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Growing up in California, Claire Hall always knew what she wanted to be.


My original dream was to be a hair stylist to the stars of Hollywood.


She graduated from cosmetology school, but then life took a turn in a different direction.


I am a proud teacher, and I teach special education. What we're going to do today...


In her first year at Acalani's high school outside San Francisco. All right, are you ready? Claire met Mason Zollner.


Oh, my gosh. He's a doll. What does this say?


Funny and sweet. Kangoo.


How do you know that says kangoo?


But he also has his own challenges.


Mace, Mace, Mace.


Like his mom, Karen says, sitting still for a haircut. What was it like when you were in charge of the haircuts?


There is no style. It just was always a little bit traumatizing for him. He didn't want to go to a barber.


But when Mason got invited to a celebration for students with special needs. Okay, you ready? Karen knew she needed help, and Ms. Hall was ready to step in.


I was ready. I was like, That's my guy. Mason, can you come up? Let's get your hair cut.


Oh, Mason. She turned it into a lesson about life skills.


All right, so I'm going to use the clipper on Mason.


Trimming Mason's hair in front of the whole class.


It was a collision of both of my loves.


Then the big night.


Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a warm welcome to Mason.


Mason is confident as ever. Looking like a million bucks.


He was spreading down the red carpet in his little tuxedo and his gorgeous new haircut. This was a whole new Mason.


You see, what Claire gave Mason was much more than just a haircut. And for Claire, much more than she ever could have imagined.


I'm living the dream. They don't have the opportunities that everyone else does. Excuse me. To be able to put my love into Mason for now is a dream.


Claire tells us, by the way, that she a new dream now to open a hair salon for those with special needs.


By the way, how good did Mason look?


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