264 - Goodbye, Sloppy Joe!
My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark- 2,217 views
- 4 Mar 2021
On this week’s episode, Karen and Georgia cover the murders at White House Farm.
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Hello and welcome to my favorite murder, that's Georgia hard story. Thank you. That's Karen Kilgariff. Thank you. And everyone. Everybody get ready. We're going to do this thing. We're going to rock down to Electric Avenue, ladies and gentlemen.
No, it wouldn't. That be amazing. And then we introduce Eddie Grant as our new third co-host. You know what song I had it. I think I was happy the other day, which was like a really weird I text you is like a like a like a actual.
Oh, I'm suddenly realized I'm happy because I walked upstairs and like and put on like Vince and I will surprise each other with songs a lot because we have the speaker in the living room feel like anytime he used to come home from a bar or something before he'd walk in the door, he put on wet pussy, which was so it's hard to hear the whole first everloving shit out of me because of the speech.
So I put on.
I must have been in a good mood because I put on the Austin Powers theme song that night and I was like, whoa, I'm happy they can get out of it. You got those. You got those. The beach chair cleaned you out the way you had some. You went to the beach some time at the beach. The beach was lovely. I highly recommend if you there's a body of water you can go sit at. It's a really nice mind, duche, I guess you call it.
I mean, if you have to think you're right, you're right. You're right. As an American. Yeah. I feel like optimistic now and now. Back away from that. Don't touch it. Don't look at it too much. Let it be. Don't listen then. It's sad. Podcast's about optimism and no, do that. I mean, don't you know these things come and go like clouds in the sky. Yeah. It all comes and goes so long that I noticed it and was like what is this.
Well I. Let's celebrate it then. Good. That's good actually. Can I read you. I'll show you please. There's a tissue box in this room and I other day I was having therapy in here and I didn't have a piece of paper. I say these like profound things and I'll be like, hold on, I need to write that down. So on this tissue box that said pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Mm hmm. That yes.
That's not her quote, but that's like a. That's our new line of tissues, we're going to take this. I know that's that's a funny thing, is I'm overtly stealing from my therapist constantly, but you're stealing it from someone else. Well, I don't know if they call it stealing. Right, because they're not putting it anywhere into your brain there. But but I do love those like that kind of thing where it takes a long time to understand that your thoughts are just that.
Thoughts. Yes. And they're coming from a place and that might not be the place that they should be coming from and that are healthy to come from totally.
That they're just they are what they are where whether they're you can trust them or not. It's the kind of there was a we had you were there for it. We had a meeting a couple of days ago that really stress me out. And I was mad. So when I left that call and walked out to the front room to finally be done with the back to back zoom calls for the day, I'm not complaining. I laid down and could feel the churn.
And that's my habit and that's how I was. That's kind of like having worked for years in kind of like high pressure. A daily television is very high pressure. And you either get it done or you don't at the end of the day and then you sit in it, your failure to let it go, it's like, yeah. And then the next day you have to take what you fucked up and learn and do it better the next day.
And there's lots of that, kind of like the way I learned it in the beginning, maybe not the healthiest way is an old habit that I'm trying to let go of, which is whatever you feel about that, you can you can go grab your own hand and walk yourself back to neutral. So I don't have to sit on the couch and like and stew and churn and practice speeches. I can just watch TV, I can go like, well, we'll take care of that tomorrow because everybody knows what they're doing and we can all talk about it again.
It's the idea that and it's just very much my personality. But it's like if I sit here and stew and do blah, blah, blah, that's going to get me whatever, like result I want, which is the truth. Yeah, it's it's not the problem if you suffer through, you know, whatever. And I had so I just laying there on the couch, I was like, I don't know if I can do that, but it was like I was having a full conversation with myself in my head.
And then I was like, well, I'm just trying to see what happened. And then so I just was like, OK, let's just go to neutral. And then I was like, Oh yeah, oh, I can do this. Yeah, it's easy. And then I just fully enjoyed a TV show. I was fully fine. And then of course the there were people on every other end of the thing came back around and it wasn't the end of the story.
It's like part of that we've talk about this all the time, like anxiety issues is now it's over. That's the end of the story. This whole thing blew up your whatever your fear is no way over and be fixed. I see no way that this can be. Yeah. Yeah. And so there I have to if so I have to continue to talk about it, text about it, email about it, whatever. Like do my machinations to change it when it's like what if somebody else tries to change totally.
What tomorrow exist.
It could be picked back up and taken care of then. Yeah. Yeah that's neutrality. Give it a world neutrality. What are you reading. Watching, listening to thinking about it before we. I think we have to do a couple circle backs, let's do a circle back section. It's just the people have been letting us know you can pretty much get see's candy in many places across America, many airports, many. And then I think it's newer some places, but it certainly is not.
Now, we were asked about that. And can I say that CS can be reached out to us on Instagram and they're sending the exactly right team. I don't know how much I can't wait. I feel like we need to do an unboxing, but I felt like I got a message from a celebrity.
I there you see, I was sitting in front of her fireplace in her rocking chair. Well, first of all, I'm there if I had on Instagram. So it's me married. Hey, it's the real Mary's. The Candy influencer is legendary.
I got it over as soon as it comes. Please, let's have a serious unboxing party. So, yeah, that's one thing. Everyone let us know. Thank you. We love follow ups, guys. We love follow ups. We love hearing. I definitely butchered the name of something in the name. Oh, it was in the Minnesota when I when I was doing the story that took place where Letterkenny where Letterkenny takes place. He got that completely wrong and I won't try it again because I'll just get it wrong again.
There were people on that were I read some tweets where people there was no criticism and there was no correction. People were just like, I love these attempts at this. It was just people like, no, it's so not to say they were just like that made me happy here. You try to say that. So I appreciate that we've come to that place on this podcast. Yeah. Where people are like we can enjoy the mistake for what it is as opposed to.
OK, but we've got a couple of those on this follow up thing. But this first one I found someone named Brandon Dick said to me on Twitter, So what did Jim say about the whole tossing flower on a grease fire?
Oh, he said, I smell a correction. Cordner coming up. Wait, no, that's my kitchen on fire.
Oh, it's Disick.
Dayaks daycare's. That's a really that is a Minnesota. On Monday, there was a fire kitchen on fire story and Karen and I just named a bunch of shit that you could maybe throw on a grease fire. And one of them was flour. And thank God we're correcting that now. Well, I so I called Jim, OK? And he confirmed that we were both right. Baking soda or flour. He said anything that will smother it, not water.
OK. And then he goes, I think that's the way you do it. I go, Dad, what do you mean? You were a fireman for like 40 years. Like, weren't you a captain? Like like aren't you supposed to? And then he goes, well, you do is you call nine one one and he goes and then someone calls CPS on that grandpa.
And then and he goes, he said he said, well, if you're real, I go, Dad, it was the the grease fire. But then the wall behind the oven, he goes, well, if you're real young and spry, you grab that pen and run out the back door. I go, Yeah, that's what the grandpa did. He burned his arm. Yes. And then I basically said it was because the grandpa was babysitting and they went down to the corner, to the gas station, and then he went to another gas station to find bread.
And he goes, my my dad loves to do stuff like this. Like my dad started watching The Simpsons literally 22 years after it premiered on TV, like he was even watching that he loves The Simpsons.
And so he goes. He goes he went down to what's the beer? Homer Simpson drinks. And I said, Mose? And he goes, Right. And what's the what's that for your Simpson drinks? He goes, I go. I goes, yeah. So and then he basically has to go back and then retell the joke like he knew both references, like he went down to Moe's and drank a duck. Oh my God.
