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And we're on a pod. Special guest.


Oh, my.




Can we add the C in there? Marquise C. Brown.


Just Marquise C. Brown.


Marquise. Has that C always been in there?


It started to become in there, like, once I saw, like, so many Marquises. Like, there's a football player, probably multiple football players. Marquise Brown. So, you know, just like, for.


Our listeners and viewers, marquise C. Brown.


Wait, question, question. What is this?


Yes, yes.


Marquise Christina Brown, our friend from Ned's Declassified, played Chandra on the show.


Like Moses, like, best friend.


Yes. I like the C. Marquise Chandra Brown. Love that turn up. You were with us from episode one. You have one of the quoted lines. It's like heaven in a locker.


Oh, my goodness, I forgot about that episode.




It's like heaven in a locker.


Oh, wow.


Thanks for that memory. I totally forgot about that. Yeah, I didn't even have a name at that point. I think it was like, girl one or yeah, exactly.


You started as, like, girl one, filling in spaces and then graduated to Chandra. Yeah. Well, thank you.


Appreciate it.


What was your process to get on the show to start?


Okay, yeah.


First of all, how'd you get in the business, and then how did your Ned's journey start?


Okay, that's a very fun question that I actually really enjoy telling all the story I enjoy telling. So I begged my mom when I was a kid, like, get me into acting, all this stuff. She told me no so many times. I went and took a bath one day. This is like, five years old, so let's just get that there. Went and took a bath, got out of the bath, covered myself in baby powder, put on a jasmine, like, sleep set, and then that's all I remembered of the story. And then my mom was like, no. And then you ditch your old lady character and put on a whole skit and was like, fine, okay, we'll figure it out. So there was, like, a family to be an actress.


Oh, absolutely.


And now the baby powder. Was it just because you were like.


I think I knew. No, I think I knew. Yeah. My brain was like, well, we're not the same complexion.




Yeah, exactly. But I had a whole treasure chest full of wigs and things. I was always creating stories and characters and things like that, so yes, that is how and so we had a family friend, and my mom was like, worked with this guy to help me get into the industry.




So when it comes to actually Ned's Declassified, I cannot remember quite exactly how that audition process was, but I can tell you how I started acting.


Yes. Perfect. Beautiful.


She's like, Ned's is too small.


I'm not sure.


I barely remember being on that.


No, it was great. I remember there are several stories I actually remember, but, like, the pilot episode and not necessarily the episode, but also just like our schooling that we had to do and just all being in the same room.


So when we did I was trying.


To say when we did transfer to I don't even remember what studio and probably when we actually got picked up, you guys went to a separate room. And my brain was so confused as to like, why can't we all be.


In the same room?




Was it a big deal?




For me, yeah, it was such a big deal. Because we started off in the same classroom. Yeah, exactly. So I remember trying to sneak in your classroom and be like, I used.


To love when we got visitors, especially you. That was a fun one.


I appreciate it.


But those are the things that I remember having to be in school and trying to just focus me.


Like, I want to hang out.


I want to be friends.


We spent a lot of time in school, guys, for the people that don't know.


Yeah. Child labor laws. 3 hours of schooling a day.


There aren't many labor laws that protect us.


But that one. Yeah. I forgot that we all started in one room. I think it was my mom who was like, these kids need to because we weren't getting school done. There were 20 of us in a school. Not at all. School is not happening.


Not at all.


Playing. Oh, yeah. I was like, no, these kids are going to be like us who are on it every like, no, no. They need to actually learn while we're doing like, you're going to be on the show a while. We need to learn.


And Devin needs a private.


Look how upset he still is about it.


I need to poop in private.


He's got a pooping problem.


I do not.


He's got a pooping problem.


I think he actually has a very healthy bowel.


Thank you. That I do.


When I give my telescope.


Whoa. Sir, are you pregnant? Are you pregnant? No, it's just poop. Wow. Goodness. But yeah. It's so great to see you. It's been a part of this podcast. Journey has been watching these episodes for the first time in forever. Some of them I have memories from so many of them. Not a memory. Do you know what I mean? It was so long ago that some of these episodes I'm like, if I didn't know that was me, you could have told me this was anyone else's show. I don't remember filming these episodes because we were little baby children.


We sure were.


So my favorite Chandra moment was when you go, Jennifer, I'm going to the bathroom or whatever. And I'm like I'll come with you. Because I don't know, I can't fuck with the fucking line. But it's like my favorite thing was looking across and being like, because I know how to go to the bathroom, or something like that.


I remember that it's like, a moment yeah. When you were trying to because you.


Needed a second to go to the bathroom with you.








And you and I just looked at each other like, let's go.




