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The sponsor of this episode is BetterHelp.


Hi, I'd like some therapy, please.


You? Really? I don't see many men in here. What are you feeling?


Kind of a lot. Like really been stuck in my head and having strong feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy and it all seems to be bleeding into my work and relationships.


That sounds rough. Have you tried making more money? You got to look at things that are going to raise yourself as team. What about a boys weekend? No? Has anybody in your life ever explained the term be a man to you?




Yeah, so you know what's up. Right. You feel better?


Not at all.


That'll still be $700. What? I put in the time.


We all need therapy, but that one, Nat Chief. Try BetterHelp. They're designed to be affordable, convenient, and they have a whole list of amazing therapists for you to choose from to find the right match. So find your bright spot this season with BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp. Com/neds today to get 10 % off your first month. That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P. Com. Com/nets.


Hey. Hi, guys.


Hi. Hi. Hey there. Hi.


I love when you wear lavender, Daniel. Lavender might be my joint. Lavender is a nice.


Color on you. I think I just-.


Wait till you try it on your nails. Oh, yeah. I'm serious, man. I think I just.


Love Daniel's.


Full of- Oh, I got a little hair for him right now.


You got my hair for you, my God. Daniel's been in a terry cotton, a Knitland recently, and.


I like it. You should start your own fashion line. I'm not kidding.


I'm actually pretty good at sewing, guys. Are you?


Yes. Are you actually? I'm sewing up a little sewing kit. I'm on top of it.


In real life? In real life.


Do you teach me? Dude, that's impressive. I got.


A steady hand. Can you teach me?


Yeah, for sure. I really want to learn. Yeah.


That's some old fashioned simple life skills that a lot of people used to have. Now, I don't even know how to thread a fucking needle.




You guys were to entrepreneurial branch out, be entrepreneurial.


Isn't that.


Such a fun word?




Entrepreneurial. Okay. No one knows how to say that. Outside of really the creative sphere, like musician or or yada, would it be clothes or book, like a fragrance, like jewelry, bathrobes, lingerie, slipper?


How would we prove our worth to society?


If it.


Wasn't creative. I mean, holy hell, Daniel.


What brings.


You joy to bring to other people?


Outside of entertainment?


That's a tough one, dude.


Nothing. I think I would want to do a book. You mentioned. Like a little book, actually.


Like a novel or a non-fiction? Both. You know you can.


I know, but will I? That is.


The question. We'll find out. Tune in for the next couple of years.


With us. Like clothing? None of you all would.


Have any other-I would love to do that, but mainly I got into knitting because I was tired of my weight fluctuating and they'd be like, I need something that actually fits. Nice. Yeah, man, I would buy these really nice tuxedoes and stuff. Then I show up to prom and I look all boxy and cramp. I'm like, okay, so I got to bring these. I got to hem these bad boys. It's not.


Going to work. Wow. Well, it's true. When it comes to suits and shit. When you just buy it off the rack, suits were always meant to be tailored because all of our sizes are not the same. Not at all. That's a base size and to really have it fit. But you got to be a little boujee to go get it tailored.


Yeah, that's why I was like, I'm going to do it myself because I'm not paying somebody to do it.


I love that. What about you, Dev? I could see.


You getting into- In terms of what business I would like.


To run? Men's fragrance is. Men's frog runs.




Really don't know. I said Mon's pubis, Mon's fragrance.


Why? Wild.


What does the Mon's and Mon's pubes mean?


I couldn't even tell you. I don't even know what you're saying.




My Mon's.


Mon's pubes is supposed to be like it's a.


Part of the- Of course it is. But what does the Mon's.


Stand for? Should we look it up? What's the etymology of Mon's pubes?


The oracle. There we go.


Wait, we were talking about Mon's pubes and then Mon's what? Mon's fragrance?


I love that you're asking me. You're saying all of this.


Okay, let's see, etymology. Oh, Mon's pubes? They're not giving me what the Mon's is.


They're just showing you pictures.


Daniel, they're starting off on websites.


That are going to tell you. Mon's veneers. Why is it called Mon's pubes? The fat pad over the pubic area- Oh, the foopa? -of females. Yeah, the foopa. Oh, the foopa. There you go. It's also known as the Dunlap. It's when your belly Dunlapped over your belt buckle. I'm sorry, Dunlap. Yes. Okay, the Mon's veneers. The Mountain of Venus.


The Mountain.


Of Penis. Okay, so the Monz Venus is a mountain on the planet.


Wow, the Mountain.


Of Venus. And the Monz Pubis is the proper name for the Fuba?




Going to.


Stick with Fuba. Pubic Mountain. Yeah, Latin.


I'm going to stick with Fuba.


Wait, so the Monz means means fat.


No, it looks like mountain from here. Monz means anatomy.


Monz means mountain. Cubus Mountain.




Monz. I will go to Mount Pube and I will stake my claim from there.


How's your journey for Monz Puber's been? Monz is still struggling, huh?


You know what? Mine is a Monz Puber... Puberous.