He's so right. Yeah. And then at the very end I was like I was writing it down and laughing. And then he goes, what are you asking me this for? And I said, Oh, because George and I started talking about it on the podcast. But we don't we weren't sure. And he just quit bringing me into that podcast. And I go, it's too late to the people of him.
And he acted all mad about it, but he's like, nah, not so. Thank you, Brandon, for circling back. But it turns out no correction corner needed because you and I, for perhaps the first time in five years were both right, but but also truly wrong. Don't put flower on fire. On a grease fire. No, no, you do not flower. I thought it was baking soda, but not flour. Both Anything that will smother the flame, you have to kill the oxygen.
Flower doesn't have any kind of in flaming anything.
What if it's asbestos flour?
Then we have a problem. If you if you've made flour out of the tops of matchsticks, then do not throw that flour onto the right.
Anything that will douse the flame and kill the oxygen. OK, but he said once the wall is involved. Yeah. Get out of the house. I wonder I wonder if a simple fire extinguisher would work because I actually have those in like every part of my house, which is I think everyone should do. Yes, they should. But you know what I've heard do it, have them there and go through and pull those plastic. There's a plastic ring that's always on them for safety.
Yeah. And at some point in your life, cut the plastic ring off so that if something happens, you can pick it up and squirt it. And there's no you don't have to mess around with an extra step. Oh, grab a pair of scissors in every room in my fucking house because I'm a grandma. So I, I'd be fine.
But everyone else isn't psychotic like me. It's nice to have a pair of scissors now.
You always need a pair of scissors. OK, what else. OK, this is going to make you very happy. Oh my God. OK, this is from Bailey at Bhabhi ninety nine. The Irish perhaps. I love her. She says my friend and I won fifteen hundred dollars. The casino taking Georgiade Stark's advice of playing Buffalo. Oh, I just scared me. I know. Oh, my God. Fifteen hundred fifteen hundred dollars.
That's her fucking her, right. When that Vegas on Buffalo. Oh, my God. Congratulations. Isn't that rad? I'm thrilled. You can send twenty five percent of that to me at Poppen. Oh, I'd love to be credible. I know that's a little good news. I think she, I know she, she wrote that in as a fucking hurry, but I felt like that's just fun news from the top of the show. I want to hear that now.
Last week I talked about me and Dave Mesbah talking about what I was calling higer which is a Danish practice of coziness. The, you know, have been Kosi in your home. Yeah, well, Trisha Begbie wrote and said it's called Higa and there's a whole song about it in the frozen Broadway show. And then she linked a YouTube link to the frozen Broadway show, which I have not watch it, but then so thanks, Tricia. Except then Sarah Wunderman wrote in and said, Quick correction corner.
He is pronounced Hulda.
Yes. And she said, but then she also said that the author of that book that I said no, it was like me waking or whatever his name is, Mike Viking, and that's how it's pronounced.
And she said has ruined us for interventions from the Netherlands.
She said, because of course he is and he works at the Happiness Institute. True story. And in parentheses, I'm not a smarty pants. I once listened to a podcast about him and became obsessed. So apparently there's you can get podcasts about what Sarah says is pronounced Hyuga and what Tricia says is pronounced Higa and what me and Dave say is pronounced Huddinge. So I guess that sounds like something Homer Simpson would say on his way to Bones to drink.
What's that. That's the bard that Homer Simpson goes to like that. You don't need to tell me the joke now because I get what you mean, but go right. Get that's you know, that is classic dad joke. That is a classic dad joke where you provide half the joke for him and then he gets mad. If you go party will be like, hey, I got one for like seven. You know, he's a comedian. I'll be like, hey, I got one you can use if you want.
And it's just like the most inappropriate joke for the great person. I know you're listening and I love you, Marty. Oh, can we give the author? We were on and there was an article about us in Elle magazine that like kind of made me teary a little because it just made me see how far we've come. I don't think we stop and think about it often because we're just so immersed now in this podcast Life. The podcast Life found us so so that that article was written by Emma Tipton, who just like did so good.
It was like, Thanks, Emma. We had a great meeting with her, you know, with the called interview with her, a resume. She was lovely.
We both applied for jobs at all. They said, no, thank you, but we didn't even get a callback. But it was just so low. They still go on like Elle magazine online. It's just not on the online. And it's just this really great piece that I was honored to send out to my mom. And then my mom sent it to all my aunts and like, you know, it was and then started texting me back, their responses over and over again, like all their responses there really is.
Yeah. Thank you, Emma, because there really is something to be said for a solid article like did you see you know, they they talk to them in blank thing that your parents have actually heard totally. When we were fast company, I was like, wow. Like, yeah, it's these publications that you're like, I've been reading these in my whole life on airplanes and suddenly there's a face or there's our names. It's it's really it's always exciting.
It really is. It's nice. Yeah. We're very grateful. And it's nice to talk to a person that like you feel like get gets it are like is it was easy. It was easy to talk to. Speaking of grease fire because it happened in the second episode of the show. I'm watching now that Vince is so Vince and I are starting. I think everyone of the pandemic has to do this at some point. The law is The Sopranos.
Oh yeah, I did it. You did it right. Yeah. So I didn't know this.
Vince had never seen it before. I watched it. Oh yeah. From the like when it started so I hadn't seen it in so long but yeah. Me fuckin years. So we're watching that. It's so good. I think. Edie Falco all day long. Edie Falco. I finished when I did it, which I think was actually last summer, so strange, they may remember that mid-quarter, it was so good and I loved it so much and then I just wasn't enough.
So there is a suggestion if you feel like it and you haven't had enough at the end, I transitioned right into Nurse Jackie because.
Yes, just the Edie Falco vibe of like, I'm taking care of things.
You're really pissing me off. I have to talk like this. No, don't talk like that. You know, like the way she is. It just is. And Nurse Jackie is an amazing T-test. I started that. I never I don't know why I don't keep doing it. But Edie Falco as that character, I loved that character so much. And that's, you know, a huge part because she's so good at it. It's like, yes, it's brilliant.
And James Gandolfini, I don't think I ever appreciated how good he was in it because I had never seen him before. But now watching him like he plays is this.
Not stupid dummy, so, well, like him in therapy, it's so like he gets mad and he's like, I went to a semester and a half in college, I'm not stupid. I know how the psychology thing works.
Okay, so I we decided to. That's me. That's totally mean.
Well, he's he's actually a genius because he's street smart and he anticipates he anticipates like the Madoff mafia behavior, which is the whole game.
Yeah. So Sopranos, hook it up. This is our new Sopranos podcast. What's a start that.
That there's five. Twenty nine. Fifty five. Speaking of which, should we I thought you were using these Griesbach Segway. Are you still doing stuff you've watched and listened to and don't have anything?
Let's move. I was going oh, I was going to I was just excited to use a Segway. It was good into into it. Exactly right. It was great. It was perfect. Let's do it. But it's like you just get started. Oh, no. Usually you both have 16. I know this week's been slow in my life. Well, and if you've only been watching one show. Exactly.
Exactly. And I've been listening to old books that I've already read, so. Yeah, yeah. Let's do exactly right corner. Stewart so Keira and Liza on That's Messed Up are joined this week by none other than ADA Casey Novak, actress Diane Neal.
She was on that show for six years. She is she basically is Saorview in a lot of ways. Like if you're not talking about, you know, if you're not talking about Marysia or. That's right. Christopher Maloney.