I think those are the days of my braces and trying to figure out how to adjust my mouth around those things.




I believe I had them, too. I believe if that was, like, first.


Year, they weren't the whole thing.


No, they weren't. Yeah, no, but I'm trying to yeah, exactly. Just trying to get your lips around braces, not scrape your upper body, jack your mouth up.


I had this thing I think it was in first season. I, like, lost some no, I never got invisalign. I lost, like, a tooth late, so I lost it, like, on Ned's. So I had a flipper.


Oh, I think I remember tooth.


So for those of you at home, when a child actor loses a tooth, you have to get, like, a little custom tooth to put liz is just.


Gesticulating off camera for those listening.


Yeah. So, like, a child actor will have to get it's called a flipper. They'll custom make, like, a retainer with a tooth on it to fill in that gap, because I couldn't be Ned smiling with, like, a gap. And so then my real tooth started to grow in over the flipper, so it wasn't fitting well. And in one of the scenes on Ned in the bloopers, something happened. I got hit, and I swallowed my flipper. Oh, my God. Wow. Yeah. So we're filming, like, with my little flipper tooth in the scene. I was like, I just swallowed my flipper. Dang, wait.


Give me the rest of that story.


How did it yeah.


You feel that thing ripping through your intestines?


Yeah, I had to go to the hospital. No, I don't really I don't remember. No, I think I think mom.




I think I think my mom probably called and, like, was like, is he gonna die? And they were like, no, unfortunately, no, he's fine, man.


He still has a lot to I.


Think I think it just came out.




My mom would know the end of that story. I don't remember it. She might have had to look to make sure it came out. You know what I mean?




I mean, I don't know why you weren't already looking. I do a thorough check of my bowels since I was seven.


Eight. Now, clarify. You just used your hands. Was that metaphorically or literally?


What I do in my bathroom is my business.


You brought it up.


I but here's my question. So did the set have to go to the expense of getting you another one? Because those are expensive.


Can't remember. You know, I was a child.


Did you shoot the rest of the scenes? So it was, like, Ned's Hillbilly to classify.


I think that I was probably trying to keep my lip down.




Not smile.


But that story actually reminds me of when we were doing the wood shop episode or something. I don't remember exactly, but I think it was like wood craze.




So I'm sitting there, and I'm in the front row, and we're about to shoot, and I have gum in my mouth, and I know dog on well, I shouldn't have gum in my mouth. So they say, action, and I'm like, oh, yeah. And so we're supposed to be cheering. I'm like yes. And then wood chips are flying, and then a wood chip flew into my mouth, and so I'm like.


To maintain the clap.


Yes, absolutely. Yes. Because I knew dog on well, I should have had gum in my mouth, and also a wood chip is down my mouth. And at that age, I didn't know I didn't want to be like, I'm.


Joking, keep it going.


The show is alive.


This is more important than my life.


Yes, exactly. It's okay.


I'll breathe. Yeah. So that just reminds me of just.


First of all, don to take it to Debbie Donna, but how sad is that? I think a lot of young just young kids in general, I know that I was always like, whatever you need, you need this fucking armor. As kids, I think we want to please just as people, and we're in this situation that we feel very honored to be in, and we've worked to get here, and we don't want to be a problem or let go or anything. And that kind of translates into even physically, sometimes being uncomfortable or hurting know, not asking for a pad if you're falling or whatever.


For sure.


A menstrual.


No, I used to refuse the pads because I thought that made me like, oh, yeah, I'm like Tom Cruise. I do my own. You hit your knees enough times, that.


Kneecap is going to.


Every scene, every.


Episode, every scene, every scene.


I don't need. I'm good. No, I think even without becoming a child actor, I would have ended up a people pleaser. But really, with the child acting, you really become that of just like, it's not whatever you need. I'm not sure my needs and wants. No, I'm just so lucky to be here. Yeah. Lucky to be here.


Lucky to be so much of that. But I also think because I recently had this conversation about how we kind of are innately groomed to be people pleasers. Like, when you're growing up as a child, you have to please your parents. They tell you, oh, go to sleep. And you're like, I don't really want to go to sleep. And it's like, Go to sleep. Okay, fine, I'll go to sleep.




But it's so much of that within our development. So then when we become adults, it's a natural thing, I think, innately for us to figure out, one, are we still people pleasing? And how can we get out of that, but also speaking up for ourselves. But then going back to acting, I remember getting to the point where I was like that my life is not my own. And that was sad, and I didn't realize it. And there were, like, two seasons of my life where I really remember that experience and that thought process of being so wanting to be so available for auditions, and you can't go on vacation, or you plan a vacation, and then it's like, oh, but you have an audition. It's like, okay, but I booked out, so why did I book out? No, so it's like always wanting to be available for the opportunities, and you lose so much of yourself. So I think that, yes, as you're saying, we have grown up to be oh, man, I've been waiting for that to come out. I was trying to be cute earlier.