Not Puberous. Puberous. Oh. Okay.


It's not a pubel being. What you're saying is it's in the past. It's cotton cake.


Not in the past. It's actually collapsed in on itself. If you don't use those things, they will collapse in. Those muscles just atrophy. Now it's more just like a bundle of dead nerds.


Oh, my God. Volcano wait.


Until you root. You know what I'm saying? From the outside, she looks normal, but from the inside, it's like, are you secretly sending off an electromagnetic signal that is keeping you alone? I'd have the same conversation that I have with my heart and brain with my mom's pubes and say, What are you doing to repel people? Okay, all right. I don't know. That's the thing. I have tried to draw in many little one-night stands. Not many because I don't actually find that attractive. But sometimes you need somebody. But getting to know somebody for a second or whatever, and you assume that they're going to invite you over for a movie and then X, Y, Z happens, right? I'm not a loose person, whatever. I would like to be looser, though, because it's hard. It is really hard. It to literally feel completely undesired. I know what I'm bringing. Do you know what I mean? I know. I'm pretty like blah, blah, blah. But I also know what I'm bringing. I know it's blah, blah, blah. But I'm just flabbergasted by these girls who are like, Yeah, I just took them home, or I brought them home, or this or that.


It was so easy. We just were talking online and then we went out and he took me to a visa for the fucking weekend. I'm like, But how do I even get him to invite me out for anything? In L.


A. Thank you. L.


A is the tough market. -right? -yeah.


-so can I.


Ask you guys? I'm rooting for you, by the way. -i appreciate that. Rooting for you. -you got this.


Thank you, Daniel. What is your guys' criteria for walking up to a girl? Is there ever a girl that you wouldn't walk up to? Not because you don't like her, but because why? Why won't anybody come and mack with me?


It's hard now because so much is being handled on the phone that in real life, I think a lot of dudes are out of practice with just go talk to that person. There's also always a natural hesitation for a lot of dudes. Some dudes are fucking shameless. They're just like, I'll fucking talk to anybody. That's a good way to be if you're not a fucking creep. Right. But a lot of us have a natural hesitation to just walking up to a stranger, even if you're attracted to them and just starting a conversation. It's always like, well, what the fuck do I say? I have a hesitation. Of course, I see a lot of beautiful women when I'm out at bars and shit, but it's so fucking loud. I hold myself back often because I don't want to yell.




Like, She's attractive, but I don't want to be.


Like, Hey. She's going to find that out about you very soon anyway.


That what? That you yell?


You'll probably try to get in the car and have accidentally not unlocked and be like, Get in. You know what I mean? Death is quick to that little spark.




I'm quick. You got to let it out. You got to.


Let it out. But I'm free. That's why it's not in me.


No, I feel it.


The valves are going. The valves are letting it all. But yeah, it's a tricky thing, approaching a stranger.


Especially beautiful strangers. That might be tough for you as well. I found myself staying away from, Oh, yeah, no, I'm not going to try that one.


I also get a thing of just like, Oh, she gets this. All the time. I'm just another fucking- All the time.


-i'm just another fucking- How cliché? You're beautiful. I think you're beautiful. Can we talk?


She's like, I know.


I would fucking love that. Seriously. Anyway, I've never ceased to be amazed at that look for me. Never.


So you have to go out on the prowl whenever you bring them back. Even when I go.


Out on the prowl, my dude with dudes who aren't Fuck Boys, go out on the prowl.


Club them.


Right. But if that doesn't work and they regain consciousness, I'm not going to be a hoe, like I said, and do the one-night-stand thing. I want to get, not even get to know you, but literally get to be familiar as a human being. I'm not talking dates. I'm talking two or three times I hang out with you with our clothes on, right?




But I'm not trying to date you. That's the thing. Because if I was trying to date you, we'd put in a lot more time before we're fucked. You know.


What I mean? I do.


So it's like, where are just my casual fuck boys who are respectful? Because I know there are that group of them out there. It's like, I feel so solid in myself now because when they're like, Be the love that you want. Dude, I get that now. I feel that. Itry to carry that shit with me everywhere. Everybody gets the same version of me in a way, or at least that love is available to everybody, including myself now. I don't feel like the needy attachment that I would to any other type of sexual interaction that I would have had in the past. It just alludes me now. I find it interesting and very powerful that I feel like I could just go in for that physical experience and not need that person to be my dad.


Brother, confidant. The physical experiences needed...


Tinder. Have you done? I've never done the dating apps. Have you done them? No. Might be where you find the fuck boys.


To be honest. Really? Yeah, it's possible because you could field it through conversation a little bit, then even hop on a FaceTime to really get their energy before you even meet. You can do some of that fielding.




Even though I definitely know some long-term couples who met on Tinder, I think you're right. I think mostly people are looking like, Let's just get to know each other and maybe fuck. I don't think people are trying to send it so actively on Tinder.


The sponsor of this episode is BetterHelp.


Dude, you are.




Short, man. I don't think you could come up with a good idea. My own town are you in for what? For nothing. You said you were a vegan.


