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It's time for our latest Good News installment, and we introduce you today to some folks proving they are a cut above. Hundreds of people flooded Southern California over last weekend on a simple mission, an act of kindness through a simple haircut.


In San Diego last weekend, a great big haircut. 450 people lopping off inches and inches, all for a good cause. The Great Cut 2024 is a giant hair donation. The locks heading to the nonprofit Children with Hair Loss. Last year, they sent wigs to more than 600 children at no cost at all. 20-year-old Mackenzie Corbin has alopecia. She's gotten a wig from the nonprofit every year since she was four. What were you feeling as you watched all these people get their hair cut?Incredient.Incredient..


It was incredible. I cried. It was happiness. It was love. The event drawing people from all across the country.


I just feel so blessed to be able to grow hair like this that there's no reason that somebody else shouldn't benefit from it. I've always wanted to donate my hair. My hair grows really fast, and I have a lot of it. So I want to do some good with it.


In 2019, the Great Cut set the world record for the most hair donated to charity in 24 hours at 339 pounds. This year, clocked in at around 219 pounds. Are you ready to go? Are you ready for this? Organizer Chris Healey donated a whopping 30 inches. 3, 2, One, cut. See you. Kindness here is a matter of inches. The love in the room today was something really extraordinary.


I have never seen that much hair in my life. It was amazing. It was a win.


Would you encourage everyone to donate hair if they can?


Absolutely. Without having those people, my life would not be the same. I am who I am, and it doesn't matter whether I have hair or not, but at the end of the day, there's somebody that's going to support me.


One quick cut going a long way.


I just love it. Organizers are already planning the next great cut for 2030. They need a few years to grow those locks again, and they're hoping to break their own record that we mentioned was set back in 2019.


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