Gosh get it.


Clear it on out.


I might have a little bit more later. Excuse me.




Fancy. Thank you so much.




Oh, I feel better.


There's that head boy. Yeah.


There we go. So in that development, but also recognizing the unhealthy thought process of considering how my life is not my own because I've dedicated so much mentally to this thing. It's such a mental game.




And you'd be like, I'm in too.


Deep to stop now, for sure. But then it's like to hear yourself, my life is not my own.


What are you on? That's not a great for state of being.


No, not at all.


That statement truly describes how I was with my first manager and how just what I thought my life was not my own. And that's why it got so lost in just other things and personally trying to find my way out of it, because I just never put it that way. But that's exactly what it felt like.


Yeah. I think that's a journey for all of us actors, especially if you started super young. I definitely have gone through different I think it's constantly evolving, that thing of that. I have this dream that I care so much about, and I put my entire life into, like you said, mental energy, keeping up my belief that I can see this dream through even when I can't see it externally. Right. So much self time with it. And then yeah. There is an aspect to pursuing acting where yeah, you feel like you can't live fully your other things you want to do, or travel or just feel free in your fucking life because you're waiting for the door to open for you and waiting for the audition. And then maybe you're like, Fuck it. After years, you're like, Fuck it. I'm going to book a ticket, and I'm going to go just travel. And then, of course, a fucking audition.


Comes and you book it, and it's like, the biggest thing. And you're like, okay, so I needed.


To book a vacation there's such a.


Weird kind of toxic, relationship, abusive relationship aspect to pursuing acting. And at its worst, you can feel so disempowered in your own life, even though it's your dream that you're choosing.




And you could fucking give it up at any time, anytime, or turns out what I've grown into is turns out if I want to pass it on an audition, I fucking can. If I want to go travel for a while and whatever opportunities I miss, I miss, I fucking can.




I feel settled in the last couple of years that I'm going to do this for the rest of my life.


Okay. Yeah.


So I also need to live my life.




And I also need life experience to bring to the work. Yes. Fuck it. I'm just going to do me for a while. And if the opportunities line up, great. If I'm traveling and some shit comes, whatever, man, they miss me.


They miss me.


I didn't there'll be more.


Yeah, very much so.


Yeah. But it's a journey.




You're still on it. You still in it. Let's go. Martin C. Brown, baby.


I am now in that point of being like, I'm going to live my life. At the end of last year, I was feeling like, okay, I need to take a break. And much like a lot of people, the pandemic was like and thankfully, I feel like I got more big audition opportunities during that time than I had experienced prior to that moment. And so with the necessity of all these self tapes and I'm doing these self tapes and I'm trying to work with friends, but I'm getting bigger opportunities, and my manager is like, this isn't working, so you need to coach. I'm like, okay, cool. I'll coach, so I've coached. And now I'm paying for coaching. I'm paying for tapes. Now. At this point, I'm like, I'm paying for auditions. Okay. So then she says, the coach that I'm working with isn't working, so go to this coach. Now, this coach is more expensive. I'm like, okay, cool. I will use it as an investment.




Exactly. I will treat it as an investment. So now then I become dependent upon this coach. And she's lovely, absolutely love her, but yet it's like the financial aspect, and I'm at this point just pouring dumping into it. Like, I'm investing in myself because I want this thing, and it's like, it's bound to happen. And then I was like, listen, I'm tapped out. And so it's that same mindset of trying to give so much to this thing because you want this grandiose opportunity. And it would be like, oh, you're great, but okay, just one more. I just felt this urge of like, okay, I need to break, I need to break. And so I tell a good friend of mine that I'm like, okay, I'm thinking about taking these six months of a break. And he's like, that's a long time. No, I understand. So then we have the same manager. So I talked to my manager, and I was like, yeah, I'm thinking about taking, like, at this point, it was like a four month break. And she's like, that's a long time. I was like, I understand, but that's why I'm talking. I'm open to figuring something out.


And she's like, It's just a long time. I'm like, okay, do you have any other feedback?


Yeah, exactly. No, it fucking isn't. Which is also no, it isn't that time.


No. By correct. And so to consider, like, I had to really consider for myself how long I've been doing this. I'm like, I've been doing this for a lot of years.


Yeah, that's a small fraction.