You're not.


Even a vegetarian. Animals. Okay, what about the turtles? Stop.


Does your head sound like this sometimes? So does mine. It helps to talk to someone. Consider giving therapy a try and start with BetterHelp. It's entirely online. It's designed to be flexible, convenient, and suited to your schedule. Find your bright spot this season with BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp. Com/nets today for 10 % off your first month. That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P. Com/nets.


Oh, God, I guess I'll take to the web.


Take to the web. Yeah, or the in-person. I don't know. I empathize with you and I just say just keep being on your good path with yourself and then keep asking these questions about your desires. I think it'll shift.


I hope so. Yeah, because I go through it- Because I could see a life where I never had sex again. Nice. Don't do that. No, why not? I actually don't.


Hate it. Sex is awesome. I don't hate it.


I don't hate it. Sex is awesome.


I start to lose my mind when I haven't had sex in a long time. Like, truth. Oh, really? My life is like, I'm not well.


Sometimes I long for the attachment.


Sometimes I long for the sex. The sex.


I'm always having is just so exhausting. That's where you.


Get when you're in a longterm relationship, you're like, Man, I have sex all the time.


There's got.


To be.


Another way. What if I didn't have sex?


What would.


Be like? Lindsay and I are over here like, Hey, fuck you, by the way. Fuck you. I know our timeline is different, but it's still like I recently, and this has happened a few times in my life. I recently came up on very close to a year without having sex. I didn't even plan on it. It just got there. I'm not well when that's happened. Something I need that. I get the questions you were asking. I'm like, What am I doing? There's sex out there. So something with me, I need to get more clear with me, with my actions, with my conversation. What the fuck? This has been too long, and holy shit. I'm not well.


Can you guys clue me into the dialog, the internal dialog that happens when you see someone that you like and would like to approach? What keeps you from approaching them? What are you telling yourself inside your head?


What I'm telling myself inside my head is that I like being a magnet, not somebody who's going for it. I try to magnetize my energy and draw to me. I'm not ever trying to pursue somebody, to be really honest with you. I'd find very few people attractive until they open their mouth. Really, though. You could be whatever from across the room. I'm not the pretty boy type.


Wow. -that's cool. -every time. She's like, I really don't like attractive men. Hint. I've loved you forever, Devon. I don't like the traditionally masculine. So I guess.


There's really like a, just like a coquettish thing, making eye contact here and there, letting them speak to me. I used to try to return everything with a witty quippy. But just letting the guy approach me and say something, and then this is what I did the last time somebody did that. Just like... And just went back to my and I still got that number and whatever. But it's like, you don't need to... I don't need to impress you or entertain you.


Yeah, just be yourself. Being yourself should be enough.


Yeah. I really relate. I think we're very similar. I have a thing where I'll be attracted to plenty of women physically, but what stops me half the time is I need to know who they are. I need to hear them speak. I can't just be attracted on the outside. I need to get to know someone. And that takes a level of energy to... I'm in space. Often I'm in spaces where I'm like, I don't have the presence. I'm actually present to too many things. I can't actually drop in with this person to see how does our energy bump up against each other? How But really, though-.


Bump those energies.


But let's see how we whatever, tip for tau. Let's see what's up here. Sometimes I don't have the space for it, or sometimes I'm just like, I don't want to do it. I get It definitely hold myself back from those things, just not wanting to put in the energy. I don't know. It's just laziness or just conservativeness with my own energy.


And I'm asking because I do similar things. I think we all are reluctant.


I think we all have that thing. I think we all have that thing.


Oh, well, this person, are they in the mood for this right now, too? Is this the right setting?


But I do love getting to know.


Someone new.


It's amazing. I love it. I do love that fresh, like I don't know who you are and you don't really know who I am. I think a lot of people... I've learned this later in my life, and I love knowing it now, but I think a lot of people try to, when you're meeting someone new, just tell the person who you are. Like, Oh, let me tell you who I am. This is who I am. This is who I am. Thiswho I am. These are all my stories. It's like that's not how you get to know someone. You get to know someone slowly over time and with your energy, I can tell you all the things I am. That doesn't mean you fucking know me. It doesn't mean I know myself.


And I'm probably not consistent with.


What I'm saying. Exactly. So I actually like not doing those normal Tell me your whole fucking life story. I'd rather be like, Yo, how do we in the present moment connect?


I love communicating and solving problems with people. That's when I really know that I'm feeling the vibe and I can find a little bit of love in there. When we have a task in front of us and we're working on it. So if it's like a collective project, that's where I get most attracted to people, seeing how they solve problems. And they don't have to be big problems, but working together, I love putting our heads together.


That's cool.




That's really cool because that's also paying attention to how someone engages with the world around them, not just you. How do you operate when you got to solve something that is attractive? Yeah. I think we're all similar in.


