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There you go. Alone is not the best way-We got


Play hockey.


That's a hit. But when dad's not around, it is Matt Jenkins. I got him. Default. Nonstop. Denise and Morgan-That's daily.say hockey is everything to their son.


How much do I like hockey? 100%, dude.


Matt is unique. When he was born, there was some hintings there.


There was a genetic marker that was missing in his chromosomes. Developmentally delayed.


That's all they can tell us.


Delayed and delightful. Don't do this at home.


Got him. Matt liked his high school years. And three more spent after graduation in his school district's transition program.


After that, here you go.


Missing his friends and structure, Matt found Solace alone at the ice arena, where he also found them.


The Mud Ducks. A group of men in their 60s and 70s. It's our coffee clutch.


They said, If you want to come at nine o'clock when we start, you can skate with us.


Which is how 74-year-old Don Bremen and 74-year-old Tom Watt ended up skating daily with 21-year-old Matt.


Nice shot.


Don's a good to me. You're a good teammate.


Oh, thank you, sir.


They're his team.


This is where it all begins.


The team that thought Matt needed better gear then bought it for him. He gets those pads on.


Including a jersey like theirs.


He sets his alarm every day.


My dog's sitting at the front door waiting. That looks good.


Just when Matt needed new friends.


You look like one of us. He is.


He found them. Three times his age.


They are everything to him. He comes home and he talks about them. So-and-so wasn't here today. They think he's sick. I hope he's okay.


The mud ducks don't play games. They just play. Enjoying hockey and each other.


It's been a blessing for everybody. When Steve Burnham saw how Matt was thriving, he started bringing his own son, Will, who has autism. Hey, look at that Will going. Now learning to skate and getting encouragement from Matt.


We're doing good, Will.


What do you say? They let him be who he is, and they are inclusive.


Hi, Pauley.


When we leave, he gives us a hug. There you go. It means a lot.


Wisdom, born of age.


This is in life, isn't it? And French.


Two, three. Bored of a flock.


Yeah, he's a mud duck.


Boyd Hooper. Nbc News, Cotted Grove, Minnesota.


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