It's a small fraction. So I decided I'm like, okay, I hear you, but I'm going to take a break. So I took a break for, like, four months at the end of the year, and then January came, and she's like, so how are you feeling? I'm like, I haven't missed it. I missed the idea of creating characters and telling stories, which I also realized in this time that's really why I got into acting, is to create characters and to tell stories. So I'm now trying to discover what that looks like for me and how I can expand in my creativity. So that's what I'm doing now. It's phenomenal. I'm working on a personal development book, and I'm really excited about that. Let's go. Yeah, that should be I'm like I'm hoping that it can be published. I'm self publishing by the end of the year, but it's just, like, such a journey. I've never written a book before, but I've imagined myself writing a book and also a personal development book nonetheless.


Get it done.


My goodness. Yes. So personal development book is coming out at some point in time.


Open up a little bit more about that to me, because from your IG and whatever, you are so in tune, it seems like. Right?




Thank you.


Yeah. So just tell me about that, your connection with spirit and how that kind of helps you through. I absolutely love that aspect of you. I feel like it just like you can feel it coming off of you.


Thank you.


Nice thing.


Thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you.


Has that been, I mean, tested throughout this journey?


Oh, absolutely. Oh, my gosh. I wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't have my spirituality. So I started to get actually into personal development. Development easy for me to say that and say that five times fast. Personal development, like, around 23. And that's when I started to really realize, like, oh, crap, you don't know anything. You think you know so much. And now I'm like, oh, man. So then I also started to become more self aware of, like, oh, wow, I'm not doing the same things I used to do, or like, the thought process and it was kind of tripping me out. So as I'm reading these books and then also becoming more self aware, but then also trying to figure out, is anyone else processing like this? Do you ever just sit around and be like, wow, I would have made a different decision previously, but now I'm doing something different. And so I kept having this dynamic thought of like, oh, I would have it. And now I'm currently who am I? Yes, exactly. So life has progressed. I'm reading these books, and that has really helped. And just like, my relationship with God is so important and it's grown.


And also not necessarily the religious aspect of things, but the spiritual aspects of knowing that I am not alone. And I think that is so important. I just wish that more people can understand whatever spirit looks like for them, just to know that you are not alone. And I think it can be hard to get around the idea of this seemingly for some people, this grandiose idea of spirit, like, well, what does that really mean? But I think it's just like the internal thought of everything doesn't have to rely on your shoulders and depend on your thought process. Yes. You got to think for yourself, of course, but there are so many resources that you can turn to, and there are aspects that we can refer to and from other people's knowledge and gain from their nuances. So it's been within this self discovery of life and also just trying to find balance with acting because you need it. Because also in taking on these different characters and learning that you can't judge the characters, but you have to learn to understand them and find it within your body. That's a lot. So I remember I think it was this commercial audition that I had, and it was such a heavy topic, and I remember leaving the audition being like, oh man, I'm drained a lot of weight on.


Yeah. And so just being aware of these aspects of what it is that we do, I just felt like innately called to really try to figure myself out because we can get so lost in taking on these different attributes and trying to find it within ourselves. Yeah.


Where do I start?


Where do I start?




Yes. What's my place? And also starting so young, you can easily be bombarded with all of these different characteristics that you do have to take on for the sake of this job and then never found.




So through that discovery that has what I'm going to say has led me to this energetic place, but it's such a constant, and I think that's the thing that I have to remind myself of in those moments where I'm like, I'm tired and it's like, okay, but that's okay. It's okay to be tired. Or it is a daily choice to make a decision for yourself. And it's a moment by moment choice to make certain decisions for yourself. And so it's in that awareness of those aspects that keep me going. Like, okay, I don't like to give something like a negative experience like my whole day. I really try. Yeah, exactly.


I feel like you all pretty similar with that.


Don't let a little sliver of time.


I love you. Yeah. So much.


So what I also hear you saying is just like, I feel like people take definitions for God, spirit, universe, and it's like, redefine that for yourself. Take it back. Expand your definition of self. God, that's a vibration for you. You know what I mean? So it's like, take it in. It's not a collective experience. There's a collective power in it, but it's not a collective totally personal. Also individual.




I like that.


Thank you.


And on where you're at with acting right now, man, I had probably six months to a year where I didn't have reps in my twenty s. I literally let it go. I had one manager. I hadn't had an agent for a while. I wasn't feeling great about the manager. But rather than going and finding the next one, I was like, you know what, man? I'm just going to take my hands off the wheel for a fucking minute and just good for survive in the way that I need to. It's not like I was like, thriving at the time. I was working a day job. I was like, sure, I'm just going to survive, do what I need to do in this time in life that I'm in right now, and actually let this fucking pressure off from my childhood of gripping the fucking wheel to try and make this fucking thing work, man. You can get stuck in such scarcity and just feeling like absolutely not good enough and all that. And I got to make it work. And that energy, that fucking anxiety. And so taking time off, like people telling you four months is a long time.