That way. I've had this question just for a minute just because I'm totally in a different place than I've ever been with my sexual life. That's just an unburdening of trauma and sobriety and yada, yada, yada. I'm excited to get back into it. I think my first couple of years of sobriety, really, my body wasn't asking or my energy wasn't asking for these experiences. Now it's like I'm graduating and it's uncomfortable, but it's cool that I'm actually feeling that again or wanting that or just interested in that.


I think when it comes to our wants, I've also been finding like, this is maybe like we want things now, but just having that want for a while, opening up to that like, it's coming, it's nice. Now sometimes when I feel that impatience on something that I want, I go like, no, dude, actually, the organic, beautiful nature of life is like me wanting this and just feeling that desire. It's coming. It's actually a longer process. So just like calling that energy in or whatever.


And it's not a simple energy, man. It's not simple at all. It's not just this and that. It's so much of my being being ready and willing for these experiences. I almost wish I hadn't lost my virginity until now. Do you know what I mean? I definitely feel like there's that thing where you're born again or whatever and you realize what you're doing. Because I'm going to be honest with you, I think probably 98 % of people do not know how to have sex. So whenever anybody's like, Oh, I smashed. I smashed. Okay, that's so great. You can also go rut with a pig. You know what I mean? Physically entering somebody like sex, I just wish we could learn more about it before we had it, because I feel like I knew nothing about it when I was having it. Now there's just so much more, I don't know. There's so much more to.


It now. Dude, I feel like I have so much. It's more of a selfless act. But when I was younger, all I knew as a young boy is, Oh, sex. I got to go and get mine. Yeah, I wish that I had been introduced to the joy of just pleasing somebody else and just making the moment last. I feel like a seasoned vet now.


I bet you are. I bet you are.


Two tours in... I bet.


Two tours in.






That shit is real, man. It's like an exchange. It's a conversation. It could be a night long where you're not having sex the whole time, but the whole interaction I find to be really beautiful. It can be so fun when you communicate well with somebody.


Yeah, I feel like intercourse is different than sex. Intercourse is just like, put it in and whatever. But sex is really, like I said, a vibration, a frequency, like something that you hit in the middle of something that enhances the senses on all levels.


Damn. Yeah, I feel like maybe we all do. I come out in and out of my confidence with it. You know what I mean? Sometimes I'm like, I'm the fucking man.


I know your audience, too. And then.


Asthen sometimes, man, I'm like.


Am I.








I'm a little boy. I am a little boy.


That might be.


The problem. Hold on.


Hold on. -i'm trying to think. -yeah. Damn it. -no, you got this.


-dammit. -correct. Wow. What do you mean by you're a little boy?


Oh, my gosh. What do you mean by that? Okay. Well, there's just a very disgusting want to push the boundary, want to just push you until you get a little whatever energy. I'm Denise, the menace, right? Oh, okay. All right. I love pranking. I love... Yeah, I just-Does this come up in sex? Were we still talking.


About that? I got you, my boy. It's a prank. Hey.


Hilarious. How does it feel? The guy's like, I'm married.


I'm just saying that's just scary to me. That actually might be the problem towards getting somebody to come and-Come back. -but yeah, as a little boy, with sex too.


Actually, there is a Poles thing. There is a polar thing that no matter who you are having sex, there's a thing with masculine and feminine, even between two women, even between two men. There is an energy thing of, are you holding the receptive space? Are you holding the assertive space? You know what I mean? Well, I also feel.


Like, okay, so yes, I feel like there's a little inner child, little boy in me. But then I also feel like that can come out in sex in the way of making it more performative andinstead of experiential. Does that make sense? Say more, yes. The little boy in you just wants to be like, This is going to be a self-artic, a little... I'm down for whatever. Let's do whatever. Yeah, whatever. The more, whatever. Then the feminine side to it, I think, is a little bit more like not engaging so much in the man energy, but really holding your place in the female and being able to say what you like, what you want. Not just go with the flow of whatever itinerary this dude has. Do you know what I mean?


You felt like sex has been an itinerary from... I feel like it should be like a you give, get you a little give and take. Right.


But I don't think that that was my mindset. You thought that-Yeah, sex was very performative for me in my 20s. Got you. Just like my whole life was. I think the BPD went crazy in the bed.


Yeah, if you think it's crazy, I'm here in public.


If you think this is crazy, just wait. Yeah, I definitely have seen it as more of a transaction to get them to perceive you more in the way that you want to.


Be perceived. That was definitely, I don't know about you, was definitely a little boy entering into sex. It was that of like, I want to be perceived as good. I want to be perceived as manly or I want to be perceived in this space rather than like.


-be in yourself.


Yeah, just fucking be here and communicate with the person. Exactly. And fucking feel in the moment what your desires are and act on them and listen to hers.


I feel like there's this thing when somebody says sexy, automatically people are like, I have to be an expert at sexiness. You just have to be good at sex.


Sex in general.