Yes. Christopher Maloney.
So anyway, she's on there. That's that's a huge get. It's a big it's a big five. I feel. I feel like for sure.
And I think if I was a sporting goods store, it's a big deal. And so I'm sure they're excited that the promo code murder.
All right. So I saw what you did. Of course, our incredible movie, Pasta Pasta are incredible, incredible movie podcast hosted by Danielle and Molly this week. They're doing they're covering Gleaming The Cube, which is an incredible movie from nineteen eighty nine. That was spoiler. This isn't a spoiler, just tidbit filmed at my high school and then also covering Memphis Belle, the 1990 movie. And it turns out that fucking none other than Tony Hawk, who is in gleaming the cube, liked their tweet about it, which is huge.
I just love that guy. Oh, I just love that guy. Gold is the best celebrity. I think he might be the best celebrity, their golden boy. And just just to know, I believe that those two movies they're starting there was a good or was I horny March Madness brackets. So this is a hilarious thing that they're doing over there where they're talking about these movies that we all saw roughly. I mean, obviously, this is generational.
Yeah. But we saw them when we were in our teens and we love them. But were they actually good or did we just love every boy in the movie? That's right. So you guys mentioned the Lost Boys and that also for me, Dirty Dancing was just what are these feelings for you as a child? For me, I'm a little bit older was the outsiders that every poster I had, every you had a different kind of crush on every single one of them.
It was such a big feeling to follow them on Instagram. And then also we're really excited to tell you guys that Danielle Henderson, the host of I Saw What You Did, wrote a memoir, and it's available now for Preorder. It's called The Ugly Cry. And you can go to the the Penguin Random House website and search for the ugly cry to preorder. It's a big deal to preorder. So please support Danielle Henderson by doing so. And it's going to be fucking incredible.
She is an incredible woman. She's such a good writer. And I love to I'd love to check this credit for her all the time. But she is the inventor of the right feminist Ryan Gosling meme that everybody loved for so long. That's Daniel Henderson. But that's the the mind behind that meme. So she's very talented. And I also want to I don't know if I told you this when Elvis died, she sent the cat, mommy and daddy a huge box of cat toys.
Oh, as long as like a gift to feel sorry for your loss, that's very kind. She got two of everything so they didn't have to fight over. How sweet is that? It was just a really touching gesture that I you know, I was so I was blown away by. So. Yeah, that's really nice. Yeah. Yeah, she's awesome. And just so funny. Yeah. And then also the banana boys, Scott, Scotty and Kurt this week they have the amazing Akela who's on their show.
You might know her. She's one of the hosts of the What a Day podcast over on Crooked Media. And she's an amazing writer and a talent and she's one of my favorite people on Twitter. Yeah, she's one of the reasons I stay on Twitter because she says she says what I'm thinking all the time and it makes me really happy. So that's going to be a great upset. I mean, with all the shit on Twitter that makes you want to quit every day, I feel like that's a huge compliment, you know.
Yeah, it's true. She well, because also I think a lot of people are going through that where I think it's almost like growing pains, like we all I think everyone had their hatred's syphoned in political ways for so long.
And now that's kind of over for whatever reason or maybe not, you know. Some ways, but not as in your face. I feel like yeah, but now there is like a backlash of it where it's like now everybody's putting it on everybody else. That's like all these ways of figuring out how everyone's wrong all the time. There's a lot of energy. And also I think generations are being blamed for it. When I think everyone does it, I think everyone it's a real indulgence that I have to I love hating.
Believe me, this is this is me saying I get it. But I think it's a good idea when you're on social media just to check yourself every once in a while and just be like, am I here to point a finger that maybe I should just go ahead and be pointing right back in my face? I think about that a lot when I'm like, I'm trying to come up with tweets because I'm not a comedian, but I want to be like funny and and topical and shit.
And then I realize, like, all of mine are like, I hate this and I don't like that. And it's like, don't don't do that. Only tweet just, you know, for me, funny point, like, pointed that out. It gives a shit. No, no, no, no. Like I say, this person Parke's, it's like, who cares, don't put some negativity into the world, you know. Right.
Which is a hard thing to do because, you know, negativity is kind of like the fertile soil of comedy, but there's other ways to do it. So it's almost like the only the when I am in that position and I'm trying not to be the old crab that I usually am, all I do is just go, what's like what's a what's this same idea coming from a different direction? And just try to instead of writing like tweeting the first thing you think of, tweet the third thing or just like live a life of not trying to rip other people down for your humor or but it's so satisfying.
Do it.
Tell your friends that your friends don't dare she and how dare he and how dare they. Everyone is doing it wrong. That may be in the middle. Perfect and pointing and funny to the boat. OK, hold on one.
But I'm sure Vince is like, is Georgia going or is this it. OK, so this is a story that I watched when I watched, I told you probably like a month ago about the British series from the 90s called Crime Story.
And this was one of the crime stories that affected me deeply and was very upsetting. It's essentially very similar to like a John a British John List story. Oh, shit. So this Season two, Episode six of the British series Crime Story. And so that's what that's where I got this idea. But also in the research we used Wikipedia, BBC News, the Sunday Times article written by David James Smith, The Independent, and a website called W w w dot stuff that c0 that NZ so perfect.
So it a website from New Zealand called Stuff that doesn't seem to be porn. OK, so there's also then I just last night flicking around HBO, Max, there is also a current British series called The Murders at White House Farm, and that's what this story is, the murders at White House Farm. And that TV show cites an author named Carol Ann Leigh who wrote the murders at White House Farm. And it also cites additional information from In Search of the Rainbow's End by Colin Kafeel.
OK, OK, so it's three twenty six a.m. on August 7th. Nineteen eighty five. And the Chelmsford Police Department gets a call from a man named Jeremy Bamber and he tells the officer, You got to help me. My father has rung me and said, please come over. Your sister has gone crazy and has got a gun. Quick reminder, guns are not common in England. This is also the the eighties. But this is the kind of thing where in America you'd be like little game, right?
Yeah, yeah. It happens. Very alarming over there, obviously. I mean, alarming everywhere, but very uncommon over there. So according to Jeremy, after his father says this to him on the phone, the line goes dead. And then when he tries calling his father back, no one answers. So Jeremy's parents are Nevill in June Bamburgh, they live at the family farm known as White House Farm, which is just outside the small village of.
Told Sundt Darcy in Essex, Jeremy lives in the neighboring village of Gold Hanga, about three, three and a half miles from the family home. It's not Golddigger, it's Golden Girl. It's Golden Girls. He lives in the village and everyone there is either.
Sophia said that it is OK.
He lives in Florida. The police would later note that Jeremy called the police station on its direct line instead of using the nine nine nine emergency line. OK, so Jeremy's instructed to go to his parents house, the the farm and wait for police there. And then three officers head out to the White House farm at three.
Thirty five am on their way there. They pass Jeremy's car and they note that he's driving much more slowly than they are. So he's in no hurry to get there. They arrive at the White House farm a minute or two before Jeremy and then Jeremy and the officers begin walking around the perimeter. So it's kind of far back. And there's like hedge hedges around the actual house. There's a whole farm and barns and outbuildings and stuff like that. But the actual house is kind of like they can walk around the outside of it kind of far away.
They can see that lights are on. They hear a dog barking. They don't see any movement inside the house, but they're trying to figure it out. And the more they're looking like at one point in the made for TV movie, that one officer's like, there's somebody in the upside. And then he's like, oh, sorry, that was a reflection. Like, they're all getting freaked out the longer they're there. And Jeremy is saying, let's just go inside, let's go check.