No, it's fucking not.


No, it's not.


What, you might have two auditions in those four months.


Yeah. And acting is not going anywhere.


You could take ten years off and come back, to be honest. And I think for those of us who have been pursuing it since we were kids, actually giving yourself the freedom if you want to stay in it as an adult, great. But actually giving yourself the freedom to, for a second, set it down. And then if you're going to choose it as an adult, choose it as an adult. Absolutely. Do it. And managers and agents, like, they won't understand it. Saying four months is a long time in this industry is hilarious to me.


It really is.




Because it's not at all. But it goes back to what you're saying, like the scarcity mindset. I think it's quite scary how we can get sucked into that idea.


Perform your best when you're in that scarcity mindset?


No, not at all.


You're under pressure, like, nah, you're not given your best your best performance.


Yeah. There's a sense of desperation. I got to the point of being like, I will prove it to everybody. And it's like, exactly who, honey, are you proving it to?


And because it's weighty carrying these dreams.


It'S weighty from a child. Most people there's not many people in the world who are doing the same thing that they were doing when they were a child, occupationally. And so for us to have this dilemma where we have to try and continue an occupation without ever branching out and saying, what are my other options? I feel like some of our contemporaries haven't acknowledged that there are other options out there for them. So I always encourage actors to look into other occupations.


Yes. Other jobs, other aspects of creativity. Just other ways to live your fucking life, like, other ways to prioritize.


Don't feel so pigeonholed into this character.


That'S been laid out for I OOH.


I let it go way past for Arizona for two years, but not before. Just a whole bunch of humiliation and all of that. But I would be so I tell this horror story of, like, I was at the play that you did, the one act, the one with no, not that one. The little one that you did with Sarah at the oh, the Young Playwrights Festival.


Yeah, that's right. You were in it. Right. Shout out Young Playwrights Festival. Right.


So I looked forward to working so much, right. But I physically could barely get up and go do it. And I remember driving to the theater, windows down, just screaming and crying in the middle of Hollywood traffic, like, I don't want to do this. And I look over. Ian Harding from PLL has his window down right there. Got to make eye contact with him. And I'm like, I don't know what else to do. But yet there was this part of me that was still just like, auditions, auditions. And obviously, my body was literally saying, please stop trying to make it. You know what I mean? Work after.


Oh, God. Yeah.


I feel you. And those two years in Arizona, I do feel like I got to choose again to come back out here, because I was kind of just brought out here for better, for worse, and choosing it again. That is the thing. Being intentional about what you're doing out here and being like, okay, I'm here. Not just on this train that's already moving. Right?




But, like, that's it.


If anything in your life, not just acting, if anything starts to feel like this fucking boot on you, but it's something you think you want.




Set it down for a while. Even a fucking relationship. I'm serious. Set it down for a second until you can choose it in your body. In the present moment, if it starts to. Feel like this fucking thing. What are we doing?


Especially a creative venture. It's like this is supposed to be fun.




If you're not enjoying it.


Hey. Yeah.


Why am I doing this?


Damn, I wish I could have just seen it from a I mean, I don't, but just a bird's eye view of just like chaos. I would come home from that play, not like shower, wash anything, and just lay on the couch and get up till the next time I had to get up, which was probably like 15 hours later. It was awful.


This just reminded me I kind of had an inverse of the play. I did elevator. There's also the beauty of acting and creativity, which is like my parents were getting divorced and I had run out of money and was working like two day jobs for the first time in my life in this same period of time. And then I happened to book this play that actually ran for nine months. And it was a lot of work. But that play was so fucking good at that time in my life because where life had become a lot and processing my parents divorce was so fucking hard and just how much my life had changed and working these jobs where my heart probably would have naturally started to close and just shut down and numb because it was too much I had to open it up. Fucking four shows a weekend for this play and in rehearsals for nine months during it. So no matter how much I would want to protect, I had to fucking open up and create and express and let myself feel. And that was the beautiful part of this work. It came at a time when I fucking needed that.


And it actually helped keep me balanced. Like, fuck.




That's the other side of it.


Usually what I find is whatever you're booking is like the outlet that you need at times.


Absolutely. Still love it?


Yes, for sure. I can't imagine I imagine that I'm just going to take a break, but I also can't imagine being too far separated. So we'll see what that looks like in the future. But right now I'm just enjoying just like the creative freedom to just be like, let's just play in the sand.


Good. And the personal freedom to just let all the pressure off for a while. Just fucking absolutely. Do you?