Sexy is messy and imperfect and lovely. It's grace through things that aren't picture perfect or grace through outcomes that you weren't expecting. Sexy is so much more than perfection. It's the exact opposite of perfection, to be really honest. I feel like when you say the word sexy, everybody just feels like they have got to hide immediately and show you they know what it means. It's usually degrading what most people think is sexy, to be really honest. At least that was my experience of it for a long time, is that sex is an incredibly degrading topic, experience. You almost wore that as like a badge of honor, at least with my girlfriends, too. It's like the crazier the shit that you can do with them. I don't know what we're trying to prove as women because you can't tell me that you enjoy that, right? Maybe you do. But the part of us that gets satisfied in sex, I feel like, is the part of us that needs to be healed in real life, too, right? You bring those hangups and issues and insecurities, they're not gone when you step into the bedroom. In fact, they manifest into stranger and weirder things once you get to the bedroom.


So, yeah, like letting your trauma fuck instead of you actually fucking is a lot. Yeah, I.


Think that's happening. I was trauma.


Fucking my way through L. A.




But not really because I wasn't a help.


He's like, I'm a virgin. My trauma is nuts. She's out there fucking.


Thank you. Thank you. I'm not. Exactly. Yeah.


I think that is happening where maybe for men and women, but that degradation after sex, whereas in its best form, it shouldn't be degrading. It should be unveiling. It should be exposing, but in a good way. Unveiling?


Did you.


Say unveiling? Unveiling. You said unvealing. I did.


Do you think I was going to say that?


And we.


Understood them.


Shut up.


Unvealing. Leo, we did most about that. Really? Yeah, where you judge someone for their pronunciation.


They say it wrong. Yeah, Teo and I would have this thing when we lived together. When someone did it, just calling them out on it. And then the person just being like, Show the.


Fuck up. Wait, did you just say conversating? Yeah. That works. I thought it was conversating.


Oh, yeah, Leo had that post about it. But yeah, in its best form, it shouldn't be degrading. It should be intimate. It should be seeing one another, seeing yourself an unveiling, like exposing, vulnerable, but in the right way, in the good way where you're like.


Look at me. Droping those societal boundaries, too, because we're all in life just wearing the mask because we're being who we're supposed to be in order to look like we're a functioning member of society. But then when you get to be with a person in the room and it's just you two and you guys get to say, Okay, I know what society says a human is. What do I think a human is? What do you think a human is? Let's fill it out together and really express ourselves. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.


Privacy and beautiful. We'll never get to, but I would love to know. To feel what it's like to be loved by Daniel. I'm really loved by you. It would be so beautiful. Oh, it is.


Oh, it is.


Dude, those hands.


Oh, they're magic hands, too.


But honestly, because even as friends, I mean it, though.


That's what orgies are for. You can-Yeah. We're going to see what everybody's about.


Because honestly, the more I get to know you as a man and as a friend, it's such an intimate and beautiful process. Our friendship deepening and just me getting to know you in that way. Oh, to be in a loan? To be alone.


In a loan with you? 20 minutes.


Give me.


All night, Daniel. Boys, come back.


We're on a podcast, guys. We're on a podcast.


Sorry. Don't tell me you have a problem. I'm so jealous. Don't tell me you have a problem.


I was just making it about her. That's great. But what about.


Fucking me? Fucking me. When will anybody fuck me? Who wants to feel this magic? Yeah, right? That is magical. Whoever does get in there, though, it is going to be painful, probably.


Oh, is it because.


It's-no, because she's going to be so-It is a drug. -going to have to push.


Through some cobwebs. Right? I mean, for real. It's going.


To have to dust it off real quick.


Yeah. Hello. I look forward to it. It's a myth story to me somewhere in the future. I hate when it gets to that point where it feels that far off. Can I tell you the amount of dreams? I can't have a dream without being... I'm getting railed in every dream I'm having. All wet dreams.




Railed in places that I don't even consent to in real life. What? And it's like, Oh, God, it's the most amazing dreams. And then I'll just wake up and remember you don't even have anybody on the line.


There's not even a prospect. There's no bait. You don't even have a party to go to to meet anybody at. You have nothing except that beautiful dream sensation. Damn.


You did get sent about a thousand dicks a couple of months ago.


It's like you guys think that picture. Am I supposed to print it out and paper cut myself? What do.


You want me to do with that? You just try and wade through the bullshit to find one of those dudes. But any of those dudes sending those are fake. Yeah, they're.


Probably wrong. That's why I said, such decent members on such indecent men.


I think that's probably a problem for a lot of women out there is the dudes who are fucking unabashededly approaching them with no shame. Like, What's up, Honey?


Aren't the dudes.


Like you or me who are great dudes to be around but are probably not doing that because we're like, I don't want to bother her. Yeah, right?


But there's hope because of that. There's some good guys out there afraid to reach out to you.


Right now. Okay.


You'll have sex again. There's no way you don't have sex again.


I mean, thank God.


Yeah, it'll come around. You got a new place. You got to.


Move on. Now I can actually have room to have-Dude, you.


Literally haven't had a space.


To have sex. Oh, no, that matters.


That does matter. That's a big thing. Now I do.


The sex is on the way.


Literally, you just made this move. The space is now off.


The Uber Eats order is... The Uber Eats. It's been picked up. It's being delivered.


