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This is exactly right. What is? But you say it's humongous, Luthi. Oh, my God, it goes to the sky. It goes all the way to the sky. If there really is this open air. All this lately, it's funny, I was having lunch earlier and these two sweet girls sent me a cocktail over and I was like, thank you, I'll see you tonight. Are you going to be the drunk girls in the front?


Like, no, we're cheap. We bought tickets way up there.


Oh, I got it at. Yeah. There's no need to go broke for a live podcast. That's insane. Fucking live your life up there. Listen to other podcasts while you're there, get shit done to catch up. It's we're in Georgia and my name is Georgia Guy. The Southern hospitality. Swear to God, I mean, this is it we just got here, so this is from last night in New Orleans. But OK, I'm not sure I'm developing a weird stage personality.


And she says stuff like that. OK, girl. No, but we were we got there.


It was nighttime. They didn't have room service. I ordered from a restaurant called Daisy Dukes. God bless it. Just a small pair of jeans, fried fried jean Sinochem. And it's also like and this is what you're not going to be able to wear when you go food. I saw that menu. Shit. When there's Incyte orders, when chili cheese fries is listed in sight, order, order. Know your entire fucking treat. You want to eat.


Are you getting entire fried cod? Well, get some fucking chili cheese fries side. Treat yourself. So I went down to get it. And when I went back into the elevator, a guy walked out of the elevator with me and he was laughing. And this because he was walking like pigpen in this huge cloud of weed like this.


And he gets in the elevator with me because it smells like weed around here, which, of course, made me laugh really hard. So then he saw that I wasn't a narc and and then he did one of my favorite checkouts of all time. He because he started from the back, he goes, What's up, girl?


No face at all. He didn't give a shit. He didn't he didn't care about all this work that I do. Here's what he cared about. You laughed at his joke. I laughed at his dumb fucking joke. And you have. But he could easily assume I was high as well. And he was like, I see that. But you got there, girl. It was hilarious, so I called the police and I had him arrested on two counts, but how are the chili cheese fries?


Oh my God, there was a strange everything in New Orleans has a red shit sprinkled on it, and that's not true for me. Do you know what I love about the South and places like this? Is that because we're from Los Angeles where, like, everything is fucking gluten free and vegan and I have to ask, is this vegetarian? If you don't want it to be vegetarian, to ask for this fucking meat on it? I need gluten in mine, please.


I need gluten and I need protein in the Animal Farm. But here you everything has meat, even if it's like like I got cheese enchiladas at lunch covered in meat sauce, like that was the best, like a bull in a house on top of us chili. And it was like, it was like any you could just see a girl or a guy, you know, either one in Los Angeles losing their shit. Yeah. They didn't say on the menu that there's meat.


I didn't realize I was going to be in a room with me. This building is meat free. It's my favorite. You know what? Now that I think about it because I got collard greens right in my room. Thank you. Yes. I should be applauded for that. Absolutely. I've earned it. And when it came, it honestly looked like a side of ham with some greens and it really did super into it. It's so much ham hocks in there.


When I was when I was at lunch. Speaking of lunch, this is the lunch podcast. This is a lunch podcast. If it's anything. There was a dude we were at the service of at the bar and there was like a couple over here that sat down and like they were not they were from somewhere where, like, houses are spread apart and their bar and their ranch. I don't know the country. Yeah, OK. He I mean, the look on his face when the woman serving him told that they didn't have like Bud Light, Miller Light, Coors Light and a normal beer silent when she was like, did she want something like he was so angry.


Yes. It was amazing. That might have been my dad because I swear to God, we've left restaurants. If they don't have Budweiser, I swear to God she. And then and then she was like, we have he's like, give me a corona. And she was like, OK, we have Corona under after we have Corona Extra in the bottle. And he was so mad that he had to answer another, but he literally and she walked away was she was just like, I don't know, why do I have to answer 40 questions for a beer?


My favorite thing was involved with a mustache. I swear to God my dad's here. Oh, oh, family. Let's get into the family hour, you guys, family and stuff. I'm talking about lunch stuff and go to dinner. Brunch, Waffle House.


Oh, fuck you guys. Oh, yeah. Thank you. This is how L.A. we are oh, we can go there for brunch tomorrow and I'm like, I don't think they do that this may have happened here. So I'm probably telling you and we probably talked it on the podcast, but it's my favorite story to the point where if you've all heard it already, but there's only five people that have and I think it's worth telling. Did you hear this story about the guy that wants the Waffle House one night?


And when he got in there, everyone was asleep. Everyone that worked there was asleep. So he made his own breakfast. That's the America I want back on. Now we got political hay. Let's talk about our outfits, great, you leave, you have to leave.


Yeah, well, I'm only wearing 1970s and 80s dresses from now on because there's just so much elastic happening in this fucking way. Yes, girl. Yes. Look at her, man. And look at her. Yes. Spin it. Look at her. Manage that office at IBM, girl. Yes. Get that phone tree together and say, oh, sorry, I'm rolling calls. I can't talk right now when I wear heels. I want to.


I just feel like a little kid in my mom's heels and just want to do like. Yes. And then I got my never ending story fucking pendant. So magical.


How about you, Wul? Turns out, no, no, please. I hate unarmed clapping, I have a I was just kidding. I have a dress that I brought on this one, this tour that I that worked out great on the last leg, the Phoenix Vegas leg. Oh, dude, that was insane. But in between, I washed it. So last night we were like standing on stage in New Orleans and I was just like, this is Schauder.


Luckily, I had these insane quadruple ply Spanx tights on. So they're like they're made of like wearing this tabletop as tights. So nothing happened.


But as we were getting ready, you know, merely 10 minutes ago, I was like not putting that dress on it. And I just I can't it's short enough. So I just kind of look like a toddler that wandered on stage with makeup on. Talk about, like, wearing your mom's outfit just like it's a romper. But look how I don't want these shoes on anymore. Now take it.


Oh, no. I feel fuckin fancy, it's fine, I feel fancy. Well, you're going to keep them. Yeah, for now. What about at some point in the show you're allowed to stop everything and say it's time for me to take these shoes off?


Yeah. And when you do, someone wins. Ten thousand dollars. I did that at a show before I took my shoes off and then halfway through it really fucking weird and uncomfortable because I had bare feet on a stage and then I was like, what other creeps here? And I thought, this is wrong. This Google search charge a hard start feat. That's the thing. It is the thing. If I took my shoes off on stage, it would look like.