It's such a thing.


That's great.


So what is your hope for this book? That it reaches people.




But what can you see? Originally I was like, oh, this is going to help so many people. And then I started writing. I was like, oh, this is helping you okay.




So I think it's like as I'm writing it, it's just like the development of these things, like talking about self awareness and trying to figure out how do I actually talk about this? And having a through line. And then also, now I'm in the chapter of identity, and my gosh, I'm like I went through such an identity shift with this whole adjustment that I'm taking now to figure out, like, okay, well, who am I? If I've always known myself to be an actress and model and just like, okay, great. But now you're not doing those things, so who are you? And so it's within that that I'm hoping that I can share stories from my experiences that someone people can relate to, and I just hope that it can reach the right people who need it in the time in which they need it. And so really, just to share. Yeah.


So would you ever do any speaking engagements?


Oh, I would love to.


Oh, my.


To. We need to get Marquise C. Brown on Ted Talks.


Oh, come on. Competing brand. Hold on, hold on. Let's call the lawyer.


I am so excited for you. I can't wait to check it out and read it. Like, if it's half of what you give in person, then it's going to heal many people.


You just gave me chills.


Thank you.


I appreciate that.


Thank you. Thank you.


Really, though. Yeah, totally.


Yeah, we'll see. So my other idea since we're on the mic, is just to also get into hosting. That's another thought of mine too. I would love to host, like, a dating show, like a reality dating show, just ask questions. Because I feel like some of these shows, everyone's not asking the proper questions, but that's like dating in general.


But you're so right.


They leave so much on the table.


You're really going to let them just say that?


Yeah, sure. Not going to dig into that now.


They look good, they smell good. They're paying for my dinner. Okay.




So, yeah, just exploring.


I was driving to shoot the Pod yesterday, and there's a fucking billboard for The Golden Bachelor.


Have you guys seen is this an older man?


Yeah, the poster was this hot older man, and it said, like, I think he's hot, he's rich, he's 72.


He's 70 as well.


Or he's 72, 72, 72. And now I don't watch The Bachelor, but I think I might watch The Golden Bachelor because young people getting on The Bachelor, like, I know what they're about, but also getting on television. Right, but really, they're not but these.


70 girls, they got to be there.


For the what are we doing?


They're there for that Viagra. That viagra d. Wow.




Wait, let's get you're telling me there's going to be fantasy suites.


What does that mean?


Fantasy suites mean they stay over with each other for the night. That doesn't come till the end. You got to make top three.


No one watches the best that's bedtime at that point.


They're actually going to be sleeping.


You thought about it ahead of time.


You're right.


I'm up.


Exactly. Wow.


Okay, so I'm going to ask you the dumbass question that I said that I had for you guys.


Okay, great.


I think I actually already asked you all this, but I have to ask Marquise.




Would you cryogenically freeze yourself?


Would have remembered that one.


Maybe these are just conversations I've had in my head.


I think you've had a lot of those. We talked about that thing. I'm like, no.


Ortiz, would you cryogenically freeze yourself?


For what purpose?


You get to decide the purpose. There are so many.


So like Austin Powers like, freeze yourself. Come back in a couple of hundred.


OOH. Can I go like third?




I know, because I need to think about why I would do the question.


Really is, are you worth cryogenic? And I'm like, Damn.


But who will be deciding that?


I got to find my own purpose.


Existential question right there.


I don't want you to be using resources on me. If I can't even contribute anything back.


Would you wake me up?


I can't do it now.


I can't do nothing in the future. My answer is no.




No. Because I'm living my life now and it's like flowing from me and all the people I'm with now. It's an organic process. It would be like freezing it's a fake plant, but freezing a plant. And yeah, it could live later on, but then it's not going to be like part of the ecosystem it was a part of. So I'm going to freeze myself, wake up, and everyone I know is going to be fucking old, have lived lives and dead. Like, nah, I'm going to just do.


It to be a menace, y'all. Wake me up.


Wake me up. Yeah, this is a different movie. I'm back.


And it's it's tough, like, to go into the future. You're at a disadvantage now. Going into the past. If you talk about time traveling, going back. Yeah, I'll go back and World Series.


That type of make a lot of money. But going into the future, it's like.


These people are flying around and stuff. They're all bioengineered. I wonder what people would look like at that point. I hear that we're going to be kind of deformed because of the technology we've been using.


Is it just a technology?


It might just people just over time get uglier, but no. I mean, they say that holding the iPhone, like, we're going to have punchback because we do.


Yeah, for sure.


Elongate people wearing headphones like the gamers. There's going to be like a big divot in their head. No, I'm serious.


Who is Daniel?


