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We like to sprinkle in a few non-MMA stories just to keep maybe some non-MMA fans interested. Let me ask you this. I'll start with this, and Harrington can jump on. Are you a Breaking Bad fan?


I did not finish the whole thing, but I have seen many episodes of Breaking Bad over the years. Hold on.


How can you start Breaking Bad and not finish it?


Michael, I'm so bad at finishing shows, dude, and I liked it. I think I watched the whole first season, and then just me being me, my commitment to watching shows is awful. If my commitment to watching shows was the same as my commitment to other things I've done in life, I would not have made it anywhere.


Oh, I know. Because we both do a little bit of acting. And whenever I'm talking to anyone in that world, Have you seen this one? Have you seen that one? Have you seen this movie? I'm like, No, no, no. Saturday night, there were so many bloody celebrities, obviously, Orange County, California, close to LA. And I was looking around because obviously where we commentate, you look to the left, that's Dana's section where all the VIPs are. And I was like, I'm useless. There was so many people. I'm like, That person looks really familiar.


Who is that? I should know that person.


I kept making eye contacts with Mark Zuckerberg all night, which was weird because he was right there in Dana's section. And I'd look left to look at Anik. I'm looking at John and Joe because I'm on the end.


But it looks- He docks right over the shoulder.


My eyeliner is It was right there. Do you know what I mean? I think he was like, Why you keep staring at me?


I'm like, Why is this thing just keep staring at me?


Yeah. In the end, I gave him a little thumbs up and he smiled and waved. I'm like, Oh, God, that was cringe. What was I saying? Anyway, so, yeah, The atmosphere, man, was brilliant. Harrington, the reason I ask about Breaking Bad is because, Harrington, the flow is yours.


I have a story out of Long Island. A 23-year-old, what they are calling a Brilliant Scientist, according to his legal defense, started a laboratory in Queens. This guy? Yes. Brilliant scientist. Brilliant scientist. He started a legitimate laboratory that he claims was for studying the effects of cannabis on regular users. There was a break-in at his place at 3:30 in the morning, so he called the police there. When the police arrived, they found multiple ounces of methamphetamine, about $40,000 in cash, ecstasy, and tons of DMT. They got a warrant and check the whole rest of the place. Turns out this guy was doing a full on Breaking Bad Style meth operation out of a Long Island research laboratory.


And he called the cops on himself.


He ratted himself out. He ratted himself out.


I mean, I've done some pretty stupid things in my time, but I'd like to think that if I was operating a high-level drug empire, I was making the drugs, I wouldn't call the cops.


If you are making the drugs, you don't call the cops no matter what. Even When if somebody shows up with machine guns and is trying to kill you, listen, you're making the drugs. That's part of the job. If me and you, Michael, call the cops and we're at the gym and somebody's punching us in the face while we're training for a fight, you don't do that. And when you're making meth, you don't bring the police involved because somebody broke in. It's like, yeah, they broke in because they're trying to steal your money because you're making meth and you have cash in your place.


Exactly. They said, yeah, his lawyer was like, Oh, he's a brilliant scientist. He was studying the effects of drugs and stuff like that.


He's like, all right, well, that's-That's a good one.


That's the best excuse you can call it.


That's what I would say, too, if I was high on crack or meth. I'd be like, well, I was just trying to figure out how it affected me. That's all.


Yeah. And apparently, there was a ton of fentanyl there as well. I mean, look, listen, the guy of that.


That guy's got a face-to-face look thing going on. The one-sided, can we get that guy's picture back up? Look at this guy. That's a little bright. One-sided is not quite...


Just imagine.


Well, he's certainly not in the dermo-cology. He's got a big head.


So maybe he is smart. I mean, who knows?


Yeah, you never know. He's got a big old brain bulging out of there.


The big brain on Brad.


It looks like Pinky in the brain. You ever see that cartoon?


Oh, man. Yeah. And that's what he was trying to do. He was trying to take over the world.


What are we doing tonight, Pinky?


Same thing we do every night.


Yeah. Fentanyl. I don't know why that popped in my head. That's a big problem. Paul, you're in Philadelphia. How are the streets of Philadelphia these days?


They're not good. If you When you go down the city in certain parts of the city, it's really bad. And you can find where those places are at. You just see people on corners just doing the nod, the slump. That's been a pretty... Just heroine in Philly has been pretty bad, especially North Philly areas, where Eddie Alvarez and those guys in the Badlands and stuff like that. It's sad, man. You go on to the L train in Philly, down in North Philly. It's just like corps everywhere, man. Really? People doing that slump, the dope slump, it doesn't even make sense how they are even upright still. You know what I mean? It's madness.


They're defying gravity. My girl and I, our routine watch, our screen saver at home, basically, is the security camera at the Kensington station.


Yeah, you know that.


That's where you see this zombie moving around Philadelphia.


So your screen saver on on your computer or your TV is basically mocking poor, disease-strucking people, and you're just mocking them from your ivory tower, just laughing at them. These are real people, Harrington, with stories, with backgrounds, with brothers, sisters, families, mothers. How are you sitting there feeding the baby, laughing your heads off?


We both thought it was an ivory tower, but it is nice to look at and be like, Yo, it's pretty good.


It could be worse.


We got to be grateful for what we got, It could be bad out there.


Yeah, no, you're right. There's a part in England that I don't want to offend anybody in Blackpool. There's a town in Blackpool. It's about an hour away from where I'm from. I used to go there all the time. Oh, dude, it's terrible. Every place has got that neighborhood that is just bad. Some of the ugliest people you will ever see. Do you know what I mean?. It's like, yeah, life isn't too bad. But when I used to DJ, there was a record shop that I liked called the Melody House. So I used to go there all the time, and Rebecca was like, Please, because I didn't have a driver's license when we got together. As soon as we hooked up, I'm like, Oh, nice. I got a free taxi. So every Saturday, we would end up in Black Bull, and she goddamn hated it. I remember one day we were walking along and there's a pleasure. It's called the Pleasure Beach. So there's a big... It's like a Disneyland, if you will, but they call it the Pleasure Beach. So it's a massive tourist destination. It's a shithole, man. It's not like Anaheim, California with Disneyland.


It's a dump. It is. Sorry, the people of Blackpool, you know it's true.


I just googled people in Blackburn, and you fucking were not lying. Jesus Christ.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, hold on. They might be regulars on the show. Don't put their faces on.


Yeah, they're like, What the...


Michael. No, dude, dude. We were walking along. It was a beautiful sunny day. It was summer. That was a rare. And we'd We've been to the record shop and we had the kids, Callum and Ellie. They were still in baby chairs, just strollers and stuff. And then just a massive fight broke out, a big gang of gypsies ran across the street, and they had hammers in their hands. And I've seen a lot. I'm hard to shop. And the place is packed, shoulder to shoulder. People just getting mauled with hammers and baseball bats. It was like, what? Claw hammers. Do you You know what I mean? I'm like, Yeah, we need to get out of here.


It's time to go. It was a bad day.


It was a bad day in Blackpool. Bad day in Blackpool. Anyway, if you're going to sell drugs, don't call the police on yourself. Don't call a cop.


Don't call a cop.


Don't sell drugs.


But if you're going to-If you're going to-Don't call a cop.


If you're dying of cancer and you're trying to raise some money for your family before you die and you are forced down this dark, dark path, don't call the police on yourself.


I would just give a disclaimer that believe you me, does not want you to sell drugs.


No, we're saying don't sell drugs. But if you are forced-But if you're going to-If the cartel force you to do it, even then don't call the police. Definitely don't.