And the police are saying somebody could have a gun in there. Like, we don't know what's going on, so we have to wait for backup. So the tactical firearms team gets there around 5:00 in the morning. They decide not to try to enter the home until daybreak so that they have to they can see what's going on. Yeah, but until then, the police start talking to Jeremy's sister, Sheila, on a megaphone based on Jeremy's report that Sheila was inside the house with a gun.
And they're saying, come out and everything's fine and we just want to talk to you and everything. You know, they get no response. Then they they start to talk to Jeremy about what happened. And he says that it sounded like someone cut the call off as he was talking to his father. Police ask Jeremy why Neville would have called his son instead of calling the police directly or calling me the emergency line. Jeremy says that his father is a private person who'd want to keep this matter within the family.
He also mentions his sister, Sheila is a quote unquote nutter who, quote, has been having treatment. So, yeah, it would make sense that, like, this is maybe a common occurrence and you don't. Yeah. You don't want to get the attention of the cops or like if they come, they're going to arrest her and, you know, maybe he's being protective of her.
Right. All of those things are possible. And and what the police are, since the police know nothing about any of it, they're just following this guy's lead. So just before 8:00 in the morning, police break through the back kitchen door with a sledgehammer and they're slumped on top of an overturned chair. The police find the body of Neville Bamber. He's 61 years old. He's still wearing his pajamas and he has eight gunshot wounds. There's signs of a struggle around the kitchen.
There's broken dishes. There's damage to the ceiling light. There's blood all over the floor. The door was locked from the inside and the key was left in the lock. The rotary phone is sitting on the counter off the hook. In the upstairs master bedroom. They find Neville's wife, June, who's also sixty one dead in her bed with seven gunshot wounds, including one between the eyes.
And then, tragically, they find she lost two six year old twin boys, Daniel and Nicholas, each shot in their beds in the adjacent bedroom. Daniel was shot five times in the back of the head and Nicholas was shot three. Oh, my God. And then in the master bedroom floor not far from her mother's side, Sheila Bamburgh Castle, who's twenty eight years old, has two bullet wounds below her chin, a Bible beside her and a twenty two rifles resting on her chest, pointing upwards towards her throat.
The two gunshots is suspicious. All right. Highly suspicious. Yeah. Yes. So the Bambas are just to go into the family background a little bit. There are well-off family. This is a three hundred acre working farm that they have. And it was left to the Nevill in June by June's father. But they also own property in London and they also own a caravan site, which is basically like campsite. Life is good for the family. For the most part.
Throughout the fifties, June, the mom face an uphill battle with depression. And she was actually hospitalized for it when she was released, though, they decided to start a family, but they weren't realized they weren't able to have children. So in October of 1957, they adopted their first baby, which was Sheila. And then four years later, nineteen sixty one, they adopt their son, Jeremy. So both of the Bambuser children went to private schools.
And after graduating high school, Sheila goes on to study at a secretarial college in London. Shortly thereafter, at age 17, she gets pregnant by her boyfriend, Colin Carful. So June Bamber is very, very religious. This pregnancy out of wedlock is a huge problem in the family. It creates huge problems. Nevill in June actually make arrangements for Sheila to get an abortion, which she does. But the family dynamic is really bad and she's, you know, mother and daughter relationship is very, very strained.
Then Sheila comes home with her boyfriend Colin, and they get caught sunbathing nude in a field and John loses her mind. She calls Sheila the devil's child.
Their relationship is never the same after that. But Sheila and Colin continue dating. They get pregnant for a second time in nineteen seventy seven and they get married at the local courthouse. Sheila tries working as a secretary, a hairdresser. She does some modeling, but she can't can't seem to keep a job. Then she has a miscarriage. So that's really difficult. She has a very hard time. She and Colin have a hard time with that. So the Bambas end up buying her her own apartment, a flat to recuperate in, basically.
And then finally, in June of 1979, Sheila gives birth to her twin boys, Daniel and Nicholas. But the problem is, by that point, Sheila and Colin's relationship is actually falling apart. The year before the boys are born, Colin leaves Sheila's 21st birthday party with another woman and Sheila spirals into such a rage and has such a breakdown that she smashes a window with her fist and she ends up having to be hospitalized for a nervous breakdown. So by the time she's pregnant with the boys, Colin is fully having an affair.
And when the boys are five months old, he leaves Sheila for for the other woman. So they divorce in May of 1982 and Neville by Sheila, a brand new apartment. And she and Colin, it's amicable. They share custody of the boys after her divorce. Sheila does start does a lot of partying with her friends, does a lot of cocaine. She so even though her her flat was her apartment was bought for her, her parents do not give her additional money.
So she starts racking up a lot of debt because of the drugs. And because she she just kind of can't keep a job, so she bounces from low paying job to low paying job, she's a cleaner for a while. She works as a waitress for a while. She even does a little bit of nude modeling just to make the ends meet, which she completely regrets after she just doesn't want. And in this time, her mental health is is declining the entire time she has frequent outbursts, she has really bad episodes where she ends up banging our head against the wall over and over.
She actually the kids get taken away from her and put into foster care because she can't take care of herself. So she's finally taken to a psychiatrist who diagnoses her with schizophrenia. In March of 1985, she suffers a psychotic episode. She starts believing that she's talking directly to God. There's lots of very lots of, you know, unhealthy behavior. She says she fears her current boyfriend's going to kill her. She says she thinks the boys, her sons, you know, are being controlled by the devil.
There's a lot of stuff like that. She ends up getting hospitalized for four weeks and she gets put on a monthly injection of an antipsychotic. So that's that basically leads us up to nineteen eighty five right around the time of when that event takes take place. So we'll go back a little bit and talk about her brother, Jeremy. So Jeremy was born on January 13th, 1961, and adopted by Nevill in June, when he's six months old and like his sister, he's sent to a fancy private schools.
And although he's a smart and charming boy, he has a hard time focusing on schoolwork and he ends up leaving the what's the equivalent of like a fancy private grammar school without earning any qualifications. Neville goes crazy. This is like, you know, it's not what's supposed to be happening, but he ends up basically kind of bouncing back and doing well in what's called sixth form college, which is basically 12th and 13th grade in America. But so, like, when he gets older, he kind of gets his act together a little bit.
But he he leaves school altogether in nineteen seventy eight. And when he's 17, he decides he wants to go take scuba diving classes in Australia. So his dad pays for it and when he's down there he does that, then he goes over to New Zealand and when he's in Auckland he stays, stays with a friend named Brett Collins. Brett will later describe Jeremy as a Jekyll and Hyde type who can get, quote, quite nasty. He's often kicked out of bars for his aggression and he has a hard time getting along with Brett's friends.
So he's like staying at someone's house and trying to hang and then is just like, you know, not a toad. Super aggro. And as we well know, you need to be chill in Australia. You super need to be chill in New Zealand. We don't even like you. You yell at a car that. Cuts you off and you're. Never mind, it's easy to be a dick there because nobody is a dick there. Yeah, everyone is.
So call a cab driver were wearing their beautiful sheep's sheep's wool sweaters and just like acting like the Flight of the Conchords and their white teeth and everything.
Nobody wants your aggro British friend. OK, so. Jeremy is determined to stick around New Zealand and make his own money, so he gets he ends up getting he starts with a five thousand dollar gift from his parents and he takes that money. And then this is his plan of making his own money. And he he meets up with a potential heroin supplier because his plan is he's going to be a heroin dealer now. That's how he's going to make his own money.