A buffalo, I think, gets the most accurate, there's a whole there's a whole fitness to be it, there's a winter untended. I'm always like, oh, shit, I got to bring this somewhere. I got to get someone to do something. But I don't care. Steven, should Dahaneh that season. Stephen, that's your new job, he's not here, he's probably listening at home. Oh. When he does nothing, my cats are not going to take care of themselves, so many photos today, Stephen and I decided what houses the cats belong to in the Harry Potter world.


Sorry, what's this again? Well, he sent me a photo of the three casini and he had this look on her face and I was like, she's totally a slither. And he was like, yeah, and Elvis is this and that. And it's like, it's true. You know what I mean? Elvis is Gryffindor. Yeah. Yeah. Cause he's like a Gryffindor far. Of course, like it's just so obvious when you think when you know your your pets are like, well, these are the houses there I'm totally feeling I have right now is the feeling that probably most of the younger people in this audience have when I talk about like The Dukes of Hazzard or something, where you just like I don't really know what any of this is.


He didn't read it to you. I read the books.


She read those horses. She wrote them. She wrote, I'm sorry, my niece is J.K. Rowling. I should have started with that. No, no. I mean, I read the books, but I don't remember the personal qualities that it takes. Know Slither is evil. Yeah. And Gryffindor is what you want, not evil. I'm sorry. Devious, self efficient, blond haired, slicked back. What the fuck? I can't remember the quiz.


Sorry. He's not here where he told you that, yeah, do that. Oh, did we tell you this is my favorite Murrietta? That's the only thing that we miss. That's Karen Kilgariff. That's Georgia Hartsock. And we are in Atlanta, Georgia. Man, you guys, you have a lot of murders, Soissons, there's some cities we go to were like, you couldn't find anything. No, not here. No, no. It was like we could have done a week long run here.


Not to sit down trying to look at the holes, but in a small place, futuristic, is this the Starship Enterprise?


My eyes actually these chairs go with your dress really good. Yeah, they do. I look like I'm from the 70s future, right? Like when I touch this boob, it like something happens. Yes, Captain. Yes, that's right. That's your. Yes. Captain Neck. That's my. Yes, captain.


Bonanos, an innocent man, gets hit by a flying pickle bananas, a Texas woman wakes up with a British accent, bananas, a duck, enters a pub, drinks a beer and fights a dog.


I'm Kurt Braunohler and I am Bananas. I'm Scotty Landis and I am bananas.


On each episode of the world famous Bananas podcast, Scotty and I serve you a steaming hot pile of the silliest news stories from around the world.


It's a lighthearted look at our big stupid planet, and we invite you to laugh with us and add us as we try to make sense of it all. But wait, there's more.


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Now with more pizzazz, bananas. Hey, all, we are Wendy and Beth, she's Wendy and I'm Beth, and we want to tell you about a podcast that we host called Froot Loops Serial Killers of Color, Froot Loops as a podcast about true crimes committed by people of color and the victims that we don't hear or know much about. Contrary to popular belief, not all serial killers are straight cis gender white dudes. No, ma'am.


Join us at Froot Loops as we tell fascinating stories of true crimes committed by people of color and their victims that often go untold by the mainstream media. As we dive into these cases, we get into the historical and cultural context of the crimes and the criminals in order to get a sense of what might have influenced the perpetrators and led to the crimes. Well, that's right. New episodes drop every Thursday on Apple podcast, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcast from.


So until then, look alive, y'all. It's crazy out there.


Oh, I'm first tonight, are you OK? Yeah, we've. Thank you. We've lost all track of who goes when, why we tried to make up systems that you don't decide. We we try we try to figure it out. We try to figure out what we should base it on. If it's our experience, if it's your listening experience, none of it tracks like none of it adds up. What we always yell at Steven about it.


Yeah, it's always Steven's fault. And Steven's like, I don't know. I don't know the answer. You change the fucking rules every day. And I'm trying to read twenty thousand emails and these cats are not going to Instagram themselves. I like in those Instagram stories, it's always there's always he's always saying some one weird little thing in the background, you know what I mean? This is like you a cat. Just sit there, like lick its own hand and then you hear, like, the look of this.


Cat like its own hand, what a cat does out of hand. One, two, three, four, five feet is my cat and here's my hat. I just talked to just a bottle of water. You know what, I expected it to work, you do? I really sold it. Yeah, guys, it's great. Oh, shit. We should be on our headset mikes. Oh, man. I wonder if those are wireless.


Like if he bought us the kind we could actually use in concert. I don't think he did. And we tell you guys something. He hasn't set them up yet. I don't think they work. They're not real. I don't think they're real either, Candy. I think he bought them. We open them. We love them. We gave them to him and he returned them.


Oh, my God. Even in. Yes, there is someone here that didn't want to come tonight, but came anyway who has no fucking clue, who hates our guts, what's happening, why anyone gives a fuck. See you there. Why are they so mean to him? I mean, you're being mean and you're just yelling, Steven, that's not a show. Steven Achak. You hired a cat to sit your other cat in the smartest cat, that cat, he can open a bag of cat food, he can pour it.


It's like when you eat when we were like nine and we got hired to babysit a baby. Yes, because that's what happened in the 80s. And so anyway, walk that half mile down to the Rutherfords House and take care of an infant infant. We're going to go drink for nine hours. See you at Christmas. OK, yes, someone the real bossy down in the middle. Well, OK, so in looking up these stories and Stephen did send me, of course, like 20 insane choices where I was like, oh, every single thing I looked at.


And then out of the blue, my sister emailed me no message, no even message in the subject line of the email. It was just this link. And then I clicked it open and it was this article and it was an article from Mysterious Universe. Yes. That's a good one. Yeah. So I was like, this is the shit. And it turned out it it so most of the information I'm about to read you us from this article from Mysterious Universe that's written by Brett Sponsor.


And it is about the curse of Lake Lanier.


It is it is the curse McMansion. Yes, it's the it's the curse of living in a gorgeous, gorgeous lakeside community. Oh, is it the golf cart? Is the golf course on it? Yeah, it is. It's when you are curse of the curse of Lake Lanier, you have to golf for 90 years straight and his golf and golf, golf and golf. It's so crazy. I'm into it. So Stevens, like, I spent fucking three hours finding murders for you and you didn't use.


That's right. And my sister cuts the line and is like, do this. I'm like, OK, because she's my older sister and I'm forced to do everything she says. All right. All right. So I don't have to tell you guys, but I do have to tell the girl from California I'm just forty five minutes north. I forgot a tissue. Oh. Do you does anyone have a tissue for Georgia. Hopefully in the front. Right.