If you would have told that to like a crow magnet or I don't even know if they were the.




Would be like I never thought that we would be bipedal people, but we.


Got more attractive and upright.


We think we're attractive. We might be ugly to those.


Human centrist.


Human Centrist. I love when Daniel uses his big. Love it.


I just paste stuff together.


But you're definitely right. We'd be at a disadvantage going into the future. He's like, all that other shit you said, I don't agree with, but it'd be like being in jail for 30 years. And then you come out and they're like, hey, now go live life. And you're like, what is what is happening? What is TikTok why are they standing there? What is this? Ice cream. So good ice cream. What are they doing?


Riding like a cowboy?


Hey, no, you might be good at that.


Hey, I thought about it also. I thought about it. Just become an NPC streamer.


I thought about it, and then I just watched all the videos that people are like, this is so cringey. And I was like, maybe it is. I mean, it is.


We did, like, a little three person stream.


Daniel is unbelievable.


Shut your mouth.


No, I'm serious, Mark. I'm serious.


Oh, my and have you heard the meme? I am cringe, but I am free.


Hey, it is but it's going back to getting out of the perception of other people. Because, like I said, I watch all these videos and people are like, this is Cringey. And then other people are being like, but I made so much money.


Pinky dog. Pinky dogs making, like, fucking $7,000 a week or something.


Listen, so who am I to talk about cringe?


Redefine cringe for yourself.


My thing is I cringe. My thing is I watch those and I'm like, I don't want to do I don't want to be this.


I'm going to be honest with you. That NPC thing shut me down pretty hard.


I don't know.


No, you hated it. You hated it.


I don't know why you walked away from us.


You felt like it was degrading.


I just felt like I A, didn't know what was going on. B, just didn't like how fast it was going.


And C happening.


Yeah. It was just too much concentration at the Glizzy.




Ice cream.


Hats, sunglasses.


Lindsay, you'd be horrible at orgies. Then you got to stay on your toes.


It's a major.


What is in front of me. I lose the forest for the trees every time.


I get it.


Yeah, no, but your funny quips are so great, and I think you're very detailed at examining a conversation and pulling out these great moments. Moving that, moving that. Might be a little bit too much.


You lose some of the nuance.




And the quality.


Yeah, that's right.


But I did find it very impressive that you did it. I don't know what my brain did, but I was just like, I want to be a part of.


Sat on the couch.


I was like, she excused herself. Conversation. That's Lizzie never does that.


Because I was like, yeah, I was that.


So are you going to cryogenically freeze yourself?


Oh, yes. Okay. I think I'm going to pass. I think I like the idea. I'm literally not going to cryogenically freeze myself? Because I think it would be a cute idea of like, oh, yes, I can come back and be like, OOH, but also, what will that really look like in the future? And I think, as you have said, that your life is living now. So the idea of being like, I'm going to stop and preserve myself, how lost will I actually be when I come back? Of like, dang, you lost a lot of people.


Your muscles atrophy you come out, you're.


Like, hey, I made it, I'm here now. Okay, but at what cost?


Even, like, the trying to I definitely want to age as healthy as possible. But even the obsession with trying to beat aging, that exactly nah. Yeah, I'll age and I'll die, man, and like, thank God. I don't want to be here forever, man. This is plenty.


This is plenty.


I don't want to go too soon, but I'm good with a lifetime. That's enough.


Yeah, I'm good with a lifetime. Yeah.


I don't need to fight my aging. It's natural. It's going to be okay. Yeah, I say that now, but then I know I'm literally late with the fucking dent in my forehead that Daniel's talking about and just like, kill me.


So I should cancel that pod of four.


What about would you go to Mars?


Are you absolutely out of your skull?


I didn't say I would. No, I just asked you.


No, I agree.


No, but she does want to cryogenically freeze.


Look, I know. I wouldn't go to Mars either.


Would you go to Mars?


Oh, that's right. I just need to go in there just for a cooldown they've got to be like, you're at a regular temperature now.


Congratulations. They've got those cryo booths now you can go, like, just cold off before we wrap it up.


Would you go to space?


I mean, you're there already, but thanks. I don't really know what that means.


But thank word there.


Okay, sure.




We're physically in space.


Earth is in space.


Would you go I think after it's been tried and true, then maybe because I'm not trying to go and be like, yes, I'm going to go.


You don't want to be in that imploding submarine. Submarine.


I was trying not to say I'm going to let people but you know.


What stories I feel like they actually obviously scary, horrible, but, like, instant.


That's what I heard.


Thank God.


Yeah, right?


I've heard mixed.


Oh, don't say that.


At first I thought it was instant, and then I heard, like, mixed that they probably at least knew shit was going wrong and were trying to solve problems, so there was probably some anxiety.