Things do not go according to plan. The quote unquote supplier just steals his money and never gives him any drugs. So now Jeremy doesn't even have that nice chunk of money his parents gave him. So Brett takes Jeremy to a pawnshop where Jeremy sells a bunch of his grandmother's diamonds, which is another inheritance he brought along as insurance. But Jeremy quickly burned through that money, too. And since the only way for him to earn his inheritance, which is over a million dollars in total assets, that he has to split with his sister, he the only way he can get that inheritance inheritance is to come back and work on the family farm when his parents.
And so basically he's running it when his parents after his parents die. That's the plan. So Jeremy ends up moving back to Essex in nineteen eighty two into his father, the cottage his father owns in Golden Girls, England. By day, Jeremy works his parents land. I mean, this is a real farm. That was the part that I was blown out by, because when I watch the crime story show, it looked like in a state.
And so the first version of this, when I was writing it, I was like the family estate and I just thought they were super rich British people in the rich countryside. But this is a full on farm and it's huge. And the cousins, because it's from Jeunes family, the cousins on the mom's side live around the farm and work there, too. So it's all yeah. It's all kind of in the family. So by day, Jeremy works his parents land and by night he fuels up on cocaine and parties in London.
He's upset about how little he's being paid for this farm work. He does because it is hard, you know. Yeah, manual labor. But he is has been given a free car. And of course, he his own house, the cottage that his father owns. He also owns eight percent of the family's caravan site on nearby Ossy Road. So in nineteen eighty three, he meets a woman named Julie Mofford down at the Sloppy Joes Pizza Parlor in Colchester.
He says, take me there, sloppy Joes, the British pizza parlor in Colchester. You know how well British people do sloppy Joes and pizza. So, yeah, I might as well. So what you do is you get you get a sloppy job and then you place it on top. Yes. A pizza. If you had to eat a sloppy Joe or pizza right now, which one would it be? Pizza entirely. You don't do sloppy joes.
Ah ah. I'll just be this basic about it. Sloppy Joes are too sloppy.
I can't stand the knife for sure. You do. Absolutely. Yeah. Do you really. I mean I'm a big fan of that man which I still like. That's one of the things from my childhood that I like. I can't quit you like I put a thing on Twitter recently. I was like, what's your thing? This is a total aside. What's the thing from childhood that you can't quit? And mine is I mean, you've seen me eat this on the road and Lunchables for sure.
It's sloppy Joes right up there to really and it's isman. Which did it come in a can? Yeah. It's like a like a can of sauce. Oh God. And then you put it, you make the ground beef and then throw that sauce in the ground turkey if you want to be healthy or soy.
SoI rezo impossible soy Rizzo.
I'm a big fan. These are our fans. Our family. Jack on that shit. Yeah. We didn't do sloppy Joes because my dad was a big hamburgers on Sunday. Oh that's right. I've had your dad's hamburgers. They're legit. They're pretty good if as long as you make sure to cook them all the way through. We've had some tragic nights for my dad threw him on and was like, I like rare do you? And we're like this.
Is it rare? This is still in the pack.
This is OK, OK, it's just sloppy Joes pizza parlor. Wow. OK, so. So now it's March 1985 and the caravan site I was telling you about, which is like a campsite, someone breaks into the office there and makes off with nine hundred and eighty pounds. And this is right after Jeremy says to his uncle how lax the security at this caravan site is. No arrest has ever made, but it is remembered by the family, of course.
So several months later, in August of 1985, Sheila and the boys plan to spend a week at the family farmhouse before the boys go away on a trip to Norway with their father, Colin. So Colin drives the boys to the grandparents house on August 4th, 1985. But they tell him they don't want to go because June makes them spend so much time praying on their knees.
And they're like six years old and they don't like it. It makes them uncomfortable. But the whole thing has already been set. And, you know, it's like and he's obligated and it's basically what. Yeah, it's like what has to happen before he can take them away for this summer trip. Tragic. Yeah. And at this point in the White House Farm Murders TV series, the actress has really good that plays. Sheila is basically super on on drugs, on the on her meds, but they're really strong.
So she's kind of like a little bit zoned out and she's saying to her ex husband, please tell my mother not to give me these shots anymore.
And he's like, I can't get in between it. Like she already doesn't like me. I said that because he actually tells June, please don't make the boys pray anymore. And she, of course, is very offended. And it's a whole event. And he's just kind of like it's it's clearly bad things are afoot in that house anyway. So two days later, on August 6th, 1985, Jeremy visits his parents and his sister and his nephews at the family farmhouse.
During that visit, he grabs one of his dad's gun, a twenty two semiautomatic rifle, and he takes it out back to shoot some rabbits. But he goes out there, he says he can't find any. So he comes back into the house and he leaves the gun along with a full magazine and a box of ammunition on the kitchen table. Usually they the family will later say that Neville usually puts a silencer on that rifle because it's really loud, I guess.
But according to Jeremy, the silencer is not on the gun at this point. So one of the farm workers, here's Jeremy, leave the farmhouse that night around nine, 30 and around the same time, the farm secretariat woman named Barbara Wilson calls Nevill and he seems very irritated and very short with her, which she almost never is. He's a very like kind an even tempered man. And she will later tell the police it feels like he was just in an argument, OK, like the way he was acting toward her, which he never did.
Around 10 p.m. June, sister Pamela calls the house and speaks with Sheila, who seems quiet to her, which would make sense with the amount of meds she was on. And then she speaks with June and she says she didn't notice anything odd about her sister's temperament. And this would be the last time anyone other than Jeremy would hear from Neville, June or Sheila. So in the initial investigation, the police are certain that she snapped, of course, based on her mental health history and that she murdered her parents and her own children before turning the gun on herself.
They eventually noticed that, like in the investigation, that there are two bullet holes in her. And the you have to kind of see it in this TV movie because they really like, rationalize, rationalize, like because the first was an injury, but it was not a mortal wound. So they're like, well, she could have shot a second time, but there's one police investigator and I couldn't tell if he was if it was entirely factual or if he was just a character to kind of, you know, represent the people who were doubters.
But he's basically saying, have you ever seen this in all of your years of investigating somebody who's trying to do a murder suicide and shoots themself two times just doesn't seem likely. So they're definitely doubter's from the beginning. But they they all you know, Jeremy kind of led them there with this story and it all played out. And they're all, of course, insanely devastated by what they saw at that crime scene. So they're just kind of trying to get it all taken care of and get the case closure.
So the Bambas cousins, the ones who live on the farm property, are not convinced that this is the story. They say Sheila was a very gentle person who adored her children, and none of this makes sense. They begged the police to explore the possibility of Jeremy's involvement. But the detective chief inspector, Thomas Jones, takes this very personally, that they already have their theory and that they're working on that questioning. And, yes, so they he basically says, how dare you question me and throws them out of his office.
And I think he calls he calls the one cousin who is really there. And Etan is her name. And did you watch Game of Thrones now? OK, is that actors that plays and eaten in this was played one of the people in Game of Thrones. That's awesome. She's the leader that she's the one that no one else will know.
But I don't know. I can't. But I don't. Game of Thrones, I. I love that show. The names were terrible.
I couldn't everyone's tiran theor on Brian Blah, but I think she was the sister who was the like the army general.
OK, well but but actually she was, I should say, Navy general because she had a boat and she went and set her brother I believe was theUN who's the guy that got castrated.