Wow. Oh, my gosh.


Uber Eats. Uber.


But I'm-Ai. Itell you.


Dude, it's such a thing. I think so many of us have fucking hang-ups. Uber. I mean? Uber Meats. That's what you're ordering. Right? Wait, I.


Want to start a new Tinder called Uber Meats.


It's just German, Cox.


Uber Meats. Dam. It is just one driver who just goes around. Yeah. Just meeting everybody. Hello. You get a meet. You get a meet. Everybody gets meat.




Man. Goodness.


Okay. What is the weirdest reaction you have had after you've finished with a girl? What is the weirdest thing that she's done? The weirdest? Yeah. Have they started crying? Did they hug you?


Like, weird?


I got.


Some tears of joy. You might have felt like it was so beautiful. Joy? I believe that.


No, you might- Like healing. Like, Oh, my God, that was healing.


Yeah, one of those. One of those, yeah. It was cringey to sit through. It's like, Oh, no. I know you want to have this moment, but I got to go. Matter of fact, you got to go. I'm sorry.


Dad, you never made a girl cry?


I've made a few cry. Daniel, that is the best thing I've ever fucking heard. She's like being healed by your love, and you're like-.


She's like, Catching Daniel?




Got to go.


But it was magical. I could see why.


Not at the time, but you can see why in hindsight. Yeah, it was magical. Wow.


You haven't had any weird... I don't know, that's a strange quote. I haven't had any weird, had pretty normal, That was lovely, or That wasn't. It's all been pretty standard based on the appropriate response to the situation.


Wait, quick question. Do you guys shower right after?




Do. I know I know, Daniel. I know. I don't always.


Yeah, I don't always either.


You know what I'm saying?


I'm talking about it.


I'm just into the humanity. Some of the time is like, we're fucking showering. We gross. But some of the times it's just like, let's fucking basque in it.


You're a basker. I'm into the humanity.


Don't want to deny yourself the human experience.


Yeah, God bless. Turn up. Okay.


God bless, man.


How about yourself?


You're a bascar.


You don't.


Give a shit.


You don't give a shit. I've had some days, motherfucker.


She'll rub her black feet, dirty feet on.


Your body. Damn.




Whatever, dude. You can't take me and all that comes.


With you. Okay.






Like showers. I like showers. They're nice. I mean, me too. So it's a nice little finish move for me.


The finish move.


So you.


Finish in the shower.


Now I can finally. I was like, Is that what I'm working for me. Nothing like me and my hand. Pamela Anderson.


Pamelawait, wait, wait. Do you remember the first X, Y, Z.


That I just did? What are you going to ask on this podcast? What are you going to ask on this public.


Podcast, Lindsay? Do you remember that?


The first what? Which one, Lindsay?


The first one, Devon. First what? Dj.


I actually do. You really want to talk about this on.


The pod? I just wanted to say that I felt like a failure from that point because after- He didn't finish.


No, not... You didn't.


After a moment, he just said, Thanks, okay? And you got up and you went to the bathroom and you did your thing. No. I don't remember that at all. Hundred %. I was waiting in that room with the blue fucking Comforter thing, right? Or was it red?


It was.


On set? No, it was on your bed in the Hollywood Hills House. I don't remember this at all. Oh, my God. I just remember being like, That's not how that's supposed to end.




Don't remember that at all, so I can't tell you why or what was happening.


So which one do you remember? The one on.


The couch? No, I remember the one in the back seat of your car. We can't talk about this on the pod.


Damn, they're numbered?


No, because to me, that was the first one. Yeah, this is so fucked up. I can't believe you're bringing this up. Dylan's back there like, Yes, this podcast is gold. Fuck, I'm so torn. Okay, fuck you. All right, so I remember for me, the first blow job was the first one where I fucking came. Right. And you, back seat of your car, were outside my house in Holly Ridge. You're parked there. Right. And you are like, No, it's good. Finish. And then you got scared and you go, Oh, sorry. And then I'm just like, Oh, my God. That was coming in your fucking.


Car, dude. Oh, it was her car. Shit, how do we get that out?


Don't know, because Cum is fucking...


Cum don't ruin anything. First of all, I have zero recollection of that. But I can't.


See me saying that. To me, that's the first one. You were like, No, no, no, grit. Then you go like-Why would I have said that?


I had no idea. She went full-on matrix.


Literally, she's like, No.


Wow. Dude, I can't believe. We got busy in quite a few places.






To clarify for the pot, we never had sex, but we got busy. We were too horny, little, hormonal.


We got busy with our little 15-year-old man. I don't want to say that. I don't.


Want to say that.


I can't believe.


Of course, this episode had to go there, but.


Damn, man. I will never forget that because I literally was just like, it was so polite the way he left me. Then I was just sitting in on the bed and I was like, I wonder what he's doing in there.


I don't remember that at all. I don't remember why that would have been the case.


Because it was my first blowjob. So you were probably.


Nawn on it a little bit.


Were they just intrusive thoughts where you thought he went in.


