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I don't know, it's not bad being a woman, though, they're going to start taking the taxes off tampons, you know, because that's a reason why I don't have a house paying that hefty tampon tax figure.


If I take those three dollars a year and invest and about 10 years, I'll be able to buy two boxes of tampons.


And I have a friend that super excited about she was like, if they weren't going to take the taxes off, I was going to stop wearing them. She got I know she was like, what were you going to do? I was like, stop being your friend. Because their reasoning is just so crazy, just like I feel like those products are part of a male agenda. I was like, I don't know if that's true. And those products were first made in the early 1980s.


There were not a lot of women in the workforce. I don't think it was a male agenda. I just think some do got tired of buying a new couch every six months.


You can only turn those cushions over. So many times before you have to throw the whole couch away. I mean, if you think about that's the reason why your grandparents had plastic on their couches.


Catch Majorie, an apology in the degenerates only on Netflix.