I believe every time you ask someone to explain a scene from Game of Thrones, it's exactly what it sounds like to me. So and so sister got castrated and then they were in charge of the Army Navy surplus, like it's just their name was Sharon. And then every single time someone usually grocery stores. When I pay for something with a credit card, someone looks at my last name. Howard Stern goes, Do you watch Game of Thrones? And I'm like, No, but I know I sound like her house.
Howard Stark.
I swear, though, if that's one like once you're done with The Sopranos. Yeah. I swear, it's a beautiful television show. I think it's wonderfully acted, I think the journey of it and the amount of seasons. I'm not a gambler. It's just I never started it. And then it was like too far gone.
So it's very fun. I myself would say if somebody asked me, like, oh, that's not really my favorite fantasy or don't bother, but it's.
Yeah. It's very well done. Stephen, do you have a piece of information, is it Gemma, Elizabeth Wheelin, you were talking about who she plays? Probably Yaara. Great joy in the game.
Yes, that's in her brothers. The Great Joy. Yes. Gemma. What's her name?
Gemma. Elizabeth Wheelin Gemma. Elizabeth Whelan, who is in many of my programs. And she's a absolutely wonderful and hilarious. She she does it all. She does drama. They all do it all. But she's really good. OK, so she plays an Eton, this cousin, and she's very well where it's this cousin who starts out. And you have to think of it this way, where this family, the entire family is murdered. It is something that never happens.
When does that ever happen? It's crazy. It's nobody expects it. It's horrible. And then the idea that a mother would kill her own children, kill her own parents, like everything about it, is so awful. But slowly but surely, she's sitting there going like this doesn't add up. This is you know what I mean? She has her doubts. Things are adding up and she's having to go in and argue, you know, train detective perspective.
Yeah. Who don't want to hear it and also who want it all closed. OK, so.
And this. Sorry, this is 1985, right? Yes, yes. Yeah. Old school. Old school. But also like present day enough to like. Yeah, so I'm not crazy, you know. Yeah, but still kind of like the 60s in a weird way, where he keeps calling her in the I don't know if this is you know, this is just writing or fact based. He keeps calling her Miss Marple because she's like, what about this insanely outstanding blowing her off, right?
Yeah. Here's some. Crazy mistakes the police made, first of all, they're certain this is how it happened, Sheila murdered her entire family. So that's what they're looking toward. And they don't secure the crime scene and they don't conduct a thorough search, probably because it's such a devastating crime scene. But it's not a thorough it's not it's not secure. It's not taped off. They don't have any kind of forensic anything going on a couple of days after the crime, they burn anything from the house that the victim's blood can't be cleaned off of soil.
They take yeah, they take bedding, carpets, clothing, and they burn it in a burn pile up evidence, it's called, and evidence.
And this cop who if he was real, he it he was it was such an uphill battle. He's the one that like he's like why we burn in this stuff. Why is this all the way already over? Like there's a I don't like two bullets in the so-called perpetrator's head. That doesn't make sense, like, you know, whatever. So an officer actually handles the murder weapon without wearing gloves, which was common back then, still insane. And Jeremy and his cousins are all given keys to the farmhouse three days after the murders.
So anyone could go into that crime scene. It's basically destroyed the possibility of gathering further evidence.
So on August 10th, 1985, another one of Jeremy's cousins named David, finds the twenty two silencer in a cupboard in the farmhouse. He sees specks of what appeared to be blood and red paint on it.
They they call the police station and leave a message saying they found it and they wait for someone to call them back and no one ever calls them back.
So finally, they get a hold of the doubting police officer and he comes and goes, why did you wait so long? And Ann says, We call down there and left a message and no one called us back. So a couple days later, another cousin finds scratches on the bottom of a mantelpiece which had been painted red. So a theory emerges this silencer must have been on the gun at the time of the murders, and the silencer component must have been scratched.
The man on the mantelpiece during the struggle between Neville and the killer. And and then it must have been removed and put in that cupboard, which means Sheila could not have done that. Right. So on August so on August 14th, nineteen eighty five, they open an inquest into the murders and they present their case that it was a murder suicide perpetrated by Sheila. Shortly after that, Neville June and Sheila's bodies are all cremated and Daniel and the boys are buried.
So during this funeral and there's tons of press at this funeral, of course, because this story is, you know, world wide, probably at the time, Jeremy is being comforted by his girlfriend, Julie, crying. He's crying and leaning on her arm in front of the press, in front of the cameras. But then later on at the wake, which was private, he's in good spirits, smiling and joking around, of course. And her cousins, all the cousins, noticed this odd behavior later when and asks Jeremy if she could have her aunt.
June's a certain ring that she wore as a keepsake because she was very close to her. Aunt Jeremy says he can't give it to her. Sorry, sorry, I can't do it. And at first he makes this weird joke where he goes. They all sit down to talk about, like, basically the will. And he's like, yeah, they were in tons of debt. There's nothing left. And ands like, there's no way that's possible.
Like we've been running the farm and. Yeah, you know, they're in the business, like, that's no way. And then he was then he goes, I'm joking. Come. Oh I guess you do want something out of the will. And she's just sitting there like horrified like this is this crime is beyond horrifying.
And you're sitting here doing shit like this. Yeah. Yeah. And being like you can't have one ring when you know what are so so then she just can't she's just like something is super off here and this is not right. Then she notices and remembers that there is a window latch that if you go out a window and shut it a certain way from the outside, it will lock itself back. And so someone could have done that and it would have had to have been someone who had lived in the house because only the people who had lived in the house knew it, that you could make it look like the house was entirely locked from the inside.
So she also points out that if Uncle Neville was shot first in the kitchen and there's no silencer on the gun, why isn't one person running downstairs? As anybody else, why is everyone murdered in their beds so it isn't long after the families buried in all the funerals take place, Jeremy takes Julie and another friend on a trip to Amsterdam. According to the travel agent who booked their flights, the group was in, quote, high spirits when they departed.
And as soon as they got back, Jeremy begins to sell his parents belongings. But one month after the murders, things between Jeremy and Julie begin to sour. Jeremy's losing interest in her. He's trying to distance himself from her. There's a series of arguments that lead to physical fights. This final straw from Julie comes on September 4th, 1985, when in the middle of an argument, Jeremy gets a phone call from another woman. She slaps him, he grabs her arm, twists it behind her back.
Three days later, she calls the police. She contacts the police, I should say, because in her initial statement, she told police that she'd gotten a call from Jeremy on August 7th, sometime between three and three thirty in the morning, telling her that something was wrong at her parent's house. And that was all he said. The police were like, why didn't you ask any questions? And she told the police because she was tired. A month later, she's there changing her story.
She tells the police Jeremy had been talking about killing his family on and off for months. She says that between July and October of 1984, Jeremy spoke ill of his parents and sister said he, quote, wanted to get rid of them all. Julie said that Jeremy was angry. His parents paid for Sheila's expensive flat, even though he was living in that cottage for free and that his sister was, quote, nuts and that her kids were, quote, disturbed.
She also claims Jeremy told her that he could sedate his parents with sleeping pills, shoot them, set the house on fire to hide the evidence. And because of her history of mental health issues, blame the entire thing on Sheila.
So then she actually says that the first call she received from Jeremy before just before the murders actually happened at nine fifty the night of the murders, 20 minutes after he reportedly left the farmhouse. And on this call, she says Jeremy tells her he's pissed off. He's been thinking about killing his family all day and that it's tonight or never.