God, you're an angel. I forgot mine. Oh, I'll take both, I'll take both. Thank you guys so much. I just have to say that literally seven hands went up in the air. Listen, I'm working on it, OK? And I was it's just it's a hard day. You're not alone. I know. Clearly. Oh, God. OK, OK. I guess I have to start again. Sorry. Forty five minutes.


Norah, I'm here with you of Atlanta. OK, is the jewel of North Georgia.


Is that true? I know that's it. Said that on a website.


Everyone not from there is like fuck know if you believe that Coors Light cans are jewels then. Yes, right. Girl, I know like life, I know that like like, oh, yeah, you got to be filled to the brim with that cause, like get out on your pontoon boat, do your thing. It's thirty eight thousand acres of water for boating, for swimming, someone wrote drinking water, which makes it sound like you go there to just be like, Oh shit, think Ibraham.


And then you go home. Yeah, it's drinking water, you know, no, no, no, you don't scoop it out right behind the guy that just fucking swam through zinc on his nose. There's also hydroelectric power coming out of this big dam. Got it. It's an exciting place. I don't know that much about it. I'm really trying to sell it as if I'm an expert and I am in the way that you are when you cut and paste things like, for instance, it has eight million visitors annually.




Yes. And it's also known to be the deadliest lake in Georgia.


No way. Yes way. You don't go there like it's a really easy solution. Now I read. So, of course, there's this amazing, mysterious, you know, the first article and then there was lots every time that I Googled it, there's one article that I found so fucking funny.


I believe it may have been in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, but someone went up there to be like, you know, the curse of Lake Lanier.


And there's a woman who oh, I thought you said something to me.


It was my own voice. Oh, shit. It's kicking in. It's the last show. Tonight's the last show. Every time we do a show, we put acid in one of the bottle, the waters. Can you guys hear me talking? So they interview the reporter, talks to a lady who has a houseboat on the lake and they're talking about everything, all of it. And she says just because you buy a boat don't mean you get common sense with it.


Fucking truer words, truer words. So part of the reason it's the deadliest lake in Georgia is because it has it's the one that's most visited and because they make these speedboats now. So there's thuggin people filled with Keystone like that are coming in. And then there's like, of course, you know, people trying to swim and families and all this stuff. So it's like it's a very bad combination. There was also in the comment section of something and they were like they were talking about, yeah, it's like if you drank a six pack and then just went driving, it's that that's why the numbers are so high comparatively to other lakes.


But also, it's not just that for this lake was not made by God.


Now, no. But by the will of man. And so it is an unnatural lake in every way God is past. He is like, I fucking told you how many lakes she could have. I make the fucking lake. You don't get to just choose. I make the lakes. You don't make the fucking less. Well, Georgia says, yes, we do, because those a little what look like little islands are actually the peaks of the foothills that used to be in that area.


Oh my God. They flooded to make this lake with our houses down there. Yeah, they still. Right, right, yes, there are ghosts, underwater ghost towns at the bottom of Lake Lanier right there under what else is to your sinkholes are my underwater ghost town. Is that true? Like, I just want to start crying right now and then swim through my tears to an underwater ghost town. OK, then maybe we should. Can we go to the next slide just so I can see you got another one at.


Now, I don't think this is from Lake Lanier. Yes, I do. I just love it. They were in a Spanish style. It was there's there's a Mayan temple down there. Oh, George, I didn't know you guys were so progressive back then. But, I mean, this is the feeling you get, right? Definitely. Get it in there, as I had it on my document for so long and I was like, God, I have to figure out what that fucking building is.


And I would look it up and then pick I would like click on the picture to, like, bring you to the website. And then it'd be like sunken things from around the world. Like, no, I think it might be in Mexico. I'm not sure. So but anyhow. But picture that is a big red barn, OK. Right. It's more like that. It was all farms. Yeah. Yeah it was. They had to move two hundred and fifty families, they had to move 15 businesses and they were all evacuated but they left everything there so they didn't evacuate it.


And then like now let's tear all these things down. So they say if you were able to walk along the lake bottom and not kick up any silt. Right. I don't think it's clear. But you would basically be walking through those town dream. My dream, a dream of life. They didn't move the houses.


They didn't move any of the buildings. It's all intact. They didn't move the 20 cemeteries that are down.


How? They didn't move the cemetery they claim to have moved the bodies of. Do we have older guys, they only move that. There hasn't been an underwater ghosttown rally around 25 years. OK, 25 years. Not that long. Yeah, I just realized I've been saying twenty five years and it's very it's a short amount of time for the haunted miner to be referring to something. I've got to kill that character off. No, please, never.


OK, so here's why people here's why there's a lot of legend and a lot of storytelling around this lake, because there are people who have almost drowned in the lake who talk about having felt unseen hands, pulling them down under the water. Locals talk of boats capsizing for no reason, rogue waves kicking up out of nowhere like water. I'm trying to give you the sensation of cheers you on a boat. I'm the rogue wave. No. Can I just say I've never seen Karen wash our hands before.


I'm a walker, not a washer. OK, rogue waves, rogue waves kicking up out of nowhere. Yeah, strong swimmers drowning who were close to shore in calm condition don't like it. They don't talk about sobriety. Not to be that way about it, but, yeah, there's an element that's often there's a couple of elements left out of ghostly stories for fun. There was actually a really good somebody. There's an anecdote on one of these articles about a guy saying that he was sitting on the lake fishing and he was watching a duck that was just kind of floating by him swimming and all of a sudden the duck went underwater.


Oh, no, he didn't stick his head underwater the way ducks do to like, oh, there's the thing I'm going to go dive under. He just got pulled underwater and never came back. Oh, duck hunting. That's the most haunted duck in the state of Georgia. OK, so near the Buford Dam, the water, let's give the view for Danny is the reason you have electricity.


I am assuming I read one or two articles, the Buford Dam. The water is over two hundred feet deep. The person I think is I'll tell you, it was Dan Brown who is writing for the Gwinnett citizen.


He made Cornette Gwynedd. What if there was like seven more options of what that pronunciation could be on the first guess within it? Now, I got a second as well. So he said to make just to make that clear, it's that's as deep as the Statue of Liberty is tall. Whoa. I didn't realize two hundred was that many. What does it ever scare you, the idea of like swimming in a really deep place for some reason, even though it's like, you know what I mean?