And they probably murdered the guy who took him on the trip with the PlayStation.


I would have tried to eat his heart before the thing.


Imagine you haven't imagined.


Imagine you're hearing that and you're taking in the dump. Somebody just from that place.


You know how it was so small.


And you're like, oh, and just shit is in the awful.


Did they have like a ventilation system in there? Ventilation? It doesn't work. You're right.


They're in their stanking and cryogenically. Like waking up with all that crust in your eyes. Stank rest. Like.


One of the side effects. I'm with you, though. No space until it's locked down. Like, I would like to see the Earth from space. Yes, you fucking idiot. Flat Earthers.


Wait, but how cool was that guy who jumped from space?


Unbelievable. Incredible.


It's crazy. He jumped from above earth.


You believe that, you fucking nerd?




He didn't do it.


No, he did. I'm just making fun of idiots. Flat Earthers. You guys are so dumb.




That shit enraged.


Insane. This dude was just like he fell.


From, like the stratosphere. Like a Red Bull.


I don't remember this.




I've gone skydive. I mean, once you jump, you're just going to go so you can't do.


It, but it was different.


Would you do it from that high up?


No. If I'm up there? Yeah. I want to get back. No, hold on. This dude had to train. He knew the G forces. He was going to pass out during it. He had to wear a spacesuit. He was going to pass out, have to wake up and pull a shit. Like no. No one's doing this. This was extremist. You pass out and then you wake up.


When I skydived, I passed out for like 3 seconds.


Oh, wow.




Yeah, dude. That slobber flying.


Dude. You know, it's a chick.


It was a chick, which was great. So no dangling on my back. But yeah, I passed out for like a good 3 seconds. It's all on video. And then you wake up and you're shocked, but then it just feels like you're just laying on a carpet. You reach terminal velocity and your stomach's no longer dropping. Okay, so it's not like a roller coaster when you first hit it. When you're falling at terminal velocity, you do not fill it. It's like you're laying on a carpet.


Terminal velocity sounds like you're going to die.


You passed out. That's like those videos of those, like, slingshot rides, passing out, waking up and seeing where he is. That video is unbelievable, dude.


Oh, my goodness.


Oh my you.


All right? What we like to do is just offer a little tip to the audience. Your own little tip. Oh my gosh.


A little adulthood.


I don't know which, but just offer it to the people.


Oh, man. Okay. I'm going to say my tip is to love on yourself and whatever that looks like. I feel like there are just different aspects of if that's just like taking time for yourself or going for a walk or giving yourself a hug, as awkward as that is. But sometimes it's just nice to just like I just need to be touched and not in necessarily like this sexual way, but in this just like a very compassionate kind of way, but whatever that feels like writing or just taking yourself out on a date, things like that, and just have compassion for yourself. And I think that's the hardest thing sometimes with everything that's going on is to actually care for yourself. So, yeah, just discover what that looks like for you and how you can do that. But be gentle with you. We love Marquis.


Mine is just redefine those big things in your life, like God or whatever, what you believe in. Redefine those things so that you can take them back. They're not constructs out there that are solid written in stone, right? Like they are for you, not against you. So it's like redefine your stuff.


I love that. I love that. Mine is don't be a flat earther. Do you hear me out there? You're not smarter than everybody. Just fucking come back to earth.


Devin, do you think you're smarter than no.


No. There's so much I don't know and so much I defer to people who know more. And just don't be this the smugness of these mothers.


I'm about to become a flat earther.


Just to take on your.


Guys. Be open to experiences. There is a lot out there. Find something that inspires you. Find something that is fun. You might pass out while you're doing it, but you're going to get to your destination. Enjoy the journey.


Wow. Thank you for being here. Marquis, we made it. Yeah, we did.


We are all adults. Look at that.


Crazy, man.


So crazy. Yeah.


And Marquise, I can't wait for your book.


Yes. Thank you. Everybody look out for Marquise later this year around.


Yes. Later this year, hopefully.




Thank you so much.


We'll shout it out.


We'll see you guys next week. Peace.


Bye, guys. Love you guys.


Thanks for watching this week's episode. Big shout out to our patrons. Patrons love you. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for making this show possible. Nedspod. We got bonus content. We got patron only livestream. We take your questions and answer them on the pod part. It's a good time. And a major shout out either over my face or your face. To our super friend. Time for the super friend dance. Big shout out to our super duper friends, legendary X AK. X AK.


And who else we got?


We also got Rebecca. Rebecca. Yeah. Let's go. Yeah. Thank you guys, for real. We love you. We'll see you on the live stream.


We love you guys.




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