Why would and OK, why would he tell her that? But. You should also not kill his family. Well, right, like, it doesn't seem likely, but then if he's the kind of person that's like monologuing about this plan or like he's he's there's perceived slights that he's mad about and then he's complaining to the girlfriend and he's more and more confiding in her probably after a while. It's like she and she's maybe acting like it's OK or acting like she's in on it so or just doesn't know what to do and doesn't say anything at all.
And so he just continues telling her. So she claims she gets a call from Jeremy a few hours later, closer to 3:00 in the morning, in which he says everything's going well, something's wrong at the farm. I haven't had any sleep all night.
So then after the police discovered the bodies at the farmhouse. Julie goes to Jeremy's cottage where the police are there with him. This is after the the horrible discovery and he pulls her aside out of earshot of the police and says, quote, I should have been an actor.
Julie also confesses she and Jeremy were responsible for the burglary at the family caravan site. She gives up this information in exchange for her own amnesty for the crime. Police are able to use all this information to arrest Jeremy on September 8th, 1985. He defends himself saying Julie is just trying to get him in trouble, out of revenge. He denies having anything to do with killing his family. He insists he loved them very much.
But he does admit breaking into the caravan site. He said it wasn't for the money, but to prove the point that security was too lax at the campsite.
Then why take the money to prove the point? Well, OK, so. He gets arrested, but he absolutely insists he didn't do it. The charge for the burglary sticks on September 9th, he but he makes bail and he's released on September 13th immediately. And this is where this story turned for me, where when I was watching Crime Story, I was like, sorry, what? He goes to The Sun tabloid newspaper and tries to sell his story and his sister's old nude modeling photos for twenty thousand pounds.
Oh, and not only does the sun decline, Hellyeah, but they run a story about the fact that he made them that offer.
So you imagine congratulations. You made a British tabloid cringe, like that's how much of a sociopath you are. They'll print any they're not you wouldn't call them the most ethical of businesses. And they were like, are you? What the fuck are you doing?
So. So right after that, he goes on vacation to Centropa with a friend. And while he's gone, police begin to investigate his potential involvement in the murders much more. One key discovery is traces of blood found on the silencer are found to match sheilas blood.
But if she were to have killed herself with a silencer on, how did it get in the cupboard mentioned earlier, not to mention the silencer attachment would have made the gun so long she couldn't have positioned it underneath her own kitchen and then pulled the trigger at the same time.
That evidence is the final piece. That is the whole picture. So damning that when Jeremy returns to England on September 29th, he's arrested again, this time for the murder of his entire family.
Jeremy Baverez trial begins on October 3rd.
Nineteen eighty five. He is oddly calm, as you would guess, and even arrogant sometimes while on the stand. You know, the pictures will have pictures, but he reminds me a lot of the the preppy killer. Yeah, yeah. That cocky competence. And who thinks they get away with anything. Yes. And that they look, you know, they're attractive men who kind of have that thing of like I'll say what actually happened. Right.
It's an interesting I don't know, just when I first kind of saw those pictures is that kind of thing where you I think that happens sometimes with attractive people, where people give them the benefit of the doubt, get away with them, or maybe they seem believable.
I don't know. Yeah, the charm, the charisma, whatever. Or just the.
Yeah. OK, so he's being very cocky, of course, in the courtroom, as you'd imagine, at one point, the prosecutor accuses him of lying and he coolly responds with, quote, That's what you've got to establish yet.
So, yes.
So the prosecution lays out what they think happened in the early morning hours of August 7th, 1985. After dinner with his family on August six, Jeremy leaves the farmhouse somewhere between nine, 30 and 10 o'clock. In the middle of the night, he bikes back to the farmhouse using his mother's bicycle that he had borrowed earlier in the week so he wouldn't be spotted on the road in his car, knowing which windows in the house are easy to open. He jimmys a bathroom window at the back of the house.
He slips and grabs the gun with the silencer attached heads upstairs into the master bedroom where he first shoots June. And then he shoots Neville. But Neville isn't killed immediately and he is able to make it downstairs because Neville was big. I mean, he was an older man, but he was like six foot four, I think, big. And so basically, he makes it downstairs and then father and son get into a struggle and all through the kitchen.
And then Jeremy basically finishes his father off in the kitchen, goes back upstairs. He finds his sister, Sheila, struck with fear at the sight of her mother's dead body. Shoot. Sheila in the master bedroom there goes into the boy's room and shoots them both in their beds. So I know it's it's horrifying after he positions Sheila's body to make it look like a murder suicide, realizing that she wouldn't be able to reach the trigger of the gun with the silencer attached.
He takes the silencer off and hides it in the cupboard. I was wondering why he did that and that. So he figured that on his own. OK. Yeah.
The one thing that is nonsensical is why would you hide it there and not take it anywhere else on that farm or, you know, clean it. Yeah.
So the defense tries to argue that Sheila could have just realized for herself that she couldn't pull the trigger with the silencer on and removed it herself. But the prosecution argues if that were the case, why would she place it back downstairs? She could have just set it on the ground beside her. Sheila's former doctor testifies in court that while she did express suicidal or other violent thoughts, it's his opinion she was not capable of acting on those thoughts. And also, the cousins testify saying the exact same thing, although Sheila had mental issues, as many of us do.
She would have never harmed anyone. And she was dedicated to her children. Even her ex, Colin Carful, said that for all their arguments, Sheila would have never harmed her own children.
So the prosecution also points out the struggle between Neville and the killer, Sheila was a very slight, lean young woman. Her dad was six foot four and a strong man. It was very unlikely she would have been able to overpower him in a struggle even if he were wounded.
The defense tries arguing against a proposed motive of greed, saying Jeremy had more than enough money from his parents even while they were alive. They also argue that his girlfriend, Julie McGiffert, is lying, retaliating against him for their failed relationship. They claim Jeremy's cousins are lying about Sheila's inability to be violent because if Jeremy goes to prison, they inherit. The the White House farm, OK, their final point is that the blood results from the silencer don't prove a presence of sheilas blood, but rather the blood that the blood may be a combination of June and Nevilles, because, of course, back at that time it wasn't, you know, DNA like we know it.
Now, if that is the case, then Sheila could have taken the silencer off long before turning the gun on herself.
So this trial lasts 18 days. On October 28th, 1985, after a nine hour deliberation, the jury finds Jeremy Bamburgh guilty of all five murders by a tend to majority because in England there's a minimum majority necessary for convictions for him. He's given five life terms and is recommended to serve a minimum of twenty five years. And the sentencing judge calls Jeremy Bamber, quote, a warped and evil beyond belief. In November of 1986, Jeremy files an appeal on the grounds that the judge misdirected the jury.
It's rejected in nineteen eighty eight in March 1989. Jeremy's lawyer argues that to three appeal court judges that the whole trial was biased against Jeremy on March 20th. That's also rejected. But because the trial judge did criticize the police for their shoddy investigating, Jeremy's legal team is able to get the Essex police to conduct an internal inquiry. In 1991, Jeremy makes a formal complaint that the police withheld evidence. But this does lead to more evidence being found, including more blood samples.
But in 1996, a police officer who thought the trial had ended destroys this evidence.
Yes, basically, Jeremy continues fighting his conviction with a bid for more evidence to be released as recent as May of 20 20.
So a year ago, still doing it.
There may have been outside campaigns from people who believe Jeremy is not guilty, launched as recently as November of twenty fifteen.