Well, in growing up, we went to a place called Blue Lake in California and up in Lake County where I learned on my lake lessons. And it's a comparatively tiny lake, is really small. And we used to from like the cabin that we used to rent, we would swim down to a place called the Narrows, which was the bar. The only thing there was a bar at the end of the lake. But that was like a crazy swimmer, like someone row in a boat next to you and you just see how long you could swim.


Basically, that sounds chill, but right now you can only play clue's so many times before you're like, OK, let's swim the entire lake. But a couple of times while I was swimming doing that, you just get this weird feeling, right. OK, so now cut. That's like when I was a teenager now cut to when I first moved to L.A., I was reading a book called Mysterious California, The Self Published.


And and so they list all the places that are like weird or haunted in California. And I, as I'm reading, flipped to it, says Blue Lake, California. I'm like, what the fuck?


OK, they it has a Loch Ness monster in it.


That's that the entire town was they were down where the Narrows Bar is, the entire town, which was like seventy five people were there for Fourth of July and they had put fireworks out on like a little like a float and had it a little bit offshore. And as they were there watching the fireworks go off, it's like a large sea serpent brought its head up and looked at everyone on the shore and swam away. He fucking went like this double get out of my life.


Everyone on there, like, keep it down. My surfing kids are sleeping. But they said there's parts of Blue Lake that can't be measured and that that's where I got my theory of underground lakes connecting and holding brontosaur I.


You're saying that as if it's like, you know, this thing that you know, and I believe I wrote my thesis a couple years ago about how all lakes are connected underground and coal dinosaurs. So what if it's not true? I also would like to remind you this. There's might be a couple of people in this audience right now who are going insane because there was a movie in nineteen ninety nine starring Annette Bening and Robert Downey Jr. called In Dreams.


Do you remember it? And it was about Annette Bening was psychic and she was psychically connecting to a serial killer and also having visions of a sunken underground town. And it was because the things were happening, sunk an underground town.


Got it. I, I saw it in nineteen ninety nine. I was on a lot of drugs, but I highly recommend it. It's so bad. I and I think also Junior was also on drugs at the time. Oh right. Check it out. Sorry I should have taken that part off of this page. It's unnecessary. One a thing that is down there for real though. Can we skip to the next one is the speedway. So there's an entire race track that was very popular here in the forties, I guess.


Sure. And. It's completely submerged, but there was a really bad drought in twenty twenty seven, I think, and the water came down and exposed the fuckin superspeedway. Wow, isn't that crazy? And you know, all your favorites used to race on the Superspeedway Eddie Samples and Chester Baron out of Kornelia. And that one is my favorite Gober Sosebee Gober or Guba. There's not two O's Goober's better, but it's spelled Gober Sosebee no matter what. Right.


That's golden. And there was also a racer named a woman named Sarah Christian who actually used to win at that racetrack.


Right. That's that's a fun feminist moment. There also are enormous catfish in this lake.


OK, now most lakes have stories of like Lee, the biggest catfish.


Everyone's freaking out. Here's the story for Lake Lanier. There's a chicken truck, Chuck, a truck that's delivering live chickens. It goes off the road and into the lake. Oh, no. And free. Right.


When the divers go down to to see if there's, I don't know any survivors or check out the wreckage or whatever they see, the story goes that they see catfish the size of 12 year old boys in a feeding frenzy swallowing chickens.


Those four chickens are like ducks now and then. It's like catfish. Your feed baby shit, man. I love that. There was also a kind of similar story of divers that had to go down and inspect the dam. And they when they got down there, they saw catfish. The size of Volkswagens is what they said. What? And both of those stories ended in the diver who was telling a story going. And I said I would never go into that lake again.


Or I'm like, this is the same story with different nouns. But still. Yeah, page nine. OK, so one of the big legends and ghost stories about Lake Lanier is the lady of the lake. So in and this is this I'm just reading you from a mysterious universe because he did it. He did it right. So in April of nineteen fifty eight, a young woman who worked at Riverside Military Academy, her name was Delia Parker Young.


And she and her friend Susie Roberts are going to go out on the town in Susy's nineteen fifty four Ford and they never come back. So when they investigate it, they discover that they Delia and Susie has had visited a gas station that night and left without paying ladies.


I mean, it's it's just a thing girls love to do. The only clue about where they were was a set of skid marks across the road that seemed to suggest that the car had skidded off Lennier Bridge and into the lake below. But the divers who were brought in to search for them couldn't find the car because it's bad visibility. Water's murky and there's tons and tons of sheared off trees that are on the bottom of lake.


OK, and that was the fish and the catfish who stand guard over anything that falls into the lake. Got it. And they hide it with their arm like this. I haven't seen anything. Probably maybe over there by. But chicken bones. So for 18 months, they couldn't find the women or the car in the lake. And then a fisherman named seeI Simpson. He's just fishing one day and the body just rises to the top of.


That's not cool. It is not cool. So it was at the body of a young woman and she was missing two toes from the left foot and both hands. It was never ascertained why the body was missing hands or toes or what the cause of death was, and there was no way to identify her. So she was buried in an unmarked grave in the Alta Vista cemetery. And it was not the fuckin catfish. Shut up. It probably was the.


She's on your side, but she'll never let you down. It certainly don't want you telling me about my own fucking story that somebody else is OK. The body of Susie Roberts and her car are missing despite repeated searches until November of 1998.


Yes. And they're expanding Linnear Bridge. And the construction crews were dredging the bottom of the lake so they could put in the pillars for the bridge and they uncover a rusting hulk of a nineteen fifty four Ford. Inside are the remains of a human body. These are my other. Oh, man. Like not favorite, you know what I mean? Right. It's we use that word very loosely on this podcast. Oh, I love this story. So actually it breaks my heart because it was gone for years and years all along.


And then. OK, go on. It's so the body was decomposed to the point of being unidentifiable, but they were belongings, a purse, rings and a watch. So it was conclusively proven to be Susie Roberts. So in the light of this discovery, they realized the other body must have been Delia Parker Young, and they end up burying them side by side and changing her headstone. So it's not unidentified. So these deaths are what spawned the biggest legend of Lake Lanier, the lady of the lake.


So people say that they have seen a ghostly young woman dressed in a blue dress, missing her hands, walking up and down the length of linnear bridge. Can you imagine?


You're just driving along? Yeah. Playing Tom Petty's American Girl. Yes, right. That's how the scene always starts. Yeah, I'd say it was you shouldn't walk it whole again. So you see through Cheezy through. The ghost wears a blue dress. Delia Parker Young was wearing a blue dress the night that she disappeared. Oh, no. And the and the wandering lady has no hands.