There to beat it? Babe, I promise you he was hard when he went in there.


But he didn't even strike me as a guy who would do that.


I know. I'm like-I thought he just walked.


Around with blue balls for the rest.


Of the day. Yeah, I'm like, I don't know why I would.


Get off me.


Yeah, well, because I think it was your.


First blowjob, too.


I don't know why. Was that your first blowjob? I don't know. I don't remember. From me. The first one I remember is, like I said, is in the back of the car.


Was he frustrated entering.


The restaurant? Not at all. He said it in a nice way, too, and that's what made me be like, I did it wrong.


Oh, he's like, Oh, that was so cute.


I was like, I got a practice. I got to practice. -dude.


-dude. Did you get better?


Did I? Yeah.


He said, Yeah, that's great.


Oh, my God.


I can't believe we're talking about this on this podcast. Well...


I don't know, we've still got a couple more minutes. No, I'm serious.


Good stuff there. I mean, my God.


Oh, shit, man. Good times. Yeah, it's a journey. It's a journey for all of us with.


Sex, man. It really is. It really is.


Coming. And the goal is to come to some sense of self.


The goal is to come. The goal is to come.




Our show.


We came and went.


The goal is to come to some sense of wholeness with yourself when it comes to sex, as we age, being able to communicate it with other people, your needs and wants, and just experience yourself in sex in a good way, and obviously choose partners that when they leave, you don't fucking cringe and feel like shit, right? Yeah. The goal is like, Oh, that was great. Even if it was a passing moment, No, that shit was fucking beautiful. Actually, my song that's out, Layaround, people can interpret a lot of things from the meaning. I usually don't like to talk about a meaning of songs because it should be up for interpretation. But one of them from my song, Layaround, was this beautiful experience I had with someone when I was traveling. It's about that thing of it is a fleeting moment, but it doesn't make it less important. This shit is beautiful and carnal in a good way and fucking needed and I'm grateful for it. Then also I had to hop on a train and get the fuck out of there. See you.


Bye, Loretta.


Yeah. It was literally like I was going to catch a train. It was like a fucking movie of like, we just had a couple of days of this really amazing fucking experience with each other. Then there's just this moment of like, we both can't. I loved that some people would fool themselves into holding on in some type of way. I watched it on her. I watched her be like, and she processed it herself of like, didn't even ask the thing of like, See you.


That's it. When we see each other, dude.


Because no fucking idea. It was just like, See you. It was beautiful and I cherish it. I wrote a song about it.


I love that. Now I'm going to listen to it more closely. You got to play it for her.


I have.


I sent it to her. Oh, cool. My question, I love that because I always used to say to people, friends or people you meet at parties like, I hope I see you again. I hope like, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, even if it was just this, this was enough. Exactly. That's how I feel a lot about people. Exactly. I love seeing people again in the future, but that to me is not indicative of my memory of them or makes them any less whatever when I see them again.


Yeah, well, sex or not, take those beautiful moments for what they are. Don't tarnish them at the end by trying to hold on and set up a future. Oh, dude. You know what I mean? Don't do that thing of like, This was so great. And then the energy when you're leaving is like, We'll do it again. Let's hang it. No, no, no. Just for what this was, Hey, I really loved this.


The connection is eternal.


And we'll talk.


It's eternal. Who knows?


That part. I do hate that forcing the moment to continue because, yeah, like you said, it tarnishes it. It does tarnish it. Let's let it flow. When it happens, it happens. If it happens and if it's not meant to, then, hey, it was beautiful.


Time out really quick. So have you guys been on the opposite end of that? Of what? Where you've wanted to keep it going or just you've been in that position of holding on to keep something going.


When it's passed. Not in a really long time.


Not specifically the sex, because I think for guys, it's like, okay, when it's done, it's done. We completed it. That was great.


Goal complete.


Recharge. Time to recharge, and we'll come back at it next time. So not with the sex thing, but there was a young lady that, yo, I don't want to say Head over Hills, but we had a great bond. But I found out that she... This is terrible. She was actually soon to be... She was betrothed, right? She was going to be- Married.


-marrying. And it broke my heart having to say, I cannot be with you.


Wait, so you guys were doing something for a while and you didn't know? Didn't know. And then found out? Yeah.


Oh. Yeah, I was heartbroken. The first time I was a little bit heartbroken. Because it made me question how much did it mean to you, because the bond was there, though, and the sense of the grant, too. But it was like, Yo, that's too much. This is huge. And then she tried to go into the thing of, Oh, well, but I don't have to. I'm being forced to do it. I'm like, We just can't. There's too much. There's no truth here.


Nice. There's no truth here.


Dude, because that's heartbreak and betrayal, because you're like, What does our shit mean? You have a fiancé?


Yeah. Who are you? I remember, yeah, because my homie introduced me to her in more of a music setting. Then I was like, This girl, really? She just adds so much. Our banter together was just awesome. Then like I said, the sex was great.


But I.


Was like, Damn. I'm like, I can't play the fool in this.