But many of the supporters have since changed their stance, and no campaign has been successful in lessening Jeremy's sentence or proving his innocence. Jeremy Bamber remains in prison but still maintains his innocence to this day. And that is the horrifying story of the White House farm murders.
I wonder if he'll ever get out. I can't believe twenty five. Doesn't seem it doesn't seem like it. I think there's too many. It's just like even if all these things were terrible coincidences or whatever, it's just like. But you tried to sell your dead sister's nudes to this, to me. To me.
That right there is just like and there's no explain. It's all those little I want. I wish they could DNA test the silencer. Now I wonder if they still have it somewhere. Bet they don't.
I bet 200 people have touched it in the touching contest when they had the evidentiary touching contest in the summer of 1987 when I was in preschool and had the foot washing station.
Will they have the evidence washing station to teach the children? That's right.
Wow. All right. Now, I want to watch that. That was great. Yeah. Let's do some fucking array's, though. Let's do it. I need them.
OK, do we do a fucking. Let's do a couple fucking hours. Let's talk about. OK, you know. Sure. Mine are both kind of in the same vein. This one's from the fan cult from Sam 14 and it's titled Just because it's bad doesn't mean it's the end. Hey, MFM crew cats and dogs, my fucking her is that as of December twenty twenty, I am two years clean of self harm. And on top of that I graduate from college this May this year with a bachelors and biomedical engineering and honors diploma and a minor in Spanish.
I didn't I didn't see myself making it to this point at at that time two plus years ago. And I'm so proud of how hard I've worked my ass off to get here. My mom introduced me to the podcast, my senior year of high school. And your comedy positivity and awareness and action when it comes to mental health has made such a difference in my life. And I'm sure it's helped so many others as well. Stay sexy and never give up on yourself, Sam.
OK, well, congratulations, Sam. OK, that's huge. Yeah, all of that is huge. Separately. Oh, each one of the degrees, each one of the majors, each one of those accomplishments is intensely impressive. Getting past far is.
Oh wow. Really big. Yeah. Really amazing. Well done. This one is also from the fan called it's from Trena and it says My fucking her today is that I just finished paying off a huge loan that I took out to pay off my credit card debt in college. I spent way beyond my means and was very irresponsible with money. I had no idea how to handle my newfound freedom and had been literally paying the consequences since. It took me a long time to even make the decision to take out a loan for my debt.
But doing so allowed me to get a handle on those nasty interest charges. Yeah, that's all you gotta do. Yeah, I'm proud to say that I am finally free from all those dumb decisions I made circa 2013. I realize I am very fortunate that I've been able to do this at all this year, but it also took a ton of patience and diligence. I rarely have I needed to celebrate somehow, hence the write in.
Now I just need to pay off my car because I love hearing you talk about therapy and mental health. And every time I listen, I feel like I'm just hanging out with two really cool aunts that want to give me advice about life and stuff. Thank you so much.
That's incredible. It is like Vince went through a similar thing in college. Luckily we didn't you and I didn't go, so we didn't have to deal with it. But yeah, the real he is similarly not knowing how to deal with credit cards. But they on campus, they have like credit card companies setting up booths and getting basically giving college kids credit cards. It's absurd. And yeah, it should be stopped immediately. So the fact that you were able to get a hold of that instead of spending your whole life paying that off is incredible.
Yeah, it's huge. And it is it's, you know, a lot of people there. It's true. It's that kind of thing that happens all the time, though, where you go like you, it's a fucking her and you should pat yourself on the back for it. But you don't want to be like it's a difficult time for so many people. Yeah, but at the same time, you get your credit, you know, in the context of your life, you took care of a very big problem.
Right. And that always should be celebrated. Yeah. I like I'm not anti credit card debt. It can save people's lives and make lives easier. But when it's it's a scam sometimes when that's taken advantage of people who don't know how to you know, or just if you mismanage it and pretend like credit cards mean that, that it's there's no money anywhere or something.
That's what I did with it. And then I ended up having a twenty six percent interest rate so that I could I could never have paid it off. Never. Yeah. Until my friend found out my friend Karen Anderson, who is super responsible and was like called the company on my behalf as me and was like no, no.
She was like I'm making five payments and then after I make my payments, you're taking that percentage down to twenty. And then it's going to go to and she basically explained it to them, which you can do. It's negotiable.
Crazy. Yeah. This is from Instagram. From the moon is my girlfriend name.
My fucking her is that throughout high school I dealt with severe depression and other mental and physical health issues. It was so bad at one point I really didn't believe I would graduate. This time, this impacted my academics and for the past year and a half, I've been scrambling and working hard to improve my grades. Well, this hard work paid off because I'm graduating with a five point three weighted GPA.
But, yeah, I barely graduated high school. And even I know that's fucking excellent. I would have loved a three point five GPA when I graduated.
And during my break at work, I found out that I got into my dream school, the University of Florida. This is an extremely competitive school to get into and I just assumed I wouldn't get in. The fact that I got in not only surprises me, but also served as a reminder that despite mental and physical illnesses that convinced me otherwise, I am smart and can do anything I put my mind to. That's right. Happier than I've ever been.
And so fucking proud hashtag fucking hurray. I feel teary about the her.
Right. That's big. Yeah, that's important. That's an important life. A milestone, an accomplishment.
And milestones are all a big milestone that's beating the odds. You know. That's great. Yeah. Yeah. What was that person's name. Oh sorry. My girlfriend is the moon. My girlfriend is the moon.
Congratulations. My girlfriend is the moon. Love it. And you're on top of everything else. Your girlfriend is the. I mean you lucky.
I bet she's I bet she's romantic. She's just just stares down at you all the time with that glow.
OK, this is from social media. It's from b'day underscore. Twenty three beat twenty three. My fucking right is that I just got home from getting my first dose of the covid vaccine. I've been teaching my second graders in person five days a week since August. Oh my God, it's so frightening. And this is the first time I have had any sense of peace all school year.
Wow. Today I am especially thankful to all the incredible people that made it possible for me to have this vaccine shout out to my fellow teachers. We are all kicking ass and doing the very best we can. Thank you, Karen in Georgia, for all you do to bring joy to my Mondays and Thursdays. I appreciate it more than, you know, SS, GM.
Wow, I, I mean, that is a really beautiful thing. My sister is a teacher and my dad has a what do you call it, a preexisting issue, and they both have gotten their second shot.
Such a really. And it is I can't wait until we are in summer and everybody gets to feel that feeling.
It's going to be it's going to be it's not going to be over. It's still going to be a risk. And people are still going to be affected from it. But it's going we're going to have a handle on it a little bit. And it's going to feel like I don't think everyone's going to realize until then how frightening this past year has been until. Yeah, until we're all on the other side of terrible. Well, you know why?
I think it's once people start really getting to enjoy themselves in a normal way again, that's when it's going to be like, oh, wow, this has been unbelievable.
I try it on a dress the other day when I was I mean, like cleaning out my closet and I almost started crying. I put on little heels and a person went with it and I was like, this is the first time I matched. I haven't been wearing slippers. I've matched a purse to my shoes. You were doing some going outside cosplay. Yeah.
And I spun and then I put it all away and there were fucking cobwebs covering my high heel shoe as I get in there with a duster every once in a while.
Why, Joe, we have to end on that. All right. Well, then, thanks, everybody, for listening. We love you. So you do. And, you know, keep up the good work. Everybody up and stay sexy and don't get murdered. Good bye, Sloppy Joe.
Sloppy Joe. Elvis, do you want a cookie? I.