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There's good news tonight. So often the good news doesn't get as much attention as the bad. So every Saturday, we highlight the many people who spread joy and love. These are just some of those stories this week.


When you think of stepping up to the plate, this Southern California Little League team knocks it out of the park.


That's Norco Braves' coach, Pete Moreno, handing out jerseys to his players. But there was still one jersey left. We got one Watch as he gives it to the team's biggest fan, Mikey Mena, who has down syndrome. Mikey, now an honorary player.


Mikey, Mikey, Mikey.


That's heart transplant patient Ashley Stewart, finally meeting the family of the woman who gave her the life-saving gift.


Watch as Gino Caluci is moved to tears listening to the beating the heart of his beloved wife, Raquel, who died suddenly two years ago.


This is Melody.


Her legacy living on in Ashley's baby girl, who she named Jane Raquel, in honor of Mrs. Colucci.


Here's a reunion one California family thought might never happen. They're overjoyed at finally getting their dog Mishka back after she went missing last summer.


There she is.


Mishka, who was microchipped and wearing a collar with ID, was finally found more than 2,000 miles away in Michigan.


Look at Mishka.


And in Florida. That's 99-year-old World War II Army veteran, Sydney Levy, surprised by school kids in Palm Beach County. This celebration planned by the Honor Flight organization. I noticed that not only did they sing the Star-Spangled Banner, but you sang along with that. What did that mean to you?


Oh, breathtaking. It'll never leave me. The kids, the shining faces, the peace on their faces.


Are you surprised at all that this video has touched so many people?


I think they need it. I think they really need it. To get up and understand the value of living in this country.


It's freedom.


By the way, in our conversation, I asked Mr. Levet what was his secret to a long, healthy, and successful life. His answer? Ice cream.


Lots of it.


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