This one's creepier and worse because it's real. That's over, put it out of your mind now we're doing this. Please, please keep up Balkany. Oh, they're here. It's fine. OK, so this is a story of the death of Kelly Nash. So on January 5th, 2015, it's just happened. Twenty five year old Buford man Kelly Nash went missing from his home. He had woken up in the middle of the night, like at 4:00 in the morning.


He said to his girlfriend, I feel really sick. I think I have to go to the doctor. Then they both went back to sleep. And when his girlfriend woke up at seven thirty in the morning, Kelly wasn't there and he hadn't taken his wallet, his I.D. or his keys. So when he hadn't come back that by that night, his girlfriend called the police. And it's just they discovered that a nine millimeter pistol was missing from the house, but nothing else was out of place and nothing else was missing.


And there was a massive search launched and friends, family, the police, they had cadaver dogs. They searched everywhere. There was a fifty thousand dollar reward for him. There was no trace of his whereabouts anywhere. And then a month later, his decomposed body was found by a fisherman. Please don't let it be a Simpson.


God damn it. If he had finally gone back out on the lake. Yeah. After 40 years of like, I can't. It's. OK, this is what super creepy, though, Kelly Nash was found wearing his pajama pants and the t shirt that he was wore to bed that night and he had a single gunshot wound in his head, but there was no other trauma on the body, no sign of any kind of fight or anything at all.


And the crime was never solved. And no one could figure out why he would get up in the middle of the night, how he ended up there, whether it was suicide or if it was foul play. Scary. Yeah. And then this is the last one and it is another unsolved case. And it's hanah true love's murder. So.


That's the way to heckle is to apologize immediately afterwards, she'll go. Sorry. We'll talk about it later in August of 2012, a man walking through the woods near Linnear Lake Club Apartments found the body of 16 year old Hannah Truelove, who stabbed to death only hundreds of yards from her home. Her mother reported her missing the night before when she didn't come back from her friend's house. And the police interviewed everybody, her friends, everybody that lived in the apartment complex and no one had seen anything.


The only lead that they got was there. There was a man in a silver four door car that had been seen around the apartment complex around the time that Hannah disappeared. And in the days before her death, she had been tweeting things. She tweeted that she thought she had a stalker. She tweeted that she had to get out of this apartment complex and then she tweeted so scared. The police say that when they looked into those tweets, asked her friends and family about them, they say that it turned out to just be teenage drama stuff.


I mean, not that I the policemen in this article that I read, there was a couple who so dedicated, so dedicated to finding out who killed her. He keeps a PlayStation on his desk because that was the way that she communicated. And when I read that the first, of course, reaction is like, no, it is not fucking drama. And if somebody tweets that they think they have a stalker, there's a reason for that. But also, you have to give people the benefit of doubt if they're professionals and they look into something, hopefully.


But her father said that she made no mention of being under duress and didn't seem any different in the days before her death. But she lived with her mother at that apartment complex. So maybe he didn't know her day to day as well. So the case is still open. The fifth anniversary of her murder, the police, which was last year, last summer and August, the police once again renewed the search, told everybody, please, if you because they were saying enough time has passed now where people who may have been covering for someone at the time or knew something that they thought they couldn't say, they could have had a falling out with that person.


There's all these things like if if you know anything at all, there's reward money and they want any information that they can. So they're still looking for it. And they especially want to know if anyone knows anything about the man in the silver four door car. I got scared. And that is the curse and the scariness of Lake Lanier.


Oh, my God. Yeah. We're never going there. Sorry, I booked a trip. We're staying at an Airbnb, it's underwater. It's quaint as fuck. Wow, that's terrifying. I know where crazy places are haunted and I hate it. OK. Also wear a life jacket when you go boating. I know it's nerdy, but Jesus Christ. Yeah, I read so many terrible, like, deaths and children and, you know, it's like it's like drunk people and families.


Fucking everybody verging in the worst way. Yeah.


Now stay home, everyone. Again, I have to tell people to stop doing outdoor activities. Indoor, indoor. Yes. It's the best. It's the safest place you can be. Oh, my God. Tidal wave of memory. Fun, OK. And OK, so my story is old timey, OK, and it's it's it's takes place in a place where I know there was a murder on Motorino Meetup today, a big one, Macon, Georgia.


Oh, we saw the photos of the cupcakes. They looked fucking delicious baseball shirt. It all brought us one. Great job, everybody. There you go. Only like five, OK? The rest are just so drunk. Egos, ego, Fahmi and yell really loud. Did you see there is a car full of murdering is on their way here and they got in a hit and run car accident. But are they here. They're fine. They're fine.


They're fine. There is just like they're fine. So you just hit that car and fucking drove away? It's all. Everyone was I was laughing about it, not realizing that people were worried because I know they're fine. And I was like, oh, my God, no, they're fine. I think they're they know they're they're here. They're here. They weren't sure if they could make it. They all have neck braces on. True crime is the best.


All right, Macon, Georgia, it's about eighty five.


OK, well, let me tell you, this is the story of Anjanette Lyall's murderous, murderous. Great. OK, so Macon, Georgia, is about eighty five miles south of Atlanta. No other direction. Is it the jewel of the south? It's the heart of Georgia. Oh, girl. You got the jewels. I got the heart. Yeah. And together there's a heart and jewels. It's I don't know. And never going to. What's her name.


That's the one that makes that shitty necklace every year at Christmas. Jackson whatever. This is my heart. My heart just wanted. You just want just one just one person. Say, Stacey, Stacey, Mark. Somebody from the theater over here, Jane Seymour. So, all right, and yet, Donovan, this table is something else. They got this off a school bus. We just need it for one night. Stand in hall down there.


Shut down. Stephen, can you please? So in nineteen twenty five, she's boring, reasonably well-off in Macon. I think if I were from Georgia, I would say it better. I think you're supposed to be more like Cho Macon, you know what I mean? I watched an episode of City Confidential about it. Sounds drunk as fuck. That guy is Paul Winfield. So drunk is the Janaway. Well, you steaming nuts on the club.


You're like, sir, get a cup of coffee before you record this. Legendary actor, oh, Little Richard is from Macon, Georgia. Oh, yeah, this writing, a lot of incredible musicians are from there anyway. Nineteen twenty five reasonably well-off. She's well-educated, well-liked, but she has a reputation as getting what she wants through a charm and manipulation. What is the problem? Why is this a problem? You know. Yeah. Yeah.