Yep, no, good on you.


And also for the other, it's just.


Not good. You got to think about other dude, I'm just... I mean, I don't know, just the brotherhood or the sisterhood. I would never want to know a woman to feel the way I know she would feel if she heard she got cheated on. For the woman, dude, I.


Can't do it. Yeah, real quick. I have to share one like that. During a time when I was healing from a major heartbreak, so I was longing for some fucking connection, and I met this girl who I had this connection with, and she would come into the shop I was working in, and we had this vibe and that was cool. But then she would reference her boyfriend. I'm like, okay. But then she would reference her boyfriend in this really dismissive, like it's ending, but it's complicated. She told this story that it's over there and it's ending, and I'm on the out. I was cautious, but fuck, I needed some fucking connection and I felt some type of way with her. I just started to approach our connection a little more cautiously, but a little like, all right, she's telling me this about this dude. We never even kissed. We were just becoming friends, getting to know each other. But I think both of us were looking across the boundary of like, are we going to do this? And yo, her dude did the dopest thing. Did the dopest thing. So she's telling the story, and this is going on for a couple of months.


We didn't hang out or talk a lot, but it was progressing. Her dude did the dopest thing. He came in to the store I was working in, and I had never seen his face, but I knew his name. I was working a retail shop, so I'm the only person in the shop who handles the customer. So every customer that comes in, I'm like, Hey, what's up? I'm talking to them. I go up to this dude and he tells me his name and I know his name. He's like, Hey, I'm Da Da Da. I'm like, Mm-hmm. And he goes, Yeah, man, I just wanted to meet you. And he shook my hand and just like... He brought no anger, no noise. He just brought his presence. It was honestly one of the most masculine, fucking dope, sexy things I've ever seen. That's a fucking... That's a good man, actually. He didn't come cause drama. He just came in and let his presence be known. I had never seen him in my life, right? So I could justify in some way, Oh, that's ending. I don't know this dude. He's like, Hey. It had been months and she hadn't ended it.


No, she's with this dude. He just said, Hey, I'm so and so. Look me in the eye. And shook my hand and I never talked to her again.


You couldn't. First of all, she gave you an address, but go ahead.


No, it was the shop I was working at.


He knew- He knew you worked there.


Yeah, because I'm sure she said, My friend Devon who works at... No, it's just my friend Devon. I've had fucking girlfriends with their friend who then all of a sudden, right?


Have you been cheated on? Yeah. No.


Yeah, that's for another part because we're running out of time. But that shit was just amazing. I loved how that dude handled it, and I got it immediately. As soon as I saw him, I was like, Cool. I'm never talking to her again. You're playing a fucked up game. So we can segue into tips, okay? Yes. Tips, this has been such a good episode, man. We were supposed to do a rewatch, but Lindsay's talk brought us elsewhere. I'll start with that tip of, yo, if someone... This isn't an absolute rule, sometimes maybe there's some fucking exceptions. But really, if someone is with someone... Someone else. It doesn't matter the story they're giving you. If they are with someone else, if they're engaged to someone else, or they have a fucking boyfriend or girlfriend and they're telling you like, Oh, yeah, but we're on our way out. We'll clean that up first and then we can get together. You're entering such a fucking mess and a mess of a person who's telling you some story when they're with someone. There's no there there when that's the case. It's really hard to start, if you're actually going to start a relationship with that person, that's a really hard introduction.


And a lot of people do it, which is like the beginning of your relationship is a betrayal of another relationship. Not a great fucking starting place.


If he'll cheat with you, he'll cheat on you. There you go. Here's the deal. You're really only making the world a more scary place for you when you engage in behaviors like that because you start to fear what you're participating in, which is that you will be cheated on, which you will be, right? Then it also just makes it less clear about who's good for you. You have no boundaries. You have no nothing. It's just a much more dangerous place in the world when you engage in that a thing. There's just no fucking need to, right? There's just no need to. Yeah, fair.


You got a tip, Dan?


A tip.


On sex or.


Relationship or self. I guess you guys talk more the relationship thing. Hey, guys, you only live once, so if you want to know a person better, go and get to know them. Don't stop yourself. I know we all want to save ourselves the embarrassment or the rejection, but just talk to that person. Don't even go in with the intention of sex with them would be amazing. Just talk to them. See if you like them. Don't hold yourself back. Don't be shy. Go out there and get it.


Go out and get it respectfully. Respectfully. Don't come with your cock out.




Just, hey.


What's your name? How are you? Come with your.


Pants on. I love what you said. Get to know if you even want to have sex.


With them. Yeah. Anyway. -love you guys. -have safe sex, guys. -i love you guys. Well, good luck out there, everyone, and good luck on your quest for cock, Lindsay. Thanks. Thanks for listening, everybody. See you.


Next time.




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And we got Rebecca Saletti.


Let's go, Rebecca.






Thank you, guys.


We love you. Super friends, dad. Super friends. We'll see you on the live soon. Super friends. Thank you, Super friends. Thank you, Super friends.


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