. That was a level I'd never experienced and dwindled and go downhill. Or you can take that on the chin and say, Shit, he was better than me. I have got some work to do. I have got to improve. I've got to get better. I couldn't stop his takedowns. I couldn't get back up. He was way more powerful than me. And then look at other things as well. Do I need to go up in a weight class? Do I need to go down in a weight class? Do you need to be more disciplined? Do you need to work harder? Do you need to be more focused? Do you have a girlfriend or a wife? That's just a fucking negative influence. Maybe you're going to get rid of Rebecca. You know what I mean? Sometimes you have to clean up your personal life as well.




Yeah. I mean, if you can't focus on the thing, somebody's going to be better than you. Hi, Diana. I got a hi from Diana.


Is Diana here?


She is.


Jesus Christ, Dan. I don't get a hi.


I think you did.


I can't see shit. I need to get my glasses. It's bad. Lucas. Yeah. You're closing the windows. Come here. Say hi to everyone. Hello, guys.


What's up, Lucas? What's up, Lucas?


What's up, bud?


What class is your character?


Fair question.


What do you mean? Dungeons and Dragons, bro. Drill it.


Nice. Fair enough.


Is that good? Because I've never played at YouTube. I obviously have.


Well, I'm an aficionado of all things nerdy. It's just great class.


Yeah, Druid is. No, no, no. I would love to play Dungeons and Dragons and things like that, but it just seems like a game you got to have a lot of patience for.


A lot of patience. A big imagination. Only I.


Chose Druid.


Because I could turn into a bear. Of course. Why not?




I get it, man.


What bear? Grizzly or polar or brown?


Just a bear. You get polar bear at level 17 or something.


Yeah. Lugus, come here.


I know what I'm talking about. Okay.


So today we were doing traps and chest and traps. Yes. And why do we do different areas? Why do we do different exercises?




I don't know. Why do we do various different exercises on one muscle group? I told you this. Were you listening?


I forgot.


Is it because you got to use different parts of the muscle? Yeah. Get out. I'm ashamed of you.


Well, if you were going to say muscle confusion, maybe that explains, Harrington. He's just been working out his brain the whole time.


Yeah, he's been working out his brain, and I've been working out all day. I think that's the end of this one, boys. The fights are off. We've been going for 90 minutes. That's solid. Any final words to say to the streamers?


To the believers.




I want to remind everyone that we have a four week dark period coming up between the middle of December, the middle of January. So enjoy nights like this. Enjoy next week as much as possible because you're going to miss the fights when you don't have them. So hope you guys had a good time tonight.


Yeah. And I'll say this for all you people on here. Number one, thank you for spending your time with us on a Saturday night.


2,000 people but hanging out.


Have you subscribed and rang the bell, though? If you haven't subscribed, piss off. We're not interested. We don't want you watching. We don't want your negativity. We don't want your bullshit. We don't want you coming on here and lecturing and hating on Anthony Smith. If you subscribe, that's okay.


Yeah, as I was going to say.


Just subscribe. Just fucking subscribe, okay? No, all jokes aside, thank you for your time. Brian, final words of wisdom for everyone?


Take care of yourselves and each other.


Guys. Yeah, Jerry's bringing it out. Let's go. End the stream, Brian. We'll have a little chat. Bye, guys.