Get it girl. Get it. But she's terrible. OK, and you'll soon find out. In nineteen forty seven she marries a man named Ben Lyles. He had fought in the Army during World War Two and his family owns a local family restaurant called Lyall's. And so she goes to work at the family restaurant. And yet she turns out to have a real talent. The business clientele love her because she's super social and fun. Everyone adores her.


They have two two daughters, Marsha, born in nineteen forty eight. Carla born in nineteen fifty one. So it turns out so professional life going awesome. She fucking loves working at this diner. Oh we have a photo of her. Can we see the first photo and jet. Now, that's your is that your also died in the lake in that time? Sorry, I forget we get stuck into the sorrow now. So the next one is of Hannah Truelove.


So it's going to be sad.


OK, we're going to go back for a minute panel, cutie. OK, then.


The next one is of a murderous woman.


Oh, hey, eyebrow's. Good eyebrow's for the nine days. OK, look at that fucking hair. That's a strong lip. That's a strong lip. OK, wait, she's bad. Yeah, we don't like her. OK, ok. OK, all right. But I do though so life's not going great. Ben had a hard time in the war. He had a throat. He had picked up a throat infection that turned into rheumatic fever as it did back then.


It was just like, I have a little thing. You're dying, dying, dying. So it left him unable to work. He was in a lot of pain. He had a veteran's pension, but he also was really irritable and drank a lot and he gambled. So he got so many debts that he decided to sell the family restaurant in nineteen fifty one out of fucking the blue like didn't tell anyone including and yet sold it for two hundred and twenty five hundred dollars which two thousand five hundred dollars which was like not a lot.


No even then. And she was like fuck this shit. So she still on her side. So she's fucking pissed off. They argue all the time. And so in December of nineteen fifty one Ben gets super fucking ill. The doctors don't know what's wrong with him, they can't figure it out. It wasn't the rheumatic fever and they weren't sure what's wrong with him. He had nosebleeds and convulsions. He had to be hospitalized. He goes into a coma.


The doctors think it's encephalitis, but it's too late for any treatment. He dies on January 19, 20, er January twenty fifth. Nineteen fifty one.


He's out of the picture, that's how. So you said that before ever. Never, ever in my lifetime don't end the word picture. Oh, my God, he's out of the picture. Yeah, so with Ben's death and yet she's forced to move out of her house that they lived in, back in their home with her parents, with her two daughters, she gets a job working in a new restaurant. She's fucking works her ass off for years and saves every penny.


So finally, in April nineteen fifty five, she has enough money to buy back a restaurant. Wow. It's not French. Yes. I don't know. I said that either. Beverly Hills Diner. Yeah. But she's like, fuck this shit. I'm changing the name to and jets. That's right. So far we like her. Right. So she. But OK, so you know how you sold it for twenty five hundred dollars. She bought it for twelve thousand dollars.


So she changes the name to and jets and it quickly becomes one of the most popular lunch spots in make. And the food is typical. Southern people love her friendliness, an outgoing personality. And let's see here. OK, so she's she would it was said that she was headstrong woman who would stretch the boundaries of acceptable behavior in the small southern town.


Yes. And that meant she would, like, pull her skirt up slightly. Right? Well, she drove flashy cars dressed in the newest styles, and she was flirtatious so and was rumored to be hooking up with dudes in the community. But there's no evidence of that so soon. Her restaurants fucking jumping. She hires her mother in law, Ben's mom, to Julia to work in the restaurant with her. And there's an airport nearby. And so it becomes really the restaurant becomes popular with pilots and she meets one of them named Joe Gabbert.


Everyone calls buddy. They hit it off. They start dating. And in June of nineteen fifty five, they go off on a holiday and then they come back and they were like, guess we got married. So she's got another husband.


Good for her. Yes, she loves marriage up there. This man, her new marriage seems super happy and the ok ba ba ba ba ba. Lots of gossip and ok then everyone's also like she's kind of into some weird magic like voodoo things.


Maybe I love her. One is the other shoe to drop. She's. Oh wait. I forgot to get a story that had murder in it now. You know, I was reading me the script of Practical Magic. You're just like, oh, this is weird. Even what the fuck? She looks exactly like Sandra Bullock. OK, so she's so so she would make her friends and relatives come with her to fortune tellers at fairs and would often her staff said that she would be in the back of the restaurant lighting colored candles and whispering to them when she thought no one was around.


Could you imagine walking out and the candle? Isn't that what a lot of people do in church, though? Like, what's what's the fucking problem? Sorry. Just make those candles light. And that's Catholic Church for. We have a photo of and jets of a Catholic Church restaurant. There's another photo at the end at a restaurant where we can just hang out.


Yeah, we'll see. You see him there just accessing the file. Here we go. Here we look at it. Is it cute? I do love hanging out in diners. I mean, like, it would be super fun to own a diner. Yeah, I do too. In October 1955, buddy, her husband, her new husband goes in the hospital for a minor operation on his wrist. And when he returns home, he develops a rash and fever.


Hmm. Fever gets worse. The rash spreads all over his body. He's back in the hospital. Doctors again don't know what the fuck is wrong with him. We all know what the fuck is wrong with him. It's whisper candles. He's dying of whisper candles. He fucking dies on December 2nd, leaving. And yet a widow again, second husband down. Doctors wanted to do an autopsy, but Anjanette refuses to grant permission, saying that. But he wouldn't want in one.


Would you like? Fair enough. I wouldn't either. And she's like, it's against my whispering religion. Within a few months, she had legally changed her name back to Lyles and started dating another pilot and had collected bodies. Pretty hefty life insurance policy that paid out when it paid out. She bought a house and for herself and her daughters and a fancy new car. And of course, everyone in Macon was like, oh, something's up with this crazy check.


They all, you know. Yeah, whispered tons of whispering in Macon, but apparently she didn't care, which is good for her house. Don't care, right? That's right. So then so Julia Lyles, the mother in law, moves into the house as well to take care of the daughters. Well, and that's at work. But the two women didn't really like each other that much, you know. Oh my God. In nineteen fifty seven, Julia becomes ill.


Let's see. OK, but then again, vomiting blood and had to be hospitalized. And Jethro's a frequent visitor. Everyone praises her because she just like takes is with her at the hospital all the time, brings her food from the restaurant. All this stuff. What does this vats of rat poison with melted cheese on it. Then Julia dies on September twenty ninth. Nineteen fifty seven fucking. That's three people. That's three shortly after Julia's death. And shit is like oh by the way, here's Julie as well.


Oh that she had always refused to make and I convinced her to have to do one. Yeah, here it is. And I keep it in my low garden and pull it all the way out, you know. So it left a third of her estate to her daughter, Julia's daughter, other son, but and then a third to Anjanette and the remaining third to the granddaughters. So that's like two thirds to two. And let's add that math up right now.


It fits. And another third send me Tenny. So friends started.


OK, then. Here is the way it gets a bummer and you'll hate her. OK, so friends start noticing that and is being aggressive towards her nine year old daughter, Marcia. See, I was trying. I was wondering because I was like, are there are there these Black Widow women who are like weird poisoners who can raise children normally but then kill adults? It does. It didn't seem to track, but that's what I was hoping for in my mind.


I don't sorry to let you down. I'm going to let go of that idea.


She called her daughter, Marsha Lyles, looking son of a bitch, her own fucking daughter in front of people. Lyle's looking like you look like your father. Yeah, I know. I know.


But so in March nineteen fifty eight, Marsha becomes sick with a cough and complains of a headache and just gives her the traditional country remedy for a fussy child, which sounds like a spoonful of sugar with whiskey poured over it, which is like, oh, everyone here is like my mom wasn't a bad person, this is my mom and give me that doing.


No, but still. But it makes Marsha vomit. In a few days later, she is hospitalized and just brought her fruit drinks and tea, but they only seem to make her worse. And it was around now that people are getting very suspicious of and yet. Or in. Uh huh. OK, after three. After a couple of weeks. Well, her daughter is in the hospital, begins making funeral arrangements for her while she's still alive.


Yes, somebody should it flag that one. She's horrible and she takes flowers from the room and is like, oh, we'll use these for the funeral.


No, not at all. Yeah, no. Yeah, OK. Is there like a a gate check at a funeral home where they're like so they'll have the bodies shipped over tomorrow. No, no, no, not dead yet but still. I like the silver casket. Yeah. Do they know to call the police on that or did they know. And also she didn't know to not say it. I don't know. She'd gotten away with it three other times.


It's really horrible. Crazy nine year old Mersiades on the 5th of April. I know she's autopsy, though, and the coroner couldn't find any obvious signs for her kidneys failing. But a few days later, he receives an anonymous letter which later turns out to be from someone who worked at the restaurant. And she had been speaking to an jets'.


So she said she had this person at work, the restaurant I spoke to. And it's made and made us like, gosh, we keep running out of poison.


No thought just over coffee. What are you running at us? He is saying that it was to deal with an infestation at the restaurant, but the employees like there's no fucking rat infestation that shut down for that. Well, not then and probably right. That was back when it was supported. It's like every restaurant has a couple of rats. That's good for you. It's protein. A lot of that kind of stuff in the corner sends a bottle of poison, along with samples of Marcia's hair and kidneys to the state lab for investigation and and gives Anjanette fuckin jingle on the phone.


Or is it like this back then? I think we're in the 50s, aren't we? We're doing this rotor's. It's this. It could be on the wall like this and it's a big like and you have it like that and you're mixing something like this. It's rat poison. It's the long cord. So you can go all the way into the back bedroom if you need to. That's true in my day. OK, did you did you do OK?


The corner tells Jeff that he's worried that Mahshid might have accidentally drank poison and then Jack comes to see him. I'm sure she runs over with a bottle of ant poison and her younger daughter, Carla. There, Carla tells the doctor a story about Marsha and her playing doctor. And then she the she says that she had given her sister that her rat poisoning. So she made her fucking daughter tell this story about how she fed it to her. It was her fault.


Yeah. So then, OK, at this point, Julia, Buddy and Ben all are exempt because they're like, huh? And all three are autopsied and showed to contain and show signs of arsenic, as does Martius autopsy a month after Marcia's death. And yet he's thirty two now is arrested and arraigned on four counts of murder. So let's take a look at her. I think we have one at the courthouse. Thirty two. She's thirty two like, whoa.


I like those eyebrows. Girl, that's a hard 30 to write. Look, listen again with the hair, I have a and I know this is wrong to say, but I'm feeling a renewed confidence. I'm not kidding. I, I wear that dress tomorrow night. I swear to God, this is what happens when you handle arsenic too much, when you when you have a murderous heart girl in the heart of Georgia. Oh, man. The names of, like they say, confidential and like the articles that like they like, you know, murder is served.


That all has to do with the restaurant or whatever, you know, I mean, like, it's just all ridiculous. Take out murder. I don't know. It's really ridiculous. It's a lovely take no mercy. Can I place an order for murder? I don't know. Yes. Yes, I'll have a site of murder. Would you like some murder on there? Yeah. Sprinkle a little whatever you got it. Could I have my murder on the side, hold the murder we could do this for and it would be equally bad the whole time.


I usually would get to a good one from right after like fifteen. Martin So she's arrested for murder on the grill. No, no, no. You're you're only clopping as I yelled at, you get a did you notice that I suddenly covered up the bottle, stuck our entire hand inside this. So it's not that I don't love you, I'm just going to make sure I don't ever touch it. I just kind of germophobia, OK, that I did it.


But she's only indicted for the for trial, for the murder of Marcha, her daughter. But the arraignment allowed that prosecution could could bring in evidence related to the other three deaths as evidence of her like system and what she did. So even though she wasn't getting tried for those hadn't been convicted for those. I feel like that wouldn't fly today, you know? Yeah, fuck it. This chick is a fucking cunt. It turns out. She is reading a quote from the judge a different time, and the newspapers go out of their fucking minds because of the, quote, glamorous platen haired widow.


What's this? Oh, huh, yeah, especially when someone police work through her house, they discover, quote, voodoo paraphernalia, including candles, written spells, potions, powders and roots like, I don't know, you know, roots into the ground.


You mean these no deep gray roots. So she's into some fucking wicked shit. And her trial starts in October of nineteen fifty eight. Her defense is that she tries to blame it on oh that she tries tenaciously to blame the murder of the two, her two husbands on her mother in law that says she did it for mother in law killed her two husbands. Yeah. Her her own son and then another husband. Yeah. And then the maid. The maid was like, this is not like the maid was like, yeah.


So basically Hirsche that was blown to shit. So the jury takes an hour to declare her guilty, recommends against mercy. She's sentenced to die in the electric chair for the murder of her daughter. Wow. Yeah, I think that's fair. Yeah, but she's eventually granted a stay of execution because they were like, well, we can't we can't kill a white woman. It was like, you know, I mean, we can't put a white woman to death so that but they did start planning her funeral.


And so but she would have been the first white woman executed in Georgia's history. Wow. She wasn't a sanity. That's not sanitary. That Sanity Commission examines her and they decide that she's schizophrenic so that she couldn't be executed. I feel like they were just like we really don't want to do this. So she's transferred to the Central State Hospital. So she's there for the next 18 years. She becomes a well known to other inmates for telling fortunes with playing cards.


And she dies of a heart attack in nineteen seventy seven at fifty two years old now.


But they fucking bury her in the in the same plot where her daughter and her first husband.


Yeah. So let's go graffiti. That was a I know this is a comedy fictional podcast where no suggestions are real. Stephen, don't you dare cut that off. Don't you send the message across the world and that is murderous. And yet, Donovan. That is great. Thank you, Dan. Get her out of here, you bum. She did not give a single fuck, do we have time the bad way? No, she was a terrible person to have time for me to hit myself in the face with a microphone.


OK, before even before we stand down, because, Mr. Hanson, we have some crucial rules that we need to lay down there for your own good. You have to remember that if you come up here to tell your hometown, everyone else in the audience who didn't get picked is going to hate you.


This is crucial. So you better be good. You have to be really good. You have to know the names. Don't be nervous. You you can't be nervous. Can't be drunk. Well, you can be, but you have to be able to follow your own story. What are the other ones like local. That's in Georgia. Somewhere in and around. In and around. You know, just have fun with it. Easy. It's no big deal at all.


Natural fun. All right. I remember it's been. Are you going to do it? Are you going to do it? I got this. You got it. Got it. I'm a teacher. A teacher. Mean everybody, Adina. This is Gina, you've got this I got this really quick shot, we're just gonna ask you a couple of questions, OK? Where are you from? I am from South Carolina, but I live in Atlanta now.


She's a transplant. It happens all the time. What do you what do you teach? Well, I'm reading specialists, so I'm not really a teacher anywhere, but I teach reading. So if you have, like, dyslexia, you help kids how to do it. Specialist. Yeah. That's how you make that money. Good. Good education money. That's right. Do you have a second job just for teaching, given the active on Saturdays, OK, tutoring, you're going to dedicate it.


I love it. I'm just going to say, as my sister is a teacher, these are such teacher earrings. I can't even explain it to you. How much yoga? There's a pink hat knows where bright pink earrings to match the pink cat knows. That's right. And I had pink lipstick on earlier. What's your last name? Page. Like a page. Look, this is this is this is like you tell your story. Go ahead.


So I went to a small women's college. Not not. And one in Virginia, I'm sorry, but I went to a small women's college in Virginia called Randolph Macon and. Not now, not now, not now. So I went to this tiny women's college in Virginia again and in the 70s there was so in the 70s, the racial curfews and when one night at curfew, someone's roommate didn't come back. And so they were like, OK, what's going on?


Like, who is everybody? Find out where your roommates been. So this one girl finds out where roommates been. Nobody can find her. Everybody's searching and they find her body on the boiler in the back building called Martin. You know what I got here? I'm sorry. There's a science building and they find her body on a boiler in the boiler room. Oh, so everybody is say that again. No, it's like a hundred million times you open up at dinners.


So really quick, you guys. I mean, kind of. Yes. Yes. So they like shut down the campus and it turns out this woman, she was also the Helman's mayonnaise heiress. Yes. Just as an aside, that's not a good sign. You said her name, I tried to Google her name because I was like, oh, shit, what is her name was Maureen Hellman, obviously. Patty Mammies. OK. So apparently she had been like, we our school is surrounded by a red brick wall and she walked out the red brick wall and she was it was the 70s.


She's wearing clogs. So she's like, hey, she's like clomp comin down to what was a restaurant now. But it was the post office. And so she's like, come on down there. And apparently the sound of it is driving someone crazy. And this guy who had just gotten himself into a mental institution, killed her and threw her body on the boiler. And the way they found it is when they had to be like, whose roommate isn't here?


Wow. Whoever was doing it wasn't there was the girl whose roommate was dead. And my first year roommate, her mom went there at the time and they said that they heard like a really loud scream, but they were just like, oh, it's just people joshing around whatever. No women's place it was like they catch the guy and he's OK. Yeah. So it was and it was just a one off because he was mad at clubs. Yeah.


He just really that fashion, he'll be really mad right now. So yeah they are back. Yeah. Really and comfortable. So I wear them all the time to dance. Goes right up top. I'm a teacher. Yeah. Well I got to meet you guys. Yeah. That's how it's done. That's how it's done guys. Yes. I just, I want to say hi to my best friend Kendall. She's not here, OK? She's the one who told me about you guys.


Oh so Kendall. And so that's why I'm here. Said thanks to. He and none of us in here are ever going to eat mayonnaise the same way again. I'm going to start checking into hotels is the Helman's mayonnaise heiress. You might want to bump me up to the punch. Sleep well. Oh, we have special guests here tonight. Oh, yeah. Atlanta. Have you seen did you know you guys are really into true crime podcasting?


Yeah, in a way. In a way that makes us look really bad because you actually do research. They're real people. It's fucking good. It's important topic. Very important. So we want to just give a shout out. I'm not sure where they're sitting, but we Laura and Brooke from the foul line are here. Yes.


We stand up. Are they where to stand up. They're standing. The lights, the lights up, please, just so we can say hi to these guys, they're right back on. We get an amazing podcast. You guys are incredible and also fucking pain, Lindsey is here. He wears. I'm sanderling. I know it's so fucking cool. So we really respect you guys and it's incredible what you do, and we're we're embarrassed for you that you have to be in the same category as I think I bet when they do live shows, it's so quiet.


But thank you so much for having. This was so amazing. Wow. Wow. I know. It's so crazy. So crazy. Listen. We started this podcast two years ago because George and I had one really long, great conversation about true crime that we enjoyed ourselves and George was like, let's just record it, see what happens in her apartment. Believe it was nine hundred degrees that day. And two years later, we're fucking here with two guys in Atlanta doing this.


So we just want to say how grateful we are for your support, how amazing we think you are for the community, that you are building yourselves all murderousness. And the way you guys are joining up and helping each other out and connecting and making friends is so beautiful to us and amazing. We just like we're just fucking around and you guys are doing some amazing work. So we're honored to be a part of it. Thank you guys so much. It's very, very cool.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And stay sexy and the.